Codex - Adeptus Mechanicus Angry Cyborg Edition

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INTRODUCTION[edit | edit source]

Gather your army from a vast collection of walkers, tanks and mechanically augmented and ceaselessly loyal soldiers from the Skitarii Macroclades, the Electro-priests, Enginseers, and Tech-priests of the Cult Mechanicus, the Imperial Knights in your servitude and the gargantuan god machines of the Titan legions. Strike down the alien and the heretic that wishes to impede upon your holy cause Adeptus Mechanicus Warlord!


Games Workshop in no way endorses any of the Angry Codices. No infringement is intended with the Angry Codices. The intent of the Angry Initiative is NOT to make Games Workshop go out of business, but rather to bring the game part of the hobby up to speed with the most detailed setting of any game and arguably also the best miniatures of any miniature wargame.


The Angry Initiative is about making more fair and fun codices. The core principle of the Angry Initiative is letting you play with the miniatures you own and love and punishing people as little as possible for making the "wrong" modeling and purchasing strategies. All fluff and pictures are left out, this makes room for all Forgeworld units and supplemental rules in the main codex, meaning you only need one book for each faction you play.


The balancing system is based on 10 Space Marines with a Sergeant, the Objective Secured, 6+ Feel No Pain special rules and a single Tactical Doctrines available, as being worth 130 pts, a plasma gun for said Squad being worth 15 pts, a lascannon for said squad being worth 20 pts and a Rhino for said Squad being worth an additional 35 pts. Worth meaning that the amount of situations in which one taking the option is better is not overwhelming compared to the amount of situations in which the options is worse. For example. 130 full Tactical Squads in Rhinos should be good in as many situations as 165 full Tactical Squads without Rhinos.

Units and options are put into a points range between a point value where they counter all the things they should counter (light armoured anti-armour units should counter heavy armoured anti-armour units and medium armoured anti-armour units) and get countered by all the things they should be countered by (light armoured anti-armour units should get countered by light armoured anti-light units). They are moved around within this range based on results from playtesting and debates on the discussion pages of codices. Note that while calculations have been made for the proper point range for many units and options, others have been placed based on the notions of what units are being played by competitive players in 40k at the moment.

The intent is not for the costs shown to be the final costs, but rather the start of a discussion which will eventually lead to the most balanced codices possible within the framework of a game where units are meant to counter and be countered by other units. The PDF codices are updated at most once each month to allow you to get a better feel for how good units are before they are changed. Clarification and errors in grammar and wording is changed as they are found on 1d4chan.


This codex was made by the 1d4chan community and managed by the Angry Pirate. This codex was published by adding ?action=render at the end of the name of the codex' web page on 1d4chan and copy pasting the whole thing into Microsoft Word. Margins are at 0,5", the Georgia font is used for everything, except the front page which is Stencil. The logo was made in paint by writing on a coloured background and then using the "fill with colour" tool on the background. After some final minor revisions, the Word document was saved as a PDF.


Battle reports can be posted and read here. General feedback of the Angry Codices can be made here. Feedback on this codex can be made here.


FORMATIONS[edit | edit source]

Knight House[edit | edit source]


  • 3+ Cerastus Knights, Imperial Knights or Questoris Knights (in any combination)



Special Rules:

  • Battlefield Deity: A model with this special rule may not be deployed within 36" of your opponents deployment zone or within 24" of either of the sides of the table.
  • Ionic Shieldwall: As long as model from this Formation is within 6" of one or more other models from this formation, it may re-roll failed invulnerable save.
  • Knight Baron: One model from this Formation gains the character type and may select a single item from the Heirlooms of the Knightly Houses list.

Cult Mechanicus Battle Maniple[edit | edit source]


  • 1 Belisarius Cawl or Tech Priest Dominus
  • 2-8 of the following:
- 1 Breacher Maniple
- 1 Destroyer Maniple
  • 0-4 of the following:
- 1 Fulgurite Elecro-Priest Maniple 
- 1 Corpuscarii Elecro-Priest Maniple
  • 0-2 of the following:
- 1 Kastelan Robot Maniple



Special Rules:

  • Incantation of the Iron Soul: Once per game at the start of your movement phase in which you are not using the any other special rules from this formation you may use this special rule, if you do; friendly units with this special rule gain the Fearless special rule until the beginning of your next turn.
  • Litany of the Electromancer: Once per game at the start of your movement phase in which you are not using the any other special rules from this formation you may use this special rule, if you do; enemy units suffer a single Strength 4 AP - hit for each model with this special rule in units that they are locked in combat with, resolved at the Initiative 10 step of the Fight sub-phase.
  • Chant of the Remorseless Fist: Once per game at the start of your movement phase in which you are not using the any other special rules from this formation you may use this special rule, if you do; units with this special rule may re-roll failed To Hit rolls when making close combat attacks until the start of your next movement phase.
  • Shroudpsalm: Once per game at the start of your movement phase in which you are not using the any other special rules from this formation you may use this special rule, if you do; units with this special rule gain the Stealth special rule until the start of your next movement phase.
  • Invocation of Machine-Might: Once per game at the start of your movement phase in which you are not using the any other special rules from this formation you may use this special rule, if you do; units with this special rule add +1 to their Strength characteristic until the start of your next movement phase.
  • Benediction of Omniscience: Once per game at the start of your movement phase in which you are not using the any other special rules from this formation you may use this special rule, if you do; units with this special rule re-roll failed To Hit rolls of 1 when making ranged attacks until the start of your next movement phase.

Skitarii Macroclade[edit | edit source]


  • 4 Skitarii War Cohorts
  • 0+ Ordinatus Engines
  • 0+ of the following:
- 1 Warhound Scout Titan
- 1 Reaver Battle Titan
- 1 Warlord Titan
- 1 Imperator Titan

Special Rules:

  • Technomartyr Concords: Whilst your Warlord is alive all models in this Formation have the Fearless special rule.

Skitarii War Cohort[edit | edit source]


  • 1 Master of Skitarii
  • 3 Skitarii Battle Maniples
  • 0-1 of the following:
- 1 Baneblade Super-heavy Tank
- 1 Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
- 1 Dominus Armoured Siege Bombard
- 1 Fellblade Super-heavy Tank
- 1 Gorgon Heavy Transporter
- 1 Macharius Super-heavy Tank
- 1 Malcador Super-heavy Tank
- 1 Minotaur Artillery Tank
- 1 Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher
- 1 Valdor Tank Hunter
  • 0-1 Fortification

Special Rules:

  • Crux Mechanicus: If this Formation is your Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Warlord Traits Table.
  • Relentless March: Infantry and Walker models with this special rule gain the Fleet, Move Through Cover and Relentless special rules.

Skitarii Battle Maniple[edit | edit source]


  • 1-3 of the following:
- 1 Hyspasist Maniple
- 1 Vanguard Maniple
  • 0-2 of the following:
- 1 Ruststalker Maniple
- 1 Infiltrator Maniple
  • 0-2 of the following:
- 1 Dragoon Maniple
- 1 Dunecrawler Maniple
  • 0-2 Ironstrider Maniple



Special Rules:

  • Binaric Omniscience: Once per game for each Formation in your army with this special rule you may enact a single Doctrina Imperiative. Doctina Imperiatives may only be enacted during your Movement phase and only one may be enacted each turn. When a doctrina imperiative is enact all friendly models that are part of a Skitaarii Battle Maniple add +1 to their BS or WS (choose for each unit). At the end of the game, before seeing who controls end of game objectives, all units with a toughness value affected by this special rule must pass a number toughness tests equal to the number of Doctrina Imperative you enacted this game times the number of models in the unit or suffer a single wound with no saves of any kind allowed for each failed test. Wounds inflicted by this special rule can only be allocted onto models with this special rule. Note that Feel No Pain rolls are not saves and as such can still be made.

Forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus[edit | edit source]

HQ[edit | edit source]

Tech Priest Dominus[edit | edit source]

Tech-Priest Dominus 4 5 4 4 3 3 2 9 2+


Infantry (Character)


1 Tech-Priest Dominus ...105 pts


  • Volkite blaster
  • Macrostubber
  • Power axe
  • Dataspike
  • Scryerskull
  • Refractor field


  • Feel No Pain
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Master of Machines: A model with this special rule may fire two ranged weapons each time it shoots. During the shooting phase, instead of firing one of firing a second ranged weapon, a Tech-Priest Dominus can choose to repair a friendly vehicle in base contact with the Tech-Priest Dominus. Roll a D6. If the result is 2+ you may either restore a Hull Point the vehicle lost earlier in the battle or remove a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result suffered earlier in the battle. When this special rule is used to restore a Hull Point you may also restore a wound lost earlier in the battle to any model in the Tech-Priest Dominus's unit.


  • May replace volkite blaster with an eradication ray ...15 pts
  • May replace macrostubber with a phosphor serpenta ...5 pts
  • May take one of the following Warlord Traits:
- Archeotech Specialist ...0 pts

When your Warlord, or his unit, discovers a Mysterious Objective, instead of rolling to identify it, you can choose which result on the Mysterious Objectives table to apply to that objective for the rest of the game.

- Target Priority ...30 pts

In the Shooting phase, your Warlord and all friendly units within 12" of him reroll To Hit rolls of 1.

- Artificer armament ...10 pts

All weapons carried by your Warlord except Relics of Mars have the Master-crafted special rule.

- Inside the Mind of the Machine ...0 pts

Your Warlord has the Haywire special rule.

- Immobavable Object ...0 pts

Your Warlord has the Fearless and It Will Not Die special rules.

  • May take items from the Special Issue Wargear and/or Relics of Arcana lists.

Master of Skitarii[edit | edit source]

Master of Vanguards 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 9 2+
Master of Ruststalkers 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 9 2+
Master of Infiltrators 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 9 2+

UNIT TYPE: . Infantry (Character)


1 Master of Vanguards ...50 pts


  • Galvanic rifle (Master of Vanguards only)
  • Transonic razor (Master of Ruststalkers only)
  • Transonic claw (Master of Ruststalkers only)
  • Mindscrambler grenades (Master of Ruststalkers only)
  • Stubcarbine (Master of Infiltrators only)
  • Power Sword (Master of Infiltrators only)


  • Feel No Pain (6+)


  • Masters of Vanguards may take items from the Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Special Issue Wargear and Relics of Mars lists.
  • Masters of Ruststalkers and Masters of Infiltrators may take items from the Special Issue Wargear and Relics of Mars lists.
  • May replace transonic razor, transonic claw and mindscrambler grenades with one of the following:
- Two transonic blades
- Two transonic blades and a transonic claw ...5 pts
  • Masters of Ruststalkers may take a prehensile dataspike ...10 pts
  • May replace stubcarbine and power sword with a flechette blaster and a taser goad
  • Masters of Infiltrators may take an infoslave skull ...10 pts
  • May take one of the following Warlord Traits:
- Logic Reigns Supreme ... 0 pts

You add +1 to any Seize the Initiative roll. Your Warlord has the Adamantium Will special rule.

