Codex - Kroots: /tg/'s 9th Edition

A codex created to let you craft an army exclusively out of Kroot units! Enjoy your murderous chickens!
Army Rules[edit | edit source]
Universal[edit | edit source]
- Feral Hunters: The kroot are a race of masterful hunters; swiftly, they run across their hunting grounds, chasing down their prey with no hesitation.
- Kroot units can charge even if they Advanced or Fell Back during their turn.
Detachment Rules[edit | edit source]
- Alien Mercenaries: The kroot's purpose is to hunt, and they'll take part in any sort of conflict to follow their sacred arts and money.
- Kroot detachments may be taken in any army even if they don't possess any common faction keyword (with the exception of Tyranids and Blackstone Constructs). If so, then in your army you need to have a number of units that don't possess the Kroot keyword greater than those who do; in addition, no Kroot Character in your army may be your Warlord, even though they can still obtain a Warlord Trait through the use of the The Wisests Command Stratagem.
- Evolutionary Traits: The kroot are known for acquiring the traits of their fallen victims by a ritual of carefully selecting the various genes. Because of this, the various bands of hunters scattered across the galaxy can become quite different from the others, all due to the variety of prey they fest upon in their hunting grounds.
- If your army is Battle-forged, all Kroot units gain an Evolutionary Trait. All units in the same detachment must have the same Evolutionary Trait.
- Objective Secured: An hunter knows how important it is to hold a position. Once hidden in the surroundings of a focal point, it will take a great amount of strength to make them move.
- If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in Kroot Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.
- The Chain of Command: Even if they may seem like nothing more than brute creatures, the bond shared by the members of a kindred is no less than that of other beings. At the height of that bond lie the only ones who can dare to command these fearsome hunters.
- When mustering your army, if it contains Anghkor Prok, that model must be selected as your Warlord. Otherwise, if your army contains a Kroot Shaper, that model must be selected as your Warlord. Otherwise, if your army contains a Kroot Master Shaman, that model must be selected as your Warlord. If your army contains none of the listed models, select your Warlord as normal.
Evolutionary Traits[edit | edit source]
To create the Evolutionary Trait of a Kroot detachment, select two rules from the following list:
- Aerodynamic Plumage: Some Kroot grow feathers which hold a layer of air to their surface, reducing drag by their air resistance. These feathers can have many colorful patterns, not that their enemies have time to appreciate this as they’re being brutally charged down.
- Units with this trait move an additional 1" when Advancing or Charging.
- Camouflage Skin: Colour and texture changing hairs and feathers make very flexible and effective camouflage in all environments, making hitting these kroot virtually impossible.
- If a unit with this trait is receiving the benefit of cover, add 2 to its saving throws instead of 1.
- Dense Muscular Tissue: Strong muscles make not only for a great offense but a formidable defense too.
- Roll a die each time a unit with this trait suffers a wound, on a 6 that wound is ignored. If the unit is a Cavalry or Monster, the effect takes place on a roll of 5+ instead.
- Hardened Carapace: Thickly armored platings render the surface of these warriors hard as cheramite, at the cost of slower movements.
- Subtract 2" from the Movement characteristic of units with this trait but consider their armor save as 1 point better. This trait may not be taken alongside Hollow Bones.
- Hollow Bones: At the cost of a minor defense, these hollow bones grant the holder a much more useful velocity and maneuverability.
- Add 4" to the Movement characteristic of units with this trait but subtract 1 from their Toughness characteristic. This trait may not be taken alongside Hardened Carapace.
- Hyper Senses: The kroot of this pack have developed such high senses that it's almost impossible to take them by surprise.'
- Units with this trait can't suffer penalties to their hit rolls when firing a ranged weapon in the Shooting phase, regardless of any modifiers (for the exception of the Simple-minded penalty of the DNA Assimilation Stratagem) and may always fire Overwatch, regardless of any special rules.
- Overdeveloped Intelligence: Even rudimentary weapons, if held by expert individuals, can become lethal instruments of destructions.
- Consider the Ap characteristic of weapons from units with this trait as 1 point better. This does not apply to attacks made by weapons from the Kroot Predators Weapons list.
- Regenerative Limbs: These regenerative capabilities mean no wound is too deep to abate these warriors' hunting spirit.
- Models with this trait regain 1 previously lost wound at the start of each of your turns.
- Sharp Spikes: The characteristic spike of the kroot can grow and harden to the point of piercing the thickest of armours.
- At the end of the Fighting phase, roll a die for each model in a unit with this trait that is within 1" of an enemy unit. On a 5+ one enemy model within 1" suffers a mortal wound.
Stratagems[edit | edit source]
Battle Tactics Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Encircling the Prey (1 CP): A good part of a successful hunt is to take the prey by surprise, cutting its ways of escape and striking from behind.
- Use this Stratagem in the Reinforcements step of your Movement phase, when one of your units is arriving from Strategic Reserves. That unit can be set up within 6" of any battlefield edge and more than 9" from any enemy unit. If this Stratagem is used during the third battle round or onward, then the unit must be set more than 6" away instead.
- Furious Charge (1 CP): When launched at full force, the hard beak of a Knarloc can pierce through any defense.
- Use this Stratagem during your Assault phase. Select one friendly Kroot Cavalry or Monster unit that has made a successful charge move this turn. Roll a die for each model in the unit that is within 1" of an enemy model; on a 2+ that model's unit suffers 1 mortal wound, D3 mortal wounds if it is a Monster instead.
- Hidden Hunters (1 CP): The Kroot are experts in camouflage and concealment, and utilize cover in ways most would never consider.
- Use this Stratagem at the start of your opponent’s Shooting phase. Select one Infantry Kindred unit from your army. Until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against that unit whilst it is receiving the benefit of Light or Heavy Cover, subtract 1 from the hit roll and add 1 to the saving throw.
Epic Deed Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- For the Glory of the Hunt! (2 CP): A hunter's purpose is to hunt, if a prey resists that end, then it shall meet a gruesome fate.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight phase. Select one Kroot Character unit from your army that has already fought that phase. That model may immediately fight again.
Requisition Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Packalpha (1 CP): Some Kroot Shapers earn dominance over their kin through fierce contests or spectacular hunting feats.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Kroot Shaper model from your army. That model gains the Packalpha keyword, and each time a friendly Kindred unit within 6" of this model makes an attack, you can re-roll the wound roll. If a unit has both the Kindred and Kroot Predators keyword, then the bonus does not apply to attacks made with weapons from the Kroot Predators Weapons list.
- Sacred Feast (1 CP): In times of feast, the Shamans of the pack gift upon their kindred the sacred weapons used by the great generations of hunters that came before, so that their spirit may guide those who bear them.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your Warlord has the Kroot keyword. Select one Kroot Character model in your army and give them one Relic (this must be a Relic they can have). Each Relic in your army must be unique, and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Relics. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem twice), or an Onslaught battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem three times).
- Seasoned Predator (1 CP): Some hunters are legends even amidst their kin and their talent for precise killing echoes through the galaxy. These individuals have seen them all and bring only the finest of gear to help them in their never-ending hunt.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Kroot Beast-hunter model from your army. That model may take one additional item from the Beast-hunter Equipment list. This Stratagem may be used multiple times but no more than once for each Kroot Beast-hunter in your army.
- The Ancient Among the Land (1 CP): Through a forgotten invocation, the spirit of a great sage of the past enters the shaman's body, so it can join guide the new generations once more.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Kroot Master Shaman model from your army. That model gains the Ancient Sage keyword, add 2 to its Leadership characteristic. In addition, each time it tries to invoke an Invocation, add 1 to the result of the die.
- The Wisest Command (1 CP): It's the duty of the Shapers and those who have seen the old days of the hunt to command their kindred into the feasts to come.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your Warlord has the Kroot keyword. Select one Kroot Character model in your army and determine one Warlord Trait for that model (this must be a Warlord Trait they can have); that model is only regarded as your Warlord for the purposes of that Warlord Trait. Each Warlord Trait in your army must be unique (if randomly-generated, re-roll duplicate results), and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Warlord Traits. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem twice), or an Onslaught battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem three times).
Strategic Ploy Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- DNA Assimilation (2 CP): The Kroot are able to assimilate the genetic code of their fallen preys, becoming stronger or more agile as the situation commands.
- Use this Stratagem when a friendly Kroot unit kills the last model of an enemy unit during the Fight phase. Depending on the faction keyword of that unit, randomly select one effect from the relative list, the effect immediately takes place and lasts until the end of the game. If a Kroot Shaper is within 6" of that unit, do not roll a die, simply choose the desired effect and apply it to both units. If playing a Crusade campaign, these effects remain between games until the unit is completely destroyed or replaced.
- -Aeldari:
- 1) Ephemeral in Form: Subtract 1 from all hit rolls which target this unit.
- 2) Fragile Bones: This unit suffers a penalty of 1 to its Toughness characteristic.
- 3) Frail Physique: This unit suffers a penalty of 1 to its Strength characteristic.
- 4) Keen Senses: Wound rolls of 6+ made by this unit improve the ap characteristic of the weapon used by 1.
- 5) Psychic Sensitivity: This unit, once a turn, may attempt to Deny the Witch as if it was a Psyker.
- 6) Swift Figure: This unit can advance and fire with Assault and Rapid Fire weapons as if it remained stationary during its Movement phase.
- -Imperium:
- 1) Fear Inhibitor: This unit may re-roll failed Morale tests.
- 2) Fearless Devotion: Roll a die each time this unit suffers a wound, on a 6+ that wound is ignored.
- 3) Next Wave Hormones: Each time a model in this unit is slain, roll a die; on a 3+ that model may shoot as if it was the Shooting phase or fight as if it was the Fight phase.
- 4) Order Obeying Receptors: Models in this unit count as being in range of an Aura ability even if they are at most 3 inches away from the ability's range.
- 5) Unending Dedication: This unit's Rapid Fire weapons fire 3 times the number of shots instead of 2 times the shots when shooting enemy units at half range.
- 6) Zealotry: This unit is unaffected by the aura abilities of any friendly units.
- -Orks:
- 1) Desire for Carnage: Hit rolls of 6+ with ranged weapons made by this unit count as 2 hits instead of 1.
- 2) Increased Bulk: Add 1 to the Wound characteristic of each model in this unit.
- 3) Infused by the Wargh: Whenever this unit charged, was charged or performed a heroic intervention add 1 to its Attack characteristic and hit rolls for the duration of the following Fight phase.
- 4) Simple-minded: This unit suffers a penalty of 1 to its hit rolls and has to subtract 1 from its Leadership characteristic.
- 5) Strong Muscles: Add 1 to this unit's Strength characteristic.
- 6) Tough Skinned: Add 1 to this units Toughness characteristic.
- -Q'Orl:
- 1) Acid Glands: At the beginning of each Fight phase, you can pick a single enemy unit within 1" of this unit. Roll a D6 for each model in this unit; for each roll of 6, the enemy unit suffers a mortal wound.
- 2) Chitinous Shell: Add 1 to armor saving throws made by models in this unit.
- 3) Compound Eyes: Consider the Ballistic Skill of models in this unit as one point better.
- 4) Fused Skin: Subtract 2” from this unit's movement distances.
- 5) Insectoid Brain: This unit may only move, advance, charge, shoot or fight if there's at least one Kroot Character within 6" other than itself.
- 6) Keen Olphactory Organs: This unit ignores all rules that negatively impact their hit rolls during the Fight phase.
