Characters of Hawaii Express
These are the witches dedicated to defeating the Neuroi's Pacific Expeditionary force, launching from Hawaii to Fuso, from Fuso to New Britannia, and finally back to Hawaii, the infamous 410th Tropical Witches!
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Cat Planet[edit | edit source]

Nienke Delsma
Age: 17
Rank: Major/Squadron Leader
Aircraft: Henschel Hs 129 (Using these strikers increases Nienke's ATK +1 and decreases MOB-1 regarding rolls.)
Ace Style: Knight
Archetype: Heroine
ATK: 5
MOB: 3
WIT: 4
SPD: 3
DEF: 1
Stamina: 14
Hits: 2
Ace Points: 2
Friend Points: 3
- Beret
- Scars
- Goggles
- Flak 41 : -5 to hit on non big enemies (to the GM's Jurisdiction.) +5 stamina damage when it hits. Limited Ammo
- Gewehr 43 : Rifle weapon rules apply
- Solothurn S-18/1000 anti-tank cannon: AP ammo: ignore one dice of defence. HE Ammo: +3 damage. Takes one turn to reload. Same rules as rifles apply.
- Bordkanone BK 37 pods: +1 dice anti-ground -2 dice anti-air
- MG151: Regular automatic weaponry rules apply.
- R4M launcher: Saturate an area with 6 rockets. Hits up to 6 targets. 2 shots. (Perrine agreed, don't bother her about it.)
Animal Familiar:
- Manx Cat
Born to a family of cheese-makers. Nienke had a fairly normal youth, much like other kids that age. Decent grades, good friends. All days seemed to go by just fine, unaware of the looming Neuroi threat. She loved her family and so did they love her. Especially important to her was her sister, she admired her sister ever so. Laura, as she was called, was a witch in the Royal Netherland Airforce. Nienke aspired to be just like her sister, were it not for lack of magic power. Nonetheless, days passed by until a single day rocked over her world.
During a Neuroi raid on her city she miraculously survived a stray shot on the school she was attending at the time. For unknown reasons, she somehow managed to project a shield. Being the only survivor, she was devastated. All her classmates and friends gone in the blink of an eye. And it didn't just end there. Almost everybody she cared for, she loved had vanished. Her sister was desperately trying to protect the city with her squadron. Days later, nothing was heard of her anymore. Was she killed? Was she missing? Nobody knew. This left Nienke devastated. Instead of sulking about it, thinking back of the magical powers that had awoken in her, she turned this anguish, hatred into a motivation to fight the Neuroi. She wanted to prevent any further casualties from happening. Everything she cared for vanished in mere moments. Nienke didn't want the same to happen to anyone else, but her parents prevented her from doing so. Still grieving over the loss of their eldest daughter, they didn't want the same to happen to Nienke. Hellbent on becoming a witch, Nienke ran away from home, only taking her sister's goggles with her. She somehow managed to get recruited into the LG2 where she got basic training. After the training was finished a transfer to the SG1 was in order where she continued flying missions and build up her skills.
Due to her magical handicap, Nienke is forced to use custom Strikers to help with her weakness. While she can't use magic well, she learned how to defeat the Neuroi with brute force; heavy weaponry.
She's currently stationed in Hawaii as part of the 410th Tropical Witches. After recent events, she has been assigned as the CO during battles.
Her scars remind her of the past, how she has survived the horror back then, how she's survived every battle up till now. The goggles always remind her of her sister, how even in the face of certain defeat she bravely fought on to protect her and the rest of the country. If she had died, she had not died in vain. It inspires Nienke in the moments she needs it the most. Plagued by events of the past, her perception on regular life and battle are unlike those of the others. Emotions got the better of her during a recent battle which left her fatally wounded. Interaction with other witches and changing her mindset has finally allowed her to put her past behind her and live in the present.
In her free time Nienke loves to read books, tinkering with her equipment and training her marksmanship.
She's hellbent on defeating the Neuroi threat, trying to overcome any flaws she has. She cares much about her fellow witches and tries to do her best to make the others feel well, sometimes going too far.
- Hair: Medium length. Light brown color.
- Eyes: Light blue
- Uniform: Luftwaffe Panzer Jacket
- Goggles: Her sister's goggles.
- Hat: A Navy Blue Beret found on the streets during the invasion.