- Night Attacker ...30 pts

If you choose to use the Night Fighting rules in your game, there is no need to roll – it is Night on the first turn, and all models in your army have the Night Vision special rule.

- Conqueror of Cities ...30 pts

Your units have the Move Through Cover special rule if moving through Ruins, and the Stealth (Ruins) special rule.

- Mechanical Supremacy ...10 pts

All models in the Warlord's unit have the Feel No Pain special rule.

- Coordinated Assault ...5 pts

In the Assault phase, your Warlord and all friendly units within 12" of him reroll To Hit rolls of 1.

Troops[edit | edit source]

BREACHER MANIPLE[edit | edit source]

Kataphron Breacher 3 3 5 5 2 3 1 8 3+




3 Kataphron Breachers


  • Heavy arc rifle
  • Storm claw


  • Canticles of the Omnissiah
  • Very Bulky
  • Heavy Battle Servitors: Models with this special rule can fire up to two weapons in each Shooting phase.
  • Slow and Purposeful


  • May include up to nine additional Kataphron Breachers ...50 pts/model
  • Any model may replace heavy arc rifle with a torsion cannon
  • Any model may replace storm claw with a hydraulic claw ...10 pts/model

DESTROYER MANIPLE[edit | edit source]

Kataphron Destroyer 3 3 5 5 2 3 1 8 4+




3 Kataphron Destroyers ...165


  • Plasma culverin
  • Phosphor blaster


  • Canticles of the Omnissiah
  • Very Bulky
  • Heavy Battle Servitors: Models with this special rule can fire up to two weapons in each Shooting phase.
  • Slow and Purposeful


  • May include up to nine additional Kataphron Breachers ...55 pts/model
  • Any model may replace plasma culverin with a heavy grav-cannon
  • Any model may replace phosphor blaster with a cognis flamer ...10 pts/model

Hyspasist Maniple[edit | edit source]

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Hyspasist 50 pts 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Infantry 9 Hyspasists, 1 Hyspasist Alpha
Hyspasist Alpha 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 9 5+ Infantry (Character)


  • Lasgun
  • Frag grenades

Special Rules:

  • Feel No Pain (6+)


  • One Hyspasist may replace his lasgun with a heavy flamer - 5 pts
  • Up to two Hyspasists may replace their lasguns with one of the following:
- Flamer - 5 pts
- Grenade Launcher - 5 pts
- Plasma Gun - 10 pts
- Melta Gun - 15 pts
  • The squad may take krak grenades - 2 pts
  • The squad may take a Chimera or Taurox as a Dedicated Transport

Vanguard Maniple[edit | edit source]

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Vanguard 40 pts 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ Infantry 4 Vanguards, 1 Vanguard Alpha
Vanguard Alpha 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 9 4+ Infantry (Character)


  • Radium carbine

Special Rules:

  • Feel No Pain (6+)


  • May include up to five additional Vanguards - 8 pts/model
  • The entire squad may replace radium carbines with galvanic rifles
  • Vanguard Alpha may take items from the Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Special Issue Wargear and Relics of Mars lists.
  • One Vanguard may take one of the following:
- Enhanced data-tether - 5 pts
- Omnispex - 10 pts
  • Up to two (three if the squad numbers 10 models) other Vanguards may replace their radium carbines with one item from the Special Weapons list.
  • The squad may take a Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod, Chimera or Taurox as a Dedicated Transport

Elites[edit | edit source]

ELECTRO-PRIEST MANIPLE[edit | edit source]

Electro-Priest 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 -




5 Electro-Priests ...90 pts


  • Electrostatic gauntlets
  • Voltagheist field


  • Feel No Pain
  • Zealot


  • May include up to fifteen additional Corpuscarii Electro-Priests ...18 pts/model
  • All models may replace electrostatic gauntlets with electroleech staves

RUSTSTALKER MANIPLE[edit | edit source]

Sicarian Ruststalker 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 8 4+
Ruststalker Princeps 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 9 4+


Infantry. The Ruststalker Princeps is Infantry (Character)


4 Sicarian Ruststalkers, 1 Ruststalker Princeps ...160 pts


  • Transonic razor
  • Transonic claw
  • Mindscrambler grenades


  • Bulky
  • Dunestrider
  • Feel No Pain
  • Furious Charge


  • May include up to five additional Sicarian Ruststalkers ...30 pts/model
  • The Ruststalker Princeps may take items from the Special Issue Wargear and Relics of Mars lists.
  • The entire squad may replace their transonic razors, transonic claws and mindscrambler grenades with two transonic blades
  • A Ruststalker Princeps with two transonic blades may also take a transonic claw ...5 pts
  • The Ruststalker Princeps may take a prehensile dataspike ...10 pts

INFILTRATOR MANIPLE[edit | edit source]

Sicarian Infiltrator 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 8 4+
Infiltrator Princeps 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 9 4+


Infantry. The Infiltrator Princeps is Infantry (Character)


4 Sicarian Infiltrators, 1 Infiltrator Princeps ...185 pts


  • Stubcarbine
  • Power sword


  • Bulky
  • Dunestrider
  • Feel No Pain
  • Infiltrate
  • Stealth
  • Neurostatic Aura: All enemy models within 6" of one or more models with this special rule subtract 1 from their Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Initiative and Leadership.


  • May include up to five additional Sicarian Ruststalkers ...35 pts/model
  • The Infiltrator Princeps may take items from the Special Issue Wargear and Relics of Mars lists.
  • The entire squad may replace their stubcarbines and power swords with flechette blasters and taser goads
  • A Infiltrator Princeps with two transonic blades may also take a transonic claw ...5 pts
  • The Infiltrator Princeps may take an infoslave skull ...10 pts

Fast Attack[edit | edit source]

Valkyrie Squadron[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Valkyrie 100 pts 3 12 12 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport) 1 Valkyrie
Vendetta 3 12 12 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)


  • Multi-laser
  • Two hellstrike missiles
  • Extra armour
  • Searchlight

Special Rules:

  • Grav Chute Insertion: If a model with this special rule has moved more than 6", passengers may disembark using this special rule during the movement phase. To use this special rule nominate a point which this model moved over this movement phase. The unit immediately deep strikes onto the chosen point. If any model cannot be placed for any reason, the unit is destroyed.


  • Transport Capacity: (Valkyrie only) Twelve models.
  • Transport Capacity: (Vendetta only) Six models.
  • Fire Points: None.
  • Access Points: One access point on each side of the hull and one on the rear


  • May include up to two additional Valkyries - 100 pts/model
  • All Valkyries may be upgraded to Vendettas, replacing two hellstrike missiles and multi-laser with a twin-linked lascannon and two hellfury missiles - 50 pts/model
  • Any Valkyrie may replace multi-laser with a lascannon - 0 pts
  • Any Valkyrie may replace two hellstrike missiles with two multiple rocket pods - 10 pts
  • Any Valkyrie may take two heavy bolters - 25 pts
  • Any Vendetta may replace two hellfury missiles with two twin-linked lascannons - 20 pts
  • Any Vendetta may take two heavy bolters - 25 pts

Hellhound Squadron[edit | edit source]

90 pts

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type
Hellhound 3 12 12 10 3 Vehicle (Fast, Tank)


  • Heavy Bolter


  • May Include up to two additional Hellhounds - 90 pts/model
  • Any model may take items from the Astra Militarum Vehicle Equipment list.
  • Any model may replace its heavy bolter with one of the following:
- Heavy Flamer - Free
- Multi-Melta - 10 pts
  • Every Hellhound in the squadron must take one of the following:
- Inferno Cannon - 0 pts
Range S AP Type
Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Torrent

- Melta Cannon - 5 pts
Range S AP Type
24" 8 1 Heavy 1, Blast, Melta

- Chem Cannon 15 pts
Range S AP Type
Template 1 3 Heavy 1, Poisoned

Rhino[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Rhino 35 4 11 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank, Transport) 1 Rhino


  • Storm bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Repair: If a Rhino is Immobilised, then in subsequent turns, it may attempt to repair itself instead of shooting. To make the attempt, roll a D6 in the Shooting phase; on the roll of a 6, the vehicle is no longer Immobilised. Note that a successful Repair does not restore a Hull Point.


  • Transport Capacity: Ten models. It cannot carry models with the Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rules.
  • Fire Points: Two models can fire from the Rhino´s top hatch.
  • Access Points: The Rhino has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the rear.


  • May take items from the Space Marine Vehicle Equipment list.

Razorback[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Razorback 45 4 11 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank, Transport) 1 Razorback


  • Twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers


  • Transport Capacity: Six models. It cannot carry models with the Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rules.
  • Fire Points: None.
  • Access Points: The Razorback has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the rear.


  • May take items from the Space Marine Vehicle Equipment list.
  • May replace twin-linked heavy bolter with one of the following:
- Twin-linked heavy flamer - 0 pts
- Twin-linked Assault cannon - 10 pts
- Lascannon and twin-linked plasma gun - 10 pts
- Multi-melta - 10 pts
- Twin-linked lascannon - 10 pts

Deathstorm Drop Pod[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Drop Pod 75 pts 2 12 12 12 3 Vehicle (Open-topped, Transport) 1 Deathstorm Drop Pod


  • Whirlwind multiple missile launcher
Range S AP Type
Vengeance 12"-48" 5 4 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast
Incendiary castellan 12"-48" 4 5 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Ignores Cover, Soul Blaze

Special Rules:

  • Drop Pod: This units name is always "Drop Pod" in addition to its true name.
  • Drop Pod Assault: Drop Pods and units embarked upon them must be held in Deep Strike Reserves. At the beginning of your first turn, half your Drop Pods (rounding up) automatically arrive from Reserve. The arrival of remaining Drop Pods is rolled for normally.
  • Immobile: A Drop Pod cannot move once it has entered play, and counts in all respects as a vehicle that has suffered an Immobilised result that cannot be repaired in any way. This does not cause it to lose a Hull Point.
  • Inertial Guidance System: If a Drop Pod scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required in order to avoid the obstacle. If a Drop Pod scatters off the edge of the board, it suffers a Deep Strike Mishap.
  • Automated Weapons: In the first shooting phase after it lands each unit (enemy or friendly) within 12” and in line of sight comes under attack, the Deathstorm fires once at. Attacks against friendly units are resolved by your opponent.


