Primordial Evolution Game/Kaze
This page contains information pertinent to the Eastern Continent Evo Game, whose main information can be found here: Primordial_Evolution_Game should you be interested
The Kaze Tribe[edit | edit source]
A tribe of Skulks living on the eastern continent. (This will be a dump of all the information I've collected so far on them, if people want to add pictures and stuff, please feel free)
Location: Point F A clearing alongside the river between the deep Rainforest Jungle and the Frilla Forest. All of the trees and Frilla on either side of the river from the tribe glow faintly as the LemUy spores have already become one with them long ago. This place truly is a bio-luminescent paradise. And there is always a gentle breeze that flows from upstream, which is where the tribe gains its name.
Details: The region is filled with bioluminescent spores and moss. Plant life grows fast, and the herbivores as well. Because this region is so vibrant with life, the predators eat well and the skulks do too. The river is wide and deep with a rocky bottom (perfect for Giga Roha). On the Frilla side, the massive Frilla block out most of the sun making for a unique darkness filled undercanopy that the skulks enjoy frolicking about in, using their glows to make the place less scary.
The jungle itself is dense and muggy, constant rain fall makes it very damp, and humid. All of this makes for a constant source of food/decay, etc Basically, life in all its stages is abundant.
The clearing the Kaze tribe inhabits glows bright enough it can be seen from orbit on a clear night. The land forever washed with a dull green glow. This light makes it difficult for predators to sneak up on the skulk, and few ever enter the clearing itself. The towering All Mother sits at the center of the clearing and is usually tended by at least half a dozen or more skulks at any given time.
Kaze Tribe Dwellings[edit | edit source]
The Kaze Tribe currently has no need for dwellings as the All Mother shelters them, and most animals are reluctant to enter the clearing for all the LemUy spores are a sign of the Skulk's presence. Rain and weather are seen as blessings from the sky and cause for celebration.

The All Mother: A very old and powerful Mother Tree that heralds back to the first explorer skulk to enter the Frilla Forest and Jungles. The All Mother reaches high into the sky like a Frilla, and provides shade and shelter for the tribe. The spores it produces cover the ground in the gently glowing moss that produces a slight fog an inch off the ground.
So over time, the trees would become so large that it would be too difficult to tend everything externally, as such, the tree would kinda become hollow with all the new growth occurring inside. The feeding tubes would be at the base of the tree at ground level like always, but would basically just become massive tanks for feeding energy (and glowing moss etc).
The basement would be where the Hands of the All Mother would live, inside some of the larger root systems.
The second floor would have access to the core of the tree which produces the Kith Fruit, and then the third floor is the Hall of Ancestors, where skulk go to become one with the All Mother. As more skulks are added to the tree, it gets larger, and the skulks basically become embedded into the walls, so the inside would be this vast mausoleum filled with quasi-sentient skulks murmuring whispers of the old days and offering up prophesy and so forth. It would be somewhat of a cemetery/divine sanctum sort of place. Meanwhile on the top of the tree, is a vast but somewhat shallow pond, and the Skulks use these for decoration (like Koi ponds) and have ceremonies to celebrate the weather on the top.
Outside Relations[edit | edit source]

Have made peaceful interactions with the Govkar in the past although not currently in communication with them. As they live far enough away from the firelands, they do not fear much from the Skulcrow, but their relative proximity to the Volcanic lands and occasional receiving of Inferno Skulk have occasionally made them targets of Bagrs that stray far from their homes. Otherwise, the main enemy of the Kaze tribe are the Lurker Roha.
Kaze Tribe Members[edit | edit source]
Elder: A Jungle Inferno Skulk bound to the All Mother. The Elder provides wisdom for the tribe and teaches them of the marvels of the world. It knows much of what exists outside the shelter of paradise and teaches the young as often as it is able.
The Mother's Hands: Every generation, four of the most skillful females tend to the Mother Tree's needs. They are her hands, reaching places she no longer can. They tend to feeding, cleaning and listening to the Elder's wishes and interpreting them for the Tribe. Each of the four have a different role. Feast - prepares offerings/food to the digester vats, Prophecy- Listening to the Elder's whispers. Death- attending to the sick and elderly Skulks and preparing them to become one with the All Mother once more. Birth- Harvesting the Kith and ushering in the next generation of the Kaze Tribe. Each one takes on the name of their role
The Hunters: Four Warriors, the fastest and smartest of the Tribe. Two of them work together to hunt in the Jungles, while the other two focus on harvesting what they can from the rivers (and battle the occasional Lurker Roha).

Swift - Huntress, Jungle Skulk. Twin sister of Shadow. Both were born from the same fruit. It was seen as a blessing from the All Mother as this was the first time its ever happened. Has the Yellow eyes and red markings of an Inferno Skulk, but otherwise normal.

Shadow - Hunter, Jungle Skulk. Twin Brother of Swift. Has the dark brown coloration of an Inferno Skulk but still maintains normal coloration otherwise

Wave - Fisherwoman, Uses her vine lights to lure in prey. LemUy Hybrid. Likes to paint her hairvines blue like the water.

Two Eyes - Fisherman, Lost one of his eyes to a Lurker Roha, uses its shell as a bracer. LemUy Hybrid
The Makers: Members of the tribe that spend most of their time working with the things they collect to make them more useful. The makers create shell armor for the Hunters, collect pigments for their tattoos and so forth. (5 members)
The Singers: While everyone in the tribe participates in singing occasionally, the Singers also act as the lore keepers, their bodies each are decorated with symbols that represent one tale or another. (5 members)

Kamen: The Mask keeper. Actual leader of the tribe. Stays in constant communication with Prophecy to better understand the will of the All Mother. Determines when and who is ready to breed for the tribe, and governs day to day life. She keeps a variety of masks around wears them depending to her readings of the weather. They serve as an omen to the tribe of things to come for that day.

Frilla: Mate to Kamen. A Jungle Hybrid that spends most of her time in the Frilla forests, learning about nature. She is the next candidate for joining with the All Mother (although that time is a long ways out). Her main interest is in learning what she can about the Gliding Boomers as they fascinate her.
Birth Info[edit | edit source]
Since the Skulks are generally long lived given the right climate conditions and nothing eating them, they breed very slowly. They are plant people, and so normal everyday sorts of injury doesn't do much to them. They can heal from many things that would kill other species (like losing a limb). It just takes time. When the Skulks do get old or too damaged to heal from, they return to the Mother Tree to spawn a new member of their tribe that will replace them. This new child is a mixture of DNA/Memory/traits from the tribe as a whole which makes the child a new individual, who is then welcomed to the tribe. This act is seen as an honor for the tribe, who saves it for only the bravest and wisest of their number.
Typically, when the skulks wish to increase their numbers, they will reproduce via mating, where two skulks will fertilize one another's Kith Fruit and share their memories and genes with each other. This results in the birth of two new skulks (without the loss of life of the original skulks who bore them) that share genetic traits of their parents.
