The 9th Age

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The 9th Age is a community project and various fan fiction created in response to the Skub (a fairly major understatement) that came about from End Times and Age of Sigmar in Warhammer Fantasy.

What some Warhammer Fantasy fans had hoped 9th to be.

The project seeks to be a natural evolution of 8th Edition with balanced rules for every Warhammer model, and lore that reflects the army while being changed enough to avoid copyright issues. The team has a lawyer on retainer in case Games Workshop decides to sue, although the wisdom of them doing so would be poor since it only serves to sell their models for them. The rules writers grew out of the team that worked on the unofficial Warhammer Fantasy tournament competitive rules after GW eliminated their own official tourneys, while the lore is worked on by a larger crew recruited to adapt Warhammer into a more generic loreset while retaining the same flavor and has relied on work from the community as a whole via the forums. Lore is being carefully written to represent each faction at various points in Warhammer history, so any version of the lore you prefer is represented. In addition, all lore is presented as an account so fans can disregard anything they dislike and count their own favored interpretation.

The game is in a constant state of production, with dedicated rules creation and balance being an ongoing effort that sees every army tweaked when a new faction is added or an existing faction gets an overhaul to best ensure minimum power creep or overpowering. In addition, beta editions which serve only as a public playtesting have been released (some of the skub regarding balance has in fact come from people downloading these rules and thinking they were the current edition).

Major Changes

NOTE: The 9th Age Team keeps a very good record of change logs, look at the back of any document and you will see the changes compared to the previous version summarized and color-coded.

8e to T9A

1.0 designed to be Warhammer Fantasy with all of the Tournament common sense balancing incorporated, as well as many of the long-running gripes resolved. Close as possible to 8e.