- -T'au Empire:
- 1) Dampened Reflexes: This unit loses its Feral Hunters special rule.
- 2) Instilled Hierarchy: Whenever a friendly Kroot Character looses a wound within 3” of this unit roll a D6; on a 2+ that Kroot Character does not loose the wound. Instead, this unit suffers a mortal wound.
- 3) Pheromone Control: While this unit is within 6" of a friendly Kroot Character with the same trait, this unit automatically passes all Leadership and Morale tests.
- 4) Sense of Unity: Whenever this unit fires at an enemy unit in the Shooting phase and at least one hit is made, all other friendly Kroot units with this trait may re-roll failed hit rolls of 1 against that unit for that Shooting phase.
- 5) Weak Figure: This unit suffers a penalty of 1 to its Toughness characteristic.
- 6) Wide-spectrum Retinas: This unit may always shoot Overwatch, without the need for the associated Stratagem.
- -Tyranids:
- 1) Access to the Tyranid Genetic Library: This trait can never be manually selected, neither from the DNA Sample Relic and neither from the presence of a Kroot Shaper. When this trait is randomly picked, this unit immediately rolls for 1 trait for each other faction keyword in this stratagem and applies each result. You may not choose which traits to apply.
- 2) Feral Behaviour: This unit must fire at the closes unit (even if friendly) and must advance closer to, charge, and attack the nearest unit (even if friendly).
- 3) Mindless Drones: This unit always succeeds all Morale tests but can never benefit from friendly Aura abilities.
- 4) Multi-limbed: Add 2 to this unit's Attacks characteristic.
- 5) Precognitive Senses: If an enemy unit enters the battlefield within 24” of this unit then this unit may fire at that enemy unit as if it was the Shooting phase, but at a minus 1 to hit.
- 6) Remembered Foes: This unit may re-roll failed hit rolls against Character units.
- Favour of the Ancestors (X CP): Sometimes during the hunt, the spirits of the ancestors come to aid their fellow kindred into battle.
- When you use this Stratagem, pick any other Stratagem from this codex that isn't from the Requisition Stratagems section, this Stratagem obtains the effect and cost of that Stratagem. You can only use this Stratagem once per battle round and only during a phase the Stratagem whose effect is taken would be used.
- Hunting Grounds (1 CP): The Kroot unleash their razor-beaked hounds and a tide of mottled green flesh tears into the enemy ranks.
- Use this Stratagem when a Kroot Hounds unit from your army completes a charge against an enemy unit. Until the end of the phase, you can re-roll failed charge rolls for other friendly Kroot units that are within 12" of that Kroot Hound unit after it completes its charge move.
- Rapid Unhook (2 CP): The transport hooks employed on Kroothawk and Greater Knarloc Alpha are specially designed to allow a rapid deployment on the field, as to not sacrifice the beasts' innate velocity.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Select one Kroothawk or Greater Knarloc Alpha with the Transport keyword. Models embarked on that unit may disembark even if that model has moved during your Movement phase.
Wargear Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Explosive Arrows (1 CP): Micro explosives mounted on the tips of arrows make this already deadly weapon into a force even armored tanks are afraid of.
- Use this Stratagem during your Shooting phase, when a unit from your army is firing with its Kroot Bow. Don't make wound rolls for these attacks, instead, roll a die for each attack that hit the target; on a 3+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Overwhelming Assault (2 CP): Launching into the heart of the conflict, the Kroot mercenaries begin a fearful assault on the chosen target, drowning it into waves of salvos.
- Use this Stratagem during your Shooting phase, when a unit from your army is firing with its Kroot Rifle. Until the end of that phase, change the Type of the Kroot Rifle that unit is equipped with to Rapid Fire 2. In addition, that unit doesn't suffer penalties to its hit rolls for having advanced the preceding Movement phase.
- Raging Beasts (1 CP): Krootoxes have immense physical strength, and their riders know how to coax them into a terrible rage.
- Use this Stratagem when a Krootox Rider unit from your army is chosen to fight with during the Fight phase. Until the end of that phase, models in that unit have an Attacks characteristic of 4. In addition, until the end of that phase, the Armour Penetration characteristic of krootox fists models in that unit are equipped with is improved by 2 (e.g. AP -1 becomes AP -3).
Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
- 1: Apex Predator: This kroot has carefully selected genes from thousands of species to become the ultimate predator.
- Add 2 to your Warlord's Movement, Attacks and Strength characteristics. If the model is riding a Knarloc, ignore the bonus to its Movement characteristic.
- 2: Leader of the Pack: This Kroot guides its brethren in the midst of battle with skill and precision. If one of its kindred were to run away, it would be its duty to consume them so their spirits may partake in the war as one.
- Each time a friendly Infantry Kindred unit within 6" of your Warlord fails a Morale test, only one model can flee. When that happens, your Warlord recovers 1 previously lost wound.
- 3: Master of Camouflage: This kroot commander has mastered the art of hiding, becoming almost invisible to the enemy's eyes
- Enemy units must subtract 1 from their hit rolls when targeting your Warlord: In addition, if your Warlord has the benefit of Light or Heavy cover, you can re-roll 1s for its saving throws.
- 4: Stalker of Prey: Some leaders are made rulers of others by their great deeds. This kroot marks out a single prey, ignoring all others to stalk this one foe.
- At the start of the battle select an enemy character in your opponent's army; your Warlord may re-roll all failed to-hit and to-wound rolls against that unit, and the enemy character may not re-roll any dice for attacks that target your Warlord. In addition, if your Warlord slays that enemy character you gain twice as many victory points than you would normally for slaying that unit.
- 5: Trap Expert: This strategic leader has set numerous traps across the battlefield so that its enemies may suffer when most distracted.
- Once per battle, at the end of your opponent's Movement phase, you can choose up to three enemy units on the battlefield and roll a D6. Subtract 1 from the result if the unit is a Character but add 1 if the unit contains 10 or more models. On a 4+ that unit suffers D3+1 mortal wounds; on a 7+ it suffers D3+3 mortal wounds instead.
- 6: Veteran Mercenary: A mercenary knows how to negotiate for a more generous payment.
- Roll a die each time you or your opponent use a Stratagem, on a 5+ you gain 1 Command Point. In addition, if your army is Battle-forged, you gain 3 additional Command Points, 5 if in your army there are more units that don't possess the Kroot keyword that those who do, 6 if in your army there are more T'au Empire units than Kroot units.
Invocations of the Shamans[edit | edit source]
At the start of each of your Command phases, each Shaman in your army may decide to invoke an Invocation it knows that hasn't been attempted by other Shamans that turn. Roll a die, on a 4+ plus the Invocation is succesful and it immediately takes effect. Every Shaman knows the Invocation of the Hunter's Beak by default.
-Invocation of the Hunter's Beak: The shaman invokes the spirits of his kindred to rile up their racial memories and remind them of their heritage as deadly hunters, piercing through any foe's defenses.
- Until the beginning of your next turn, all friendly Kroot units which make a melee attack while within 6" of a Shaman who invoked this Invocation improve their weapon's AP by 1. This also applies to shooting attacks they make while within 6" of the Shaman, but only if their target is within 6" of them. A Shaman may always invoke this invocation, even if other friendly units invoked it already this phase.
Invocations of the Kindred[edit | edit source]
-1): Invocation of the Hound's Chase: The shaman invokes the spirits of past kroot hounds and other bestial relatives, asking them to grant their tireless, single-minded drive to pursue to a nearby kindred.
- Choose a friendly Kroot unit within 6" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation. Until the end of your turn, that unit may Advance and shoot as though it made a normal move.
-2): Invocation of the Kindred's Bond: The shaman reminds his kindred of the bonds of kinship and battle-oaths that bind them together, steeling them against death and loss.
- Until the beginning of your next turn, friendly Kroot units automatically pass Morale tests whilst they are within 6" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation.
-3): Invocation of Life's Tenacity: A powerful strength reinvigorates the kindred's spirits and makes their already powerful attacks into even deadlier assaults.
- Choose a friendly Kroot Infantry unit within 12" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation. Add 1 to the attack characteristic of models in that unit.
-4): Invocation of Prey's Terror: Vision of the predators of the past flood the enemies of the pack, giving them insight on their fate to come.
- Choose a non-Vehicle non- Character enemy unit within 12" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation. The target must immediately make a Morale test. Rather than the number of models from the unit that have been slain this turn, add half of the result of the invocation roll (rounded down). If the target unit is in engagement range with a friendly Kroot unit, other than the Shaman itself, add the full result of the invocation roll instead.
-5): Invocation of Shaper's Might: Raising his blade high in the sky, this shaman calls upon the spirits of the great hunters of the past to aid him in the sacred rituals of the hunt.
- Until the beginning of your next turn, the Master Shaman's weapons are given uncanny sharpness and weight. Change the AP value of all of this model's melee weapons to -4, and change the damage to be XD3, where X is the normal damage value (e.g. damage 1 becomes damage 1D3, damage 2 becomes damage 2D3, and so on).
-6): Invocation of Soil's Grip: "Stones will break, and roots will squeeze, vines will grow and bend all knees; mushrooms hunt and thorns yolk; weeds strangle and flowers choke. The time of waiting is done. The hour of the hunt has come."
- Choose an enemy unit within 12" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation that doesn't have the Fly or Titanic keyword. Until the beginning of your next turn, the target's Movement characteristic is halved (round down). In addition, if the target Advances or Charges, for each die of 5+, that unit suffers one mortal wound. If that unit possesses a special rule that makes it Advance a set distance, the unit suffers 1 mortal wound for every 5" of that distance instead.
Invocations of the Spirits[edit | edit source]
-1): Invocation of the Ancestor's Hunger: The shaman calls on the ancestor spirits to guide the arms and beaks of his kindred, helping them find purchase on the foe and filling their bellies with mighty prey.
- Choose a friendly Kroot unit within 12" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation. Until the beginning of your next turn, that unit can re-roll all failed hit rolls during the Fight phase.
-2): Invocation of Gmork's Destruction: Reciting ancient and forbidden tomes, the shaman brings forth a splinter of the Destroyer to bring forth ruin to the enemies of Vawk
- Choose an enemy unit within 12" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation. Roll a number of dices equal to the invocation roll for this Invocation; for each roll of 3+, the enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound, D3 on a 6+. Add 1 to the roll is the Shaman invoking this is a Ancient Sage.
-3): Invocation of Mist's Veil: At the shaman's words, the spirits of the ancient warriors rise from the ground, creating a thick white blanket to hide their brethren.
- Friendly Kroot units which are within 6" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation count as being in Heavy Cover.
-4): Invocation of the Survivor's Blood: The shaman calls on the spirits of those who have survived great hunts against superior forces to shield the bodies and minds of the kindred against harm to come.
- Until the beginning of your next turn, whenever a model in a friendly Kroot unit within 6" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation loses a wound, roll a D6 and on a 5+, the model does not lose that wound.
-5): Invocation of the Tracker's Speed: The shaman calls on the spirits of legendary headhunters and master trackers to reinforce the senses and legs of one kindred, speeding their steps.
- Choose a friendly Kroot unit within 12" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation. Until the beginning of your next turn, when that unit consolidates, it can move an extra 6".
-6): Invocation of Vawk's Wings: Through the call of the shaman, the Great Mother blows powerful winds to lift the kindreds into battle, gifting them of a bountiful feast.
