Caliban (Ravenloft)

In the 3rd edition of Ravenloft, when White Wolf took over the setting through their Swords & Sorcery imprint, they came to the decision that the iconic core-race of Half-Orcs didn't fit the setting. After all, as a Gothic Horror Fantasy, there was no place for Orcs. But, the half-orc's role as the Big Bruiser race couldn't be filled by the Half-Vistani, which'd been invented for the setting back in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. So, they replaced them with Calibans, who were statistically identical to half-orcs, but came from much different origins. Calibans are cursed individuals, uniquely deformed mutants born of incest, curses, evil magic, twisted alchemy, and other foulness that their parents may or may not have been responsible for.
Of course, whilst this fluff was awesome and really adaptable for dark fantasy or post-apocalyptic homebrew settings, mechanically it was pretty boring. Remember, the 3e half-orc was considered one of the worst PC races of its time. So, one dedicated fan decided to do something about that. He wrote an article for issue #8 of the Ravenloft fan-zine, "Quoth the Raven", and submitted it to Fraternity of Shadows website. This article, titled Brutes and Banshees, expanded the caliban race in two ways.
Firstly, it created five distinct "breeds" of caliban, specific sub-species with recognized traits, tendencies and origins. Banshees are eerily lovely female (or trap) calibans with hauntingly beautiful voices and an affinity for the grave. Beasts are calibans who resemble a melding of humans with one or more animals. Brutes are the iconic Half-Orc or Half-Ogre expy, big and ugly and powerful. Cannibals are living ghouls, skulking predators with a taste for all manner of unspeakable foodstuffs. Witchspawn sport iconic fiendish or witch-mark mutations and have a natural affinity for magic. And you're given full reign to invent whole new breeds besides.
Secondly, the introduction of the deformities; an array of mutations that gave both a positive and a negative trait for the caliban as a result.
This was an awesome design but, alas, despite having this to fall back on, the Fraternity chose a more boring and pigeonholing "region of origin as subrace" mechanic for their unofficial Ravenloft 5e update.
Fluff[edit | edit source]
So, we gave you a little information on who the calibans are as a general rule, now let's dig deeper.
To summarize it bluntly, if you hadn't already figured it out, calibans are like old-school tieflings, only without the tenuous claims of badassery or coolness that having a fiend for a relative can get you. Their deformities and spontaneous appearances leads to them being shunned and hated; they are called "the hidden" by the polite, and "freaks, monsters or demons" by most. Your typical caliban is either a social outcast who was hidden away by a protective or resentful family, a half-feral being who was abandoned in the wilderness by disgusted parents, or a walking target who is believed to be a monster just because of how they look.
Calibans are a true-breeding race, both with their human progenitors and with each other. That said, the corruption that defines them alters them on a fundamental level, and so they are technically a demihuman race. That said, they are not inherently evil or insane, and even if they may remind onlookers of certain near-human monsters, such as Hags, Therianthropes, or Broken Ones, they lack the inate power of those creatures and are most likely to be evil because... well, people treat them like shit, so they figure why not.
That's the true pity of calibans; mentally, they aren't born monstrous, they're just like humans. But in the backwaters of the Demiplane of Dread, they grow up experiencing prejudice, fear, hatred and, at best, pity and shame. This persecution is effectively universal, as calibans aren't common or organized enough to have a society of their own. An unnatural death is the lot of the vast majority of their ilk; whether it be at the hands of a lynch mob or the command of a self-righteous judge or priest for some invented wrong, suicide, or a fatal overdose of drugs or alcohol.
Truthfully, the best lots in life a caliban can hope for are to either forsake "civilization" and live in the wilderness, to join the criminal underworld where their talents outweigh their visages, or become adventurers and revel in their outcast nature. Some are taken in by various mystery cults dedicated to some combination of careless use ofthe Arcane, chaos, change and fiend-worship, though this is usually not the kind of attention one wants to receive.
Individual calibans react differently to their inevitably harsh lives. All calibans become jaded to common, petty insults and threats, having faced persecution so many times in their lives. They all learn to become extremely self-reliant and tough, knowing that they live in a society which fears and hates them for what they are. They come to learn the value of hard work, as this is almost always the only way they can be somehow accepted by society. They also often detest the laws of the state and society much as society detests the calibans themselves. Calibans also shun most religions, which view them as abominations.
The Church of the Lawgiver sees them as corruptions of humanity which must be destroyed, the Church of Belenus sees them as the wretched spawn of fey or fiends (depending on the individual priest asked), the Darkonian sect of the Church of Ezra seeks to "cure" calibans, though their experiments haven't proven effective until now, the Mordentish sect argues within itself about whether to recognize calibans as cursed humans (Children of the Goddess) or monsters (Children of the Night), and the Dementlieu sect and Home Faith take no official stance, but generally view calibans with hostility.
The one exception to this religious shunning is to the Chuch of Hala, whose open-minded worshippers are some of the rare souls willing to give calibans a chance on an individual level. The teachings of Hala, thusly, speak to them, and an increasingly large amount of calibans are said to be amongst the Weaver's flock, or even its priesthood.
