
Autumn chronicles a land where near-modern technology and mystic energies coexist, each one finding itself weaponized by the five great political spheres of Harmony: The pentad powers. The Pentad do not fight over race, hate, or bloodlust; they fight to reclaim their world from the darkness that the new age has brought. The ill-understood aetheric energies have found a resurgence in these times, giving undeniable power and recognition to many fringe-sciences and those who can "shape" these energies with their bodies. Many see aetheric techniques and abilities to be a recourse from the destructive path of technology, spawning many luddite movements that have had a measurable impact on the proliferation of technology.
Yet as the five great nations march to bring order to a ruined world, the shadows of their lost golden age become unrecognizable in the bleak reality. As the Age of Autumn sweeps the land, the Pyre goes stronger.
The Setting[edit | edit source]
Harmony is a world beyond earth, to us they are an indefinable time and distance away from our lands, and to them they are the only life in the galaxy. The people of Harmony have become accustomed to death, a deadly nine week war brought the world to its knees when the Pentad Powers launched a preemptive war against the Great Babylon; an action spawned by fear that their future would become a trivial matter for the endlessly growing superstate. The aftermath of this even caused massive famines and natural disasters as Babylonian exports and maintenance evaporated, such matters doesn't concern the new regime of states. The new mentality has ended much humanitarian sensibilities among the population, leaving the violent and paranoid ways of the feudal period to make a strong return in the new generations. This has shaped the method in which governance is administered, with surviving villages being dispersed in distant isolated pockets; many rural folk have only the vaguest idea of their own rulers, let alone the outside world.
The changed outlook of the populace reflects the Harmony's natural limitations. Harmony's surface area is far greater than our own, stretching logistics as supply lines stretch into the deep wilderness; lands that have never been properly mapped or civilized. The lack of plentiful petroleum has also changed the ways that people can travel. Hand drawn carts and horses remain the choice of transportation for most, with cars being targeted by the large populations of forest bandits that have arisen after the Great War. Fuel, perhaps the most vital resource, competes with food on the fields. It is often said that a full tank requires an empty stomach.
The Pentad Powers[edit | edit source]
Autumn is a world where nine human species live amongst each other. They coexist, more or less, in many countries with differences solved using underhanded politics and/or the occasional drawn-out war. Presently, the main five political spheres are at a stand-off. The Imperial powers of the "Aclarado" are the remnants of the old kingdoms, and as such they adhere to the old concept of conquering regions and creating subservient states to maintain the homeland. To oppose this old doctrine is the new concept of "Centralism". Centralism was created by Gallian General Anthony Hecht, who's many years of military campaigns and occupations prompted him to write his manifesto. Translated as "Centralism of the New Age", Hecht discusses the importance of military integration into a society, as well as economic autonomy through industrialization. These two powers have been at a stand-off for decades, and are considered the superpowers of the western hemisphere.
To the east is the Dominion and the Kievan pact. The Dominion alliance of rogue states that have been all but shunned by foreign powers. The Dominion lacks a specific political doctrine, but more often than not it is a tyrannical, aristocratic government formed around a feudal system. Dominion states are likely to be pro-slave and isolationist, with a tendency to refuse diplomacy with non-Dominion nations. The fourth power is the Kievan Pact, created to maintain the power of the Pereginus Kingdom created after the Great Conquest that spread their race across the globe. It is very diverse, being divided by smaller political lines. Like the Dominion, Kievan governments range from state to state, but most are lead by a king or czar.
The final faction is the Cabal, a circle of rebels, warlords, and marauders. The Cabal is a mishmash of para-military organizations united by their need to fight the world's nations and superpowers. The lesser species are common members of the Cabal, often working in tandem with rebels to end opposing governments. Their forces and lands very, but are often poorly equipped and rely on mobility, stealth, and ambush to combat superior forces. The shadowy nature of the Cabal allows many to make secret dealing with them. Cabal units were involved in the invasion of Siev by the Confederates. Special "Overcast" Confederate units were teamed up with Immorti Askari to hunt royalty and flush insurgents.
The Core Rules[edit | edit source]
Autumn is based on a class and rank system to simply the diverse vehicles, soldiers, and equipment into a manageable (mostly) one roll system. All forces are classified under elements, all of which have innate statistics that are modified by the extensive trait system. These statistics are compared and rolled based on their relative values.
Compare your score and the enemy's, using the difference to find the success threshold.