The third and final way is for a Skulk to self fertilize their own Kith fruit. This act is seen as a rebirth, rather than a new life. And it is usually only done in unique circumstances. In order to do this, the parent must permanently remove its ability to produce further Kith Fruit and then fertilize it. (This act is almost always fatal). The child created from this method is a direct clone of the parent, and even contains the memories of its parent. Effectively allowing them to be reborn once more. Some question this method as they believe that a piece of who they were is forever lost when they go through the rebirth. A piece of their soul. This method is typically only used by the Travellers who are unable to continue on their journey, so they are reborn in hopes of reaching their destination. (To deliver messages, or share knowledge, etc). Some tribes have been known to keep a leader who is reborn every generation, to maintain a lineage and so their great leader will live on without being 'contaminated' by the rest of the tribe. However, the Kaze tribe does not condone this sort of thing
The inferno skulk is a rare circumstance that can bring boon to a tribe. And when such rare travellers return to a tribe, the entire tribe joins with the inferno skulk, fertilizing its numerous Kith Fruit and then they return it to the Mother Tree to honor their memory. The children born from an inferno skulk rarely can take on the unique colorations of their parent, but typically they are just like normal members of the society. These traits are even more rarely passed down from the Mother Tree itself as well.
Children who bear these marks are quick to rise to honor in the tribe as they are viewed as blessed by the gods.
Religion[edit | edit source]
The All Mother and Elder Kaze: This pair are a direct manifestation of the will of the gods. The All Mother itself is viewed as a sacred place, and outsiders are not welcome. The Elder and the whisperers are the Skulks' direct line to the gods. As such they are revered above all else.
The Sky: The Sky is viewed as the great messenger. It carries everything to where it needs to be. The Spores of the Mother tree and the LemUy, the winds, the rain, and the stars and the moon. Without the sky, life would be locked in place and all would return to the great stillness (the time before the skulks became mobile)
Rain: Rain is seen as the father of the earth. It's energy flows into all things as it falls from the sky. (To this end, all water is seen as holy and a gift from Rain). Anything that falls from the sky: Hail, dying leaves, meteorites, etc are also viewed as gifts from Rain brought to them by Sky. And the Kaze tribe holds them precious in one way or another.
The Suns and the Moons: Two pairs of celestial bodies. The Suns work in harmony with one another to warm the earth. The moons seek to bring an end to the Sun's warmth and as such are representations of death. The Suns become a symbol of life/birth/etc while the moons are death and cold.
The Kaze have a version of Hell which they consider the firelands and volcanic regions outside their forests. These places are stalked by those poor lost souls who were unable to make it home to the Mother Tree. And out there, the Crows wait with their spires to forever mobilize the skulk once more and return to the great stillness.
and lastly, the Earth, is seen more as a medium from which all life springs forth. In itself it is not divine, but through the shaping of the gods, the earth can become a new life. Returning a creature to the earth is seen as a way to allow the gods to remake it anew. As such, the Skulk do not fear death (unless it is through extreme methods like Skulcrows) nor do they see taking life for a reason as a crime, as long as the balance is served. Senseless killing is still frowned upon.
The Story so far...[edit | edit source]
The Kaze Tribe's tale
rolled 7, 7, 1, 1 = 16
The Kaze Tribe finishes celebrating their most recent festival of Rain when they realize they have given all the food they had stored to the All Mother after getting too excited. As such, the Twin Hunters head into the Jungle to find something suitable. (Roll 1). Meanwhile, the two fishers head to the river to try to find something that way, as well as explore downstream a little ways. (Roll 2). Frilla heads off to the forest across the river to try and study the Gliding Boomers, with the hopes of finding a way to capture or tame one. (Roll 3). And the tribe leader Kamen escorts one of the elder Singers to the All Mother to return her to the tribe and welcome a new member into the fold. (Roll 4)
The fishing and hunting trip are uneventful, with only a few catches. Meanwhile Frilla got hit by a fast-moving Ribboner and gets KOed, while Kamen had to deal with a rotten offspring: the new Skulk is locked within its own body, and had to be fed by another. In other words, the new Skulk is a vegetable.
rolled 17, 6, 15 = 38
The hunters, distraught at their lack of prey, forge ever deeper into the jungle and down river. Getting farther from the All Mother than any of them have ever been. Wave and Two-Eye try a new tactic for baiting prey by using a bit of their blood in the water (Roll 1). Shadow and Swifts attempt (Roll 2). Frilla, disoriented from the attack by the Ribboner attempts to make her way back to the village after waking up (roll 3) and Kamen, in disgust and pity for this new offspring, offers it up to appease the all mother since no one had any offerings to provide. And the tribe must make a new member via normal reproductive means. The Gods are not happy with them. It is a sign.
The fishing tactic works, and they get some river Dahon. Shadow and Swift find... nothing. Meanwhile, Frilla woke up with some of the flying Boomers perching near her. She found the way to the village.
rolled 18, 4, 19, 6, 1 = 48
Shadow and Swift return unsuccessful once more. Something has to be done about this dirge of hunting success. So, the two of them split up and head off in new directions. Shadow heads north up river, looking for wildlife along the way. He vows to not return until he has found better hunting grounds for the tribe. (roll 1). Swift heads back with Frilla to the forest after she returns and they make sure she is unharmed. Perhaps there is something amongst the plants there they could eat. And, with two people, Frilla can focus harder on learning more about the gliding boomers and ribboners (roll 2 and 3). Using their newfound trick for fishing, Wave and Two Eye explore methods of baiting that don't involve hurting themselves. Would a 'lure' work? They start experimenting with new methods to improve their fishing. (researching Fishing Tech, Nets, Baits/Lures, etc) (Roll 4) Also, Kamen decides to attempt something new. With the help of Prophesy she is going to listen to the All Mother's whispers in attempt to gain wisdom of the world and pray for guidance.
Shadow makes his way upstream for miles, hunting for a new place with prey. Just as he was about to give up, he heard a rustle. Following it, he discovers a game trail filled with Govnik. It isn't long before he manages to capture and kill a pair and drag them back to camp. This trail, the tribe will remember for ages as the memories are passed down.
Swift's own hunting efforts in the Frilla forests are ruined by Frilla's wild efforts to learn more about the Gliding Boomers and Great Ribbons. She spends most of her time chasing after Frilla and making sure she isn't going to fall out of a tree or get eaten by something and has little to no time for actual food collection. Frilla on the other hand, makes huge headway with the Boomers, and actually manages to train them to come to her with calls and treats. They are quite friendly once you take the time to get to know them.
