Primordial Evolution Game/Kaze

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The Kaze Tribe

A tribe of Skulks living on the eastern continent. (This will be a dump of all the information I've collected so far on them, if people want to add pictures and stuff, please feel free)

Location: Point F A clearing alongside the river between the deep Rainforest Jungle and the Frilla Forest. All of the trees and Frilla on either side of the river from the tribe glow faintly as the LemUy spores have already become one with them long ago. This place truly is a bio-luminescent paradice. And there is always a gentle breeze that flows from upstream, which is where the tribe gains its name.

Details: The region is filled with bioluminescent spores and moss. Plant life grows fast, and the herbivores as well. Because this region is so vibrant with life, the predators eat well and the skulks do too. The river is wide and deep with a rocky bottom (perfect for Giga Roha). On the Frilla side, the massive Frilla block out most of the sun making for a unique darkness filled undercanopy that the skulks enjoy frolicking about in, using their glows to make the place less scary.

The jungle itself is dense and muggy, constant rain fall makes it very damp, and humid. All of this makes for a constant source of food/decay, etc Basically, life in all its stages is abundant.

The clearing the Kaze tribe inhabits glows bright enough it can be seen from orbit on a clear night. The land forever washed with a dull green glow. This light makes it difficult for predators to sneak up on the skulk, and few ever enter the clearing itself. The towering All Mother sits at the center of the clearing and is usually tended by at least half a dozen or more skulks at any given time.

Kaze Tribe Dwellings

The Kaze Tribe currently has no need for dwellings as the All Mother shelters them, and most animals are reluctant to enter the clearing for all the LemUy spores are a sign of the Skulk's presence. Rain and weather are seen as blessings from the sky and cause for celebration.

The All Mother

The All Mother: A very old and powerful Mother Tree that heralds back to the first explorer skulk to enter the Frilla Forest and Jungles. The All Mother reaches high into the sky like a Frilla, and provides shade and shelter for the tribe. The spores it produces cover the ground in the gently glowing moss that produces a slight fog an inch off the ground.

So over time, the trees would become so large that it would be too difficult to tend everything externally, as such, the tree would kinda become hollow with all the new growth occuring inside. The feeding tubes would be at the base of the tree at ground level like always, but would basically just become massive tanks for feeding energy (and glowing moss etc).

The basement would be where the Hands of the All Mother would live, inside some of the larger root systems.

The second floor would have access to the core of the tree which produces the Kith Fruit, and then the third floor is the Hall of Ancestors, where skulk go to become one with the All Mother. As more skulks are added to the tree, it gets larger, and the skulks basically become embedded into the walls, so the inside would be this vast mausoleum filled with quasi-sentient skulks murmuring whispers of the old days and offering up prophesy and so forth. It would be somewhat of a cemetery/divine sanctum sort of place. Meanwhile on the top of the tree, is a vast but somewhat shallow pond, and the Skulks use these for decoration (like Koi ponds) and have ceremonies to celebrate the weather on the top.

Outside Relations

Have made peaceful interactions with the Govkar in the past although not currently in communcation with them. As they live far enough away from the firelands, they do not fear much from the Skulcrow, but their relative proximity to the Volcanic lands and occasional recieving of Inferno Skulk have occasionally made them targets of Bagrs that stray far from their homes. Otherwise, the main enemy of the Kaze tribe are the Lurker Roha.

Kaze Tribe Members

Elder: A Jungle Inferno Skulk bound to the All Mother. The Elder provides wisdom for the tribe and teaches them of the marvels of the world. It knows much of what exists outside the shelter of paradise and teaches the young as often as it is able.

The Mother's Hands: Every generation, four of the most skillful females tend to the Mother Tree's needs. They are her hands, reaching places she no longer can. They tend to feeding, cleaning and listening to the Elder's wishes and interpreting them for the Tribe. Each of the four have a different role. Feast - prepares offerings/food to the digester vats, Prophecy- Listening to the Elder's whispers. Death- attending to the sick and elderly Skulks and preparing them to become one with the All Mother once more. Birth- Harvesting the Kith and ushering in the next generation of the Kaze Tribe. Each one takes on the name of their role

The Hunters:

Four Warriors, the fastest and smartest of the Tribe. Two of them work together to hunt in the Jungles, while the other two focus on harvesting what they can from the rivers (and battle the occasional Lurker Roha).

Frilla loves Boomers

Swift - Huntress, Jungle Skulk. Twin sister of Shadow. Both were born from the same fruit. It was seen as a blessing from the All Mother as this was the first time its ever happened. Has the Yellow eyes and red markings of an Inferno Skulk, but otherwise normal.

Shadow has the markings of an Inferno Skulk

Shadow - Hunter, Jungle Skulk. Twin Brother of Swift. Has the dark brown coloration of an Inferno Skulk but still maintains normal coloration otherwise

Frilla loves Boomers

Wave - Fisherwoman, Uses her vine lights to lure in prey. LemUy Hybrid. Likes to paint her hairvines blue like the water.

