Codex - Primaris Marines: /tg/'s 9th Edition

"You’ll get what you deserve soon enough. We Primaris Marines are the future, and we will be the death of you."
- – Lieutenant Xedro Farren of the Dark Angels, about the Firstborns
The main goal of this codex is to finally merge the firstborn and the primaris marines. I change almost every primaris unit to made them as adaptable as possible, like the firstborn before them.
If you have any suggestions or ideas, please post them in the Talk page. I would be very grateful.
I want to thank Fabrizio Carminati (devianart) for the incredible artworks!
Army Rules[edit | edit source]
Abilities[edit | edit source]
- Angels of Death: Space Marines are amongst the finest warriors in the Imperium.
- This unit has the following abilities, which are described below: And They Shall Know No Fear; Bolter Discipline; Shock Assault; Combat Doctrines.
- And They Shall Know No Fear: Space Marines stand unafraid before the terrors of the galaxy.
- Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for this unit, ignore any or all modifiers.
- Bolter Discipline: To a Space Marine, the bolter is more than a weapon - it is an instrument of Mankind’s divinity, the bringer of death to his foes.
- Instead of following the normal rules for Rapid Fire weapons, models in this unit shooting Rapid Fire bolt weapons make double the number of attacks if any of the following apply:
- The shooting model’s target is within half the weapon’s range.
- The shooting model is INFANTRY and its unit Remained Stationary in your previous Movement phase.
- For the purposes of this ability, a Rapid Fire bolt weapon is any bolt weapon with the Rapid Fire type.
- Instead of following the normal rules for Rapid Fire weapons, models in this unit shooting Rapid Fire bolt weapons make double the number of attacks if any of the following apply:
- Shock Assault: The Adeptus Astartes are elite troops who strike with the fury of a thunderbolt. Few opponents can withstand this onslaught.
- Each time this unit fights, if it made a charge move, was charged, or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that fight is resolved, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in this unit.
- Combat Doctrines: When the Adeptus Astartes fight, they employ a set of combat doctrines to eliminate the enemy. After pounding the foe with heavy weapons, warriors advance to lay down a hail of bolter fire before charging forth with chainswords roaring to finish the foe.
- If every unit from your army has the ADEPTUS ASTARTES keyword (excluding AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM and UNALIGNED units), this unit gains a bonus (see below) depending on which combat doctrine is active for your army, as follows:
- During the first battle round, the Devastator Doctrine is active for your army.
- During the second battle round, the Tactical Doctrine is active for your army.
- At the start of the third battle round, select either the Tactical Doctrine or Assault Doctrine: until the end of that battle round, the doctrine you selected is active for your army.
- During the fourth and subsequent battle rounds, the Assault Doctrine is active for your army.
- Unless specified otherwise, this bonus is cumulative with any other rules that improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of a weapon.
- Devastator Doctrine: While this combat doctrine is active, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of every Heavy and Grenade weapon that models in this unit are equipped with by 1.
- Tactical Doctrine: While this combat doctrine is active, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of every Rapid Fire and Assault weapon that models in this unit are equipped with by 1.
- Assault Doctrine: While this combat doctrine is active, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of every Pistol and Melee weapon that models in this unit are equipped with by 1.
- If every unit from your army has the ADEPTUS ASTARTES keyword (excluding AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM and UNALIGNED units), this unit gains a bonus (see below) depending on which combat doctrine is active for your army, as follows:
Deployment Abilities[edit | edit source]
- Combat Squads: Space Marine squads can break down into smaller, tactically flexible formations known as combat squads.
- At the start of deployment, before any units have been set up, if this unit contains the maximum number of models that it can, then it can be split into two units containing as equal a number of models as possible. When splitting a unit using this ability, make a note of which models form each of the two new units.
- Concealed Positions: Vanguard forces often infiltrate the battlefield ahead of the main advance, taking up forward positions to ambush the foe.
- During deployment, when you set up this unit, if every model in this unit has this ability then it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models.
- Death From Above: The Angels of Death launch their attack from all directions. Troops equipped with jump packs descend from the heavens, guns blazing as they slam into battle.
- During deployment, if every model in this unit has this ability, then you can set up this unit high in the skies instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.
- Outflank: When necessary, Space Marine units can operate behind enemy lines indefinitely, awaiting the perfect opportunity to appear on the enemy’s flank and wreak havoc.
- During deployment, if every model in this unit has this ability, then you can set up this unit behind enemy lines instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit wholly within 6" of any battlefield edge and more than 9" away from any enemy models.
- Teleport Strike: Space Marine strike cruisers and battle barges contain baroque chambers fitted with ancient technologies that can teleport the Angels of Death into the very heart of battle.
- During deployment, if every model in this unit has this ability, then you can set up this unit in a teleportarium chamber instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.
Detachment Rules[edit | edit source]
An ADEPTUS ASTARTES Detachment is one that only includes models with the ADEPTUS ASTARTES keyword (excluding models with the AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM or UNALIGNED keyword).
- ADEPTUS ASTARTES Detachments gain the Company Command ability.
- ADEPTUS ASTARTES units (excluding SERVITOR) in ADEPTUS ASTARTES Detachments gain the Chapter Tactics ability.
- Troops units in ADEPTUS ASTARTES Detachments gain the Objective Secured ability.
- At the end of your Command phase, if one or more ADEPTUS ASTARTES Troops units from your army are within range of an objective marker you control, that objective marker remains under your control, even if there are no models within range of it, unless your opponent controls it at the end of any subsequent phase.
Company Command: When Space Marines are deployed to battle, the honour of leading them often falls to the Captain of a company and his esteemed Lieutenants.
- You can include a maximum of one Captain model and two Lieutenant models in each Detachment in your army.
Chapter Tactics: Each Chapter has its own combat philosophy suited to the unique skills of its battle-brothers.
- All ADEPTUS ASTARTES units (other than Servitor) with this ability, and all the models in them, gain a Chapter Tactic and a Combat Doctrine Bonus so long as every unit in their Detachment is from the same <Chapter>. The tactic and the bonus gained depend upon which <Chapter> they are from, as shown on the following pages.
Objective Secured: The warriors of the Adeptus Astartes are sworn to defend the Imperium of Mankind. While a single Space Marine still stands, the light of Humanity will never fade.
- If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in Faction Keyword Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.
Weapon Definitions[edit | edit source]
Some rules refer to bolt weapons, flame weapons, melta weapons or plasma weapons. The definitions of these weapons for the purposes of such rules can be found below:
- Bolt weapons: Sacred instruments of destruction, they are the hallmark of the Space Marines. Harnessing the fury of self-propelled mass-reactive shells, they strike with the force of a meteor, smiting the Emperor's foes with devastating effect.
- A bolt weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word "bolt", and any Relic that replaces a bolt weapon. Rules that apply to bolt weapons only apply to the bolt rifle profile of a combi-weapon, and the bolt rifle profile of Relics that replace a combi-weapon.
- Combi-weapons: Instruments of versatility, they offer the Space Marines unparalleled flexibility on the battlefield. By combining multiple armaments into a single weapon, these arms ensure the Adeptus Astartes are always prepared for any threat that may arise.
- A combi-weapon is any rifles-flamer, rifles-melta, rifles-plasma, rifles-grav, and any Relic that replaces a combi-weapon.
- Flame weapons: Purifiers of the Emperor's wrath, they incinerate the enemy with promethean fire. Their cleansing flames engulf the foe, leaving naught but ash in their wake.
- A flame weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word "flame" or "pyre", any Relic that replaces a flame weapon. Rules that apply to flame weapons only apply to the flamer profile of a rifle-flamer, and the flamer profile of Relics that replace a rifle-flamer.
- Grav weapons: Harnessers of gravity itself, they crush the enemy with irresistible force. By manipulating the very fabric of reality, these arms reduce even the most formidable foes to mere dust, their defeat a testament to the technological prowess of the Imperium.
- A grav weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word "grav", and any Relic that replaces a grav weapon. Rules that apply to plasma weapons only apply to the grav-gun profile of a rifle-grav, and the grav-gun profile of Relics that replace a rifle-grav.
- Melta weapons: Annihilators of the enemy's fortifications, they ignite all in their path. Utilizing controlled fusion reactions, these arms reduce steel and flesh alike to slag.
- A melta weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word "melta", any inferno pistols, and any Relic that replaces a melta weapon. Rules that apply to melta weapons only apply to the meltagun profile of a rifle-melta, and the meltagun profile of Relics that replace a rifle-melta.
- Plasma weapons: Bearers of the Emperor's judgment, they vaporize all that stands against the Imperium. Their energy bolts, born of unstable plasma, strike with the fury of a sun.
- A plasma weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word "plasma", and any Relic that replaces a plasma weapon. Rules that apply to plasma weapons only apply to the plasma gun profile of a rifle-plasma, and the plasma gun profile of Relics that replace a rifle-plasma.
Adeptus Astartes Stratagems[edit | edit source]
Battle Tactics Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Death to the Traitors! (1 CP): Of all Humanity’s foes, none are as hated as the Heretic Astartes, for they have betrayed their ancient oaths.
- Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when an ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army is selected to fight. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack against a HERETIC ASTARTES unit, you can re-roll the hit roll.
- Fire discipline (2 CP): The combination of superhuman reflexes and bolter-drills means Space Marine Intercessors can produce a devastating rate of fire.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of your Shooting phase. Select one Veteran Intercessor Squad or Intercessor Squad unit from your army; that unit can shoot again.
- Fury of the First (1 CP): When the fighting is at its fiercest, the veterans of the Chapter truly show their quality.
- Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a Veteran unit from your army is selected to shoot, or in the Fight phase, when a Veteran unit from your army is selected to fight. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, add 1 to that attacks hit roll.
- Gene-wrought Might (1 CP): Blessed with incredible strength, the warriors of the Adeptus Astartes deliver blows that inflict terrifying damage.
- Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a PRIMARIS unit from your army is selected to fight. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, an unmodified hit roll of 6 automatically wounds the target.
- Honour the Chapter (2 CP): Every Chapter has forged its own tales of heroism, and none of its Dominator battle-brothers would see that noble record besmirched.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight phase. Select one Veteran Dominator Squad or Dominator Squad unit from your army that is within Engagement Range of any enemy units; that unit can fight again.
- Transhuman physiology (1/2 CP): Thanks to their multiple Gene-seed organs, Space Marines can fight through even the most grievous of wounds.
- Use this Stratagem in any phase, when a PRIMARIS unit from your army is selected as the target of an attack. Until the end of the phase, each time an attack is made against that unit, an unmodified wound roll of 1-3 for that attack fails, irrespective of any abilities that the weapon or the model making the attack may have. If that unit contains 5 or fewer models, this Stratagem costs 1CP; otherwise, it costs 2CP.
- Wrathful Ancient (2 CP): Consume by pain, Astartes within Dreadnought sarcophagus have accumulated an eternity rage, thirsting for vengeance against the foes of their Chapter.
- Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase or the Fight phase, when a DREADNOUGHT model from your army is chosen to shoot with or fight with. Until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made by that model, add 1 to that attack's hit roll and add 1 to that attack's wound roll.
Epic Deed Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Armour of Contempt (1 CP): The belligerency of some Adeptus Astartes machine spirits makes them unyielding foes to face.
- Use this Stratagem in any phase, when an ADEPTUS ASTARTES Vehicle model from your army would lose a wound as the result of a mortal wound. Until the end of the phase, each time that model would lose a wound as the result of a mortal wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost.
- Combat revival (1 CP): With decades of experience, the Apothecary confidently works with at high speed to return wounded brothers to the fray.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Select one APOTHECARY unit from your army and then select one friendly PRIMARIS INFANTRY unit that is not at its Starting Strength and is within 3" of that APOTHECARY. One of the selected unit's destroyed models is returned to its unit with its full wounds remaining.
- Commanding Oratory (2 CP): Fuelled by battlefield adrenaline, the Chaplain recites his litanies with even greater fervour, inspiring the warriors around him.
- Use this Stratagem at the start of any of your phases other than your Command phase. Select one CHAPLAIN unit from your army that has not recited a litany this turn. That model can recite one litany that has not already been recited by a friendly model this turn. That litany is automatically inspiring (do not roll) and takes effect until the start of your next Command phase.
- Only in death does Duty end (2 CP): Imminent death does not prevent a Space Marine from enacting his final justice upon the enemies of the Imperium.
- Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when an ADEPTUS ASTARTES Character model from your army that has not already been selected to fight this phase is destroyed. Do not remove that model from play - it can fight after the attacking model’s unit has finished making attacks. After resolving the destroyed model’s attacks, it is then removed.
- Power of the Machine Spirit (2 CP): There are many tales of Astartes Machine Spirits wreaking havoc on the foe, even after their crew are slain and critical systems are failing.
- Use this Stratagem in your Command phase. Select one ADEPTUS ASTARTES VEHICLE model from your army. Until the start of your next Command phase, that model is considered to have its full wounds remaining for the purposes of determining what characteristics on its profile to use.
Requisition Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Hero of the Chapter (1 CP): Every Space Marine is a champion in their own right, a post-human demigod who stands between Mankind and the darkness.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your Warlord has the ADEPTUS ASTARTES keyword. Select one ADEPTUS ASTARTES Character model from your army (excluding named characters) and determine one Warlord Trait for it (this must be a Warlord Trait it can have); that model it is only regarded as your Warlord for the purposes of that Warlord Trait. Each Warlord Trait in your army must be unique (if randomly generated, re-roll duplicate results), and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Warlord Traits. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem twice) or an Onslaught battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem three times).
