
This city is meant to serve as a quest hub for an adventuring party. Ataropolis is a half submerged maritime city-state whos population consists mostly of Coastal Merfolk. It is a major commercial power due to its place at the center of a large maritime trade network. It is a young upstart nation whos success and expansion has disrupted the established local hegemony, which has caused much concern and hostility from its neighbors.
Geography[edit | edit source]

Ataropolis lies on and around an island in the middle of a bay and estuary that connects the main continent to the large Calistrian peninsula. Its territory includes most of the shoreline around this body of water. The bay has two narrow mouths and is fed by almost 150 rivers and streams which creates an estuary. The the influx of nutrients from the rivers creates an extremely productive environment for marine wildlife and plants. The estuary also provides access to many rivers which flow for hundreds of miles inland and lies on a major ocean going trade route. The bay is wide and shallow. The average depth of the bay is about 20 feet, while 25% of its area is less than 7 feet deep.
Ataropolis is bordered by several other nations that control territory inland along the major tributary rivers. To the southwest, is the human kingdom of Mirack. To the northwest lies the elf kingdom of Calistria. Out west towards the open ocean, beyond the continental shelf lies a nation of Abyssal Merfolk called the Barony of Dagobus.
History[edit | edit source]
Ataropolis is a young upstart nation, which has disrupted the established hegemony in the region. It began as a small colony from a far away merfolk nation, and slowly grew in size as more colonists arrived and traders settled. The unusually rich waters allowed rapid population growth. As the city grew, merfolk began colonizing the shoreline of the bay, and expanding up river.
In recent years, Ataropolis has come into conflict with the elf nation of PLACEHOLDER. Ataropolis has been able to wrestle away control of local trade from Calistria. every year more ships and merchants prefer to stop at ataropolis rather than Calistria. The Merfolk's resulting financial success has allowed the them to purchase land on the edges of ataropolis territory. This land is often converted into aquatic farmland which results in a defacto annexation to merfolk control and displaces the native elf population.
Displaced elf peasants often responded with resentment and anger. Elf commoners have tried to petition their new landlords to prevent land conversion, and on several occasions these demonstrations have resulted in violence. There now exists a large amount of animosity between merfolk and elves.
The elve's leaders have become jealous of ataropolis' success, outraged at its expansion, and resentful of its newfound status as a cultural epicenter. The competition between elves and merfolk has escalated into a barely contained cold war. A military build up has been occurring on both sides, as they each race to occupy disputed territories. There are monthly skirmishes along the borders which threaten to explode into all out war.

Quest Hooks[edit | edit source]
- seamount metal supplies under threat from abyssal raids
- internal jockying for power amoung the nobles
- scout elf military positions
- patrol frontiers
- elf spies infiltrating the city
- spy mission to discover elf plans for magic superweapon
- outlining farming village faces infestation of sea urchins and violent sea creatures which ruin their farms and destroy the forests
Economy[edit | edit source]
Ataropolis and its surrounding territories have a strong and diverse economy that includes many industries. These industries include agriculture, shipping, fishing, textiles, magic services, blacksmiths, and even universities.
Most of the area around Ataropolis is dedicated to agriculture. The rich waters of the bay allow for very productive fields of aquatic crops such as kelp, rice, water lilies, watercress, taro, lotus, waterspinach, wasabi, waterchestnuts and shellfish. The inhabitants have constructed large enclosures that serve as pastures for fish hatcheries, and preserved fish is one of ataropolis' major exports as a result. A typical farm around the city consists of an oyster bed on the bottom of the sea floor, a canopy of kelp at the surface with columns reach down to attach to the floor, and fish swimming in the water in the middle.
Shipping and trade is one of the most important industries in Ataropolis. The cities merchant fleet has trade routes for hundreds of miles. Although Merfolk are powerful swimmers, ships are still the best way to move large amounts of cargo. The portion of the city that is above water is mostly dedicated to docks and markets, where ships from all over the region come to trade their goods.
Ataropolis possesses indiginous mining and blacksmithing industries. Instead of using corrodable iron, merfolk smiths have developed the corrosion resistant alloy stellite. Stellite is illegal to export or trade to nonmerfolk.
Textiles are another major export. the waters around the city are heavily cultivated with shellfish with provide the highly desirable fabric called seasilk. It is very strong and capable of being woven into fabric that is finer than silk. Additionally, it is immune to degradation by water. A monopoly on the production of this material means that merfolk spinners produce some of the best textiles in the region.
Government[edit | edit source]

Ataropolis' government is a complex oligarchical republic. Although the state is firmly in the hands of the oligarchs, there are representative and democratic elements as well. A system of checks of balances ensures some amount of public accountability. There are 2 annually elected offices which are similar to executive branches of modern day governments. Aristocratic families elect representatives into the Senate. There is a body called the Chamber of 100, which acts as a kind of supreme judical chamber and oversees many aspects of the state with its variety of committees. There is also a popular legislative assembly which is elected by the common citizens and represents commoners, trade unions, and local town issues. It is possible for the Senate to be overruled by the Assembly if it does not have a unanimous vote.
Factions[edit | edit source]
Corselle Family[edit | edit source]
Notable Locations[edit | edit source]
Temple[edit | edit source]
Harbor & Agora[edit | edit source]
The heart of Ataropolis is the harbor and market. There is enough room for several hundred trireme ships to dock and transfer their goods to the nearby market. Here their are several important buildings, shops, and factions.
Caves[edit | edit source]
Farms[edit | edit source]
University[edit | edit source]
Walls Barracks Castle[edit | edit source]
Palace Congress and Government[edit | edit source]
Chamber of commerce
Outlining Towns[edit | edit source]
Related LInks[edit | edit source]
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