Codex - Inquisition Angry Edition

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Introduction[edit | edit source]

This is an initiative to improve internal and external balancing of codices.

Every Angry Codex should be able to make the game more fun on its own. While ideally two angry codices will face each other, an angry codex should be able to play against both a normal codex and an angry codex.

The two most important rules are that angry codices should be fun to play with, which is obvious, but just as important, it must be fun to play against.

Disclaimer[edit | edit source]

Games Workshop in no way endorses any of the Angry Codices. No infringement is intended with this work, nor any other of the Angry Codices. The intent of the angry codices is NOT to make GW go out of business, but rather to improve the quality of the hobby, which leads to a happier and larger plawyer base.

Wargear Lists[edit | edit source]

Psybolt Ammunition[edit | edit source]

The entire unit may take psybolt ammunition for all their weapons and replace all heavy flamers, twin-linked heavy flamers and inferno cannons with incinerators, twin-linked incinerators and heavy incinerators respectively:

- Base cost - 1 pt
- Bolt pistol - 1 pt/weapon
- Boltguns - 1 pt/weapon
- Storm bolters - 2*1 pts/weapon
- Heavy bolters - 3 pts/weapon
- Replace twin-linked heavy flamers with twin-linked incinerators - 3 pts/weapon
- Replace heavy flamers with incinerators - 5 pts/weapon
- Replace inferno cannons with heavy incinerators - 5 pts/weapon
- Autocannons - 7 pts/weapon
- Assault cannons - 8 pts/weapon
- Hurricane bolters - 12 pts/weapon

Relics of the Ordo Hereticus[edit | edit source]

A model may take one of the following. Only one of each Relic may be taken per army.

- Liber Heresius - 30 pts
- Tools of Regret - 10 pts
- The Tears of Saints - 30 pts

Relics of the Ordo Malleus[edit | edit source]

A model may take one of the following. Only one of each Relic may be taken per army.

- Grimoire of True Names - 10 pts

Relics of the Ordo Xenos[edit | edit source]

A model may take one of the following. Only one of each Relic may be taken per army.

- The Tome of Vethric - 20 pts
- Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon - 10 pts
- Solarphile Cloak - 15 pts
- Canoptek Phase Shifter - 35 pts
- Ball of Farsight - 10 pts
  • 1: Models with the Relentless or Slow and Purposeful special rules must pay double the normal price for this item.

Agents of the Inquisition[edit | edit source]

HQ[edit | edit source]

Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor[edit | edit source]

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Inquisitor 25 pts 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 10 4+ Infantry (Character) 1 Inquisitor
Inquisitor Lord 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 10 4+ Infantry (Character)


  • Bolt pistol
  • Close combat weapon
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Psyk-out grenades

Special Rules:

  • Independent Character
  • Stubborn


If they are upgraded with the Psyker (Mastery Level 1) special rule, Inquisitors generate their powers from the Daemonology (Sanctic), Divination, Pyromancy and Telekinesis disciplines.


  • May replace bolt pistol and/or close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Plasma pistol - 4 pts each
- Combi-flamer - 5 pts each
- Power sword - 10 pts each
- Combi-melta or combi-plasma - 13 pts each
- Power fist or combi-condemnor - 15 pts each
- Thunder hammer - 20 pts each
- Null rod - 25 pts each
  • Inquisitor may upgrade Sv to 3+ - 6 pts
  • Inquisitor Lord may upgrade Sv to 3+ - 8 pts
  • May take up to three servo-skulls - 10 pts each
  • May take the Psyker (Mastery Level 1) special rule and replace close combat weapon with force sword - 35 pts
  • May take items from the Ordo Hereticus Relics list.
  • May be upgraded to an Inquisitor Lord - 10 pts
  • May take an orbital strike relay - 25 pts
  • May be equipped with a psyocculum - 25 pts

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor[edit | edit source]

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Inquisitor 25 pts 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 10 4+ Infantry (Character) 1 Inquisitor
Inquisitor Lord 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 10 4+ Infantry (Character)


  • Bolt pistol
  • Close combat weapon
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Psyk-out grenades

Special Rules:

  • Independent Character
  • Stubborn


If they are upgraded with the Psyker (Mastery Level 1) special rule, Inquisitors generate their powers from the Daemonology (Sanctic), Divination, Pyromancy and Telekinesis disciplines.