- Choose a friendly Kroot unit within 12" of the Shaman who invoked this Invocation. That unit may immediately move as if it was the Movement phase, though it may not Advance.
Specialist Detachments[edit | edit source]
Bounty Hunter Pack (1 CP)[edit | edit source]
Sometimes, an employer wishes to pursue a specific target, for this, the kroot deploy their best bounty hunters to follow the designated target.
All Kroot Infantry and Beast units in this Specialist Detachment gain the Bounty Hunter Pack keyword.
Warlord Trait:
- Bounty Hunter: Kroot from this pack have keened their senses to better wound their next bounty.
- Your Warlord and friendly Bounty Hunter Pack units within 6" of your Warlord may re-roll hit roll and wound rolls of 1 against enemy Characters.
- Fearsome Ambush (1 CP): Kroot erupt from the corners of the ruined battlefield to suddenly assault the unsuspecting victims.
- Use this Stratagem in the Charge phase. Select an enemy unit on the battlefield; Bounty Hunter Pack units attempting to charge it roll an additional dice and discard the lowest result if they start their charge move in cover.
- The Hunter's Rifle: This modified kroot rifle serves as a precision weapon that fires a powerful harpoon to impale the selected bounty and block it from escaping.
- This Relic replaces the model’s Kroot Rifle and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Hunter's Rifle Melee Melee +1 -2 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one additional attack with this weapon. The Hunter's Rifle 30" Assault 2 5 -1 1 This weapon can target Characters even if they are not the closest enemy unit. Characters hit by this weapon must halve their Move characteristic and cannot Advance in their following Movement phase.
Special Formations[edit | edit source]
Special Formations are a special kind of detachment that is made up of variable and specific units. Each formation has to be made inside its own detachment and counts as an organized detachment. Stratagems found in this section can only be used on units from the correspondent formation.
Knarloc Hunting Pack (2 CP)[edit | edit source]
When hunting particularly agile preys, the knarloc hunting pack is tasked to catch up to and capture the objective or stall it to wait for the rest of the kindred.
Command Benefits: None
- 1 Kroot Shaper on Knarloc
- 0-1 Kroot Beast-hunter on Knarloc
- 0-1 units of Tribal Guards on Knarlocs
- 3-6 units of Knarloc Riders
- 0-3 units of Kroot Hounds
- 0-1 units of Greater Knarloc
- Each unit of Kroot Hounds must be accompanied by a Kroot Handler on Knarloc
- Ramming Charge: Each time a unit from this special formation makes a successful charge, roll a die for every unit it charged; on a 4+, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Riders' Advance: Units in this special formation can re-roll charge distances if they begin the Assault phase within 3" of another unit from this formation.
Special Stratagems:
- Feral Mounts (2 CP): These Knarloc are spurred during the charge to lash out with a greater force in the following fight.
- Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the Fight phase, when choosing which unit to fight with. Chose one Cavalry unit from this formation, until the end of the Fight phase, consider the Ap value of that unit's Sharp Beak and Talons to be -4, and double the number of attacks they make with that weapon.
Apocalypse Rules[edit | edit source]
Apocalypse rules are special rules that are meant to represent the power of an immense force on the tabletop. Each army has one and it differs from effects and restrictions.
The Great Hunt Unfolds: From the beginning of time, the elder Shamans of all tribes talk of a hunt like anything krootkind has ever seen. Tales of warriors and heroes are sung alongside it, while hunters gather the strength and equipment for when the day will come to take part in this great feast. When that day will come, the kroot will know both glory and anguish.
If your army is Battle-forged, and contains at least 6000 points of Kroot units, then all Kroot units in your army gain this special rule. Add 1 to the Advance and Charge distances of models with this special rule. In addition, Shaman units know one additional Invocation from the Invocations of the Kindred list and can invoke one additional Invocation during your Command phase.
Wargear[edit | edit source]
Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Echoes from the Otherworld: The spirits from the realm beyond are mysterious beings and rarely do they come to the aid of those who still chase their prey in the fields of the living. Regardless, when a legend calls, they are formidable foes, rarely shaken by the weapons of the material realm.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Echoes from the Otherworld - - - - - When using this weapon, the active profile corresponds to the type of spirit invoked by Anghkor through his Spirits of the Hunt (Aura) special rule during that turn. If the ability wasn't used, this weapon can't be used during that turn. Anghkor himself can't attack with this weapon, attacks made by this weapon are in addition to Anghkor Prok's attacks. -Echoes of the Hawk Melee Melee 6 -2 D3 Make D3 hit rolls when attacking with this weapon. -Echoes of the Hound Melee Melee 4 -1 1 Make 4 hit rolls when attacking with this weapon. -Echoes of the Knarloc Melee Melee 5 -2 2 Make 2 hit rolls when attacking with this weapon.
- Kroot Weapons: Weapons employed by kroot are very peculiar and mostly consist of modified, rudimentary weapons. Regardless, they are no less deadly because of this.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Eviscerator (Swipe Attack) Melee Melee User -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. Eviscerator (Pierce Attack) Melee Melee +3 -4 2 You can only use this profile in a turn in which the bearer charged. Kroot Blade Melee Melee +1 -2 1 - Kroot Rifle Melee Melee +1 -1 1 - Kroot Staff Melee Melee +1 0 2 - Ritual Blade Melee Melee User -1 1 If any enemy models are destroyed by this weapon, friendly Kindred units within 6" of the bearer do not have to take Morale tests in the Morale phase at that turn.
- Kroot Beast-hunter Weapons: Beast-hunters are very peculiar in their ways and because of that each of them wields specially crafted weapons not usually employed by common kroot. Each one is deadlier than the last and turn into merciless weapons of slaughter in the hands of an expert hunter.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Barbed Whip Melee Melee +2 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, one (and only one) of its attacks can be made with this weapon. When the bearer fights with this weapon, make a number of hit rolls against one target unit equal to the number of models that the target unit has within 2" of the bearer. Beast Mauler Melee Melee +3 -2 2 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll.
- Kroot Predators Weapons: The beastly forms of the primitive kroot are armed with weapons of their own. Fangs, talons, and teeth are all common characteristics and all equally terrifying.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Crushing Beak Melee Melee User -4 3 - Crushing Feet Melee Melee User -2 2 Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon, instead of 1. Drill Beak Melee Melee User -3 3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer’s attacks. Kroototh Fists Melee Melee User -2 2D3 When making an attack with this weapon, add 1 to the Damage and Ap characteristics if the Strength of the attack is at least double the target's Toughness characteristic. Krootox Fists Melee Melee User -1 2 - Razor Tail Melee Melee User -3 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. Make D3 hit rolls for this attack instead of one. This is in addition to the bearer’s attacks. Razor Talons Melee Melee User -3 3 - Ripping Fangs Melee Melee User -1 1 - Savage Maw Melee Melee +2 -2 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer’s attacks. Sharp Beak and Talons Melee Melee 5 -2 1 After a model riding a Knarloc makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 2 additional attacks, using this weapon profile. Sharp Limbs Melee Melee User -2 1 Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon, instead of 1. Spiked Tail Melee Melee User -3 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer’s attacks.
- Tooth of Gmork: A tooth from the Gmork, extracted from a wound of the great Vawk deep inside Pech's core. Despite the ages past, its venom still retains its otherworldly power and longs to bring a painful death to anyone daring to face the Destroyer.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Tooth of Gmork Melee Melee +2 -3 2 Each time an enemy model suffers an unsaved wound from this weapon, it suffers one mortal wound in addition to the normal damage. These mortal wounds may not be negated in any way.
- The Deboner: The pinnacle of beast-hunter weapons, the Deboner was crafted by Ghen Kath himself. This gruesome weapon has two configurations; a moment it's a bloody blade covered in pointy shards of metal, while the next the body splits into many sections, changing the structure to that of a heavy whip.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Deboner (ripping mode) Melee Melee +3 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the two profiles, all attacks made during that phase must be done with the same profile. When attacking with this profile, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. The Deboner (slashing mode) Melee Melee +1 -2 1 When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the two profiles, all attacks made during that phase must be done with the same profile. When the bearer fights with this profile, make a number of hit rolls against one target unit equal to the number of models that the target unit has within 2" of the bearer.
Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Heavy Stubber: A weapon diffused in the whole galaxy. Its rounds are designed to impeding the enemy and assure the won't be able to retaliate.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Heavy Stubber 36" Heavy 3 4 0 1 A unit that suffer an unsaved wound from this weapon has to subtract 1 from its hit rolls in the subsequent Fighting phase.
- Kroot Weapons: Given they are just modified weapons, the precision of these weapons is determined by how skillful the bearer is. In this, they are the tools through which a hunter proves its worth.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Kroot Pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 - Kroot Rifle 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. Dahyak's Precision Kroot Rifle 36" Heavy 2 6 -2 D3 This weapon may target a Character even if it is not the closest enemy unit. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. If the target has the Control keyword, add 1 to the damage of the attack. Kroot Bolt Thrower 36" Assault D6 6 -1 1 - Kroot Crumbler 36" Assault 1 8 -1 2D3 Units that suffer a hit from this weapon must halve their Movement and Advance distances until the beginning of your next turn. Kroot Gun 48" Rapid Fire 1 7 -1 D3 This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. Heavy Kroot Gun 48" Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2D3 This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls.
- Kroot Beast-hunter Weapons: The ranged weapons held by beast hunters are extremely precise and made to hit the prey from long distances.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Barbed Whip 12" Assault D3 +1 -1 1 Blast. Kroot Bow 24" Assault 2 +2 * 1 The AP characteristic of this weapon is equal to a third of the Strenght characteristic of its bearer, rounding down (e.g. Strenght 4 means an AP of -1). Precision Kroot Rifle 36" Heavy 2 6 -2 D3 This weapon may target a Character even if it is not the closest enemy unit. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage.
- Pulse Weapons: The common weapon found usually in T'au detachments. The fact many kroot possess one is proof of their alliance.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Pulse Blaster (Long Range) 15" Assault 2 4 0 1 - Pulse Blaster (Medium Range) 10" Assault 2 5 -1 1 - Pulse Blaster (Close Range) 5" Assault 2 6 -2 2 - Pulse Carbine 18" Assault 2 5 0 1 - Pulse Rifle 30" Rapid Fire 1 5 0 1 -
- Supremacy Railgun: One of the most powerful weapons found in the T'au arsenal. As allies, sometimes is possible to spot one carried by a giant Great Knarloc, although sometimes it's hard to know how exactly it has arrived there.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Supremacy Railgun (Submunitions) 72" Heavy 2D6 6 -1 1 Blast. Supremacy Railgun (Soild Shot) 72" Heavy 2 10 -4 3D3 Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target unit suffers D3 mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage.
- The Deboner: The whip mode of the Deboner can be used to attack preys at a distance, wounding them with the sharp razor parts.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Deboner 12" Assault D6 +1 -2 1 Blast.
Hunting Relics[edit | edit source]
- Blood of the Stalker: The kroot hunter covers itself in the blood of its prey, enhancing its abilities to stalk the enemy.
- Infantry Kroot Shaper and Infantry Kroot Beast-hunter only. During deployment, you can set up the bearer in hiding instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, the model can ambush its enemy – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than D3+1" away from any enemy models and at least 3" within a piece of terrain.
- DNA Sample: The kroot are capable to assimilate the DNA of their prey to modify their appearance as they see fit; this kroot hunter carries a sample of genetic material to better adapt to the battle ahead.