Enemy skill is 4 higher: automatic failure Enemy skill is 3 higher: 8+ Enemy skill is 2 higher: 7+ Enemy Skill is 1 higher: 6+ Enemy skill is equal : 5+ Enemy skill is 1 lower : 4+ Enemy skill is 2 lower : 3+ Enemy skill is 3 lower : 2+ Enemy skill is 4 lower : automatic success
This is known as a rank roll, and defines shooting and melee rolls.
Infantry Classes[edit | edit source]
Harmony has a greater reliance on infantry in the face of global ethanol shortages, leaving men at the heart of battle.
The profile
Weight/role order of shooting (before*, first, second, last) movement aegis armor
- shoot before applies damage before the enemy can fire, casualties and suppression count immediately instead of being applied after both sides have fired.
Standard Classes
Light shoot First Move 7 aegis 3 armor 1
Medium Shoot second Move 6 aegis 2 armor 2
Heavy Shoot last move 5 aegis 1 armor 3
Special classes
Operator - Shoot Before Move 7 Aegis 4 armor 1 /especially potent warriors assemble into small maneuverable teams in order to flank the enemy, and penetrate deep into enemy lines. /
Buckler Shoot second Move 6/4 Aegis 3/1 Armor 1/2*
- only against enemies beyond a 180 degree arc in front of the models, may not move twice with shields up.
/Bodyguards and urban assault forces both agree a shield is preferable to a bulky suit of armor. Light ballistic shields can stop sidearms and most SMG rounds with ease, but are vulnerable to close shots from assault carbines and a shot from a repeater from all but the most extreme of ranges.
The World[edit | edit source]
Autumn is about a world fairly different from our own. There are two moons, eleven continents, and nine human species. However, some of the greatest differences aren't very conspicuous. For example, petroleum doesn't exist, forcing machines to run on ethanol, hydrogen, et cetera. Others are quite obvious, like the longer and harsher winters that even war can't ignore. Few countries stay allies for long, and there isn't any major organization that polices the nations of the world. Justice and human rights are totally relative region-to-region. Places like Rhos of the Aclarado consider all men equal, while the Dominion champions slavery and fights to the death for its acceptance in the world.
Aether & the Outfield[edit | edit source]
Throughout time man has attributed complex feats and functions to "magic", undefinable powers with infinite potential. Witches were either honored or hunted for their mysterious abilities. But as science developed, so, too, did our understanding of this power. A Gallian astronomer known as Louie of Beurch was the first to imagine that an invisible substance was responsible for the innate abilities that some had. His observations would inspire Francis the Great to not only discover aether, but also to create the first Aetheric lens that allowed man to view this strange substance. Throughout the span of his life, he studied aether vigorously. His invention of the Aetheric lens allowed him to realize just how common the substance was. In addition to this,he discovered that it was a mutation in the nerves that allowed aether control in humans. Aether is considered part of something known as the "Outfield", a special group of energies that only partially have tangible manifestations and effects on our mass and energy, with a good part of their interactions manifesting in an entirely different field of physics yet to be fully understood by modern science. Along with aether, several other elements are considered part of the Outfield. The slave-ore also known as "famulum" is a solid material, so brittle and black that it could be passed off as graphite. Famulum can be easily manipulated by moving aether currents. Unlike other materials where aether simply "flows" around them, aether attempts to move through Famulum, transferring kinetic energy by doing so. Alone, famulum is a fairly useless material, but it can be smelted into ores to create tools and weapons easily handled by witches and other aether users.
The Nine[edit | edit source]
The nine species of man are not considered equals. While every species generally considers itself the others' superiors, there is a common sentiment that the races are organized as greater, common, and lesser species. This list of nine is loved by those listed as greater, accepted by those who are common, and detested by those who are described as lesser. Unfortunately for them, this list is here to stay, and all of man shall forever be judged by their rank within the Nine.
The Greater Species
Traits: Primoris have excellent memory and charisma, and are black-skinned to protect themselves from their land's scorching sun. They are adapted to hot climates, and will almost never suffer heat stroke. While not as common as Rimorian traders, there is a significant minority of Primoris merchants who often operate in ports in regions normally hostile to outsiders. Immorti and Adnihilo often seek out Primoris traders for their willingness to trade with so called "lesser species".
History: While they were the first human species to exist, they were not the first to reach civilization, having little need for advanced shelter and irrigation techniques on their fertile continent. Primoris would eventually found the great Babylon, and while their great empire no longer exists today they are still respected for their long history of honor and resilience.