  • Transport Capacity: Ten models. Once a Drop Pod lands, all passengers must disembark and no models can embark for the rest of the game.


  • May take a locator beacon - 10 pts
  • May replace whirlwind multiple missile launcher with assault cannon - 0 pts

Drop Pod[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Drop Pod 35 pts 4 12 12 12 3 Vehicle (Open-topped, Transport) 1 Drop Pod


  • Storm bolter

Special Rules:

  • Drop Pod Assault: Drop Pods and units embarked upon them must be held in Deep Strike Reserves. At the beginning of your first turn, half your Drop Pods (rounding up) automatically arrive from Reserve. The arrival of remaining Drop Pods is rolled for normally.
  • Immobile: A Drop Pod cannot move once it has entered play, and counts in all respects as a vehicle that has suffered an Immobilised result that cannot be repaired in any way. This does not cause it to lose a Hull Point.
  • Inertial Guidance System: If a Drop Pod scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required in order to avoid the obstacle. If a Drop Pod scatters off the edge of the board, it suffers a Deep Strike Mishap.


  • Transport Capacity: Ten models or a single Dreadnought. Once a Drop Pod lands, all passengers must disembark and no models can embark for the rest of the game.


  • May replace storm bolter with deathwind launcher - 10 pts
  • May take a locator beacon - 10 pts

Dreadnought Drop Pod[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Dreadnought Drop Pod 50 pts 4 12 12 12 3 Vehicle (Open-topped, Transport) 1 Dreadnought Drop Pod


  • Storm bolter

Special Rules:

  • Drop Pod: This units name is always "Drop Pod" in addition to its true name.
  • Drop Pod Assault: Drop Pods and units embarked upon them must be held in Deep Strike Reserves. At the beginning of your first turn, half your Drop Pods (rounding up) automatically arrive from Reserve. The arrival of remaining Drop Pods is rolled for normally.
  • Immobile: A Drop Pod cannot move once it has entered play, and counts in all respects as a vehicle that has suffered an Immobilised result that cannot be repaired in any way. This does not cause it to lose a Hull Point.
  • Inertial Guidance System: If a Drop Pod scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required in order to avoid the obstacle. If a Drop Pod scatters off the edge of the board, it suffers a Deep Strike Mishap.


  • Transport Capacity: One Dreadnought or up to three Monstrous Creatures.


  • May take a locator beacon - 10 pts

Chimera[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Unit Composition
Chimera 65 pts 3 12 10 10 3 Vehicle (Tank, Transport) 1 Chimera


  • Multi-laser
  • Smoke launchers
  • Searchlight
  • Two lasgun arrays
Range S AP Type
24" 3 - Assault 6

Special Rules:

  • Amphibious: A model with this special rule treat all water features as open terrain for movement purposes.
  • Mobile Command Vehicle: Models embarked upon a vehicle with this special rule may still issue orders to squads. Measure range from any part of the Chimera´s hull.


  • Transport Capacity: Twelve models.
  • Fire Points: Two models can fire from the top hatch. Note that Heavy Weapons Teams only count as a single model.
  • Access Points: A Chimera has one Access Point on the rear.


  • May take items from the Imperial Guard Vehicle Equipment list.
  • May replace heavy bolter with heavy flamer - 0 pts
  • May replace multi-laser with heavy flamer or heavy bolter - 0 pts

Taurox[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Unit Composition
Taurox 50 pts 3 11 10 10 3 Vehicle (Transport) 1 Taurox


  • Twin-linked autocannon

Special Rules:

  • All-terrain APC: This vehicle re-rolls all failed Dangerous Terrain tests.


  • Transport Capacity: Ten models.
  • Fire Points: Two on each side of the hull.
  • Access Points: A Taurox has one Access point on each side of the hull and one on the rear.


  • May take items from the Imperial Guard Vehicle Equipment list.

Fire Raptor Gunship[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Fire Raptor 200 pts 4 12 12 12 4 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport) 1 Fire Raptor


  • Ceramite plating
  • Extra armour
  • Four hellstrike missiles
  • Twin-linked autocannon turret
Range S AP Type
48" 7 4 Heavy 2, Independent Turret Fire

Independent Turret Fire: Weapons with this special rule do not count towards the number of weapons a model may fire each turn and may be fired at a seperate target from all other weapons the model is armed with.
  • Twin-linked avenger bolt cannon
Range S AP Type
36" 6 3 Heavy 7

Special Rules:

  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Relic Pattern: You may not have more vehicles with this special rule in a detachment than you do models with the Blessings of the Omnissiah special rule.
  • Stormraven Gunship: Models with this special rule always count their name as being "Stormraven Gunship" in addition to their true name.


  • May replace two twin-linked quad heavy bolter turrets with two twin-linked quad heavy bolter turrets - 35 pts
Range S AP Type
36" 5 4 Heavy 6, Independent Turret Fire

Independent Turret Fire: Weapons with this special rule do not count towards the number of weapons a model may fire each turn and may be fired at a seperate target from all other weapons the model is armed with.
  • May take a locator beacon - 10 pts

Caestus Assault Ram[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Caestus 300 pts 4 13 13 11 4 Vehicle (Tank, Flyer, Hover) 1 Caestus


  • Twin-linked magna-melta
Range S AP Type
18" 8 1 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Melta

  • Extra armour
  • Ceramite plating
  • Two havoc launchers
Range S AP Type
36 4 - Heavy 1, Twin-linked, Blast, Ignores Cover, Havoc

Havoc: A unit that assaults a unit which has been hit by a weapon with the Havoc rule previously this turn does not suffer penalties for charging through terrain, though it must still subtract 2" from its charge distance. A unit which has been hit by a weapon with the Havoc rule cannot perform Overwatch for the rest of the turn.

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Misericord: Models with the Bulky only take up a single transport capacity in a model with this special rule.
  • Field Generator: A model with this special rule has a 5+ invulnerable save against all hits inflicted in its front arc.
  • Assault Ram: The strength of a Caestus´ ram attack is increased by +2.


  • Transport Capacity: 10 models.
  • Fire Points: None.
  • Access Points: A Caestus has two access points at the front of its hull.


  • May take any of the following:
- Frag assault launchers - 10 pts
- Auxiliary drive - 10 pts

A model armed with an auxiliary drive ignores Immobilized results on the vehicle damage table on a D6 roll of 4+ (bul still loses a Hull Point).

Stormtalon Gunship[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Stormtalon Gunship 110 pts 4 11 11 11 2 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover) 1 Stormtalon Gunship


  • Twin-linked assault cannon
  • Twin-linked heavy bolter

Special Rules:

  • Strafing Run
  • Vectored Afterburners: When Zooming, a Stormtalon Gunship can move an additional 6" if it moves Flat Out. When Hovering, a model with this special rule has the Skilled Rider special rule.


  • May replace its twin-linked heavy bolter with one of the following:
- Skyhammer missile launcher - 20 pts
Range S AP Type
60" 7 3 Heavy 3, Skyhammer

Skyhammer: A Flying Monstrous Creature suffers a negative penalty to its grounding test equal to the number of wounds suffered from weapons with this special rule this turn.
- Twin-linked lascannon - 15 pts
- Typhoon missile launcher - 35 pts

DRAGOON MANIPLE[edit | edit source]

Sydonian Dragoon 4 4 5 11 11 11 3 3 2


Vehicle (Walker, Open-topped)


1 Sydonian Dragoon


  • Taser lance
  • Broad spectrum data-tether
  • Searchlight


  • Crusader
  • Doctrina Imperiatives
  • Dunestrider
  • Incense Cloud: A model with this special rule counts as obscured, receiving a 5+ cover save.
  • Scout


  • May include up to five additional Sydonian Dragoons ...45 pts/model
  • Any model may replace its taser lance with a radium jezzail
  • Any model may take a phosphor serpenta ...10 pts/model

Heavy Support[edit | edit source]

ELECTRO-PRIEST MANIPLE[edit | edit source]

Cybernetica Datasmith 3 4 4 4 2 3 2 9 2+
Kastelan Robot 3 3 6 11 11 11 2 2




1 Cybernetica Datasmith, 2 Kastelan Robots ...290 pts


  • Gamma pistol (Cybernetica Datasmith only)
  • Dataspike (Cybernetica Datasmith only)
  • Power fist (Cybernetica Datasmith only)
  • Refractor field (Cybernetica Datasmith only)
  • Incendine combustor (Kastelan Robot only)
  • Two power fists (Kastelan Robot only)


  • Guard Protocols: Non-vehicle models in this unit are ignore for the purpose of hit allocation until no Kastelan Robots remain within line of sight of the firing unit. If a unit of 4 Kastelan Robots and 2 Cybernetica Datasmith suffer 9 hits from Strength 10 AP 2 weapons but one of the Kastelan Robots is out of the firing unit's line of sight resolve the shooting attack as if they were a regular vehicle squadron, once all visible Kastelan Robots have been removed resolve any remaining hits against the Cybernetica Datasmiths.

Cybernetica Datasmith

  • Feel No Pain (Cybernetica Datasmith only)

Kastelan Robot

  • Kastelan Battle Protocols: Kastelan Robots always begin the game with the Aegis Protocol active (see below). You can select a new Battle Protocol at the end of any of your turns, so long as a Kastelan Robot Maniple has a Cybernetica Datasmith in the unit. However, the new Battle Protocol does not become active until the start of your next turn; the unit's current Battle Protocol remains active until then. When a new Battle Protocol becomes active at the start of your turn, it immediately replaces the former Battle Protocol's special rules.
- Conqueror Protocol: All Kastelan Robots in the unit double their Attacks characteristic, but cannot make shooting attacks of any kind.
- Aegis Protocol: All Kastelan Robots in the unit ignore Crew Stunned and Crew Shaken results on the vehicle damage table.
- Protector Protocol: All Kastelan Robots in the unit can fire their incendine combustor or non-twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster twice, but cannot move under any circumstances.
  • Repulsor Grid: Kastelan Robots have a 5+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks. Each time a Kastelan Robot is targeted by a non-psychic shooting attack and passes a saving throw of any kind on the roll of a 6, the shot is deflected. If a shot is deflected, the unit that fired it suffers an immediate hit resolved with the Strength, Ap and special rules of the hit that was originally allocated to the Kastelan Robot, as if it had just been shot at by the Kastelan Robot.


  • May include up to two additional Cybernetica Datasmiths ...50 pts/model
  • May include up to four additional Kastelan Robots ...120 pts
  • Any Kastelan Robot may replace both power fists with a twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster ...10 pts/model
  • Any Kastelan Robot may replace incendine combustor with a heavy phosphor blaster ...5 pts/model
  • Any Cybernetica Datasmith may take items from the Special Issue Wargear and/or Relics of Arcana lists.

