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Nurgle making one of his usual recipes for Christmas. What the Imperium want you to NOT know is that he is in fact Santa Claus in disguise...nice chap really.

To me death is not a fearful thing. It's living that's cursed.
-Jim Jones


The God of misunderstood sick fucks and all diseases. Nurgle is primarily the god of stagnation, death and decay, signifying the end of things in the material realm. Nurgle can be considered the god of everything, because no matter how permanent anything may seem, it will always eventually whither and decay in the end. While death is inevitable, sapient creatures will also fight against it with all their might, even to the point where they'd bargain with the powers of the Warp to flip death the bird (this is also a literal insult to Nurgle, as refusal to accept one's death is offensive to him), and this is where Tzeentch (or Nagash) comes in. This struggle is where Nurgle and Tzeentch's/Death's rivalry largely comes into play.

Nurgle is also the god of other stoic emotions, such as: inevitability, empathy, kinship, happiness, struggle, love, tradition, mercy, and memory. Unlike Tzeentch who tells his followers to deny death to continue to achieve greater things; Nurgle tells his followers to accept the inevitability of their demise, and by doing so, achieve solace and happiness. His followers are all-too happy to spread the joyous teachings of Papa Nurgle and if those living fleshbags won't listen, they'll show them the joys of death first-hand using Nurgle's many plagues.

He was the first Chaos God to begin to form in Warhammer 40k, somewhere in the post-Roman era (probably during the Justinian Plague, [1] in the 5-600s). Khorne was the first to gain sapience though, during the orgy of violence that were the Mongol invasions. Nurgle quickly followed suit and became fully conscious during the Black Death.

In the cold, dark grimdarkness of medieval Germany / outer space, where life sucks and everyone's a dick, Nurgle cares. And he loves you. He brings you family, love, and the time to embrace that love fully and become one with it. He accepts you for who you are. Just stay that way. Don't wash, don't shave, don't change your underwear. You're great the way you are. He knows that you have been abandoned by your past lovers, friends, maybe even family. He knows that you need the feeling of belonging, security and stability in your life. He will embrace you if you trust him to bring you an eternal, painless existence.

Nurgle's chosen champions are the Warriors of Chaos/Plague Marines, who have willingly accepted his myriad diseases and let him turn them into shambling, bloated zombie-like carrions that no longer feel any pain. Though it is not well known, he does have a few Sisters of Battle who worship him. The nature of Nurgle is that anyone suffering from one of his plagues is counted as one of his worshipers, and he'll grant Chaos blessings freely to them.

Nurgle's followers refer to him as Papa Nurgle, and usually paint their armor in snotty greens, dookie browns, or biley yellow. Most often greens, though. As can be expected, of all the Chaos Gods, Nurgle is the most likely to corrupt Orcs & Goblins/Orks.

Nurgle is hero of all fa/tg/uys; fat and smelly but still getting laid! Nurgle in Fantasy kept the human goddess Shallya captive as his Poxfulcrum (an individual who cannot die of his plagues and cleanses themselves after contracting his newest creations, used on the individual to test them out), until she was rescued by Kaldor Draigo, Warhammer Dante Alighieri, and two Elves with the second (female one) taking Shallya's place. In Age of Sigmar he becomes fixated on Alarielle and her Dryad daughters. In 40k, he saved the Eldar goddess Isha from Slaanesh, to become his Poxfulcrum and wife. Slaanesh is still upset and doesn't really like Nurgle for that. Nowadays, Nurgle and Isha live as a happy couple in Nurgle's residences somewhere in the Warp. Nurgle likes to cook, and Isha is always eager to taste his stewings.

Generally speaking he's the third most powerful Chaos God after Khorne and Tzeentch, respectively. But even at his weakest, he's still always stronger than Slaanesh at his/her/its/hermaphrodite's strongest. His power waxes during great plagues and times of great despair, decay, stagnation and when individuals let go of their ambitions. He becomes less influential during periods of great hope, change, evolution and when cures for his plagues are found, as well when individuals give in to their ambitions. During an especially big plague and/or period of stagnation (even more so than is usual for Warhammer any way, excluding GW's own stagnation of the story-line (as well as their business), which would in theory make him the strongest god, but as soon as this is acknowledged, things would no longer be stagnant, just as Tzeentch had planned), decay and despair, he can temporarily become the mightiest chaos god and his realm will encroach upon the realms of the other Chaos Gods and the neutral (Undivided, Law or unaligned) parts of the Warp. But as all power in the Warp is in constant change due to the life in the material realm being what it is, events that fuel his burst of power will eventually end and he will return to the position of being in the third place.

