Dat lucky blue Grot from the Scraplootas, a /tg/-made Digga notable for being a T'au instead of a Human.

Blues are also a race of goblins from D&D, click this think for them
And no, we don’t know why she has a swastika necklace either. But it might have been some certain weasels.(It’s in the wrong direction to be the nazi one anyway)
The Story of Blue on /tg/[edit | edit source]
A very shitty thread was posted on /tg/, about a cultural exchange with the T'au where they send a T'au Girl over in exchange for- Oh fuck it, who cares, it was a terrible opening. Cue a lot of generic fetish comments, and that sort of thing.
One poster wondered what would happen if the Orks were the ones to be a part of this exchange, and things spiraled out from there. People posted little stories of how they thought it might go, and a name was coined - Blue. The idea gained traction as the thread went on, and eventually ended up with a vaguely fleshed out character, one with drawings as well. The rest of the threads can be found here, though you'll need to scroll down a bit.
The story of Blue in the Universe[edit | edit source]
During Warboss Urtylug's raid of a T'au colony, the T'au were falling back and at one point abandoning a small colony on a satellite world. Orks of the Scraplootas clan were raiding the colony, looking for a cloak befitting a Warboss (he was looking to loot the Ethereal's) and taking advantage of a chance to show off their Titan, Boris.
Raised an orphan and accidentally abandoned by her caretakers during the mayhem, a young T'au girl was left alone in her habitation block. The Orks didn't even notice her, looking for a proper fight, but some Snotlings and Gretchin eager to steal her hiding place decided to gang up on her.
She then proceeded to pick up her T'au spanner and kick, punch and wallop her way into a corner, fighting off all the Snotlings and Gretchin in her way. Just at the right time, Big Mek Tinka Zizzbitz came to kick all the Snotlings upside the head for forcing him to do his own heavy lifting, indirectly saving the young T'au girl. Mistaking her for a blue Grot, and noticing she already had a wrench, he picked her up and told her to get back to work.
Thanks to her Earth Caste upbringing she had a rudimentary knowledge of machines and mechanics, and her ability to help the Mekboys inventions work made her a utility to the Orks (although really Zizzbitz just thought that she was a lucky charm due to her blueness and enjoyed her willingness to do his work for him).
Now the Ork Big Mek keeps her close and acts to protect her (at least telling other Orks to shove off), while she herself has an added ability to kick some of the smaller Orks/Grots upside the head if they do cause her trouble.
Her ability to add dakka and her understanding of T'au technology is also a boon to the Orks and "Da Blue Grot" has become somewhat of an endearing name for her.
She has a pet of sorts, a Squig who flies around in a small Drone. Showing off her very Orky imagination, she named him "Mr Squig". He buzzes around her, bumping into things often, hungrily chasing Grots, and being a general nuisance.
Also of note is the T'au spanner she has kept since she was picked up by the Orks. It is a sentimental memento regarding her unknown parents as much as it is a personal lucky charm, which she believes is more effective than any others she has used. Regardless of whether it is or isn't, it holds value to her. She is seldom seen without it.
She builds better than Grots, she's smarter than Grots, T'au warriors think twice about shooting at any Trukk she's riding and she's blue so she's lucky. The Scraplootas really picked a good 'un.
Anecdotes of "Da Blue Grot"[edit | edit source]
It ain't easy bein' Blue
Havin' to spend each day the color o' the sky
When I fink it could be nicer bein' green or red or green
Or somefin' colorful like that. (or green)
It ain't easy bein' Blue
It seems ya don't blend in at all with any ordinary fings
An' people tend to target you
'Cause ya standin' out Like dat flash or shiny loot
Or a zoggin' blue grot, I dunno.
But Blue's the color o' lukk
An' Blue can still krump an' fight an' win.
An' Blue is big wid Boris da Titan behind 'er.
Or important wid Big Mek
Or sneaky wid Snekkit
When Blue is all dere is to be
It sort o' makes ya wonder why,
why wonder why wonder, why wonder
I'm Blue, and dat'll be just fine
'Sides, it's all I want to be.
- Original Greentext for Blue Blue learning how to be orky.
- Dat Blue Grot: The Scraplootas loot a specific Tau colony world, Zizzbitz finds a blue grot. The rest is history.
- The Tau and Blue: "Yes, Shas'El. Orks, Shas'El. At once, Shas'El. What if she's an Ork, Shas'El? ...Yes, Shas'El."
- Blue and Fanseer Go Wider: In an attempt to better understand Blue, Farseer Vaedrisa pays the Tau Ork a nighttime visit.
- Da Minitrukk Job: It's a simple gig, get in, steal Blue's trukk, get out. How hard could it be?
- Scraploota Sortie: Rockeata, Snekkit, and Blue ambush a few Blood Jaguars.
- Shake!: Mr. Squig learns a trick.
- To Catch a Spiky Git: Blue decides to test her ambushing skills.
External Links[edit | edit source]
- The Story of Blue - "Da Blue Grot" - This one has the full-size header picture for this article as the OP pic.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Blue with her goggles on
Sometimes you just have to deal with the daft gits life throws at you.
Blue sitting on Snekkit's shoulder.
Blue getting praise from Zizzbitz' after showing her new dakka.
Blue's infamous 'dakka suit'
Blue with a fly-drone
The overalls didn't last long
Dat's flash boss!
Snekkit's dumbfounded expression while looking at one of her tinkerings.
Blue and Mr Squig
on a lazy dayMUKKIN ABOUT. -
Blue and Mister Squig
Blue's drone/pet, Mr Squig. Hated by pretty much everyone apart from Blue, but is speedy enough to have avoided getting squished (thus far).
Mr Squig in action.
A hypothetical, but still unrelentingly terrifying, scenario.
Layout of Blue's room.
A piece of mysterious dakka I wonder what it is.IT'S HERESY!ITZ BLUDY MUKKIN ABOUT IZ WOT IT IZ! -
Blue and Farseer Gone Wider
Blue's Warbuggy
Festive Blue
A Blue mini? Works for me.