  • May replace bolt pistol and/or close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Plasma pistol - 4 pts each
- Combi-flamer - 5 pts each
- Power sword - 10 pts each
- Combi-melta or combi-plasma - 13 pts each
  • Inquisitor may upgrade Sv to 3+ - 6 pts
  • Inquisitor Lord may upgrade Sv to 3+ - 8 pts
  • May take up to three servo-skulls - 10 pts each
  • May take empyrean brain mines - 10 pts
  • Inquisitor may replace bolt pistol, chainsword, frag grenades and krak grenades with Terminator armour, storm bolter and a thunder hammer - 57 pts
  • Inquisitor Lord may replace bolt pistol, chainsword, frag grenades and krak grenades with Terminator armour, storm bolter and a thunder hammer - 72 pts
  • May replace storm bolter with one of the following:
- Combi-flamer - 0 pts
- Combi-melta or combi-plasma - 8 pts
  • May take the Psyker (Mastery Level 1) special rule - 25 pts
  • If the Psyker (Mastery Level 1) special rule is taken:
- May replace close combat weapon with a force sword - 10 pts
- May replace thunderhammer with a force hammer - 0 pts
  • May take items from the Ordo Malleus Relics list.
  • May be upgraded to an Inquisitor Lord - 10 pts
  • May take an orbital strike relay - 25 pts
  • May take psybolt ammunition for all their weapons - see the lists section

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor[edit | edit source]

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Inquisitor 25 pts 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 10 4+ Infantry (Character) 1 Inquisitor
Inquisitor Lord 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 10 4+ Infantry (Character)


  • Bolt pistol
  • Close combat weapon
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Psyk-out grenades

Special Rules:

  • Independent Character
  • Stubborn


If they are upgraded with the Psyker (Mastery Level 1) special rule, Inquisitors generate their powers from the Daemonology (Sanctic), Divination, Pyromancy and Telekinesis disciplines.


  • May replace bolt pistol and/or close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Plasma pistol - 4 pts each
- Combi-flamer - 5 pts each
- Power sword - 10 pts each
- Combi-melta or combi-plasma - 13 pts each
- Needle pistol or scythian venom talon - 15 pts each
- Conversion beamer - 35 pts
  • Inquisitor may upgrade Sv to 3+ - 6 pts
  • Inquisitor Lord may upgrade Sv to 3+ - 8 pts
  • May take up to three servo-skulls - 10 pts each
  • May take any of the following:
- Digital weapons - 5 pts
- Rad grenades and/or psychotroke grenades - 15 pts each
  • May take the Psyker (Mastery Level 1) special rule and replace close combat weapon with force sword - 35 pts
  • May take items from the Ordo Xenos Relics list.
  • May be upgraded to an Inquisitor Lord - 10 pts
  • May take an orbital strike relay - 25 pts

Elites[edit | edit source]

Inquisitorial Henchmen[edit | edit source]

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Acolyte 15 pts 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Infantry 3 Acolytes
Arco-flagellant 5 1 5 3 1 3 3 8 Infantry
Crusader 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Infantry
Daemonhost 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 8 - Infantry
Death Cult Assasin 5 3 4 3 1 6 2 8 5+ Infantry
Jokaero Weaponsmith 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 8 - Infantry
Ministorum Priest 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 10 5+ Infantry (Character)
Mystic 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Infantry
Psyker 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Infantry
Servitor 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ Infantry



  • Laspistol
  • Close combat weapon


  • Two arco-flails


  • Power weapon
  • Storm shield

Death Cult Assasin

  • Two power weapons

Jokaero Weaponsmith

  • Defence orbs
  • Digital Weapons
  • Lascannon
  • Multi-melta
  • Heavy flamer

Ministorum Priest

  • Two close combat weapons
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Rosarius

Mystic and Psyker

  • Laspistol


  • Servo-arm

Special Rules:


