/tg/ Codex Supplement - Faith Militant

What's All This Then?[edit | edit source]
Back in 2016, an anon challenged /tg/ to "give the Sisters a full, fun, and profitable update without changing the aesthetic or making them worse Space Marines." Naturally, /tg/ obliged. This led to the creation of Codex - Adepta Sororitas: /tg/ 7th Edition, and there was much rejoicing. Then 8th edition happened and we had to update it. In 2020, Sisters got an actual official update, and these rules had to updated again, this time as a codex supplement so that all the work of the previous four years wouldn't be for naught. But more than a simple update to the previous codex, this codex supplement also includes complete rules for several /tg/-created orders, giving players a wide range of potential playstyles. Any feedback is welcome on the discussion page!
What Does This Codex Include?[edit | edit source]
A complete lore section
Expanded wargear for Codex: Adepta Sororitas
The return of Kyrinov
Updated rules for Canoness Veridyan
Frateris Militia
Improved Ecclesiarchy Elites
Suicide bomber Repentias
An Adepta Sororitas flyer
Order Tactics, Strategems, and much more!
Where Can I Get It?[edit | edit source]
- The latest version (1.32) can be downloaded here
- The 8th Edition rules can be downloaded here
- A BattleScribe datafile for this codex can be downloaded here
- Patch notes
- All previous versions can be found here
A List of Additions and Changes[edit | edit source]
As stated at the beginning of this article, this homebrew was specifically made to enhance Sisters without removing any of the things that made them unique. To this end, units have been brought in from previous codices and new characters have been added who existed in the fluff but never had rules for the tabletop. We also gave the Sisters new units and weapons, as they haven't gotten either since the 3rd edition Witch-Hunters codex. Taken together, these drastically increase the Adeptus Ministorum's versatility on the tabletop, making them far more viable as a standalone army. This codex was also designed to be balanced with the current Adepta Sororitas rules. The new orders haven't been playtested much yet, but the new units and wargear are relatively balanced with their official counterparts.
Changes to Existing Units[edit | edit source]
- Canonesses can now take relic armor (increasing their armor save to 2+), jump packs, and can also ride bikes.
- Celestians can now take relic armor, increasing their armor save to 2+.
- Exorcists can now replace their exorcist missile launcher with an anti-air variant of the weapon; the Sanctorum missile launcher. See the wargear section for more details.
New Units and Wargear[edit | edit source]
HQ[edit | edit source]
- Arch-Confessor Kyrinov: The manipulative old rabble-rouser is back! Kyrinov is a CONFESSOR (see below) with a master-crafted power maul that kicks DAEMON ass, gives morale buffs to nearby ASTRA MILITARUM and ADEPTUS MINISTORUM units, and he can force your opponent to spend more CPs to activate strategems. He's pretty solid when used as a melee support unit, but will quickly run into trouble when faced with serious heavy hitters.
- Uriah Jacobus: Included in this book since he was removed from the official Adepta Sororitas codex. Uriah is an above-average Missionary with a badass shotgun and the ability to give a slight Leadership buff to nearby ASTRA MILITARUM and ADEPTUS MINISTORUM allies. Not amazing, but if you plan on bringing a Missionary and have a few spare points to spare, he's a good pick.
- Klovis the Redeemer: Scourge and Purge! The Redeemer is a berserker-priest; he's easier to kill than other MINISTORUM PRIESTS, but if he reaches melee, he'll unleash a ton of hurt. He also buffs your nearby FRATERIS units, allowing them to re-roll failed wound rolls, making their puny S3 attacks a bit more reliable. For best results, sing "Battle Hymn of the Redeemer" when rolling charge dice.
- Canoness Veridyan: She's back and better than ever! A canoness with a power sword who can give a single nearby ORDER OF OUR MARTYRED LADY unit the ability allocate wounds when shooting. Not terribly good by herself, but potentially devastating when fighting alongside Exorcists and Retributors, allowing you to pick off special weapons and sergeants with ease.
- Living Saint: An expensive, but extremely customizable unit that can be outfitted with almost any weapon in the codex. Like Celestine, they have the Saintly Blessings ability. You can only bring one in each battle-forged detachment, but each Living Saint you bring gets a relic that doesn't count against the number of relics you can normally bring. Did we mention they can bring CANONESS-only relics from the official codex as well as most of the relics in this book? They may be expensive, but these sisters can be amazing when outfitted right. On top of all of that, when a Living Saint dies, you can bring them back with the Resurrection stratagem, though doing so is expensive both in terms of CPs and Miracle dice, so don't make such a decision lightly.
