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The Samurai were a warrior class which existed in premodern japan. In the Heian Period (794 to 1185) the Imperial government in Kyoto turned to rely on a type of militarized peasants for cavalry soldiers in wars of conquest against the people of Northern Honshu and as enforcers against rebels and people late with their taxes and as they were full time fighters they were generally more reliable than peasant levies. These would be put under the command of a leader known as a Shogun. After the end of the Heian Period, central power broke down and local leaders took power. In this time of division the Samurai became the main fighters in war as well as leaders, both of soldiers on the battlefield and eventually political leaders, founding powerful clans vying for power. Eventually order was restored under the Tokugawa Shogunate, in which the land was divided among various prominent samurai clans and lower ranking samurai served as policeman, bureaucrats and public officials. After the Boshin War (1868-1869), the Samurai class was formally abolished. In government, samurai were replaced by non hereditary civil servants and in military affairs they were replaced by a new conscript army.

In that they were generally heavy cavalrymen, the class was generally hereditary and eventually became the main holders of power, Samurai could be thought of as rough analogues to western knights.

Samurai Weapons and equipment

Samurai were very fond of these
  • Yumi: Composite bows made of bamboo. The first Samurai were mainly archers and archery would remain a very big part of samurai fighting.
  • Yari: Spears, usually used to fend off cavalry and as lances
  • Naginata: Pole arms with a sword blade at the end
  • Tanegashima: in 1543, some Portuguese ships got to Japan in search of business opportunities. When they got to Japan, they sold a few of their matchlocks muskets to a Daimyo in the south of Japan, who promptly had them taken apart and soon had them replicated. The Samurai quickly became very keen on these new weapons and made heavy use of them.
  • Swords: Their katanas of destruction Several varieties, including no-dachi, wakizashi and katana. The iron ore in Japan has a high level of impurities, as such Japanese swordsmiths worked out a method of folding and refolding steel during forging to work out impurities. This made them rather sharp and fairly strong, though they were also fairly brittle and not the best weapons for use against heavy armor. Additionally, samurai swords were mostly a symbol of their position and authority than the super death weapon romantics would insist. This is because the array of swords samurais carry were reserved to their class alone, no other class may carry the arrangement of swords samurais carry. This is why samurais normally carry out their popularized duels using their swords than their full arsenal; it is a matter of their class' honor than it being the ultimate weapon. In actual combat, however, the swords were normally reserved as backup weapons, since they have long learned that poking their enemies to death with pointy sticks and/or shooting them with guns were a more pragmatic options.
  • Armor: Several varieties existed, including chainmail, scale armor, laminar armor and eventually plate, generally backed up with leather and silk.


In general samurai (or at least those who got somewhere besides an early grave) were a pragmatic and practical lot. Even so, they did not want their subordinates to be a bunch of unruly drunken armed louts, a hazard to themselves and others. As such they were generally instructed to follow Buddhist and Confucian teachings and (especially for the latter) loyalty to one's superiors was a key part in this. Eventually you got rough codes of conduct emerging for samurai called Bushido, which stressed (along with loyalty) frugality, honesty, duty and conducting their tasks and affairs in a proper manner.

This rough mentality was taken after the Samurai were abolished during the 1920s-40s and blown out of proportions with a heaping dose of nationalism. This was done militarists who had taken took control of Japan and wanted a militarized society to crank out fanatical conscripts to conquer china and east asia with.

Tabletop RPGs

Samurai are a prominent fixture in just about any fantasy setting with an "ancient Japan" derivative somewhere in the world, which is to say that they're in just about any fantasy setting.

In Dungeons and Dragons, the samurai was introduced as a class in third edition. It sucked. Later, under the quasi-D&D system of Pathfinder, the samurai class became a derivative of the cavalier class, which, in addition to making sense (the cavalier class is basically a mounted knight, and samurai were basically the Japanese equivalent) also makes them mechanically playable.

Outside the gigantic D&D juggernaut, most of the player characters in Legend of the Five Rings are going to be samurai of one stripe or another, though unlike D&D it refers to the entire social class, including courtiers and sorcerer-priests along with the warriors.

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