  • Feel No Pain


  • Daemon
  • Working with Daemons: Models with the Armies of the Imperium faction treat units from a Detachment other than their own Detachment including one or more models with this special rule as Sworn Enemies. Models with the Mortals of Chaos faction treat units from a Detachment including one or more models with this special rule as Desperate Allies.
  • Daemonic Power Take a Leadership test for each unit including one or more models with this special rule at the start of each friendly turn. If failed, roll a D6 and consult the chart below. If passed you may choose one of the following results.
D6 Result
1 Re-knit Host Form: All models with the Daemonic Power special rule gain the Feel No Pain special rule until the start of your next turn.
2 Warp Grasp: All models with the Daemonic Power special rule are armed with a warp grasp until the start of your next turn.
3 Daemonic Speed: All models with the Daemonic Power special rule gain the Fleet special rule and add +10 to their Initiative characteristic until the start of your next turn.
4 Empower Host Form: All models with the Daemonic Power special rule add +3 to their Strength characteristic until the start of your next turn.
5 Energy Torrent: All models with the Daemonic Power special rule are armed with an energy torrent until the start of your next turn.
6 Unholy Gaze: All models with the Daemonic Power special rule are armed with an unholy gaze until the start of your next turn.

Name Range S AP Type
Warp Grasp - User 2 Melee
Energy Torrent 24" 4 3 Assault 1, Blast
Unholy Gaze 24" 8 4 Assault 1

Death Cult Assasin

  • Uncanny Reflexes: A model with this special rule has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Jokaero Weaponsmith

  • Inconceivable Customisation: When an Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband containing one or more Jokaero is deployed, roll a D6 on the following chart. Each time you roll, add

+1 to the result for each Jokaero in the unit beyond the first. All results apply for the duration of the game.

D6 Result
1 Aesthetic Alteration: No effect.
2 Improved Gun Sights: Increase the range of all non-template shooting weapons in the unit by 12".
3 Reinforced Armour: The Sv characteristic of all models in the unit is one better than normal.
4 Penetrating Ammunition: All ranged weapons fired by the unit gain the Rending special rule.
5 Augmentative Energy Fields: All models in the unit have a 5+ invulnerable save, models that already have a 5+ invulnerable save instead get a 4+ invulnerable save.
6+ The Works: Roll twice more on this table and apply both results. Re-roll dublicates, including further The Works results.

Ministorum Priest

  • Zealot
  • The Emperor Protects: All friendly models in a unit including one or more models with this special rule gain a 6+ invulnerable save.


  • Psychic Beacon: Friendly units do not scatter when they Deep Strike, so long as the first model placed is within 6" of a model with this special rule. This model must have

been on the battlefield at the start of the turn in order for this special rule to be used.


  • Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1)


  • Mindlock: If a unit containing one or more models with this special rule does not include an Independent Character with the Inquisition faction is not locked in combat, it must test for Mindlock at the start of each friendly turn. To test for Mindlock, roll a D6. If the result is a 1, 2 or 3, the unit have succumbed to Mindlock – the unit (including any characters) may not move (though they may fall back), shoot or assault that turn (though they will fight normally in close combat if already engaged).


  • May include up to seventeen additional Acolytes - 5 pts/model
  • Any Acolyte may be upgraded to one of the following:
- Arco-flagellant - 10 pts/model
- Crusader - 15 pts/model
- Daemonhost - 25 pts/model
- Death Cult Assasin - 10 pts/model
- Jokaero Weaponsmith - 30 pts/model
- Ministorum Priest - 20 pts/model
- Mystic - 5 pts/model
- Psyker - 15 pts/model
- Servitor - 10 pts/model
  • Any Acolyte may take carapace armour - 2 pts/model
  • Any Acolyte may take power armour - 5 pts/model
  • Any Acolyte may take melta bombs - 5 pts/model
  • Any Acolyte may replace close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Boltgun - 3 pts/model
- Hot-shot lasgun - 4 pts/model
- Storm bolter - 5 pts/model
  • Up to two acolytes may replace their close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Combi-flamer - 5 pts/model
- Plasma pistol - 8 pts/model
- Plasma gun - 15 pts/model
- Meltagun - 15 pts/model
- Power weapons - 5 pts/model
- Storm shield - 10 pts/model
- Power fist - 10 pts/model
  • Any Ministorum Priest may replace one close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Power weapon - 10 pts
- Evoscerator - 20 pts
  • Any Ministorum Priest may replace one close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Laspistol - 1 pt
- Bolt pistol or shotgun - 2 pts
- Boltgun - 3 pts
- Plasma pistol
- Storm bolter or combi-flamer - 5 pts
- Combi-plasma - 8 pts
- Plasma gun or combi-condemnor - 10 pts
  • Any Ministorum Priest may take melta bombs - 5 pts/model
  • Up to three Servitors may replace their servo-arms with one of the following:
- Heavy bolter - 0 pts/model
- Multi-melta - 0 pts/model
- Plasma cannon - 10 pts/model
  • The unit may select a Rhino, Razorback, Chimera, Valkyrie or Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport.