Traits: The Angeleus are an ancient people who's long history is filled with violence against the weak and "undesirable". Their religion teaches the idea that man is imperfect, and only by breeding the strong and culling the weak can they reach divine perfection. Through this ideology the bodies of the Angeleus have changed. Males have been bred to have an extra set of lesser, three fingered arms; limbs they often hide to blend in with others. Women were spared this odd mutation, with the only significant anatomical differences being slightly denser muscles. This odd quirk wasn't even selected through their history of strict eugenics, but rather an unforeseen advantage after years of genetic bottle necking. The Angeleus homeland is inhabited by the Pereginus, a consequence of the Angeleus' inability to stop their Great Conquest. The Angeleus skin is a light tan and most Angeleus are above average in height.
History: They were the first civilized men, and would eventually go on to spread civilization to the Artifex and Primoris, who would quickly unite their land (with Babylon being founded by the Primoris). The Primoris and Artifex were convinced they were gods, and for centuries this continued. The day when the Angeleus cult collapsed two very separate reactions were had by the Babylonians and the Artifex: The former would exile every Angeleus from their lands, while the latter would accept them as the men they were. However, to this day Angeleus are considered daemons by the superstitious, and manipulative schemers by others. They must hide themselves to avoid violence against their kind, often fronting as taller Pereginus, who share their light skin.
Traits: To the far east is a land where the sun rarely penetrates the thick clouds and pouring rain. In this land live the Artifex. Strange and vibrant, the Artifex naturally have a heightened sense of creativity that shows through their history of culture and art. Some see them as mentally unstable; anger and lust never being too far from their minds. Nevertheless the Artifex have a strong charisma about them. The Artifex are gray-skinned with sharp features, setting them apart from most others.
History: The Artifex Kingdom is one of the older ones still in existence, rivaled only by the Aclarado powers. As of such their culture has evolved into a hybrid of ancient rituals and modern practices. Those from western lands often find the Artifexes' culture is depraved and sinful; brutal fights to the death serve to entertain the citizens, while the higher classes enjoy private galas filled with drunken glee and debauchery. Though these actions paint a picture of a savage race, the Artifex have some of the highest standards of living for their people (slaves are not considered people) and have the most advanced healthcare services in the world.
The Common Species
Rimor Traits: Rimor are considered to be mentally balanced and with a strong sense of will. Their coppery skin sets them apart from the Pereginus, who otherwise look remarkably similar. The Rimor are predominately religious, with the Aclarado state technically being a theocracy under the "Order of the Prophet".
History: The Rimor are a people of the west who's curiosity prompted them to explore, map, and conquer many parts of the world. Their homeland of Rhos isn't very large, but acts as the crown for their vast commonwealth (something that they conquered back in the days when most of the world was mostly an untamed wilderness filled with marauding bandits).
Traits: The Phobus are named so for their cultural obsession with the sun. To them, the sun represents life, progress, and truth. Living on a chain of islands isn't the ideal ecosystem, and their skin is darker than that of Rimor or Pereginus but is lighter than the Primoris', reflecting their tropical surroundings. Phobus also evolved superior muscle generation to combat predators, with Phobus in peak condition being able to lift about 850 kg.
History: For most of their legacy they lived upon a chain of islands northwest of Babylon. They were primitive and couldn't defend themselves properly when the Rimor Empires came to conquer their lands as a gift to Babylon. Forced from their homes, they wandered north until they found Makazi, the home of the Umma, commonly known as the "Montis". The Umma allowed them to take refuge on the western shores, as the Montis were not pressed for space. For less than a century the two people lived without hostilities, but when the Great Conquest reached Makazi this small time of peace ended. The Umma effectively combatted the Pereginians until "Red Mouth" crossed the species barrier and decimated the Umma. Now alone in this seemingly hopeless fight, the Phobus turned to science to even the odds. Discovering a strange flammable powder, the Phobus began to create weapons of the future. The Pereginus remember that day well; the day when their aetheric powers failed to protect them from this new weapon: the gun. Able to fight for their right to live upon this continent, the Phobus would eventually end the war. Bordered by an unfriendly power calling itself "Siev", the Phobus united under the banner of Centralism and were one of the founders of the Confederacy.
Traits: The Pereginus homeland is a cold place where harsh winters and rainy summers keep the region cool year round. Pereginus have good control over their body temperature and can easily stay warm or cool. Coming from a cold region Pereginus skin is a light tan, and their hair is thick.