Wave and Two-eye's efforts were going marvelously at learning how to make fishing more productive when a Giga Roha bursts out of the water and attacks them. Only by abandoning their gear and high tailing it home do they avoid being eaten. All their progress was lost.
rolled 1, 12, 13, 20, 13 = 59
Prophecy returns to the tribe with sad news. In their attempt at introducing Kamen to the All Mother, the Elder mistook Kamen's mask as something else and attacked. Kamen was quickly killed and 'returned to the All Mother' before she had time to defend herself. However there should be a new member of the tribe on the way soon. (Roll 1)
Frilla and Swift return to the camp after a long time with the Boomers. Frilla attempts to bring the ones she has befriended back with her, using scraps of food and calls to keep them happy (roll 2)
Wave and Two-eye, determined, set back to pick up the remains of their experiments. This time ready for that Giga Roha. They make a plan to defeat the beast (roll 3) and then reclaim their experiments and continue to test them or if they are lost start anew. (roll 4)
Shadow returns triumphant with food and because of his success, and their recent loss of Kamen, he is promoted to tribe leader. His first duty is to destroy the masks that angered the All Mother and then, he sets out on the journey of the leader. Where he only carries with him a kith fruit from the All Mother and is not to return until he has discovered what it means to be leader (or something interesting/self realization/etc) Roll 5
Frilla's efforts draw the boomers closer to the tribe, but they are frightened off as they approach the river itself. It will take more time to learn the ways of these crafty beasts.
Wave and Two-Eye's plan thwarts the Giga Roha, who hurries back to the river in frustration. However, most of the supplies they were forced to abandon were crushed and washed down river. Learning from their past mistakes though, they set forth anew and discover tricks that improve their skills significantly. New tech learned: Fishing Nets, and Baited Traps. (anything more the GMs can decide, since its a 20).
Shadow's leadership journey so far remains uneventful as he passes farther into the wilderness, heading towards the swamp.
After a few days of waiting for a kith fruit to germinate after Kamen's demise, nothing happens. The tribe gets restless. What does this mean? Is the All Mother upset? The other three All Mother's hands go up to search and discover what happened. Upon entering the Hall of Ancestors, they are quick to find the body of Kamen, decaying in a corner, with visible signs of attack.
Her body never returned to the All Mother because it was Prophesy who had killed her and faked the entire story. The two of them had at one point competed for Frilla's affection, and when Kamen entered the Hall of Ancestors, Prophesy thought she was trying to steal her job from her as well and murdered her in a jealous rage.
This is the first instance of murder among the tribe, who now must figure out a suitable punishment for such a heinous act.
rolled 7, 2, 12, 15 = 36
Shadow's Journey towards the Marshes Continues (roll 1). He crosses the Great Rift around the edge and moves onwards. At this point he is out of food, and relying on his own body's photosynthesis and LemUy to keep him going.
Frilla is devastated by the murder of her mate and returns to the forest on the other side of the river, vowing never to return as long as Prophesy is still alive. She instead dedicates all her energy into becoming like the Gliding Boomers, so she can integrate herself with them and learn ways of taming them (roll 2)
The marvelous fishers return to the tribe with vast nets filled with fish and other bounty from the river. With this new tech the tribe will not go hungry for a long time. Wave, in a moment of curiosity attempts to put some of the Oar Kafka she has captured into the All Mother's Pond, to see if she can keep them alive for later. (roll 3)
Swift, in the absence of her brother, must decide Prophecy's punishment and the severity of it. (roll 4)
rolled 9, 9 = 18
Hungry and lonely, Shadow continues on. His nights are lit by massive fires in the distance. What are these glowing lights? He has not seen their likeness before. He forges onwards but is too far away to arrive while they are going, and as he starts to arrive finds only the smoking ruin of vast tracts of forest. Perhaps he can find something in this desolate place? (roll 1)
Frilla is too distraught to make any progress. The boomers however don't seem to mind the company, and watch her silently cry in the night. (damnit I wish I could roll better)
The fish seem to live just fine in the All Mother's pond, but after a week or so, they vanish. Someone must have gotten hungry and eaten them. Wave, frustrated, goes out to find more fish for the pond and to find a way to start domesticating these fish so they won't run out if someone eats one. (roll 2)
Prophesy's fate has been decided. Murder is a new crime, and it is horrible. As such, an equally severe fate must befall those who commit it. Swift decides to forever remove Prophesy from the All Mother and return him to the great stillness once more, tearing out his Kith Fruit and then staking him to the ground like the Skulcrow of legend. His withered corpse left as a warning for the rest.
rolled 8, 7, 19 = 34
Shadow wanders around the ruined swamp for a few hours before he starts to get overwhelmed with fear. Something about this desolate ash field scares him. It seems to remind him of the Skulcrow and he has no wish to encounter them. He flees to the forest again in search of food and to continue his journey, skirting this patch of fire. (roll 1)
Something or someone keeps eating all the fish before Wave can figure out how to raise them properly. They seem to be doing just fine in the pond though. She's getting frustrated by this and gives up for now. Perhaps there is a way to block off a section of the river itself and keep the fish there for a time. (roll 2)
Frilla finally moves on from her grief, and returns to her research. Heading away from the town to try her hand at getting them to answer her calls and starts to tame them (roll 3)
rolled 8, 16 = 24
Shadow takes the most mediocre trial of leadership ever. Nothing happens of note on his journey, and just before he is about to turn around and give up, makes it to the far side of the swamps. Clearly this world is larger than he previously thought. There is no choice but to continue onwards... into this strange cold wet land... (roll 1)
Wave gives up on trying to fish farm. There is nothing worthwhile for it. Instead, the tribe begins to start worrying about their leader. He has been gone for far too long. They start a tracking party with the hunters and head upstream after him (roll 2)
rolled 20 = 20
Shadow's trip into the snowy lands is uneventful and he is unable to continue on, forcing him to backtrack to the swamp. His spirits are at an all time low as his journey seems to be a failure. Is he even cut out to be a leader? He continues forth.
Fishing becomes part of tribal culture due to how viable it is. A diet of moss and swamp plants can now be augmented with fish. the skulks drop their tentacles into the water and wait for a nibble. then its far too late for the fish. as the old adage goes "give a man a fish, feed him for a day. teach him to fish, feed him for life" your skulks will never worry for food again as long as they are near water with life in it... beware the river monsters.
the gliding boomers are friendly, almost dog like, and more then willing to cooperate with Frilla. one of the largest boomers, clearly an alpha surprises Frilla one day. It rams her from behind knocking her onto its back, then with a leap takes off with her in tow. you have domesticated, or at least entered into a mutual relationship with the boomers as well as discovered mounts that are gliders.
Frilla's brief trip on the Alpha Boomer was a shock and a thrill. It gives her ideas she never dreamed possible. The boomers are too small to ride maybe, but there must be other things out there... Maybe someday... the Great Sky Ribbons maybe. Hmm... her thoughts are filled with opportunities as she hurries back to the Tribe with the flock of Gliders in tow. They are quick to find a place amongst the All Mother, climbing about and soaring between the supports as Frilla trains them to hunt for small prey like we would a hawk. With the fishers bringing in fish by the trapload and Frilla's boomers now hunting for Dahon in the sky the tribe is quickly becoming content. Now, if only their leader would return.
Swift, in the absence of her brother, approaches the All Mother and asks for guidance for a new member of their Tribe. With Prophecy's withered husk drying on the riverbank, they are in need of a tribe member to step up and become the next Prophecy. One of the singers comes forward and offers herself to the Tree. Does the All Mother accept?