Troops[edit | edit source]

Crusader Henchmen[edit | edit source]

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Crusader 75 pts 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Infantry 5 Crusaders


  • Power sword
  • Storm shield


  • May include up to fifteen additional Crusaders - 15 pts/model

Acolyte Henchmen[edit | edit source]

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Acolyte 30 pts 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Infantry 10 Acolytes


  • Laspistol
  • Close combat weapon


  • May include up to ten additional Acolytes - 3 pts/model
  • All models may take carapace armour - 2 pts/model
  • All models may take power armour - 5 pts/model
  • Any model may take melta bombs - 5 pts/model
  • All models may replace close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Boltgun - 3 pts/model
- Hot-shot lasgun - 4 pts/model
- Storm bolter - 5 pts/model
  • Up to two models may replace their close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Combi-flamer - 5 pts/model
- Plasma pistol - 8 pts/model
- Plasma gun - 15 pts/model
- Meltagun - 15 pts/model
- Power weapons - 5 pts/model
- Storm shield - 10 pts/model
- Power fist - 15 pts/model

Arco-Flagellant Henchmen[edit | edit source]

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Arco-Flagellant 50 pts 5 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Infantry 5 Arco-Flagellants


  • Two arco-flails

Special Rules:

  • Feel No Pain


  • May add up to fifteen additional Arco-Flagellants - 10 pts/model

Fast Attack[edit | edit source]

Chimera[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Unit Composition
Chimera 65 pts 3 12 10 10 3 Vehicle (Tank, Transport) 1 Chimera


  • Multi-laser
  • Smoke launchers
  • Searchlight
  • Two lasgun arrays

Special Rules:

  • Amphibious: A model with this special rule treat all water features as open terrain for movement purposes.
  • Mobile Command Vehicle: Models embarked upon a vehicle with this special rule may still issue orders to squads. Measure range from any part of the Chimera´s hull.


  • Transport Capacity: Twelve models.
  • Fire Points: Two models can fire from the top hatch. Note that Heavy Weapons Teams only count as a single model.
  • Access Points: A Chimera has one Access Point on the rear.


  • May take any of the following:
- Searchlight - 1 pt
- Relic Plating - 3 pts
- Dozer Blade*1 - 5 pts
- Heavy Stubbor or Storm Bolter - 5 pts
- Recovery Gear - 5 pts
- Smoke Launchers - 5 pts
- Extra Armour - 5 pts
- Fire Barrels*1 - 5 pts
- Veteran Crew - 5 pts
- Hunter-killer Missile - 8 pts
- Camo Netting - 15 pts
  • May replace heavy bolter with heavy flamer - 0 pts
  • May replace multi-laser with heavy flamer or heavy bolter - 0 pts
  • May take psybolt ammunition for all its weapons - see the wargear lists section.

Razorback[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Razorback 40 4 11 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank, Transport) 1 Razorback


  • Twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers


  • Transport Capacity: Six models. It cannot carry models with the Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rules.
  • Fire Points: None.
  • Access Points: The Razorback has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the rear.


  • May take up to one of each of the following:
- Dozer blade - 5 pts
- Storm bolter - 5 pts
- Hunter-killer missile - 8 pts
- Extra armour - 5 pts
  • May replace twin-linked heavy bolter with one of the following:
- Twin-linked heavy flamer - 0 pts
- Twin-linked Assault cannon - 10 pts
- Lascannon and twin-linked plasma gun - 10 pts
- Multi-melta - 10 pts
- Twin-linked lascannon - 10 pts
  • May take psybolt ammunition for all its weapons - see the wargear lists section.

