
In D&D's Ravenloft setting, carrionettes are marionette-like golems capable of swapping bodies with a living creature Freaky Friday style by stabbing them with a specially prepared needle. They are native to the domain of Odiare, having been crafted by Giuseppe at the behest of Maligno, the realm's Darklord. Maligno could be considered a carrionette himself, but does not have the soul-switcharoo powers as part of his Dark Powers curse to never be a real boy. Carrionettes are one of the few kinds of monster to be found within Odiare.
In 3rd edition, as well as appearing in the official 3.0 (Denizens of Darkness) and 3.5 (Denizens of Dread) Ravenloft Monster Manuals, Carrionettes also appeared in the article Creature Catalog IV in Dragon Magazine #339.
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A carrionette that has swapped bodies with a wizard.