Clark Ashton Smith

Clark Ashton Smith was an American writer of weird horror, pulp fantasy and science fiction novels, poems and serials. He is one of "The Big Three of Weird Tales", those men who published most prolifically in that most well-known and long-lasting of Weird Fantasy dedicated magazines, alongside H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. "Conan" Howard. Although Smith isn't (today) as well-known as them, he had a significant impact; Clark was a co-creator for the world of Hyperborea, the primeval "lost past" world in which Robert's own Conan and King Kull Sword & Sorcery works were set, and corresponded frequently with Lovecraft, resulting in many of his weird races and deities being promoted in the latter's works. It is also worth noting that Lovecraft praised Clark Ashton Smith as one of the modern (early 20th century) masters of the weird tale.
Poseidonis and Hyperborea overlap in theme if not in setting. The former is a subcontinental remnant of sunken Atlantis that avoided the ocean. Klarkash-Ton's stories for both of those settings revolve around a magical culture characterized by bizarreness, cruelty, death and postmortem horrors.
Averoigne is Smith's version of pre-modern France; at least of John the Magnificent's Berry-to-Auvergne part of it. It compares with James Branch Cabell's Poictesme: an alternate Earth where magic is very real, just illegal, and cracked down upon by the Catholic church.
Zothique - debuting late in his career - exists millions of years in the future. It is "the last continent of earth, when the sun is dim and tarnished". This inspired Jack Vance's Dying Earth series and then Gene Wolfe's New Sun.
Smith is most of interest to /tg/ for his role in inspiring Gary Gygax to write Dungeons & Dragons, as he has long been listed in the inspirations for D&D as a whole. The adventure module X2: Castle Amber invokes a cross-over between Mystara and Averoigne.
CAS's D&D revitalisation was all super-annoying to 1980s kiddies who could never track down this man's much-hyped work at the bookstores or libraries. But then the Internet came along and Eldritch Dark posted whatever they legally could. Those mad lads at Nightshade Press recently Got Shit Done and edited every story the man ever wrote from the original manuscripts - definitely an improvement over ED's 1990s-flava webpages, much as they were appreciated then. Seriously, go out and buy all five Nightshade volumes, you will not regret it.
Perhaps because Eldritch Dark made Clark's Zothique writings (especially) more-or-less readily available, its necromancers are cited as a direct inspiration in The Complete Necromancer's Handbook; Wolfgang Baur also quotes such content. And in Pathfinder Zothique's ghoul-worshipped Great Old One Mordiggian became a deity.
Links[edit | edit source]
- : a repository of Clark Ashton Smith writings that skirts on the public domain limitations.
- : the nicely printed books.