- Honoured Sergeant (1 CP): Should a Sergeant show particular excellence in battle, they may be given the honour of bearing a Chapter relic into battle.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your Warlord has the ADEPTUS ASTARTES keyword. Select one ADEPTUS ASTARTES model that have the word "Sergeant" in their profile from your army. That model can have one of the following Relic, even though they are not a CHARACTER: Artificer Armour; Master-crafted Weapon. Each Relic in your army must be unique, and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Relics. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem twice) or an Onslaught battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem three times).
- Relic of the Chapter (1 CP): In times of great need, the Space Marine Chapters will unleash the full power of their armouries, equipping their battle-brothers with artefacts of extraordinary power.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your Warlord has the ADEPTUS ASTARTES keyword. Select one ADEPTUS ASTARTES Character model from your army and give them one Chapter Relic (this must be a Relic they could have). Each Relic in your army must be unique, and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Relics. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem twice) or an Onslaught battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem three times).
- Venerable Dreadnought (2 CP): Having fought in thousands of battles over several hundred or even thousands of years, the Venerable Dreadnoughts have gained vast knowledge of warfare and are experienced in almost any situation imaginable. Many years of continuous warfare have made them nearly impervious to harm and very difficult to destroy.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle, after nominating a model to be your WARLORD. Select one DREADNOUGHT model from your army. Improve the Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill and Leadership characteristics of that model by 1; that model gains the Venerable Dreadnought keyword and the following ability: "Unyielding Ancient: Each time an attack is made against this model, your opponent cannot re-roll the wound roll and cannot re-roll the damage roll." You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem twice) or an Onslaught battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem three times).
Strategic Ploy Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Adaptive Strategy (2 CP): The tenets of the Codex Astartes allow for unorthodox use of combat tactics and the employment of divergent strategic doctrines if doing so will lead to victory.
- Use this Stratagem in your Command phase, if an ADEPTUS ASTARTES WARLORD from your army is on the battlefield and a combat doctrine is active for your army. Select one ADEPTUS ASTARTES CORE unit from your army that is on the battlefield. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, the Devastator Doctrine, Tactical Doctrine and Assault Doctrine are considered to be active for that attack.
- Covering Fire (2 CP): The Space Marines know the strategic importance of those who wield heavy weaponry and stand ready to provide them with unwavering support, at any cost.
- Use this Stratagem at the start of your opponent’s Shooting phase. Select one Retributor Squad unit from your army then select one friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES CORE unit wholly within 6" of that unit. Until the end of that phase, enemy models cannot target that Retributor Squad unit if the selected ADEPTUS ASTARTES CORE unit is a closer visible target.
- Evasive Action (1 CP): Close Support squads rely heavily upon their post-human reflexes, darting amidst incoming fire as they close the gap with their foes.
- Use this Stratagem in your opponent's Shooting phase, when an ADEPTUS ASTARTES Biker or ADEPTUS ASTARTES Jump Pack unit from your army that Advanced is selected as the target of a ranged attack. Until the end of the phase, each time an attack is made against that unit, subtract 1 from that attack's hit roll.
- Hit-and-Run Warfare (1 CP): Space Marine pilots receive advanced training in handling their vehicles and have preternatural reaction speeds.
- Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when an ADEPTUS ASTARTES Biker unit from your army Falls Back. Until the end of the turn, that unit is still eligible to shoot, even though it Fell Back.
- Orbital Bombardment (3 CP): The Chapter's orbiting warships stand ready to unleash hell.
- Use this Stratagem in your Command phase, if an ADEPTUS ASTARTES WARLORD from your army is on the battlefield. Select one point on the battlefield and place a marker on that point. At the start of your next Command phase, roll one D6 for each unit within 6" of the centre of that marker, adding 1 if the unit being rolled for is within 3" of the centre of the marker and subtracting 1 if the unit being rolled for is a CHARACTER. On a 2-5, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, and on a 6+, that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. The marker is then removed. You can only use this Stratagem once.
- Rain of Fire (1 CP): Even the most seasoned soldiers can be destabilized by the raw might of an orbital weapon.
- Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a Tempestor model from your army is selected to shoot. Until the end of the phase, each time that model makes an attack with a Monsoon orbital uplink, if a hit is scored for that attack, then until the start of your next turn the target cannot perform actions. If the target is currently performing an action, it immediately fails.
- Steady Advance (1 CP): A measured advance allows Space Marines to unleash a steady stream of fire.
- Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when a PRIMARIS Infantry unit from your army makes a Normal Move. Until the end of the turn, that unit is considered to have Remained Stationary.
- Uncompromising Fire (2 CP): Switching weapons to full auto, the Space Marines unleash a short-lived but inescapable hail of fire.
- Use this Stratagem in your Command phase. Select one PRIMARIS Infantry unit from your army. Until the start of your next Command phase, this unit can still perform actions in a turn in which it Fell Back or Advanced, and it can shoot without any actions it is performing failing.
Wargear Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Auspex Scan (2 CP): Nearby motion and radiation signatures are detected by a handheld device, forewarning the bearer of ambushes.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of the Reinforcements step of your opponent's Movement phase. Select one PRIMARIS Infantry unit from your army that is not within Engagement Range of any enemy units. That unit can shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, but its models can only target a single eligible enemy unit that was set up as Reinforcements this turn and that is within 12" of their unit when doing so.
- Melta Bomb (1 CP): Melta bombs are fusion charges designed to burn through an armoured hull in a matter of seconds.
- Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when an ADEPTUS ASTARTES Melta Bomb unit from your army is selected to fight. Select one model in that unit; that model can only make one attack this phase, and must target an enemy Vehicle or Monster unit with that attack, but if a hit is scored, that unit suffers D3+3 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends.
- Missiles Swarm (2 CP): The Vindictor is armed with a formidable arsenal of diverse missiles, each calibrated to neutralize a specific threat. Upon command, the aircraft can unleash a barrage of ordnance, raining destruction upon the enemy and ensuring their utter annihilation.
- Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a VINDICTOR model from your army is selected to shoot. Until the end of the phase, each time that model makes an attack with a Bellicatus missile array, it can fire all of its weapon profiles as if they were different weapons. These attacks do not have to be allocated to the same target.
- Vengeance Rounds (2 CP): Those special bolt ammunition were created using unstable flux core technology that makes them hazardous to use but extremely potent at penetrating through heavily armoured targets.
- Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a Venator Squad unit from your army is selected to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack with a Nemesis bolt carbine, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1. In addition, if that attack is allocated to an enemy model, that enemy model cannot use any rules to ignore the wounds it loses.
- Overlapping Shields (1/2 CP): By surging their armours' refractor fields, the Subjugators are able to raise a formidable defensive aura, encompassing the entire squad and deflecting hostile volleys with ease.
- Use this Stratagem in any phase, when a SUBJUGATOR SQUAD unit from your army is selected as the target of a ranged attack. Until the end of the phase, models in that unit have a 4+ invulnerable save. If that unit contains 5 or fewer models, this Stratagem costs 1CP; otherwise, it costs 2CP.
- Smokescreen (1 CP): Throwing down a hail of smoke grenades or deploying their smoke launchers, the Space Marines screen themselves from the enemy.
- Use this Stratagem in your opponent's Shooting phase, when an ADEPTUS ASTARTES Smokescreen unit from your army is selected as the target of an attack. Until the end of the phase, each time an attack is made against that unit, subtract 1 from that attack's hit roll.
Adeptus Astartes Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
If an ADEPTUS ASTARTES Character model is your Warlord, you can use the Space Marines Warlord Traits table below to determine what Warlord Trait they have. You can either roll one D6 to randomly generate one, or you can select one. If you wish, instead of selecting a Warlord Trait from either of the tables below, you can select a Chapter Warlord Trait for your WARLORD, but only if they are from the relevant Chapter.
When you have determined a Warlord Trait for an ADEPTUS ASTARTES Character model, replace all instances of the <Chapter> keyword in their Warlord Trait (if any) with the name of the Chapter that your model is drawn from.
- 1: The Imperium's Sword: This warlord hurls himself forwards with unbridled ferocity, cutting down the foe like a reaping whirlwind.
- You can re-roll charge rolls made for for this Warlord.
- Each time this Warlord fights, if it made a charge move or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that fight is resolved, add 1 to its Strength and Attacks characteristics.
- 2: Iron Resolve: Faith and duty drive this warlord relentlessly onwards as he shrugs off injuries that would lay lesser warriors low.
- Add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of this WARLORD.
- When this WARLORD would lose a wound, roll one D6; on a 6 that wound is not lost.
- 3: Brilliant Strategist: Only the most able commanders can take the guidance of the Codex Astartes and adapt it further to secure victory.
- In your Command phase, you can select one friendly <Chapter> unit within 6" of this WARLORD. Until the start of your next Command phase:
- Each time a model in that unit makes an attack, if the Tactical Doctrine is active for your army, then the Devastator Doctrine is considered to be active for that attack instead.
- Each time a model in that unit makes an attack, if the Assault Doctrine is active for your army, then the Tactical Doctrine considered to be active for that attack instead.
- In your Command phase, you can select one friendly <Chapter> unit within 6" of this WARLORD. Until the start of your next Command phase:
- 4: Battle Mechanic: Keeping the Chapter's vehicles in good condition and battle ready is a priority for this warlord.
- At the end of your Movement phase, unless this WARLORD is a TECHMARINE, it can repair one friendly <Chapter> VEHICLE model within 1" of it. That VEHICLE model regains 1 lost wound. Each model can only be repaired once per turn. If this WARLORD is a TECHMARINE, then each time it uses its Blessing of the Omnissiah ability, the model it is repairing regains up to D3+1 lost wounds instead of D3.
- 5: Nullificator: This warlord seeks out by any means necessary the answers to the Psychic threat.
- This WARLORD can attempt to Deny the Witch as if it were a PSYKER. If this WARLORD is a PSYKER, in each of your opponent’s Psychic phases, this WARLORD can attempt to Deny the Witch one additional time.
- 6: Storm of Fire (Aura): This warlord expertly guides his warriors’ fire.
- While a friendly <Chapter> CORE unit is within 6" of this WARLORD, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, on an unmodified wound roll of 6, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
Librarius Discipline[edit | edit source]
Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Psyker models from your army that know powers from the Librarius discipline using the table below. You can either roll one D6 to generate each power randomly (re-rolling duplicate results), or you can select which powers the psyker knows.
When a Psyker model from your army manifests a psychic power from this discipline, replace all instances of the <Chapter> keyword on that psychic power (if any) with the name of the Chapter that your Psyker is drawn from.
- 1: Might of heroes: The psyker cages the immense power of the immaterium within the physical form of one of his brothers, making the blessed warrior the Emperor’s vengeance made manifest.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly <Chapter> PRIMARIS model within 12" of this Psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, add 1 to that models Strength, Toughness and Attacks characteristics.
- 2: Null Zone: The psyker unleashes the full might of his mind to cast down his opponents defences, both technological and mystical, rendering them vulnerable to the retribution of the Adeptus Astartes.
- Warp Charge: 8
- Malediction: If manifested, select one enemy unit within 12" of this Psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, models in that unit cannot use any invulnerable saves.
- 3: Storm of the Emperor's Wrath: Bolts of psychic lighting shoot out from the Librarian's hands, incinerating even the most heavily-armoured foes.
- Warp Charge: 7
- Witchfire: If manifested, the closest enemy unit within 18" of this Psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds. If that unit is not destroyed, roll one D6; on a 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Then, if that unit is still not destroyed, roll one D6; on a 5+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Then, if that unit is still not destroyed, roll one D6; on a 6 that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
- 4: Fury of the Ancients: Calling upon the myths of his Chapters home world, the psyker sends forth a terrifying monstrosity wrought from psychic energy.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Witchfire: If manifested, select one enemy model that is within 18" of and visible to this PSYKER. Draw a line between any part this Psyker’s base and any part of the selected model’s base (or hull). Roll one D6 for each unit that line would pass over or through, adding 1 if the unit being rolled for contains 11 or more models and subtracting 1 if the unit being rolled for is a Character. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- 5: Soul Sight: The Librarian shares his warp-sight his brethren, causing their eyes to glow with an ethereal light. So empowered, no foe can escape their omniscient gaze; the souls of their targets flare like flaming beacons in the dark.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly <CHAPTER> unit within 18" of this PSYKER. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, you can re-roll the hit roll and the target does not receive the benefits of cover against that attack.
- 6: Psychic Fortress: Drawing on boundless reserves of inner strength, the psyker constructs a powerful field of shimmering psychic energy around himself as well as any nearby battle brothers, protecting them from harm.
- Warp Charge: 7
- Blessing (Aura): If manifested, then until the start of your next Psychic phase, while a friendly <Chapter> unit is within 6" of this Psyker, models in that unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
Litanies of Battle[edit | edit source]
All Priests know the Litany of Hate (see below). In addition, before the battle, generate the additional litanies for Priest models from your army that know litanies from the Litanies of Battle using the table below. You can either roll one D6 to generate each litany randomly (re-rolling duplicate results), or you can select which litanies the priest knows.
When a Priest unit from your army recites a litany, replace all instances of the <Chapter> keyword on that litany (if any) with the name of the Chapter that your Priest is drawn from.
- 0: Litany of Hate (Aura): The Chaplain fuels his battle brothers with hatred and exhorts them to strike the foe harder and harder, without mercy.
- If this litany is inspiring, then while a friendly <Chapter> Core or <Chapter> Character unit is within 6" of this Priest, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, you can re-roll the hit roll.
- 1: Litany of Faith (Aura): The Chaplain exhorts his charges to steel themselves against even the most dangerous weapons the enemy can bring to bear.
- If this litany is inspiring, then while a friendly <Chapter> Core or <Chapter> Character unit is within 6" of this Priest, each time a model in that unit would lose a wound as the result of a mortal wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost.