  • Battle Standard Bearers can take Magic Items, and have a total Magic Item allowance that any Magic Banner fits into. A BSB can take a Magic Banner of any point value, but it also sucks up your Magic Item allotment. For example taking a 100 point Banner will prevent the BSB from having any magic gear, taking a 100 point Magic Armor won't let you take a Magic Banner. If a theoretical 150 point Banner makes it into the game your BSB can still take it even though they have a 100 point limit on their magic items, but you won't be able to take anything else magic on top of it.
  • Units now have two point values; the value of taking the bare minimum models of a Unit, and a number of points per additional model. This isn't always equivalent. For example an entry may be 100 points for 25 models but each additional model, to a maximum of 40 total per Unit, may cost 6 points each rather than 4. This is sometimes higher and sometimes lower.
  • Riders and Mounts share profiles, sort of like The End Times special characters. The book lays out when you mount a character on something on which model part attributes to use in certain situations (like using Toughness of the Mount when being attacked, or the Initiative of the rider on the offense) but as far as an opponent targeting goes the entire kit is treated as a single target (so no shooting a horse out from under a rider, no shooting a rider off a horse, the whole thing just dies). This is called a Combined Profile.
  • Characters and Command all have the First In Rank rule, but you can divide them as you will rather than in a specific order. This is important because in 8e Characters joining a Unit would only have to reach the back of a horde and somehow teleport a full turns worth of Movement in order to reach the front of the Unit to join it, whereas now there are more places it can go and thus less distance it somehow travels (gets crowd-surfed?) in less than a second.
  • In Deployment, both characters roll a die. The one who rolls higher chooses which one of the players chooses deployment sides. The other player chooses who starts to deploy first, and players can deploy as many Units as they want before allowing the other player to deploy Units. Whoever gets all their Units on the board first (other than those which deploy after this step) gets a bonus for however many Units their opponent hasn't deployed on a die roll to see who goes first (so if you put down your entire army at once, you automatically go first since your bonus goes beyond what your opponent can roll). This gives a tremendous strategic importance on deployment, allowing you to sacrifice whatever steps don't matter to you (which side of the board you start on, countering what your opponent deploys, and having the first turn) for what you do want.
  • Rather than True Line Of Sight, models have a line of sight based on the type of Terrain between them and model size based on what kind of model it is, rather than just which model is physically taller (which was punishing for players who wanted to do fancy basing for their models or just use things like taller characters, or had random advantages when custom terrain was used).
  • Units can March into Buildings. But no model can go more than triple their Movement to get into a building (so a long "bus" formation where most of the Unit can get into the building don't teleport those in the end into it).
  • "Move Or Fire" has been replaced by Unwieldy, which adds an additional -1 To Hit if models move that turn.
  • Volley Fire ignores Cover provided by other Units, and the entire Unit can shoot rather than just the first two Ranks.
  • "Look Out Sir!" is removed. If there is at least five Rank & File of the same Troop Type, they automatically get hit.
  • Cannons use Ballistic Skill To Hit, then it becomes a line template. Do Ordinance Wounds, which is D3+1 (+1 additional if Target is Flying) instead of D6. Templates hit whatever they hit rather than just 1 model per Rank and File.
  • Flame Template is removed, whatever used it causes 2D6 Hits instead.
  • Spells in general are less powerful individually and won't automatically win or lose a game, less bonuses to casting, less Magic Dice obtained per turn, limit 5 Magic Dice to cast a spell, Overwhelming Power is not automatically cast or dispelled, Miscast is based on how many Magic Dice used to cast the spell.
  • Units with a Champion always get a minimum of a 4 result on the Charge.
  • If a Unit Flees a Charge, and its redirected into a second Unit that also Flees, in 8e both would count as a failed Charge; in T9A, the Charging player may default to a successful Charge against the first.
  • The Make Way rule lets a Character get into the front Rank to get into Combat, like in 8e, but ONLY into the front Rank unlike 8e. This means getting a Flank Charge won't put a blender lord into you until they perform a Combat Reform.
  • Rank and File models always target Rank and File models, whereas in 8e some armies could fill the front Rank full of Characters which prevented the Rank and File from being able to attack the Unit.
  • Always Strikes First replaced by Lightning Reflexes, which provides a +1 To Hit rather than a To Hit reroll.
  • Killing Blow replaced by Lethal Strike, so instead of automatically killing on a roll of a 6 the attack just ignores Armor Save and Regeneration rolls.
  • Models are not moved to be in a Challenge. You only get a maximum of 3 Overkill. Characters who refuse a Challenge do not move and cannot attack or use their Leadership benefits (like Hold Your Ground and +1 Combat Resolution, or BSB benefits if they were a BSB), and can still be attacked; in 8e a way to protect weak characters like Wizards was having them refuse a challenge and move to the back.
  • No Insane Courage, automatic Break instead.
  • Standard Bearers don't die automatically if they Break, they just lose their Standard.
  • No Post-Combat Reforms, only Pivots.
  • No army-wide Fear (like Undead and Daemons had).
  • Fear causes -1 Leadership to any models in Base Contact.
  • Fear-causing models take Terror Tests if Charged by Terror-causing models. In Close Combat, Fear-causing models do not take Terror Tests.
  • Parry means you cannot be hit by a 4+ To Hit, whereas in 8e it was a 6+ Ward Save.
  • Spears provide Armor Piercing 1, Fight In Extra Ranks if you didn't Charge with them, and gives Lethal Strike against Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, and Chariots from the front Rank.
  • Flails have +2 Strength as in 8e, but your opponent gets +1 To Hit against models with them.
  • Paired Weapons have +1 Attack as in 8e, but also +1 Initiative.
  • Units Fleeing with 25% of their starting number or less Rally on half their Leadership rounded up, rather than 2 in 8e.
  • Flammable models being attacked by Flaming Attacks allows a reroll To Wound rather than causing double Wounds.
  • Flaming Attacks ignore Regeneration just for that specific attack rather than removing it for the entire phase.
  • Redirectors are no longer a possibility. Situations where one Unit creates a situation where neither can be made Base Contact with require the Units to be moved as little as possible for that to occur.
  • Nagash removed.

1.0 To 1.1

1.2 To 1.3

Designed to move away from Warhammer Fantasy, incorporating some things from older Warhammer Fantasy editions but also moving slightly away from it for legal reasons. Team reports they want as few major changes as possible, and packed most of them into this update.

Because of the loss of some customizations and heavily botched magic, many wargamers called this edition and later ones The Nerfed Age and became one of the reasons why the game got banhammered from Adepticon. Massive rage followed with insiders and youtubers like Lord Tremendous leaving the community.