Nienke is about 175 centimeters tall and has a fairly big bust due to years of living on dairy products.
She sports a navy blue beret, a Luftwaffe Panzer jacket and used to wear her sister's goggles around her neck. She has scars over her body from various conflicts and the first invasion on her town.
Stay focused, stay alive.
Tsuki[edit | edit source]
Name: Liliya Krasnova:
Aircraft: Polikarpv Po-2:
Age: 14:
Ace Style: Cool:
Archetype: Shy:
ATA 4:
MOB 4:
WIT 5:
SPD 1:
DEF: 1:
Stamina: 20:
Attributes/Quirks/Features Short Small Breasts Sickly:
Weapons: PRTD-41, Nagant M1895:
Liliya grew up in the Orussian Empire as well as under the constant threat of Neuroi attacks. She lived in a small outpost that sprang up from the oil business. However, this also meant that it would be a nice target for an attack. When she was little, she didn't exactly share the idea that she was a witch with those around her. She was the only one she knew that had such powers, so felt that she was different and weird. As such, she kept herself distant from others.
When she was older, the Neuroi finally did attack. They besieged the town, leveling everything. Liliya survived by hiding in the basement of her home, though the house did collapse. Not big deal, right? At least with her magic, she was able to stop it from killing her. In doing so, she revealed her abilities to her family as well.
When the Orussian military mounted a rescue operation, saving the few survivors left, Liliya felt a compulsion to help in the fight against the Neuroi so that she could not only get revenge for the chaos that they cause, but also to help protect her family for the future. So, she joined.
A rather short girl at 5'0"/152cm. To match her smaller, petite form, she has a rather flat front side. She has straight, long, silvery hair that has a faint blue tinge, and vibrant green eyes that almost seem to glow.
Helma_Lennartz[edit | edit source]
Name:Mariah Van Der Merwe:
Aircraft: North American B-25H Mitchell:
Age: 15:
Ace Style: Cool:
Archetype: Bravado:
ATK 5:
MOB 2:
WIT 3:
SPD 2:
Stamina: 18:
Attributes/Quirks/Features Dog Ears/Tail [Alsatian] Scarf, No Pants:
Weapons: .50-inch AN/M2 Browning Machine Gun, T13E1 75 mm cannon:
Special Attack: Spirit of Devastation: add 3d6+4 to attack, in exchange for exhausting half stamina. This can be repeated until Stamina is depleted!
At the age of four, Mariah moved to the East Indies with her father, a doctor sent to the southern Islands. Unlike her father, who is a Doctor, and her mother, a witch with healing magic, Mariah has no special talent in healing. Her family was stranded in the East Indies when the Neuroi first appeared in their Homeland. Mariah volunteered to return to Europe to fight, but with the appearance of still more Neuroi in the Pacific, she was reassigned closer to home. While most of her training has been in the indies, and she has never seen combat, she is an experienced tracker and hunter. Her name, "Mariah," is Britannian, reflecting her mother's distant ancestry.
Tall and somewhat ungainly (~173cm), With Blonde hair and Grey Eyes. Her hair parts 1/3 on the right. It is waxy and between shoulder and upper back length. she occasionally wears it in a pony tail, but normally lets it hang free. She wears a light scarf that she uses to cover her face when tracking, along with a modified KNIL infantry uniform, replete with a large knife. Raised in the jungle around her father's clinic, she is exceptionally loud and is noticeably uncomfortable indoors.
B-25 strikers are the fastest known way to convert magic into noise.
Perrinu[edit | edit source]

Name: Lucy Dowell
Aircraft: Hawker Sea Fury
Age: 17
Rank: Pilot Officer
Nationality: Britannian
Ace Style: Soldier
Archetype: Tsundere
ATK: 5
MOB: 1
WIT: 3
SPD: 1
DEF: 5
Stamina: 18
Hits: 2
Attributes/Quirks/Features: Tall, Glasses, Bad Tempered, Cold To The Touch
Weapons: PIAT, Sten Mk III, Modified 37mm Shotgun W/ Canister Shots
Animal Familiar: Kestrel
Personal: A military witch out of choice Lucy joined the RAF Yorkshire 618th Witch Squadron as a bid to get away from her parents at age 12 when she ran way at home age 10. Though she left her personal problems at home she brought the after affects of them with herself and to her new comrades in arms in the shape of an never ending aggressive attitude which was triggered whenever she got displeased with the smallest thing. Eventually after punching a NCO out cold at age 15 she began base hopping where only her skill in shields kept her in service and not in the brig. Along the line she must of caught someone's eye as she got a transfer letter to a JFW after her 8th base transfer. Not thinking foreign transfer would could be worse than local transfers she accepted and so headed to Hawaii.