Rhino[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Rhino 35 4 11 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank, Transport) 1 Rhino


  • Storm bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Repair: If a Rhino is Immobilised, then in subsequent turns, it may attempt to repair itself instead of shooting. To make the attempt, roll a D6 in the Shooting phase; on the roll of a 6, the vehicle is no longer Immobilised. Note that a successful Repair does not restore a Hull Point.


  • Transport Capacity: Ten models. It cannot carry models with the Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rules.
  • Fire Points: Two models can fire from the Rhino´s top hatch.
  • Access Points: The Rhino has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the rear.


  • May take up to one of each of the following:
- Dozer blade - 5 pts
- Storm bolter - 5 pts
- Hunter-killer missile - 8 pts
- Extra armour - 5 pts
  • May take psybolt ammunition for all its weapons - see the wargear lists section.

Valkyrie Squadron[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Valkyrie 100 pts 3 12 12 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport) 1 Valkyrie


  • Multi-laser
  • Two hellstrike missiles
  • Extra armour
  • Searchlight

Special Rules:

  • Grav Chute Insertion: If a model with this special rule has moved more than 6", passengers may disembark using this special rule during the movement phase. To use this special rule nominate a point which this model moved over this movement phase. The unit immediately deep strikes onto the chosen point. If any model cannot be placed for any reason, the unit is destroyed.


  • Transport Capacity: Twelve models.
  • Fire Points: None.
  • Access Points: One access point on each side of the hull and one on the rear


  • May include up to two additional Valkyries - 100 pts/model
  • May replace multi-laser with a lascannon - 0 pts
  • May replace two hellstrike missiles with two multiple rocket pods - 10 pts
  • May take two heavy bolters - 25 pts
  • May take psybolt ammunition for all its weapons - see the wargear lists section.

Heavy Support[edit | edit source]

Land Raider[edit | edit source]

BS FA SA RA HP Unit Type Composition
Land Raider 240 pts 4 14 14 14 4 Vehicle (Tank, Fast, Transport) 1 Land Raider Redeemer

  • Note that all Land Raider variants use the same profile.


Land Raider Crusader

  • Extra armour
  • Frag assault launchers
  • Twin-linked assault cannon
  • Two hurricane bolters
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Land Raider Redeemer:

  • Extra armour
  • Frag assault launchers
  • Twin-linked assault cannon
  • Two inferno cannons
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Land Raider Phobos:

  • Extra armour
  • Twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Two twin-linked lascannons
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke launchers

Special Rules:

  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Move Through Cover
  • Massive: Models with this special rule counts as having the Heavy type for the purpose of ramming.


  • Transport Capacity: (Land Raider Crusader only) Sixteen models.
  • Transport Capacity: (Land Raider Redeemer only) Twelve models.
  • Transport Capacity: (Land Raider Phobos only) Ten models.
  • Fire Points: None
  • Access Points: The Land Raider has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.


  • May be upgraded to one of the following:
- Land Raider Crusader - 10 pts
- Land Raider Phobos - 10 pts
  • May take up to one of each of the following:
- Dozer blade - 5 pts
- Storm bolter - 5 pts
- Hunter-killer missile - 8 pts
- Extra armour - 5 pts
  • May take a multi-melta - 8 pts
  • May take psybolt ammunition for all its weapons - see the wargear lists section.

Detachments and Formations[edit | edit source]

Formations[edit | edit source]

Alien Hunters[edit | edit source]


  • 1-2 Ordo Xenos Inquisitors
  • 0-3 Elites
  • 0-6 Troops


  • All models in this Formation must have the Ordo Xenos faction.

Special Rules:

  • Expert Alien Hunter: HQ choices with this special rule have the Preferred Enemy (Orks, Tau Empire, Necrons, Eldar, The Relentless Swarm) special rule.
  • Objective Secured (non-HQ): All non-HQ units with this special rule have the Objective Secured special rule. A unit with this special rule controls objectives even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the objective marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule.