- 2: Brutal Dirge (Aura): The Chaplain strikes a fearsome figure, his skull mask inspiring awe in his brothers and terror in his enemies.
- If this litany is inspiring, then while an enemy unit is within 6" of this Priest:
- Subtract 2 from the Leadership characteristic of models in that unit.
- Subtract 1 from Combat Attrition tests taken for that unit.
- If this litany is inspiring, then while an enemy unit is within 6" of this Priest:
- 3: Catechism of Fire: The Chaplain calls upon his brothers to unleash a relentless storm of close-range firepower.
- If this litany is inspiring, select one friendly <Chapter> Core or <Chapter> Character unit within 6" of this Priest. Each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack against the closest eligible target, add 1 to that attacks wound roll.
- 4: Mantra of Strength: The Chaplain focuses his mind on the purity of the blood that runs through his veins, bestowed upon him by the Primarch himself.
- If this litany is inspiring, add 1 to this Priest’s Attacks and Strength characteristics, and add 1 to the Damage characteristic of melee weapons this Priest is equipped with.
- 5: March of Clarity: Properly motivated and instructed, Astartes can march for weeks and remain battle ready at a moment's notice.
- If this litany is inspiring, select one friendly <Chapter> Core or <Chapter> Character unit within 6" of this Priest. Until your next Command Phase, that unit is treated as having remained stationary during its Movement phase for all rules purposes.
- 6: Psalm of Silence: Witches quail beneath the gaze of the faithful, and the shining spirit of the Chaplain burns those who waver.
- If this litany is inspiring, select one enemy Psyker unit within 6" of this Priest. Subtract 1 from Psychic tests taken for that unit, and each time a Psychic test is failed for that unit, roll one D6: on a 5+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Adeptus Astartes Relics[edit | edit source]
If your army is led by an ADEPTUS ASTARTES WARLORD, you can, when mustering your army, give one of the following Adeptus Astartes Relics to an ADEPTUS ASTARTES CHARACTER model from your army. Named characters and VEHICLE models cannot be given any of the following Relics.
When a model from your army is given an Adeptus Astartes Relic, replace all instances of the <CHAPTER> keyword in that Relics rules (if any) with the name of the Chapter that your model is drawn from. Note that some Relics replace one of the models existing items of wargear. Where this is the case, you must, if you are using points values, still pay the cost of the wargear that is being replaced. Write down any Adeptus Astartes Relics your models have on your army roster.
Generic[edit | edit source]
- Artificer Armour: Crafted by the finest artificers of the Chapter, these ornately detailed suits of armour provide superior protective capabilities that rival even Terminator plate. All who set eyes upon the wearer know that an honoured champion of the Imperium stands before them.
- The bearer has a Save characteristic of 2+ and a 5+ invulnerable save.
- Master-crafted weapon: Within the armouries of each Space Marine Chapter, the finest artificers seek to fashion weapons of ornate magnificence and utter lethality. Even with no name, they are breathtaking examples of weaponsmith’s craft, be they potent firearms or gilt-chased blades.
- When you give a model this Relic, select one weapon that model is equipped with (this cannot be a weapon whose profile includes the word ‘master-crafted’). Improve the Damage characteristic of that weapon by 1. If that weapon has more than one profile, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of all profiles of that weapon. Combi-weapons are considered as two different weapons. That weapon is considered to be a Chapter Relic.
Equipments[edit | edit source]
- Aeolus Ageis: Appearing on the battlefield in a tornado, the bearer of this personal teleporter seems to be protected by the wind itself. In the fury of battle, even a small breeze could destabilize the fiercest opponent and forced him to make a fatal mistake.
- The bearer has the Teleport Strike ability.
- Each time you make an unmodified saving throw of 5+ for the bearer against a melee attack, after the attacking model’s unit has finished making its attacks, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
- The Armour Indomitus: The Armour Indomitus was forged long before the Horus Heresy. Unlike the plasteel and ceramite of normal power armour, the artefact is made from plates of raw adamantine, making it all but unbreachable by conventional weaponry. When rained upon with heavier fire, the Armour Indomitus manifests a shimmering force field, the secrets of which have long been lost to modern artificers.
- The bearer has a Save characteristic of 2+.
- Add 1 to the Wounds characteristic of the bearer.
- Once per battle, before making a saving throw for the bearer, it can activate its armour’s force field. If it does, then until the end of the phase, the bearer has a 3+ invulnerable save.
- The Honour Vehement: A single stanza of script, the original of which was said to have been penned by the Emperor himself, the Honour Vehement is inscribed on thrice-blessed parchment and affixed with a purity seal upon its bearer's armour. So potent is the inspirational value of the Emperor’s own evocation that not only those who bear it, but all their battle-brothers are driven into a relentless killing fury.
- The bearer has the following ability: "The Honour Vehement (Aura): While a friendly <CHAPTER> CORE unit is within 6" of the bearer, each time that unit fights, until that fight is resolved, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in that unit. This is not cumulative with the additional attack granted by the Shock Assault ability."
- Quasimedicae-pattern Servoskull: Prototype developed by the Genetors of Dantis III, this Servo-skull is equipped with archaic electroshock systems and Incitamentum chemical stimulants injectors that could revive even the most wounded soldier for a short period of time.
- If the bearer has lost any wounds, at the start of your turn it regains 1 lost wound.
- The first time the bearer is destroyed, you can choose to roll one D6 at the end of the phase instead of using any rules that are triggered when a model is destroyed (e.g. the Only in Death Does Duty End Stratagem). If you do, then on a 4+, set the bearer back up on the battlefield as close as possible to where it was destroyed and more than 1" away from any enemy models, with D3 wounds remaining.
- (Disclaimer: I created this relic BEFORE the League of Votann release. But knowing their publication method, it is impossible that they stole the idea. It is a very simple relic.)
- Scutum Imperialis: This finely crafted storm shield incorporates gyrodynamic actuators that interlace with the wearer's own plate. When its augur-class spirit detects incoming harm, its preservation routines spring to life, raising the shield before the wielded even notices the threat.
- Model with a storm shield only. Each time the bearer would lose a wound as a result of a mortal wound, roll one D6: on a 3+, that wound is not lost.
- Tome of Malcador: Malcador the Sigillite was the trusted aide of the Emperor himself. The most potent Human psyker of the time, the tome he penned on the nature of reality enhances the mind of the reader.
- Librarian model only.
- The bearer knows one additional psychic power from the Librarius discipline.
- The first time this model suffers Perils of the Warp, it does not lose any wounds.
- Librarian model only.
- The Vox Espiritum: Developed by Archmagos Cawl, the Vox Espiritum is a powerful neural amplifier that causes its wearer’s voxed utterances to resonate on a modulated and heavily warded frequency. Though still highly experimental and not altogether safe, it allows its user to project their bellowed commands - and sometimes even unspoken mental imperatives - directly into the minds of friend and foe alike.
- Add 3" to the range of the bearer’s aura abilities, to a maximum of 9". This does not increase the range of the Narthecium ability and aura abilities that are Psychic Powers.
- Each time the bearer uses an ability in your Command phase that specifies a range, add 3" to the range of that ability, to a maximum of 9".
Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Bellicos bolt rifle: The forge world of Bellicos was a hidden weapons-testing facility given dispensation to practise near heretical levels of technological innovation. Before it was swallowed by the Great Rift, the planet managed to dispatch a single cargo hauler containing prototype bolt rifles of an incredibly advanced pattern. These weapons are regarded with a borderline religious reverence for their bellicose lethality, and to wield one is considered a paramount honour.
- Model equipped with a master-crafted bolt rifle only. This Relic replaces a master-crafted bolt rifle and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Bellicos bolt rifle 30" Rapid Fire 2 5 -2 2 -
- Purgatorus: This bolt pistol is a true work of the artificers art. Since its forging in M35, many battle-brothers have used the pistol to purge traitors, tyrants and heretics from the Emperor’s realm. The weapon’s machine spirit is wrathful, its aim inescapable; in many ways, Purgatorus epitomises the very warriors who wield it.
- Model equipped with a bolt pistol or heavy bolt pistol only. This Relic replaces a bolt pistol or heavy bolt pistol and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Purgatorus 18" Pistol 3 4 -3 2 Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule.
- Sunwrath Pistol: Belisarius Cawl gifted a score of these pistols to Roboute Guilliman at the start of the Indomitus Crusade, who in turn bequeathed them to warriors who displayed particular valour in the face of the enemy. Constructed with superior venting coils and with an inner barrel of a mysterious heat-conducting crystal, these plasma pistols can be fired repeatedly without overheating.
- Model equipped with a plasma pistol only. This Relic replaces a plasma pistol and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Sunwrath Pistol 12" Pistol 2 8 -3 3 -
Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]
- The Burning Blade: This ancient broadsword is so large and dense that no mere Human could lift it, let alone wield it in battle. It was recovered from the wreckage of Horus’ battle barge, the only unblemished artefact in a chamber crawling with the filthy taint of Chaos. Some artificers have posited that it is the Master of Mankind’s greatness that shines out from its sacred steel.
- Model equipped with a power weapon or master-crafted power weapon only. This Relic replaces a power weapon or master-crafted power weapon, and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Burning Blade Melee Melee +3 -5 2 -
- Fist of Terra: These ornate power fists are reputed to be remaining examples of the vaunted Solarite gauntlets used in the fighting on the walls of Terra at the height of the Horus Heresy. Crafted from the most potent materials and rare amongst the Space Marines even ten thousand years ago, these finely crafted weapons have sundered the foes of Mankind across the galaxy.
- Model equipped with a power fist. This Relic replaces a power fist and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Fist of Terra Melee Melee x2 -3 2 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attacks with this weapon.
- Teeth of Terra: The origins of the Teeth of Terra lie shrouded in mystery. Mentions of this large, obsidian-toothed chainsword can be found dotted throughout the histories of many Space Marine Chapters, yet the weapon itself can be traced to no artisans' hand, nor can it be found in any Chapter’s Armoury save in times of the greatest need. What is certain is that, when wielded in battle by a true hero of the Imperium, the Teeth of Terra strikes with the force of a thunderbolt, leaving a bloody trail of broken bodies in its wake.
- Model equipped with an Astartes chainsword only. This Relic replaces an Astartes chainsword and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Teeth of Terra Melee Melee +1 -2 2 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 3 additional attacks with this weapon.
Chapter Command[edit | edit source]
If your army is Battle-forged and includes any ADEPTUS ASTARTES Detachments (excluding Auxiliary Support, Super-heavy Auxiliary or Fortification Network Detachments), then when you muster your army, you can upgrade any of the following ADEPTUS ASTARTES CHARACTER units in your army: CAPTAIN, CHAPLAIN, LIBRARIAN, TECHMARINE, APOTHECARY, ANCIENT, CHAMPION.
Character | Keyword | Points |
CAPTAIN | Chapter Master | +30 |
CHAPLAIN | Master of Sanctity | +20 |
Chapter Master[edit | edit source]
Chapter Masters are some of the greatest military minds in the galaxy. There are few elements of strategy and tactics they have not studied and mastered, and they have tested their skills against innumerable enemies. They are magnificent leaders able to inspire their warriors to acts of legendary valour. There is no task to which they will set their battle-brothers that they have not completed themselves, and when they lead from the front, they wield their blades with incomparable ability, slaughtering more of the foe than any of their warriors.
A Chapter Master model gains the following ability:
- Chapter Master: In your Command phase, select one friendly <CHAPTER> CORE or <CHAPTER> CHARACTER unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll.
A Chapter Master is excluded from the Company Command rule. This means a Detachment can include both one Chapter Master unit and one other CAPTAIN unit.
- Warlord Trait - Master of the Codex: Chapter Masters have spent centuries studying the hallowed pages of the Codex Astartes, poring over its wisdom and analysing its teachings in detail. Many commit its content to memory word for word, ready to draw upon what they have learned even when battle is raging at its fiercest.
- At the start of your Command phase, if this WARLORD is on the battlefield, roll one D6: on a 3+, you gain 1 Command point.
- Relic - Angel Artifice: The surface of this exquisite battle plate is woven with a super-dense alloy, the exact nature of which has been lost to history. Whatever its origin, it absorbs and refracts incoming energy, rendering the wearer all but invulnerable. Such a priceless relic is bestowed upon only the greatest heroes of the Adeptus Astartes.
- The bearer has a Save characteristic of 2+.
- Add 1 to the bearer's Wounds and Toughness characteristics.
Master of Sanctity[edit | edit source]
Masters of Sanctity are the High Chaplains of the Space Marine Chapters. They maintain the spiritual well-being of their brothers, ensuring none falter in their responsibilities. Their mere presence inspires fervent aggression amongst their kin, though they are just as capable of delivering retribution first-hand. With word and deed a Master of Sanctity guides his brothers to glory.
A Master of Sanctity model gains the following ability:
- Master of Sanctity: This model knows one additional litany from the Litanies of Battle. In your Command phase, if this model is on the battlefield, it can recite one additional litany it knows that has not already been recited by a friendly model that turn.
- Warlord Trait - Wise Orator: A veteran of the battlefield and of the sermon, this warlord intones his litanies and galvanises his brothers with every word.
- Each time this WARLORD recites a litany, add 1 to the roll to see if it is inspiring.
- Each time this WARLORD is selected to use the Commanding Oratory Stratagem, that Stratagem costs 1 Command point.
- Relic - Benediction of Fury: Borne on a dozen bloody and hard-fought crusades, this weapons unique empathokinetic circuitry has absorbed the bellicosity and righteous wrath of every Chaplain who has ever wielded it. As a result, it now strikes with the force of a thunderbolt.
