
Bubonicus also known as Lothar Bubonicus or by his deamon name Ghur'urgh bu'yue is a Daemon Prince of Nurgle from Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K introduced in Realms of Chaos specifically The Lost and the Damned.
Warhammer Fantasy[edit | edit source]
His story starts in an unnamed village that was being ravaged by a plague known as the Green Death, scared of dying in such a way he prayed to Nurgle to save him (so maybe he was in some Norscan or Northmen villiage?). He ended up being the sole survivor which he took as Nurgle's favor, though whether or not he was infact blessed or simply survived due to being the hardiest in the village is unsure. Either way he trekked into the woods on his way to venerate his new chosen god. He quickly gained a retinue of Beastmen who recognized him as blessed and then rescued him from Witchhunters. He was also joined by a handful of Chaos Dwarfs, and a knight from a company who tried to kill Lothar and his peeps but miraculously was not only the sole survivor of his group but also survived his wounds and was taken on as his personal henchmen now named Grod.
They would assault a group of monks carrying holy artifacts, and Lothar would acquire a golden palanquin that immediately tarnished at his touch and he took as his personal ride. He was then led to the town of Uberaverglau by Skaven where he infected the prince and nobles with disease and his followers swelled with the peasants of town (who were grateful he killed the dickass nobles), witches in hiding in the area, and the aforementioned Skaven who also were the ones who granted Lothar the name Bubonicus.
Receiving a vision of Nurgle's garden he decided it was time to stop screwing around, and he lead his followers to the Chaos Wastes. Following daemonic runes left by snail trails, he came across a chaos steed which he awarded to Grod who now had a super rad Chaos Big Arm which he used to protect his master. At this point Bubonicus and his war-band clashed with a Champion of Tzeentch believing it was a test from Nurgle after 20 years of wandering. After crushing their foes Bubonicus gained yet more followers in the form of an Ogre and a Chaos Witch.
Just as he was about to cross the threshold into the Realm of Chaos he was cockblocked by yet another warband, feeling like this was their last challenge before glory he and his homies threw themselves at their would be challengers. Bubonicus's fervor in battle and utter devotion was finally caught the eye of his god, who then granted him Prince-ness. Grod survived the battle and took control of what remained of Bubonicus' retinue and honored his master by having them carve a monolith inscribing Lothar's tale to stand in the Chaos Wastes and tell the story to all who pass by.
Saga[edit | edit source]
- "When the Green Death raged,
- I swore an oath to Father Nurgle.
- I bade him spare me that might live in his service
- And Father Nurgle chose me as his own.
- Though all the village perished
- I alone survived.
- In the great forest I dwelt.
- Amid the wild Beastmen, I was their shaman."
- "Nurgle blessed me with endurance.
- My blood ran yellow with his power.
- When the wicked ones caught me
- The torturers caused me no suffering
- For Nurgle lent me his great strength
- And my brave followers rescued me from the stake."
- "The rot approached.
- Longhorn bellowed loud in Nurgle's praise.
- Five Dwarfs from the wilderness
- They heard the call, and knew that they were saved
- From death in the darkness of the woods.
- By Nurgle's will."
- "Questing knights
- Slew herd-kin in the glades.
- They cooked his flesh upon their fire
- And Nurgle punished them with death
- Save only one, robust and strong.
- He called on Nurgle and so death passed him by
- To serve me as my henchman
- When I was consumed with the rot."
- "Profane ones violated our sacred woods
- With foul relics in their train.
- Nurgle told us in the dance of flies
- To purify his wilderness forthwith.
- Grod, my henchman barred the way.
- While Dwarfs and Beastmen slew the impure ones.
- Amongst the booty, a Palanquin to serve me as a mount.
- For the rot was great."
- "The peasants fled and joined my band.
- Nurgle saved them from the famine and the harsh hand of man.
- We sacrificed to Nurgle, I grew green in his image.
- He who tilled the fields beneath the yoke
- Became one who wields the wand and brings the rain."
- "Into the city we came at night.
- Through the sewers we were led by Nurgle's scouts.
- Vermin of valour did their work well.
- Now the high lords scratch and wither.
- The justice of Nurgle is delivered."
- "I saw a vision of Nurgle's realm.
- A green wood stretching as far as eyes could see
- Seething with life and the drone of fat flies.
- When I awoke, I saw the master's rune in snail-trails.
- We followed, seeking for the runes
- Until we crossed the edge of fate.
- We found three herdkin and the Ogre of the hills.
- But Nurgle's Steed I gave to Grod
- And Nurgle strengthened his arm that he might protect me."
- "Twice twenty years within the Wastes.
- The green glades of Nurgle eluded us.
- I called to Father Nurgle: are we unworthy?
- Then herdkin found the scent of Nurgle's foes.
- It was a time of trial
- For only the strongest live to run wild in Nurgle's glades.
- We slew them, a feast for the flies.
- They who followed The Changer, change no more.
- The slaying of exalted ones brings great reward.
- Flies swarming on the blood-drenched sword
- Merged with the metal.
- Runes spelled its name: Plaguebiter.
- The leaderless ones flocked to my fly banners
- As we marched to the last battle."
- "The green glades of Nurgle
- Seething with growth and the drown of fat flies.
- Beastmen gasping to drink the sweet green waters.
- They who dared to bar our way
- We slew them; to Plaguebiter fell.
- Not one escaped.
- Nurgle rewarded us
- For only the worthy may enter his realm.
- The road was long.
- Suffering I endured in Nurgle's name.
- He did not desert me.
- Beside this stone I shed the rags of plague
- An exalted one of Nurgle, rewarded with immortal flesh."
Warhammer 40K[edit | edit source]

His history in 40K is markedly less detailed unfortunately. all that's known of his origins is that he was born on a backwards planet engulfed in warpstorms, coincidentally the same planet that the 40K version of N'Kari and Werner Flamefist. He was eventually Raised into a Daemon Prince, along with the other two (must have been a hell of a planet) and served his Chaos God faithfully.
He was later summoned by Erebus during the Horus Heresy alongside N'kari to fuck shit up and that's pretty much all we know about him vis a vis 40K.
Stats[edit | edit source]
Like his counterpart Werner Flamefist, Lothar appeared as a Realms of Chaos-era Chaos Champion of Nurgle with +2 Toughness (one due to the Mark of Nurgle, one due to his initial divine favor being the Chaos Attribute "Resilient"). He also has the Chaos Attributes of Blood Substitution (Acid) and Horrible Stench, and the Chaos Rewards of Chaos Armor, two Daemonic Steeds (a generic one given to his Chaos Warrior underling, and a Palanquin of Nurgle that he rides himself), a Daemon Weapon possessed by a Plaguebearer, the Hide of Nurgle, the Rune of Nurgle, a case of Nurgle's Rot, and a Nurgling Infestation. Yeah, Lothar was a pretty favored Champion compared to Werner!
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Bubonicus' mini, looking constipated as hell. Just like Nurgle would want.
Another model of The Boy. Since hes not really listed with any weapons the glaive here is just as valid as the sword and whip.
His Battle Standard, helpfully held by Chaos Dwarf looking a little green around the gills.
The Posse. You can see Grod up there in the upper right.