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RPG/Tactical Naval Game published by
No. of Players 2+
First Publication 2012
Essential Books None Yet, One Soon

Bloodwake is a play-by-post Naval game with an emphasis on surface combat. The timeframe for the game covers the Dreadnaught to the dawn of the Carrier. The game is played cooperatively with multiple players in a fleet working together to achieve a mission objective. Missions are run by the GM, who publishes turn updates. When not in a mission, fleets use funds earned to build and buy new ships for their fleet.

Background[edit | edit source]

On June 30th 1908, a comet detonated above the southern swamp in the Tunguska region of Eastern Siberia. The massive airburst devastated the land below, flattening trees and leaving a large impact crater. This event was largely a mystery to scientists at the time, and various theories were shot around the academic halls of many of the world’s leading universities.

In January of 1909, the debate was settled conclusively, as a much larger comet blasted into the polar ice cap. A British weather observation ship, spending the winter in the ice, reported a flash on the horizon, followed a few hours later by a tremendous noise. In the words of the crew, “The ice around the ship seemed to explode as fractures raced through it, and the noise of the Lord God himself shook our humble ship and our very souls.” As the sun rose low on the horizon, the ship was bathed in a flurry of ice crystals, in actuality debris from the massive impact blanketing the area. The ambient temperature rose by several degrees, and the ice continued to break up.

Over the course of weeks, the weather ship, soon joined by other scientific vessels, documented the scene. Large volumes of fractured ice drifted into the world’s oceans, massive icebergs the size of small countries in some cases, clogged the shipping lanes. The dust and ice sent into the atmosphere over the pole trapped residual heat from the detonation, increasing the temperature in this vulnerable area to conditions more akin with summer. A nuclear winter never descended on the Earth, partly due to the limited debris kicked up vs a terrestrial impact, and secondly and more importantly, the northern weather and wind patterns never sent the debris and particulate into the warmer climates, allowing sunlight to continue to penetrate the cloud layer. The large volume of sea ice released into the oceans also had another unintended effect, effectively halting the gulf stream in the Atlantic. The event, commonly referred to as the Baffin Impact, or just ‘The Baffin’, precipitated a substantial rise in global sea levels over a period of several years.

National leaders scrambled to stem the tide, but with little to no avail, as the world’s oceans continued their rise. Dikes burst, rivers outgrew their beds, lakes swelled and coastlines vanished as the sea continued it’s relentless invasion. Nations began facing panicked populations, and losses of cities and industrial heartlands. Facing numerous challenges, alliances began to be brokered among the strongest nations. As the situation became more dire, these alliances began to merge beyond their original scope, and from the political ashes of old national borders, new superstates were formed.