- Kroot Shaper and Kroot Beast-hunter only. Once per battle, at the beginning of any turn, the bearer of this Relic immediately benefits from the DNA Assimilation Stratagem, select one species and apply the desired effect. If the bearer is a Kroot Shaper, then also select one friendly Kroot unit within 6" of that model; that unit also benefits from the selected effect.
- Kroothawk Totem: Use in sacred rituals, this ancient totem grants the bearer the wisdom of the ancient winds.
- Shaman only. The bearer of this relic may invoke one additional Invocation at the beginning of your Command phase, or invoke an Invocation that has already been invoked in your turn.
- Krootwood Heavy Bow: This heavy bow has been carved from petrified wood found in the deepest depths of Pech. The detailed carvings on its surface tell the stories of the ancient beasts hunted by the first kroot on the newborn planet. Only wielding it grants the bearer immense pride and strength.
- This Relic replaces a Kroot Bow and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Krootwood Heavy Bow 36" Heavy 2 +3 * D3 The AP characteristic of this weapon is equal to half of the Strength characteristic of its bearer, rounding down (e.g. Strength 4 means an AP of -2). A unit hit by this weapon must halve its Movement characteristic until the beginning of your next turn.
- Mark of the Favoured Child: Individuals marked with this ritual symbol are followed by the great hunters of the past that protect them from all physical and spiritual harm.
- The bearer of this relic gains a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time the bearer suffers a wound or a mortal wound; on a 5+ that wound is ignored.
- Relic Blade: A sacred blade passed on to one generation of hunters to the next. It's said it can reap the soul of the victim directly from its body.
- Model with Ritual Blade only. Add the following to that weapon’s special rule: 'This weapon always wounds on a roll of 2+, unless the target is a Vehicle. In addition, on a wound roll of 6+, this weapon inflicts D3 mortal wounds instead of the normal damage.'
- Scavenged Weapons: Though not native to their species, the Kroot's intelligence makes them capable of understanding these weapons and using them against their foes.
- Kroot Shaper and Kroot Beast-hunter only. Select one of the weapons from below, the model counts as being equipped with that weapon. This Relic can be taken multiple times but can't be taken more than once for each model.
- -Big Shoota (replaces Kroot Rifle)
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Big Shoota 36" Assault 3 5 0 1 -
- -Demolition Charge
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Demolition Charge 6" Grenade D6 8 -3 D3 The bearer can only use this weapon once per battle.
- -Power Sword (replaces Kroot Rifle)
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Power Sword Melee Melee +1 -3 1 -
- -Shuriken Pistol (replaces Kroot Pistol)
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Shuriken Pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, on a wound roll of 6+ this weapon has an Armour Penetration characteristic of -3 for that attack.
- -Splinter Pistol (replaces Kroot Pistol)
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Splinter Pistol 12" Pistol 1 * 0 1 This weapon wounds on a 4+, unless it is targeting a Vehicle or Titanic unit, in which case it wounds on a 6+.
- Surefoot Charm: The bearers of this charm are able to call forward their kin with the swiftness and strength of the winds.
- Kroot Shaper only. When a charge roll is made by a friendly Kroot unit that targets an enemy unit within 1" of the bearer of this relic, roll one additional D6 and discard the lowest dice. The first model you move as part of that charge must end its charge move within 1" of that enemy unit, otherwise, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit may move that phase.
Other Wargear[edit | edit source]
- Advanced Holo-sensors: This powerful set of goggles enhanced the wearer's vision to assure the hunt will be trimphant, even at long distances.
- A model equipped with Advanced Holo-sensors has a Ballistic Skill of 2+ and doesn't suffer penalties to its hit rolls as a result of special rules such as Night Fighting or Dawn Raid. In addition, if that model has remained stationary in its previous Movement phase, it can re-roll all hit and wound rolls during the Shooting phase.
- Ancestors' Shield: Shield carved out of the most durable chitin shell, its solid molecular structure makes it perfect to block even the most brutal of enemy attacks.
- A model equipped with an Ancestors' Shield has a 6+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 2 to armor saving throws made for that model.
- Thunderbug Grenade: The thunderbugs housed inside this small device burst into a bright light once released, blinding the prey and leaving it vulnerable to the pack's assault.
- The Thunderbug Grenade is a ranged weapon with the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Thunderbug Grenade 12" Grenade 1 - - - This weapon does not inflict any damage. Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for non-Vehicle/Titanic units that have suffered a hit from this weapon until the beginning of your next turn. In addition, a unit hit by this weapon can't be selected to fire overwatch in the following Assault phase.
- Venom Coat: Distilled from the most dangerous poison known to the kroot, this coat of slimy fluid assures the death of anyone who touches it.
- A model with a Venom Coat always wounds the target on a wound roll of 2+, unless the target is a Vehicle or a Titanic unit.
Units[edit | edit source]
HQs[edit | edit source]
Kroot Master Shaman[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Kroot Master Shaman (Power Rating: 3).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroot Master Shaman | 7" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 5+ | 55 |
-Kroot Staff
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Staff | Melee | Melee | +1 | 0 | 2 | - |
-Ritual Blade
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Ritual Blade | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | If any enemy models are destroyed by this weapon, friendly Kindred units within 6" of the bearer do not have to take Morale tests in the Morale phase at that turn. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Aura of the Spirits"> This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="The Wisest of Their Kind (Aura)"> Kindred units within 6" of this model may use the model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests. </tab> </tabs>
Invocations: This model knows the Invocation of the Hunter's Beak and two more Invocations from the Invocations of the Kindred and/or Invocations of the Spirits lists. This model may attempt to invoke two Invocations at the beginning of your Command phase. In addition, this model can attempt to deny two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase.
- Faction: Kroot
- HQs, Kroot Master Shaman, Infantry, Character, Shaman, Kindred
Kroot Shaper[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Kroot Shaper (Power Rating: 2).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroot Shaper | 7" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 5+ | 45 |
Winged Kroot Shaper | 12" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 7+ | 50 |
Kroot Shaper on Knarloc | 12" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 8 | 4+ | 60 |
Wargear (Kroot Shaper):
-Kroot Pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Kroot Rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Rifle | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | - |
Kroot Rifle | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
-Ritual Blade
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Ritual Blade | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | If any enemy models are destroyed by this weapon, friendly Kindred units within 6" of the bearer do not have to take Morale tests in the Morale phase at that turn. |
Wargear (Winged Kroot Shaper):
-Kroot Pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Kroot Rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Rifle | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | - |
Kroot Rifle | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
-Ritual Blade
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Ritual Blade | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | If any enemy models are destroyed by this weapon, friendly KROOT units within 6" of the bearer do not have to take Morale tests in the Morale phase at that turn. |
Wargear (Kroot Shaper on Knarloc):
-Kroot Pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Kroot Rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Rifle | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | - |
Kroot Rifle | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
-Ritual Blade
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Ritual Blade | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | If any enemy models are destroyed by this weapon, friendly Kindred units within 6" of the bearer do not have to take Morale tests in the Morale phase at that turn. |
-Sharp Beak and Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Sharp Beak and Talons | Melee | Melee | 5 | -2 | 1 | After a model riding a Knarloc makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 2 additional attacks, using this weapon profile. |
Special Rules (Kroot Shaper): <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Stealthy Hunters"> At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 7". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that are able to move at the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. </tab> <tab name="The Shaper Commands (Aura)"> Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly Kindred units within 6" of this model. If a unit has both the Kindred and Kroot Predators keyword, then the bonus does not apply to attacks made with weapons from the Kroot Predators Weapons list. </tab> <tab name="The Wisest of Their Kind (Aura)"> Kindred units within 6" of this model may use the model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests. </tab> </tabs>
Special Rules (Winged Kroot Shaper): <tabs> <tab name="Ambush From Above"> During deployment, you can set up this unit in the sky instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, this unit can ambush its enemy – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than D3+3" away from any enemy models. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="The Shaper Commands (Aura)"> Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly Kindred units within 6" of this model. If a unit has both the Kindred and Kroot Predators keyword, then the bonus does not apply to attacks made with weapons from the Kroot Predators Weapons list. </tab> <tab name="The Wisest of Their Kind (Aura)"> Kindred units within 6" of this model may use the model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests. </tab> </tabs>
Special Rules (Kroot Shaper on Knarloc): <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Loping Stride"> When this unit Advances, if the result of the die is less than 3, treat it as a 3 instead. </tab> <tab name="The Shaper Commands (Aura)"> Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly Kroot units within 6" of this model. If a unit has both the Kindred and Kroot Predators keyword, then the bonus does not apply to attacks made with weapons from the Kroot Predators Weapons list. </tab> <tab name="The Wisest of Their Kind (Aura)"> Kroot units within 6" of this model may use the model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests. </tab> <tab name="Thunderous Pounce"> Add 1 to wound tolls made for this unit's melee attacks if this unit made a charge move this turn. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Krootor Companion"> Each time this model fights make two additional attacks at Strength 4, Ap -2, and Damage 1, these are in addition to the model's attacks. In addition, add two wounds to this model's Wounds characteristic; these two wounds can't be recovered in any way, and once lost, remove this Upgrade from this model's profile. </tab> </tabs>
This model may replace its Kroot Rifle with one of the following:
-Eviscerator - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Eviscerator (swipe attack) | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Eviscerator (pierce attack) | Melee | Melee | +3 | -4 | 2 | You can only use this profile in a turn in which the bearer charged. |
-Pulse Blaster - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pulse Blaster (Long Range) | 15" | Assault 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Pulse Blaster (Medium Range) | 10" | Assault 2 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Pulse Blaster (Close Range) | 5" | Assault 2 | 6 | -2 | 2 | - |
-Pulse Carbine - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pulse Carbine | 18" | Assault 2 | 5 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pulse Rifle - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pulse Rifle | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 5 | 0 | 1 | - |
This model may take a Ancestors' Shield - +7 pts.
This model may take one of the followings:
-Knarloc - +12 pts./ +1 PR
-Krootor Companion Upgrade - +5 pts.