  • Every army now has its own minimum amount of Core required, rather than a universal core tax. Armies also have different limits on the other categories.
  • Rare has been removed as a category in all armies. It has been replaced by army-specific categories.
  • Lords and Heroes are now just Characters.
  • Standard game size has increased from 2500 points to 4500 points. Skirmish games are below 3000 points, large scale games are 8000 points or higher. Models have has point increases to reflect this, most proportionally although some are cheaper or stronger as a nerf or buff for balancing reasons.
  • Many Lord and Hero versions of the same basic model are a single option, you upgrade a standard version and based on how many points you have invested in it the model is now either equivalent to the Lord or Hero version.
  • Models may now count as being part of more than one category, counting towards the limit or minimum of all applicable categories.
  • Models now have a model footprint called a Boundary Rectangle, meaning that incomplete Ranks still count as a full Rank for the purpose of determining if a model is visible, in Terrain, and can be in Close Combat.
  • Line Of Sight is only a property of the front facing of the Unit, and every individual model has their own Line Of Sight meaning there are circumstances where part of a Unit can shoot and part will not.
  • Models can temporarily move 25% off the table as long as they end their Movement entirely back on it.
  • Overwhelming Power adds an extra Magic Die, removed from the Magic Pool of the casting player, which is allowed to exceed the 5 Die limit.
  • Miscasts are determined by rolling D3+1, doubling the result, multiplying it by the number of Magic Dice used in the casting (minus the bonus Overwhelming Power one) and taking cumulative negative effects based on the result.
  • Captured Standards can be Raised, all models Raised go into the back Rank unless they have the Front Rank rule.
  • Vortex Spells removed.
  • Round templates removed because of some WAAC's fee-feehs.
  • Learning Spells is different from becoming a higher level Wizard. Both cost points independent of each other.
  • Nagash removed.

1.3 To 2.0

  • Weapon Skill is separated in Offensive and Defensive Skill.
  • Armour modifiers through Strength removed.
  • Instead of rolling for Spells, you choose which you want that is available.
  • Magic phase is overhauled.
  • A shit ton of small changes and edits.
  • All units now have a maximum amount of times it can be included in a army.
  • Units can no longer move temporarily outside the Board Edge.
  • General does not need to have the highest leadership
  • Units freshly rallied are now Shaken (new status, see later).
  • Removed rules within rules (Example: units with Terror new don't inherently have Fear but is now stated to have it on its unit card)
  • Nagash removed.

2.0 to Gold Edition

Since December there is a rules freeze for 3 years and released the new Daemon Legions army book, replacing all the Chaos gods with the 7 sins. The Chaos factions have been going through constant changes since the re-release beta, having the most tweaks than any other faction.

Army Change Summaries

Currently there are no named characters in The 9th Age, although the magazine supplements have added some optional armor sets which emulate a named character as a kind of beta test of the idea. Some, like Lord Skrolk or High Queen Khalida who had rules that affect other models have had their rules integrated directly into the army (Skrolk making Plague Monks into Core options is default for the army for example, and Khalida's arrow buff is now contained within a magic item upgrade). Some The End Times models like Morghasts have rules, others like Nagash do not. Army changes are listed in the respective army pages (which are in varying stages of completion).

Lore Changes

Note that all lore is intentionally written from an in-universe perspective and by other factions, allowing free disregard of anything not liked by players and substitute it with their own in a manner similar to how Rick Priestley viewed Warhammer lore itself. All lore is presented as an alternative to Warhammer lore if desired, and is not the mandatory setting.

Some on /tg/ find the lore pointless and say the purpose of T9A is rules for Warhammer rather than being a new thing. Others enjoy the fact that new content of some kind will be produced. What is generally agreed in is anything is better than ET or AoS to anyone interested in T9A in the first place.

The Q&A about lore is presented by an in-universe sage named Sigmund Selig, the son of a Arcalean merchant and a Equitain maid. He was well-educated and is well-traveled and resides in Avras, and many queries about in-game lore earns rebukes from him before being answered, from "you're trying to get me killed by Dwarfs" to "you're trying to get me killed by Witch Hunters".


The history of the setting was initially related in a Dwarf poem found on a tapestry in-universe in poem and accompanying illustrations detailing the nine ages of the world. Each completed army book details in more of the history, and reveals complexity in some things which each race has a different version of.

I In the Unmeasured Age the Coatl (Slaan) and their servants the Saurians (Lizardmen), used the mortal races as slaves to mine and construct their ziggurats. The slaves were Elves, humans, Dwarves (used for mining gems for the Saurians), Ogres, and Orcs. Giants ruled the continent of Vetia (The Old World). When a great comet fell and separated the continents resulting in the Shattered Sea (the Vortex) cutting the Saurian homeland into two halves called Silexia (Naggaroth) and Virentia (Lustria), the mortals united and rebelled successfully.

II In the Golden Age the Dwarves settled the mountains and reunited with their kin in Taphria (the Southlands). The Elves took to sea and settled the continents of the west called the White Isles by other races and Celeda Ablan (Ulthuan) by the Highborn Elves (High Elves) and eventually moved the Pearl Throne (Phoenix King's Court) there, although many of the Elves refused to leave Vetia and a schism formed between the two Elf groups. Humans spread out and founded many diverse cultures from Naptesh (Nehekhara) to Tsuandan kingdom on the continent of Augea (Cathay). Even Orcs built a civilization, led by a king known as the "Fair-Eyed Orc". Only a single Orc named Akrübad saw the end of the golden age coming. Dwarfs managed to get into conflict with Elves dwelling in forests.