- CHAPLAIN model only. This Relic replaces a Crozius Arcanum and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Benediction of Fury Melee Melee x2 -2 3 -
Master of the Forge[edit | edit source]
Masters of the Forge are the chief artificers of the Space Marines, responsible for maintaining the arms, armour and vehicles of their Chapter. Peerless mechanics and technicians, they are the foremost experts within the Adeptus Astartes on the intricacies that surround the machine. Having distinguished themselves from their brother Techmarines, Masters of the Forge oversee the Chapter's armoury, and have an intimate knowledge of its workings and the machine spirits that reside there.
A Master of the Forge model gains the following ability:
- Master of the Forge: Each time this model repairs a model using its Blessing of the Omnissiah ability, that model regains up to 3 lost wounds instead of up to D3.
- Warlord Trait - Warden of the Ancients (Aura): This warlord has an affinity with the Dreadnoughts of his Chapter. He meticulously tends to his bellicose, ill-tempered charges, ensuring that when the time comes for them to take to the battlefield, they fight with unrivalled fury.
- While a friendly <CHAPTER> DREADNOUGHT is within 6" of this WARLORD, add 1 to its Strength and Attacks characteristics.
- Relic - The Hand of Mars: The fading manufacture runes of this holy Servo-arm mark its birth at the time of the Great Schism. If the rad-signature is to be believed, this would make it one of the first prototype weapons employed by the Oficio Malagra, the Heretek Hunters of the Prefecture Magisterium. Laden with banks of magnetic capacitors and housing an acquisitor-class Servo-Soul, the Hand of Mars was originally created to capture and destroy metallic monstrosities.
- Model equipped with a servo-arm only. This Relic replaces a servo-arm and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Hand of Mars Melee Melee x2 -3 3 Each time the bearer fights, no more than 3 attacks can be made with this weapon. When resolving an attack made with this weapon against a VEHICLE unit, this weapon has a Damage characteristic of D3+3 for that attack.
Chief Librarian[edit | edit source]
At head of each Chapter's Librarius can be found the Chief Librarian. Battle scholars with vast experience and immense psychic power, they are as much invaluable warriors as they are dependable advisors. When mastery of the warp is required, none are better equipped to deal with its turbulent nature. On the battlefield, Chief Librarians direct the energies of the immaterium with unrivalled precision and power.
A Chief Librarian model gains the following abilities:
- Chief Librarian: This model knows one additional psychic power from their chosen discipline and can attempt to deny one additional psychic power in your opponent's Psychic phase.
- Warlord Trait - Psychic Mastery: This Librarian has reached a level of psychic mastery that allows him to delve deep into the warp, to depths that would cause lesser psykers to be consumed by its ravenous energies.
- Add 1 to Psychic tests taken for this WARLORD.
- Relic - Neural Shroud: A neural shroud is a specially modified psychic hood sometimes worn by the most senior members of a Chapter's Librarius. The resonating crystals within its neurokinetic housing have been supercharged with empyric energy. Though wearing such a device demands incredible focus and willpower, it projects an extremely potent anti-psychic field.
- Increase the range of the bearer's Psychic Hood ability to 24".
Chief Apothecary[edit | edit source]
Chief Apothecaries are the most senior surgeons and battle medics available to Space Marine Chapters. Calm and resolute, they maintain the life force of their battle-brothers on and off the battlefield. Most importantly, they are responsible for their Chapter's future in the preservation of Space Marine gene-seed. With vast experience to draw upon, a Chapter's Chief Apothecary is its ultimate practitioner of the healer's art.
A Chief Apothecary model gains the following ability:
- Chief Apothecary: At the end of your Movement phase, this model can use its Combat Restoratives ability twice instead of once.
- Warlord Trait - Selfless Healer: This altruistic warlord will go to any lengths to heal his brothers.
- Each time this WARLORD uses its Combat Restoratives ability, the model being healed regains up to 3 lost wounds instead of D3.
- Each time this WARLORD is selected to return a destroyed model to a unit by using the Combat Revival Stratagem, that Stratagem costs 0 Command points.
- Relic - Acquittal: Acquittal is a master-crafted pistol equipped with a powerful bio-auspex scope. This allows the wielder to both dispatch his foes with surgical precision and grant swift and painless oblivion to his wounded battle-brothers.
- Model equipped with a bolt pistol only. This Relic replaces a bolt pistol and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Acquittal 12" Pistol 1 4 -2 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon against a unit that is not a vehicle or titanic, that attack always wounds on an unmodified wound roll of 2+ and has a Damage characteristic of 4.
Chapter Ancient[edit | edit source]
Only the most distinguished Space Marines are granted the title of Chapter Ancient. Given the sacred task of bearing the Chapter's standard to war, they selflessly fly the colours even as they slay their foes. The sight of such a holy relic flying high above the battlefield inspires the Ancients' brethren to give their all. The mere presence of the Chapter's standard is worth a fortified bastion to the warriors of the Adeptus Astartes.
A Chapter Ancient model gains the following abilities:
- Chapter Ancient: This model has a Leadership characteristic of 9.
- Chapter Banner: In your Command phase, select one friendly <CHAPTER> CORE unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, add 1 to that attack's hit roll.
- Warlord Trait - Relentless Symbol (Aura): This warlord vows to secure victory no matter the cost, and inspires his brethren to take a similar oath, even on the brink of the death.
- Each time a model in a friendly <Chapter> PRIMARIS unit is within 6" of this Warlord is destroyed by an attack made by an enemy model, roll one D6: on a 4+, do not remove the destroyed model from play - it can, after the attacking model’s unit has finished making its attacks, either shoot with one of its ranged weapons as if it were your Shooting phase, or make one attack with one of its melee weapons as if it were the Fight phase. After resolving these attacks, the destroyed model is then removed.
- Relic - Standard of the Emperor Ascendant: Woven from threads of spun adamantine in the early days of the Unification of Terra, this banner was carried at the head of the Emperors guard. It is said that its constant proximity to the Master of Mankind has imbued within it indelible traces of his psychic signature. Whatever the truth of this, its presence is a constant inspiration to those loyal to the Emperors cause, instilling them with valour and determination even as their foes quail in its presence.
- While a friendly <Chapter> PRIMARIS unit is within range of the bearers Astartes Banner ability, models in that unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
Chapter Champion[edit | edit source]
The honorific of Chapter Champion is bestowed only upon the mightiest of Adeptus Astartes warriors. These martial masters fight for the glory and honour of their battle-brothers. In combat, they will seek out worthy opponents to cross blades with, and can single-handedly turn the tide of conflict. Only the most noble and accomplished of warriors ascend to this rank, each a shining example of their Chapter's glory and martial capabilities.
A Chapter Champion model gains the following abilities:
- Chapter Champion: This model has an Attacks characteristic of 6 and a Leadership characteristic of 9.
- Exquisite Swordsman: Each time this model makes a melee attack against an enemy CHARACTER unit, you can re-roll the wound roll.
- Skilful Parry: Each time a melee attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from the hit roll.
- Warlord Trait - Martial Exemplar: This warlord is an exquisite warrior and an exemplar of the Chapter, whose deeds inspire those around him.
- While a friendly <CHAPTER> PRIMARIS unit is within 6" of this WARLORD, you can re-roll charge rolls made for that unit.
- Relic - Blade of Triumph: This gleaming broadsword is a masterpiece of artifice and a weapon befitting any Chapter Champion.
- Model with master-crafted power weapon only. This Relic replaces a master-crafted power weapon and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Blade of Triumph Melee Melee +3 -3 3 -
Chapter Detachment[edit | edit source]
If your army is Battle-forged, <Chapter> units in ADEPTUS ASTARTES Detachments gain access to the following Chapter rules, provided every ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit in your army is from the same Chapter. If every <Chapter> unit in a ADEPTUS ASTARTES Detachment is from the same Chapter, that Detachment is referred to as a Chapter Detachment.
- Chapter Tactics
- All <Chapter> units (excluding SERVITOR) in a Chapter Detachment will gain a Chapter Tactics and a Combat Doctrine Bonus. This rule will only apply if every unit from your army is from the same Chapter (excluding models with the UNALIGNED keyword).
- Warlord Traits
- Each Chapter has an associated Chapter Warlord Trait. If an ADEPTUS ASTARTES <Chapter> CHARACTER model gains a Warlord Trait, they can have the relevant Chapter Warlord Trait instead of a Adeptus Astartes Warlord Trait.
- Relics
- Each Chapter has an associated Chapter Relic. If your army is led by a ADEPTUS ASTARTES <Chapter> WARLORD, you can give the relevant Chapter Relic to a ADEPTUS ASTARTES <Chapter> CHARACTER model from your army instead of giving them an Adeptus Astartes Relic. Note that some Relics replace one of the model’s existing items of wargear. Where this is the case, you must, if you are using points values, still pay the cost of the wargear that is being replaced. Write down any Ancestral Relics your models have on your army roster.
- Stratagems
- Each Chapter has an associated Chapter Stratagem. If your army includes a Chapter Detachment (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments), then you have access to and can spend Command points to use this Stratagem, in addition to Adeptus Astartes Stratagems.
- Psychic Powers
- Each Chapter has an associated Chapter psychic power. Every ADEPTUS ASTARTES <Chapter> PSYKER model in a Chapter Detachment can replace one psychic power that they know by the relevant Chapter psychic power.
First Founding Space Marines Chapters[edit | edit source]
Imperial Fists and Successors[edit | edit source]
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Siege Masters: The Imperial Fists drill tirelessly with their armaments, perfecting the art of purging their enemies from behind heavy ramparts with hails of pinpoint fire.
- Each time a model with this tactic makes an attack, the target does not receive the benefits of Light cover against that attack.
- Each time a model with this tactic makes a ranged attack with a bolt weapon, on an unmodified hit roll of 6, that attack automatically wounds the target.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Legacy of Dorn: The Imperial Fists are peerless besiegers, demonstrating an uncanny knack for identifying and exploiting the weak spots of their enemies.
- Whilst the Devastator Doctrine is active, each time a model with this ability makes a ranged attack with a Heavy weapon against a VEHICLE unit, a MONSTER unit or a BUILDING unit, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that attack.
- Warlord Trait - Stubborn Heroism: Unyielding are the Imperial Fists, refusing to relent and exacting the bloody price of victory from their foes even when retreat might prove more prudent.
- This WARLORD cannot Fall Back.
- Each time an attack is allocated to this WARLORD, the Damage characteristic of that attack is changed to 1.
- Relic - The Eye of Hypnoth: The Eye of Hypnoth was presented to the Imperial Fists in late M39 in honour of the assistance they provided in defending the forge world of Hypnoth from Waaagh! Kromak. This device is a highly sophisticated and long ranged auspex array; tradition dictates that it is best employed to detect hidden weakness in enemy fortifications.
- The bearer has the following ability: "Eye of Hypnoth (Aura): While a friendly IMPERIAL FISTS CORE unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, re-roll a wound roll of 1."
- Stratagem - Unbreakable Walls (1 CP): When tasked with holding their ground, the Imperial Fists are capable of withstanding even the most punishing of assaults.
- Strategic Ploy: Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Charge phase, when an IMPERIAL FISTS PRIMARIS unit from your army is selected as a target of a charge. If that unit is not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can either Hold Steady or Set to Defend. In addition, until the end of the next Fight phase, when a model in that unit would lose a wound, roll one D6; on a 6 that wound is not lost.
- Psychic Power - Tectonic Purge: The Librarian interlocks his fingers, raises his hands high and brings them down in a clubbing blow upon the ground. Psychic energies pour from the impact site, causing the ground to convulse and shudder violently and enemies to be flung from their feet.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Malediction (Aura): If manifested, then until the start of your next Psychic phase, when a charge roll or an Advance roll is made for an enemy unit within 12" of this psyker, subtract 2 from the result.
Iron Hands and Successors[edit | edit source]
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Iron Over Flesh: Most Iron Hands are heavily augmented with ultra-durable cybernetic limbs and organs that render them extremely difficult to kill, while their vehicles have been upgraded with all manner of secret Adeptus Mechanicus technologies that make them incredibly resilient.
- Each time an attack is made against a unit with this tactic, unless that attack has a Strength characteristic of 8 or more, an unmodified wound roll of 1-3 for that attack fails, irrespective of any abilities that the weapon or the model making the attack may have.
- Models with this tactic whose characteristics can change as they suffer damage are considered to have double the number of wounds remaining for the purposes of determining what those characteristics are.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Calculum Rationale: The Iron Hands advance machine-like into battle. They are without mercy, and wage war with cold logic and calculated fury.
- Whilst the Devastator Doctrine is active:
- Models with this ability do not suffer the penalty to hit rolls incurred for firing Heavy weapons in the same turn that their unit has moved.
- Each time a model with this ability makes an attack with a Heavy weapon, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll.
- Whilst the Devastator Doctrine is active:
- Warlord Trait - All Flesh is Weakness: This warlord bears so extraordinary a number of cybernetic enhancements that there is little true flesh left.
- When this WARLORD would lose a wound, roll one D6; on a 5+ that wound is not lost. While this WARLORD is within 3" of a friendly IRON HANDS APOTHECARY, that wound is not lost on a 4+ instead.
- Relic - The Gorgon’s Chain: This small augmetic module is fitted within its owner’s armour, linking through his black carapace and extending monomolecular mechadendrites into his hearts. Thus connected, it draws power from its owner to generate a potent protective field that robs incoming shots of their strength.
- The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save.
- When resolving a ranged attack against the bearer, subtract 1 from the wound roll.
- Stratagem - Wisdom of the Ancients (1 CP): It is common for members of the Iron Council to be ancient and revered Dreadnoughts who have long been free of their frail mortal flesh. They have seen a thousand battles, slain foes beyond counting, and are immensely inspiring to their battle-brothers.