-Wings - +5 pts./ +1 PR
Keywords (Kroot Shaper):
- Faction: Kroot
- HQs, Kroot Shaper, Infantry, Character, Kindred
Keywords (Winged Kroot Shaper):
- Faction: Kroot
- HQs, Kroot Shaper, Infantry, Fly, Character, Kindred
Keywords (Kroot Shaper on Knarloc):
- Faction: Kroot
- HQs, Kroot Shaper, Kroot Shaper on Knarloc, Cavalry, Character, Kindred, Kroot Predators
Ghen Kath[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Ghen Kath (Power Rating: 4). Only one of this unit may be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Ghen Kath | 7" | 2+ | 3+ | 5 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 8 | 4+ | 85 |
-The Deboner
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
The Deboner (ripping mode) | Melee | Melee | +3 | -3 | 3 | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the two profiles, all attacks made during that phase must be done with the same profile. When attacking with this profile, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
The Deboner (slashing mode) | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | 1 | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the two profiles, all attacks made during that phase must be done with the same profile. When the bearer fights with this profile, make a number of hit rolls against one target unit equal to the number of models that the target unit has within 2" of the bearer. |
The Deboner | 12" | Assault D6 | +1 | -2 | 1 | Blast. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Amulet of the Hunter's Blood"> This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Beast Hunter"> Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by this model against Beast or Monster units. In addition, re-roll 1s to wound if the target is a Beast or Monster. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Slayer of the Void-borne"> When making an attack against a Tyranid unit, consider the Toughness characteristic of that unit as one point worse. </tab> </tabs>
Warlord Trait: If this model is your Warlord, it has the following Warlord Trait: <tabs> <tab name="Bane of Monsters"> When a Monster unit attacks this model during the Fight phase, it must halve its Strength characteristic and all saving throws made against this model's attacks (rounding up). </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: Kroot
- HQs, Ghen Kath, Kroot Beast-hunter, Infantry, Character, Kindred
Troops[edit | edit source]
Kroot Carnivores[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 10 Kroot Carnivores (Power Rating: 6). It can include up to 10 more Kroot Carnivores (Power Rating: +5).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroot Carnivore | 7" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 5+ | 10 |
-Kroot Rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Rifle | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | - |
Kroot Rifle | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Stealthy Hunters"> At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 7". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that are able to move at the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: Kroot
- Troops, Kroot Carnivores, Infantry, Kindred
Elites[edit | edit source]
Dahyak Grekh[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Dahyak Grekh (Power Rating: 3). Only one of this unit may be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Dahyak Grekh | 7" | 3+ | 2+ | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 4+ | 60 |
-Kroot Pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Dahyak's Precision Kroot Rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Dahyak's Precision Kroot Rifle | 36" | Heavy 2 | 6 | -3 | D3 | This weapon may target a Character even if it is not the closest enemy unit. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. If the target is a Blackstone Constructs Control unit, add 1 to the damage of the attack. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Concealed Booby Traps"> Once per battle, at the end of your opponent's Movement phase, you can choose an enemy unit on the battlefield and roll a D6. Subtract 1 from the result if the unit is a Character but add 1 if the unit contains 10 or more models. On a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 7+ it suffers D6 mortal wounds instead. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Fieldcraft"> Each time a ranged attack is allocated to this model while it is receiving the benefits of cover, add an additional 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack. </tab> <tab name="Quarry Can't Hide"> Each time you select a target for a weapon this model is making an attack with, no enemy model may intercept the attack in any way. </tab> <tab name="Tracker"> During deployment, you can set up Dahyak Grekh in pursuit instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phase, he can reveal his hiding place and attack - set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. </tab> </tabs>
Warlord Trait: If this model is your Warlord, it has the following Warlord Trait: <tabs> <tab name="Raider of the Blackstone Fortress"> Re-roll wound rolls of 1 against enemy Blackstone Constructs units. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: Kroot
- Elites, Dahyak Grekh, Infantry, Character, Kindred
Kroot Beast-hunter[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Kroot Beast-hunter (Power Rating: 2).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroot Beast-hunter | 7" | 2+ | 3+ | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 4+ | 40 |
Kroot Beast-hunter on Knarloc | 12" | 2+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 7 | 4+ | 70 |
Wargear (Kroot Beast-hunter):
-Kroot Blade
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Blade | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | 1 | - |
-Kroot Pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Kroot Rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Rifle | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | - |
Kroot Rifle | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
Wargear (Kroot Beast-hunter on Knarloc):
-Kroot Blade
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Blade | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | 1 | - |
-Kroot Pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Kroot Rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Rifle | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | - |
Kroot Rifle | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
-Sharp Beak and Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Sharp Beak and Talons | Melee | Melee | 5 | -2 | 1 | After a model riding a Knarloc makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 2 additional attacks, using this weapon profile. |
Special Rules (Kroot Beast-hunter): <tabs> <tab name="Beast Hunter"> Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by this model against Beast or Monster units. In addition, re-roll 1s to wound if the target is a Beast or Monster. This does not apply to the attacks made by the Sharp Beak and Talons. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Special Rules (Kroot Beast-hunter on Knarloc): <tabs> <tab name="Beast Hunter"> Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by this model against Beast or Monster units. In addition, re-roll 1s to wound if the target is a Beast or Monster. This does not apply to the attacks made by the Sharp Beak and Talons. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Loping Stride"> When this unit Advances, if the result of the die is less than 3, treat it as a 3 instead. </tab> <tab name="Thunderous Pounce"> Add 1 to wound tolls made for this unit's melee attacks if this unit made a charge move this turn. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Krootor Companion"> Each time this model fights make two additional attacks at Strength 4, Ap -2, and Damage 1, these are in addition to the model's attacks. In addition, add two wounds to this model's Wounds characteristic; these two wounds can't be recovered in any way, and once lost, remove this Upgrade from this model's profile. </tab> </tabs>
This model may take up to two items from the Beast-hunter Equipment list.
-Advanced Holo-sensors - +7 pts.
-Barbed Whip - +5 pts. (replaces Kroot Blade or Kroot Rifle)
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Barbed Whip | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, one (and only one) of its attacks can be made with this weapon. When the bearer fights with this weapon, make a number of hit rolls against one target unit equal to the number of models that the target unit has within 2" of the bearer. |
Barbed Whip | 12" | Assault D3 | +1 | -1 | 1 | Blast. |
-Beast Mauler - +8 pts. (replaces Kroot Blade or Kroot Rifle)
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Beast Mauler | Melee | Melee | +3 | -2 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
-Kroot Bow - +3 pts. (replaces Kroot Blade or Kroot Rifle)
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Bow | 24" | Assault 2 | +2 | * | 1 | The AP characteristic of this weapon is equal to a third of the Strenght characteristic of its bearer, rounding down (e.g. Strenght 4 means an AP of -1). |
-Precision Kroot Rifle - +7 pts. (replaces Kroot Blade or Kroot Rifle)
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Precision Kroot Rifle | 36" | Heavy 2 | 6 | -2 | D3 | This weapon may target a Character even if it is not the closest enemy unit. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. |
-Thunderbug Grenade - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunderbug Grenade | 12" | Grenade 1 | - | - | - | This weapon does not inflict any damage. Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for non-Vehicle/Titanic units that have suffered a hit from this weapon until the beginning of your next turn. In addition, a unit hit by this weapon can't be selected to fire overwatch in the following Assault phase. |
-Venom Coat - +6 pts.
This model may replace its Kroot Rifle with an Eviscerator - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Eviscerator (swipe attack) | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Eviscerator (pierce attack) | Melee | Melee | +3 | -4 | 2 | You can only use this profile in a turn in which the bearer charged. |
This model may take a Ancestors' Shield - +7 pts.
This model may take one of the followings:
-Knarloc - +12 pts./ +1 PR
-Krootor Companion Upgrade - +5 pts.
Keywords (Kroot Beast-hunter):
- Faction: Kroot
- Elites, Kroot Beast-hunter, Infantry, Character, Kindred
Keywords (Kroot Beast-hunter on Knarloc):
- Faction: Kroot
- Elites, Kroot Beast-hunter, Kroot Beast-hunter on Knarloc, Cavalry, Character, Kindred, Kroot Predators
Kroot Shaman[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Kroot Shaman (Power Rating: 2).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroot Shaman | 7" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 5+ | 35 |
-Kroot Staff
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Staff | Melee | Melee | +1 | 0 | 2 | - |
-Ritual Blade
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Ritual Blade | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | If any enemy models are destroyed by this weapon, friendly Kindred units within 6" of the bearer do not have to take Morale tests in the Morale phase at that turn. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Aura of the Spirits"> This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Invocations: This model knows the Invocation of the Hunter's Beak and one more Invocation from the Invocations of the Kindred list. This model may attempt to invoke one Invocation at the beginning of your Command phase. In addition, this model can attempt to deny two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase.
- Faction: Kroot
- Elites, Kroot Shaman, Infantry, Character, Shaman, Kindred
Krootox Riders[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Krootox Rider (Power Rating: 3). It can include 1 additional Krootox Rider (Power Rating: +3), 2 aditional Krootox Riders (Power Rating: +6), 3 aditional Krootox Riders (Power Rating: +9) or 4 aditional Krootox Riders (Power Rating: +12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Krootox Rider | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 4+ | 50 |
-Kroot Gun
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Gun | 48" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -1 | D3 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
-Krootox Fist
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Krootox Fists | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 2 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Agile Brute"> When this unit Advances, add 6" to its Move for that Movement phase instead of rolling a D6. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Any model may replace its Kroot Gun with a Kroot Bolt Thrower - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Bolt Thrower | 36" | Assault D6 | 6 | -1 | 1 | - |
- Faction: Kroot
- Elites, Krootox Rider, Cavalry, Kroot Predators
Tribal Guards[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 2 Tribal Guards (Power Rating: 3).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Tribal Guard | 7" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 4+ | 28 |
Tribal Guard on Knarloc | 12" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 4+ | 40 |
Wargear (Tribal Guard):
-Kroot Blade
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Blade | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | 1 | - |
-Ancestors' Shield
Wargear (Tribal Guard on Knarloc):
-Kroot Blade
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Blade | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | 1 | - |
-Ancestors' Shield
-Sharp Beak and Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Sharp Beak and Talons | Melee | Melee | 5 | -2 | 1 | After a model riding a Knarloc makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 2 additional attacks, using this weapon profile. |
Special Rules (Tribal Guard): <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="The Pack's Shield (Aura)"> Roll a D6 each time a friendly Kroot Character loses a wound whilst they are within 3" of this unit; on a 2+ a model from this unit can intercept that hit - the character does not lose a wound but this unit suffers a mortal wound. Then, roll a die for each mortal wound it suffers from this rule; on a 6+ it does not lose that wound. </tab> </tabs>
Special Rules (Tribal Guard on Knarloc): <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Loping Stride"> When this unit Advances, if the result of the die is less than 3, treat it as a 3 instead. </tab> <tab name="The Pack's Shield (Aura)"> Roll a D6 each time a friendly Kroot Character loses a wound whilst they are within 3" of this unit; on a 2+ a model from this unit can intercept that hit - the character does not lose a wound but this unit suffers a mortal wound. Then, roll a die for each mortal wound it suffers from this rule; on a 6+ it does not lose that wound. </tab> <tab name="Thunderous Pounce"> Add 1 to wound tolls made for this unit's melee attacks if this unit made a charge move this turn. </tab> </tabs>
These models may ride a Knarloc - +24 pts./+1 PR
Keywords (Tribal Guard):
- Faction: Kroot
- Elites, Tribal Guard, Infantry, Kindred
Keywords (Tribal Guard on Knarloc):
- Faction: Kroot
- Elites, Tribal Guard, Tribal Guard on Knarloc, Cavalry, Kindred, Kroot Predators
Fast Attacks[edit | edit source]
Knarloc Riders[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Knarloc Riders (Power Rating: 5). It can include up to 3 more Knarloc Riders (Power Rating: +5) or up to 6 more Knarloc Riders (Power Rating: +10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Knarloc Rider | 12" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 6 | 4+ | 35 |
-Kroot Rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Rifle | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | - |
Kroot Rifle | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
-Sharp Beak and Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Sharp Beak and Talons | Melee | Melee | 5 | -2 | 1 | After a model riding a Knarloc makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 2 additional attacks, using this weapon profile. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Loping Stride"> When this unit Advances, if the result of the die is less than 3, treat it as a 3 instead. </tab> <tab name="Thunderous Pounce"> Add 1 to wound tolls made for this unit's melee attacks if this unit made a charge move this turn. </tab> </tabs>
Any model in the unit may replace its Kroot Rifle with one of the following:
-Eviscerator - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Eviscerator (swipe attack) | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Eviscerator (pierce attack) | Melee | Melee | +3 | -4 | 2 | You can only use this profile in a turn in which the bearer charged. |
-Pulse Blaster - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pulse Blaster (Long Range) | 15" | Assault 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Pulse Blaster (Medium Range) | 10" | Assault 2 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Pulse Blaster (Close Range) | 5" | Assault 2 | 6 | -2 | 2 | - |
-Pulse Carbine - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pulse Carbine | 18" | Assault 2 | 5 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pulse Rifle - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pulse Rifle | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 5 | 0 | 1 | - |
- Faction: Kroot
- Fast Attacks, Knarloc Riders, Cavalry, Kindred, Kroot Predators
Kroot Hounds[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 5 Kroot Hounds (Power Rating: 1). It can include up to 5 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating: +1), up to 10 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating: +2), up to 15 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating: +3), up to 20 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating: +4) or up to 25 more Kroot Hounds (Power Rating: +5).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroot Hound | 12" | 3+ | - | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 6+ | 4 |
Kroot Handler on Knarloc | 12" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 7 | 4+ | 30 |
Wargear (Kroot Hound):
-Ripping Fangs
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Ripping Fangs | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | - |
Wargear (Kroot Handler on Knarloc):
-Kroot Rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Rifle | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | - |
Kroot Rifle | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
-Sharp Beak and Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Sharp Beak and Talons | Melee | Melee | 5 | -2 | 1 | After a model riding a Knarloc makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 2 additional attacks, using this weapon profile. |
Special Rules (Kroot Hound): <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Loping Stride"> When this unit Advances, if the result of the die is less than 3, treat it as a 3 instead. </tab> <tab name="Voracious Predators"> You can re-roll failed charge and wound rolls for this unit when targeting a unit that has suffered any unsaved wounds this turn. </tab> </tabs>
Special Rules (Kroot Handler on Knarloc): <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Hound Leader"> As long as this model is alive, each time this unit fails a Morale test only one model flees. </tab> <tab name="Loping Stride"> When this unit Advances, if the result of the die is less than 3, treat it as a 3 instead. </tab> <tab name="Thunderous Pounce"> Add 1 to wound tolls made for this unit's melee attacks if this unit made a charge move this turn. </tab> </tabs>
This unit may include a Kroot Handler on Knarloc - +30 pts.
