Aquatic Elf

Aquatic Elves or Sea Elves, as their name suggests, are a branch of the elf family tree that have taken on an amphibious lifestyle, leading to them being sort of an interstitial state between elves and merfolk; gills and webbed digits allow them to live and move quickly under the water, but a bipedal bodily configuration lets them leave the water and adventure alongside other humanoids.
Though they suffer from the same problem as any other aquatic race in that they are generally unpopular, aquatic elves have appeared throughout the history and settings of Dungeons & Dragons, having appeared in PC3: The Sea Peoples for BECMI, the Complete Book of Elves, and "Sea of Fallen Stars" for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition, the Monster Manual 1, Stormwrack, Races of Faerun and Races of Ansalon for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, and Inner Sea Races for Pathfinder.
AD&D PC Stats[edit | edit source]
In the Complete Book of Elves, aquatic elves have the following racial traits:
- Ability Score Minimum/Maximum: Strength 3/18, Dexterity 6/19, Constitution 8/18, Intelligence 7/17, Wisdom 3/18, Charisma 8/18
- Ability Score Adjustments: +1 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence
- Infravision 360 feet
- Can breathe water.
- Can only remain out of water for days equal to Constitution score, and suffer -1 Strength, Dexterity and Constitution per 2 days spent out of water, dying if any score reaches 0.
- Aquatic elves are presumed to be sea dwellers; fresh water prevents the stat loss, but it requires at least 15 minutes in salt water to undo the stat loss.
- All "generic" elf racial abilities except for the racial +1 to hit bonus with bows.
In Sea of Fallen Stars, the Forgotten Realms specific aquatic elves of Seros are stated to have the following racial statblock:
- Ability Score Minimum/Maximum: Strength 3/18, Dexterity 3/19, Constitution 3/18, Intelligence 3/18, Wisdom 3/18, Charisma 3/18
- Ability Score Adjustments: +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution
- Racial Class & Level Limits: Fighter 12, Ranger 15, Mage 15, [[Dukar] Unlimited, Cleric 12, Druid 12
- Multiclassing: Fighter/Mage, Cleric/Ranger, Cleric/Mage
- Racial abilities as per elf, except that the weapon to hit bonus is instead +1 to either trident or spear.
Pelinore[edit | edit source]
Pelinore arguably defined the most iconic traits of the aquatic elves, namely their bitter enmity for the sahuagin and their general doucheness. On Pelinore, the aquatic elves are characterized as a race of pricks who feuded with the Sahuagin for years, then when a catastrophe brought danger to their own territory, demanded the Sahuagin let them into Sahuagin territory as refugees. When the Sahuagin told them to fuck off, they responded in rage and attempted to invade and set up colonies. This resulted in a war which saw an argument amongst the gods themselves. This argument resulted in one of their own, Pharastus, becoming the Chaotic Evil God of Death, before allying with the rival gods of the Orc and Giant pantheon. So the Sea Elves' assholishness caused a massive shitshow and nearly fucked the world. This was all before later editions changed the Sahuagin to be more like Nazis, presumably to make the Aquatic Elves more sympathetic.
Mystara[edit | edit source]
Mystara is home to two major water-based elf civilizations; of the two, only the Aquarendi fit the definition of aquatic elf we are using. The others, the Meditor or "Water Elves" of Minrothad, are more of a High Elf race whose civilization is centered on sailing and seafaring trade. The two are related, but the Aquarendi are the ones who actually have evolved to live an amphibious lifestyle.
Aquarendi elves typically sport blue or green hair, and those from more isolated communities may have bright blue or green skin as well. Brown or black hair is a recessive trait, found only amongst those with particularly large amounts of land elf blood in their veins, and the semi-regular influx of land elf blood likewise means that light tan colors are the predominant skin tones for the sea elves. They have webbed fingers and toes, and gills, but otherwise could pass for any other elf. They are noted for their stealthiness, and their unique ability to communicate with dolphins and whales, but maintain the common Mystaran elf affinity for magic.