Witch Hunters[edit | edit source]


  • 1-2 Ordo Hereticus Inquisitors
  • 0-3 Elites
  • 0-6 Troops


  • All models in this Formation must have the Inquisition faction.

Special Rules:

  • Expert Witch Hunter: HQ choices with this special rule have the Preferred Enemy (Armies of the Imperium and Chaos Space Marines) special rule.
  • Objective Secured (non-HQ): All non-HQ units with this special rule have the Objective Secured special rule. A unit with this special rule controls objectives even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the objective marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule.

Wargear of the Inquisition[edit | edit source]

Special Issue Wargear[edit | edit source]

Digital Weapons[edit | edit source]

A model armed with digital weapons can re-roll a single failed To Wound roll in each Assault Phase.

Rosarius[edit | edit source]

A model armed with an rosarius has a 4+ invulnerable save.

Psybolt Ammunition[edit | edit source]

When a model armed with psybolt ammunition fires one of the following weapons:

- Bolt pistol
- Boltgun
- Storm bolter
- Heavy bolter
- Assault cannon
- Autocannon
- Hurricane bolter

Whether it is twin-linked or not, as long as all models in the same unit as the model firing the weapon are all armed with psybolt ammunition, add +1 to its Strength and the weapon gains the Soul Blaze special rule. This means, that if a character without psybolt ammunition joins a unit with psybolt ammunition the unit cannot make use of their psybolt ammunition until he leaves their unit or is destroyed.

Psyocculum[edit | edit source]

The bearer of a psyocculum (and their unit) count as being Ballistic Skill 10 if shooting at a unit containing one or more models with the Psyker, Psychic Pilot or Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers special rules.

Rad Grenades[edit | edit source]

During a turn in which a unit equipped with rad grenades launches an assault, or is assaulted, the enemy unit(s) suffer a -1 penalty to their Toughness until the end of the qwphase (this does affect the victims’ Instant Death threshold).

Psychotroke Grenades[edit | edit source]

When a unit equipped with psychotroke grenades launches an assault, or is assaulted, roll a D6 for each enemy unit being assaulted or assaulting to see what the effect is. The effects of psychotroke gas only ever last for the duration of a single Assault phase.

D6 Result
1 What’s this? Smells a bit odd.: No effect.
2 Suddenly, it’s all so clear. The fighting, your allies, that mortal wound – everything’s just a huge cosmic joke! Best to sit down and have a good laugh about it: The enemy unit is hit automatically in this Assault phase. They can still fight, but with a maximum of 1 Attack per model (to represent their maddened flailing).
3 Hah! Those enemies aren’t real, they’re just an illusion – you’re not falling for that!: You re-roll failed To Hit rolls against the enemy unit during this Assault phase.
4 They’re horrible! Your darkest fears have been given form and are coming to kill you!: The enemy unit is reduced to Leadership 2 for the remainder of the Assault phase.
5 The world is spinning – everything is all jumbled up. It’s all you can do to keep your feet: The enemy unit is reduced to Initiative 1 for the remainder of the Assault phase.
6+ They say they’re your friends, but they’re not – they’re out to get you. Best get them first!: Every model in the enemy unit must immediately take an Initiative test. Any models that fail must strike blows against their own unit during this Assault phase, rather than against the enemy, exactly as if they were on your side. Wounds inflicted must be allocated amongst the entire unit, not just amongst unaffected models. Unsaved wounds caused by affected models count towards your close combat total. Units composed of single models re-roll this result.

Psyk-out Grenades[edit | edit source]


Psyk-out grenades may be fired as a shooting attack using the following profile, only one model per phase in each unit may make use of the ranged profile.

Range S AP Type
8" 2 - Assault 1, Blast, Psi-shock

Psi-shock: If a unit containing at least one Psyker (i.e. a model with the Psyker, Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers or Psychic Pilot special rule) is hit by a weapon with this special rule, randomly determine one Psyker model in that unit suffers a Perils of the Warp in addition to any other damage.