Other than being bloated, living corpses filled with wriggling vermin, Nurgle followers have other iconic traits: singular or triple eyes arranged in a triangle, long tongues or insectoid appearances, singular horns, and ringing bells.

Papa Nurgle's forces:

  • Great Unclean Ones - Greater Daemons with great sense of humor and a jolly split belly ready to jiggle with laughter. These merry guffaws make their entrails dangle from their open festering wounds, which Nurglings and Beasts love to jump up and down on and play with. You can smell the tangy perfume of ruptured boils, and it's said Nurgle himself is kind enough to coat their swords in the contagion of his own throne! What a swell chap; never too high and mighty to help his followers!
  • Beasts of Nurgle - these are the puppydogs you asked Santa for! Complete and equipped with wagging tails, a long tongue to lick you in the face, the scampering excitement of youth, a slug-like texture and paralytic toxins!! If they get a little too excited they might piddle corrosive acid! Become a stalwart Nurgle follower and get one today!
  • Plaguebearers - reincarnated souls of Nurgle's followers or the victims that fell to Nurgle's Rot. Nurgle is so generous that the gift of Daemonhood isn't just for Daemon Princes! They look like the bloated corpses of the drowned, but instead of water, they swell with pus and black bile. They are typically surrounded with swarms of buzzing flies, who make the plaguebearers much more complicated targets of shooting attacks. Really love to share their gifts. Their arms are made for hugging!
  • Nurglings - look like a tiny child's toy versions of Nurgle himself. They are CYOOOT and every Nurgle trooper wants the "shlorp, pitter, drip" of a pet Nurgling of their own, which is great because Nurglings can grow inside the skin of any Nurgle worshiper: the more plagued you are, the more likely you are to be "pregnant" with a few or more of these cure buggers at any given time.
  • Plague Marines - mostly consist of members of the Fourteenth Legion, although a substantial number of the Sixteenth Legion are now also "blessed" with Papa Nurgle's gifts. As Astartes who are immune to pain and minor injuries, these guys are particularly difficult to kill.
  • Plaguetouched Warband - Warriors of Chaos who worship Nurgle, 'nuff said.
  • Putrid Blightkings - Plaguetouched who are blessed with a living rot by Nurgle via his Daemonflies. Many have lost their internal organs and either constantly give birth to Nurglings or use it as a fungus-infested storage space (much like refrigerators in student corridors) or a place for hanging bells.
  • Harbingers of Decay - more corpses than men who ride from settlement to settlement spreading Nurgle's plagues.
  • Rotbringers - the Wizards of Nurgle.
  • Maggot Lords - Blightkings who are particularly favored by Nurgle and are granted giant eyeless ogre-like Daemons with gaping maws called Pox Maggots to ride.