- Epic Deed: Use this Stratagem in your Command phase. Select one IRON HANDS Dreadnought model from your army. Until the start of your next Command phase, that model gains either the Rites of Battle ability or the Tactical Precision ability, or both if that model has the Venerable Dreadnought keyword.
- Psychic Power - Deus Ex Ferrum: The Librarian focuses his mind and links his will to the power of his battle-brothers augmetics, boosting their strength beyond what is normally possible.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly IRON HANDS PRIMARIS unit within 12" of this PSYKER. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, add 1 to the Strength characteristic of models in that unit.
Raven Guard and Successors[edit | edit source]
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Shadow Masters: The Raven Guard slip through the shadows, half-seen spectres barely visible to the foe. Enemies blaze away into the gloom with increasing panic, their shots flying wide as the sons of Corax encircle their victims and prepare to level the killing blow. By the time the prey is close enough to direct their fire with any real chance of accuracy, they are caught within the Ravens talons.
- Each time a ranged attack targets a unit with this tactic, if the attacker is more than 12" away, the unit with this tactic is treated as having the benefits of Light Cover against that attack.
- Each time a ranged attack targets an INFANTRY unit with this tactic, if the attacker is more than 12" away, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Surgical Strikes: The warriors of the Raven Guard spring their ambushes with perfect timing and coordination to eliminate the enemies in one swift charge.
- Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, each time a model with this ability makes a melee attack, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage.
- Warlord Trait - Swift and Deadly (Aura): The Astartes under this warlord’s command seize every opportunity to strike while the initiative is theirs.
- While a friendly RAVEN GUARD INFANTRY unit is within 6" of this WARLORD, that unit is eligible to declare a charge within a turn in which it Advanced.
- Relic - The Ebonclaws: Crafted for a long lost champion of the Raven Guard, the night-black blades of these ancient lightning claws have remained viciously sharp through centuries of war.
- Model equipped with a pair of lightning claws only. This Relic replaces a pair of lightning claws and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Ebonclaws Melee Melee User -3 2 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 4 additional attacks with this weapon. In addition, when resolving an attack made with this weapon, you can re-roll the wound roll.
- Stratagem - False Flight (2 CP): The Path of Ambush teaches that a feigned retreat can be used to over-extend and punish eagerly pursuing foes.
- Strategic Ploy: Use this Stratagem when a RAVEN GUARD INFANTRY unit from your army Falls Back. That unit can shoot and charge in this turn.
- Psychic Power - Enveloping Darkness: At the Librarian’s command, the shadows cast by his enemies rise up and engulf them like a dense flock of ravens, leaving them disorientated and vulnerable to attack.
- Warp Charge: 7
- Malediction: If manifested, select one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit cannot fire Overwatch or Set to Defend, and when resolving an attack made by that unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll.
Salamanders and Successors[edit | edit source]
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Forged in Battle: To the Salamanders, war is the anvil upon which their strength is wrought, every battle a test in which to prove themselves and the superior craftsmanship of their weapons and armour.
- Each time a unit with this tactic is selected to shoot or fight, you can re-roll one hit roll or one wound roll when resolving that unit’s attacks.
- Each time an attack is allocated to a model with this tactic, if that Attack has an Armour Penetration characteristic of -1 or -2, the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack is worsened by 1.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Promethean Cult: The Salamanders and their successor Chapters adhere to the teachings of Vulkan and his codes of battle, displaying a remarkable affinity for weapons that burn the foe to ashes in a blast of searing heat.
- Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active, when resolving an attack made with a flame weapon or melta weapon by a model with this ability, add 1 to that attack’s wound roll.
- Warlord Trait - Anvil of Strength: Vulkan was renowned as the strongest of the Primarchs, and his genetic heritage lends this son of Nocturne great physical might.
- Add 2 to the Strength characteristic of this WARLORD.
- Relic - Drake-smiter: Legend has it that Drake-smiter can shatter the diamond-hard skull of a void-dragon with a single blow. It is presented to heroes of the Chapter, who wield it in battle to sunder battle tanks, monstrous behemoths and even the armour of traitorous Titans.
- Model equipped with a thunder hammer only. This Relic replaces a thunder hammer and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Drake-smiter Melee Melee x2 -4 3 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, subtract 1 from the hit roll, and on an unmodified wound roll of 6 add 3 to the Damage characteristic of this weapon for that attack.
- Stratagem - Flamecraft (1 CP): No warriors can coax the searing spirits of flamers to brighter or more destructive life than those from volcanic Nocturne.
- Battle Tactic: Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a SALAMANDERS unit from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of that phase, when a model in that unit shoots with a flame weapon, do not roll to determine the number of attacks made with that weapon; instead, the maximum number of attacks are made with that weapon (e.g. 6 attacks are made with a Heavy D6 weapon).
- Psychic Power - Fire Shield: Extending his hand, a great sheet of flame bursts from the Librarian’s palm. With a sweep of his arms, he creates a towering wall of flame to protect his battle-brothers.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly SALAMANDERS unit within 18" of this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against that unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll. In addition, when a charge roll is made for a charge that unit is a target of, subtract 1 from the result.
Ultramarines and Successors[edit | edit source]
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Codex Discipline: The sons of Guilliman hold the tenets of the Codex Astartes as sacrosanct, its wisdom guiding them to discipline and measured strategic responses even amidst the hottest-burning flames of battle.
- Each time an enemy unit declares a charge against an INFANTRY unit with this tactic, if this unit is not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can Hold Steady or Set to Defend.
- Units with this tactic are eligible to shoot in a turn in which they Fell Back, but if they do, then until the end of the phase, worsen the Ballistic Skill of models in that unit by 1.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Scions of Guilliman: The Ultramarines and their successor Chapters are strict adherents to the teachings of the Codex Astartes, and as such they typically adopt a flexible combat style that emphasises manoeuvrability without sacrificing firepower.
- Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active, each time a unit with this ability is selected to shoot in your Shooting phase, unless that unit Advanced or Fell Back this turn, until the end of the phase, it counts as having Remained Stationary.
- Warlord Trait - Adept of the Codex: Ultramarines warlords are peerless masters of tactics and strategy, epitomising the teachings of the Codex Astartes.
- While this WARLORD is on the battlefield, each time you spend a Command point to use a Stratagem you can roll one D6: on a 5+, that Command point is refunded.
- Relic - The Standard of Macragge Inviolate: When the First Tyrannic War came to the realm of Ultramar and Hive Fleet Behemoth descended upon Macragge, it was this glorious banner that flew above the swarms of xenos beasts. To all Ultramarines, it represents the unfaltering might of their home world and their Chapter. When an Ultramarine beholds this sacred standard, he is gripped with a sense of unshakeable pride and determination, for he knows that no enemy can match the skills in battle passed down to him and his brothers by their Primarch.
- ANCIENT model only. The bearer has the following abilities:
- Unshakable Pride (Aura): While a friendly ULTRAMARINES CORE unit is within 6" of the bearer, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in that unit.
- Unshakable Determination (Aura): While a friendly ULTRAMARINES unit is within 12" of the bearer, each time a Morale test is taken for that unit, it is automatically passed.
- ANCIENT model only. The bearer has the following abilities:
- Stratagem - Rapid Redeployment (2 CP): The Codex Astartes makes provision for a great variety of strategic ruses intended to wrong-foot the foe.
- Strategic Ploy: At the start of the first battle round, before the first turn begins, select up to three ULTRAMARINES units from your army on the battlefield. Remove them from the battlefield and set them up again as described in the Deployment section of the mission (if both players have abilities that redeploy units, roll off; the winner chooses who redeploys their units first).
- Psychic Power - Mind Raid: The Librarian peers into the mind of the foe, raiding their thoughts for secret codes, battle plans, the location of hidden forces and any other tactical information that might be useful. Such brute psychic interrogation doubtless inflicts severe cerebral trauma on its victim.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Witchfire: If manifested, select one enemy model within 18" of and visible to this Psyker. That model’s unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If that model is a Character and the result of the Psychic test is equal or higher than the Leadership characteristic of that model, you gain 1 Command point. The limit of gaining or refunding 1 Command Point per battle round does not apply to any Command points gained via this psychic power.
White Scars and Successors[edit | edit source]
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Lightning Assault: The White Scars are the Masters of high speed, hit-and-run warfare. Theirs is the fury of the storm, the scent of prey upon the wind. They do battle on the move, wrong-footing their enemies with breakneck manoeuvres and melting away one moment only to crash home like a lightning strike elsewhere the next.
- Units with this tactic are eligible to declare a charge with in a turn in which they Advanced or Fell Back.
- Each time a unit with this tactic Advances, until the end of the turn, Pistol weapons and Rapid Fire weapons models in that unit are equipped with are treated as Assault weapons (e.g. a Rapid Fire 2 weapon is treated as an Assault 2 weapon).
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Devastating Charge: The White Scars favour shock assaults, crashing into the enemy with overwhelming force. They are experts at using this high-speed impact to drive their blades home with devastating force and decapitate their prey.
- Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, when resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model with this ability in a unit that made a charge move or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack.
- Warlord Trait - Master Rider: Even before he became a Space Marine this warlord was a master of mounted combat, as swift and elusive as the wind when fighting from the saddle.
- BIKER only. When a charge roll is made for this WARLORD, you can re-roll the dice. When resolving an attack against this Warlord, subtract 1 from the hit roll if this WARLORD Advanced in your previous Movement phase.
- Relic - Banner of the Eagle: It is incredibly rare for this venerable standard to be brought forth into the crucible of war, though any wily commander knows the inspirational effect that such a sacred banner can have on those that fight in its fluttering shadow. At the crown of the banner sits a glorious adamantium eagle – the symbol of the White Scars’ bloody victory on Golgotha, from which this banner took its name.
- ANCIENT model only. The bearer has the following ability: "Banner of the Eagle (Aura): While a friendly WHITE SCARS CORE unit is within 6" of the bearer, add 1 to the Strength characteristic of models in that unit."
- Stratagem - Fierce Rivalries (1 CP): There is much honour in being the first to strike at the foe, and the White Scars race one another to claim that prize.
- Battle Tactic: Use this Stratagem at the start of your Charge phase. Until one WHITE SCARS unit from your army successfully made a charge move that phase, you can re-roll charge roll made for WHITE SCARS units from your army.
- Psychic Power - Ride the Winds: Invoking the power of the winds with a gravelly-voiced chant, the Stormseer sends rushing currents of invisible energy to speed his comrades into battle.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly WHITE SCARS unit within 12" of this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, when an Advance roll or charge roll is made for that unit, add 2 to the result.
Distinct Space Marines Successor Chapters[edit | edit source]
Some Chapters that I find cool or interesting.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Armoured Assault: The Aurora Chapter preferred method of battle is a massed attack led by heavily armoured battle tanks, a strategy that has earned them renown throughout the Ultima Segmentum and beyond.
- Battle Tank units with this tactic gain the CORE keyword.
- Each time a model with this tactic makes an attack, if that model’s unit disembarked from a Battle Tank TRANSPORT model this turn, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Firestorm Thunders: On their homeworld, countless millions of indentured menials work in the munitorums night and day to feed the mighty guns of the Aurora Chapter's companies, ensuring that their weapons never fall silent.
- Whilst the Devastator Doctrine is active, each time a unit with this ability makes a ranged attack with a heavy weapon, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.
- Warlord Trait - Tank Commander: Few other Adeptus Astartes can match this warlord's strategic genius and tactical acumen on the battlefield when it comes to armoured warfare.
- In your Command phase, select one friendly Aurora Chapter Battle Tank model within 6" of this WARLORD. Until the start of your next Command phase, that model has the Ballistic Skill characteristic of this WARLORD.
- Relic - Remembrance: This master-crafted Astartes Thunder Hammer was forged from the main axle of a destroyed venerable Aurora Chapter Land Raider. Those who have wielded it in battle swear it strikes with the force of a tank bearing down on its foe.
- Model equipped with a thunder hammer. This Relic replaces a thunder hammer and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Remembrance Melee Melee x3 -3 3 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, subtract 1 from the hit roll.
- Stratagems - Focused Firepower (1 CP): Once a foe has been marked for destruction, the Aurorans must not relent until the target is annihilated.
- Battle Tactic: Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a Aurora Chapter CORE unit from your army is selected to shoot. Select one eligible target for that unit. Until the end of the phase, models in that unit can only make attacks that target that enemy unit, but each time such an attack is made, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.
- Psychic Power - Psysteel Armour: At the Librarian’s command, warp energy flows in streamers from thin air and winds itself around his allies, glowing like forge-hot steel. The flowing psysteel coats the armour of nearby tanks, or else wraps fellow warriors in a second skin capable of turning aside bullet and blade alike.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly Aurora Chapter unit within 12" of this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, add 1 to armour saving throws made for models in that unit.
Chapter Limitations
- The Lost Librarius It is uncertain how, or when, the Black Templars ceased to field Librarians. Whatever the reason, they now wage war without these powerful warriors.
- LIBRARIAN unit cannot be from the Black Templars Chapter.
- Chosen Champion: On the eve of battle, as the Black Templars gather to hear the benedictions of the faithful, one among them may be chosen by the divine to bear the mantle of the Emperor's Champion in the coming conflict.
- A Black Templars Champion cannot be upgraded to be a CHAPTER CHAMPION.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Righteous Zeal: Known for their fanaticism and impulsiveness, the Black Templars launch themselves upon the enemy of the Imperium with a merciless, focused aggression, bellowing battle-oaths as they carve their foes apart.
- You can re-roll Advance rolls and charge rolls made for INFANTRY units with this tactic.
- Each time a model with this tactic makes a melee attack, if that model's unit made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Knights of Sigismund: The Black Templars have continued in the style of their first High Marshal, preferring close, melee combat to ranged warfare.
- Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, each time a unit with this ability fights, if it made a charge move or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that fight is resolved, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in this unit. This is cumulative with the Shock Assault ability.
- Warlord Trait - Master of Arms: The warlord has devoted their existence to the rigorous perfection of the blade, becoming a force of righteous destruction upon the battlefield.
- At the start of the Fight phase, if this WARLORD is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can fight first that phase.
- Add 1 to this WARLORD's Attacks characteristic.
- Relic - Sword of Judgement: The characteristic sigil of the Emperor's Aquilla adorns the cross guard of this revered blade, its keen edge having served many a Black Templar well over the millennia.
- Model equipped with a power weapon or master-crafted power weapon only. This Relic replaces a power weapon or master-crafted power weapon, and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Sword of Judgement Melee Melee +3 -3 3 -
- Stratagems - Tenacious Assault (2 CP): The Black Templars rarely permit their foes to retreat. Every avenue of escape is closed by glowing blades and revving chainswords.
- Strategic Ploy: Use this Stratagem at the start of your opponent's Movement phase. Select one BLACK TEMPLARS CORE or BLACK TEMPLARS ChARACTER unit from your army. Until the start of your next turn, enemy units within Engagement Range of that unit cannot Fall Back unless they have the VEHICLE, TITANIC or AIRCRAFT keyword.
- Litanies of Battle - Psalm of Remorseless Persecution: The burning zeal with which the Chaplain denounces Humanity's foes drives his brothers into a terrible battle-rage.
- If this litany is inspiring, then select one friendly Black Templars Core unit within 6" of this PRIEST. Each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage. A unit can suffer a maximum of 6 mortal wounds per phase as the result of this ability.
Chapter specific Units
Emperor's Champion (HQ)

This unit contains 1 Emperor's Champion. Your army can only include one Emperor's Champion model.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Emperor's Champion | 6" | 2+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 9 | 2+ | 100 |
Wargear: An Emperor's Champion is equipped with: Black Sword; heavy bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
-Black Sword
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Sweeping blow | Melee | Melee | +3 | -3 | 2 | - |
Thrusting strike | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Heavy bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolt pistol | 18" | Pistol 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Honour or Death"> This model is eligible to perform a Heroic Intervention if it is within 6" horizontally and 5" vertically of any enemy unit, instead of 3" horizontally and 5" vertically. Each time this model makes a Heroic Intervention move, so long as it ends that move either closer to the closest enemy model or within Engagement Range of an enemy Character or Monster unit, it can move up to 6". All other rules for Heroic Interventions still apply. </tab> <tab name="Martial Superiority"> At the start of the Fight phase, if this model is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can fight first that phase. </tab> <tab name="The Armour of Faith"> This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. In addition, this model has a 4+ invulnerable save against melee weapons. </tab> <tab name="Skilful Parry"> Each time a melee attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from the hit roll. </tab> <tab name="Sigismund's Heir"> Each time this model makes a melee attack against an enemy CHARACTER unit, you can re-roll the hit roll and you can re-roll the wound roll. </tab> <tab name="Holy Wargear"> This model can never be given any Relics, Crusade Relics or Weapon Enhancements. </tab> </tabs>
- None
- Infantry, Primaris, Character, Champion, Emperor's Champion
Crusader Squad (Troop)
This unit contains 1 Sword Brother, 4 Initiates and 5 Neophytes. It can include up to 5 more Initiates and up to 5 more Neophytes.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Neophyte | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 4+ | 16 |
Initiate | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 19 |
Sword Brother | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 19 |
Wargear: Every Initiate and Sword Brother is equipped with: bolt pistol; bolt rifle; Astartes grenades. Every Neophyte is equipped with: bolt pistol; boltgun; Astartes grenades.
-Bolt rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Boltgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> </tabs>
- Any number of Initiates can each have their bolt pistol and bolt rifle replaced with 1 heavy bolt pistol and 1 Astartes chainsword.
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Heavy bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolt pistol | 18" | Pistol 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
- For every 5 models in this unit, 1 Initiate's bolt rifle can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Special Weapons list.
Special Weapons
-Pyreblaster - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyreblaster | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Melta rifle - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Melta rifle | 24" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma incinerator - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -4 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -4 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-impactor - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-impactor | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 5 | -4 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- The Sword Brother's bolt rifle can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Combi-weapons list; 1 weapon from the Melee Weapon list; 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
-Rifle-flamer - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Flamer | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Rifle-melta - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Meltagun | 12" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Rifle-plasma - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one or two of the profiles below to make attacks with (you can only select one of the plasma gun profiles). If you select two, then each time an attack is made with this weapon this phase, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Standard | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Rifle-grav - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Grav-gun | 18" | Rapid Fire 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 20 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- The Intercessor Sergeant's bolt pistol or heavy bolt pistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Melee Weapon list; 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 20 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- Any number of Neophytes can each have their boltgun replaced with one of the following: 1 Astartes chainsword; 1 Astartes shotgun.
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Astartes shotgun - 1 pt
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes shotgun | 12" | Assault 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | If the target is within half range, add 1 to this weapon’s Strength. |
- Core, Infantry, Primaris, CRUSADER SQUAD
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Relentless Seekers: The Blood Ravens unwaveringly seek out knowledge at all opportunities, and even the most punishing assaults cannot hold them at bay. Their Chapter Librarians are meticulous in this collection, for hopefully, this may lead them to some secret about their Chapter’s mysterious past.
- Each time a Psychic test or Deny the Witch test is taken for a PSYKER unit with this tactic, add 1 to the result.
- You can ignore any or all modifiers to the Move characteristic of units with this tactic
- You can ignore any or all modifiers to Advance rolls made for units with this tactic.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Ordo Psykana: On the battlefield, the powerful Librarians of the Blood Ravens are expected to use their talents to support their battle-brothers through divinations and raw psychic energy.
- Whilst the Devastator Doctrine is active, each time a PSYKER unit with this ability successfully manifests a psychic power, add 6" to the range of that psychic power’s effects, and if the psychic power requires you to select a unit visible to the PSYKER, for that manifestation you can select a unit visible to any friendly unit with the Angels of Death ability.
- Warlord Trait - Indomitable: This warlord refuses to yield whilst foes remain before him.
- When resolving an attack made against this WARLORD, an unmodified wound roll of 1-3 always fail, irrespective of any abilities that the weapon or the model making that attack may have.
- Relic - Blade of the Martyr: This mighty Force Sword was once wielded by Azariah Moriah, then Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens, at the siege of Patel Major. Only rarely released from the Chapter's Librarium, this blade is psychically imbued with the memory of the Moriah's zeal.
- Model equipped with a force weapon. This Relic replaces a force weapon and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Blade of the Martyr Melee Melee +2 -3 D3 Each time a Psychic test is taken for the bearer, if the result of that test was an unmodified result of 9+, your opponent cannot attempt to deny that power.
- Stratagems - Spiritual Might (1 CP): Suspiciously, the Blood Ravens are numbered amongst the most psychically gifted of all the Space Marine Chapters.
- Epic Deed: Use this Stratagem in your Psychic phase. Select one Blood Ravens psyker unit from your army. You can attempt to manifest one additional psychic power with that unit this phase.
- Psychic Power - Electrosurge: Electrokinetic energy surges through the Librarian's veins and arcs between his fingertips. With a gesture, it leaps forth to transform flesh into charred meat.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Witchfire: If manifested, select one enemy unit within 12" of and visible to this PSYKER. That unit suffers 3 mortal wounds.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - No Matter the Odds: Even when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, the Crimson Fists emerge bloodied but victorious.
- Each time a model with this tactic makes an attack against a unit that contained at least 5 more models than the attacker's unit when it was selected to fight or shoot, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. For the purposes of this tactic, VEHICLE models each count as 5 models.
- Each time a model with this tactic is destroyed by a melee attack, if that model has not fought this phase, roll one D6: on a 4+, do not remove it from play. The destroyed model can fight after the attacking model’s unit has finished making attacks, and is then removed from play. When making these attacks, if any of the destroyed model’s characteristics change as it suffers damage, for the purposes of determining what characteristics on its profile to use, the destroyed model is considered to have 1 wound remaining.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Rynn's Defenders: Forged in the fire of the most terrible and hopeless battles, the Crimson Fists are steadfast and stubborn warriors, reluctant to yield so long as victory is possible.
- Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active, each time a model with this ability makes a ranged attack that targets a unit within half range with a Rapid Fire weapon or an Assault weapon, improve the Strength characteristic of that attack by 1.
- Warlord Trait - Tenacious Opponent: This champion fights all the harder when he is outnumbered by his foes.
- Each time this WARLORD is selected to fight, if there are at least 5 enemy models within 6" of it, until that fight is resolved, add D3 to the Attacks characteristic of this WARLORD.
- Relic - Fist of Vengeance: This master-crafted power fist is blood red, and chipped and marked with hundreds of battle scars. Forged many years before the cataclysm that almost destroyed the Crimson Fists, the Fist of Vengeance was recovered from the ruins of the Chapter’s fortress monastery. In the years since that dark day, this symbol of resilience and defiance has been borne into battle by many heroes of the Chapter.
- Model equipped with a power fist. This Relic replaces a power fist and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Fist of Vengeance Melee Melee x2 -3 3 -
- Stratagems - Slay the Tyrant (1 CP): The Crimson Fists have earned a reputation for liberating planets enslaved by tyrants, slaying the despots themselves so that their power base crumbles.
- Battle Tactic: Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase or the Fight phase, when a CRIMSON FISTS unit from your army is chosen to shoot or fight with. Until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made by a model in that unit against a CHARACTER unit, add 1 to the hit roll.
- Psychic Power - Enduring Duty: The Librarian steels the spirit of one of his companions to fight on to the end, even when the body should have given up and all hope is gone.
- Warp Charge: 5
- Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly CRIMSON FISTS INFANTRY unit within 18" of the psyker.
- Select one model in that unit; that model regains up to D3 lost wounds. Each model can only be healed once per turn.
- If that unit is not at its Starting Strength, one destroyed model is added back to that unit with its full wounds remaining.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Psychic Ward: The Exorcists are known to utilise certain occult mental arts to enter an almost trance-like state of higher consciousness, which allows them to become completely devoid of fear and pain, even when confronted by the sanity-destroying horrors of the Warp.
- Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for a unit with this tactic, it is automatically passed.
- Each time a model with this tactic would lose a wound, roll one D6; on a 6 that wound is not lost. If that wound would be lost as a result of a mortal wound, that wound is not lost on a 5+ instead of 6.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Unpredictable Adaptability: When an enemy counters one tactic used by the Exorcists, the Chapter plans accordingly, adapts, and changes strategy, enabling it to outmanoeuvre its enemies and catch them completely off-guard.
- While the Tactical Doctrine is active, while a unit with this ability is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, this unit gains the bonus of the Assault Doctrine, instead of the Tactical Doctrine.
- Warlord Trait - Know Thy Enemy: This warlord is learned in the wealth of archived lore the Chapter has collected over centuries of warfare against their enemies, and applies this knowledge with effectiveness upon the battlefield.
- At the start of the first battle round, select one enemy unit. Until the end of the battle, this WARLORD gains the following ability: "Know Thy Enemy (Aura): While a friendly EXORCISTS CORE unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes an attack against that enemy unit, add 1 to the wound roll."
- Relic - Exile Plate: Etched into the Ceramite of this suit of armour are powerful wards and hexagrams of exile. With the culmination of the Chapter’s anagogic knowledge adorning every aspect of its surface, the bearer purges those black of soul.
- The bearer has a Save characteristic of 2+.
- While an enemy model is within Engagement Range of the bearer, worsen the Invulnerable saves or Daemonic saves this enemy model may have by 1, to a minimum of 6+.
- Stratagems - Spiritual Resolve (2 CP): The ordeals of the Halls of Tempering grant heightened spiritual resilience to those who survive them.
- Strategic Ploy: Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Psychic phase, when an EXORCISTS unit from your army is selected for a psychic power manifested by an enemy PSYKER. The effects of that psychic power are not resolved for that manifestation.
- Psychic Power - Soul Death: Looking into the Great Beyond, the Librarian search for the spirit of an enemy, and assault it directly.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Witchfire (Aura): If manifested, select the closest enemy unit within 18" of this PSYKER. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If that unit has the PSYKER keyword and the result of the Psychic test is higher than the Leadership characteristic of that unit, randomly select one psychic power that unit knows. Until the end of the battle, that unit no longer knows that psychic power.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Sacred Messengers: The Fire Angels consider themselves to be holy fighters in the God Emperor’s service whose foremost duty is to defend the Imperium from those who would assail it.
- Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of models with this tactic.
- Add 3" to the range of aura abilities of CHARACTER models with this tactic, to a maximum of 9". This does not increase the range of the Narthecium ability and aura abilities that are Psychic Powers.
- Each time a CHARACTER model with this tactic uses an ability in your Command phase that specifies a range, add 3" to the range of that ability, to a maximum of 9".
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Live by the sword: The Fire Angels are known to favour the sword as the epitome of a warrior’s arsenal and the incarnate focus of his honour.
- Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, each time a model with this ability makes a melee attack, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.
- Warlord Trait - Hallowed Warrior: The hands of this warlord are guided by his flawless faith in the God Emperor.
- Each time this WARLORD makes an attack, re-roll a hit roll of 1 and re-roll a wound roll of 1.
- Relic - Light of Castigation: The Fire Angels Chapter Cult cleaves much closer to the doctrine of the Ecclesiarchy than to the typical practices of its brethren, and its fervour has been added to more than one Ministorum crusade. After the Hengistus Crusade, a grateful cardinal provided to the Fire Angels the Light of Castigation, a hand flamer he had personally blessed and sanctified according to the highest rites.