The concept of racial pride appeals to some calibans, mainly because so many of them were degraded during their lives. Others live in self-loathing and denial of who they are, but most calibans walk a narrow path between these two extremes.
Some calibans, unsurprisingly, grow malicious and hateful from their constant years of abuse at society's hand, seeking to gain revenge on the society which denied them. Others become traitors to their own kind, being cruel to other outcasts to gain status in the eyes of the humans, who only mock them for this. The monstrous deeds of these creatures blemish the reputation of the entire race and reinforce the caliban stereotype. Other, much rarer calibans, realize the wrongs of human society and seek to correct them, by dedicating themselves to the betterment and service of the society which denied them, seeking to repay abuse with love and kindness. Most calibans walk a path in between those opposite philosophies, simply seeking to be accepted and not isolated outcasts. Children born to caliban parents (who are almost always living in caliban-caliban pairings) are educated according to their parents' view of life, and they are far less lonely and sad than calibans born to human parents, already aware of the dangers of the human world if they choose to attempt to live amongst mankind.
From their years of suffering, calibans come to value the simple joys of life, like the unconditional love of a pet, the beauty of the waves crashing on shore, or the petals of a flower, slowly dropping to the ground. Calibans also tend to be very loyal friends, as they know what it is like to be truly alone. They are much more in touch with nature than humans despite their unnatural origins, and many barbarians, rangers and druids come from the race, especially (and naturally) from Bestial stock. Years on the road have created the start of unique caliban folklore, such as the legend of the Haven (a marvelous city at the edge of the world where two seas meet, ruled by a powerful sorcerer whose soul is as beautiful as his face is hideous, who offers a sanctuary for all outcasts in his magnificent city). Many calibans have spent their lives in a quest to find this Haven, but no caliban has been able to find it yet. The legends say only one who is "purged" will be able to find the exact road leading to this Haven. Others say Haven is actually a bastardized word for "Heaven", where calibans go after death as a reward for their suffering in life for nothing. Thus, Haven doesn't exist in the mortal realm. The rare few calibans who were able to find rest in life and a place they feel comfortable and part of actually say Haven is no actual place in the mortal or immortal realms but a state of mind and being.
The calibans' own lack of realization they are a breed apart humans (as they constantly seek to belong in the human society which rejects them) prevents them from forming societies of their own, as are their relatively small numbers compared to the human population of the domains (less than 1% in most domains, though higher in places where the use of arcane magic flourishes, like in Darkon and Hazlan) and the oppression they face. Most calibans think they are unique, the only freaks in the world. Indeed, the only known caliban society in the Core are the wretched Cannibal clans of Invidia, devolved creatures prone to their most basic needs; barbaric butchers who do as they please as long as they may force their debased needs on others. By forsaking their humanity beyond and becoming like savage, hateful beasts, Cannibals who join one of these clans finds a sort of solace in causing pain and destruction to others and consuming their flesh.
Calibans have a mixed relationship with the various demihuman races which inhabit the Demiplane of Dread. Both halflings and half-elves, who are part of human culture, shun calibans. Dwarves respect calibans for their toughness, but are terrified of their magical nature at the same time. While full-blooded elves find calibans fascinating due to their connection to the Arcane, similar to the Elves' own distantly fey nature, they also tend to look down on the calibans for their unaesthetic appearance and their relation to the hated, upstart race of humans who pollute the world and disturb the balance between civilization and nature, magic and technology. However, some Witchspawn and, especially, Banshees have found solace in the elven society of Sithicus. Gnomes also find calibans curious, but fear them the same time. However, Gnomish society is more open to calibans than the human one.
Birth of a Monster[edit | edit source]
What defines a caliban is its corruption; the mystical poison that soured its womb and caused it to be born as such. And there are a lot of sources for this to happen:
Emotional Twisting: The fabric of the Demiplane of Dread is inherently responsive to emotions, which explains the abundance of hauntings and phenomena such as sinkholes of evil. A pregnant woman who experiences a particularly strong and/or consistent emotion during her pregnancy may give birth to a caliban, whose breed is determined by the emotion she was feeling. Brutes are born of fear or terror, Bestials of rage, and Banshees of grief. This is one of the two most common sources of caliban births, at least in the Core Lands.
Magical Twisting: Direct exposure to magic can result in mutagenic effects on unborn children. Hags, fiends, Shadow Fey and other powerful, magical creatures are most likely to cause this, but even proximity to a strong magical site or a magical artifact, or even being affected by a spell, can all result in caliban births. This most commonly causes calibans of the Witchspawn breed, but Brutes may sometimes manifest as well, presumably in response to magics relating to combat and destruction. Necromancy spells, or even just sources of necrotic energy, such as the presence of a powerful lich or vampire, can cause the birth of Banshees. Alongside Emotional Twisting, this is the most common source of caliban births in the core.
