BBB Equipment

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Equipment tables, suggestions, and ideas for the Braindead Bimbo Barbarians game. As with the main game, this is all early beta at best, though some small amount of testing has been done and it's more-or-less playable.

Overview[edit | edit source]

It is generally assumed that a bimbo can have a top, a bottom, and shoes. These three items serve an important function through the Wardrobe Malfunction rule. A bimbo may have any number of accessories or weapons, though at some point it may get ridiculous. It is assumed that a bimbo can only wield one heavy weapon at a time, and no more than two light weapons, though GM discretion always applies. If a garment, accessory, or weapon has special properties, it must be worn or wielded at the time the ability is activated (so you don't get the benefit of an enchanted push-up bra that you've got in a closet at home).

Random Generation[edit | edit source]

The following are intended as master tables for randomly-stocked purveyors of equipment, items found in treasure hordes and abandoned closets, et cetera.

Outfit Material Generation Tables[edit | edit source]

To randomize entire outfits, use these tables to generate a garment material, primary decorative material, secondary decorative material, and lining material. Fill in these materials as needed for all parts of the outfit. Otherwise, you may generate items individually.

d6 Garment Material Primary Decorative Material Secondary Decorative Material Lining Material
1: Cloth Cloth Metal Cloth
2: Cloth Cloth Metal Cloth
3: Metal Metal Metal Fur
4: Fur Fur Gem Fur
5: Leather Leather Gem Leather
6: Leather Leather Gem Leather
  • For footwear, add two to the garment material type (more likely to be leather, won't be cloth). Roll footwear separately if creating a full outfit and the garment material would otherwise be "cloth"
d6 Low Quality Medium Quality High Quality
1: canvas satin silk
2: canvas satin silk
3: cotton satin silk
4: cotton velvet fishnet
5: wool velvet fishnet
6: wool velvet fishnet
d6 Low Quality Medium Quality High Quality
1: copper bronze gold
2: copper bronze gold
3: chrome iron platinum
4: brass iron platinum
5: tin steel titanium
6: nickel silver titanium
d6 Low Quality Medium Quality High Quality
1: beaver wolf leopard
2: beaver wolf leopard
3: deer wolf tiger
4: deer bear cheetah
5: rabbit bear zebra
6: rabbit bear zebra
d6 Low Quality Medium Quality High Quality
1: raw black white
2: raw black white
3: raw black white
4: brown maroon red
5: brown maroon red
6: brown maroon red
d6 Low Quality Medium Quality High Quality
1: rhinestone lapis lazuli diamond
2: rhinestone lapis lazuli diamond
3: bone lapis lazuli sapphire
4: bone amber sapphire
5: cubic zirconia amber ruby
6: cubic zirconia amber ruby

Decorations[edit | edit source]

Many pieces of equipment, whether garments, weapons, or accessories, have additional embellishments on them. The following is a general table for use in random equipment creation:

d6 Decoration Type
1: studded with [secondary decoration material]
2: lined with [lining material]
3: encircled by bands of [primary decoration material]
4: menacing with spikes of [secondary decoration material]
5: decorated with an image of [image type] in [primary decoration material]
6: decorated by hanging rings of [primary decoration material]

d6 Image Type
1: a skull
2: a heart
3: foreign calligraphy
4: the designer's mark
5: a diamond
6: an eye

Equipment Generation Tables[edit | edit source]

To generate equipment using these tables, start with the sentence at the top and roll d6s to fill in the brackets. These tables are an optional tool for the DM.