IRONSTRIDER MANIPLE[edit | edit source]

Ironstrider Ballistarius 3 4 5 11 11 11 3 2 2


Vehicle (Walker, Open-topped)


1 Ironstrider Ballistarius


  • Twin-linked cognis autocannon
  • Broad spectrum data-tether
  • Searchlight


  • Crusader
  • Doctrina Imperiatives
  • Dunestrider
  • Precision Shots
  • Scout


  • May include up to five additional Ironstrider Ballistarii ...55 pts/model
  • Any model may replace its twin-linked cognis autocannon with a twin-linked cognis lascannon ...20 pts/model
  • Any model may take a phosphor serpenta ...10 pts/model

Leman Russ Squadron[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Leman Russ Battle Tank 125 pts 3 14 13 10 3 Vehicle (Open-topped, Tank) 1 Leman Russ Battle Tank
Leman Russ Siege Tank 3 14 13 11 3 Vehicle (Open-topped, Tank)


  • Heavy Bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers
  • Must take a main weapon from the following list:
Range S AP Type
Eradicator nova cannon 0 pts/model 36 6 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Ignores Cover
Exterminator Autocannon 0 pts/model 48 7 4 Heavy 4, Twin-linked
Vanquisher cannon 10 pts/model 72 10 2 Heavy 1, Devastating Blow
Battle cannon 30 pts/model 72 8 3 Primary Weapon 1, Large Blast


  • Any Leman Russ Battle Tank may be upgraded to a Leman Russ Siege Tank in which case it must choose a weapon from the following list instead of the list above:
Range S AP Type
Punisher gatling cannon 15 pts/model 24 5 - Heavy 20
Demolisher cannon 35 pts/model 24 10 2 Primary Weapon 1, Large Blast
Executioner plasma cannon 50 pts/model 36 7 3 Heavy 3, Blast, Gets Hot, Fleshbane

Special Rules

  • Lumbering Behemoth: Models with this special rule may fire all weapons at full ballistic skill, regardless of any weapons which should usually have been fired as Snap Shots.


  • May include up to two additional Ordnance Platforms - 125 pts/model
  • Any model may replace its Heavy Bolter with a Heavy Flamer - 0 pts/model
  • Any model may take a pair of sponsons armed with:
- Heavy flamers - 10 pts/model
- Heavy bolters - 20 pts/model 
- Multi-meltas - 20 pts/model 
- Plasma cannons - 30 pts/model
  • Any model may take items from the Astra Militarum Vehicle Equipment list.

DUNECRAWLER MANIPLE[edit | edit source]

Onager Dunecrawler 3 4 5 12 12 11 2 1 3


Vehicle (Walker)


1 Onager Dunecrawler


  • Eradication beamer
  • Broad spectrum data-tether
  • Emanatus force field
  • Searchlight


  • Crawler: A model with this special rule is never slowed by Difficult Terrain and automatically passes Dangerous Terrain tests, but cannot Run.
  • Field Harmonics:
  • Scout


  • May include up to two additional Onager Dunecrawlers ...90 pts/model
  • Any model may replace its eradication beamer with one of the following:
- Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster ...15 pts/model
- Neutron laser and cognis heavy stubber ...25 pts/model
- Twin-linked Icarus autocannon with a built-in Daedalus missile launcher and built-in gatling rocket launcher ...35 pts/model
  • Any model may take items from the Skitarii Vehicle Equipment list.

Ordnance Battery[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Ordnance Platform 65 pts 3 12 10 10 3 Vehicle (Open-topped, Tank) 1 Ordnance Platform


  • Heavy Bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers
  • Must take one of the following:
Range S AP Type
Earthshaker Cannon 55 pts/model 36"-240" 9 3 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast
Medusae Siege Cannon 70 pts/model 36" 10 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Medusae Bastion Breacher 75 pts/model 48" 10 1 Ordnance 1, Armourbane, Blast
Colossus Siege Mortar 65 pts/model 24"-240" 6 3 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Indirect Fire, Ignores Cover
Griffon Heavy Mortar 15 pts/model 12"-48" 6 4 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Twin-linked, Indirect Fire
Two twin-linked Hydra autocannons 0 pts/model 36" 7 4 Heavy 2, Skyfire
Two twin-linked stormshard mortars 10 pts/model 48" 4 6 Heavy 2, Barrage, Blast, Ignores Cover, Shred
Four storm eagle rockets 95 pts/model 24-120" 10 4 Ordnance D3, Barrage, Large Blast
Four lightning raptor rockets 95 pts/model 24-120" 9 2 Ordnance 1, Skyfire, One Use

Indirect Fire: When firing a weapon with this special rule, the Ballistic Skill of the firer is not subtracted from the scatter distance; unless a Hit! is rolled on the scatter dice, the blast marker always scatters a full 2D6".


  • May include up to two additional Ordnance Platforms - 65 pts/model
  • Any model may replace its Heavy Bolter with a Heavy Flamer - 0 pts/model
  • Any model may take items from the Astra Militarum Vehicle Equipment list.

Deathstrike Missile Launcher[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Deathstrike Missile Launcher 130 pts 3 12 12 10 3 Vehicle (Open-topped, Tank) 1 Deathstrike


  • Deathstrike missile
Range S AP Type
24-unlimited 10 1 Ordnance 1, Apocalyptic (10”) Blast, Barrage, Devastating Blow, Ignores Cover, One Use Only, No Ordinary Weapon, The Hour is Nigh

No Ordinary Weapon: A weapon with this special rule cannot be destroyed by a Weapon Destroyed result. A Crew Stunned or Crew Shaken result has no effect on the deathstrike missile.
The Hour is Nigh: This weapon may not be fired on the first game turn or in any turn in which the Deathstrike Missile Launcher has moved. To fire the deathstrike missile roll a D6 on a 4+ the missile is fired as normal, on a 3 or less the missile is not fired this turn. Add +1 to this roll for each full consecutive turn the Deathstrike Missile Launcher has remained stationary, not counting the current turn, and subtract -1 for each Weapon Destroyed result applied to this weapon.
  • Heavy bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers


  • May take items from the Astra Militarum Vehicle Equipment list.
  • May replace heavy bolter with heavy flamer - 0 pts

Land Raider Redeemer[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Land Raider 250 pts 4 14 14 14 4 Vehicle (Tank, Fast, Transport) 1 Land Raider


  • Extra armour
  • Twin-linked assault cannon
  • Two flamestorm cannons
Range S AP Type
Template 5 4 Heavy 1, Torrent

  • Frag assault launchers

Any unit charging into close combat on the same turn as it disembarks from vehicle armed with frag assault launchers counts as having frag grenades.

  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Move Through Cover
  • Massive: Models with this special rule counts as having the Heavy type for the purpose of ramming.


  • Transport Capacity: Sixteen models.
  • Fire Points: None
  • Access Points: The Land Raider has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.


  • May take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.
  • May take a multi-melta - 5 pts

Land Raider Crusader[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Land Raider 250 pts 4 14 14 14 4 Vehicle (Tank, Fast, Transport) 1 Land Raider


  • Extra armour
  • Twin-linked assault cannon
  • Two hurricane bolters
  • Frag assault launchers

Any unit charging into close combat on the same turn as it disembarks from vehicle armed with frag assault launchers counts as having frag grenades.

  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Move Through Cover
  • Massive: Models with this special rule counts as having the Heavy type for the purpose of ramming.


  • Transport Capacity: Sixteen models.
  • Fire Points: None
  • Access Points: The Land Raider has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.


  • May take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.
  • May take a multi-melta - 5 pts

Land Raider Prometheus[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Land Raider Prometheus 250 pts 4 14 14 14 4 Vehicle (Tank, Fast, Transport) 1 Land Raider Prometheus


  • Extra armour
  • Two Promethus bolt cannons
Range S AP Type
- 5 4 Heavy 6, Shred

  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers
  • Battle auspex: All weapons carried by a model with this special rule have the Ignores Cover special rule.

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Move Through Cover
  • Night Vision
  • Massive: Models with this special rule counts as having the Heavy type for the purpose of ramming.


  • Transport Capacity: Ten models.
  • Fire Points: None
  • Access Points: The Land Raider Prometheus has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.


  • May take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.
  • May take a storm bolter - 5 pts

Land Raider Helios[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Land Raider Helios 260 pts 4 14 14 14 4 Vehicle (Tank, Fast, Transport) 1 Land Raider Helios


  • Extra armour
  • Two twin-linked lascannons
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers
  • Whirlwind multiple missile launcher
Range S AP Type
Vengeance 12"-48" 5 4 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast
Incendiary castellan 12"-48" 4 5 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Ignores Cover, Soul Blaze

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Move Through Cover
  • Massive: Models with this special rule counts as having the Heavy type for the purpose of ramming.


  • Transport Capacity: Six models.
  • Fire Points: None
  • Access Points: The Land Raider has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.


  • May take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.
  • May take a storm bolter - 3 pts

Land Raider Excelsior[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Land Raider Excelsior 320 pts 4 14 14 14 4 Vehicle (Tank, Fast, Transport) 1 Land Raider Excelsior


  • Extra armour
  • Grav-cannon with grav-amp
  • Two twin-linked lascannons
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers
  • Aquila Aegis Field: A model armed with an Aquila Aegis Field has a 6+ invulnerable save and ignores the effects of the Crew Shaken and Crew Stunned results on the vehicle damage table (bul still loses a Hull Point).

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Move Through Cover
  • Massive: Models with this special rule counts as having the Heavy type for the purpose of ramming.
  • Command Orders
  • Captain: Models with this special rule always count their name as being "Captain" in addition to their true name.


  • Transport Capacity: Ten models.
  • Fire Points: None
  • Access Points: The Land Raider has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.


  • May take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.
  • May take a combi-plasma - 5 pts

Land Raider Terminus Ultra[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Land Raider Terminus Ultra 240 pts 4 14 14 14 4 Vehicle (Tank, Fast) 1 Land Raider Terminus Ultra


  • Extra armour
  • Three twin-linked lascannons
  • Two lascannons
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Move Through Cover
  • Tank Hunters
  • Relic Pattern: You may not have more vehicles with this special rule in a detachment than you do models with the Blessings of the Omnissiah special rule.
  • Systems Overload: All twin-linked lascannons and lascannons fired by a model with this special rule have the Gets Hot special rule.
  • Massive: Models with this special rule counts as having the Heavy type for the purpose of ramming.


  • May take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.

Land Raider[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Land Raider 250 pts 4 14 14 14 4 Vehicle (Tank, Fast, Transport) 1 Land Raider


  • Extra armour
  • Twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Two twin-linked lascannons
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Move Through Cover
  • Massive: Models with this special rule counts as having the Heavy type for the purpose of ramming.