The Kroot Handler on Knarloc may replace its Kroot Rifle with one of the following:
-Eviscerator - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Eviscerator (swipe attack) | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Eviscerator (pierce attack) | Melee | Melee | +3 | -4 | 2 | You can only use this profile in a turn in which the bearer charged. |
-Pulse Blaster - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pulse Blaster (Long Range) | 15" | Assault 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Pulse Blaster (Medium Range) | 10" | Assault 2 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Pulse Blaster (Close Range) | 5" | Assault 2 | 6 | -2 | 2 | - |
-Pulse Carbine - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pulse Carbine | 18" | Assault 2 | 5 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pulse Rifle - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pulse Rifle | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 5 | 0 | 1 | - |
Keywords (Kroot Hound):
- Faction: Kroot
- Fast Attacks, Kroot Hounds, Beast, Kroot Predators
Keywords (Kroot Handler on Knarloc):
- Faction: Kroot
- Fast Attacks, Kroot Handler on Knarloc, Cavalry, Character, Kindred, Kroot Predators
Kroot Hound Alpha[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Kroot Hound Alpha (Power Rating: 2).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroot Hound Alpha | 12" | 3+ | - | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 5+ | 40 |
-Ripping Claws
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Ripping Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | - |
-Savage Maw
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Savage Maw | Melee | Melee | +2 | -2 | D3 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer’s attacks. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Leader of the Pack"> You can re-roll failed hit rolls for friendly Kroot Hounds units within 12" in a turn in which they charged, were charged, or performed a heroic intervention. </tab> <tab name="Loping Stride"> When this unit Advances, if the result of the die is less than 3, treat it as a 3 instead. </tab> <tab name="Voracious Predators"> You can re-roll failed charge and wound rolls for this unit when targeting a unit that has suffered any unsaved wounds this turn. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: Kroot
- Fast Attacks, Beast, Kroot Predators, Kroot Hound Alpha
Vultures Flock[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 5 Vultures (Power Rating: 4). It can include up to 5 more Vultures (Power Rating: +4) or up to 10 more Vultures (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Vulture | 12" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 7+ | 15 |
-Kroot Rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Rifle | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | - |
Kroot Rifle | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Ambush From Above"> During deployment, you can set up this unit in the sky instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, this unit can ambush its enemy – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than D3+3" away from any enemy models. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: Kroot
- Fast Attacks, Vultures, Infantry, Fly, Kindred
Heavy Supports[edit | edit source]
Cerakrootian Herd[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Cerakrootian (Power Rating: 5). It can include 1 additional Cerakrootian (Power Rating: +5) or 2 additional Cerakrootians (Power Rating: +10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Cerakrootian | 5" | 4+ | 4+ | 5 | 7 | 9 | 2 | 6 | 4+ | 90 |
-Crushing Feet
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Crushing Feet | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 2 | Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon, instead of 1. |
-Kroot Gun
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Gun | 48" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -1 | D3 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Shield Generator"> This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. In addition, friendly Kroot Infantry, Beast and Cavalry units within 6" of this model gain a 5+ invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Steady Advance"> This model doesn't suffer any penalties for moving through Difficult Ground. </tab> <tab name="Support Herd"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Baggage Harness (Aura)"> While a friendly Kroot unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit. </tab> </tabs>
Any model may take the Baggage Harness upgrade - +5 pts.
- Faction: Kroot
- Heavy Supports, Cerakrootian, Monster, Kindred, Kroot Predators
Greater Knarloc Pack[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Greater Knarloc (Power Rating: 5). It can include 1 additional Greater Knarloc (Power Rating: +5) or 2 additional Greater Knarlocs (Power Rating: +10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Greater Knarloc | 7" | 3+ | 4+ | 7 | 7 | 9 | 4 | 6 | 4+ | 100 |
-Crushing Beak
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Crushing Beak | Melee | Melee | User | -4 | 3 | - |
-Razor Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Razor Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Hunting Pack"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Loping Stride"> When this unit Advances, if the result of the die is less than 3, treat it as a 3 instead. </tab> <tab name="Trampling Charge"> Each time a model with this special rule makes a pile-in move you can pick an enemy unit within 1" and roll a D6. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, 3 on a 6. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Baggage Harness (Aura)"> While a friendly Kroot unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit. </tab> </tabs>
Any model may take one of the followings:
-Kroot Bolt Thrower - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Bolt Thrower | 36" | Assault D6 | 6 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Twin Kroot Gun - +7 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Kroot Gun | 48" | Rapid Fire 2 | 7 | -1 | D3 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
Any model may take the Baggage Harness upgrade - +5 pts.
- Faction: Kroot
- Heavy Supports, Greater Knarloc, Monster, Kindred, Kroot Predators
Krootworm Pack[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Krootworm (Power Rating: 5). It can include 1 additional Krootworm (Power Rating: +5) or 2 additional Krootworms (Power Rating: +10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Krootworm | 12" | 3+ | - | 7 | 6 | 9 | 4 | 6 | 5+ | 90 |
-Drill Beak
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Drill Beak | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 3 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer’s attacks. |
-Sharp Limbs
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Sharp Limbs | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon, instead of 1. |
Special rules: <tabs> <tab name="Burrow"> At the beginning of any of your Movement phases, any Krootworm can burrow. Remove it from the battlefield – it can return as described in the Burrowing Explosion special rule. A Krootworm may not burrow and return to the battlefield in the same turn. If the battle ends while the Krootworm is underground, it is considered to be slain. </tab> <tab name="Burrowing Explosion"> During deployment, you can set up a Krootworm underground instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, set up the Krootworm anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 1" away from any enemy models and more than 3" from any other Krootworm set up this way this turn, then roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 2" of it; on a 1 the unit escapes unharmed, on a 2-3 it suffers 1 mortal wound, on a 4-5 it suffers D3 mortal wounds and on a 6 it suffers 3 mortal wounds. The Krootworm cannot charge in the same turn. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Hunting Pack"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Swallow Whole"> When attacking with this model's Drill Beak, if the hit roll is an unmodified 6, randomly chose one Infantry model in the attacked unit; that model is immediately slain. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: Kroot
- Heavy Supports, Monster, Krootworm, Kroot Predators
Flyers[edit | edit source]
Kroothawk Flock[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Kroothawk (Power Rating: 4). It can include 1 additional Kroothawk (Power Rating: +4) or 2 additional Kroothawks (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroothawk | 18" | 3+ | - | 7 | 6 | 10 | 4 | 6 | 4+ | 80 |
-Razor Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Razor Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Diving Attack"> At the end of the Movement phase, select one enemy unit this model has moved over this turn; on a roll of 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, 2D3 on a 6. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Hunting Pack"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Swooping Assault"> This model can only be charged by units that can Fly, and can only be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Transport Tent"> This model gains the Transport keyword and may transport up to 10 Kroot Infantry or Cavalry models (Cavalry models count as three models for the purpose of capacity). A model with this Upgrade cannot perform any diving attack. </tab> </tabs>
Any model may take the Transport Tent upgrade - +25 pts.
- Faction: Kroot
- Flyers, Kroothawk, Monster, Fly, Kroot Predators
Lords of War[edit | edit source]
Anghkor Prok[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Anghkor Prok (Power Rating: 13). Only one of this unit may be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Anghkor Prok | 7" | 2+ | 3+ | 5 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 10 | 5+ | 260 |
-Echoes from the Otherworld
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Echoes from the Otherworld | - | - | - | - | - | When using this weapon, the active profile corresponds to the type of spirit invoked by Anghkor through his Spirits of the Hunt (Aura) special rule during that turn. If the ability wasn't used, this weapon can't be used during that turn. Anghkor himself can't attack with this weapon, attacks made by this weapon are in addition to Anghkor Prok's attacks. |
-Echoes of the Hawk | Melee | Melee | 6 | -2 | D3 | Make D3 hit rolls when attacking with this weapon. |
-Echoes of the Hound | Melee | Melee | 4 | -1 | 1 | Make 4 hit rolls when attacking with this weapon. |
-Echoes of the Knarloc | Melee | Melee | 5 | -2 | 2 | Make 2 hit rolls when attacking with this weapon. |
-Tooth of Gmork
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Tooth of Gmork | Melee | Melee | +2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an enemy model suffers an unsaved wound from this weapon, it suffers one mortal wound in addition to the normal damage. These mortal wounds may not be negated in any way. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Friend of the T'au (Aura)"> This model and all friendly Kindred units within 6" of this model gain the For The Greater Good special rule from the Codex - T'aus: /tg/'s 9th Edition. </tab> <tab name="Spirit from the Beyond"> Roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 4+ that wound is not lost. In addition, this model cannot lose more than 3 wounds in the same phase; any wounds that would be lost after that point are not lost. Finally, add 1 to this model's Strength and Attacks characteristic for every friendly Kroothawk Shrine model within 24" of him (up to a maximum of +3). </tab> <tab name="Spirits of the Hunt (Aura)"> At the beginning of your Command phase, Anghkor Prok may invoke one spirit from the ones below. All friendly Kroot units within 12" Anghkor Prok gain the relevant benefit until the start of your next Command phase.
-Spirit of the Hawk: Add 1" to the Movement characteristic of models in this unit. In addition, enemy units must subtract 1 from their hit roll when targeting this unit while it's more than 12" away.
-Spirit of the Hound: Roll one additional die when Advancing or Charging with this unit and discard the lowest result. In addition, if this unit is fighting against a unit that has suffered any unsaved wounds this turn, you can re-roll one wound roll.