Flesh Sculpting: It goes without saying that dark arts of shaping flesh can be used on unborn children to turn them into monstrous new forms. The illithids of Bluetspur have even been reputed to have shaped a new caliban breed through their experiments; the Carnium. This is described as a stunted, shriveled thing, like an emaciated baby with a distended cranium, whose affinity for psionics stands as a contrast to the Witchspawn's proclivity for magic.
Obsession: Such is the responsiveness of the Demiplane of Dread to strong emotions that a would-be-mother who desires it enough may find her womb filled with life, even if she were totally barren. Of course, the Dark Powers give nothing for free, and such babies are always marked and unnatural, invariably being Witchspawn.
Tainted Flesh: Pregnant women who engage in cannibalism frequently give birth to the caliban substrain called, simply, cannibals. Who'd have thunk it?
Necrophilia & Possession: Thanks to the twisted humor of the Dark Powers, people who commit carnal acts with the dead or undead may find themselves the parents of caliban offspring, whether it is the woman impregnated by her vampire lover or the necromancer who finds his zombie sex-toy mysteriously pregnant. Even sex with someone possessed by a ghost or other spectral undead can lead to the birth of a caliban. Such acts usually produce Banshees, but Cannibals or necromantic Witchspawn aren't unheard of.
Curses: Of course curses can be used to create calibans. As well as direct curses, even having sex on certain "cursed" days can result in a caliban's birth should conception occur.
Inbreeding: This taboo act frequently produces Brutes and Cannibals.
Chemistry & Alchemy: Mundane or magical pollution can deform the unborn as surely as raw magical energies themselves.
In addition to all of the above, sometimes, calibans are just born that way, and nobody knows why!
Banshee[edit | edit source]
Banshees, also known as Ice Queens and Wailing Women, are the second-rarest of the caliban breeds, and lack the blatant deformities of other breeds; their skin is unnaturally pale and cold to the touch, like that of a corpse just before it starts to decay. Sometimes, harmless frost will form and dissipate from their skin instead of sweat. Their hair, usually being pitch black, silver or white, is smooth and grows to great lengths at a relatively short amount of time. Their lips are likewise either black or white. Their voices are melodic and disturbing at the same time, filled with hidden melancholia and a longing for that which was lost.
Indeed, banshees are known for their beauty, and have been mistaken for human, half-elf or even elf women at a glance, such is their delicate, almost spectral beauty. But the subtlety of their mutations, and the macabre, unnatural nature of that beauty means they are no less outcasts. They often mistaken for necromancers and warlocks, or even for the more "beautiful" forms of undead, such as vampires and ghosts. Banshee performers are common, but are loved and feared at the same time; humans lust for their beauty, but hate and fear their association with death. It is said that when a human looks into a banshee's dark eyes, he sees the inevitability of his own demise, and her haunting voice, he hears the bells of the reaper.
Banshees have equally strong affinities for both music and magic, and so frequently become wizards (almost always necromancers) or bards, if they don't multiclass between the two. Some of the most powerful Dirgesingers in the Demiplane of Dread are banshee calibans.
Incidentally, we all know that, even as banshees are canonically an all-female breed, you still want to play a male banshee who is just so pretty that he gets mistaken for a woman.
With Pathfinder having created its take on the Changeling as a "so beautiful it's a curse" magical humanoid with a tainted lineage (in their case, daughters of hags), it's hilarious to look back and compare them to Banshee calibans.
Bestial[edit | edit source]
The third-most common of the five caliban breeds, the Bestials, or Man-Beasts, are very aptly named, as they display blatant beast-like features on an otherwise humanoid form; coarse hair, scales, carapace, predatory teeth and claws, an animal-like head, or the wings of a bat. Ironically, these mutations often blend into their frame with surprising harmony, so bestial calibans technically aren't as downright ugly as brutes and cannibals!
Strong and possessing keen senses, bestials feel an instinctive connection to the natural world, which sometimes combines with their appearance to make them be mistaken for therianthropes or even beastfolk, depending on how mutated they are. In a great irony, though they have very little chance of making even a cursory attempt to integrate into human society, they are often the most comfortable and well-adjust of their kin. Why? Because they have an innate affinity for nature, and nature doesn't judge them on their looks; most bestials find a genuine place to belong in the wild, hunting and foraging for what they need, and making friends of the animals that share their homes.
Of course, when you piss one off, a bestial caliban is capable of an animalistic rage that will result in them tearing you apart, so tread lightly.
The lands of the Shadow Fey are reputed to house a peculiarly stable sub-strain of bestials, whose arachnid-like deformities have earned them the moniker of "Spider Children".
Brute[edit | edit source]
Being born of fear, the Brutes - also known as the Accursed - are the most common of their ilk to roam the Demiplane of Dread. Legends relate them to the lost races of ogres and giants, and whilst they are invariably deformed and ugly, brutes tower over ordinary men, bulging with muscle and all but indifferent to pain. Common deformities include pock-marks, warts, tiny bone ridges jutting out of the skin, or mismatched eyes.