The communities of the Aquarendi are typically placed in reefs or on lagoon bottoms, with the buildings carefully designed to blend into their environment, similarly to how wood elves work to blend their cities into the forests. Each community usually has at least one "Frarandal" or "Cavern of the Sun"; a cave that reaches from the sea floor up to above the water, creating a dry, enclosed area where the Aquarendi can come to safely spend time out of the water. A Frarandal is usually shaped from the landscape through a combination of decades of careful sculpture and selectively applied magic. Whils important, it's not technically sacred - that honor goes to the "Kellaalri" the "Cavern of the Frond", which is the resting place of a community's Frond of Life. This is their version of the magical Trees of Life used by land elves, and in addition to allowing Aquarendi to gain higher levels than standard, it can also be used to produce Ships of the Deep (magical submarines), luminiscent Oil of Sunlight, Potions of Water Breathing, enchanted shell armor, and magical spears and tridents that don't rust underwater.
The history of the Aquarendi, in short, is that they hail from Mystara's ancient past, in the age of Blackmoor. Specifically, they descend from Evergrun elves who realized that Blackmoor's technological ways would bring destruction to the world, and sought to escape it preemptively by seeking the patronage of the Mystaran Immortal known as Manwara. The Immortal granted them their amphibious nature, and they fleds to what is today known as the Sea of Dread. When the Great Rain of Fire devastated the world, they survived in their undersea bunkers, although the turmoil of that era and the great elemental upheavals that followed split them into many small tribal communitiesi. Still, they fared better than most land-dwelling races, and survived relatively unchanged since that time. Eventually, they reconnected with their surface-faring sailing cousins, the water elves of Minrothad, who now act as go-betweens to allow the Aquarendi to benefit from trade with the surface world without having to actually risk exposing their existence to humanity.
If you want the full story, check out PC3: The Sea People.
Forgotten Realms[edit | edit source]
Their genocidal racism against the "ugly savages" pushed koalinths and merrow away from trying to integrate into the civilized races. Great going, you knife-eared cunts. This may be a callback to their harassment of the Sahuagin back in the Pelinore days.
Dragonlance[edit | edit source]

The Sea Elves of Krynn are believed to have been artifically mutated from the basic elf racial stock by the influence of the Graygem. They are divided into two subraces; the Dargonesti (Deep Elves), who can assume the form of porpoises, are the aquatic form of High Elves, as reflected by their innate spell-like abilities. In comparison, the Dimernesti (Shoal Elves), who can assume the form of otters, are more like the aquatic version of wild elves. Both versions have blue skin - dark for Dargonesti, light or pale for Dimernesti, and eyes in various shades of blue and purple. Dargonestic typically have blonde to dark green hair, whilst Dimernesti have silver hair. Both races are the tallest and, by elven standards, most muscular of all the Krynnish elven races. Their aquatic nature is evidenced by their possessing feathered gills just below their ears and gassamer webbing between fingers and toes.
Both races have an air of superiority and arrogance, especially when dealing with non-sea elves (including land elves) whom they don't trust - this is likely exacerbated by the deep psychological discomfort that most sea elves feel when out of the water. One unusual trait that they share is their hot-blooded, passionate temperament, which is very unusual for a Krynnish elf.
Sea elves of both subspecies live in a clan-based society. The Dimernesti are ruled by a single sea elf called the Speaker of the Seas; a queen from a matriarchal dynasty that has been ruling the Dimernesti from the capital city of Dimernost pretty much as long as the Dimernesti have existed. The Dargonesti, in comparison, are led by the Speaker of the Moons, who is advised by a council made up of the Speakers of the Blood - the matriarchs and patriarchs of the individual Dargonesti clans. Outside of these positions, clans are egalitarian; no individual is considered more important or powerful than any other.
In pre-Cataclysmic times, the Dimernesti had a multitude of underwater cities, but shifts in the underwater realm during the Cataclysm led to the shoal elves all migrating to the capital city of Dimernost, which remains as the only true home of the Dimernesti. Several other smaller settlements lie around Dimernost, most no larger than villages. Dimernost lies in the Southern Courrain Ocean and is directly southeast of Silvanesti.
