Bad Moon

The Bad Moon is a giant sentient celestial moon that randomly travels throughout the Mortal Realms at seemingly random patterns. The Moon itself is held in worship by many mortal races throughout the realms but most predominantly by the various races of the Gloomspite Gitz.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
The Bad Moon appears as a giant planetoid of eerie yellow-green moonstone know as Loonstone. This stone can only be found on the Bad Moon and glows when in the presence of those with devious thoughts (so always around Gitz). The moons visage can change dramatically each time it appears. When full it appears as a giant glowing moon with a visage that looks like a fanged monster staring down at helpless mortals or perhaps a leering face resembling a Grot. Other times it appears as just a sliver of glowing moonlight that casts the skies in twilight and drives those who look upon mad.
History[edit | edit source]
The Bad Moon has existed for Millenia and as such many different legends have formed on its creation. The three most popular theories are from the Gloomspite Gitz themselves as they are some of the few beings that can ponder the Bad Moon without going insane, so take them with a grain of salt :
- The Moonclan Grots believe that when Gorkamorka went on his rampage across the realms randomly consuming landmasses and planatoids it tried to eat the the moon that would become the Bad Moon. However it was far to tough for him chew on and broke some of his tusks on it. However when he did this he left some of his power within it and granted it a malevenat intelligence.
- The Spiderfang Grots however have a differnt story. They believe the Bad Moon isn't a moon at all. But actually a giant egg-sack laid by the Spider-God. And one day the egg will hatch and rain endless spiders on all of the not sure about that one - quote : Skragrott the Loonking
- The shamans of the Grots believe that it is in fact the spirt of every grot wizard that ever lived, merged together in the sky.
Whatever its origins the moon seemed to form a particular connection with the various Grot tribes of destruction, its fell magic filling them with manic glee and causing them to seek the darkness of its presence. In ancient times during the age of myth the moon seldom appeared, but still communicated through its followers through prophetic visions helped by the mushrooms that sprouted with its passing. When the moon would wane large in the sky the moonclan grots in particular would harness its power to raze settlements and darken the land. Though for the most part this was mercifully rare. However this would change,
The effects of the Necroquake caused by Nagash seemed to cause the moon to appear far more frequently. And communicate with its worshippers far more directly than before. Whatever the reason for the Bad Moons return it has created quite the rukus in the greater realms. As its renewed presence has caused the Gloomspite Gitz to again rise en masse from the undergound (which they hid during the age of chaos) and it appears to be making serious plays in the greater realms. Among them encouraging its followers to conquer territory and rade rival powers. In this regard it seemed to empower a grot shaman who went by the name Skragrott the Loonking who it spoke directly too (though only once apparently) to be its harbinger and whip the gitz into a frenzy. One of the biggest moves since returning was after Skragrotts successful conquering of the sub-continent of Ayadah in Chamon, it personally vomited forth a cloud of debris to blot out the sun around the land of Ayadah allowing the Gloomspite Gitz to colonize the area. Around this time it also developed a rivalry with fellow moon Lunaghast, a moon of Shyish that craved to steal dark secrets and knowledge and could raise the dead. It has gone to war directly with this moon seeing it as a rival on its territory, even biting a chunk out of it at one point. Due to this the Bad Moon sent visions to its followers to war directly against the dead during the Soul Wars, leading to wars between the forces of the Bad Moon and Lunaghast.
After Nagash's defeat the Bad Moon turned its attention to Skragrott and Gordrakk and their plans to sack Excelcus in Ghur. The bad moon sent a vision to Skragrott that a great event was about to occur there and to be prepaired. That event turned out to be the return of Kragnos who after running into Gordrakks army led to an all out brawl between the two would-be destruction leaders. After it appeared their fight would break up the waaagh Skragrott besieched the Bad Moon to interveen. And that it did, basically declaring that fight was over and it was a draw. Kragnos couldn't care less and directed them all towards the targeted city. During the siege the bad moon assisted the destruction army by raining loonstones down on the city and generally just enjoying the spectacle. However the arrival of city reinforcements and Kragnos being tricked to leaving the siege caused the battle to shift and the Bad Moon abandoning the venture.
With the return of Kragnos and the amount of Ghurish magic radiatig out into the other realms the Bad Moon has not ceased its machinations. It still appears randomly throughout the realms, but its manic urgings to its followers have only increased with the dawning of the era of the beast and encourages them to strike out at the realms like never before. During this time it has even created Soulbound of its own by sucking up chosen champions and bestowing them with its power (also driving them insane in the process).
Gods of Destruction |
Bad Moon - Fire Mouth - Gorkamorka (Gork - Mork) - Everwinter - Gulping God - Kragnos - Spider-God |