-Spirit of the Knarloc: Add 1 to the Strength and Attacks characteristics of models in this unit if they made a charge during this turn. </tab> <tab name="The Shaper Commands (Aura)"> Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly Kroot units within 6" of this model. If a unit has both the Kindred and Kroot Predators keyword, then the bonus does not apply to attacks made with weapons from the Kroot Predators Weapons list. </tab> <tab name="The Wisest of Them All (Aura)"> Friendly Kindred units within 12" of this model may use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests. </tab> </tabs>
Warlord Trait: If this model is your Warlord, it has the following Warlord Trait: <tabs> <tab name="Gaze of Vawk (Aura)"> Friendly Kroot units within 12" of this model may re-roll any Advance and Charge rolls. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: Kroot
- HQs, Anghkor Prok, Kroot Shaper, Infantry, Character, Kindred, Supreme Commander
Greater Knarloc Alpha[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Greater Knarloc Alpha (Power Rating: 15).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Greater Knarloc Alpha | 12" | 3+ | 4+ | 9 | 8 | 13-24 | 5 | 6 | 3+ | 300 |
Greater Knarloc Alpha | 9" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 8 | 7-12 | 6 | 6 | 3+ | 300 |
Greater Knarloc Alpha | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 7 | 8 | 1-6 | 7 | 6 | 3+ | 300 |
-Crushing Beak
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Crushing Beak | Melee | Melee | User | -4 | 3 | - |
-Crushing Feet
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Crushing Feet | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 2 | Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon, instead of 1. |
-Heavy Kroot Gun
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy Kroot Gun | 48" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -3 | 2D3 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
-Razor Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Razor Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 3 | - |
-Spiked Tail
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Spiked Tail | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. Make D3 hit rolls for this attack instead of one. This is in addition to the bearer’s attacks. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Baggage Harness (Aura)"> While a friendly Kindred unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit. </tab> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Knarloc Alpha"> Friendly Kroot Cavalry and Greater Knarloc units within 6" of this model add 3" to their advance and charge distances and may add 1 to their hit rolls during the Fight phase. </tab> <tab name="Trampling Charge"> Each time a model with this special rule makes a pile-in move you can pick an enemy unit within 1" and roll a D6. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, 3 on a 6. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Transport Hooks"> This model gains the Transport keyword and may transport up to 15 Kroot Infantry models. </tab> </tabs>
This model may take two of the followings in any combination:
-Kroot Bolt Thrower - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Bolt Thrower | 36" | Assault D6 | 6 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Twin Kroot Gun - +7 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Kroot Gun | 48" | Rapid Fire 2 | 7 | -1 | D3 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
This model may replace its Heavy Kroot Gun with a Supremacy Railgun - +30 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Supremacy Railgun (Submunitions) | 72" | Heavy 2D6 | 6 | -1 | 1 | Blast. |
Supremacy Railgun (Soild Shot) | 72" | Heavy 2 | 10 | -4 | 3D3 | Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target unit suffers D3 mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage. |
This model may take the Transport Hooks upgrade - +25 pts.
- Faction: Kroot
- Lords of War, Greater Knarloc Alpha, Monster, Titanic, Kindred, Kroot Predators
Kroototh[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Kroototh (Power Rating: 15).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroototh | 8" | 3+ | 4+ | 9 | 8 | 11-20 | 6 | 6 | 3+ | 300 |
Kroototh | 7" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 8 | 6-10 | 2D3 | 6 | 3+ | 300 |
Kroototh | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 7 | 8 | 1-5 | D3 | 6 | 3+ | 300 |
-Heavy Stubber
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy Stubber | 36" | Heavy 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | A unit that suffer an unsaved wound from this weapon has to subtract 1 from its hit rolls in the subsequent Fighting phase. |
-Kroot Crumbler
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Crumbler | 36" | Assault 1 | 8 | -1 | 2D3 | Units that suffer a hit from this weapon must halve their Movement and Advance distances until the beginning of your next turn. |
-Kroototh Fists
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroototh Fists | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 2D3 | When making an attack with this weapon, add 1 to the Damage and Ap characteristic if the Strength of the attack is at least double the target's Toughness characteristic. |
-Razor Tail
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Razor Tail | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 2 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer’s attacks. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Feral Hunters"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Furious Inertia"> When this model charges, roll an additional D6 and discard the lowest result if this model Advanced in its previous Movement phase. In addition, if the charge is successful, until the end of the turn add 1 to this model's wound rolls. </tab> <tab name="Wall of Muscles"> Roll a die each time this model suffers a wound, on a 5+ the wound is not lost. Add 1 to the roll if the Ap characteristic of the attack is 0 or -1. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: Kroot
- Lords of War, Kroototh, Monster, Titanic, Kindred, Kroot Predators
Fortifications[edit | edit source]
Hidden Mines[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Hidden Mines (Power Rating: 2). It can include up to 3 additional Hidden Mines (Power Rating: +2) or up to 6 additional Hidden Mines (Power Rating: +4).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Hidden Mine | - | - | - | - | 2 | 1 | - | 10 | 6+ | 10 |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Hidden Mines"> Before the battle begins, before both armies are deployed, secretly decide a number of points on the battlefield equal to the number of hidden mines in this unit. These models are hidden in those places. A Hidden Mine explodes if it is within 3" of any enemy units at the end of any Movement or Charge phase. Each time a Hidden Mine explodes, roll a D6; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D3 mortal wounds on every unit within 3", and on a 6 it inflicts 3 mortal wounds instead. The Hidden Mine is then destroyed. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: Kroot
- Fortifications, Hidden Mines, Building
Kroot Towers[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Kroot Tower (Power Rating: 4). It can include 1 additional Kroot Tower (Power Rating: +4) or 2 additional Kroot Towers (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroot Tower | - | - | 4+ | - | 7 | 10 | - | 10 | 4+ | 80 |
-Kroot Bolt Thrower
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kroot Bolt Thrower | 36" | Assault D6 | 6 | -1 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Explodes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Kroot Fortification"> A Kroot Tower is no larger than 4"x4"x6". This unit must be deployed once both players have finished setting their armies on the table and models in this unit don't have to be put in unit coherency. From that point onwards, each model operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Immobile"> This model cannot move for any reason, nor can it fight in the Fight phase. Enemy models automatically hit this model in the Fight phase – do not make hit rolls. Friendly units can still target enemy units that are within Engagement Range of this model. </tab> </tabs>
This model may replace its Kroot Bolt Thrower for one of the following:
-Heavy Kroot Gun - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy Kroot Gun | 48" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -3 | 2D3 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 2 from its hit rolls. |
-Twin Kroot Gun - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Kroot Gun | 48" | Rapid Fire 2 | 7 | -1 | D3 | This weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. |
- Faction: Kroot
- Fortifications, Kroot Tower, Building, Kindred
Kroothawk Shrine[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Kroothawk Shrine (Power Rating: 4). It can include 1 additional Kroothawk Shrine (Power Rating: +4) or 2 additional Kroothawk Shrines (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Kroothawk Shrine | - | - | - | - | 7 | 8 | - | - | 4+ | 70 |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Immobile"> This model cannot move for any reason, nor can it fight in the Fight phase. Enemy models automatically hit this model in the Fight phase – do not make hit rolls. Friendly units can still target enemy units that are within Engagement Range of this model. </tab> <tab name="Sacred Land"> Friendly Kroot units within 12" of this model add 1 to their Leadership characteristic. In addition, when friendly Shaman units within 12" of this model are invoking an Invocation, add 1 to the roll. </tab> <tab name="Spiritual Site"> When setting up this unit, place each Kroothawk Shrine as if it was a different unit. From that point onward each Kroothawk Shrine is considered to be its own unit. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: Kroot
- Fortifications, Kroothawk Shrine, Building, Kindred
Crusade Rules[edit | edit source]
Agendas[edit | edit source]
- Hunting Expedition: The shaper has spoken, a new hunt will begin, and with that a new harvest for his kindred.
- Keep an Hunting tally for each Kroot Kindred unit from your army. At the end of each Shooting or Fight phase, add 1 to that unit's Hunting tally if it destroyed 1 or more enemy units that phase.
- At the end of the battle, each unit gains 1 experience point for every 2 marks on its Hunting tally.
- Military Espionage: Sometimes the contract requires a stealthy approach to the battle, this is of no problem to the kroot, for their abilities are well adapted to work in the dark.
- Kroot Infantry units from your army can attempt the following action:
- Military Espionage (Action): At the end of your Movement phase, one unit from your army that is within 12" of an enemy Character and not inside its line of sight can start to perform this action. This action is completed at the start of your next Command phase. This action cannot be attempted more than once for each enemy Character.
- Each time this Action is completed you gain 3 Victory Points.
- Taker of Heads: The best way to defeat one's target is to cut their head, be it figuratively or literally, it works either way.
- Each time a unit from your army kills an enemy Character or leader model (e.g. Space Marine Seargent) during the Fight phase, that unit gains 1 experience point.
Requisitions[edit | edit source]
- DNA Acquired (2 RP): Battling against a myriad of opponents has its benefits, like obtaining different sorts of DNA with which to evolve.
- Purchase this Requisition after a victory is achieved in a battle against an army that doesn't have the Kroot, Necrons, Blackstone Constructs or Chaos keyword. Select one unit from your army and randomly assign one trait from the DNA Assimilation Stratagem from the respective faction to that unit. If your Crusade force includes a Kroot Shaper unit, then you can choose the trait instead of rolling it and apply it both to that unit and the Kroot Shaper. Add 1 to the Crusade points of units affected by this Requisition accordingly and make a note on its Crusade card. This Requisition can only be used once per battle.
- Healthy Budget (0 RP): Achieving the employer's goals is something indeed important for a mercenary. If those who pay you become richer, then so will your payment.
- Purchase this Requisition when you purchase the Increase Supply Limit Requisition. If your army contains a number of units that don't possess the Kroot keyword greater than those who do, select one Kroot unit in your army; that unit immediately benefits from the Fresh Recruits or Rearm and Resupply Requisition.
- Mount Acquired (1 RP): Owning a Knarloc is a symbol of great courage and control, these warriors have differed from the rest on the battlefield and so they are granted their place in the winds.
- Purchase this Requisition after a battle. Select one Infantry Kroot Shaper, Kroot Beast-hunter or Tribal Guards unit from your army that has obtained a Battle Trait this game. That unit can be upgraded to ride a Knarloc without any additional points increase. If so, add 1 to the Crusade points of the unit and make a note on its Crusade card. This Requisition can't target Kroot Shaper units with Wings or units with the Krootor Companion Upgrade.
Battle Traits[edit | edit source]
Kindred Units (without the Kroot Predators keyword)[edit | edit source]
- 1) Alien Reinforcements: When the chances are odd, it's always nice to have additional troops on the field, for an additional price that is.
- This unit does not count towards the number of Kroot units in your army when following the Alien Mercenaries Detachment Rule.
- 2) Fearsome Hunters: Countless battles have turned these kroot warriors into fearsome experts at killing their target.
- Add 1 to the attack characteristic of models in this unit.
- 3) Genetic Code Reshuffling: Kroot physiology is extremely versatile when it comes to evolutionary traits and some kroot are capable of assuming multiples at once.
- This unit benefits from one additional Evolutionary Trait.