  • Transport Capacity: Ten models.
  • Fire Points: None
  • Access Points: The Land Raider has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.


  • May take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.
  • May take a multi-melta - 8 pts

Spartan Assault Tank[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Spartan 300 pts 4 14 14 14 5 Super-heavy Vehicle (Tank, Transport) 1 Spartan


  • Extra armour
  • Twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Two quad lascannons
Range S AP Type
36" 7 1 Heavy 1, Lance, Fleshbane, Piercing Power

Piercing Power: Any weapon with this special rule rolls 2D6 and chooses the highest result when rolling for armour penetration.
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Move Through Cover
  • Land Raider: Models with this special rule always count their name as being "Land Raider" in addition to their true name.


  • Transport Capacity: 25 models.
  • Fire Points: None
  • Access Points: The Spartan has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.


  • May replace twin-linked heavy bolter with twin-linked heavy flamer - 0 pts
  • May replace two quad lascannons with two laser destroyers - 0 pts
Range S AP Type
36" 9 1 Ordnance 1, Twin-linked

  • May take any of the following:
- Hunter-killer missile - 8 pts
- Ceramite plating - 20 pts
  • May take one of the following:
- Storm bolter - 5 pts
- Heavy flamer - 10 pts
- Heavy bolter - 10 pts
- Multi-melta - 15 pts

Stalker Squadron[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Stalker 75 pts 4 12 12 10 3 Vehicle (Tank) 1 Stalker


  • Icarus stormcannon array
Range S AP Type
48" 7 4 Heavy 3, Interceptor, Skyfire, Independent Targeting

Independent Targeting: When a unit that contains one or more models equipped with Icarus stormcannon arrays shoots, choose either one or two targets. If one target is chosen, each model can re-roll failed To Hit rolls when firing its Icarus stormcannon array at that target. If two targets are chosen, each model that is able to fire its Icarus stormcannon array fires it at each target, resolving all shots from the unit against the first target before moving on to the second.
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Skystorm: Whilst this unit includes three Stalkers, each model’s Icarus stormcannon array has the Ignores Cover special rule.


  • May include up to two additional Stalkers - 75 pts/model
  • Any Stalker may take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.

Hunter Squadron[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Hunter 70 pts 4 12 12 10 3 Vehicle (Tank) 1 Hunter


  • Skyspear missile launcher
Range S AP Type
60" 7 2 Heavy 1, Armourbane, Savant Lock, Skyfire

Savant Lock: If any shot from a weapon with this special rule misses a Flyer, Flying Monstrous Creature, Skimmer or Jetbike, roll a D6 at the start of the next friendly Shooting phase if the target unit is still on the battlefield and has not been destroyed. On a 5+, the target unit suffers a hit (using its rear Armour Value if it is a vehicle) with the

profile above.

  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Savant Systems Interlocked: Whilst this unit includes three Hunters, each model´s skyspear missile launcher can re-roll the dice when resolving its Savant Lock special rule.


  • May include up to two additional Hunters - 70 pts/model
  • Any Hunter may take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.

Vindicator Squadron[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Vindicator 120 pts 4 13 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank) 1 Vindicator


  • Demolisher cannon
Range S AP Type
- 10 2 Ordnance 1, Large blast

  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Linebreaker Bombardment: If this unit contains three Vindicators that can all fire their demolisher cannons, the squadron can fire a single Linebreaker Bombardment instead of firing normally. To do so, nominate one model in the squadron as the firer; the firer’s demolisher cannon changes its type from Large Blast to Apocalyptic Blast and gains the Ignores Cover special rule..


  • May include up to two additional Vindicators - 120 pts/model
  • Any Vindicator may take a siege shield - 20 pts/model

A model armed with a siege shield counts as being armed a dozer blade. A model armed with a siege shield counts its front arc as being obscured, receiving a 5+ cover save against any hits inflicted in the front arc.

  • Any Vindicator may take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.

Whirlwind Hyperios Squadron[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Whirwind Hyperios 50 pts 4 11 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank) 1 Whirwind


  • Twin-linked missile launcher with flakk missiles
Range S AP Type
48" 8 2 Heavy 1, Skyfire

  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Skies of Fury: Whilst this unit includes three Whirlwind Hyperioses, each model´s twin-linked missile launcher with flakk missiles become Heavy 2.


  • May include up to two additional Whirlwinds Hyperioses - 50 pts/model
  • Any Whirlwind Hyperios may take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.

Whirlwind Squadron[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Whirwind 65 pts 4 11 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank) 1 Whirwind


  • Whirlwind multiple missile launcher
Range S AP Type
Vengeance 12"-48" 5 4 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast
Incendiary castellan 12"-48" 4 5 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Ignores Cover, Soul Blaze

  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Suppressive Bombardment: Whilst this unit includes three Whirlwinds, each model´s Whirlwind multiple missile launcher in the unit has the Pinning and Shred special rules (regardless of which missile type it fires).


  • May include up to two additional Whirlwinds - 65 pts/model
  • Any Whirlwind may take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.

Sicarian Battle Tank[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Sicarian 150 pts 4 13 12 12 3 Vehicle (Tank, Fast) 1 Sicarian


  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers
  • Heavy bolter
  • Extra armour
  • Twin-linked accelerator autocannon
Range S AP Type
48" 7 4 Heavy 6, Rending, Rapid Tracking

Rapid Tracking: Targets may not take Jink saves against damage from this weapon.

Special Rules:

  • Predator Squadron: Units with this special rule always count their name as being "Predator Squadron" in addition to their true name.
  • Relic Pattern: You may not have more vehicles with this special rule in a detachment than you do models with the Blessings of the Omnissiah special rule.


  • May replace twin-linked accelerator autocannon with a neutron laser - 40 pts
Range S AP Type
48" D 1 Heavy 1, Destroyer, Strikedown, Concussive, Shock Pulse, Dangerous Reactor Core

Shock Pulse: A vehicle vehicle that suffers a penetrating hit from a weapon with this special rule automatically suffers the Crew Stunned result on the vehicle damage table in addition to any other damage (this cause it to lose an additional Hull Point). This special rule has no effect on super-heavy vehicles.
Dangerous Reactor Core: When rolling on the vehicle damage table against a vehicle armed with a weapon with this special rule your opponent may re-roll results of a 1 on the Vehicle Damage table against this the vehicle. In addition should a vehicle armed with a weapon with this special rule suffer an Explodes! result, add +D3" to the explosion radius.
  • May take any of the following:
- Hunter-killer missile - 8 pts 
- Dozer blade - 5 pts
- Auxiliary drive - 10 pts 

A model armed with an auxiliary drive ignores Immobilized results on the vehicle damage table on a D6 roll of 4+ (bul still loses a Hull Point).

- Ceramite plating - 20 pts
  • May take two side sponsons which are both armed with one of the following:
- Heavy bolters - 20 pts/model
- Lascannons - 40 pts

Predator Squadron[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Predator 75 pts 4 13 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank) 1 Predator


  • Autocannon
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Killshot: Whilst this unit includes three Predators, all Predators in the unit have the Monster Hunter and Tank Hunters special rules.


  • May include up to two additional Predators - 75 pts/model
  • Any Predator may replace its autocannon with a twin-linked lascannon - 25 pts/model
  • Any Predator may take two side sponsons which are both armed with one of the following:
- Heavy bolters - 20 pts/model
- Lascannons - 40 pts
  • Any Predator may take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list.

Fire Raptor Gunship[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Fire Raptor 200 pts 4 12 12 12 4 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport) 1 Fire Raptor


  • Ceramite plating
  • Extra armour
  • Four hellstrike missiles
  • Twin-linked autocannon turret
Range S AP Type
48" 7 4 Heavy 2, Independent Turret Fire

Independent Turret Fire: Weapons with this special rule do not count towards the number of weapons a model may fire each turn and may be fired at a seperate target from all other weapons the model is armed with.
  • Twin-linked avenger bolt cannon
Range S AP Type
36" 6 3 Heavy 7

Special Rules:

  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Relic Pattern: You may not have more vehicles with this special rule in a detachment than you do models with the Blessings of the Omnissiah special rule.
  • Stormraven Gunship: Models with this special rule always count their name as being "Stormraven Gunship" in addition to their true name.


  • May replace two twin-linked quad heavy bolter turrets with two twin-linked quad heavy bolter turrets - 35 pts
Range S AP Type
36" 5 4 Heavy 6, Independent Turret Fire

Independent Turret Fire: Weapons with this special rule do not count towards the number of weapons a model may fire each turn and may be fired at a seperate target from all other weapons the model is armed with.
  • May take a locator beacon - 10 pts

Stormraven Gunship[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Stormraven Gunship 190 pts 4 12 12 12 3 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport) 1 Stormraven Gunship


  • Twin-linked assault cannon
  • Twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Four stormstrike missiles
  • Ceramite plating

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Skies of Fury: If the Stormraven has moved more than 6", passengers can still disembark, but they must do so as follows:

Nominate any point over which the Stormraven moved that turn and deploy the squad as if it were Deep Striking onto that point. If the unit scatters, every disembarking model must immediately take a Dangerous Terrain test. If any of the models cannot be deployed, the entire unit is destroyed. Models that disembark using the Skies of Fury special rule cannot charge on the turn they do so.


  • Transport Capacity: The Stormraven Gunship can carry two seperate units: 12 models in its cabin, plus 1 Dreadnought of any type in its rear grapples. If a Zooming Stormraven is wrecked or suffers a Crash and Burn result, the embarked Dreadnought suffers a Strength 10 hit on its rear armour; if the Stormraven Gunship is Hovering, the hit is Strength 4 instead. The Stormraven Gunship can carry Jump Infantry but they count as having the Bulky special rule.
  • Fire Points: None.
  • Access Points: A Stormraven has one Access Point at the front of its hull and one on either side and one at the rear.


  • May replace twin-linked assault cannon with one of the following:
- Twin-linked plasma cannon - 0 pts
- Twin-linked lascannon - 0 pts
  • May replace its twin-linked heavy bolter with one of the following:
- Twin-linked multi-melta - 20 pts
- Typhoon missile launcher - 35 pts
  • May replace its two side Access Points with side sponsons with hurricane bolters - 20 pts
  • May take any of the following:
- Searchlight - 1 pt
- Extra armour - 5 pts
- Locator beacon - 10 pts

Lords of War[edit | edit source]

CERASTUS KNIGHT[edit | edit source]

Cerastus Knight 4 4 10 13 12 12 4 4 6


Super-heavy Walker


1 Cerastus Knight ...430 pts


  • Twin-linked Castigator bolt cannon
  • Tempest warblade
  • Ion shield

Special Rules:

  • Move Through Cover
  • Knight Stomp
  • Oathsworn
  • Flank Speed: A model with this special rule Runs 3D6".


