Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
Were you looking for Rogal Dorn, the Galaxy's Most Stubborn Man?
"Imagine naming a main tank after a Primarch – but not the one who masterminded the defence of the Imperium in its darkest hour. The time has come to correct this grievous error."
- – Warhammer Community
The Rogal Dorn Battle Tank is a new Imperial Guard AFV, revealed as part of their big 2022 refresh. It is a chonkier and shootier big brother of the old reliable Leman Russ and seems to specialize in siege work, both breaking and anchoring defensive lines with its wide variety of guns. Its main turret can carry either two Battle Cannons or an Oppressor Cannon, an anti-armour gun that can supposedly one-shot anything up to and including a Chaos Knight. It can also carry a hull-mounted Castigator gatling cannon or Pulverizer cannon, a baby version of the Demolisher cannon, along with the usual array of extra weapons: hull-mounted stubbers or meltas, sponson-mounted bolters or multi-meltas, and last of all a pintle-mounted heavy stubber in case you feel like reenacting the last twenty minutes of Fury with Your Dudes. Stay tuned for updates as to how this thing performs.