Ancient Rylanor
"I am Rylanor of the Emperor's Children, Ancient of Rites, Venerable of the Palatine Host, and proud servant of the Emperor of Mankind, beloved by all! I reject you now and always!"
- – Ancient Rylanor's last words to his Primarch

Rylanor was the Ancient of Rites of the Emperor's Children prior to the Horus Heresy. He was interred in a Dreadnought sarcophagus following a fight with the pointy ears people. He fought alongside the Loyalists on Isstvan III, taking the place of Saul Tarvitz during the invasion, as a favor to him as Captain Tarvitz wanted to investigate Lord Commander Eidolon's sudden change in behavior.
He was regarded as a living legend and a rallying figure for all the loyalists fighting for their lives planetside. The betrayal greatly displeased Rylanor, and in the midst of the fighting: declared that he will one day take revenge on Fulgrim for his gene-father's betrayal.
Fuck Fulgrim[edit | edit source]
He was presumed to have died when Horus virus-bombed the planet. But in reality, Rylanor survived by making his way towards a secret command bunker to escape using a ship still in the complex. However, he was still being pursued by a squad of Noise Marines. While he did managed to kill them all; he suffered debilitating damage to his leg that rendered him immobile and the ship that was suppose to take him out of orbit was destroyed in the fighting, marooning him on the dead world.
Unable to move any considerable distance due to his maimed leg, and unable to get off-world as that was the last functioning ship on the planet, Rylanor spent the last 10,000 years planning his one moment of revenge on his Primarch, constructing a makeshift psychic beacon using his fallen former-brothers' sonic weaponry and tying this all together using an unexploded virus bomb he found. Most others would have likely gone insane from 10 millennia of crippled isolation, and Rylanor has to an extent gone a bit off the deep end, but he was kept largely sane by his single-minded devotion towards sticking it to Fulgrim one last time before his end.
With everything in-place, he activated his psychic beacon to lure Fulgrim to his location. However this also caught the attention of Magnus the Red, who sent a trio of Chaos Sorcerers under the command of Malin Vistario, to investigate.
Amongst the ruins of the old command bunker, Vistario found a husk of a Contemptor dreadnought next to a destroyed ship, but was surprised that it started powering up and moving. He initially tried to lie to Rylanor about who they were, but the dreadnought declared that he wasn't falling for any of their bullshit and got the truth out of him. During their exchange, Fulgrim finally appeared, apparently waiting for an audience to watch him break one of his former sons. At the height of the conversation, Fulgrim was all-too-curious about what Rylanor had to say to him after 10,000 years of planning his revenge, but shut this all down when Rylanor basically just said: "I have no words, only BOMB", and chucked the virus bomb straight at Fulgrim.
In a split second, Vistario and his sorcerers conjured a spacial distortion around the bomb, which prevented it from exploding, at the cost of severely taxing their powers. Seeing his plan fail, Rylanor resorted to the old fashioned way: using whatever weapons he still had operational. While ferocious, Rylanor had no chance against Fulgrim with his maimed leg and weapon systems that haven't been properly maintained for millenia, so Fulgrim overpowered him easily and began tearing him out of his sarcophagus.
Fulgrim began torturing what was left of Rylanor's ruined mortal body, and promised him that if he accepted Fulgrim as his new master: he'd show him the true powers of Chaos and give him a new body of flesh to serve him. Rylanor was however, horrified at this fate, and loudly declared that he was Rylanor, The Ancient of Rites, one of the Emperor's Children, and he will reject Fulgrim forever.
Things looked bad for the Ancient, but seeing this crippled dreadnought fearlessly fight against a giant Daemon Prince of Chaos and basically spit in the face of his gene-father even under the threat of eternal torment, the Sorcerers were moved by Rylanor's unparalleled bravery and they all mentally agreed on one thing: fuck Fulgrim. Yes, this man is that badass he managed to make a couple of Tzeentchian sorcerers loyal again.
Before enacting their plan, Vistario spoke up and said that Rylanor deserves better than Fulgrim, and that he deserved better than any of them (essentially telling the Sire of the Emperor's Children he was a shitty deadbeat dad). Taking his bolt pistol, Vistario executed one of his sorcerers, which caused the distortion field to collapse and the virus bomb to explode, taking them all out and subjecting Istvaan III to another Exterminatus.
Rylanor obviously failed to kill Fulgrim as Daemon Primarchs are essentially immortal, but his blatant rejection of his gene-father and the Thousand Sons sorcerers telling him he was the worst dad ever (and more importantly, cucking him out of the pleasure of torturing Rylanor until the Ancient died or broke by mercy killing him, which apart from pleasing Fulgrim in the obvious Slaneeshi way, would have helped his wounded ego by getting revenge on his son for rejecting him), irreparably damaged Fulgrim's pride. While it does not seem much, Fulgrim as a daemon primarch prides himself as an avatar of absolute perfection, as granted by Slaanesh. This is very important in his case, as the pursuit of perfection (among other things) is one of Slaanesh's domains, and thus something his/her/it's followers derive power from.
This defiant display shattered a bit of that illusion to Fulgrim, making him permanently doubt whether or not he's really as perfect as he thinks he is. This in turn, leads to Fulgrim's powers diminishing, as he is powered by pride, and his pride of being perfect has been permanently marred.
In the end, Rylanor's final act of defiance caused EMOTIONAL DAMAGE of such a degree, that not even Slaanesh's constant whispers of seduction can snap Fulgrim out of his son's permanent reality check.
Now in a hammy yet still glorious piece of music by Stringstorm with George Hoctor and Cpl Corgi!
Rylanor's Creed[edit | edit source]
- Kill Fulgrim.
- Behead Fulgrim.
- Roundhouse kick Fulgrim into the concrete
- Slam dunk baby Fulgrim into the trashcan.
- Crucify Fulgrim's filthy ass.
- Defecate into Fulgrim's food.
- Launch Fulgrim into the sun.
- Stir fry Fulgrim in a wok.
- Toss Fulgrim into an active volcano.
- Urinate into Fulgrim's gas tank.
- Judo throw Fulgrim into a wood chipper.
- Twist Fulgrim's heads off.
- Report Fulgrim to the Emperor.
- Karate chop Fulgrim in half.
- Curb stomp Fulgrim's gestational pod.
- Trap Fulgrim in quicksand.
- Crush Fulgrim in the trash compactor.
- Liquefy Fulgrim in a vat of acid.
- Eat Fulgrim.
- Dissect Fulgrim.
- Exterminate Fulgrim in the gas chamber.
- Stomp Fulgrim's skulls with steel toed boots.
- Cremate Fulgrim in the oven.
- Lobotomize Fulgrim.
- Mandatory abortions for Fulgrim's sons.
- Grind Fulgrim's geneseed in the garbage disposal.
- Drown Fulgrim in fried mantis leg grease.
- Vaporize Fulgrim with a Volkite Caliver.
- Kick Fulgrim down the stairs.
- Feed Fulgrim to Tyranids.
- Slice Fulgrim with a katana.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Ancient Rylanor vs Fulgrim.
Not even entombment can hurt his amazing handsomeness and charisma (much stronger than that pansy Fulgrim's).