Currently M.I.A presumed dead.
Appearance:Considerably taller than her peers Lucy stands 180cm tall and gives off the impression of someone dangerous. Her long dark blond frizzy hair would compliment her worn glasses and hazel eyes well if she didn’t have a scowl on her face almost constantly. A RAF long-coat and white shirt is her preferred attire along with her striped knee socks of green and brown.
Helma01[edit | edit source]

Name: Nicole Wren Broadbridge
Aircraft: Spitfire mk21 (primary), Bristol Beaufighter
Age: 17
Rank: Squadron Commander, 410th JFW 'Tropical Witches'
Ace Style: Veteran
Archetype: Mentor
ATK: 3
MOB: 4
WIT: 4
SPD: 2
DEF: 3
Stamina: 20
Ace points: 2
Friendship points: 3
Attributes/Quirks/Features Goggles, two hairpins or a barrette (hair-slide) on the right side of her head
Weapons: Bren light machine gun (current), Vickers-Berthier Mk. III (stored away)
Personal: Ever since she was little, Nicole loved to watch older witches fly from her bedroom window, and ever since she first saw them she wanted to join Britannia's Royal Air Force. When she turned 12, she joined the RAF's 244th Witch Squadron, becoming a Flying Officer at the age of 13 and has remained there ever since. She had been given promotional opportunities, however she turned them down, including Squadron Leader and Wing Commander. In 1944 as the 244th squadron was disbanded, Nicole was immediately transferred to the Yorkshire 618th and was promoted to Flight Lieutenant in the RAF. Shortly after her transfer though, she was transferred to the 410th Tropical Witches and assumed the position of Squadron Commander. She tends to act as a mentor to the younger and less-experienced witches in the group.
- RAF position: Flying Officer, 244th Witch Squadron (Disbanded)
- Yorkshire: Flight Lieutenant, 618th (Re-assignment after disbandment)
- JFW position: Squadron Commander, 410th Tropical Witches
Current appearance (as of late September 1944):
- Height: 170 cm
- Hair: dark brown, waist-length
- Eyes: deep olive-green
- Coat: 1941 RAF Flight Lieutenant's Service Dress Jacket with the jacket and belt done up.
- Goggles: RAF C-type flying goggles (around her neck)
Generally, Nicole wears a pair of goggles even when not flying along with her officer service dress jacket, and she wears a pair of blue striped socks. Her hair is dark brown and is waist-length, and has deep olive-green eyes. Sometimes she can be seen wearing a hairpin or two, but is generally hidden from view.
After her time in OCS, her uniform is the Flight Lieutenant version, complete with the belt and done up, and she can be seen with her goggles around her neck instead of the top of her head.
[edit | edit source]

Hakan Saevas
Age: 16
Rank: Flight Sergeant
Striker: Macchi C.200 Saetta
Ace Style: Knight
Archetype: Tsundere
ATK: 1
MOB: 5
WIT: 4
SPD: 5
DEF: 1
Stamina: 20
Hits: 2
Attributes/Quirks/features: Metallic bracelet she often fumbles with. She is rarely without her falchion.
Weapons: Falchion, Beretta M 1935
Animal Familiar: Italian wolf
Born and raised in Romagna, Hakan Saevas got her Baltic name from her Baltic father who served in Romagnan army. Saevas has only two persons around whom she feels comfortable, as she has been an introvert through her whole life. Because she has no ability whatsoever in social interaction, she tends to either fake emotions, act grumpy or just plain ignore people. It doesn't mean she is particularly emotionless or cold, she just can't interact.
Backstory will come about while RPing if it is to come about. It's nothing that dramatic or special, but it doesn't feel right to write it here.
Long and slender frame, hair reaching to the shoulder blades. Being a mix of two quite different nationalities, Saevas' milky brown skin, sandy blond hair and greyish brown eyes give her a ”Latte” look, only broken by her army green jacket.