Anecdotes about Nurgle

Grandfather Nurgle loves all of his Children.
  • About a year ago, I was out having a few drinks with the guys, when in walks Nurgle. He bought drinks for everyone in the bar. When we were all too hammered to drive home, he loaded us all up in his old Mazda 96 and bused us around town until we all made it back home. And when that cop pulled us over and tried to make trouble, Nurgle boiled his eyes out of his anus. Nurgle is a great guy.
  • Me and Nurgle were going to go see this movie, I can't remember the name, and we were passing through the bad part of this Khornate neighborhood. Some fucking bloodletters ran out in front of the car and started denting up the damned thing. Nurgle just sits there, waiting for them to get out of the way, with that big goofy smile on his face. It wasn't until one of them busted my window and tried to drag me out of the car that Nurgle absolutely flips out. Before I know it, the whole road is ground zero for like an army of little black things. I couldn't figure out what they were until the bloodletters start screeching, running around in circles and clawing at their nuts, as their genitals just start exploding, one by one. Nurgle drives off, just wearing a smile. Fucker gave them all a case of super crabs. We laughed all the way to the show. I love Nurgle. He is a pretty fun guy to be around, just like Khârn.
  • When I visited the Nurglette's family and met Papa Nurgle, he greeted me at the doorstep, football in hand, wearing an old fuzzy sweater and funny orange slacks, with a big goofy grin that said, "I like you already."
  • Y'know, its a good thing in that grimdark universe, with pointy aliens blowing off your limbs, some undead robots trying to de-atomize you, the Imperium with its Throne Vegetable for an emperor and the Inquisition trying to Exterminatus the shit out of everybody, you get to have the most loving family circle ever. Sure, you start to smell a little funny, get a sore here and there, a rash in your ass, but hell, you never ever feel pain or get upset since you no longer fear death, you get to have an immortal, eternal father that spreads joy and gifts all around, with plenty to spare, and a nurglette wife that is most loving and caring, if you can stand her burps and farts. And while you will be the most hideous thing in the universe, what use is appearance and health if everybody else is willing to take it away from you?
  • When i was about 5 years old, my mother got diagnosed with lung cancer. After a month or two, her condition became worse and she started to have these random coughing fits and shortly thereafter, she started to cough blood. My father was not allowed to take a loan to try to find a trustworthy and professional (and thus expensive) doctor to set up a recovery program. So my mother decided to just live on pain pills and do as much as possible for our family before her body gave up. Then one day, completely out of nowhere, my mother collapses on the stairs of our home and does not wake up even as we put wet blankets on her face. My father takes the car and immediately drives us to the hospital. The physicians tell us that her body is dying. She is in great pain and there is nothing we can do. As we are standing there, next to her bunk, exhausted from unrest and tears, i see Nurgle standing next to me. Time freezes and the room suddenly fills with a sweet scent, like those white flowers of blooming apple trees. Nurgle has this goofy smile on his face. He reaches down towards my mother and just as i see his finger make contact with her shoulder, she gasps and her face lights up as if she instantly got 20 years younger. She looks so beautiful and innocent, laying there. Nurgle tells me that he is sorry, but for my mother to stop feeling pain, he needs to take her with him. Her goodness, beauty and love will live for ever. As i see my mother's skin darken and fall off, to reveal corrupted and worm-infested flesh, sliding off in heaps to eventually reveal the bones turning into milky paste, i hear her last words: "Thank you...". Nurgle saved my mother and for that, i am eternally thankful. Nurgle is life, Nurgle is love.

Side Effects

Side effects of worshiping Papa Nurgle include (and are not limited to): Boils, scabs, internal bleeding, external bleeding, bleeding from the gums, bleeding from eyes and ears, pissing blood, sweating, dehydration, carbuncles, rash, pus-filled sores, nausea, vomiting, bloody vomit, black vomit, black & bloody vomit, sneezing, runny nose, dry nose, coughing, dry cough, wet cough, not-so-dry-but-still-raspy coughing, fever, hay fever, meat sweats, athlete's foot, athlete's arm, swimmer's ear, tennis elbow, farmer's tongue, milkmaid's nipples, browning of the nipples, tender nipples, hard nipples, kitten nipples, shitting dick nipples, vertigo, drowsiness, sleepiness, insomnia, mad cow disease, mad postal worker disease, loose bowels, constipation, anal leakage, smallpox, super small pox, large pox, black death, pink eye, genetic disorders, heart attack, lung cancer, loss of skin, blood clots, spilling guts, frothing mouth, rabies, puss excrement, moderate gas, medium gas, severe gas, holy-shit-who-died gas, mortality, sudden mortality, baby mortality, super-mortality, immortality, nurglopromorphism, chicken pox, baldness, blood clotting, AIDS, super-AIDS, STD's, STI's, zombification, crabs, super-crabs, giant enemy crabs, random and painful erections, Ebola, everything tasting of goats, reduced sex drive, spontaneous breakouts of "HEUHEUHEU", increased sex drive, and mild discomfort of the neck. In most cases side effects were generally in the extreme and permanent. Consult your physician before worshiping Nurgle.


