Ogors tribe creation table

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This table is neither finished nor AoS, but it's the next best thing for now Ogre Kingdoms Creation Tables

When did they Originate?

Roll 1d6
The Age of Myth 1
Age of Chaos 2
Age of Sigmar 3
During the Necroquake/Broken Realms 4
Unknown/Forgotten 5
Roll Twice (this could represent a tribe once thought lost returning/being dethawed) 6

Gutbusters or Raiders?

Roll 1d6
Gutbusters 1-3
Beastclaw Raiders 4-6

Current Leader

Roll 1d8
Tyrant 1
Butcher 2
Slaughtermaster 3
Firebelly 4
Frostlord 5
Maneater 6
Member of Non-Ogor Destruction Faction (Orruk, Gargant) 7
Something Unusual (Chaos, Human, Gnoblar, anything goes!) 8