Codex - Legion of the Damned Angry Hawk Edition

Introduction[edit | edit source]
This is an initiative to improve internal and external balancing of codices.
Every Angry Codex should be able to make the game more fun on its own. While ideally two angry codices will face each other, an angry codex should be able to play against both a normal codex and an angry codex.
The two most important rules are that angry codices should be fun to play with, which is obvious, but just as important, it must be fun to play against.
This dex is going to undergo heavy revisions over the next couple of weeks, please bear with me.
Disclaimer[edit | edit source]
Games Workshop in no way endorses any of the Angry Codices. No infringement is intended with this work, nor any other of the Angry Codices. The intent of the angry codices is NOT to make GW go out of business, but rather to improve the quality of the hobby, which leads to a happier and larger player base.
Editing[edit | edit source]
Feel free to edit wordings to improve readability. Add anything you like to any of the Angry Codices, except the Angry Necrons, Dark Eldar and Daemons, for these documents you should instead first argue in the discussion page before adding or changing anything. If someone objects to something you have written or changed, you should civilly discuss and prove why your idea is good and how it fits with fluff/is more balanced etc. etc. If no conclusion can be made then the Angry Pirate has the final say, if he does not say anything remove any changes from the official codex. If you don´t agree with an edit the Angry Pirate has made you can write in the talk page of the relevant talk page or in my page by clicking the first blue link. Angry Pirate (talk)
Allies[edit | edit source]
Sworn Enemies: Units with Sworn Enemies are treated exactly like Come the Apocalypse but the One Eye Open special rule has a range of 12" and is failed on a roll of 1,2 or 3.
Army Level of Alliance Legion of the Damned Battle Brothers Armies of the Imperium Allies of Convenience Armies of the Eldar Desperate Allies Forces of Chaos Sworn Enemies Necrons Come the Apocalypse Orks Come the Apocalypse Tau Desperate Allies The Relentless Swarm Sworn Enemies
- Armies of the Imperium includes: Imperial Knights, Space Wolves, Space Marines, Ordo Xenos, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Hereticus, Grey Knights, Officio Assasinorum and Adepta Sororitas.
- Armies of the Eldar includes: Eldar Craftworlds, Harlequins and Dark Eldar.
- Forces of Chaos includes: Daemons of Chaos, Chaos Space Marines, Mutants and Heretics.
- The Relentless Swarm includes: Tyranids and Genestealer Cults
Detachments and Formations[edit | edit source]
Formations[edit | edit source]
Aid Unlooked For[edit | edit source]
- 1-3 Legion of the Damned Squads
Special Rules:
- Fires of Judgement: Any unit within 6" of a unit with this special rule after the unit Deep Strikes suffers D6 Strength 4 AP - hits with the Soul Blaze special rule. Vehicles are hit on their side armour.
- Spectral Horrors: All enemy units within 12" of two or more units from this formation suffer a -3 penalty to their Leadership, this special rule has no effect on models with the Fearless and/or Stubborn special rules.
Legion of the Damned[edit | edit source]
Elites[edit | edit source]
Legion of the Damned Squad[edit | edit source]
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | ||
Legionnaire | 140 pts | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry | 4 Legionnaires, 1 Legionnaire Sergeant |
Legionnaire Sergeant | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) |
- Boltgun
- Bolt pistol
- Frag grenades
- Krak grenades
Special Rules
- Fearless
- Fear
- Fearless
- Slow and Purposeful
- Deep Strike
- Aid From Beyond: Units with this special rule must start the game in Deep Strike reserves. When a unit with this special rule arrives by Deep Strike, you may re-roll the Scatter dice.
- Flaming projectiles: all weapons carried by models with this special rule have the Ignores Cover and Soul Blaze special rules.
- Unyielding Spectres: Models with this special rule have a 3+ invulnerable save.
- Squad Orders (Legionnaire Sergeant only): Any model with this special rule, may attempt to make a unit order once per game during your shooting phase. To issue a unit order select one of the special rules listed below and take a leadership test using ordering model´s leadership, if successful the ordering model´s unit gains the selected special rule until the start of the next friendly shooting phase.
- Counter-attack . Fleet . Furious Charge . Hit and Run . Interceptor . Split Fire
- May include up to five additional Legionnaires - 25 pts/model
- One Legionnaire may replace boltgun with one of the following:
- Flamer - 4 pts - Plasma gun - 12 pts - Meltagun - 15 pts
- A different Legionnaire may replace boltgun with one of the following:
- Heavy bolter - 13 pts - Heavy flamer - 8 pts - Multi-melta - 0 pts - Missile launcher with 1/2/3 ammunition types - 13/17/20 pts - Plasma cannon - 15 pts - Lascannon - 20 pts
- Legionnaire Sergeant may replace boltgun with one of the following:
- Chainsword - 0 pts - Power weapon - 15 pts - Power fist - 25 pts
- Legionnaire Sergeant may replace bolt pistol and/or Melee weapon with one of the following:
- Storm bolter - 5 pts - Combi-flamer - 4 pts - Combi-grav or -plasma - 8 pts - Combi-melta - 10 pts - Grav-pistol - 5 pts - Plasma pistol - 8 pts
- One Legionnaire Sergeant in your army may take the Animus Malorum - 30 pts
The bearer and all Legionnaire models in his unit have the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule. Furthermore, whenever an enemy unit fails a Fear, Pinning or Morale check within 12" of the bearer, the bearer’s unit receives a +1 modifier to their Feel No Pain rolls (to a maximum of Feel No Pain (4+)) until the end of the game.