History: In times long past the Pereginus were nomads, straying place to place in hopes to find a land of promise. They used their aetheric abilities to take what they needed. Yakiv, one of the tribal leaders, was the first to envision a united Pereginus. He spoke of a warrior race conquering the world, spreading the idea that they were meant to rule the planet. They trained themselves to better use their special gift, and soon organized into a force to be reckoned with. Finally ready to wage war, entire armies fell before the Pereginus, who's aetheric abilities granted them domination in the battlefield. Even Babylon feared the day when they would be the last free nation. The enemies of the Pereginus either fell or strengthened under the pressure. But all legacies end, and when Yakiv died he left a message of peace. While their future was far from peaceful the Pereginus have settled and given up their way of the marauder.
The Lesser Species
Traits: Montis have good reflexes, and are extremely fast when their bodies are pumped with adrenaline. This, in addition to good dexterity, makes them excellent with hand-to-hand combat. The effects of Red Mouth also include overproduction of adrenaline, and affect brain chemistry. The right hemisphere of the brain is weakened, and heightened aggression is common. These effects are less profound in females than they are in male Montis. Red Mouth also causes the already slim form of the Montis to wither past the natural. Most Montis have very thin, starved appearances due to their suffering of this disease. The use of Brown Root, a psychoactive stimulant when smoked or injected, adds to their overly slight appearance with side effects like loss of appetite and increased metabolism
History: The Montis were once considered "noble savages", and classified as a common species. However, when the great conquest arrived upon Makazi, the Umma were forced into a massive war. For a while they held their ground, but when "Red Mouth" started afflicting it effectively ended the war, and forced the Montis population into the Angan Mountains. The disease spread and the uninfected became desperate. It wasn't long before they took to the streets and started exterminating the infected masses, who were too weak and in constant agony to fight back. When some of the infected started rising from their pain and fought back, they were named "the undying" or "Immorti", by a foreign herald. Eventually, through this bloody civil war, uninfected Montis no longer existed and the Montis race as a whole was lowered to a lesser species.
Traits: In the far southern wastes there is little to support human populations. Adnihilo evolved to be predators of both man and beast. Their pale skin gives them natural camouflage in snow, and their hearing and sight is sharpened to spot and track prey at great distances. Physically, an Adnihilo is fairly different from most other species. Slightly longer fingers and more canine teeth allow them to consume flesh easily, as well as providing superior natural weapons. Adnihilo generally don't have a problem with eating humans; it isn't immoral or taboo in their culture. This rather unsettling aspect of their society makes them feared and hated by many, forcing them to hide their race. Some Adnihilo can resist their urges to eat the flesh of man, but their natural desire to devour others will never fully wane.
History: The Adnihilo have never really been able to settle anywhere beyond their cold far Southern and Northern homeland, with the few that live outside of it being either raiders, adventurers, or in hiding. Babylon wished to exterminate them all, but never made the effort to attack their home. Adnihilo have always been on the fringe of society, and dominate the illegal underground. Recently an army has been formed by the Adnihilo, acting as a Terrorist Organisation named "Black Odyssey".
Factions[edit | edit source]
Los Aclarado
History & Background
The "Enlightened" are a union of several Imperialist countries and commonwealths. At it's heart is the Rhosian Empire, coordinating the west. It has done so since they inherited control from Babylon. There was a time when many expected the Aclarado to become the new world order. However, when relations with the Kievan Pact diminished it no longer seemed likely that they would be able to unite the world. The Aclarado armed forces are well drilled and very fanatical. What they lack in technological superiority they make up with their mobility and numerous forces. The largest member of the Aclarado, the Rhos Empire, has a conservative leaning when it comes to politics and its military, preferring tried and true methods over innovation. This lack of progress cost the Aclarado in the early months of the North Sea War, the first engagement against the Centralist Confederacy. Stories of Confederate armor being nearly impenetrable by Aclarado anti-armor guns were a testament to their need to re-think their doctrine.