- Palatine: A Canoness-in-training. Doesn't have as much access to relics and other high-end wargear, but has better access to other weapons. Friendly <ORDER> units within 6" of her can re-roll wound rolls of 1. Generally speaking, Palatines aren't as useful as their superiors, but their cheaper cost and better wargear variety makes them great for ensuring that high-value or high-risk units complete their objectives without risking a unit as important as a Canoness (e.g. if you really need that Dominion squad to kill an enemy tank before they die).
- Confessor: A MINISTORUM PRIEST HQ with a Missionary's statline, but far more wargear options and the ability to make additional enemies flee on a failed morale test. They're generally more useful than a Missionary, but they also tend to be more expensive due to their wargear, and the offensive nature of their abilities means that they need to be on the front line; you can't just hide them behind some ranged infantry and rely on morale buffs.
Troops[edit | edit source]
- Frateris Militia: Conscripts with WS 5+, BS 5+, and a 6+ armor save. They're cheap, disposable, and unlike other units of their caliber, they have an ability that allows them to auto-pass a morale test on a roll of 1. Use them to tarpit or overwhelm the enemy with dozens of attacks. If they're accompanied by a MINISTORUM PRIEST, you can activate a strategem that allows them to attack twice in the Fight phase.
Elites[edit | edit source]
- Ephrael Stern: Included with her official rules from Psychic Awakening: Pariah.
- Chevaliers: French Knight Sisters. Heavily armored ex-Repentias on fire-breathing bikes armed with super power lances. These girls are pretty much guaranteed to annihilate most infantry you point them at, especially if they get a charge off. Can be extremely durable if you give them relic armor and storm shields, but this also makes them far more expensive, so be careful when committing to that.
- Inducted Crusaders: A version of Crusaders that can replace their power swords with power axes and power mauls. They can also intercept wounds for nearby ASTRA MILITARUM, ADEPTUS MINISTORUM, and INQUISITION CHARACTERS. While they're somewhat underwhelming on their own, they're pretty amazing when accompanying a melee-happy CHARACTER into combat, as they can tank wounds and dish out plenty of damage on their own.
- Baptised Death Cult Assassins A version of Death Cult Assassins that can infiltrate and have poisoned throwing knives (which they can attack with after deploying from infiltration). Perfect for capturing unguarded objectives, assassinating weak enemy units behind the front lines, or generally causing havoc. Only bring these if you plan on infiltrating them, if you plan on throwing them in a transport, you should the default Death Cult Assassins instead.
Fast Attack[edit | edit source]
- Frateris Technicals: A squad of 1-3 ramshackle vehicles that the Frateris Militia haphazardly armed for war. Can be given twin heavy stubbers or twin autocannons to serve as fire support (though keep in mind they have BS 5+). Alternatively, you can also give them heavy flamers and rams, allowing you to blitz the enemy, clearing objectives and giving lightly-armored infantry squads a hard time. They have a strategem which changes their weapon type to Assault and doubles their shots, which can make them really scary when played right.
- Mortia Squad: Repentia suicide-bombers on bikes. They have Frag and Krak Grenades, Melta bombs, and a bike that runs on an eviscerator instead of an engine. When they die, roll a D6. On a 2+, an enemy unit within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds. With a 7+ armor save and no Solace in Anguish, these sisters are incredibly easy to kill. However, they're really fast, and if the enemy ignores them, they can cause incredible amounts of damage. Use them as a distraction, or bring them in on the flanks using the Ride For Ruin stratagem and wreak havoc on any squishy units they're hiding behind the front line.
Dedicated Transport[edit | edit source]
- Repressor: Exactly the same as the Forge World ones. Although they're near-useless by themselves, their six fire points make them incredible when carrying heavily-armed infantry squads. Want to make sure that Dominion squad reaches their target and pops off a few shots before being overwhelmed? Put them in a Repressor. Want to keep your Retributors safe from infiltrators and anti-infantry weapons? Put them in a Repressor.