If you join Nurgle, we can't promise that you'll become the most attractive person in the world, or that you will be accepted in many places, but Nurgle has a place for each and every one of us in his great big ol' diseased heart.

Relationship with other Gods

Before reading this, please pay your respects to all valiant and mentally strong reporters who put compilation of this report the first and foremost priority of all.

  • Tzeentch: Nurgle and Tzeentch are archenemies, though their relationship is still a great deal friendlier than Khorne and Slaanesh's. Nurgle thinks that Tzeentch should accept people for who they are, consider the feelings of the people that he steps on in his many schemes and plots and be more loving to his followers and daemons. Treat them like a family, instead of faceless pawns. Tzeentch's opinion was pretty difficult to understand, due to frequent tourettes-like outbursts of "JUST AS PLANNED". Half of our crew report that he thinks that Nurgle should stop delving on the past, get used to collateral damage and stop being such a wuss, while the other half think the complete opposite. Empirical evidence show that they are still far more likely to cooperate than Khorne and Slaanesh, would be if only for a little while.
  • Khorne: Nurgle isn't very comfortable with Khorne's "Kill 'em all, fuck sorting them out"-policy, though he likes the fact that Khorne refuses to allow his mortal followers and daemons to attack the innocent and helpless (except in most of Khorne's fluff, when the writers forget this, but hey, this is clearly imperial propaganda to make khornites look bad), even if the reason for it is... questionable. Nurgle thinks that Khorne should calm down, stop fighting anything that looks like it would present anything resembling a challenge and actively protect those who can't fight for themselves, rather than punishing those followers who can live up to his expectations. When asked what he thinks of Nurgle, Khorne responded with a long stream of curses, oaths and obscenities, strung together while foaming at the mouth. Empirical evidence show that they did however help to save Khaela Mensha Khaine from being killed, raped and eaten by Slaanesh, though Khaine unfortunately ended up being broken in pieces in the process.
  • Slaanesh: Nurgle isn't big on Slaanesh's omniphilia and sadomasochism. Nurgle likes Slaanesh the least of all Chaos gods, the biggest reason to this has it's root during Slaanesh's inception, when Nurgle watched in horror as the newborn hermaphrodite killed and raped nearly all the Eldar Gods and Goddesses. Nurgle saved Isha from the perverted freak and cheered Khorne on as he fought to save Khaela Mensha Khaine, while helping Cegorach to hide in the Webway. Our interview with Slaanesh on the subject of Nurgle took the longest time of all. The details of the interview shall not be revealed in public documents as these, but simply put, Slaanesh sees Nurgle as an ugly, fat, boring and "unsexy" amoeba.
  • Nightbringer: Nurgle isn't very happy about how coldly and mercilessly the C'tan butchers all living things and then devours their souls. Nightbringer was suprisingly calm during our talk and even offered us a cup of tea. We sat down and listened to him talk for hours about how he can't fight his own nature, that he is rather upset with Nurgle often stealing his Grim Reaper schtick, as well as that Nurgle is a no-good two-bit youngster. These two apparently represent the polar opposites of how death could come for you.
  • The Deceiver: Nurgle thinks that the Deceiver is like Tzeentch without all the magic, while having the dickish aspects of personality multiplied tenfold. When asked about his opinion, the Deceiver gave us a set of riddles, caused one third of our interview crew to walk away, convinced another third to attack us, and made the rest of us hallucinate as if on acid.
  • The Void Dragon/Machine God: Nurgle isn't very fond of the fact that the Void Dragon eats the souls of those who have metal parts in their bodies and is quite unnerved of what he'll do when he wakes up. The Void Dragon was quite impossible to reach for an interview, since the Adeptus Mechanicus simply laughed in our faces when we asked for entry to the Noctis Labyrinthus.