Play Style
Los Aclarado forces are closely based on the real life Nato doctrine during the early Cold War, relying on the power of coordinated assaults and close air support. While able to assault fairly well, Los Aclarado forces are lightly armored and should be preserved; while numerous Los Aclarado forces are too costly to simple throw away. Instead use them to support your motorized and and air assets, throwing up a buffer to absorb incoming fire is the only sure way to keep your superior forces alive. Aclarado forces are varied, colonial and allied Imperial forces may change your play style, but generally Aclarado forces are best used at greater distances, with Elites brought in to deal with threats that cannot be destroyed by aerial strikes. Helicopter cavalry and motorized forces make the best use of Aclarado advantages, able to assault and redeploy rapidly. Also note that Los Aclarado have some of the cheapest elites and specialists in the game. `
The Cabal
History & Background
Play Style
Cabal players have one of the widest unit selections in the game, making their armies extremely flexible. Vehicles and tunnel networks/infiltration should be used in hit and run attacks; with direct confrontations reserved for ambushed that simply cannot fail to inflict lethal damage. Firepower of all Cabal forces is lacking, such is the price of relying on scavenged, stolen, and outdated materials. One can easily create an unstoppable army using an exploitable niche, such as ambushing anti-armor forces that can scrap the enemy's armor before they can even fire back. On the other hand enemies who work around their weaknesses will always outclass Cabal armies, with the latter reliant on human wave attacks or slow attrition is they are found in such a stalemate.
The Centralist Confederacy
History & Background
The radical Socialist ideologies of Centralism have risen in the west, isolating and dividing the greater Imperial world. The doctrine of Centralism is based on the idea that limiting one's population and dependence on the rest of the world is the key to maintaining one's interests. Industry is the primary Confederate method of attaining equilibrium between population and the available labor. These ideas come from the mind of one Anthony Hecht, a former Gallian general and philanthropist who spend his last moments and remaining fortune to spread the ideals of Centralism. He succeeded, a bloody yet swift Coup saw to the liquidation of the Gallian ruling dynasty and its corrupt parliament. The people were fearful of this radical new regime, the previous security and prestige was replaced with a cold calculating state that no longer tolerated economic inefficiency and luxury. These ideas spread from the former Gallian sphere of influence, more so when famine enticed many to adopt a mechanized economy. Many of the Confederate clients are small enclaves or regions wishing to adopt a new economic model; but others like the mild Gallia and the hard-line Jericus are economic superpowers. Though in theory those under the Confederacy should reap the benefits of their efficient economy, most of the economic surplus goes to the strained Confederate war effort, leaving little in the way of luxury for its citizens.
Play Style
Mechanization is a costly but an efficient way to make the most of your forces, the Confederates generally focus on heavy infantry, making them vulnerable to strikes and range domination. The Confederates are also fairly concentrated, with the ability to separate out into teams reserved for elite units. For the most part the Confederates are a steam roller that must maintain momentum or suffer. Fighting the Confederates should be based on disabling their vehicles and dividing their forces enough for you to start removing expensive units until they are hopelessly outnumbered or far too slow to avoid hit and run attacks. Confederate players often rely on their forces sharing targets and advanced defense systems. Computerized systems like the Shared View System (SVS or 3RD EYE as it is officially known) allow for synergized attacks, spotting and recon is made extremely easy by automated drones and shared Camera systems.
Kievan Pact
United under the old banner of the "Great Conquest", a historical offensive that spread and united across the globe, the Kievan Pact is a loose organization between the Eastern Pereginus peoples. Their society is dominated by two cultures, these being the Industrialist and Agricultural Pal'Nyk (burners) named for their history of using fire to clear fields, and the Vershnyk who are nomadic horticulturalists. These two have always been Rivals, with the Vershnyk having a history of brutalizing the Pal'Nyk before the Great Conquest united them. The recent destabilized nature of the world and its trade has forced cooperation between these peoples once again. These two cultures are commonly led by a Hetman or a Czar if they are Vershnyk or Pal' Nyk respectively. Part of the fundamental alliance between these two peoples was the formation of a greater pantheon that combined the gods of the Pal'Nyk and the Vershnyk, a simple if amazingly effective maneuver that created unprecedented tolerance.
Play Style The Kievan Pact armies, just as their culture, are a combined effort of two economies and leaderships. The Pal'Nyk rapidly produce vehicles and weapons to arm an otherwise ineffective Conscript Army, using the power of numbers and raw firepower to break open the enemy defenses and crush attacks. Combined forces of infantry, armor, and artillery are best ways to utilize a Pal'Nyk force. Motorized or Armored forces are the primary forte of the Pal'Nyk, allowing them to quickly deploy heavy weaponry to cover the waves of cheap infantry. The Vershnyk are much different, relying on their beasts of burden and specialized infantry to quickly redeploy and attack. Vershnyk doctrine and arms are very much outdated, making them best used as support or specialists alongside conventional Pal'Nyk Forces. Generally horse or pack-bears are used by the Vershnyk to gain a mobility and redeployment advantage, but these forces are very vulnerable to more conventional forces.
up next: special weapons, traits, and mechanized warfare