Models with the Psyker, Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers or Psychic Pilot special rules that are charging a unit including one or more models equipped with psyk-out grenades do not gain bonus Attacks from charging. However, if the charged unit was already locked in combat from a previous turn, or has gone to ground, these grenades have no effect.

Krak Grenades[edit | edit source]


Krak grenades may be fired as a shooting attack using the following profile, only one model per phase in each unit may make use of the ranged profile.

Range S AP Type
8" 6 4 Assault 1


When fighting a unit including a Vehicle and/or a Monstrous Creature any number of models armed with krak grenades may make a single attack with the profile below instead of attacking normally:

Range S AP Type
- 6 4 Melee

Frag Grenades[edit | edit source]


Frag grenades may be fired as a shooting attack using the following profile, only one model per phase in each unit may make use of the ranged profile:

Range S AP Type
8" 3 - Assault 1, Blast


Models equipped with assault grenades don’t suffer the penalty to their Initiative for charging enemies through difficult terrain, but fight at their normal Initiative in the ensuing combat.

Servo-skull[edit | edit source]

Servo-skulls are treated as counters, rather than units, for all intents and purposes. They are placed on the battlefield after deployment areas have been determined, but before any forces are deployed. Each servo-skull can be placed anywhere on the battlefield outside the enemy’s deployment zone. Once deployed, servo-skulls do not move.

Enemy infiltrators cannot set up within 12" of a servo-skull. Similarly, enemy scouts cannot use their pre-game move to approach to within 12" of a servo-skull. A friendly unit arriving by Deep Strike rolls one D6 less for scatter if it aims to arrive within 12" of a Servo-skull. Likewise, friendly blast templates placed within 12" of a servo-skull roll one D6 less for scatter.

If an enemy unit moves within 6" of a servo-skull, the Servo-skull is removed from play.

Storm Shield[edit | edit source]

A model armed with a storm shield has a 3+ invulnerable save. In addition, a model equipped with a storm shield can never claim the +1 Attack gained for being armed with two Melee weapons in an assault.

Armour[edit | edit source]

Terminator Armour[edit | edit source]

Terminator armour confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 5+ invulnerable save. Models in Terminator armour have the Bulky, Deep Strike and Relentless special rules, and may not make Sweeping Advances. A model upgraded to have Terminator armour increase their Toughness characteristic by 1. (this bonus is already included in the profiles of models that have Terminator armour as part of their standard wargear).

Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]

Bolt Weapons[edit | edit source]
Range S AP Type
Bolt pistol 12" 4 5 Pistol
Boltgun 24" 4 5 Rapid Fire
Storm bolter 18" 4 5 Assault 2, Heavy Recoil
Hurricane bolter 24" 4 5 Heavy 6, Twin-linked

Heavy Recoil: When fired by a model with the Relentless or Slow and Purposeful special rule treat this weapon as Assault 4.

Combi Weapons[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
24" 4 5 Rapid Fire
24" 5 - Assault 1, Psi-shock
24" 4 5 Rapid Fire
Template 4 5 Assault 1, One Use Only
24" 4 5 Rapid Fire
12" 8 1 Assault 1, Melta, One Use Only
24" 4 5 Rapid Fire
24" 7 2 Rapid Fire, One Use Only

Psi-shock: Any Psyker that takes an unsaved Wound from a weapon with this special rule suffers the Perils of the Warp in addition to any other effects.

Meltagun[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
12" 8 1 Assault 1, Melta

Laser Weapons[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
Laspistol 12" 3 - Pistol
Lasgun 24" 3 - Rapid Fire
Lasgun array 24" 3 - Assault 6
Hot-shot lasgun 24" 3 3 Assault 2
Multi-laser 36" 6 6 Heavy 3
Lascannon 48" 9 2 Heavy 1

Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]

Arco-flails[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- User - Melee, Shred, Rampage

Scythian Venom Talon[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- User - Melee, Poisoned (2+)

Servo-arm[edit | edit source]

Range S AP Type
- x2 1 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy

Relics of the Ordo Hereticus[edit | edit source]

Liber Heresius[edit | edit source]

First laid down during the Age of Apostasy, this tome has grown to contain the wisdom of thousands of Ordo Hereticus Inquisitors. By properly interrogating its pages, the reader can glean sufficient wisdom to predict and counter the strategies of renegades and traitors before their ruinous schemes come to fruition. Over the course of centuries, the Liber Heresius has become incredibly unwieldy, as each new wielder scribbles his own notes into its broad margins.