  • The Outsider: Nurgle isn't sure what to think of the Outsider, but then again no one is, because he doesn't want to come out of that big sphere of his. We knocked, left gifts outside and even detonated a warp drive a couple of kilometers away, but he wouldn't come out for an interview.
  • The Emperor: When asked about the Emperor, Nurgle's typical goofy grin widened when he said: "I don't like referring to that old friend as The Enigma, but i sure love to irritate him in all kids of ways. He is a nice chap, that one, but he really has no sense of humor.". Nurgle then proceeded to make most of our team fall asleep by nostalgically telling us of their poker nights and how happy he was when he invented the infamous nose-itch that has been irritating the Emperor for some thousands of years now. As for the Emperor's opinion, we will have to wait for Alfabusa's next Q&A video.
  • Isha: Nurgle turned very serious when asked about his wife, which unnerved those awake and woke up those still asleep from his tales about poker nights with the Emperor. Nurgle gave us the impression of being overly protective, when he adamantly forbid us to get even close to the garden where Isha resides. He told us about how he rescued her from Slaanesh ten thousand years ago and how he cooks for her. His love is serious and very strong. In the end, Nurgle got so excited from talking about how he shows his affection towards Isha, that he showed some of his favorite food recipes to us, which accidentally made the majority of our reporters to hemorrhage or internally combust. For those unfamiliar with the Eldar pantheon, Isha is the goddess of life, fertility and healing, which makes her immune to Nurgle's cooking and infamously poor hygiene. This arrangement is begging for a romantic sitcom. In Warhammer Fantasy universe, she is known as Shallya and/or Kalara.
  • Khaela Mensha Khaine: Nurgle is still upset that he and Khorne couldn't save Khaine from breaking during the fight with Slaanesh. Nurgle tries to be nice to the Avatars of Khaine that pop up every now and then, even if they don't often return the favor, since being the Eldar god of War and Murder precludes silly things like friendship and interviews.
  • Cegorach: While Nurgle thinks that the Laughing God was more than a little selfish to hide behind Khaine and then Khorne, he is rather fond of the galaxy's greatest comedian and plays poker with him on a regular basis. When asked what Cegorach thinks of Nurgle, our interview crew died laughing, so we had to recruit a completely new one. Recording this joke would need the help of a typically humorless mechanicum tech adept, but recruiting one for this task is simply impossible. The joke would simply have to rest for now.
  • Malal: Nurgle is concerned for Malal's self-destructing tendencies and self-inflicted solitary confinement. To demonstrate, he took some pastries and cooked a can of tea and took our crew out on a stroll to visit Malal. We knocked and the door opened just little enough for some anti-particles to escape the room beyond. Next moment, the door was slammed in our face with a force that sent everyone except Nurgle flying. Having the patience on the level not rivaled by anyone else, Nurgle simply put the tray down outside the door. On our way back, Nurgle told us that every next time he visits Malal, he finds the tray empty of it's contents.
  • Great Horned Rat: A combination of a putrid, corrupted beast and Tzeentch, who squats in Nurgle's Garden. Nobody likes The Horned Rat and thus no interview was bothered to be made. After Slaanesh was kidnapped by Elves in Age of Skudmar, Nurgle joined the other Chaos Gods in voting The Horned Rat into the Great Game as Slaanesh's replacement. That being said, Great Horned Rat has been compared to an unwanted bastard child, and the analogy is well deserved.
  • Archaon: Nurgle's opinion of Archaon is the same as of the other Chaos Gods. He can test Archaon whenever he wants and Archaon always passes. Archaon can be counted on as being a useful tool that can destroy entire universes, but his hatred of the Chaos Gods ensures none of them will ever have any more control over him than anyone else. This resulted in Nurgle putting everything he has under Archaon's command.