Shoes[edit | edit source]

This is a pair of [garment material] [base shoes]. They are [heel type] [decoration type].

d6 Base Shoes
1-2: sandals
3-4: [boot size] boots
5-6: pumps

d6 Boot Size
1: ankle high
2: mid calf
3: below the knee
4: knee high
5: above the knee
6: thigh high

d6 Heel Type
1: flats
2: short wedges
3: high wedges
4: stilettos
5: platforms
6: stilettos, with platformed toes

Bottoms[edit | edit source]

This is a [garment material][base bottoms]. It is [decoration type].

d8 Base Bottoms
1: thong
2: miniskirt
3: loincloth
4: pair of hotpants
5: skirt
6: pair of panties
7: tight leggings
8: roll again, add long stockings to result

Tops[edit | edit source]

This is a [garment material][base tops]. [Pauldron Base] It is [decoration type].

d8 Base Tops
1: bodice
2: tube
3: string bikini top
4: titplate
5: bra
6: halter top
7: low cut shirt
8: roll for decoration. That as a nipple covering.

d6 Pauldron Base
1: Skip.
2: It has one small [garment material] pauldrons attached.
3: It has two small [garment material] pauldrons attached.
4: It has one large [garment material] pauldrons attached.
5: It has two large [garment material] pauldrons attached.
6: It has one large and one small [garment material] pauldrons attached.

Accessories[edit | edit source]

This is a [garment material][base accessory]. It is [decoration type].

d6 Base Accessory
1: pair of glasses.
2: bag.
3: [Headwear Type].
4: ring.
5: [Bracelet Type].
6: [Necklace Type].

d6 Headwear Type Bracelet Type Glove Length Necklace Type
1: crown [Glove length] glove wrist length collar
2: tiara bracer wrist length choker
3: headband wristband elbow length necklace
4: skullcap armguard elbow length neck guard
5: helmet armband shoulder length ruffle
6: hair tie elbow pad shoulder length tie

Heavy Weapons[edit | edit source]

This is a [weapon material][base weapon][decoration type]. The grip is made of [lining type].

d6 Weapon material:
1-2: iron
3-4: steel
5-6: bronze

d6 Base Weapon: Ranged Long Normal Close Skin-To-Skin Save
1: [sword type] sword n/a penalty normal penalty n/a medium (2) difficulty
2: [axe type] n/a penalty normal n/a n/a hard (3) difficulty
3: [hammer type] hammer n/a penalty normal n/a n/a hard (3) difficulty
4: [flail type] flail n/a penalty normal n/a n/a hard (3) difficulty
5: [mace type] mace n/a penalty normal n/a n/a hard (3) difficulty
6: [spear type] spear normal normal penalty n/a n/a hard (3) difficulty

d6 Sword Type: Axe type: Hammer Type
1: straight bladed, single edged single bladed single headed, round
2: straight bladed, double edged single bladed, bearded single headed, square
3: curved bladed, single edged double bladed single headed, round, spiked
4: curved bladed, double edged double bladed, bearded single headed, square, spiked
5: wave bladed single bladed, spiked double headed, round
6: serrated single bladed, bearded, spiked double headed, square

d6 Flail Type Mace Type Spear Type
1: single headed round broad headed
2: spiked flanged narrow headed
3: flanged studded flanged
4: triple headed spiked barred
5: triple headed, spiked headless, spiked serrated
6: triple headed, flanged banded barbed

Light Weapons[edit | edit source]

This is a [base weapon], [decoration type].

d6 Base Weapon Ranged Long Normal Close Skin-To-Skin Save
1-2: [Dagger Type] dagger normal n/a penalty normal normal easy (1) difficulty (hard when flanking)
3-4: [Whip Type] whip n/a normal normal penalty normal easy (1) difficulty, can trip and disarm without penalty
5-6: [Bow Type] bow normal n/a n/a n/a n/a easy (1) difficulty

d6 Dagger Type Whip Type Bow Type
1: long bladed weighted flat
2: short bladed black leather short
3: wave bladed brown leather long
4: serrated multi-tailed decurve
5: tapered barbed recurve
6: broad bladed woven composite

Magic Item Properties[edit | edit source]

The following list is of special abilities granted by magic, amazing sci-fi, or by the basic concepts of the Braindead Bimbo Barbarians genre(s). They are presented with a material type or decoration detail that may be the result of the random equipment tables. Just rolling a particular decoration or material type doesn't mean an item has that ability; the GM must rule that it is a special item and has final say on what abilities, if any, a given item grants.

