Void Angels (BFG)

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This page details people, events, and organisations from the /tg/ Heresy, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the /tg/ Heresy Timeline and Galaxy pages for more information on the Alternate Universe.

This article provides rules for modeling the Expedition Fleets and aligned naval forces of the Fifth Legion - the gene-sons of Gaspard Lumey - using Battlefleet Gothic rules and the Hektor Heresy BFG rules supplementary information.

Angels of the Void[edit | edit source]

The Fifth Legion's total fleet strength would grow to become one of the most powerful among the Legiones Astartes, especially when the warships pledged to their aid were taken into consideration. They were also famed - and feared - for their skilful manoeuvres and outstanding gunnery.

To represent the outstanding acumen of the Fifth Legion's crews, ships crewed by Void Angels have a minimum Leadership of 9 and gain one column shift to the left when firing weapons that use the Gunnery table, at a cost of +25 points for a battleship or grand cruiser, +15 points for a cruiser, or +5 points for an escort (this is cumulative with the cost of upgrading a ship to a Space Marine crew). They otherwise use the standard rules for a Space Marine crew.

Unique Ships[edit | edit source]

RESOLVE, Gloriana-class Battle Barge (775 points)

The mighty Resolve served as the flagship of the Fifth Legion since its delivery to Ciban IV in 856.M30. Surprisingly, Gaspard Lumey rarely chose to command from the vessel, preferring to station himself on a swift cruiser or the Emperor-class Battleship Redoutable. Though the Primarch made little use of the ship, it certainly did not suffer neglect. Guided by the Legion's Master of the Fleet, Kesh Kanak, the Resolve featured in many of the Void Angels' great victories.

By the time of the Hektor Heresy, the vessel had been through several major upgrades. In 888.M30, the old weapon batteries had been replaced with a terrifying array of linear accelerators, capable of shattering warships and ground targets alike. A major overhaul in 931.M30 saw improved armour and powerful new engines added. Finally, her original launch bays were expanded to accommodate the new Thunderhawk gunship, keeping the Resolve among the most modern and capable vessels in the Imperium's arsenal.

The Resolve may be included as a battleship choice in a Void Angels fleet of over 3000 points.

Battleship/14 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4
Port Bombardment Cannons 45cm 12 Left
Starboard Bombardment Cannons 45cm 12 Right
Dorsal Bombardment Cannons 45cm 8 Left/Front/Right
Port Launch Bay Thunderhawks:20cm 3 N/A
Starboard Launch Bay Thunderhawks:20cm 3 N/A
Prow Torpedoes Speed:30cm 8 Front
Notes: The Resolve has a Void Angels crew and an Honour Guard included in its points cost. You must assign the Fleet Commander to it.

ENDURANCE, Battle Barge (Modified Avenger-class Grand Cruiser) (405 points)

The Endurance served as Antoine Antonelle's command ship from the early years of the Great Crusade until the two met their end at the Battle of Rai. Building on the original design's purpose as a line-breaker, Antonelle specified additional protection and the modification of the Endurance's weaponry to better fit to the role of a planetary assault ship.

The Endurance may be included as a grand cruiser choice in a Void Angels fleet of over 1,000 points.

Grand Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 5 6+ 4
Port Weapon Batteries 30cm 8 Left
Starboard Weapon Batteries 30cm 8 Right
Dorsal Bombardment Cannons 30cm 8 Left/Front/Right
Port Launch Bay Thunderhawks:20cm 2 N/A
Starboard Launch Bay Thunderhawks:20cm 2 N/A
Notes: The Endurance has a Void Angels crew and an Honour Guard as part of its points cost. This ship always has Leadership 10, representing Antoine Antonelle's command qualities. You may purchase up to three Fleet Commander re-rolls for Antonelle for +25 points each. Antonelle's presence satisfies the requirement for a Praetor, but in a fleet of over 2,000 points an additional Praetor may be taken and assigned to a different vessel. (If you are fielding both the Resolve and the Endurance, you must purchase this additional Praetor for the Resolve.) You may give the Endurance a Terminator boarding party for an additional +50 points.