Frilla loves Boomers

Two Eyes - Fisherman, Lost one of his eyes to a Lurker Roha, uses its shell as a bracer. LemUy Hybrid

The Makers: Members of the tribe that spend most of their time working with the things they collect to make them more useful. The makers create shell armor for the Hunters, collect pigments for their tatoos and so forth. (5 members)

The Singers: While everyone in the tribe participates in singing occasionally, the Singers also act as the lore keepers, their bodies each are decorated with symbols that represent one tale or another. (5 members)

Kamen is wearing her Bagr Mask

Kamen: The Mask keeper. Actual leader of the tribe. Stays in constant communcation with Prophecy to better understand the will of the All Mother. Determines when and who is ready to breed for the tribe, and governs day to day life. She keeps a variety of masks around wears them depending to her readings of the weather. They serve as an omen to the tribe of things to come for that day.

Frilla loves Boomers

Frilla: Mate to Kamen. A Jungle Hybrid that spends most of her time in the Frilla forests, learning about nature. She is the next candidate for joining with the All Mother (although that time is a long ways out). Her main interest is in learning what she can about the Gliding Boomers as they fascinate her.

Birth Info

Since the Skulks are generally long lived given the right climate conditions and nothing eating them, they breed very slowly. They are plant people, and so normal everyday sorts of injury doesn't do much to them. They can heal from many things that would kill other species (like losing a limb). It just takes time. When the Skulks do get old or too damaged to heal from, they return to the Mother Tree to spawn a new member of their tribe that will replace them. This new child is a mixture of DNA/Memory/traits from the tribe as a whole which makes the child a new individual, who is then welcomed to the tribe. This act is seen as an honor for the tribe, who saves it for only the bravest and wisest of their number.

Typically, when the skulks wish to increase their numbers, they will reproduce via mating, where two skulks will fertilize one another's Kith Fruit and share their memories and genes with each other. This results in the birth of two new skulks (without the loss of life of the original skulks who bore them) that share genetic traits of their parents.

The third and final way is for a Skulk to self fertilize their own Kith fruit. This act is seen as a rebirth, rather than a new life. And it is usually only done in unique circumstances. In order to do this, the parent must permanently remove its ability to produce further Kith Fruit and then fertilize it. (This act is almost always fatal). The child created from this method is a direct clone of the parent, and even contains the memories of its parent. Effectively allowing them to be reborn once more. Some question this method as they believe that a piece of who they were is forever lost when they go through the rebirth. A piece of their soul. This method is typically only used by the Travellers who are unable to continue on their journey, so they are reborn in hopes of reaching their destination. (To deliver messages, or share knowledge, etc). Some tribes have been known to keep a leader who is reborn every generation, to maintain a lineage and so their great leader will live on without being 'contaminated' by the rest of the tribe. However, the Kaze tribe does not condone this sort of thing

The inferno skulk is a rare circumstance that can bring boon to a tribe. And when such rare travellers return to a tribe, the entire tribe joins with the inferno skulk, fertilizing its numerous Kith Fruit and then they return it to the Mother Tree to honor their memory. The children born from an inferno skulk rarely can take on the unique colorations of their parent, but typically they are just like normal members of the society. These traits are even more rarely passed down from the Mother Tree itself as well.

Children who bear these marks are quick to rise to honor in the tribe as they are viewed as blessed by the gods.


The All Mother and Elder Kaze: This pair are a direct manifestation of the will of the gods. The All Mother itself is viewed as a sacred place, and outsiders are not welcome. The Elder and the whisperers are the Skulks' direct line to the gods. As such they are revered above all else. The Sky: The Sky is viewed as the great messenger. It carries everything to where it needs to be. The Spores of the Mother tree and the LemUy, the winds, the rain, and the stars and the moon. Without the sky, life would be locked in place and all would return to the great stillness (the time before the skulks became mobile)

Rain: Rain is seen as the father of the earth. It's energy flows into all things as it falls from the sky. (To this end, all water is seen as holy and a gift from Rain). Anything that falls from the sky: Hail, dying leaves, meteorites, etc are also viewed as gifts from Rain brought to them by Sky. And the Kaze tribe holds them precious in one way or another. The Suns and the Moons: Two pairs of celestial bodies. The Suns work in harmony with one another to warm the earth. The moons seek to bring an end to the Sun's warmth and as such are representations of death. The Suns become a symbol of life/birth/etc while the moons are death and cold.

The Kaze have a version of Hell which they consider the firelands and volcanic regions outside their forests. These places are stalked by those poor lost souls who were unable to make it home to the Mother Tree. And out there, the Crows wait with their spires to forever mobilize the skulk once more and return to the great stillness.

and lastly, the Earth, is seen more as a medium from which all life springs forth. In itself it is not divine, but through the shaping of the gods, the earth can become a new life. Returning a creature to the earth is seen as a way to allow the gods to remake it anew. As such, the Skulk do not fear death (unless it is through extreme methods like Skulcrows) nor do they see taking life for a reason as a crime, as long as the balance is served. Senseless killing is still frowned upon.