  • May replace tempest warblade, Castigator bolt cannon and ion shield with one of the following:
- Acheron flame cannon, ion shield, reaper chainfist, twin-linked heavy bolter ...35 pts
- Additional hull plating, Atrapos lascutter, blessed autosimulacra, singularity cannon and ionic flare shield ...55 pts
- Additional hull plating, Atrapos lascutter, blessed autosimulacra, graviton singularity cannon, ionic flare shield and occular augmetics ...65 pts
- Ion gauntlet shield and shock lance ...20 pts
  • If this model is a character it may take one of the following Warlord Traits:
- Titan Slayer ...0 pts

Your army gains 1 Victory Point for each enemy Super-heavy Vehicle, Super-heavy Walker and Gargantuan Monstrous Creature slain by your Warlord.

- Strategic Genius ...20 pts

You add +1 to any Seize the Initiative roll. In addition, whilst your Warlord is alive, you can re-roll any Reserve Rolls (failed or successful).

- Intimidating Presence ...0 pts

Enemy units within 12" of the Warlord must use their lowest Leadership value, not the highest.

- Master of Manoeuvre ...0 pts

Your Warlord has the Outflank special rule.

- Conqueror of Cities ...30 pts

Your units have the Move Through Cover special rule if moving through Ruins, and the Stealth (Ruins) special rule.

  • May take items from the Relics of the Knightly Houses list.

IMPERIAL KNIGHT[edit | edit source]

Imperial Knight 4 4 10 13 12 12 4 3 6


Super-heavy Walker


1 Imperial Knight ...375 pts


  • Heavy stubber
  • Reaper chainsword
  • Thunderstrike gauntlet
  • Ion shield

Special Rules:

  • Move Through Cover
  • Knight Stomp
  • Oathsworn


  • May replace thunderstrike gauntlet with one of the following:
- Rapid-fire battle cannon and heavy stubber ...50 pts
- Thermal cannon ...45 pts
- Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer ...50 pts
  • May replace reaper chainsword with one of the following:
- Rapid-fire battle cannon and heavy stubber ...50 pts
- Thermal cannon ...45 pts
- Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer ...50 pts
  • If this model is a character it may take one of the following Warlord Traits:
- Titan Slayer ...0 pts

Your army gains 1 Victory Point for each enemy Super-heavy Vehicle, Super-heavy Walker and Gargantuan Monstrous Creature slain by your Warlord.

- Strategic Genius ...20 pts

You add +1 to any Seize the Initiative roll. In addition, whilst your Warlord is alive, you can re-roll any Reserve Rolls (failed or successful).

- Intimidating Presence ...0 pts

Enemy units within 12" of the Warlord must use their lowest Leadership value, not the highest.

- Master of Manoeuvre ...0 pts

Your Warlord has the Outflank special rule.

- Conqueror of Cities ...30 pts

Your units have the Move Through Cover special rule if moving through Ruins, and the Stealth (Ruins) special rule.

  • May take items from the Relics of the Knightly Houses list.

QUESTORIS KNIGHT[edit | edit source]

Questoris Knight 4 4 10 13 12 12 2 3 6


Super-heavy Walker


1 Questoris Knight ...445 pts


  • Lightning cannon
  • Phased plasma-fusil
  • Reaper chainsword
  • Ionic flare shield
  • Blessed Autosimulacra: If a vehicle has suffered Hull Point damage at the end of the controlling player’s turn, roll a D6. On a 6, one lost Hull Point is restored.
  • Overtaxed Reactor: When destroyed, the Knight adds +1 to the result rolled on the Catastrophic Damage table.

Special Rules:

  • Move Through Cover
  • Knight Stomp
  • Oathsworn


  • May take occular augmetics ...10 pts
  • May replace reaper chainsword with one of the following:
- Hekatron siege claw and twin-linked rad cleanser ...25 pts
- May replace lightning cannon and phased plasma-fusil with a volkite chieorovile and a grav-pulse gun ...10 pts
  • If this model is a character it may take one of the following Warlord Traits:
- Titan Slayer ...0 pts

Your army gains 1 Victory Point for each enemy Super-heavy Vehicle, Super-heavy Walker and Gargantuan Monstrous Creature slain by your Warlord.

- Strategic Genius ...20 pts

You add +1 to any Seize the Initiative roll. In addition, whilst your Warlord is alive, you can re-roll any Reserve Rolls (failed or successful).

- Intimidating Presence ...0 pts

Enemy units within 12" of the Warlord must use their lowest Leadership value, not the highest.

- Master of Manoeuvre ...0 pts

Your Warlord has the Outflank special rule.

- Conqueror of Cities ...30 pts

Your units have the Move Through Cover special rule if moving through Ruins, and the Stealth (Ruins) special rule.

  • May take items from the Relics of the Knightly Houses list.

Fellglaive Super-heavy Tank[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Fellglaive 540 pts 4 14 13 12 12 Super-heavy Vehicle (Tank) 1 Fellglaive


  • Volkite Carronade
Range S AP Type
48" 8 2 Primary Weapon 1, Ignores Cover, Heavy Beam, Soul Blaze

Heavy Beam: To fire a weapon with this special rule pick a point within the weapon´s firing arc and within the weapon´s range. Next draw a 1 mm thick line bewteen the weapon and the chosen point, all units take a single hit for each model in their unit beneath the line. You cannot pick a point that would result in a friendly model being hit. Super-heavy vehicles, buildings and Gargantuan Creatures hit suffer a strength D AP 1 hit with the Soul Blaze special rule instead of the normal strength 8 AP 2 hit. This attack has no effect on zooming flyers and swooping flying monstrous creatures as well as swooping gargantuan flying monstrous creatures.
  • Four twin-linked lascannons
  • Twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers


  • May replace four twin-linked lascannons with two laser destroyers - 0 pts
Range S AP Type
36" 9 1 Ordnance 1, Twin-linked

  • May replace twin-linked heavy bolter with twin-linked heavy flamer - 0 pts
  • May take any of the following:
- Ceramite plating - 25 pts

Melta weapons do not roll an extra D6 armour penetration when shooting a vehicle equipped with ceramite plating at half range or less.

- Hunter-killer missile - 8 pts

Fellblade Super-heavy Tank[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Fellblade 540 pts 4 14 13 12 12 Super-heavy Vehicle (Tank) 1 Fellblade


  • Twin-linked Fellblade accelerator cannon
Range S AP Type
100" 8 3 Primary Weapon 1, Massive Blast,
100" 9 2 Primary Weapon 1, Blast

  • Four twin-linked lascannons
  • Twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Demolisher cannon
Range S AP Type
- 10 2 Ordnance 1, Large blast

  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers


  • May replace Four twin-linked lascannons with two laser destroyers - 0 pts
Range S AP Type
36" 9 1 Ordnance 1, Twin-linked

  • May replace twin-linked heavy bolter with twin-linked heavy flamer - 0 pts
  • May take any of the following:
- Ceramite plating - 25 pts

Melta weapons do not roll an extra D6 armour penetration when shooting a vehicle equipped with ceramite plating at half range or less.

- Hunter-killer missile - 8 pts
  • May take one of the following:
- Storm bolter - 5 pts
- Combi-flamer - 5 pts
- Combi-melta or -plasma - 10 pts
- Heavy flamer - 15 pts 
- Heavy bolter - 15 pts 
- Multi-melta - 25 pts

Falchion Super-heavy Tank[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Falchion 540 pts 4 14 13 12 12 Super-heavy Vehicle (Tank) 1 Falchion


  • Twin-linked volcano cannon
Range S AP Type
120" D 2 Heavy 1, Destroyer, Large Blast,

  • Four twin-linked lascannons
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers


  • May take any of the following:
- Ceramite plating - 25 pts

Melta weapons do not roll an extra D6 armour penetration when shooting a vehicle equipped with ceramite plating at half range or less.

- Hunter-killer missile - 8 pts
  • May take one of the following:
- Storm bolter - 5 pts
- Combi-flamer - 5 pts
- Combi-melta or -plasma - 10 pts
- Heavy flamer - 15 pts 
- Heavy bolter - 15 pts 
- Multi-melta - 25 pts

Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Cerberus 400 pts 4 14 14 13 8 Super-heavy Vehicle (Tank) 1 Cerberus


  • Twin-linked neutron laser battery
Range S AP Type
72" 10 1 Ordnance D3, Concussive, Feedback

Feedback: This weapon has the Gets Hot special rule when firing against a vehicle facing with an armour value of 13 or greater.
  • Flare shield

Any ranged attacks inflicted against a model armed with a flare shield´s front arc are resolved witha -1 strength modifier and a further -1 modifier if the it is a blast weapon. Attacks with strength D are unaffected by flare shields.

  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Reactor Blast: When a Cerberus loses its last Hull Point, it always suffers a Titanic Explosion! – there is no need to roll on the Catastrophic Damage table.


  • May take one of the following:
- Two heavy bolters - 20 pts
- Two lascannons - 40 pts
  • May take any of the following:
- Ceramite plating - 25 pts

Melta weapons do not roll an extra D6 armour penetration when shooting a vehicle equipped with ceramite plating at half range or less.

- Hunter-killer missile - 8 pts
  • May take one of the following:
- Storm bolter - 5 pts
- Combi-flamer - 5 pts
- Combi-melta or -plasma - 10 pts
- Heavy flamer - 15 pts 
- Heavy bolter - 15 pts 
- Multi-melta - 25 pts

Typhon Heavy Siege Tank[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Cerberus 350 pts 4 14 14 14 8 Super-heavy Vehicle (Tank) 1 Cerberus


  • Dreadhammer siege cannon
Range S AP Type
24" 10 1 Primary Weapon 1, Massive Blast, No Cover Saves Allowed
48" 10 1 Primary Weapon 1, Divert Power, Massive Blast, No Cover Saves Allowed

Divert Power: This profile cannot be used if the vehicle using the weapon with this type has moved in the previous movement phase. Ignore the Relentless special rule for the purpose of this special rule.
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Move Through Cover


  • May take one of the following:
- Two heavy bolters - 20 pts
- Two lascannons - 40 pts
  • May take any of the following:
- Ceramite plating - 20 pts

Melta weapons do not roll an extra D6 armour penetration when shooting a vehicle equipped with ceramite plating at half range or less.

