Tomb World

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A Tomb World is a planet with a Necron tomb on it ("on" being used in the metaphorical sense).

The Necrontyr Empire once spanned the galaxy, but after the Wars of Succession, the disastrous War in Heaven, the biotransference into Necron bodies, and the sharding of the C'tan, the empire was left weak and the galaxy was a mess. The Necrons thus decided to go to sleep and let things settle down, so they sought refuge in great tombs, preparing to wake up in sixty million years' time to retake a healed galaxy.

In that time, the galaxy didn't just stop moving; since the vast majority of the inhabitants of the galaxy (basically everyone but the Eldar, who were too busy having orgies/staying away from Slaanesh to remember them) never heard of the Necrons, they didn't know to check for them when settling planets, and so any inhabited planet (and any uninhabited planet, for that matter) could be a Tomb World. However, as of the 41st Millennium, the sixty million years are up, and the Necrons are starting to wake back up. Most of them are not keen on sharing their world with the upstarts who have moved in during their slumber.

Notable Tomb Worlds

Kaurava 3. Seems cozy if you're a desert tortoise or a Necron
  • Damnos, setting of the Fall of Damnos. Settled during the Great Crusade and, while rich in resources, was given low priority, Necrons awakened in 973.M41, and one year were controlling the entire planet. The Ultramarines could only gather what remained of the populace and retreat into deep space.
  • Pavonis, setting of the novels Nightbringer and Courage and Honor. Mining World, location of the Tembra Ridge a mountain range over the Nightbringer's tomb, the Ultramarines 4th Company led by Uriel Ventris, managed to stop it from escaping into space, but it was never implied that the Nightbringer shard was ever destroyed.
  • Simia Orichalcae, setting of the novel Caves of Ice. An ice world, uninhabited except for Promethium processing plants scattered across the planet to refine veins of rare ice. It had a Necron Tomb, but it was lated destroyed by Ciaphas Cain (though Amberley Vail privately stated that no one was to keen on finding out if they truly were gone.
  • Sarkon, capital of the Empire of the Severed. When radiation storms wiped the memories of the Necron in Sarkon, the Master Program's (named Sarkoni Emperor) own systems were damaged. The Sarkoni Emperor saw the quiet order it had brought to Sarkon and resolved to carry it to other worlds. Ever since then it has absorbed four other Tomb Worlds.Other non-Necron worlds were also absorbed, using Mindshackle Scarabs to bring any unruly creatures under its direct control.
  • Morrigar, former Hive World, gang warfare awakened the Necron, six months later when Cadian 207th regiment, there was no trace of any inhabitants, human or otherwise. When Anrakyr arrived, the lack of Necrons was blamed was on the Cadian 207th and were wiped out by Anrakyr.
  • Hollow Crown, Suhbekhar Dynasty Crown World that is a necropolis forged deep within the center of a star. Its construction was commanded by the Phaeron Ahmontekh due to his fears that his aeons long sleep would make him vulnerable to his enemies.
  • Drazak, also known as the Bone Kingdom, a world populated almost entirely by Flayed Ones, who are ruled by Valgul the Fallen, a Necron Lord immune to the Flayer virus.Every few months Valgul announces a Time of Bounty, where they launch fleets to raid nearby planets to collect flesh and blood of the living to sate his subject's hunger.