Famous Servants

Bloab Rotspawned - A man made up mostly of flies as punishment for past offenses. A Maggot Lord.

Morbidex Twiceborn - A man who resembles Nurgle himself. A Maggot Lord.

Orghotts Daemonspew - The child of a human Witch and a Great Unclean One (don't ask) who wants to become a full Daemon and join his father. A Maggot Lord.

The Glottkin - A trio of Daemonic brothers. Ghurk has become something akin to a Great Unclean One, Otto is the tactician of the three, and Ethrac is a Wizard.

Gutrot Spume - A highly mutated servant of Nurgle who's known for his arrogance.

Festus The Leechlord - A man who fancies himself to be Nurgle in mortal form. Constantly concocting experiments on diseases and forcing his enemies to drink them.

Typhus the Herald of Nurgle - Mostly famous for being a tough son of a bitch to kill which is owed to the fact that Typhus is still inside Terminator armor and is fully pledged to Nurgle. Typhus is to Nurgle as Kharn is to Khorne, which is to say that he's Nurgle's favorite mortal servant. He just wants to give everyone a big hug, too bad everyone who gets hugged by him rots away into a pile of green slop. Typhus is also the name of a disease, cuz GW are nothing if not subtle (which is sweet considering typhus and typhoid fever are caused by ingesting food or water contaminated with a carrier's feces).

Ulkair the Great Unclean One - Ulkair is notable due to his history with the Blood Ravens, and was imprisoned by Kyras a thousand years before Chaos rising, but came back when Eliphas sacrificed a bunch of Blood Ravens to him and provided him with a plague marine to possess. But what really makes Ulkair famous is how fucking hard he is to to kill. While many thought that the Hive Tyrant Alpha was far too easy of a final boss in Vanilla dawn of war II, most agree that Ulkair went way overboard on the whole difficulty factor with a seven digit hit point count (Well he's a fucking Great Unclean One what do you guys expect?!)

Mortarion - Nurgle's Daemon Primarch, hasn't done much since ascending to Daemonhood but sit around and feel sorry for himself and is sadly less awesome that Angron who gets shit done. Is still really pissed over the fact Kaldor Draigo carved up his heart.

Scabeiathrax - Nurgle's version of Khorne's An'ggrath, Slaanesh's Zarakynel, and Tzeentch's Aetaos'Rau'Keres (say that five times fast) Famous for having T9 and 10 wounds meaning that he's completely impervious to any attack that doesn't at least have S6. He's the biggest and strongest of all of Nurgle's Greater Daemons and is probably the strongest of all of his servants in general. If Ulkair has 2,800,000 hit points, then Scabeiathrax would have 280,000,000,000.

Bubonicus - Nurgle's version of Khorne's Doombreed, Slaanesh's N'kari, and Tzeentch's M'kachan. Like Slaanesh's second in command, Bubonicus has no chance of being a real life historical figure unlike M'Kachan and Doombreed since he was born a good deal after humanity became a space faring species and was not in fact, born on Terra, but instead hailed from the same planet as N'kari. He is something of an oddity of the four great daemon princes since he's not roughly as old as Nurgle; while the other three are about as old as their respective gods. He has a huge line of dancers on one planet that goes across said planet's entire equator and they keep on dancing until they catch Uber-Syphillis and become Plaguebearers, at which point they leave to fight for Nurgle and someone else takes their place. The absolute fucking life of the party. His primary rival amongst the Daemon princes is not M'Kachan as one would expect, but N'Kari; as they were enemies in their mortal life. But now as daemon princes they are allies, marking an alliance of their respective gods to a lesser extent. Like the other great daemon princes, despite his importance to the fluff; he has no models or rules.

Puc'Kao - Nurgle's daemonic fairy of tooth rot, gum disease and sweets. Often seen as an overweight pus dripping cherub who likes to play pranks on people, usually meaning removing healthy teeth from the mouths of unsuspecting mortals as they sleep. As you can expect he is a fun guy.

Foulspawn - Foulspawn is the only known you-know-what to ascend to Daemon princedom.

Luke - I don't know where to start. Just... Ugh.

Chris-chan-It had to come to this at some point

As a general note, the general followers of Nurgle usually retain high levels of common sense in relation to other chaos gods. Probably because they don't usually go insane to the point of uncontrollable defecation like other Chaos God worshipers; they just defecate uncontrollably (sanity has nothing to do with it). So they get creative and tend to get cool gear and use it well. Plague Marines, for example, got bored with grenades and decided to instead use the SEVERED HEADS of their enemies; zombified, plague-ridden, embalmed severed heads are the standard issue grenades when you are a Plague Marine.