Unlike the Dimernesti, the Dargonesti have a considerable number of underwater cities. Foremost of the Dargonesti settlements is the ancient kingdom of Watermere, which lies in the Northern Courrain Ocean, northeast of Ansalon. The lesser cities of Darthalla, in the Dragon Isles, the underwater ruins of Istar, and the city of Dargonost are other key settlements of the deep-sea elves. The Dargonesti city of Urione lies to the south of Silvanesti and is another large city that is best known for events in pre-Cataclysmic times, in which a war broke out between the sea elves and the Silvanesti.
Sea elf settlements are works of art, particularly the large and opulent cities of Dimernost and the kingdom of Watermere. Without a need for roads, the settlements are filled with small buildings, some of which comprise large air domes for air-breathing visitors, and the occasional tower or fortress. Both Dargonesti and Dimernesti settlements are set amidst coral reefs and kelp fields, which they harvest through the use of sea turtles. Small nomadic family groups use the smaller settlements of the sea elves. These minor camps are situated in kelp beds, coral reefs, and old shipwrecks and are used as temporary dwellings for sea elven raiding parties and nomads.
The sea elves are followers of the gods throughout all the ages of Krynn, even when the gods have been absent. Most sea elves venerate Abbuku the Fisher (Habbakuk) and Kisla the Mother of Sea Creatures (Chislev) above most other gods. However, worship is also strong for Estarin (Branchala), Ke-en (Mishakal), Matheri (Majere), and Krijol (Kiri-Jolith), as well as for the three gods of magic; Solinari, Lunitari and Nuitari. The worship of Zura the Maelstrom (Zeboim) is almost as strong as for the two primary deities of the sea elves, and she is the chief deity of the residents of Urione. Outside of Urione, worship of Zura is done mostly in secret. In the kingdom of Watermere, some minor worship of four Dargonesti gods takes place, who are believed to have been historical figures who have had small religions based around them. In truth, they are not true gods and can offer nothing to their followers. The gods are known as Kailthis the Beautiful (goddess of love and fertility), Tumarq (god of tradesman), Daidlin (goddess of sea flora and fauna), and Randoril’thi (god of luck).
In the past, the Dargonesti and Dimernesti led a rather fractured coexistence under the waves, but during the Age of Mortals, the two types of sea elves have formed a much closer bond. The sea elves have close ties with the Children of the Sea, merfolk, sea giants, and brathnocs. The sea elves are mortal enemies of the lacedons and koalinths, as well as the chilkits (Regular Crab People) and the magori (Chaos Crab People)
The Dimernesti once held a strong relationship with the Silvanesti. However, after the Cataclysm, and again after the War of the Lance, the two allowed those bonds to fade. The Dargonesti consider both the Silvanesti and Qualinesti to be arrogant and stagnant; however, they are friendly with the Kagonesti, who hold beliefs similar to theirs. Other races, such as humans, dwarves, gnomes, and kender, are considered curiosities. Sea elves have been known to rescue drowning sailors, nursing them back to health and sending them back to the surface. Minotaurs are hated by the sea elves; any minotaur sailors spotted in the ocean are allowed to drown. Seeing a pattern with Sea Elves here? First the Sahuagin in Pelinore, the Koalinth and Merrow in Forgotten Realms, and now the Minotaurs of Dragonlance, these guys are pricks. Granted, Dragonlance Minotaurs are also assholes, being culturally based on the Spartans.
Mahkwahb[edit | edit source]
On Krynn, "dark elves" in the iconic sense do not exist; Krynnish dark elves are merely elves who have turned to the paths of evil and committed acts the elves will not tolerate: worshipping the gods of darkness, wizards who take the black robes, unrepentant murderers, traitors, those who consort with the enemy, and those who repeatedly defile the forest (or seas).
The closest thing to the drow of other worlds are the Mahkwahb, or "Abyssal Elves"; these are the dark elves of the Dargonesti and Dimernesti, banished to the deepest reaches of the ocean. There, they have formed their own society, dedicated to the malevolent sea goddess Zeboim, and this has led to a distinct set of physical traits: pale skin, black hair, and the replacing of the traditional porpoise or sea otter form with that of a shark or manta ray.
3.5 PC Stats[edit | edit source]
Dargonesti Racial Traits
- Dargonesti have all the elven racial traits listed in Chapter 2 of the Player’s Handbook except as follows:
- +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, –2 Charisma.
