Bone Wardens
Image of a Bone Conqueror, a type of Bone Warden.
An ancient Dark Energy Construct, the Bone Warden is a fell union of Warp-based technology and dark sorcery. They were crafted by the Yu'Vath primarily to act as watchmen and guardians for their void crypts and solar fortresses; and even now, long after their masters have been forgotten, they remain to fulfil their duty.
The Bone Warden has no physical form and instead resides in a collective of dead matter -- most often corpses or other once-living remains. These corpses are held together by ribbons and arcs of crackling black energy, the air around them charged with constant flashes of midnight electricity and the smell of burning flesh. Acting as a single mass, the corpses form a cloud of grasping, clawing hands and mouths that whirls through the air.
The only way to defeat a Bone Warden is to destroy its physical state and thus disperse its dark energy field. However, even as its adversaries blast away its fleshy shell, it uses its Warp-shard Crown -- a collection of dark crystalline fragments that orbit its energised core -- to claim more physical matter, regenerating its rotting form.
For this reason, Bone Wardens are often found in rooms well stocked with the dead -- a ready made supply of material left by their Yu'Vath masters.
A type of Bone Warden is the Bone Conqueror.
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