Shortstack is slang assimilated into the /tg/ lexicon from /d/ describing an attractive female of an unusually short stature. Unlike a loli, though, a shortstack has the same physique as a grown woman, just squashed vertically. This has the effect of accentuating dat ass and dem tits to unreal levels while preserving the appeal of a man-portable fuckbuddy.
The shortstack's weeaboo cousin is the oppai loli, a loli with adult-sized (or larger) breasts. Needless to say, the oppai loli is of only tangential relevance to /tg/, mainly springing from its appearances in Mon Musu Quest! and related media.
Shortstacks in /tg/ media usually cross-pollinate with monstergirls, as the fact a woman hails from a non-human race is used as an excuse to get away with giving them a distinctly unrealistic build. Popular shortstack races on /tg/ include the kobold, goblin, gnome, halfling and dwarf.