Kroot Predators Units[edit | edit source]
- 1) Accelerated Metabolism: The cellular functions of these kroot beasts are highly sped up, granting them more energy but at a higher food cost.
- When this unit charges, roll an additional D6 and subtract the lowest result.
- 2) Aggressive Predators: Nurtured with the blood of their prey, these beasts know well the warmth of fresh insides and that has turned them into fearsome predators.
- Add 1 to the attack characteristic of models in this unit. If this unit is a Cavalry, then instead make one additional attack with that unit's Sharp Beak and Talons.
- 3) Unparalleled Ferocity: These beasts have been trained in the midst of war; for them, every second is a battle for survival, and they'll show their strength with every bite and scratch.
- Re-roll hit rolls of 1 when attacking with weapons from the Kroot Predators Weapons list.
Kroot Shaper Units[edit | edit source]
- 1) Leader of the Pack: In this tribe, no one dares to argue the will of this individual, for only he is the true leader of the kindred.
- Add 3" to this model's The Shaper Commands special rule.
- 2) Renowned Mercenary: As the fame of this individual rises, so does the pay required to keep it on this side of the conflict.
- If your army contains a number of units that don't possess the Kroot keyword greater than those who do, each time this model gains a Battle Trait after this, you gain 1 Requisition point. Requisition points gained this way can only be used to purchase Requisitions that target Kroot units in your Crusade force.
- 3) Taker of Trophies: This individual takes great pleasure in taking little mementos of its past hunts. These trophies only serve to boost the fighting spirit of those around it.
- Each time this model slays an enemy Character or leader model (e.g. Space Marine Seargent) during the Fight phase, friendly Kindred units within 6" of it add 1 to their Leadership characteristic to a maximum of 10.
Shaman Units[edit | edit source]
- 1) Channeling of the Ancestors' Might: With great concentration, this shaman channels inside itself the power of the past high shamans, so they can guide it once more.
- This unit can invoke one additional Invocation during your Command phase.
- 2) Favored of the Spirits: Those watching from above have taken a particular liking to this kroot and they do their best to aid it when the time comes.
- Invocations invoked by this unit do not count towards the number of times those Invocations can be invoked during your Command phase.
- 3) Wisdom of Past Hunts: Stories passed down from one generation to the next have provided this shaman with great knowledge in the sacred arts of the kindred.
- When this unit is trying to invoke an Invocation, add 1 to the result of the roll.
Hunting Trophies[edit | edit source]
Each time a Kroot Shaper or Kroot Beast-hunter from your army kills an enemy Character or leader model (e.g. Space Marine Seargent) during the Fight phase, add one Trophy token to its Crusade card.
For every fifth trophy gained, you can select one of the abilities shown below for that Character unit. Increase its Crusade points by 1 for each of these abilities selected. No model can have more than three of these abilities.
- Adept of the Killing Blow: This dreaded hunter has mastered the art of the Killing Blow. When facing against it, there's no armor too thick or blade too strong which can withstand its attack.
- When this Character attacks during the Fight phase, instead of rolling for its attacks as usual, it can perform a Killing Blow. If so, make only one hit roll with the chosen weapon, but double the Strength and Damage characteristic of that attack. In addition, enemy models must halve the result of their save rolls when rolling for this attack. After performing a Killing Blow, the Character can't fight again that Fight phase, regardless of any Stratagem or Special Rule.
- Breaker of Machines: Mechanical adversaries aren't seen often by the kroot, but this individual has fought far and wide and is now adapted to these strange beings' weaknesses.
- On a wound roll of 6+ against Vehicle, Blackstone Constructs or Necrons units, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage.
- Master of Venom: Venom is a brutal weapon capable of instantly ending a hunt if used correctly. It's only natural for a skilled hunter to take full advantage of this deadly substance.
- Attacks made by this model always wound on a wound roll of 2+, unless the target is a Vehicle or a Titanic unit. If this model is equipped with Venom Coat, then add 1 to the damage characteristic of weapons this model is equipped with instead.
- Patient Assassin: The most deadlier of hunters is the one that knows when is the perfect time to strike its target from the shadows.'
- At the start of the game, before the battle begins, chose one enemy Character that is on the battlefield. This model can only target that enemy model but, in addition, for each battle round in which this model is not in the Engagement Range of that enemy Character, it gains one of the traits below. These traits are cumulative but they stop being awarded after the first time this model arrives within the Engagement Range of that enemy model.
- -This model adds 1 to its hit rolls against the enemy Character.
- -Wounds caused by this model can't be intercepted in any way.
- -The enemy Character can't disengage from this model.
- -Halve the result of the enemy Character's armor saving throws against attacks made by this model.
- Slayer of Warpspawn: Creatures tainted by the influences of the otherworld risk to ruin the hunting grounds who are homeland to the kroot from generations. For this reason, they have to be stopped.
- Daemon and Psyker units suffer one additional damage from attacks made by this model. In addition, Daemon and Psyker must subtract one from their invulnerable saves while within 6" of this model.
- Striker of the Weak: This kroot knows the best time to strike is when its enemy is at its lowest because is at that time that its defenses are the most fragile.
- This Character can re-roll failed wound rolls against models that have lost at least half of their starting number of wounds.
Weapon Enhancements[edit | edit source]
Kroot Weapons[edit | edit source]
-1) Fast Reload: Strength isn't the only thing that makes a weapon powerful on the battlefield, rate of fire too is an essential characteristic to consider, and the added magazine capacity of this weapon makes full use of this logic.
- If this weapon has a random number of shots, then double the number of shots it fires (up to a maximum of 10).
-2) Firm Handle: An abrasive layer wrapped around the handle greatly improves efficiency in battle, albeit at the cost of slight discomfort.
- Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
-3) Tracker Rounds: Special rounds fired in the confusion of battle work on the peculiar sight of kroot organism. An enemy marked by this visible scent will never be able to escape its cruel trackers.
- If this weapon hits an enemy unit during the Shooting phase, then this unit can re-roll charge rolls and hit rolls of 1 during the following Fight phase against the same enemy unit.
Kroot Beast-hunter Weapons[edit | edit source]
-1) Balancing Weight: The added weight on the handle of this gruesome weapon, negates its iconic slowness, granting an even heavier impact.
- Beast Mauler only. Add 1 to the Ap characteristic of this weapon; in addition, attacking with this weapon no longer inflicts a penalty to the bearer's hit rolls.
-2) Light Bow: An upgraded version of the standard model, this bow has an added rate of fire on top of improved maneuverability.
- Kroot Bow only. Change the Type of this weapon to Rapid Fire 2; in addition, this weapon may be fired even if the wielder Advanced during its turn, however, it must subtract 1 from its hit rolls.
-3) Serpentine Flail: Betterly balanced with added spikes, this whip soars through the air to envelop the enemy in a barbed prison.
- Barbed Whip only. When making an attack with a Barbed Whip, make two hit rolls for each enemy model within 2" instead of only one.
Kroot Predators Weapons[edit | edit source]
-1) Cheramite Fangs and Talons: These fangs are so sharp, they are able to pierce through anything like air.
- Improve the Ap characteristic of this weapon by two points (e.g. Ap: 0 becomes Ap: -2, and so on).
-2) Implanted Toxins: Careful selection of alien DNA has developed toxin glands inside the bodies of these kroot beasts, making every wound and scratch even deadlier.
- When making an attack with this weapon, add 1 to the wound roll.
-3) Improved Muscle Strength: Thicker muscles turn the fearful impact of a kroot beast into an unstoppable force of carnage.
- Improve the Damage characteristic of this weapon by one point (e.g. Damage: 1 becomes Damage: 2, and so on).
Battle Scars[edit | edit source]
Kindred Units Only[edit | edit source]
-Crippled Fighter: A hunter that cannot move is of no use to the kindred.
- This unit loses its Feral Hunters special rule and must halve all movement and charge distances (rounding up).
Kroot Predators Units Only[edit | edit source]
-Deadly Rabies: A strong infection has transformed these predators into untamable monsters.
- This unit must advance closer to, charge, and attack the nearest unit (even if friendly).
- If a Kroot Predators unit is wounded by a unit with this Battle Scar, then at the end of the battle, that unit also receives this Battle Scar.
Kroot Shaper and Kroot Beast-hunter Units Only[edit | edit source]
-Blood-starved Hunter: Drunken by the hunt, these fallen predators wander the field without a goal, the only thing they seek is to bathe in the blood of the beasts.
- This unit must advance closer to, charge, and attack the nearest Beast or Monster unit (even if friendly).
- Each time this model fights, consider its Weapon Skill as one point worse.
- This unit loses its The Shaper Commands and The Wisest of Their Kind special rules.
Shaman Units Only[edit | edit source]
-Forsaken by the Ancients: This Shaman has dishonored the ancient spirits of the past and has lost all of their protection and wisdom.
- This unit loses its Aura of the Spirits special rule.
- This unit cannot invoke any Invocations.
Crusade Relics[edit | edit source]
Artificer Relics[edit | edit source]
- Body-Restoring DNA Strain: This kroot has developed a mutation that lets it shape its body structure to quickly repair body damage.
- At the start of your Command phase, the bearer regains D3 lost wounds.
- Kroothawk Feather: Kroothawk descend from the long-lost ancestors of the kroot. Even after innumerable generations, the bond between these two species is still strong.
- Add 2 to the Movement characteristic of the bearer. In addition, when the bearer advances or charges, you can re-roll the result.
- Krootwood Amulet: A small fang-shaped amulet carved from the hardwood of a petrified tree of Pech. A feeble warp-repellent aura propagates from its inside.
- The bearer has a 5+ invulnerable save. In addition, once a turn, the bearer may attempt to Deny the Witch as if it was a Psyker.
Antiquity Relics[edit | edit source]
- Anghkor Prok's Mantle: The long-lost mantle of the legendary shaper Anghkor Prok, a symbol of status and respect among any kroot tribe.
- Kroot Shaper model only. Add 2 to the leadership characteristic of friendly Kindred units within 12" of the bearer. Each time the bearer slays an enemy Character during the Fight phase, all friendly Kindred units within 6" have a bonus of 1 to their attack characteristic for the remainder of the phase.
- Krootwood Relic Blade: A charred knife fashioned from the petrified trunk of a tree inside Pech's core. The sharp edge is covered in dried, black blood. This blade has done terrible things.
- This Relic replaces a Ritual Blade and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Krootwood Relic Blade Melee Melee User -3 2 Roll a die each time a model suffers a wound from this weapon. On a 5+, that model suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Legendary Relics[edit | edit source]
- Heart of the Core-beast: Rumored to be the beating heart of a forgotten gargantuan beast that ruled over Pech in the ancient time. Just being near it, a kroot may feel its dark influence.
- The bearer of this Relic has a 3+ invulnerable save. Add 3 to the bearer's Strength and Attacks characteristics. Invulnerable saves may not be taken against wounds inflicted by the bearer during the Fight phase.
- Krootwood Lightning Staff: A sacred staff of glowing blue taken from the branch of a petrified tree inside Pech's crust. Its core crackles under the strength of thunder. It's said this weapon houses the spirit of an ancient kroot deity.
- Kroot Master Shaman model only. This Relic replaces a Kroot Staff and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Krootwood Lightning Staff Melee Melee +1 -3 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon a wound roll of 6+ inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage. Krootwood Lightning Staff 12" Pistol 3 7 -3 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, a hit roll of 6+ scores 2 additional hits. Each time an attack is made with this weapon a wound roll of 6+ inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage.