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Adu'jas are one of four playable races for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition added in the article "Xenophilia", in Dragon Magazine issue #317.

The adju'jas are a species of humanoid plants, an ancient race who were one of the first humanoid races to ever take form; their racial writeup describes them as being ancient when the elf races were infants in the care of their young gods. The adu'jas supposedly took on the role of caretakers for the young elves, teaching them the secrets and magic tied into the natural world. When the elves fell into their civil war, corrupting the lore the adu'jas had taught them, the plant-folk retreated into the deepest wilderness, leaving behind only their teachings, which became the foundations of druid, bard and ranger lore. Only in recent times, with the encroachment of human civilization and the destructive behavior of the goblinoids, have the adu'jas emerged from their seclusion, hoping to work with elves, gnomes, halflings and humans to restore their wisdom to the world.

Physically, an adu'ja is an asexual humanoid plant; weak and thin-limbed, averaging 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall, they appear as androgynous beings whose noses consist of little more than a small bump with tiny vertical slits and whose faces are ringed by soft, petal-like scales. The adu'ja "nose" is actually a pheromone exhaust, expelling various scents that emphasize the adu'ja's mood, whilst their undulating petals are chromatophoric, changing color and pattern to reflect their mood as well. Their skin changes color, partially due to mood and partially due to the season, and covers a span from yellowish green through emerald to deep brown. Their large, almond-shaped eyes are deep gold to rich brown.

Though capable of photosynthesis, adu'jas still require physical nutrition, and are functionally omnivores. They traditionally prefer vegetable matter over animal flesh, but many younger adu'jas have developed a taste for meat.

Adu'jas live roughly twice as long as elves, and become more physically plant-like once they reach their elder years. The oldest adu'jas are often mistaken for trees, as they become prone to prolonged states of torpor. It is only when they become fully mature that adu'jas become capable of reproducing; elders sprout saplings every few centuries, who bud off and become independent juveniles; because a reproducing adu'ja is usually in a torpor, the species relies on faint racial memories to guide them to maturity.

The philosophy of the adu'ja is called "Shan Jat" ("The Way of the Root"): it teaches that all things have their necessary place and stem from the same source. Nature is. The adu'jas take this to mean that all things in nature must be balanced, which is their motivation for finally getting out and interacting with the other races; they believe that their long absence was a failure on their part, as it has allowed imbalance to become the way of things.

Their holistic beliefs make adu'jas, frankly, very naive of the world at large. Their philosophy is of such sublime scope that they often cannot see the day-to-day world beneath it - or, rather, they don't care to acknowledge it. However, they are extremely expressive creatures, and their pheromones and chromatophoric petals make them extremely effective communicators. They have great inner strength and strong personalities, but might not show this all the time.

For obvious reasons, adu'ja societies are quite small, usually consisting of a dozen or less adults grouped in an enclave around a singular elder.

+2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength
Base land speed 30 feet
Woodland Stride, as per 2nd level Druid
Plant type
Must still rest for 8 hours to regain spells
Photosynthesis: So long as an adu'ja can access at least 4 hours of direct sunlight, it only requires 1/4th the normal rations.
Photoregeneration: An adu'ja that rests whilst in sunlight and with access to at least a gallon of water regains twice its level in hit points per day. If active or kept in darkness, it heals at the normal rate. An adu'ja can also regrow severed arms or legs by doing nothing but rest and perform light activity; it takes 1 month to regrow a limb, half that if the adu'ja engages in complete bed rest.
+4 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perform checks.
-4 racial penalty on Bluff and Sense Motive checks.
+4 racial bonus on Survival, and Survival is always considered a class skill.
Low-Light Vision
Vulnerability to Fire
Spell-like Ability: Speak with Plant 1/day with Caster Level 1st
Favored Class: Druid
Level Adjustment: +2