- Model equipped with a pyre pistol. This Relic replaces a pyre pistol and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Light of Castigation 12" Pistol D6 4 -1 2 Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target.
- Stratagems - Unstoppable Advance (1/2 CP): Shaped by their earliest trials in combat, the Fire Angels have developed a predilection for mobile mechanised deployments.
- Strategic Ploy: Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, after a Fire Angels TRANSPORT unit from your army moves. If that unit is a REPULSOR, this Stratagem costs 2 CP; otherwise, it costs 1 CP. Fire Angels units embarked aboard that unit can immediately disembark. Any units that do so cannot Advance this turn, but can make a charge move this turn.
- Psychic Power - Wrath of the Righteous: Like a murderous angel, the Librarian exacts the Emperor’s righteous fury on those who deny His dominion over the stars or those who profane that which is sacred.
- Warp Charge: 7
- Malediction: If manifested, select one enemy unit within 12" of and visible to this PSYKER. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, each time a melee attack is allocated to a model in that unit, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that attack.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Phratry Organisation: Each Iron Snakes Squad is trained and equipped to fight independently of the rest of the Chapter. They are all treated as individual tactical formations, held equal in the line of battle.
- INFANTRY units with this tactic gain the Objective Secured ability.
- Each time a model with this tactic makes a ranged attack that targets the closest eligible enemy unit, add 1 to that attacks hit roll.
- Each time a model with this tactic makes a melee attack, if that model’s unit made a charge move this turn, add 1 to that attacks hit roll.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Ithaka's Spears: Particularly skilful with them, each Iron Snake battle brother is issued with Sea Lances before battle, to be used and disposed of at his convenience.
- Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, when resolving a melee attack made by a model with this ability, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
- Warlord Trait - Predetermined Succession: Each squad-leader is expected to nominate a successor from within his squad, who will be chosen to accompany him to officer-level briefings and take over command in the event of his death.
- After nominating this model to be your WARLORD, randomly determine one additional Warlord Trait for them from the Adeptus Astartes Warlord Traits table.
- If this WARLORD is destroyed, you can immediately select one other Iron Snakes CHARACTER model from your army that does not have a Warlord Trait, and select a Warlord Trait for that model to gain (this must be a Warlord Trait no other model from your army has, it must be one that model can have, and cannot be Predetermined Succession). Until the end of the battle, that model counts as your Warlord for all rules purposes. If any mission objective, secondary objective or Agenda rules are triggered when your WARLORD is destroyed, those rules are not triggered until this new WARLORD is destroyed.
- Relic - Tiborus: A master-crafted power lance used to hunt large and predacious species on Ithaka.
- Model equipped with a power weapon or master-crafted power weapon only. This Relic replaces a power weapon or master-crafted power weapon, and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Tiborus Melee Melee +2 -4 2 Each time an attack with this weapon is allocated to a model whose characteristics can change as they suffer damage, that model’s unit suffers 2 mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage.
- Stratagems - Phalanx Formation (2 CP): The Chapter's Armoury can issue Combat Shields and Sea Lances to all battle-brothers. Consequently, the Iron Snakes can close up and use shield-wall tactics to hold their position.
- Battle Tactic: Use this Stratagem at the end of your Morale phase. Select one Iron Snakes INFANTRY unit from your army that is within 3" of any objective markers. Until the start of your next turn, add 1 to the Attacks and Leadership characteristic of models in that unit, and when resolving an attack made against that unit, add 1 to the armour saving throw.
- Psychic Power - Rending Maw: The Librarian calls forth the avatar of a sea-wyrms native to Ithaka, whose maw erupts from the very ground beneath the enemy. The very stones and earth reform into the shape of jaws and teeth that snap shut, consuming all within in a shower of gore.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Witchfire: If manifested, select one enemy unit that is wholly on or within an Area Terrain feature and is within 18" of and visible to this PSYKER. Roll ten D6; for each roll of 5+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Angels Macabre: Lore description.
- Units with this tactic have the following ability: '"Grim Aspect (Aura): While an enemy unit is within 3" of a unit with this ability, subtract 2 from the Leadership characteristic of models in that unit, and subtract 1 from Combat Attrition tests made for that unit."
- Each time an attack is made by a model with this tactic, if its unit is below Half-strength, add 1 to that attack’s wound roll.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Morbid Harvest: Lore description.
- Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, each time a model with this ability makes a melee attack, if the target of that attack was below Half Strength when it was selected as the target, or if the target has a Starting Strength of 1 and had half or less of its wounds remaining when it was selected as the target, you can ignore any or all wound roll modifiers and abilities that reduce the Damage characteristic of that attack.
- Warlord Trait - The Reaper's Visage (Aura): This warlord's aura of terror is so overwhelming that his mere presence mentally isolates his enemies from the rest of the battlefield.
- While an enemy unit is within 3" of this WARLORD, that unit cannot be affected by the abilities (excluding those that are psychic powers) of other enemy units.
- Relic - Primarch's Edge: This venerable Astartes Combat Knife has seen millennia of service. Legend has it that it was first drawn by the Primarch Roboute Guilliman. It is unknown how the Mortifactors first came into the keeping of this relic, but their most cunning armourers have bent all their skill into preserving it unblemished through the long years since they received it.
- Model equipped with a chainsword. This Relic replaces a chainsword and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Primarch's Edge Melee Melee User -2 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified hit roll of 4+ automatically wounds the target.
- Stratagems - Daunting Riposte (1 CP): For the Mortifactors, only in death does duty truly begin.
- Battle Tactic: Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight phase. Select one Mortifactors CORE unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit is destroyed by a melee attack and does not explode, roll one D6: on a 5+, after the attacking models' unit has finished making its attacks, it suffers 1 mortal wound (a unit can suffer a maximum of 6 mortal wounds per phase as the result of this ability).
- Psychic Power - Fear of the Darkness: Sheer terror overcomes the Librarian's foes as their souls are pierced with the horror of death and the truth of their insignificance in an uncaring universe.
- Warp Charge: 7
- Witchfire: If manifested, select one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to this Psyker. Roll one 2D6 for each model in that unit: for each roll that exceeds that model’s Leadership characteristic, that model’s unit suffers 1 mortal wound (to a maximum of 6 mortal wounds).
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Legendary Marksmen: Even amongst such expert sharpshooter as the Adeptus Astartes, the Raptors are rightly famed and feared for their ability to place lethally accurate gun fire onto enemy units, a skill often practised from ambush to devastating effect.
- Add 4" to the Range characteristic of all ranged weapons (excluding flame weapons and Relics) models with this tactic are equipped with.
- Each time a ranged attack targets an INFANTRY unit with this tactic, if the attacker is more than 12" away, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Precision Strikes Trained to identify and slaughter priority targets, the Raptors make art of stalking and assassination.
- Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active, when resolving an attack made by a model with this ability against a CHARACTER unit, you can add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls.
- Warlord Trait - Guerrilla Fighter: Adept of asymmetric warfare, this warlord prefers ranged hit-and-run tactics over close quarters fighting.
- Once per turn, in your Shooting phase, after shooting with a friendly Raptors INFANTRY unit within 6" of this WARLORD, that unit can make a Normal Move; if it does, that unit cannot shoot again this phase and is not eligible to declare a charge with this turn.
- Relic - Thanatos: This master-crafted bolt rifle is fitted with an incredibly sophisticated telescopic combat sight. No enemy is too far or too hidden for its gaze.
- Model equipped with a master-crafted bolt rifle. This Relic replaces a master-crafted bolt rifle and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Thanatos 36" Rapid Fire 1 4 -2 3 Each time you select a target for this weapon, ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, you can ignore any or all hit roll and Ballistic Skill modifiers.
- Stratagems - Infiltrated Vanguard (1/2 CP): By expertly scouting a region before launching an attack, the Raptors can insert their units without their opponents realising the number or nature of the opposing forces.
- Strategic Ploy: Use this Stratagem before the battle when declaring reserves and transports (if you are playing a mission without this step, use this Stratagem during deployment instead). If you spend 1 CP, you can set up one Raptors INFANTRY unit from your army in ambush instead of placing it on the battlefield. If you spend 2 CPs, you can place two Raptors INFANTRY units in ambush instead. In the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases, you can set up any units in ambush anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. You can only use this Stratagem once.
- Psychic Power - Shadowstep: The gloom of the battlefield coalesces into a dark passageway that allows those who use it to stalk amongst shadows and re-emerge where the foe least expects them.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Blessing: If manifested, select one Raptors INFANTRY CHARACTER unit from your army within 18" of this Psyker. Remove that unit from the battlefield and set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Purity Above All: Fanatical in their pursuit of genetic and spiritual purity, the gene-seed's sanctity is essential to the Red Scorpions' core beliefs; as a result, the Apothecaries are present in the Chapter organisation as squad leaders in place of a sergeant.
- You can ignore any or all Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill modifiers for models with this tactic.
- Models with this tactic that has the word "Sergeant" in their profile have the following ability: "Helix Sergeant: Once per phase, the first time a saving throw is failed for this model's unit, the Damage characteristic of that attack is changed to 0."
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Rigid Structure: The chain of command within the Chapter is highly authoritarian, and all orders given by a superior are to be obeyed without question.
- Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active, when resolving an attack made by a CORE model with this ability, if that unit is within 3" of a CHARACTER model with this ability, you can add 1 to hit rolls.
- Warlord Trait - Divine Purity: This warlord holds himself to the highest of standards and considers his purity and loyalty second to none when compared to other servants of the God-Emperor and soldiers of the Imperium.
- This WARLORD can ignore any or all modifiers to its Strength, Toughness, Attacks and Leadership characteristics.
- Relic - Tear of the Scorpion: Among all of the fine weapons from their vast armouries, none are as revered by the Red Scorpions as the Relic Blades known as the Tears of the Scorpion. Ancient weapons of immense spiritual value to the Chapter, this sword generate a power field of long-lost eldritch design. Other power weapons offer no protection from these vicious blades.
- Model equipped with a power weapon or master-crafted power weapon only. This Relic replaces a power weapon or master-crafted power weapon, and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Tears of the Scorpion Melee Melee +2 -3 2 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, you can ignore any and all hit roll and wound roll modifiers for that attack, and the model that attack is allocated to cannot use any rules to ignore the wounds it loses.
- Stratagems - Surprising Creativity (1 CP): Although the Chapter relies heavily on the Codex Astartes for strategic and tactical deployments, it can unexpectedly innovate when circumstances dictate.
- Strategic Ploy: Use this Stratagem at the start of your Movement phase. Select one Red Scorpions CORE unit from your army, then select either the Devastator, Tactical or Assault Doctrine. Until the start of your next Movement phase, that unit gains the bonus of that combat doctrine instead of the active combat doctrine.
- Psychic Power - Word of the Codex Astartes: The Librarian calls to the common bond between Battle-Brothers as laid down by the Codex Astartes and reminds Space Marines of their sacred duty and powerful heritage.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly Red Scorpions PRIMARIS unit within 12" of this PSYKER. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, Morale tests taken for that unit are automatically passed, and each time a model in that unit makes an attack, re-roll a hit roll of 1 and re-roll a wound roll of 1.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Giant Slayers: The Shadow Wolves are honed to confront adversaries of formidable might in the crucible of combat. Even the strongest opponent should fear their wrath.
- Each time an enemy model makes a melee attack against a unit with this tactic, if that enemy model made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, subtract 1 from that attack's hit roll.
- Each time a model with this tactic makes a melee attack, if that model’s unit made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, add 1 to that attack’s Strength characteristic.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Archaic Customisation: The Shadow Wolves do not hesitate to extensively temper with armaments from the Dark Age of Technology, if such means the eradication of their many enemies.
- Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active, when resolving an attack made with a plasma weapon or grav weapon by a model with this ability, add 1 to that attack’s wound roll.
- Warlord Trait - Pack Leader (Aura): The exceptional charisma of this warlord influence greatly the warriors who battle beneath his banner. They fight all the harder to follow his shining example.
- Friendly Shadow Wolves PRIMARIS units can perform a Heroic Intervention as if they were CHARACTERS whilst they are within 6" of this WARLORD.
- Relic - Graviton Maul: Able to effortlessly pulverize armoured foes, these weapons are venerated artifacts hailing from the time of the Horus Heresy. Originally employed predominantly by the Fourth Legion in the course of both the Great Crusade and the Heresy, the enigma of how the Shadow Wolves procured these ancient hammers remains unsolved.
- Model equipped with a thunder hammer. This Relic replaces a thunder hammer and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Graviton Maul Melee Melee x2 -3 3 This weapon is a grav weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 3+D3.
- Stratagems - Expert Anatomist (2 CP): The warriors of the Shadow Wolves meticulously analyse the anatomy of their adversaries before any conflict to ensure the delivery of lethal strikes.
- Battle Tactic: Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase or the Fight phase, when a Shadow Wolves Core or Shadow Wolves CHARACTER unit from your army is selected to shoot or fight. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, add 1 to the wound roll.
- Psychic Power - Armour Betrayal: The Librarian's otherworldly vision penetrates an enemy's hard-shell, laying bare its vulnerable inner workings to his destructive manipulation.
- Malediction: 6
- Malediction: If manifested, select one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, subtract 1 to armour saving throws made for models in that enemy unit.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Cold Efficiency: The Silver Skulls are known for being relentless, efficient, extremely pragmatic, not adverse to using whatever tactics it takes to win, and their barbaric brutality when engaged in melee combat.
- Models with this tactic do not suffer the penalty to hit rolls incurred for firing Assault weapons in the same turn that their unit has Advanced.
- Models with this tactic do not suffer the penalty to hit rolls incurred for firing Heavy weapons in the same turn that their unit has moved.