Fun Nurgle Facts

  • Nurgle, despite being the third most powerful of the Chaos Gods, has possibly the smallest fanbase in Warhammer 40k. Because apparently RAGE, Just as planned, and PROMOTIONS are better than anything Papa Nurgle can offer. By contrast he has the single largest fanbase in Warhammer Fantasy partially due to how easy his models are to modify via greenstuff and how overpowered his army has always been.
  • Nurgle is the only Chaos God whose Daemons look just about like him. Plaguebearers don't, but that's because they're the souls of other people.
  • Nurgle's main unit, the Plaguebearers, are the second most fucking impossible to kill dudes in Warhammers, succeeded only Plaguemarines in 40k and Great Unclean Ones in Fantasy. Worth noting that the Plaguemarines are just Plaguebearers with cool armor while Great Unclean ones are miniature versions of Nurgle. Each one take 13.5 bolter shots fired at it to be killed (on average. never 100% trust teh mathhammer), which some find as unreasonable considering that they cost one point less than space marines, meaning that a more expensive model will have little hope of killing it in the time it usually take to complete a game. You don't want to know how many lasgun shots need to be fired at one to kill it (36). Then you get into Fantasy where you need fire, as much of it as possible, and cannons. Lots and lots of cannons...
  • As discussed in a /tg/ thread, the "Garden of Nurgle" may be a metaphor for Isha and Nurgle being the same entity. This works great with the idea of grandpa Nurgle in a dress pretending to be an space elf princess fits quite nicely with the "king of the neckbeards" theme some fa/tg/uys had developed.
  • According to Storm of Magic, when Nurgle gets upset or depressed, he wanders off into the many bogs of his region of the Realm of Chaos to hunt Plague Toads, squashing them to cheer himself up.
  • According to the Tome of Decay for Black Crusade, Nurgle sees his role in the cosmos as a sort of galactic recycler; Chaos rises when life grows so older that order stagnates and decays, meaning its job is to consume and destroy everything, leaving abundant rot for new verdant life to be born from, clean and pure until it ages enough to call Chaos back into existence. Nurgle's job, as he sees it, is to euthanize the galaxy as quickly and as painlessly as is possible, and as far as he's concerned, the galaxy is well past the time where it's time for him to step in, clear it all out and make it into fertiliser to sow the next age of the galaxy.
    • Ironically, if this is true, it means that Nurgle and Tzeentch should work together much more harmoniously; Nurgle clears out the old and gives Tzeentch room to create the new. After Nurgle cleanses the galaxy, Tzeentch coaxes life to take shape again and gives rise to the next cycle. It also suggests that this is why Nurgle and Tzeentch are fighting; the God of Change is not doing his job properly, instead perpetuating the status quo for whatever reason rather than letting Nurgle clear it all out so he can start over. It could also be that Tzeentch is still helping him, since his plans might appear to maintain the status quo but really be the seeds of final collapse; as happens with many cases of stagnation, the measures that seem to hold up a society or system eventually become too many and it all collapses at once.
    • He apparently succeeds at this goal in The End Times of Warhammer Fantasy. Perhaps fitting along with the various analysis on this page, Tzeentch seemed mostly cool with it and Slaanesh wasn't.
  • Nurgle's triple-circle symbol looks like a stylized fly, the animal most commonly considered holy to Nurgle, a stylized version of the biohazard symbol, and also represents the cycle of death, decay and rebirth over which Nurgle has dominion.
  • As a comparison to Ereshkigal, from Sumerian mythology, Nurgle is a hot goth chick. Ereshkigal's relationship with her sister Ishtar, a goddess of sex and violence once imprisoned in Ereshkigal's realm due to hubris, is similar to Nurgle's relationship with Isha, who in this case stands symbolic of the Eldar's decline and fall and whose imprisonment is a result of their sins, despite not being particularly decadent herself. Ereshkigal is a gloomy underworld deity, thus the goth chick comparison, but isn't seen as especially malevolent and is even fairly sympathetic, though is highly protective of her charge, much like Nurgle (whose name, incidentally, is based on Nergal, Ereshkigal's husband, a deity of destruction and disease).



This article contains PROMOTIONS! Don't say we didn't warn you.

The Chaos Gods of Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Fantasy
Four Main Chaos Gods: Khorne - Nurgle - Slaanesh - Tzeentch
Other Gods of Chaos: Archaon - Hashut - Horned Rat - Nuffle
Malal - Morghur - Necoho - Zuvassin
Chaos Gods of Law: Alluminas - Arianka - Solkan the Avenger