Shadow suffers in the burnt swamp section. falling over, sweating, and passing out... he awakens feeling sick, wracked by illusions of melting ground and colors in the sky. Still he presses on, vomiting several times. His skin begins to peel. It would be easy to just die now, but... no, he will push on. The days progress, and more skin is lost, he won't even look down anymore, disgusted by what he knows is happening to his body, but he feels strangely energetic. Stronger. Why, why now, in the twilight of his life does he find the strength he has sought. At least he will make it home, perhaps to be seen one last time by friends and family. Upon arrival everyone is staring at him, shocked. "you burn" says one tribe member, its only when he finally stops to really look at himself does he realize he is an inferno skulk.
As the singer walks up to the tree vines reach out burying themselves in her back. the process is not normal. This is not how it should happen. The vines continue to work their way into the skulk, the process seems to cause no pain though. Finally the singer speaks" I am the memories of your past" the tree has blessed this host with a sort of life line, a leash. The sacrifice was not for that one to make, but was made all the same, the least that could be offered was a degree of freedom.
Swift's eyes fly wide as the All Mother does not choose the next prophet, but instead a Voice! The All Mother's will becomes known and the tribe can listen to her wisdom directly. No more will they fear the whims of their guardian. They can hear it straight from her mouth. The 'Elder' becomes little more than another face amongst the crowd as this new voice becomes an active (if immobile) member of the tribe. The Hall of Ancestors quickly becomes a center of activity as the All Mother delights in spending long hours teaching the tribe her wisdom and telling them tales of ages past. Truly a glorious age has begun.
Shadow's new found power sends him speeding home across the countryside He triumphantly returns home to the elation of the tribe. He marvels at all the things that have transpired while he was away and is quick to offer Frilla a place at his side. The 'next elder' position is no longer required, so Tribe Leader's mate is good enough. The two begin to take the blessings of nature and put them to good use as Shadow begins to produce a number of new children from his Kith Fruit.
rolled 5, 4, 6 = 15
Inspired by everything that's happened, Frilla leaves Shadow to tend to the new children of the tribe while she takes Swift and Wave out into the Forests again.
Swift sets out to hunt for prey, while Wave takes time to guard over Frilla as she sets her sights on finding the Great Sky Ribbons. But first she must catch one and learn about it. And that's where Swift and Wave come in. Swift finds the prey. And Wave uses one of her fancy new nets to catch it. Then together they can learn all they can from these majestic beasts (roll 1 to find, 2 to capture and 3 to learn from it)
rolled 20, 8, 14 = 42
the hunt ended in failure as a Higitain crashes the party and attacks! The plans ruined the three skulk must now fight off the beast as it rampages towards them, intent on making a meal. (Roll 1)
Two-eye has heard rumors of a Giga Roha hunting near the shore of the clearing, and sets out to locate the beast and finish it once and for all. He takes a few of the newest tribe members out to teach them the ways of fishing as well. (roll 2)
Shadow and the All Mother's Voice spend hours discussing his adventure, and the news that the world is much larger than they could ever have thought possible sends them into debate on further expeditions out into the world. As such, they prepare a few of the young Kaze to set forth and find out more about the world. A trio of them working together set out towards the south this time, to see what can be seen at the bottom of their world, when the jungles end (roll 3)
rolled 10, 15, 11, 12 = 48
The scouts return home with news of water that flows all the way to the sky! What a marvelous discovery! There are other lands on the far water that are too far to swim too, and the creatures in this water are strange and unknown. The water itself seems poisoned though.... perhaps it is a test for the Skulk. Truly this paradise where the water meets the sky must be where the gods reside. This calls for further exploration. But how to get across such a distance of water. They turn to experiments. Finding things that float, ways to propel something down river... They begin to try to build a rudimentary raft (roll 1).
The raft building itself has brought them to another conclusion... it will be difficult to make much progress without some way to harvest trees. But their claws are insufficient to cut down a tree, or dig them up... If only there was a way. They try using rocks and that leads them to further experimenting (roll 2 for trying to develop simple tools like shovels and axes)
The explorers are sent out again. They said the land went on for a long ways, now it is their job to make this land known to their tribe. They must set out at once and explore the length of this new shore to the south. Two teams set out. One to the South East, one to the South West. (roll 3 for east, 4 for west).
rolled 7, 16, 14, 9, 6, 6 = 58
the raft floats! But... that's about all they can say for it. It hits a rock after a few hundred yards and quickly falls to pieces. They will need much better materials if they are to get one that can work.
They discover basic tools. Axe heads and shovels definitely seem to get the job done and before long, they have a few trees and branches they are able to chop into shape for a new and improved raft. Wave chips in with one of her fancy nets to bind it all together. And this new raft is set in the river (roll 1).
The Higitane is brought back to camp after some struggle. It is the first of its kind they have managed to recover in one piece. It is brought to the chamber of the All Mother for her wisdom. Frilla wishes to learn more about the beasts and, with the all mother's help, sets about dissecting it. Taking time to learn what it is and if it can be useful. (rolling for learning basic biology, harvesting its parts for tools/etc, and possible compatibility with lemUy spores)
The journey of the two exploration teams makes it to the edge of the jungle without event. They split up and head in the directions they were bidden. Who knows what they will discover! (roll 5 east, 6 west)
rolled 16, 12, 14, 16, 6 = 64
This raft certainly works, but no better than the previous one... Their design is all wrong. They need to learn better ways to bind the logs together. Something isn't working right, and they set out to experiment. Each of the skulks involved set forth to compete with one another to make a raft and the best one will win. (roll 1 for researching raft design, roll 2 for learning better ropesmanship, and 3 for rudimentary boatsmanship)
The tribe learns an astounding amount about Higitanes. They also discover the differences between plants and animals. The parts are put to good use. The plates from its armored hide go into making new armor for the hunters under shadow's training. The tooth bar makes an excellent sawing tool and is promptly put to use in the raft project. However it would seem that Higitane are incompatible with the LemUy spores. Which is sad.
The journey continues on. The team heading west encounters volcanoes! Such a terrifying sight is thrilling and dangerous at the same time. A hungry Bagr chases them away from exploring too long and they hurry towards the ocean! The team to the east hits a snag when they hit the great rift. Unable to cross such a span, they skirt around the edge of it, looking for a way across and end up backtracking quite a bit. (roll 4 west, 5 east)
the rafts that are made are quick and agile, though they suffer from being sturdy, best used in fair weather. ((one to two skulks on sails, one for rudder, and one operating the side rudders. the skulks have made boats that have multiple control surfaces like an aircraft.)) The skulks team work for operating the rafts is not the best. It takes 3 skulks to control the craft. ...the ropes are hard for them to manage, but they seem to have the basics of steering down.