Once per turn when your enemy generates a tactical objective you may take a Leadership test. If the test is passed your opponent must immediately discard his objective and generate a new one.

Tools of Regret[edit | edit source]

A gruesome set of devices handed down from one Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor to the next, many a witch confess their vile betrayal of the Emperor before their interrogation even begins upon seeing this now half rusted set of tools, usually covered in the congealed blood of the previous victim. Over their centuries of use the Tools of Regret have come to inhibit a supernatural power over witches and traitors.

A model armed with the Tools of Regret has the Fear special rule. Fear tests taken by models with Armies of the Imperium or Chaos Space Marines faction must be made using 3D6.

The Tears of Saints[edit | edit source]

The Tears of Saints is a vial containing the tears of more than a thousand saints, it's purity disturbs those wielding infernal magicks.

Enemy psykers within 24" of the wielder of The Tears of Saints manifest warp charges on a 5+. In addition the wielder of The Tears of Saints has the Adamantium Will special rule.

Relics of the Ordo Malleus[edit | edit source]

Grimoire of True Names[edit | edit source]

He who knows a Daemon’s true name wields a terrible power over the beast, for it is the one verity that a Warp-spawn cannot deny. Accordingly, Grimoires of True Names are highly sought after by Daemon hunters, regardless of whether they intend to obliterate the Daemon, or bend it to their will. Alas, most are copies, with their information incomplete or subtly altered in such a way to put the reader at risk of damnation. Only one, the Malefact Maloreum, contains a complete and unswerving record of all the Dark Gods’ daemonic servants. As such, it is highly sought after – and often fought over.

When the bearer of the Grimoire of True Names is fighting a challenge against a model with the Daemon special rule he may take a Leadership test. If the test is passed, his opponent suffers a -5 penalty to his Weapon Skill, Initiative and Leadership characteristics (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the game. If the test is failed the bearer of the Grimoire of True Names suffers a -5 penalty to his Weapon Skill, Initiative and Leadership characteristics (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the game.

Relics of the Ordo Xenos[edit | edit source]

Ball of Farsight[edit | edit source]

Claimed from a now extinct xenos species, this mysterious ball allows its wielder to scry into the future.

The top card of both players objective decks must be revealed at all times to both players. If you do not use objective decks both players should instead each generate a single objective in advance.

Canoptek Phase Shifter[edit | edit source]

A piece of technology of Necron orign. A phase shifter causes its bearer to fluctuate in and out of an incorporeal state, not only affording protection against harm but also allowing the wearer to walk through solid walls.

The wielder of the Canoptek Phase Shifter may ignore impasssable terrain while moving, but may not end its move inside impassable terrain. In addition the wielder has a 3+ invulnerable save.

Solarphile Cloak[edit | edit source]

A mysterious cloak of unknown orign, it seems to absorb light, creating an aura of unnatural darkness around its wearer.

A model armed with the Solarphile Cloak has the Stealth and Shrouded special rules.

The Tome of Vethric[edit | edit source]

If your opponent’s Warlord has one of the factions shown in the table below, the bearer of the Tome of Vethric gains the corresponding special rule.

D6 Result
Dark Eldar Night Vision
Eldar Split Fire
Orks Counter Charge: All models in the same unit as a model with this special rule have the Counter-attack special rule.
Necrons Tank Hunters
Tau Empire Furious Zeal: All models in the same unit as a model with this special rule have the Counter-attack special rule.
Tyranids Monster Hunter

Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon[edit | edit source]

This peculiar array of alien crystals creates a distorting resonance on the frequencies used by plasma weaponry, causing such guns to fire much more wildly, making it almost impossible to keep them on target.

Models firing plasma weapons while within 12" of a model with the Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon will count as Ballistic Skill 1.

  • Note that Ork kustom mega-weapons and Tau pulse and burst weapons as well as pulse rounds fired by Kroot rifles all count as plasma weapons.