The closest of the breeds to the original "reskinned half-orc" caliban, brutes typically make their living in the fringes of human society, turning their strength and stamina to an advantage amongst labor-intensive or criminal enterprises - some have even been known to join circuses or carnivals as strong men.
Such is their towering might, and the ferocity of their rage, that humans generally don't say anything to their faces, unless granted confidence through numbers, weapons or mind-altering intoxicants. Instead, they snub brutes, and talk about them behind their backs. Because brutes tend to be somewhat mentally limited, they are often outwitted and exploited by smarter humans.
Cannibal[edit | edit source]
The Living Ghouls, as they are also known, are the most wretched and misshapen of the caliban races; common deformities include a hunched walk in the manner of a rat or a slithering snake, hairless rubbery skin, constant drooling, crooked but sharp teeth and a constantly wriggling tongue. They also tend to smell pretty bad. Worse yet, Cannibals suffer from a racial affliction, imbuing them with unnatural appetites; as their moniker suggests, many feel a strong compulsion to devour the flesh of humanoids, and they have been known to raid graveyards, gibbets and other places in order to sate this impulse without technically hurting anybody. Even those free of this impulse may still crave raw meat, blood, fresh viscera, rotten food, or other disgusting fare.
Second-most common of the caliban breeds, whereas brutes are imbued with strength and toughness, cannibals are imbued with speed and agility. They often become sewer-jacks or chimney-sweeps, or seek out the protection of the underworld as a thief or assassin.
That said, some cannibals do succumb to their dark appetites and become serial killers, murdering others for their flesh - a temptation they often succumb to as a result of pronounced bullying and abuse. Whole gangs of these living ghouls have been known to band together in the wilderness or in the most lawless city slums, preying upon the humans that cast them out.
Witchspawn[edit | edit source]
Rarest of all the caliban breeds, witchspawn possess a powerful, innate connection to magic, which informs their common nickname of "Arcane Scions". They are typically the most deformed looking of their kind - worse, their deformities tend towards stereotypical "witch marks" or fiendish traits, such as an extra nipple, unusual skin colors, horns, extra fingers, or even hooves for feet. Worse still, they all possess an uncanny, pulsing aura of power that unnerves men and beasts alike.
In exchange for their powerful intellects and strong magical affinity, they tend to be physically weak and frail, as if wasted or warped by the arcane energies within their being. For this reason, they rarely pursue any adventuring class other than Wizard, Sorcerer, or even Warlock.
Possibly the most hated and repulsed of all calibans, witchspawn are well aware of the fact they are the most likely to be killed by an ignorant mob, seeing as they combine the deformities of their kin with an innate affinity for magic - the one force most feared and shunned in the Demiplane of Dread. As such, they almost invariably abandon civilization, becoming traveling spellslingers or hermetic mystics, seeking to master the arcane power that is their birthright. A rare few will maintain some connection to human civilization, usually as the sinister "local witch" for a rural settlement that depends on the witchspawn's magic for survival.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
If you want to play a vanilla Caliban in 3.5, just take a Half-Orc, give it +5 Outsider Rating if you're playing a conventional game of Ravenloft, and you're done. If you're using the Brutes & Banshees article, on the other hand...
Generic Caliban:
- +2 to 1-3 Ability Scores, -2 to 1-3 Ability Scores
- Medium Size
- Unnatural Blood: You always treat Use Magical Device as a class skill.
- The Hidden: Again, Disguise is always a class skill for you.
- Deformities: You have 1d4+1 Deformities selected as you like from the deformities list. Unless your DM makes you roll randomly for them, because fun. Deformities cannot be removed by anything short of a Limited Wish, although a DM may allow some to be cured by "careful surgery" (a high DC Heal or Profession (Surgeon) check). You also qualify for the Willing Deformity chain of Vile feats without needing to be Evil, and you can take the Caliban-exclusive "Extra Deformities" feat, which gives you extra deformities equal to your Constitution modifier (so you need minimum of Con 13) at the cost of +2 to your OR.
- Favored Class: Any
- Outsider Rating: +5
Now, the specific breeds amount to a set ability score modifier array, a distinct favored class, and a chosen, thematic list of mutations applied to the same core caliban traits. This makes them easy to follow and lets you more easily design your own custom breeds as well.
Banshee Caliban:
- Ability Score Modifier: +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution
- List of Deformities: Witch Fingers, Gaunt, Material Vulnerability, Pale, Twisted Organs, Witch Nipple, Backwards Eye, Double Irises, Eyes of Darkness, Swirling Eyes, Angelic Visage, Large Ears, Backwards Feet, Deranged, Magical Affinity (Any Bard or Necromancy), Eerie Whisper, Forked Tongue, Voice of Many
- Favored Class: Wizard (Necromancer) or Bard
Bestial Caliban:
- Ability Score Modifier: +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
- List of Deformities: Claws, Extra Arms, Multi-Segmented Limbs, Suckers, Bones of Steel, Fur, Giant, Gills, Increased Metabolism, Membrane Wings, Rough Skin, Shedding, Spinnerets, Tail, Bulbous Eyes, Bloodshot Eyes, Horns, Great Nose, Large Ears, Frogs Legs, Gorilla Feet, Hooves, Quadruped, Webbed Limbs, Magical Affinity (Any Druid), Forked Tongue, Frog Tongue, Projectile Vomit, Sharp Teeth, Unusual Appetite.