the scout forces couldn't fare more differently. the western force scouts around the volcano's before seeing a tribe of joordos in the far distance. ((depends on if player is active if there is any response)) They also discovered a burned encampment with the eaten carcases of black feathered joords, tracks lead north, and appear to be govkar in nature. this is a bit concerning. ((Onolkeshan plays this tribe))
rolled 8, 5, 5, 1, 15 = 34
The Raft adventure works finally. One ambitious skulk invents sails out of massive leaves and vines and that seems to solve the problem of the rafts tipping over. With his adventurous team, they finally get a concept that works. Now all they have to do is set sail and see how it does in open water. (roll 1 for heading down river to the ocean)
The eastern team runs afoul of some bad weather and ends up stuck for quite some time at the breach gap in the great rift. However, they discover some tracks that look unusual and head on the path to explore them further (I think that one of the other tribes lives right around there or has passed through there recently) (rolling for any discoveries. If they fail this time, they're heading home)
Frilla and crew head back out after their lessons in Biology to the field again. With any luck this time, they will have time to actually set up their plan and catch a Great sky Ribbon so they can study it and find out if they could tame them like they have the gliding boomers. (Rolling for setting up the trap, finding a ribbon and then studying it)
rolled 15, 5, 2, 12, 15 = 49
(Holding off on the West until the Joords decide if they'll spot me or not)
The raft makes it most of the way down the river but gets caught up in the delta. They'll have to try something new to get this boat moving properly. Perhaps some sort of pushing mechanism to get it off of rocks... or maybe a means of steering. The team sets to work far from home to create this new technology(rolling for oars and other methods of controlling boats. Boatsmanship +1 basically).
The eastern tribe has failed in their mission. They can't seem to find anything useful and as their supplies run out, they get too afraid to venture farther and set their sights on returning home (rolling for returning home journey)
Frilla's team couldn't find their old traps, something must have taken them... But who could have done it? All that's out here are the Frilla... Hmm.. Well, perhaps they could stalk out and find where the Sky Ribbons reside? Nope! As they are searching a Giant Dahon swoops by and nearly manages to capture and devour Frilla before Wave and Swift free her from its clutches. Its time to return home and build some new traps. (rolling for new Traps)
Everyone at home is discovering new uses for these tools they've found, and are playing with the 'building blocks' they've got in the form of abundant lumber. They start to mess around with building fences to keep out predators... and new ways to capture food. A few try to make the trees into a medium for their stories... attempting to learn how to create shapes and visualize the words they sing and speak. (rolling for building a wall around the camp, a fence to keep out giga roha and discovering Art)
rolled 18, 12, 13, 5 = 48
Their boat is upgraded with a simple rudder and the skulks have managed to fashion some simple oars from driftwood and felled trees. They set back out towards the ocean. towards one of those islands in the distance. Who knows what will be out there. (roll 1)
The traps seem to be entirely the wrong plan. Nothing is going right. Maybe they need to come at this from a new angle. The girls set about to theory crafting and decide a new plan is in order. They're just going to 'Go for it" with the blessing of the All Mother. The three are just going to wait in ambush and jump on a Sky Ribbon's back as it passes by and hang on. See what happens. (rolling for each of the three's attempts)
The wall is quickly abandoned around the camp. There are already plenty of trees... why replant them? Seems redundant. However, the spears seem to do an excellent job blocking larger predators from coming into their territory, while also serving as a means for helping the tribe catch smaller fish.
And the beautifully painted spires become commonplace around the camp. each one tells a different story. They paint over the entirety of the abandoned wall in various colors and symbols. Art has found a home in this tribe. They even set out to color on the All Mother a bit too.
rolled 13, 4 = 17
The maiden voyage of the Horizon Finder is met with resounding success. They, sail out into open water for quite some time, making it to the small island and exploring for a few hours before hopping back on and returning home even more quickly than the trip before. The tribe anxiously awaits the news from the south, especially since one of their teams has returned already without much to show for it. (Is an 18 amazing success? If so, aside from making the journey, any other stuff a GM could add input to would be nice)
Frilla and Swift both land on the backs of Sky Ribbons and manage to hang on for a few moments before getting bucked off and sent crashing back into the canopy of the trees. For those few seconds though, they felt the rush of flying within them, and want more. They set out to try again, this time with some basic gear for hanging on better (rolling for Frilla and Swift)
Wave on the other hand, missed completely and sprained her leg on the landing. Angry and frustrated at all of this, she returns to camp and back to things she is good at. Fishing. She plans to set forth on the next voyage of the Horizon Finder.
The Western explorers are curious about these bird people and approach them out of curiosity. Completely unarmed but for claws and tentacles, it is up to the Joord to decide how they will react to these new visitors.
Frilla sticks the landing a second time but has to abandon her run when Swift misses and gets caught in the trees because of the harness. This could work... they just need to work on it. But, for now the Ribbons are all wary of them, and have moved off. The two return home for now and tell the tale of being part of the sky for a brief time. Next time they will try to make it worth the Ribbon's time instead of just doing it.
rolled 20, 16, 20, 1 = 57
(Since the western Joords are MIA, I'm just going to roll with this myself)
The western explorers reach the tribe, but everyone had picked up and fled before they got there. Distraught, the adventurers continue onwards for a while, and then turn back home. They have to report the sightings of this strange new species to the All Mother. As they are returning home, they discover the tracks of a large number of creatures heading north. This worries them and speeds them along their way even faster. They have to get home to alert the tribe (rolling for random encounter)
Meanwhile, back at camp, the Horizon Finder gets some upgrades and new crew and sets forth once more. This time, its going to explore the coastline as long as it can. With Wave going with them, they will be able to catch food along the way and sustain themselves indefinitely. Also heading with them is their mascot Skychild, the Gliding Boomer, and a few veteran sailors. A bunch of supplies to paint a map have also been brought with (rolling for upgrades to the ship, the preliminary journey down river and creating maps)
rolled 9, 4, 5, 4, 10 = 32
Frilla, anxious to make headway with the Ribbons, gathers up some fish this time and heads back to their territory. Swift heads with her decked out in some new Higitane armor. Together they are going to try to bribe some of the curious Sky Ribbons to them and hop on their backs while they are eating, using their harness to hang on better.
(rolling for luring in Ribbons with bait, getting on and riding them for each. Frilla first, then Swift)
rolled 8, 1 = 9
Their attempts at luring them in stall out as the Ribbons seem to be too skittish to come to the fish. Perhaps if they tried something the Ribbons eat on a regular basis. (rolling for following the ribbons to learn what they eat, and then attempting to harvest whatever it is)
Their failed attempts at viewing these beasts' daily routine infuriates Frilla into climbing a tree after them to get a better view. As she does so, a branch gives way and she falls, injuring herself badly. Swift has to carry her home on her back.
upon departure skychild knocks the paint onto the "paper" and ruins everything in that regard. while Frilla loves the mascot and thinks its bumbling is endearing, the fisher hates the damn thing. the upgraded ship is now longer, sleeker, with more options for ores, and refined control surfaces (think three dimensional rudders in the water for allowing it to cut thru waves easily) and even a rudimentary cabin with bunk areas. The ship rips down the river with astonishing speed, moving like oil across its surface. making the journey downstream in a day. ((this boat has proven itself as a good template, make more, they will all be equally good, your tribe are now accomplished shipwrights.))
the explorers decide following the tracks is critical and head into the volcanic region to ensure the safety of their tribe, making quick work and using stealth they spot a group of govkar in the far distance fighting monstrosities.
rolled 8, 9, 14 = 31
The Govkar fighting Bagrs intrigues the western scout team, who approach as the fighting ends. Unarmed but for their natural weapons, they attempt to make contact by slowly and cautiously approaching, arms outstretched in welcome.
