Webcomics are made by a number of miscellaneous drawfags. Why are they related to /tg/ then?
WELL, a lot of drawfags that create webcomics, have revealed themselves to be the silent lurkers of /tg/, browsing for inspiration amongst the shit-flinging madness of the front page. Some writers are also veteran Dungeon Masters, and every once in a while they will start the amazing trollercoaster that is a (ridiculously popular) Quest Thread. (see Dragon Quest, Tau Quest)
Alternatively Quest writers get drawfags to draw for them and somewhere along the production line it turns into a glorious webcomic.
Most /tg/ made webcomics can be found in the suptg archive. Otherwise the pages may be found on a drawfag's respective deviant-tart or Storm artist page. See the drawfag page for more information
List of Webcomics
- Turn Signals on a Land Raider, THE Warhammer 40,000 webcomic. Sadly discontinued due to the creator losing his job and being unable to make money off selling books for legal reasons. It's back. As of August 20, the site is updating again with new comics, at least a few of them, to celebrate the unhacking.
- Servants of the Imperium [1]
- Love Can Bloom - LCB shenanigans ensue.
- Rogue Trader - Rites of Flight [3] (currently being edited).
- Zero Space - Also called Skirmish Quest.
- Zombie Quest
- Verloren Hoop [4], by Coolexus.
- Bok the Neutral [5], still Coolexus.
- Cases of the Hives [6], fukken Coolexus.
- Exterminatus Now - A complete perversion of mixing the Inquisition with the Sonic universe.
- Sonichu - This does not exist. Any further mention of this non-existent webcomic will be shot. Yes, you read that correctly.
- EATATAU! - An ongoing webcomic about Tau. By the way, the dialogue is quite mixed up and confusing due to it being badly translated from Spanish to English. It's terrible awesome weeaboo regardless of language however.
- Da Real Wurld 40k - A webcomic that seems to be a mixture of various sitcoms and TV reality shows. Most particularly "Drawn Together" and "Real World". Also kinda dead.
- A Space Marine Life [7] - A webcomic about a Warhammer 40,000 fan-girl suddenly finding herself in the Warhammer 40k universe.
- Regular Marine [8] - Brought to you by the guys who gave you Kaldor Draigo's warp dust addiction. This aught to be good.
- Axe-Cop
- Goblins
- Double K - What Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann would be like if it were a buddy cop show. Hell yes. Only here because /tg/ loves TTGL more than they let on.
- MS Paint Adventures - The proud horrible home of Homestuck.
- Darths And Droids - A webcomic in where Star Wars doesn't exist, but instead is played as an RPG in what I assume is the traditional d20 style (they never really say). Each comic is a series of screen caps from the DVDs, starting first with the prequels then moving on to the original trilogy, with tips and tricks of various dice-based games below in the description. Beware, legions of /tg/: Hilarity will ensue.