- Favored Class: Barbarian or Druid
Brutish Caliban:
- Ability Score Modifier: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
- List of Deformities: Extra Arms, Multi-Segmented Limbs, Witch Fingers, Aberrant, Bones of Steel, Giant, Hunchback, Increased Metabolism, Material Vulnerability, Obesity, Rough Skin, Rubbery, Short Neck, Skulk, Slimy, Toxic Blood, Twisted Organs, Witch Nipple, Backwards Eye, Bulbous Eyes, Bloodshot Eyes, Cyclops, Face of Nightmare, Great Nose, Large Ears, No Nose, Backwards Feet, Gorilla Feet, Webbed Limbs, Deranged, Magical Affinity (Any), Malformed Twin, Frog Tongue, Projectile Vomit, Sharp Teeth, Unusual Appetite.
- Favored Class: Fighter
Cannibal Caliban:
- Ability Score Modifier: +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma
- List of Deformities: Claws, Extra Arms, Multi-Segmented Limbs, Suckers, Aberrant, Dwarfism, Gaunt, Hunchback, Increased Metabolism, Material Vulnerability, Membrane Wings, Obesity, Pale, Rough Skin, Rubbery, Skulk, Slimy, Spinnerets, Toxic Blood, Twisted Organs, Bulbous Eyes, Bloodshot Eyes, Eyes of Darkness, Face of Nightmare, Great Nose, Frogs Legs, Gorilla Feet, Quadruped, Webbed Limbs, Deranged, Malformed Twin, Eerie Whisper, Forked Tongue, Frog Tongue, Sharp Teeth, Unusual Appetite.
- Favored Class: Rogue
Witchspawn Caliban:
- Ability Score Modifier: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution
- List of Deformities: Witch Fingers, Aberrant, Dwarfism, Gaunt, Hunchback, Material Vulnerability, Membrane Wings, Pale, Tail, Touch of Unease, Twisted Organs, Witch Nipple, Backwards Eye, Double Irises, Eyes of Darkness, Swirling Eyes, Angelic Visage, Face of Nightmare, Horns, Large Ears, Backwards Feet, Hooves, Deranged, Magical Affinity (Any), Malformed Twin, Mark of the Warlock, Forked Tongue, Unusual Appetite, Voice of Many.
- Favored Class: Sorcerer - although, as it came out after the race was added, one could make the argument for Warlock as well.
Deformities of the Arms[edit | edit source]
- Claws: The caliban has sharp claws instead of normal fingernails and gains 2 claw attacks, each of which deals 1d4 points of damage + Str modifier. The caliban can use his remaining claw to make an off-hand attack when using another one-handed weapon in his other claw. This is considered a natural weapon
- Extra Arms: The caliban was born with an extra weakened functional set of arms. He may use these extra arms in combat but only uses half his normal Str modifier. In addition all armor worn by the Caliban must be custom made.
- Multi-Segmented Limbs: The limbs of these calibans contain an extra joint. The caliban gains +4 to all Escape Artist checks.
- Suckers: The caliban has octopus-like suckers on his hands; giving him +2 to Climb checks and any attempts to Disarm him are made at a -2 penalty.
- Witch Fingers: The caliban has a sixth finger on each of his hands, which constantly twitches of its own accord. He gains +1 to hit with Touch attacks, but -2 to Pick Pocket.
Deformities of the Body[edit | edit source]
- Aberrant: The magic that warps the caliban has wholly distorted his very nature, making him an Aberration rather than a Humanoid like other calibans.
- Bones of Steel: The caliban's bones are partially made of metal. He gains +2 Natural Armor class, but suffers a penalty of -2 to Jump and Tumble skills due to his relative stiffness as well as extra 5 points of damage from electrical attacks as he conduits electricity just as easily as an iron bar. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Rubbery.
- Dwarfism: The caliban is unnaturally small, almost to the point of looking like a shrunken version of the man he could be. He is Small sized instead of Medium. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Giant.
- Fur: The caliban is covered in shaggy fur, and gains +2 to Animal Empathy checks due to his bestial appearance and suffers half damage from environmental (not spell induced) Cold damage. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Rough Skin, Rubbery, Shedding or Slimy.
- Gaunt: The caliban is painfully gaunt no matter how much he eats, gaining DR 3/slashing and piercing weapons at the cost of -1 Con. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Increased Metabolism, Obesity or Twisted Organs.
- Giant: The caliban is Large-sized, with all the associated bonuses and penalties. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Dwarfism or Skulk.
