
Arachnitids are apparently an unpleasant race of spiders (or spiderlike squig) from early Warhammer Fantasy lore, quickly discontinued. It's possible that they were reworked into the normal giant spiders Forest Goblins/Spiderfang Grots ride. They've been found in passing mention in older web articles from years ago, but other than that, the creator of this article has found nothing besides literally 2 mentionings of them in comments from 2008 on Warhammer related forums. More recent Warhammer Fantasy RPG supplements refer to Giant Spiders as "Arachnidus" titanicus. It could be a mistranslation. Of course, Arachnitids sounds like Tyranids, and in Oldhammer days, Squigs were a type of Tyranid created from Greenskin DNA, along with the Warhammer Fantasy world being located in the Warhammer 40K galaxy as a lost Feudal World. It's entirely possible Arachnitids were the odd Spidery-Squigs with Orc faces and a single horn that the old Forest Goblins used to ride.