III Then came the Age Of Death AKA the First Age Of Ruin AKA The Age Of Woes with Beast Herds (Beastmen), a race which has their own tragic origins and did not initially serve the Dark Gods. Dwarves attempted to repel the invaders and called on their allies for aid, but the Elves were dealing with problems of their own. The Beast Herds had destroyed much of the homes of the Vetian Elves with some retreating into the Wyscan Wood (Athel Loren) to become Sylvan Elves (Wood Elves), the rest fleeing to the west. The inability of the Elves to aid the Dwarves was seen as intentional betrayal causing animosity between Elves and Dwarves. In the human kingdom of Naptesh the high priest Setesh (Nagash) and his servants including Nepharet (Neferata) assassinated the king Phatep (Settra) then drank his blood which caused them to become the first of the Vampire Covenant (Vampire Counts). Phatep's wife Teput (Khalida) took command of the armies resulting in a civil war which ended when Setesh stole the powers from the Naptaan god of death and the remaining gods cursed the land, rendering it lifeless as no Naptaan can remain dead and the sides loyal to Phatep battle eternally with those loyal to Setesh. The architect Haskhunet fled Naptesh and created an army of undead and animated constructs in the service of Emperor Xun, last Emperor of the united Tsuand.

IV In the Age Of Iron AKA Second Age Of Ruin a city situated between Vetia and Augia called Avras, a Rome expy, grows to become an empire under their primary god named Sunna (Rule 63 Sigmar). Orcs and Goblins turn against the rest of the civilized races, and assail the Dwarves. Avras and the Dwarves unite and manage to repel the combined greenskins and Beast Herds although the Dwarves are driven from the White Mountains (Karaz Ankor).

V In the Age Of Plague AKA the Third Age Of Ruin the Dwarves and armies of Avras retook the White Mountains and in gratitude the Dwarves built a great wall to protect Avras. Avras is hit by a terrible plague, followed by an invasion from the Vermin Swarms (Skaven) which claim to be the descendants of the early Avrasians, worshiping evil versions of the Avras gods. The Dwarves claim to have found their "hidden foe" although whether this refers to the Vermin or Dark Gods is unknown. The top general of Avras named Gaius Dexion falls in love with a Vampire and declares war on the Avras Senate, and the High Priest of Sunna named Quintus Augustus tries to ally with the Vermin agaist Dexion. The Vermin betray Augustus and conquer Avras, led by the Rat King (pre-godhood Horned Rat) and their own Senate (the Council Of Thirteen). The Elves who refused to join the Highborn Elves or the Sylvan Elves settle on the continent of Silexia and found the Dathen Republic, calling themselves Daeb although all other races refer to them as Dread Elves (Dark Elves). Hardened by their suffering, the Daeb society is based on freedom and liberty for citizens, with all other beings as slaves and enemies. The Highborn attempt to reassert control over the rest of the world Elves, with a three-way open war resulting.

VI The Age Of War AKA Fourth Age Of Ruin the Dwarves prepared a last stand while humans and Vermin fought over Avras. The Orcs spent their strength against the Dwarves and were then beaten by the Beast Herds, who also exhausted themselves against the Dwarves and were driven back by the Vermin, who themselves similarly spent their strength attempting to defeat the Dwarves. Vermin overrun most of Vetia, and in desperation a small enclaves of Dwarves cut a deal with dark powers from beyond reality called the Dark Gods (Chaos) and become Infernal Dwarves (Chaos Dwarfs).

VII In the Age Of Thunder the Infernal Dwarves created a hole in reality cutting into the separation between the realm of the Dark Gods and the physical realm, the result being a magical vortex called the Inferno (collapsed Warpgate/Eye Of Terror) they use to conquer and enslave their neighbors. The Inferno also burns their lands until its a lifeless hellscape called the Wastelands (Badlands). The Dark Gods then betrayed the Infernal Dwarves and used the Inferno to access the world for their own amusement, sending their Daemon Legions (Daemons Of Chaos) into the world. The Vampire Covenant launched their invasion of the world as well, and between the Vampires, Vermin, Infernal Dwarves, Beast Hordes, Daemon Legions, and greenskins the human race was almost entirely wiped out and/or enslaved. The only remaining free bastion of power was the Kingdom Of Equitaine (Bretonnia) under King Gilles de Raux, a Vampire.

