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Warblades are fighters with Fightan Magic. They are basically a better version of the fighter class.

Playing a Warblade

This class is a thinking man's Fighter and is very nearly broken:

Where the Fighter PC class gets bonus feats every other level allowing you to customise it to your whim, the Warblade gets a much smaller selection of bonus feats, but in return gets better skills, use of the Fightan Magic, Uncanny Dodge, and some class skills which really benefit from decent intelligence scores (therefore MORE skill points) and make the class behave like an up-rated Rogue in the party.

These bonuses work on a variety of things such as confirming critical hits, extra damage while flanking or sneaking, more accuracy on attacks of opportunity and insight bonuses on most combat tricks like bull rushing, tripping or disarming opponents.

Put together with the addition of the choice of stances and maneuvers means you get a much more versatile combatant than most other PCs. Even if you don't want to take the class to its full progression, it works really well as a filler level for any PC that fancies gaining some combat clout: One/two levels of Warblade offers considerably more than just one/two levels of Fighter, since the low level stances often remain effective no matter what your primary class is and Weapon Aptitude means you can pick up and use just about any piece of equipment as if it were your primary weapon, too.

Class Features

One of the most broken thing about this class is the feature it gets at level 1: Weapon Aptitude: This is what counts your Warblade levels as a Fighter levels albeit at -2. Meaning you can eventually trick him out with the exclusive feats (like weapon specialisation). But it ALSO lets you change the weapon designation you have on already selected feats. So if you had Weapon Focus (Greatsword) you could change it to Focus (Longsword) the next day. It even works on Exotic Weapon Proficiency, meaning you never ever have to suffer from non-proficiency penalties.

This means the class really messes with your GMs Metagame. Since your character can legitimately call dibs on any weapon-loot that he presents to the group, and you can reasonably be expected to be better with that weapon than any other member of the group unless they are dedicated Fighter-class characters WITH that weapon.


They can learn a powerful maneuver called "iron heart surge," which permits them to end "one spell, effect, or other condition currently affecting you with the duration of one or more rounds." Faggots will try to tell you that this lets them turn off the sun, stop water from being wet, or instantly end their vampiric immunity to sunlight. These people are communists. First, "condition" and "duration," despite their common usage in everyday life, actually have very concrete meanings in D&D terms. "The sun" is not listed in the back of the rulebook as a status effect. Go ahead and check. I'll wait.

Second, it only works on things that have "a duration of one or more rounds." Did you catch that? "ROUNDS." That means if, say, the spell has a duration measured in "minutes/level" rather than "rounds/level," the surge won't end it. 1 minute = 10 rounds, dingus. It also requires a standard action and the ability to move, since it's a maneuver.

Is it powerful and versatile? Heck yes! Does it let you switch off gravity if a flying enemy is out of reach? Go home, Jenkins. You've been drinking, and I don't want your daughter to see you like this.

That said, if you just wanna joke around about an (admittedly rather badly-written) ability's potential bizarre applications, that page has some funny ones.

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition classes
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Complete Arcane WarlockWarmageWu jen
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Tome of Battle CrusaderSwordsageWarblade
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War of the Lance Master
Wizards's Website Psychic Rogue
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