Flyers[edit | edit source]
- Avenger Strike Fighter: The same as the Forge World one. Included because Sebastian Thor used it once and now the Sisters love it. A powerful ground-attack fighter with a wide-variety of wargear options that make it extremely versatile.
- Dominator Gunship: A heavily-armed gunship that can pivot twice per turn, but is more fragile than most other IMPERIUM aircraft. Can be used to transport a small unit of sisters to an objective or provide fire support. It's two hurricane bolters and inferno cannon mean that it will annihilate most infantry, but you can swap that out with a melta cannon for tank-hunting.
Wargear[edit | edit source]
- Sanctorum Missile Launcher: Based on the Forge World Exorcist model, this weapon is identical to the Exorcist missile launcher except that it costs 45 points instead of 70, fires d3 fewer shots, has 72" range instead of 48", adds 1 to hit rolls targeting FLYERS and subtracts 1 from hit rolls targeting anything else. This will absolutely obliterate most aircraft, but it's questionable usefulness against other targets makes it something of a situational pick. Bring it if you suspect your opponent is bringing a bunch of really mean flyers, otherwise, the standard Exorcist weapons will likely serve you better.
- Trinity weapons: Specially constructed boltguns which fire massive promethium-filled bolts tipped with a small melta charge, giving Sisters a much-needed plasma equivalent. With S 5, AP -4, D d3, these weapons are better against heavy infantry than regular plasma weapons, but aren't quite as versatile due to their lower strength. The heavy variant is a S6 sniper rifle which is particularly good at assassinating T3 CHARACTERS and elite infantry. However, being limited to one shot each, their effectiveness suffers when used against other targets.
Order Convictions For /tg/-Created Orders[edit | edit source]
- Order of the Blinded Martyr: An order of Spartan sisters who are incredibly resilient, but their unwillingness to flee in the face of defeat can put them in a bind.
- Order of the Guiding Light: Witch-hunters who are friends with the Adeptus Mechanicus, with lots of anti-psyker options as well as some archeotech. They also have an optional open play rule that allows you to replace all of their bolt weapons with hot-shot las weapons for maximum fluffiness. Points values are also included for these weapons on the off-chance that you want to use them in other modes of play, but balance is not guaranteed.
- Order of the Martyred Heart: Aztec sisters who utilize holy blood rituals to empower their warriors.
- Order of the Obsidian Mirror: A fusion of an order dialogus and order militant who specialize in stealth ops and psychological warfare.
- Order of the Pointed Word: An order of Arab-inspired sisters, the Pointed Word are masterful strategists who practice a highly mobile combat doctrine.
- Order of the Waning Dawn: Hyper-aggressive xenophobes who are obsessed with genetic purity.
Additional New Rules[edit | edit source]
- New Strategems
- New Warlord Traits
- New Ecclesiarchy Relics
Where Can I Get Miniatures For Some Of These Units?[edit | edit source]
- A Palatine can be proxied with a Canoness or Sister Superior.
- There are a couple of options for biker units. The Prodos Games Space Crusade line has the Amazon models (three distinct sculpts), the Wargame Exclusive Heresy Hunters line has two bikers ([1], [2], one sculpt each), and the Raging Heroes 'Daughters of the Crucible' line has the Hell Riders ([3], [4], three sculpts each), all female biker models that would work as proxies for Sororitas bikers. (Those lines also produce good proxies for other units if you prefer 'bolter bitches' to 'nuns with guns', i.e. less clothing and more fapping.) Alternatively, you can make your own using Space Marine bikes and Sisters of Silence. The WIP General thread on /tg/ should be able to help you out there.
- If you're fine with Chevaliers riding horses instead of bikes, the Raging Heroes Sisters of the Orphanage line has female Mounted Knights models which are perfect.
- There are a lot of options for Frateris Militia. The best are House Cawdor miniatures from Necromunda. Some other good options are Freeguild Flagellants and Chaos Cultists (just make sure to clip off any errant Chaos symbols). Most Necromunda gangers can work for this as well.
- Frateris Technicals are supposed to represent any Imperial civilian vehicle that's been converted for war. Their rules were based on Achilles Ridgerunners, but something like the MaxMini.eu Post-Apocalyptic Pickup Truck could also work for this.
- The Dominator Gunship is based off of the Dark Angels Ravenwing Dark Talon, so you can just get that from Games Workshop.