VIII In the Age Of Waste AKA The Age Of Fire the first invasion of Daemons led by Foloy the Skullbringer is destroyed by an Ogre Khan (Ogre Kings) named Tsanas and his army. Mankind has largely been scattered into primitive tribes, with some being drawn into the east where they begin to worship the Dark Gods, becoming the Warriors Of The Dark Gods (Warriors Of Chaos). A small tribe of humans called the Askar under King Warin fleeing the monsters that rule Vetia are ambushed by Beast Herds before being saved by a single powerful warrior woman appearing out of nowhere, who is proclaimed an avatar of Sunna. Inspired by the story despite believing her to be a servant of their own goddess named The Lady, Equitainian Equitan knights led by Uther of Gasconne (Gilles de Breton) overthrow Gilles de Raux and declare Uther the first true king of Equitaine. Sunna drove the Orcs out of the White Mountains and united the races of men in Vetia before defeating the united armies of the Dark Gods. The Rat King, fearing Sunna, sent an envoy to deliver her a message to serve him or be destroyed, forcing her hand and initiating a war between the Vermin and mankind over Avras. King Warin is offered peace if he kills Sunna using a godkiller blade called the Doom Blade, and he does exactly that while Sunna duels the now Daemonic Rat King. Sunna pulls the dagger from her side and kills the Rat King, both gods sent back to their home realms to return and fight again. Avras is reclaimed, the various tribes including the Askar return home and unite to form the Empire of Sonnstahl (The Empire) named after Sunna's own sword with Sunna as their main god. The Empire of Destria (Estalia) and Arcalea (Tilea, Border Princes) are also settled by Sunna's army.

IX The current date of the game is the ninth age of the world (roll credits) when the Age Of Exploration analogue begins, the races of order are reuniting and beginning to push back after an averted end of the world while the forces of evil are finding they too have allies. Sonnstahl creates a system of government where the Council Of Electors (Elector Counts) appoints an Emperor, the first being Leopold Truehearted after he defeated a Dread Elf invasion force that intended to reclaim their former lands in Vetia. The Empire begins many academic pursuits including research into the past via a combination of archeology and magic, particularly Divination magic, although these pursuits are monitored by the very powerful church of Sunna. The Empire also pursues war against the Vampires with moderate success. Equitaine launches many Crusades and smaller scale Quests, all of which end badly. Destria colonizes parts of Virentia and fights against the Saurians. General Fontaine (possibly Vlad Con Carstein?), a former Equitaine knight, conquers Avras using an army of the undead led by a female Vampire and his apparent consort. Emperor Matthias is the current Emperor of Sonnstahl, married to Sophia of Destria which has formed an alliance between the two nations. Matthias's sister Josefa was removed from the line of succession as a child by being given to the Church Of Sunna, but she has ambitions to shake nunhood and take over the Empire. The Highborn Elves gain sweeping addiction to the opiate effects of the leaves of the camillia plant, and through a puppet Raj in the kingdom of Sagarikadesha in the Sagarika region (Ind). The Vermin Swarms in Sagarikadesha region serve a new god named The Plaguebringer (Horned Rat 2.0?).


Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to geographical lore.

Beast Herds (Beastmen)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Beastmen lore.

Daemon Legions (Daemons Of Chaos)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Daemon lore.

Dread Elves (Dark Elves)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Dark Elf lore.

Dwarven Holds (Dwarfs)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Dwarf lore.

Empire Of Sonnstahl (The Empire)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Empire lore.


An April Fool’s 2020 army that was revealed the day after to be an official supplement, albeit one illegal for tourneys.

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Giant lore.

Highborn Elves (High Elves)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to High Elf lore.

Infernal Dwarves (Chaos Dwarfs)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Chaos Dwarf lore.

Kingdom Of Equitaine (Bretonnia)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Bretonnian lore.

Misc Factions

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to non-army lore.

Ogre Khans (Ogre Kingdoms)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Ogre Kingdoms lore.

Orcs and Goblins

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Orcs & Goblins lore.

Saurian Ancients (Lizardmen)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Lizardmen lore.

Sylvan Elves (Wood Elves)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Wood Elf lore.

The Vermin Swarm (Skaven)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Skaven lore.

Undying Dynasties (Tomb Kings)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Tomb Kings lore.

Vampire Covenant (Vampire Counts)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Vampire Counts lore.

Warriors Of The Dark Gods (Warriors Of Chaos)

Click "Expand" so see a summarized version of the changes to Warriors Of Chaos lore.

Named Characters

Click "Expand" for a list of named characters for use on the tabletop.

See Also