Winged Victory Expeditionary Fleet[edit | edit source]


0-1 Praetor

You may include one Praetor. If your fleet includes any battleships, he must be assigned to a battleship in preference to a cruiser. If the Fleet is worth over 750 points, the Praetor must be included to lead it.

Praetor (Leadership 10)					50 points

You may buy Fleet Commander re-rolls for the Praetor.

One re-roll						25 points
Two re-rolls						50 points
Three re-rolls						75 points

If the Praetor's ship has a Space Marine crew, it may carry a Terminator boarding party for +50 points.



You may include one battleship in your fleet for every three cruisers or grand cruisers.

Apocalypse Class					375 points
0-1 Basileus Class (BB)					465 points
Desolator Class						300 points
Emperor Class						365 points
Infernus Class						325 points
Retribution Class					345 points
0-1 The Resolve	(BB)					775 points
Victory Class						345 points
Warspite Class (1) (BB)					450 points

Notes: A battleship may be upgraded with a Void Angels crew at a cost of +50 points. In addition to gaining the benefits described above, a vessel that receives this upgrade also converts its launch bays to carry half the number (rounded up) of Thunderhawks.

1. Use the Battle Barge rules from the Space Marine Fleet.

BB. A vessel of this class has a Void Angels crew included in its point cost and may not be fielded without this upgrade.

Grand cruisers

You may include one grand cruiser in your fleet for every two cruisers.

Avenger Class						220 points
Charibdys Class						270 points
0-1 The Endurance (SC)					405 points
Inflexible Class (SC)					340 points
Vengeance Class						230 points

Notes: A grand cruiser may be upgraded with a Void Angels crew at a cost of +40 points. In addition to gaining the benefits described above, a vessel that receives this upgrade also converts its launch bays to carry half the number (rounded up) of Thunderhawks.

SC. A vessel of this class has a Void Angels crew included in its point cost and may not be fielded without this upgrade.

0-12 Cruisers

Armiger Class						160 points
Cardinal Class						190 points
Crusade Class						185 points
Dodona Class (SC)					180 points
Hades Class						200 points
Hellfire Class						285 points
Lunar Class						180 points
Olympia Class (1) (SC)					160 points

Notes: A cruiser may be upgraded with a Void Angels crew at a cost of +30 points. In addition to gaining the benefits described above, a vessel that receives this upgrade also converts its launch bays to carry half the number (rounded up) of Thunderhawks.

1. Use the Strike Cruiser rules from the Space Marine Fleet.

SC. A vessel of this class has a Void Angels crew included in its point cost and may not be fielded without this upgrade.

Light Cruisers

You may include any number of light cruisers in your fleet.

Dauntless Class 					110 points
Siluria Class 						90 points

Notes: A light cruiser may upgrade to a Void Angels crew at a cost of +20 points.


You may include any number of escorts in your fleet.

Cobra Class Destroyer					30 points
Havoc Class Frigate					35 points
Nova Class Frigate					45 points
Spectre Class Warp Runner				25 points
Sword Class Frigate					35 points
Thunderbolt Class Heavy Frigate				60 points
Vigil Class Siege Frigate				40 points

Notes: An escort may be upgraded with a Void Angels crew at a cost of +10 points. (Note that the Nova Class does not automatically come with a Void Angels crew.)


Ships designated BB or SC are equipped with drop pods.

A ship with a Void Angels crew may; launch boarding torpedoes or regular torpedoes from its torpedo tubes, launch a mix of Thunderhawk Annihilators and Thunderhawks from its launch bays, and/or purchase an Honour Guard for +10 points.

A ship without a Void Angels crew may; launch regular torpedoes from its torpedo tubes, and/or launch a mix of Fury interceptors and Starhawk bombers from its launch bays.


A fleet which contains only ships with the Void Angels crew upgrade has an attack rating of 3. Otherwise, the attack rating is 2.