- Gills: The caliban has gills and can breathe water but must keep the gills moist at all times, needing approximately two water skins worth of water a day to do this. Failure to keep the gills wet results in a dry irritating rash that distracts the calibans; putting him at –1 to checks involving physical activity (including combat, Reflex saves and most skill checks). These penalties stop once the character has spent two whole days with his gills adequately moistened.
- Hunchback: The caliban has a hunched back, giving him -1 Dex for a +4 effective bonus to Charisma for the purpose of bestowing a curse.
- Increased Metabolism: The caliban's metabolism works at a greatly accelerated rate. His natural healing rate is doubled. However when sent below 0 hit points he loses 2 hit points a round instead of 1. The onset time of all poisons and diseases is halved, and he must eat twice as much as anyone else. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Gaunt.
- Material Vulnerability: Magic flows strong in the caliban's blood, and he is resistant to physical damage except from a single material, which actually deals him extra damage. The caliban gains DR 3/material (usually iron or silver), but actually suffers 3 extra points of damage when attacked by weapons made of this material. An injection of this material in liquid form might even prove fatal to him.
- Membrane Wings: The caliban has a thin layer of membrane stretched between his arms and his body. When falling from any height, the caliban can make a Reflex save with a DC of 5 + 1 per 10 feet of falling to stabilize himself and allowing him to glide on the air (though not truly fly), negating any damage from the fall and allowing him to travel horizontally up to four times the vertical distance descended. The caliban may choose to gain momentum before the glide by running, and for every 10 feet the caliban runs before gliding the DC is reduced by 1 and the gliding distance is extended by 5 feet. Any cloth and armor worn by the caliban must be custom-made.
- Obesity: The caliban is unnaturally obese no matter how little he eats, gaining +1 Con at the cost of reducing land movement speed at - 10 ft. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Gaunt.
- Pale: The caliban's skin is unnaturally pale and he has an affinity for the dead, granting him +2 to either Psychic (good or neutral) or Reign Undead (neutral or evil) skills at the cost of suffering 1 point of damage for each hour of direct exposure to the sun.
- Rough Skin: The caliban has a rough skin, being either scaly or leather-like, gaining +1 natural armor class. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Fur, Rubbery or Shedding.
- Rubbery: The caliban's skin is rubbery and hairless, and his bones are also flexible. He gains a +2 bonus to escape grapples and may fit through spaces of down to Tiny size by squeezing his body through. However, he suffers 3 extra points of damage from cold attacks. Note: this deformity cannot stack with either Bones of Steel, Fur, Rough Skin or Shedding.
- Shedding: The caliban constantly sheds his skin, much like a snake or lizard. He constantly leaves patches of skin behind and can be tracked easily (+2 to Wilderness Lore checks when attempting to track the caliban down). However, every 10 years of life the caliban completely sheds his skin in an extremely painful process which takes an entire week, during which he suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls and skill rolls, -2 natural AC and is weak and in great pain. For every two sheddings, the caliban gains +1 natural armor class. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Fur, Rough Skin or Rubbery.
- Short Neck: The caliban has an extremely short, stubby neck which is almost non-existent, granting him +6 bonus to saves against Vorpal effects or any other attempts made to decapitate him.
- Skulk: The caliban's body is naturally fitted for hiding and sneaking around, gaining +2 to Hide and Move Silently checks. He is often either small for its type or has a limited camouflage quality. However, the creature has a weak personality and is often ignored by others, gaining -1 Charisma. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Giant or Obesity.
- Slimy: The caliban's skin is coated in a thin layer of mucous secreted from his pores. He receives a +2 to escape artist checks and a +2 to rolls made to break out of a grapple, but gets a -2 penalty to maintain a grapple. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Fur, Touch of Unease, Toxic Blood or Witch Nipple.
- Spinnerets: The caliban has the ability to create webs. They originate from an opening in a large gland in his gut (the opening is approximately where a belly button would be). The organ converts the caliban's fatty tissue/blood/muscle into a thick, black, web-like structure. As a standard action the caliban can create either a single thick 30’ long “rope” of web or a large number of finer particles (treat as web spell but fills only one 5ft square). Either of these actions costs the caliban one point of temporary Constitution damage. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Twisted Organs.
- Tail: The caliban has a malformed tail dangling from behind him, granting him +2 to Balance checks.
- Touch of Unease: The caliban's skin is pulsing with power from beneath, which can make lesser men faint. Anyone who touches the caliban's bare skin with his own bare skin takes 1 point of subdual damage per round of contact, with no save. Outsiders and Fey are immune to this damage, as creatures of magic. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Slimy.
- Toxic Blood: The caliban's very blood is toxic, and often has a weird color or texture (like being black and oily or being thin and colorless) and a foul smell. When injected to a living body (through a wound caused by the caliban's claws or teeth or by applying the poison to a piercing or slashing weapon), the poison forces the target to pass a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 5 + Caliban's Con modifier or suffer 1d2 points of primary ability damage and 1d2 points of secondary ability damage (which depends on the caliban's breed- Banshees cause Con damage, Bestials cause Int damage, Brutes cause Cha damage, Cannibals cause Wis damage and Witchpsawn deal Str damage). The caliban may cause some of his toxic blood to burst through his skin in an especially painful process which requires a full-round action, or otherwise cut himself for 1 or more points of damage to gain access to his toxic blood and apply it to his claws, teeth or weapons. The poison becomes inert after 1d6 rounds of exposure to air. A caliban is immune to his own toxic blood. This deformity is especially common in the domains of Nosos and Borca. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Witch Nipple.
- Twisted Organs: The caliban's innards are all twisted around and located in an unusual alignment (his heart might be down in his gut while his intestines weave around throughout his chest wrapping around the other organs etc.). This makes the Caliban weaker and more susceptible to poison and disease (-1 con) but makes his vital organs harder to find. Any roll to confirm a threat made against the Caliban is at –2 and anyone attempting to Sneak Attack him must make a DC 10 Spot check to find his vulnerable spots and successfully deliver a Sneak Attack (this Spot check is a free action). Note: this deformity cannot stack with Gaunt or Spinnerets.
- Witch Nipple: The caliban, even if male, has a third nipple which secretes oily milk. A number of times per equal to half his Constituion modifier, the caliban can let others suckle from this milk, which takes 2 rounds and heals them of 1d6 HP. This is extremely painful for the caliban, and he suffers a -2 penalty to attack roles and skill checks during while breast-feeding. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Touch of Unease or Toxic Blood.
Deformities of the Eyes[edit | edit source]
- Backwards Eye: The caliban has a third eye in the back of his head. As long as he keeps it clear (no hats, scarves, helmets etc) he has 360 vision and cannot be flanked (except by a rogue 2 levels higher than himself) however the third eye distorts his depth perception giving him a -1 to all ranged attacks while it is open. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Cyclops.
- Bloodshot Eyes: The caliban's eyes are constantly red and bloodshot, giving him Lowlight Vision. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Eyes of Darkness.
- Bulbous Eyes: The caliban's Eyes are bulbous and especially large, giving him Darkvision 60’. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Eyes of Darkness.
- Cyclops: The caliban has a single large eye in the middle of his forehead instead of the normal two eyes. He gains -2 to Spot and Search checks, but +4 to saves against gaze attacks. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Backwards Eye.
- Double Irises: The caliban has 2 pupils in his eyes instead of merely one. He gains +2 to Spot and Search checks but -1 to Wisdom, as he often sees things that shouldn’t be. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Swirling Eyes.
- Eyes of Darkness: The caliban's eyes are two pools of pure darkness. He actually uses darkness for sight instead of light, and treats dark areas. This means he uses normal vision in dark areas but his sight is penalized in the light much like a normal human's sight in the dark and he is unable to see anything in areas of pure light (with no shadow of any kind. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Bloodshot Eyes, Bulbous Eyes, Double Irises and Swirling Eyes.
- Swirling Eyes: The caliban's eyes constantly swirl in a hypnotic pattern, gaining +2 to Hypnosis checks at the cost of -2 to Spot checks. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Double Irises.
Deformities of the Face[edit | edit source]
- Angelic Visage: The caliban has an extremely beautiful, ever-youthful face, like that of an angelic doll. The caliban has an Outcast Rating of 4 instead of the usual 5, but suffers -2 to Intimidate checks, as he is never taken seriously. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Face of Nightmare.
- Horns: The caliban has a pair of bestial horns jutting from his head, like those of a ram, a deer or even a demon. He gains a single gore attack which deals 1d4 points of damage and 2d4 points of damage when charging. This is considered a natural attack. Any hats or helmets worn by the caliban must be treated accordingly.
- Face of Nightmare: The caliban's face is extremely hideous (either withered, mismatched or truly monstrous), gaining +2 to Intimidate checks but -2 to Diplomacy checks. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Angelic Visage.
- Great Nose: The caliban has an extremely and sensitive large nose. He gains the Scent feat for free. However, he gains -2 to saves against effects and spells which depend on scent (such as Stinking Cloud) and whenever telling a lie his nose grows longer by an inch for two full days. The effects of multiple lies stack. Note: this deformity cannot stack with No Nose.
- Large Ears: The caliban has large, pointed ears and might be mistaken for an elf or half-elf. He gains a +2 bonus to Listen checks, but suffers an extra point of damage from Sonic attacks.
- No Nose: The caliban has a flat space in the center of his face where a nose should be. He is immune to spells and effects which depend on scent (such as Stinking Cloud) but gains -2 to Spot checks made using scent, and a -2 penalty to HP gained first level as at first breathing proves difficult for him. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Great Nose.
Deformities of the Legs[edit | edit source]
- Backwards Feet: The caliban's feet go backwards, and his tracks are altered proportionally. Those attempting to Track him gain a -4 penalty to Wilderness Lore checks unless they are aware of the deformity. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Quadruped.