- Hunter-killer missile - 8 pts
  • May take one of the following:
- Storm bolter - 5 pts
- Combi-flamer - 5 pts
- Combi-melta or -plasma - 10 pts
- Heavy flamer - 15 pts 
- Heavy bolter - 15 pts 
- Multi-melta - 25 pts

APPENDIX[edit | edit source]

This section of the book details many of the rules for using an army of the Adeptus Mechanicus in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

SPECIAL RULES[edit | edit source]

An Adeptus Mechanicus army uses a number of special rules that are common to several of its units, which are collected here for your convenience. Special rules that are unique to particular units are presented in the relevant unit entry instead. Other, more common rules are simply listed by name – these are all described in full in the Special Rules section of Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.

DEVASTATING BLOW[edit | edit source]

Attacks with this special rule have the Armourbane and Fleshbane special rules and do not allow Feel No Pain rolls. In addition, succesful saving throws against attacks with this special rule must be re-rolled. When a model suffers an unsaved Penetrating Hit or an unsaved Wound from an attack with this special rule; roll on the following table:

D6 Result
1-2 Nothing further happens
3-4 The model loses 1 further Hull Point or Wound with no saves or Feel No Pain rolls allowed.
5-6 The model loses 2 further Hull Points or Wounds with no saves or Feel No Pain rolls allowed. Roll again on this table.

DUNESTRIDER[edit | edit source]

Models with this special rule add 3" to its Run moves and charge moves. In addition, it can move up to 9" in the Movement phase.

KNIGHT STOMP[edit | edit source]

Replace the 6 result on the stomp table with the 2-5 result, except carried out at S 10 AP 2 with the Devastating Blow special rule.

OATHSWORN[edit | edit source]

You may include models with this special rule in Detachments including at least one model from one of the following factions: , , and . If you do, this model counts as being part of all the other factions from the above list. If more than one type of alliance would apply for this unit, use the best one.

RANGED WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

ARC WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Arc pistol 12" 6 5 Pistol, Haywire
Arc rifle 24" 6 5 Rapid Fire, Haywire

ATRAPOS LASCUTTER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
8" 10 2 Heavy 1, Devastating Blow
- 10 1 Melee, Devastating Blow, Wrecker

Macro-extinction Targeting Protocols: This weapon counts as being Twin-linked when fired at a Super-heavy or Gargantuan Creature.
Wrecker:Weapons and attacks with this special rule may reroll failed Armour Penetration rolls against fortifications and immobile structures (such as bunkers and barricades), and add +1 to any result rolled on the Building Damage chart. If this attack damages a bulkhead or wall section of terrain and destroys it, remove that section of terrain from play if possible.

BOLT WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Castigator bolt cannon 36" 7 3 Heavy 8
Heavy bolter 36" 5 4 Heavy 3

COGNIS WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Cognis autocannon 48" 7 4 Heavy 2, Cognis
Cognis lascannnon 48" 9 2 Heavy 1, Cognis
Cognis heavy stubber 48" 4 6 Heavy 3, Cognis

Cognis: When a model makes Snap Shots (including Overwatch) with a weapon with this special rule, its Ballistic Skill is counted as being 2 instead of 1.


Range S AP Type
48" 7 2 Heavy 1, Skyfire

ELECTROSTATIC GAUNTLET[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
12" 4 - Assault 2, Twin-linked, Shock
- +1 - Melee, Shock

Shock: When using a weapon with this special rule, a To Hit roll of a 6 causes 2 additional hits on the target.

ERADICATION WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Measure the closest distance between the firing model and the target to find out which profile to use.

Range S AP Type
Eradication beamer
0"-9" 10 1 Heavy 1
9"-18" 8 3 Heavy 1
18"-36" 6 5 Heavy 1, Large Blast
Eradication ray
0"-12" 8 1 Heavy 1
12"-24" 6 3 Heavy 1, Blast

FLECHETTE BLASTER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
12" 2 - Assault 5, Shred
- User - Melee

GAMMA PISTOL[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
12" 6 2 Pistol, Armourbane

GALVANIC RIFLE[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
30" 4 4 Heavy 1, Precision Shots

GATLING ROCKET LAUNCHER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
48" 6 4 Heavy 5, Ignores Cover, Skyfire

GRAV-PULSE GUN[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
18" 3 4 Heavy 1, Blast, Concussive, Grav-pulse, Haywire

Grav-pulse: When rolling To Wound with a weapon with this special rule treat the target's Strength characteristic as its Toughness characteristic. After resolving an attack with a weapon with this special rule leave the blast marker in place. The area under the blast marker counts as difficult and dangerous terrain until the start of your next Movement phase.

HEAVY ARC RIFLE[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
36" 6 5 Heavy 2, Haywire

HEAVY GRAV-CANNON[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
30" * 2 Salvo 2/3, Concussive, Graviton

ICARUS AUTOCANNON[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
48" 7 4 Heavy 2, Interceptor, Skyfire

LIGHTNING CANNON[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
48" 7 3 Heavy 1, Rending, Large Blast, Shred

MACROSTUBBER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
12" 4 6 Assault 5
- User - Melee

NEUTRON LASER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
48" 10 1 Heavy 1, Blast, Concussive

PHASED PLASMA-FUSIL[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
24" 6 3 Salvo 2/3

PHOSPHOR WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Phosphor pistol 12" 5 4 Pistol, Luminagen
Phosphor serpenta 18" 5 4 Assault 1, Luminagen
Phosphor blaster 24" 5 4 Assault 1, Luminagen
Heavy phosphor blaster 36" 6 3 Assault 1, Luminagen

Luminagen: After a unit finishes its shooting attacks if it inflicted one or more unsaved Wounds, glancing or penetrating hits with a weapon with this special rule the target counts its cover saves as being 1 point worse than normal until the end of the phase. Furthermore, units can re-roll the dice to determine their charge range against the afflicted unit until the end of the turn.

PLASMA WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Plasma caliver 18" 7 2 Assault 3, Gets Hot
Plasma culverin 24" 7 2 Heavy 2, Blast, Gets Hot

RAD CLEANSER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Template 2 5 Assault 1, Fleshbane, Rad Poisoning

Rad Poisoning: Any target which suffers one or more unsaved wounds from a weapon with this special rule counts all terrain, including open ground, as dangerous terrain in its next. If a target which suffered one or more unsaved wounds does not move it instead suffers a S 3 AP - hit for each model in the unit.

RADIUM WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Radium pistol 12" 3 - Pistol, Rad Poisoning, Gets Hot!
Radium carbine 18" 3 - Assault 2, Rad Poisoning, Rad Saturation, Gets Hot!
Radium jezzail 30" x - Assault 2, Rad Poisoning, Sniper, Gets Hot!

Rad Poisoning: Any target which suffers one or more unsaved wounds from a weapon with this special rule counts all terrain, including open ground, as dangerous terrain in its next. If a target which suffered one or more unsaved wounds does not move it instead suffers a S 3 AP - hit for each model in the unit.
Rad-saturation: While a unit (friend or foe and including the unit itself) is locked in a combat with one or more models armed with a weapon with this special rule all models in that unit subtract 1 from their Toughness (to a minimum of 1).

SHOCK LANCE[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- 10 2 Melee, Devastating Blow, Swift Strike
18" 7 2 Heavy 6, Concussive

Swift Strike: The weapon gains a +1 bonus to Initiative on any turn it charges into close combat.

SINGULARITY CANNON[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
36" 8 2 Heavy 1, Macro-extinction Targeting Protocols, Large Blast, Armourbane, Concussive, Singularity, Catastrophic Destruction

Catastrophic Destruction: When destroyed, a model armed with a weapon with this special rule adds +2 to the result rolled on the Catastrophic Damage table.
Macro-extinction Targeting Protocols: This weapon counts as being Twin-linked when fired at a Super-heavy or Gargantuan Creature.
Singularity: Before firing the weapon, roll a D6. On a result of a 1, the firing Knight-Atrapos suffers a single Hull Point of damage with no saves of any kind before the attack is carried out. On a result of a 6, the attack is carried out with the Vortex special rule.

STUBCARBINE[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
18" 4 - Assault 3

TORSION CANNON[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
24" 8 1 Heavy 1

Gravitic Contortion: Each time a non-vehicle model suffers an unsaved Wound from this weapon, it loses D3 Wounds instead of only 1. Each time a vehicle suffers a penetrating hit from this weapon, it loses D3 Hull Points instead of 1.

TRANSURANIC ARQUEBUS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
60" x 3 Heavy 1, Armourbane, Sniper

VOLKITE WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Volkite blaster 24" 6 5 Heavy 3, Deflagrate
Volkite chieorovile 48" 8 3 Heavy 5, Deflagrate

Deflagrate: Each unsaved wound from a weapon with this special rule causes an additional hit using the weapon's profile. These additional hits cannot cause further hits.

FLAMER WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

ACHERON FLAME CANNON[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Hellstorm 7 3 Ordnance 1

COGNIS FLAMER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Template 4 5 Assault 1, Cognis Flamewall

Cognis Flamewall: A weapon with this special rule inflicts 3 hits instead of D3 hits when firing Overwatch.

INCENDINE COMBUSTOR[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Template 4 5 Assault 1, Torrent

MELEE WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

STORM WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Storm claw - +1 5 Melee, Haywire
Storm maul - +2 4 Melee, Concussive, Haywire

ATRAPOS LASCUTTER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
8" 10 2 Heavy 1, Devastating Blow
- 10 1 Melee, Devastating Blow, Wrecker

Macro-extinction Targeting Protocols: This weapon counts as being Twin-linked when fired at a Super-heavy or Gargantuan Creature.
Wrecker:Weapons and attacks with this special rule may reroll failed Armour Penetration rolls against fortifications and immobile structures (such as bunkers and barricades), and add +1 to any result rolled on the Building Damage chart. If this attack damages a bulkhead or wall section of terrain and destroys it, remove that section of terrain from play if possible.

DATASPIKE WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Dataspike - User - Melee, Dataspike, Haywire
Prehensile dataspike - User - Melee, Dataspike, Haywire, Specialist Weapon

Dataspike: When a model equipped with a weapon that has this special rule makes Melee attacks, it makes an additional attack with this weapon at the Initiative 10 step. You may either make the model's Pile In move at its normal Initiative step or at Initiative step 10.

ELECTROLEECH STAVE[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- +2 4 Melee, Concussive, Electroleech, Two-handed

Electroleech: Any To Wound roll of 6 made with a weapon with this special rule has the Instant Death special rule.

ELECTROSTATIC GAUNTLET[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
12" 4 - Assault 2, Twin-linked, Shock
- +1 - Melee, Shock

Shock: When using a weapon with this special rule, a To Hit roll of a 6 causes 2 additional hits on the target.