(Its up to you how your tribe handles this Onolkeshan)
Also soon after battle Kharum looting Bagrs see the Skulks approaching them slowly. He ran to elder and informed about him what he saw while Nufa was listening next to him. Nufas reaction was quick as he told the elder that those witches only bring harm and should be eradicated immediately. However the skulks show no sign of hostility so elder gives command to gather all what they can and ignore these beings while they continue their travel. There is already many wounded and this way he will keep the tribe safe.
The western explorers track them at a distance, curious and intrigued, but since they retreated from their initial advances, they don't want to spook them. They stay out in the open, and follow the path. They don't try to hide from them... and even at one point advance beyond the tribe to clear some fallen trees from the path and scare off stalker ngugs that they were about to walk right into. Then, sit along the side of the road, quietly and peacefully watching them.
Soon all had other things to think about as there was again sighting of Skulks following them. Elder gave an order that this time they wouldn't flee but continue gathering the loot and if those pesky witches tried to get closer hunters would throw spears in front of them so give a clear message that they aren't welcomed. He also said that even if they aren't welcomed Kharum wouldn't be the one to attack. Only if the Skulks would reject the warnings and still get closer they would be killed.
The Western Explorers are confused by these creature's reactions. They don't seem overly hostile to them. But they throw things at them. Are they scared of us? One of the skulks picks up a spear and takes it with them, but they decide to leave the wanderers to themselves. They offer up a blessing of luck on their journey, and with the spear return to camp. There is so much to talk about! (rolling for adopting their spears as new tools, and any encounters on the way home)
Meanwhile, the ruined map making materials are put away for later, and much swearing was had by Wave. But the ship was fast and there was much adventuring to be had. They set off to sea and coast along the shallow beaches, exploring the extent of their homeland starting by heading east where the previous explorers could not reach. (Rolling for Encounters, also I believe Fortune's tribe is this way)
As the Horizon Finder heads out to sea, the rest of the tribe sets to work building more boats just like it. Soon they will be able to go wherever they want, whenever they want. (Rolling for making boats for the tribe)
Frilla's injuries are too severe for her to recover from and so, with great sadness and celebration, she is returned to the All Mother. Her wishes to soar to the heavens will be left to her progeny who will be named Sky. (rolling for auspicious birth)
rolled 13, 6, 20, 11 = 50
The boat sets out, without much fanfare. The water is calm, and the beaches are clear. They continue onwards, approaching the territorial lands of the Gantu.
The extra ships are just not quite as good without the original to work from. They decide to wait to finish them until the Horizon Finder returns. Instead they set to making a place for the boats to dock. (rolling for diverting a bit of the river to make a dock for the boats and learning more carpentry by building a bridge over the water)
Sky is born into the world and her first words are "I want to fly with the Ribbons" The tribe blesses her, and the All Mother places a special mark upon her to grant her luck. She spends her first few days amongst the Gliding Boomers, learning the basics of flying by practicing Hops. Then, Swift starts to teach her what they have learned about the Ribbons, and makes her a suit of flying armor as well. They set forth, ready to make their mark. (Rolling for finding the Sky Ribbons again, and Sky's attempt to approach them peacefully in order to ride.)
rolled 13, 1 = 14
The dock is filled with water without problem. Digging seems to come easy to the skulks and their new shovels. However, the axes and vines just don't seem to cut it when trying to make something intricate like a deck and mooring posts. Perhaps it is time they start figuring out what sort of other things they can make with rocks and sticks. (Researching more precise tools)
Sky and Swift find the Ancestral Home of the Great Sky Ribbons on their first outing. Sky clearly -was- born for this. She heads into their nesting grounds and while startled initially, the Ribbons seem to not mind her presence at all. They just don't approach her. Instead of a flight, she decides to spend time amongst them, learning their ways... with that knowledge she can gain their trust. (rolling for studying the Ribbons and gaining their trust)
Sky seems to have irritated the G.S.R something fierce when she's trying to look at their young, and a G.S.R took her up into the sky, as high as they can go... and out of sight of the tribe. Keep in mind that she's still alive, just way out of place and is scared out of her wits. She could fall, you know.
rolled 8 = 8
Sky screams at the top of her lungs (lungs?) as the GSR takes her farther into the sky than anyone has ever gone before. It's undulating body streaks into the air. Swift can do nothing but watch in horror as the two disappear into the clouds.
The first few moments feel like forever. The ground gets farther and farther away. As the clouds block her sight, the panic starts to fade. She's up here. Amongst the gods. Now, if she can just work her way to the thing's back. Like they trained... maybe she could make this work... She has to try. If she doesn't she'll die anyways. The All-Mother blessed her personally. Her mother died trying to do what she is doing now. Everything rides on this! Here goes nothing... !
rolled 2 = 2
She tries to get her vines around one of it's flying lobes but it is waving them too fast and hard for her to get purchase, she slips and almost falls, still dangling there are the beast climbs higher still, above the clouds themselves. She's got one more shot at this or its all over, her grip is slipping! Just one more try. Pull for all you're worth Sky!
rolled 4 = 4
She tries but the GSR flinches as she is about to get her leg up onto its back, sending her flying off and spiraling out of control into the sky. She's so high up. It feels like she can see the entire world from up here. Its so beautiful. Its a pity she's going to die up here. The ground is coming back to meet her.
She has a good minute to think about her fate from this high up. It all feels inevitable. What goes up, must come down. Maybe that is the fate of all the Skulks. Destined to remain on the earth forever. Its a shame. Her life was so short... will there be anything left of her to return to the All Mother? The ground is so close now. All that air is almost deafening... Wait... why is that Sky Ribbon turning around? Its coming back for her? Is it going to eat her before she hits the ground? That just seems suitable to her. She hopes it chokes on her. (Rolling for divine intervention or a horrible messy death. Low, she gets eaten, middle of the road she dies but can be returned to the tree, high... Lets hope its high.)
And in that fleeting moment, right before Sky hit the treeline, Swift could do nothing but watch as the Great Sky Ribbon swooped down and... Well... its better left unsaid
rolled 5, 17, 8 = 30
Rolling to see if it Chokes on her.
Swift is furious at this turn of events and immediately hurls her axe at the nearest grounded Sky Ribbon (rolling for attack) Then rushes over to the young that sky was investigating, grabbing them in her arms and running for it. Her sobs of sadness choked and drowned out by the mewling of the babies cradled in her arms. If they are going to take one of her nieces from her, then she will take their babies from them. And, when the time comes that they are tamed and the Skulk take to the heavens... she will carve Sky's name into these monsters. Personally.
Rolling as well to see if the babies survive and flourish back at camp to be trained for riding.
The GSR seems content in its meal and settles back down amidst its tribe. Although it is alarmed at another of its number writhing its death throes from the axe imbedded in its head.
