The Wilder is a psionicist that trades knowing more powers and being able to spam them all the time for the psionic equivalent of a barbarian rage. Wilders cast (or "manifest", if you NEED to be right) their powers off of sheer emotion. Eventually, they can trigger something called a Wild Surge, where they get so full of emotion that they begin casting a few levels up. Of course, after it's over they need to roll to see how bad the backlash is (it can range from stunning them to taking away all their power points, based on how many high-level psionics you manifested). This class, if played correctly, can be absolutely hilarious, as it doesn't state that any specific emotion needs to be used to cause a surge; try making an apathy wilder, or a wilder who casts from confusion, or maybe even one who casts from a hatred of clowns. Incredibly fun to roleplay if you can do it right.
The Classes of Pathfinder 1st Edition | |
Core Classes: | Barbarian - Bard - Cleric - Druid - Fighter - Monk Paladin - Ranger - Rogue - Sorcerer - Wizard |
Advanced Player's Guide: |
Alchemist - Antipaladin - Cavalier Inquisitor - Oracle - Summoner - Witch |
Advanced Class Guide: |
Arcanist - Bloodrager - Brawler - Hunter - Investigator Shaman - Skald - Slayer - Swashbuckler - Warpriest |
Occult Adventures: |
Kineticist - Medium - Mesmerist Occultist - Psychic - Spiritualist |
Ultimate X: | Gunslinger - Magus - Ninja - Samurai - Shifter - Vigilante |