
Agrutha are one of several variant lizardfolk races created for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in issue #268 of Dragon Magazine. They are a particularly primal and savage variant of the standard lizardfolk; primeval throwbacks with an ape-like build (overly long arms, comparatively short legs) and loosely alligator-like facial features that stand almost eight feet tall and ripple with bulging muscles under a thick, scaly hide. Dimwitted even by lizardfolk standards, these creatures exist in loosely organized tribes that lurk in the deepest parts of marshes and swamps, led by a tribal "alpha" comprised of the strongest and biggest of their kind to inhabit that general area, although they hunt either singularly or in pairs.
Agrutha are not malevolent by nature, but they are predators; whilst they typically subsist on deer, fish, bears and anything else that they can catch, they're not adverse to dining on humanoid meat if it presents itself. They usually attack from ambush, submerging themselves in deep water and waiting for a chance to spring; whilst normally quite sluggish, they can exhibit sudden sharp bursts of speed that, whilst short-lived, typically allow them to fall upon creatures before they realize they're not walking past a log or a normal alligator. If they can't make an ambush, agrutha simply barrel into battle, bellowing at the top of their lungs. Whilst they are typically too dim to wield anything other than their jaws, tail, meaty hands or crude spears and clubs, their massive strength and thick hides are usually enough to make up for these primitive weapons.
Due to similar "cultures" and shared territories, agrutha and normal lizardfolk often cohabit, sharing territory and even living side by side, with the agrutha happily adopting their smaller cousins as part of the tribe. Lizard kings and other malign lizardfolk leaders especially enjoy the service of agrutha as berserker shock troops. They get on less well with the crocodilians, who are much bigger and nastier than they are.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
- Ability Score Minimum/Maximum: Strength 16/20, Dexterity 3/18, Constitution 14/20, Intelligence 2/12, Wisdom 2/12, Charisma 2/8
- Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
- Class & Level Limits: Fighter 12, Shaman 5
- Hit Dice: By class, but gain +6 hit points at first level
- Natural Armor Class: 5
- Size: M (7'-8')
- Movement Rate: 6, Swim 12
- An agrutha suffers no attack or movement penalties when in water, has Swimming as a bonus proficiency, and can hold its breath for rounds equal to 2/3rds of its Constitution score.
- An agrutha can make 2 Fist attacks (1d4 damage) and a bite attack (1d6 damage) in the same round, or can make a tail attack (1d10 damage).
- An agrutha must wet its entire body at least once per day, or lose 3 points of Constitution per day due to drying out; it dies if this reduces it to 0 Constitution.
- An agrutha starts with 2 weapon proficiencies as a Warrior class and 1 weapon proficiency as anything else.
- An agrutha takes damage as if it were a Large creature.
- An agrutha doubles the cost of armor prices, due to requiring custom-fitted gear.
- Cold Blooded: An agrutha takes +1 point of damage per die from cold-based attacks, and if exposed to a low temperature for a prolonged period, it becomes sluggish, halving its movement rate and suffering a -2 attack penalty.
- Weapon Proficiencies: Club, Spear
- Nonweapon Proficiencies: Alertness, Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Fishing, Herbalism, Hiding, Hunting, Natural Fighting, Survival (Swamps)