Unfortunately, most of the babies don't survive the trip home. But, a pair of them do. It will have to be enough. For now.
rolled 4, 20, 8, 19, 7, 3 = 61
The baby Sky Ribbons are brought to the All Mother, where they are fed and sheltered and trained over the long months ahead. For now they are just little guys, but eventually, they will be huge and take to the sky once more. Swift watches over them with the help of the rest of the tribe, who take turns watching them. They are kept inside of a big Fish Trap so they can not escape and fly away. (rolling for training)
The strange people wander away The Western Scouts are confused by this, but take some time to scour the battle field, trying to figure out who those people were. (Rolling to find remnants of the Tribe and Bagrs, bodies, broken bits and pieces, etc)
The Horizon Finder scoots closer to the Gantu camp to get a better look. The massive ship would be very easy to see at this point. (How the Gantu react, I leave up to you Fortune.)
The All Mother suggests a new strategy once she hears of the loss of Sky. She wants to work with Shadow, and try to reproduce without costing the tribe one of their own. She would basically be using her functional body to stand in for one of the skulk. Hopefully this new union will bring about a horde of new children, all with memories and traits from the All Mother, but without having to return anyone to the tree. (Rolling for new breeding method)
The remaining members of the tribe continue to work on learning how to work with wood. So far, they are reluctant to do too much to the plants, wanting to preserve their shape as best they can. But, instead trying to work with that natural form to find purpose. They continue to build boats, and the dock for them.
(rolling for building more boats, the dock and researching natural carpentry)
Initially, the babies are kinda hostile to their captors. Snipping at fingers and avoiding food. They seem to be having issues. Perhaps its being so close to the mother tree. All those spores it shoots out. They seem to be reacting to it (Rolling for Spore Mutation and then continued training)
The breeding does not go well initially. Shadow's Kith Fruit are not really ready to have another clutch yet. They will try it the other way around. Perhaps if the All Mother takes in the Gels from ripe kith fruit instead of the skulk themselves... She can act as an incubator for the tribe without killing any one (Rolling for more experimenting)
Two-eye returns with a haul of fish, the docks just are not working right. There is no room for them and they don't seem to accomplish anything. He suggests sticking some trees in to the ground to tie off the fleet to and leave it at that. It'll have to do for now.
Natural carpentry is just -not- working. If they want to get something done more efficiently they will have to either breed trees to do what they want or cut them to shape. They set out to try both methods. (Rolling for Horticulture/Tree shaping and learning actual carpentry)
Two-Eye's fish are brought to the pond above the All Mother. While Wave is away, he is going to try that fish farming idea she had again, only this time, keep the curious and hungry skulks away from them so they have time to establish themselves in the body of water (rolling for Aquaculture)
The Sky ribbons start to get sick one night and fall into a coma for a few days. The entire tribe spends the night singing and praying over them. At the end of the third day, they shed their skins and appear anew. Their coloration has changed, and their eyes now shine with vaguely skulk-like shine. The LemUy have changed them to suit the Kaze's needs. After this transformation, the pair of Ribbons seem to almost understand the tribe's words and no longer need the cage. They make a roost inside the All Mother and are quite playful.
The second time was the charm with the breeding experiments. The entire tribe offer up their Kith Fruit to the All Mother one night and she takes them within herself. The next day, the Kith Fruit are all beginning to ripen with baby Skulk's inside. Its a success! The tribe may just double in number without any loss of life!
For whatever reason, all this commotion has kept the tribe from getting much done with the carpentry and Horticulture. It doesn't really jive with their teachings, and their tools are not the best for what they need to do. Perhaps its back to the drawing board.
The dock workers of the tribe set to the task of laying down boats with excitement and pride. without having to coax the trees to do what they want, cutting them to shape goes much faster. Five boats total, each one slightly different then the next but based off of the first. Each is an experiment in its own right, different materials, techniques, and more. boat one- made of living wood, rope of vine, the result of an earlier attempt at "natural carpentry" heals damage, requires care. boat two- made of frilla bark. very light weight and fast. modified controls allow for one crew member to control the entire ship. boat three- carved from a fallen frilla tree. its one solid piece and very durable with a closed top. boat four-made mostly from bones, sinew, tendons, and leather. all treated with dried azrach sap to make it waterproof. Its construction was nearly halted when word of it reached the mother tree, but it was close to completion by that point, and finished anyway. It is viewed as a bad omen. Flies black sails. boat five-twice as big, but the same design as the first boat the tribe ever made. needs twice the crew
The Horizon Finder comes to shore just off the coast of the Gantu tribe's land. The ship's leaf sails flapping in the breeze just as Pa'a'ulapena is looking out to sea and pondering how to get out there.
Wave and her crew hop down off the boat, cautious at first, but somewhat in awe of the massive beasts. They are holding their arms wide with their claws out and their vines coiled up on their backs. Attempting to show they are unarmed, although the size of their claws is undeniable. As is this massive tree-like thing they just washed up on.
A more accurate translation takes some elaboration. On a basic level, it's more like: "Hello, beloved stranger." The phrase "beloved stranger" is a strange one to our ears, but to Stone-Age Mohu'awane, such hospitality is endemic to their culture, and to their nature. Stranger to us is a term fraught with fear and with uncertainty. To the Mohu'awane Gantu, it's nothing less than something to celebrate. A full, and more accurate description of the full meaning of "ohu'o'ua" would be:
"Hello, person that I do not yet know. Though I know you not, not even your name, I cannot wait to meet you and look forward to calling you friend."
It is this warm welcome Pa'a'ulapena gives to the landing Skulk. Unfortunately, language barriers, for now, prevent them from realizing the depth of love that these people have, even for those they know not. The Gantu at this stage cannot imagine wishing anyone harm, cannot imagine anyone wishing harm on them. A Gantu cannot even conceive of the possibility that someone would *not* want to be friends. Pa'a'ulapena greets the Kaze with a full-bellied "ohu'o'ua", and reflects their gesture of arms open wide. He would smile, but Pa'a'ulapena has the restraint to avoid this, as his are the teeth of a carnivore, and he does not wish to frighten these potential new friends off like a skittish animal.
rolled 19, 20 = 39
Wave is very cautious at first. All those mishaps with the Ribbons are fresh in her memories. These giants seem... warm. And did they just mimic her actions? Perhaps they are intelligent. Wait they tried to speak to... that was definitely language. Uhhh.... what should she do now? Her name perhaps? Right.. that should work.