FLECHETTE BLASTER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
12" 2 - Assault 5, Shred
- User - Melee

HEKATRON SIEGE CLAW[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- 10 2 Melee, Devastating Blow, Wrecker

Wrecker:Weapons and attacks with this special rule may reroll failed Armour Penetration rolls against fortifications and immobile structures (such as bunkers and barricades), and add +1 to any result rolled on the Building Damage chart. If this attack damages a bulkhead or wall section of terrain and destroys it, remove that section of terrain from play if possible.

HYDRAULIC CLAW[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- User - Melee, Smash

MACROSTUBBER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
12" 4 6 Assault 5
- User - Melee

REAPER CHAINFIST[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- 10 2 Melee, Devastating Blow, Vehicle Buster

Vehicle Buster: You may re-roll Armour Penetration rolls against a vehicle with this weapon.

SHOCK LANCE[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- 10 2 Melee, Devastating Blow, Swift Strike
18" 7 2 Heavy 6, Concussive

Swift Strike: The weapon gains a +1 bonus to Initiative on any turn it charges into close combat.

TASER WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Taser goad - +2 - Melee, Shock
Taser goad - +2 - Melee, Joust, Shock

Joust: A model attacking with a weapon with this special rule doubles its Initiative characteristic and adds +1 to its Strength characteristic on a turn in which it makes a succesful charge.
Shock: When using a weapon with this special rule, a To Hit roll of a 6 causes 2 additional hits on the target.

TEMPEST WARBLADE[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- 10 2 Melee, Deflagrate, Tempest Attack, Sunder

Deflagrate: After normal attacks by this weapon have been resolved, count the number of unsaved wounds caused on the target unit. Immediately resolve a number of additional automatic hits on the same unit using the weapon’s profile equal to the number of unsaved wounds – these can then be saved normally. Models in the targeted unit must still be in range in order for these additional hits to take effect. These additional hits do not themselves inflict more hits!
Tempest Attack: Rather than attacking normally, the Knight may make a special attack at Initiative Step 2. This automatically inflicts a single hit against each model in base contact with it using the weapon’s listed profile.
Sunder: Attacks with this special rule may re-roll failed Armour Penetration rolls.

TRANSONIC WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Transonic blade - +1 5 Melee, Rending, Transonic
Transonic claw - User 5 Melee, Molecular Dissonance, Rending, Transonic
Transonic razor - User 5 Melee, Rending, Transonic

Transonic: After the first round of close combat all close combat attacks made with a weapon with this special rule are resolved at AP 2.

SPECIAL ISSUE WARGEAR[edit | edit source]

CONVERSION FIELD[edit | edit source]

A conversion field confers a 4+ invulnerable save. At the end of a phase in which the bearer passes one or more invulnerable saves granted by the conversion field, all units within D6" of the bearer must test as if they had been hit by a weapon with the Blind special rule. Friendly units can re-roll this test.

DIGITAL WEAPONS[edit | edit source]

A model armed with digital weapons can re-roll a single failed To Wound roll each Assault phase.

ENHANCED DATA-TETHER[edit | edit source]

Whenever a unit with an enhanced data-tether is affected by a Doctrina Imperative all models in the unit add +1 to their Leadership characteristic until the start of your next Movement phase. This is not cumulative with the effect of a broad spectrum data-tether.

INFOSLAVE SKULL[edit | edit source]

A model equipped with an infoslave skull adds +1 to its Leadership characteristic and gains the Acute Senses special rule.

MINDSCRAMBLER GRENADES[edit | edit source]


Mindscrambler grenades may be fired as a shooting attack using the following profile, only one model per phase in each unit may make use of the ranged profile.

Range S AP Type
8" X 4 Assault 1, Blast, Haywire, Poisoned (4+)


Models equipped with mindscrambler grenades do not suffer the penalty to their Initiative for charging enemies through difficult terrain. When fighting one or more units including a Vehicle any number of models armed with mindscrambler grenades may make a single attack against one of those units with the profile below instead of attacking normally:

Range S AP Type
- 3 4 Melee, Haywire

REFRACTOR FIELD[edit | edit source]

A refractor field confers a 5+ invulnerable save.

SCRYERSKULL[edit | edit source]

At the start of each of your turns, a model with a scryerskull can choose to identify a single Mysterious Objective anywhere on the battlefield.

STASIS FIELD[edit | edit source]

While a model equipped with a stasis field has Gone to Ground, it gains a 2+ invulnerable save, but its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill characteristics are reduced to 0.

VOLTAGHEIST FIELD[edit | edit source]

A voltagheist field confers a 5+ invulnerable save. Furthermore, a model with a voltagheist has the Hammer of Wrath special rule, resolved at Strength 4, and does not suffer the penalty to their Initiative for charging enemies through difficult terrain, but fights at its normal Initiative in the ensuin combat.

VEHICLE EQUIPMENT[edit | edit source]

ADDITTIONAL HULL PLATING[edit | edit source]

A vehicle equipped with additional hull plating has 1 additional Hull Point.

BROAD SPECTRUM DATA-TETHER[edit | edit source]

All models in friendly units with the Skitarii Faction that are within 6" of at least one model with a broad spectrum data-tether and are affected by a Doctrina Imperative add 1 to the Leadership characteristic on their profile until the start of your next turn. Note this is not cululative with the effects of an enhanced data-tether.

EMANATUS FORCE FIELD[edit | edit source]

An emanatus force field confers a 6+ invulnerable save.

ION GAUNTLET SHIELD[edit | edit source]

When a model armed with an ion gauntlet shield is deployed and at the start of each enemy Shooting phase choose front, left or right side of each model armed with an ion gauntlet shield. A model armed with an ion gauntlet shield has a 4+ invulnerable save against all Shooting Attacks conducted against the chosen direction and a 5+ invulnerable save against close combat attacks. Ion gauntlet shields have no effect on weapons with the Barrage special rule.

ION SHIELD[edit | edit source]

When a model armed with an ion gauntlet shield is deployed and at the start of each enemy Shooting Phase choose front, left or right side of each model armed with an ion gauntlet shield. A model armed with an ion gauntlet shield has a 4+ invulnerable save against all Shooting Attacks conducted against the chosen direction. Ion shields have no effect on weapons with the Barrage special rule.

IONIC FLARE SHIELD[edit | edit source]

When a model armed with an ion gauntlet shield is deployed and at the start of each enemy Shooting Phase choose front, left or right side of each model armed with an ion gauntlet shield. A model armed with an ion gauntlet shield has a 4+ invulnerable save against all Shooting Attacks conducted against the chosen direction. In addition, the strength of any Shooting attack against it from that facing is reduced by -1, the effect increasing to -2 if the weapon has the Blast or Template rules (note, however, that this strength reduction has no effect on Destroyer or Haywire attacks). Ion shields have no effect on weapons with the Barrage special rule.

MINDSCANNER PROBE[edit | edit source]

If a unit within 6" of a friendly model equipped with a mindscanner probe is charge, the charging models do not gain bonus Attacks from charging. However, if the target unit was already locked in combat from a previous turn, or has Gone to Ground, the mindscanner probe has no effect and the attackers gain bonus Attacks as normal.

RELICS OF THE MECHANICUS[edit | edit source]


When a model in the bearer's unit makes Snap Shots (including Overwatch) its Ballistic Skill is counted as being 2 instead of 1. If a Flamer in the bearer's unit is used to fire Overwatch it inflicts 3 hits instead of D3 hits.

ANZION'S PSEUDOGENETOR[edit | edit source]

When the bearer attacks in the Fight sub-phase it also makes D6 additional attacks with the following profile:

Range S AP Type
- 4 5 Melee, Shred

MASK OF THE ALPHA DOMINUS[edit | edit source]

The bearer can instantly change the Battle Protocol of a friendly Kastelan Robot Maniple within 12" of the bearer. The new Battle Protocol becomes active immediately. However the unit cannot use the Battle Protocol that they changed from for the rest of the battle.


Any models in the bearer's unit have the It Will Not Die special rule.

UNCREATOR GAUNTLET[edit | edit source]

Instead of making its normal close combat attacks in the Fight sub-phase the bearer may nominate a vehicle (friend or foe) in base contact with the bearer and roll To Hit if it is an enemy vehicle. If you chose a friendly vehicle or succesfully hit an enemy vehicle roll a D6 and consult the table below.

D6 Result
1 Your opponent chooses for the vehicle to regain 1 Hull Point lost earlier in the game or lose 1 Hull Point*.
2-3 Choose for the vehicle to regain 1 Hull Point lost earlier in the game or lose 1 Hull Point*.
4-5 Choose for the vehicle to regain D3 Hull Points lost earlier in the game or lose D3 Hull Points*.
6 Choose for the vehicle to regain 2D3 Hull Points lost earlier in the game or lose 2D3 Hull Points*.

*Note that an invulnerable save may be taken against each individual Hull Point lost in this manner.


At the start of each of your turns, the bearer can choose to either identify a single Mysterious Objective or to scry an enemy vehicle anywhere on the battlefield. If you choose to scry a vehicle, any friendly units with the Adeptus Mechanicus Faction re-roll failed armour penetration rolls against that vehicle, and can choose to re-roll glancing hits scored on it in an attempt to instead get a penetrating hit, until the start of your next turn.

RELICS OF THE SKITARII[edit | edit source]

ARKHAN'S DIVINATOR[edit | edit source]

If a member of the bearer's unit identifies a Mysterious Objective or deploys or moves into a piece of mysterious terrain, you can choose to re-roll the result when determining what the Mysterious Objective or piece of mysterious terrain is.

THE OMNISCIENT MASK[edit | edit source]

The bearer has the Zealot special rule.

PATER RADIUM[edit | edit source]

The bearer and any enemy characters locked in a challenge with the bearer may not make close combat attacks.

PHASE TASER[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- +2 - Melee, Instant Death, Shock

Shock: When using a weapon with this special rule, a To Hit roll of a 6 causes 2 additional hits on the target.

PHOSPHOENIX[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
6" 5 2 Assault 3, Luminagen, Poisoned (3+)
- User - Melee

Luminagen: After a unit finishes its shooting attacks if it inflicted one or more unsaved Wounds, glancing or penetrating hits with a weapon with this special rule the target counts its cover saves as being 1 point worse than normal until the end of the phase. Furthermore, units can re-roll the dice to determine their charge range against the afflicted unit until the end of the turn.

SKULL OF ELDER NIKOLA[edit | edit source]

Once per game, the bearer may use the Skull of Elder Nikola instead of firing a weapon. To do so, roll a number of D6 equal to the current turn number, the total is the range of the attack in inches. All enemy vehicles within range suffer a Strength 1 AP - hit with the Haywire special rule.