bone: necromancy

Grasping Hands - hundreds of skeletal hands burst up out of the ground, clawing and grabbing and anything they can catch hold of. Any attempts at movement through the affected area, including to engage, disengage, or change engagement range, are made at an advanced difficulty (Easy -> Normal -> Difficult). The item with this ability is unavailable for any other use so long as the hands are in play.
Skeletal Assistant - Upon command, this item sprouts skeletal arms, legs, hands, and feet. It functions as an animated skeleton with a Skeleton Servitoring skill of 3. The item with this ability is unavailable for any other use so long as the skeletal servitor is in play. If the skeletal servant is incapacitated, the item remains useless until the end of the encounter.

rhinestone/cubic zirconia/diamond: light effects

Bedazzled - An item with this ability may be rendered useless for a full turn to create a dazzling effect that causes all opponents to become disengaged from the item's owner.
Diamond Bedazzled - As with Bedazzled, but affected opponents are treated as no longer engaging anyone, not just the item's owner.

diamond: defensive toughness perk

A Girl's Best Friend - Once per encounter, this item allows its wearer to become totally immune to attacks against her Slap, Legs, or Tits scores for a full turn. Activating this ability does not constitute the owner's action for that turn, and if any of her stats are currently disabled, they are immediately restored, permitting immediate use.

amber: snare/grab/trap effects

Diceless - Once per encounter the owner of this item may automatically succeed at any action that would normally require a die roll. Using this ability renders the item useless for the remainder of the encounter.
Stuck on You - An item with this ability increases the difficulty of all attempts to leave engagement with its owner by one degree (Easy -> Normal -> Difficult). This ability may only be placed on items that are eligible for a Wardrobe Malfunction.

lapis lazuli/sapphire: cold/water effects

Wave-slicing - an item with this ability removes all penalties to movement caused by water or ice, and all penalties to ranged attacks or perception-related Uhm checks caused by fog.
Slippery When Wet - an item with this ability reduces the difficulty of Legs checks to escape grabs or disengage from melee by one degree (Difficult -> Normal -> Easy). This ability may only be placed on items that are eligible for a Wardrobe Malfunction.
What's Cooler than Cool? - an item with this ability enables its owner to make a ranged attack with a Normal Tits check. This ability may only be placed on heavy weapons. This is considered to be a cold or ice effect.

ruby: fire/blood effects bronze: fire

Some Like it Hot - an item with this ability enables its owner to make a ranged attack with a Normal Tits check. This ability may only be placed on heavy weapons. This is considered to be a heat or fire effect.
Too Hot to Handle - Any character attempting to grab or make a skin-to-skin range attack against the owner of an item with this ability is immediately subject to a heat/fire attack. The owner of the item makes a Difficult Tits check to determine if there is an effect. This is resolved after the triggering attack is resolved. This ability may only be placed on items that are eligible for a Wardrobe Malfunction.

fishnet: snaring, immobilizing, disarming effects

Stay A While - an item with this ability reduces the difficulty of attempts by its owner to grab or otherwise restrain an opponent by one degree (Difficult -> Normal -> Easy). This ability may only be placed on items that are eligible for a Wardrobe Malfunction.
Cum Hither - an item with this ability allows its owner to make a Normal Tits check to engage an opponent instead of a Legs check. Using this ability renders the item useless for one full turn. This ability may only be placed on items that are eligible for a Wardrobe Malfunction.

satin & silk: facilitate movement, evade snaring/grasping/trapping effects

Slippery When Wet - an item with this ability reduces the difficulty of Legs checks to escape grabs or disengage from melee by one degree (Difficult -> Normal -> Easy). This ability may only be placed on items that are eligible for a Wardrobe Malfunction.

copper: electricity

Zap! - an item with this ability enables its owner to make a ranged attack with a Normal Tits check. This ability may only be placed on heavy weapons. This is considered to be an electrical effect.

wolf/bear/leopard fur: melee combat perk

Hungry Like the Wolf - The owner of an item with this ability is always considered to be flanking any opponent that is engaged by an ally.

bear fur: defensive perk

cheetah fur: speed/movement perk

zebra skin: lesser speed/movement perk