ZZEva[edit | edit source]
Hina Brace
Age: 16
Rank: Lieutenant
Aircraft:Consolidated PBY Catalina
Ace Style: Soldier
Archetype: Shy
ATK: 3
MOB: 5
WIT: 5
SPD: 2
DEF: 1
Stamina: 22
Hits: 2
Attributes/Quirks/features: Bikini, surfs at night
Weapons: M2 browning, Surfboard
Animal Familiar: Black Cat
The daughter of renowned scientist Dr Brace, and a talented witch as well, Hina is a quiet girl who prefers to be alone most of the time. Her specialty is Magnetic Anomaly detection, a powerful magic that allows her to detect incoming Neuroli. Although she looks Nerdy, she's actually quite athletic and enjoys surfing. She especially likes to do this at night during the full moon.
A quiet bespectacled girl with tanned skin and short silver hair wearing a white bikini and a NAVY tank top. Unlike most witches, she uses a prototype Seaplane striker system that takes the form of a surfboard and backpack engine pods.
R-Blade[edit | edit source]

Pearson Richards
Age: 17
Aircraft: B-36
Ace Style: Veteran
Archetype: Mentor
ATK: 3
MOB: 2
WIT: 4
SPD: 2
DEF: 5
Stamina: 14
Hits: 2
Attributes/Quirks/features: Big Sister, Uniform
Animal Familiar: Golden Eagle
- M1911 Automatic Pistol
An ace test pilot who was transferred from Liberion base to Liberion base to break in new Strikers of all sorts, Pearson is a loud, bombastic ace who thinks of every Witch under her command as part of her extended family, and will gladly try her hardest to make sure that no witch falls under her watch.
Pearson is dark skinned, and always has a happy look on her face, especially before the time for the yearly evaluations for her squadron are due.
Arceon[edit | edit source]

Arai Kiyone
Age: 14
Rank:Flying Officer
Aircraft: Kawasaki Ki-45
Ace Style: Cool
Archetype: Shy
ATK: 4
MOB: 2
WIT: 5
SPD: 2
DEF: 1
Stamina: 14
Hits: 2
Ace Points: 1
Friend Points: 1
- Shy
- Magica Antenna
- Familiar attributes out at all times.
- Type 97 20mm Anti Tank Rifle
- Ho-103 Machine Gun
Animal Familiar:
- Red Fox
A Fusoan night-witch, she has served in 3 separate air detachments including her 'home squadron' in the Fuso Imperial Navy and a JFW wing in Suomus, the 33rd Blitz Witches.
Her natural aptitude with high power, high accuracy weapons places her in a heavy support position in most active engagements. Preferring to wait until a shot is absolutely guaranteed she has earned the chagrin of some of her wingmates due to her apparent last minute shots. Her abilities as a solo night-witch, however, has scored her an almost undisputed position in JFW night patrols.
She is currently serving as a night-witch in the 410th Tropical Witches stationed in Hawaii.
- Length: 149 cm
- Hair: Long black silky hair.
- Eyes: Brown
- Uniform: Custom Fuso night-witch uniform
. . .
Peorth[edit | edit source]
Danielle Broussard
Age: 19
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Aircraft: P-40N/F Warhawk
Ace Style: Cool/Top Gun
Archetype: Older Sister
ATK: 4
MOB: 3
WIT: 4
SPD: 2
DEF: 2
Stamina: 14
Hits: 2
Ace Points: 1
Friend Points: 1
- Heat Tolerance
- Back injury
- Southern Accent.
- Wiry
- Browning M2
- Winchester M1897 Shotgun
- Colt 1911
Animal Familiar:
- Pitbull
Born and raised in the swamps & lowlands of southern Louisiana, Liberion, Danielle was exposed to guns, tracking and hunting for the vast majority of her life. Her mother worked as a folk healer for her village, and her father as a travelling teacher. Fairly smart. Ancestors served for the Confederacy in the Liberion Civil war, has a vintage Confederate flag.
She is currently serving as a witch in the 410th Tropical Witches stationed in Hawaii.
- Length: 5'9"
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Brown
Neuroi? Meh, shotgun, pistol, or a blade should make 'em bleed well enough.