Wave pointed out to the water. Moving her hand like the waves and then gesturing to herself. Saying her name in the language of the Kaze tribe. "I am Wave. Kind Giant." She points to her crew and the ship. "This is my crew and our ship. We come from the Jungle and seek to go out to meet our Gods. This water is poison though and we have no experience..." the words just keep pouring from her mouth, she knows they won't understand but she continues to ramble on, telling them everything with gestures and eventually breaks down to drawing in the sand. Pictures of what could be clouds and water and trees a really weird looking tree. The rest of the crew kinda look at one another waiting to see what they can do to help, and come up with a plan of their own. They decide to go gather some of their fish and offer them up as a Gift! Frilla taught them that to gain something's trust you have to give it food first. They grab a large River Kafka and present it to them, while Wave's sand drawings get more and more intricate.
rolled 19, 12, 5, 11 = 47
(reposting a little so the rolls match up)
The Western Explorers are confused by these creature's reactions. They don't seem overly hostile to them. But they throw things at them. Are they scared of us? One of the skulks picks up a spear and takes it with them, but they decide to leave the wanderers to themselves. They offer up a blessing of luck on their journey, and with the spear return to camp. There is so much to talk about! (rolling for adopting their spears as new tools, and any encounters on the way home)
Meanwhile, back at camp, the tribe is spending their time welcoming their new children to the tribe. The All Mother's experiment worked and the tribe is prospering. However, with so many mouths to feed now, they are going to have to expand their food supply to meet everyone's needs. The fishing has been good, and Shadow's game trail has produced much, but now it is time to expand and find more.
Two-eye eventually gets over his funk and sets out on the Black Flag. It suits his mood. It doesn't take long before their flag is sporting a rendition of Two-eye's face upon it. Using some of their new tools, and traps, the Black Flag sets out to go upriver and attempt to hunt some fish. With this new ship, they're going to try and find something bigger. Perhaps some of those crushers. (rolling for finding new fishing holes to support the tribe, and using spears and tools to hunt larger prey)
rolled 7, 17 = 24
It wasn't a good map, but it would do, for now. It gave the tribe a means to know where things were in relation to themselves and allowed them to not rely so heavily on previous experience to find places.
Swifts' hunting trip wasn't nearly as successful as she had hoped, but there would be more. Many more to come. Her harpoon managed to claim the life of a medium sized male and the rest of the tribe joined her in dragging the beast from the Ribbon's nesting ground. However, the things were just too large and fast to catch more than the one this trip. The babies would have to wait. It seemed that after last time, the Ribbons were getting even more protective of their young.
The Black Flag has no experience on the ocean, and their crew is terrified by the constant waves and deep water. They quickly return to shore and disembark from the ship. To learn more about this strange poison water, they shall work from the shallows at first, although, getting into this liquid is painful and it burns their hides quickly. Something will definitely have to be done to make themselves resistant to this poison. But what? There has never been water that the Kaze could not enter. How can it be done. They decide to return home and discuss this with the tribe.
The Kaze Ribbons are growing fast! Their keepers feed them regularly, and take them out for training with wearing the harnesses and being around the Kaze every day. But, these two will not be enough for the whole tribe. Especially if they cannot collect more babies. So, the keepers attempt to breed the pair they have to increase the stock (Rolling for Training the Ribbons, and Domesticating/Breeding them)
Pa'a'ulapena watches as the strange, small green creature gestures. It seems to be talking... yes, what else could it be? Of course, *what* this visitor seems to be saying is lost on him. Then it begins drawing pictures... pictures in the sand. Pa'a'ulapena kneels down, watching with rapt fascination as the images explain what words cannot. They are... no, it, no, her? Her name is Wave. Named for a feature of Mother Ocean. Then a concept he doesn't understand... friends? On this strange floating thing... (OOC: The Gantu don't have much in the way of rank or authority, nor do they have anything resembling a vehicle, the word crew, though communicated well, is not a concept they understand yet). Friends aboard the floating thing. They come from... the jungle... then what were they doing on the seas? Come to meet their gods? Perhaps they seek Mother Ocean? No, they just came from there, they must be seeking Little Brother, the Hunter and the Guardian. Or... perhaps they have gods of their own? Who knows? A few minutes ago, Pa'a'ulapena didn't even know other intelligent species existed. Anything was possible, he supposed.
He begins to understand her, most of the words, at least. (Some concepts that Wave attempts to communicate might not yet exist in Mohu'awane culture) He is about to respond, when they present him with a gift of fish, a BIG one. Well, they either know or share Gantu appetites, that's a good sign. Pa'a'ulapena smiles, beaming. He tries to communicate for the Kaze to wait there (do I have to roll for this?), he has to tell the chief, Hell, tell the whole tribe! What wonderful news, we are not alone in the universe, truly, Big Sister was even more bountiful than *ever* imagined, life took far more forms than the Gantu had known before.
Pa'a'ulapena has had First Contact. The Age of Innocence is over.
The Kaze Ribbons are too busy breeding to make much progress in training, but they are quite successful at laying their first batch of eggs. Soon, the tribe will have their own family of Kaze Ribbons to call their own. Their trainers couldn't be any happier.
Upon giving the giant a fish, it seemed to be happy. Or at least hungry, and then it ran away but it motioned for them to wait didn't it? It certainly liked the pictures at least. The crew all sat down and started to sing quietly in happiness as they waited to see what all the commotion was off in the distance.
When Pa'a'ulapena returned, he brought an entire crowd with him. It seemed like the whole of the tribe was curious about these visitors. But ahead of them all was the wizened old chieftain, bent over, but still a woman of power, whose very presence demanded respect.
Pa'a'ulapena gets a great idea. The strangers have a thing that floats, they will not mind if he looks at it. walking past surprised sulks right onto their boat a few follow him but do nothing. He opens doors, plays with various things pointing and questioning in the most understandable ways. Much is learned. the visitors seem happy enough to help him out. ((its likely that the thought of the boat being just theirs a thought, and they are new neighbors, and he is not taking it. so a little walk around to see and learn is no big deal))
rolled 20, 5 = 25
Thunder, the original creator of the boat happens to be on hand, and is quite happy that the Gantu seem to take an interest in his work. With some effort, he does his best to explain the workings of their ship. How it works, and the oars. There is a brief moment where he pulls out one of the Oars to show them where the Gantu get a little jumpy, but they all chuckle when the misunderstanding is cleared up.
The ship is fairly basic in principle. Built with naturally occurring pieces of wood rather than specially shaped with tools. The boat's sail leaves flap in the wind and have different positions they can be tied in to catch the wind. The Kaze explain that they sleep under the stars, so the 'rooms' they have built are more for storing supplies than themselves.
The Kaze eventually try to explain that the water is poisonous to them, and that is their problem at this point. They have no means for storing water for trips and the salt dries them out very fast.
(rolling for teaching the Gantu basic boating, and trying to communicate their own problems in an attempt to solve the problem together)
The gantu pick up even more so on the ways of boating, and seem excited. As for language..its hard for the gantu to grasp the spoken words, but the body language, tone, and gestures he gets quite well. Ultimately the skulk simply dips part of an arm into the salt water. after a few moments the skin is irritated and rashy, small lesions form where fluid seeps out, then "crawls" back into the opening. the Gantu is shocked that a creature who sails the mother ocean would have it be anathema to it. Perhaps these creatures are not of their gods.
the tribe has to stop and set up camp for the night, a blizzard rolls in, thankfully they have these new furs to keep them warm. The adolescents and children of the tribe are making wads of snow to throw at each other. snow wads if you will. all is well. while everyone is asleep the winds carry a giant ribboner crashing near the camp. more meat? whatever god who looks over this exodus is smiling on them. It may be of some use... but it seems like it has eaten recently, and it has lots of puncture marks that seem to originate from the inside.