- Frogs Legs: The caliban has misshapen legs like those of a frog. He gains a +4 to Jump checks but his movement is reduced by 10 ft. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Gorilla Feet, Hooves or Quadruped.
- Gorilla Feet: The caliban's feet are closer to large bent misshapen hands like those of an ape. His shoes or boots must be specially made to fit him. While not wearing shoes he can pick up things up with his feet and perform limited item manipulation (no weapon use or spellcasting, -4 to all actions made using these hands). Note: this deformity cannot stack with Frogs Legs, Hooves or Webbed Limbs.
- Hooves: The caliban's legs are hoofed like those of a demon or satyr, granting him +10 speed on land. The caliban cannot wear boots, but instead may make use of magical hooves. Note: this deformity cannot stack with either Frogs Legs, Gorilla Feet or Webbed Limbs.
- Quadruped: The caliban is accustomed to using all four of his limbs for walking in the manner of a beast. He gains +20 ft to land speed when running on all 4 legs but his unease when walking on two penalizes his land speed by -10 ft. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Backwards Feet or Frogs Legs.
- Webbed Limbs: The caliban has large webs of skin between his fingers and toes, allowing him to swim at his base land speed but ruining his skill for fine manipulation (-2 to Pick Pocket and Open Locks). Note: this deformity cannot stack with either Gorilla Feet or Hooves.
Deformities of the Mind[edit | edit source]
- Deranged: The caliban was born mad. Upon his creation, roll a Madness check. The resulting madness cannot be cured normally. However, the caliban's madness gives him a freakish insight into that which is hidden, gaining +2 to Knowledge (Ravenloft) and Knowledge (Arcana) checks.
- Magical Affinity: The caliban picks either a cantrip or a 1st level Wizard/Sorcerer or Druid spell and can use it thrice per day (if it is a cantrip) or once per day (if it is a 1st level spell) as a Sorcerer of his HD. The caliban's deformity is according to its magical affinity. For example, a caliban who can cast Unnerving Gaze has black, pupil-less eyes, a caliban who can cast Alter Self has a face which appears to be made of clay, a caliban who can cast Grease has greasy hair and skin, while a caliban who can cast Burning Hands sweats constantly from the hands.
- Malformed Twin: During birth, the caliban has partially absorbed his twin into his body. The twisted, half-formed fetus is still attached somewhere to the caliban's body, and they are bonded physically and mentally. The malformed twin still has fragments of his mind and soul in his body, giving the caliban a +2 bonus to Will saves against mind-effecting spells and a +2 to saves against Necromancy spells which target the soul (like Trap the Soul). However, the twin has a dormant sentience within him and longs to truly live through its host. It has the character's mental scores and a randomly determined alignment (roll a 1d3 twice for the twin's moral and ethical alignments), with its own motives and the desire to stay in control. During times of great emotional stress (fear, horror or madness checks or Barbarian rage) the caliban must roll a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + twin's Charisma modifier or the twin takes over its host's mind for 1d8 hours. After this period is over, the Caliban makes another Will save with a DC of 5 + Cha modifier to break free of the twin's control. If he fails the save, the control lasts for 1d4 hours after which the twin can no longer maintain control. After the caliban breaks free, he can remember nothing of the time when the twin is in control.
- Mark of the Warlock: The caliban has a strange birthmark shaped like an arcane symbol somewhere on his body. As long as the sign is visible, he gains +1 caster level but -1 to saves against spells.
Deformities of the Mouth[edit | edit source]
- Eerie Whisper: The caliban can only talk in whispers, gaining a +2 to Innuendo checks.
- Forked Tongue: The caliban has a forked tongue like that of a snake, granting him a +4 bonus to Knowledge (Nature) checks used to identify poison through taste and a +1 Fortitude save vs. poison. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Frog Tongue.
- Frog Tongue: The caliban has a 5-foot long tongue like that of a frog. He gains a single tongue attack, which doesn't deal any damage but can be used freely for Grappling at a +2 bonus. Note: this deformity cannot stack with Forked Tongue.
- Projectile Vomit: The stomach of this caliban is deformed to the point that it can not eat solid food and must vomit up a selection of stomach acid to pre-dissolve his food. A number of times per day equal to his Con modifier the PC may vomit a globe of acid for 2d6 points of damage at a single enemy within 20 ft.(a Reflex save halves the damage).
- Sharp Teeth: The caliban has sharp teeth and gains a bite attack which deals 1d6 points of damage + Strength modifier. This is considered a natural weapon.
- Unusual Appetite: The caliban has an unusual appetite, and may feast on rotting meat, bugs, blood and other disgusting foods without suffering any ill effects, and gains +1 to Fortitude saves against poison and disease. * However, the caliban constantly reeks of his disgusting foods and gains a -2 penalty to Diplomacy and Bluff checks unless the smell is extremely well hidden.
- Voice of Many: The caliban's voice sounds like many voices talking at once, giving him +2 to Bluff checks at the cost of -2 to Diplomacy checks.