Astral Elf

Astral Elves are a new race introduced in the Fifth Edition Spelljammer: Adventures in Space sourcebook The Astral Adventurer's Guide. They are, as will become readily apparent, what would happen if you took the uppity smug superiority of Elves and threw it in a blender with the paternalistic conquering mindset of the Imperium of Man.
Lore[edit | edit source]
Astral Elves have their origins in groups of elves who left the Feywild for the Astral Sea to be closer to their gods (as several gods have their domains in the astral sea). Life in the Silver Void has modified them, as tends to happen with elves that leave the Feywild for literally anywhere else in the multiverse, imbuing them with a small spark of divinity that manifests as the noticeable black sclera and golden pupils of their eyes.
The astral elves are naturally about as long lived as other elvish subraces tend to be (so approximately 750 years, barring magical intervention), but they come with the caveat of the fact that nothing ages in the Astral Sea. So long as they stay in the Astral Sea they are conditionally immortal (can't age to death, but can still get sick or get stabbed), so they tend to have an even longer and more timeless view of events than elves typically have. As such they tend to have a lot of free time, which they spend pursuing creative hobbies, traveling the Astral Sea and Wildspace systems, or in the case of the Xaryxian Empire, getting up in everyone's grill and pulling a Tyranid on them.
Xaryxispace[edit | edit source]
A long while ago a group of Astral Elves came across an uninhabited Wildspace system with a star they came to call Xaryxis. These elves established an empire in their little pocket of the Astral Sea and started the usual elvish pursuits of courtly intrigue and picking fights with their neighbors for reasons none can fathom save for them. However, about a millennium ago the Xaryxian Empire faced a problem; their star was starting to dim. Naturally not wanting to die along with their star, the Xaryxian elves did the only sensible thing; start sending out shards of crystal to other planets (typically inhabited) to impregnate these unsuspecting worlds and siphon the life energy from them, killing the planet and sending a massive burst of Positive Energy back to Xaryxis to keep its light shining. Like we said, the Xaryxians are essentially Tyranids with better PR, and the goal of the Light of Xaryxis adventure in the 5e Spelljammer triple pack is to prevent the Xaryxians from doing this to the player's homeworld.
Astral Elf Traits[edit | edit source]
Creature Type: You are Humanoid
Size: Your size is Medium
Speed: Your walking speed is 30 feet
Astral Fire: You know one of the following cantrips of your choice; dancing lights, light, or sacred flame. Your spellcasting modifier for these spells is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (you pick this when you select this race).
Darkvision: You have 60 feet of darkvision, allowing you to see in dim light as if it were bright light, and darkness as though it were dim light (you can only see darkness as shades of grey).
Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or to end the charmed condition.
Keen Senses: You have proficiency with the Perception skill.
Starlight Step: As a bonus action you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to a location that you can see. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses after a long rest.
Astral Trance: You do not need to sleep, and magic cannot put you to sleep. You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those hours in a trancelike meditation, during which time you remain conscious. Whenever you finish this trance you gain proficiency with one skill and with one weapon or tool of your choice, selected from the Player's Handbook. Your mystically acquire these proficiencies by drawing them from shared elven memory and the experiences of being in the Astral Sea, and you retain them until your next long rest.