- Humanoid (aquatic, elf): Dargonesti are humanoids with the aquatic and elf subtypes. They can breathe underwater, have a base swim speed equal to their base land speed, and gain a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks. Dargonesti do not need to make Swim checks in order to move underwater.
- Elvensight: Krynnish elves have low-light vision and can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these circumstances. Elvensight also includes darkvision up to 30 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight.
- Alternate Form (Su): A Dargonesti can assume the form of a porpoise as a standard action up to three times a day. The Dargonesti may only take this form if in a suitable aquatic environment.
- Spell-like Abilities: Dargonesti with Intelligence scores of 10 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—blur, dancing lights, darkness, and obscuring mist. These abilities have effects as if cast by a sorcerer of the Dargonesti’s character level (DC 10 + Int modifier).
- Seasense: Sea elves receive a +2 racial bonus to notice details and peculiarities about water, such as strange pollutants (including poison and diseases), approximate depth, temperature, pressure, and the like. A sea elf can intuit depth much as a human has an instinctive sense of which way is up.
- Surface Sensitivity (Ex): Dargonesti must spend at least 1 hour of every 24 hours underwater. If a Dargonesti has been out of the water for longer than 23 hours, he suffers a –2 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and checks.
- Weapon Proficiency: All sea elves receive free a Simple Weapon Proficiency feat with the longspear, Martial Weapon Proficiency feat with the trident, and Exotic Weapon Proficiency with the net.
- Automatic Languages: Aquan, Dargonesti. Bonus Languages: Common, Dargoi, Dimernesti, Elven, Ergot.
- Favored Class: Fighter.
- Level Adjustment: +2.
Dimernesti Racial Traits
- Dimernesti have all the elven racial traits listed in Chapter 2 of the Player’s Handbook except as follows:
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma.
- Humanoid (aquatic, elf): Dimernesti are humanoids with the aquatic and elf subtypes. They can breathe underwater, have a base swim speed equal to their base land speed, and gain a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks. Dimernesti do not need to make Swim checks in order to move underwater.
- Elvensight: Krynnish elves have low-light vision and can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these circumstances. Elvensight also includes darkvision up to 30 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight.
- Alternate Form (Su): A Dimernesti can assume the form of a sea otter as a standard action up to three times a day. The Dimernesti may only take this form if in a suitable aquatic environment. A sea otter has the statistics of a dire weasel, but with a swim speed of 40 feet, and no attach or blood drain abilities.
- Seasense: Sea elves receive a +2 racial bonus to notice details and peculiarities about water, such as strange pollutants (including poison and diseases), approximate depth, temperature, pressure, and the like. A sea elf can intuit depth much as a human has an instinctive sense of which way is up.
- Surface Sensitivity (Ex): Dimernesti must spend at least 1 hour of every 24 hours underwater. If a Dimernesti has been out of the water for longer than 23 hours, he suffers a –1 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and checks.
- Weapon Proficiency: All sea elves receive free a Simple Weapon Proficiency feat with the longspear, Martial Weapon Proficiency feat with the trident, and Exotic Weapon Proficiency with the net.
- Automatic Languages: Dimernesti, Elven. Bonus Languages: Aquan, Common, Dargoi, Dargonesti, Ergot, Kothian.
- Favored Class: Barbarian.
- Level Adjustment: +1.
Pathfinder PC Stats[edit | edit source]
Aquatic Elves share the same stats as regular elves except for the following:
- Humanoid (aquatic): Aquatic Elves are humanoids with the aquatic subtype. Despite having all the immunities that elves get, they strangely don't get the elf subtype, which can help against anything specially made to hunt them down.
- Amphibious: Aquatic Elves are amphibious and can breathe both water and air.
- Weapon Familiarity: Aquatic Elves are proficient with rapiers, short swords and tridents, and treat all elven weapons as martial weapons.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Elven. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan
Alternate Racial Traits
- Deep Sea Dweller: Gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet and cold resistance 5. Replaces Elven Immunities and Low-Light Vision
- Surfacer Antagonist: Aquatic elves with this racial trait receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humans. Replaces Elven Magic.
- Surface Features: Gain a +4 bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks when attempting to pass off as a surface elf. Replaces Keen Senses.
Gallery[edit | edit source]