Blue Rock
Named by the unimaginative and hopelessly lost Rogue Trader Pavel Heleanis as he wandered through the Oestalan Sector searching for a way out of the fickle, weak warp currents, Blue Rock is a world of terrible beauty.
The atmosphere is choked with thick clouds of methane, and the surface of the planet is tinged blue both from water and deposits of various bluish minerals. Geologic surveys indicate that the world could be a valuable mining station, but the unusual coloration of the planet spooked the Trader, fearing that the Lord of Change had somehow left his mark upon it.
No evidence emerged to confirm these fears, but Pavel left as soon as he could.
Blue Rock seems to interact unusually with the weak Warp currents in its vicinity, and they pool and ebb near the planet like tides on an ocean. Sometimes the Warp is virtually nonexistent, sometimes powerful auroras crackle through the atmosphere, giving ships leaving the planet a massive "tailwind", and all but preventing ships from arriving, forcing them to drop out of warp far away and crawl there in a long realspace journey.