- Each time a model with this tactic makes an attack with a melee weapon, if that model’s unit made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Prognosticatum Forecasts: The Prognosticars are the seers of the Silver Skulls, reading the Emperor's Tarot or Rune-stones for divination of the future, granting the squads and companies they are attached to an edge for the coming battle.
- Whilst the Devastator Doctrine is active, each time a CORE unit with this ability makes a ranged attack, while they are within 6" of a friendly PSYKER, you can ignore any or all hit roll and Ballistic Skill modifiers.
- Warlord Trait - Skilled Augure: This Prognosticar is a master of the esoteric divination and precognitive abilities, which are the pride of his Chapter.
- Psyker only. Once per Psychic phase, when you attempt to manifest a Blessing Psychic Power with this WARLORD, you can re-roll that Psychic test.
- Relic - Argent Guide: A rare psycho-crystalline lattice is woven throughout the faces of this set of divinatory cards of the Emperor's Tarot. Its unusual construction allows anyone familiar with the Chapter mysteries to utilise the diviner's arts.
- Each time your opponent uses a Stratagem, if the bearer is on the battlefield, roll one D6: on a 5+, you gain 1 Command point.
- Stratagems - Headhunting (1 CP): The Silver Skulls have a brutal reputation as headhunters. They are known for wearing the decapitated heads and skulls of their enemies as trophies on their power armour.
- Battle Tactic: Use this Stratagem when a Silver Skulls PRIMARIS unit from your army is chosen to fight with in the Fight phase. Until the end of the phase, when resolving an attack made by a model in that unit against a CHARACTER unit that is not a VEHICLE, or against a unit that is not a VEHICLE and contains any models with a Wounds characteristic of 4 or more, add 1 to the wound roll.
- Psychic Power - Empyric Prognostic: The Prognosticar projects his will deep into the Warp to ascertain the next step towards victory.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Blessing: If manifested, until the start of your next Psychic phase, you can change the result of a single hit roll, wound roll, Advance roll, charge roll, Psychic test, Deny the Witch test or Morale test made for one friendly Silver Skulls unit within 18" of this PSYKER to be 6. This counts as an unmodified 6 for all rules purposes.
Chapter special Rules
- Chapter Tactic - Storm and Fury: The traditions of the Storm Wardens mirror those of the feral tribes of Sacris, which place a strong emphasis on close combat and testing oneself against the strongest of foes upon the field of battle.
- At the start of the Fight phase, if a unit with this tactic is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can fight first that phase.
- Units with this tactic are eligible to perform Heroic Interventions as if they were CHARACTERS.
- Combat Doctrine Bonus - Way of Honour: Upon closing with the enemy, the Storm Wardens draw their chainswords and Sacris Claymores, and engage the enemy in the manner of their forebears - in the bloody maelstrom of close combat.
- Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, when resolving a melee attack made by a model with this ability, if it made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that fight is resolved, add 1 to that attack's wound roll.
- Warlord Trait - Master Duellist: This warlord seek out single combat with foes he considers worthy of the honour.
- This Warlord is eligible to perform a Heroic Intervention if it is within 6" horizontally and 5" vertically of any enemy unit, instead of 3" horizontally and 5" vertically.
- Each time this Warlord makes a Heroic Intervention move, it can move up to 6" instead of 3". All other rules for Heroic Interventions still apply.
- Relic - Fury Unrelenting: These vambraces were salvaged from the ruined armour of a Battle-Brother of the Storm Wardens during an engagement by the Chapter against the Tau. He survived the barrage brought to bear against his squad by Broadside Battlesuits and charged the position held by the heavy guns alone. In a vengeful rage, he assaulted his foes with just his armoured fists, but his furious blows were enough to bring down the Battlesuits before he was slain.
- Each time the bearer makes a melee attack, you can select for it to use the close combat weapon profile instead of a melee weapon it is equipped with. Each time the bearer makes an attack with the close combat weapon profile, if a hit is scored, the target suffers 1 mortal wound and the attack sequence ends.
- Stratagems - The last duel (2 CP): Many Storm Warden Astartes prefer to challenge enemy commanders to single combat to test themselves against the mightiest of enemies.
- Epic Deed: Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase. Select one Storm Wardens CHARACTER unit (excluding VEHICLE units) from your army and one enemy CHARACTER unit. Until the end of the phase, each time that enemy CHARACTER unit is selected to fight, if the selected Storm Wardens CHARACTER unit is within Engagement Range of that enemy CHARACTER unit when your opponent is selecting targets for its attacks, those attacks can only target the selected Storm Wardens CHARACTER unit.
- Psychic Power - Ancestor's Rage: Calling upon the talents of dead heroes of the Chapter, the Librarian is able to instil exceptional skill at arms.
- Warp Charge: 6
- Blessing: If manifested, select one friendly Storm Wardens PRIMARIS model within 12" of this PSYKER. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, add 2 to the Strength and Attacks characteristics of that model.
Units[edit | edit source]
HQs[edit | edit source]
Captain[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Captain.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Captain | 6" | 2+ | 2+ | 4 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 9 | 3+ | 75 |
Wargear: A Captain is equipped with: Astartes chainsword; bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
-Astartes chainsword
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Iron Halo"> This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Rites of Battle (Aura)"> While a friendly <Chapter> Core unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, re-roll a hit roll of 1. </tab> </tabs>
- If this model is not equiped with an Astartes grav-bike, this model’s bolt pistol and Astartes chainsword can be replaced with 1 pair of lightning claws.
-Pair of lightning claws - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pair of lightning claws | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attack with this weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, you can re-roll the wound roll. |
- This model’s Astartes chainsword can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Pistols list; 1 weapon from the Melee Weapons list; 1 storm shield (maximum 1 per model).
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
-Storm shield - 5 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Storm shield | The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. |
- This model’s bolt pistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Pistols list; 1 weapon from the Melee Weapons list; 1 storm shield (maximum 1 per model).
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
-Storm shield - 5 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Storm shield | The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. |
- If this model is not equiped with a Astartes jump pack or an Astartes grav-bike, this model’s Astartes chainsword can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Combi-weapons list; 1 weapon from the Special Weapons list; 1 weapon from the Heavy weapons list; 1 master-crafted bolt rifle.
-Rifle-flamer - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Flamer | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Rifle-melta - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Meltagun | 12" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Rifle-plasma - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one or two of the profiles below to make attacks with (you can only select one of the plasma gun profiles). If you select two, then each time an attack is made with this weapon this phase, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Standard | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Rifle-grav - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Grav-gun | 18" | Rapid Fire 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Special Weapons
-Pyreblaster - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyreblaster | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Melta rifle - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Melta rifle | 24" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma incinerator - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -4 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -4 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-impactor - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-impactor | 20" | Assault 2 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Heavy Weapons
-Heavy bolter - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 2 | - |
-Heavy flamer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy flamer | 12" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Multi-melta - 25 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Multi-melta | 24" | Heavy 2 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Lascannon - 20 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lascannon | 48" | Heavy 1 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
-Grav-cannon - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-cannon | 30" | Heavy 4 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
-Plasma cannon - 20 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 36" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -3 | 1 | Blast. |
Supercharge | 36" | Heavy D3 | 8 | -3 | 2 | Blast. If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Master-crafted bolt rifle - 3 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Master-crafted bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 2 | - |
- This model can be equipped with one of the following: 1 Astartes jump pack; 1 Astartes grav-bike and 1 in-built bolter array.
-Astartes jump pack - 25 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Astartes jump pack | Improve the Move characteristic of the bearer by 6". The bearer has the Death From Above ability and the FLY and JUMP PACK keywords. |
-Astartes grav-bike - 40 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Astartes grav-bike | Improve the Move characteristic of the bearer by 8". Add 1 to the bearer's Toughness characteristic and 2 to its Wound characteristic. The bearer has the Grav-bike ability and the BIKER keyword, and does not have the INFANTRY keyword. |
-In-built bolter array - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
In-built bolter array | 30" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer shoots, it can make attacks with this weapon even if it also makes attacks with Pistols or Grenades. |
- Infantry, Primaris, Character, Captain
Lieutenant[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Lieutenant.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Lieutenant | 6" | 2+ | 2+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 65 |
Wargear: A Lieutenant is equipped with: Astartes chainsword; bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
-Astartes chainsword
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Company Heroes"> If your army is Battle-forged, then for each Lieutenant unit included in a Detachment, a second Lieutenant unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up an additional Battlefield Role slot. </tab> <tab name="Refractor Field"> This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Tactical Precision (Aura)"> While a friendly <Chapter> Core unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, re-roll a wound roll of 1. </tab> </tabs>
- If this model is not equiped with an Astartes grav-bike, this model’s bolt pistol and Astartes chainsword can be replaced with 1 pair of lightning claws.
-Pair of lightning claws - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pair of lightning claws | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attack with this weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, you can re-roll the wound roll. |
- This model’s Astartes chainsword can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Pistols list; 1 weapon from the Melee Weapons list; 1 storm shield (maximum 1 per model).
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
-Storm shield - 10 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Storm shield | The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. |
- This model’s bolt pistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Pistols list; 1 weapon from the Melee Weapons list; 1 storm shield (maximum 1 per model).
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
-Storm shield - 10 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Storm shield | The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. |
- If this model is not equiped with a Astartes jump pack or an Astartes grav-bike, this model’s Astartes chainsword can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Combi-weapons list; 1 weapon from the Special Weapons list; 1 weapon from the Heavy weapons list; 1 master-crafted bolt rifle.
-Rifle-flamer - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Flamer | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Rifle-melta - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Meltagun | 12" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Rifle-plasma - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one or two of the profiles below to make attacks with (you can only select one of the plasma gun profiles). If you select two, then each time an attack is made with this weapon this phase, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Standard | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Rifle-grav - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Grav-gun | 18" | Rapid Fire 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Special Weapons
-Pyreblaster - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyreblaster | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Melta rifle - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Melta rifle | 24" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma incinerator - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -4 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -4 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-impactor - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-impactor | 20" | Assault 2 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Heavy Weapons
-Heavy bolter - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 2 | - |
-Heavy flamer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy flamer | 12" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Multi-melta - 25 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Multi-melta | 24" | Heavy 2 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Lascannon - 20 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lascannon | 48" | Heavy 1 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
-Grav-cannon - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-cannon | 30" | Heavy 4 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
-Plasma cannon - 20 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 36" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -3 | 1 | Blast. |
Supercharge | 36" | Heavy D3 | 8 | -3 | 2 | Blast. If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Master-crafted bolt rifle - 3 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Master-crafted bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 2 | - |
- This model can be equipped with one of the following: 1 Astartes jump pack; 1 Astartes grav-bike and 1 in-built bolter array.
-Astartes jump pack - 25 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Astartes jump pack | Improve the Move characteristic of the bearer by 6". The bearer has the Death From Above ability and the FLY and JUMP PACK keywords. |
-Astartes grav-bike - 40 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Astartes grav-bike | Improve the Move characteristic of the bearer by 8". Add 1 to the bearer's Toughness characteristic and 2 to its Wound characteristic. The bearer has the Grav-bike ability and the BIKER keyword, and does not have the INFANTRY keyword. |
-In-built bolter array - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
In-built bolter array | 30" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer shoots, it can make attacks with this weapon even if it also makes attacks with Pistols or Grenades. |
- Infantry, Primaris, Character, Lieutenant
Chaplain[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Chaplain.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Chaplain | 6" | 2+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 3+ | 70 |
Wargear: A Chaplain is equipped with: Crozius Arcanum; heavy bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
-Crozius Arcanum
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Crozius Arcanum | Melee | Melee | +2 | -2 | 2 | - |
-Heavy bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolt pistol | 18" | Pistol 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Rosarius"> This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. In addition, if a psychic power manifested by an enemy model targets this model, roll one D6: on a 5+, this model is not affected by that power (other models are still affected normally). </tab> <tab name="Spiritual Leaders (Aura)"> While a friendly <Chapter> Core unit is within 6" of this model, models in that unit can use this model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their own. </tab> </tabs>
- This model’s heavy bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- This model can be equipped with one of the following: 1 Astartes jump pack; 1 Astartes grav-bike and 1 in-built bolter array.
-Astartes jump pack - 25 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Astartes jump pack | Improve the Move characteristic of the bearer by 6". The bearer has the Death From Above ability and the FLY and JUMP PACK keywords. |
-Astartes grav-bike - 40 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Astartes grav-bike | Improve the Move characteristic of the bearer by 8". Add 1 to the bearer's Toughness characteristic and 2 to its Wound characteristic. The bearer has the Grav-bike ability and the BIKER keyword, and does not have the INFANTRY keyword. |
-In-built bolter array - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
In-built bolter array | 30" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer shoots, it can make attacks with this weapon even if it also makes attacks with Pistols or Grenades. |
- This model knows the Litany of Hate and one other litany from the Litanies of Battle. In your Command phase, if this model is on the battlefield, it can recite one litany it knows that has not already been recited by a friendly model this turn. Roll one D6: on a 3+, the recited litany is inspiring and takes effect until the start of your next Command phase.
- Infantry, Primaris, Priest, Character, Chaplain
Librarian[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Librarian.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Librarian | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 3+ | 85 |
Wargear: A Librarian is equipped with: force weapon; bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
-Force weapon
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Force weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | D3 | - |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Psychic Hood"> Each time a Deny the Witch test is taken for this model, if the unit attempting to manifest the psychic power is within 12" of this model, add 1 to that Deny the Witch test. </tab> </tabs>
- This model’s bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- This model can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in your Psychic phase and attempt to deny one psychic power in your opponent’s Psychic phase. It knows Smite and two psychic powers from the Librarius discipline.
- Infantry, Primaris, Psyker, Character, Librarian
Techmarine[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Techmarine.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Techmarine | 6" | 3+ | 2+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 2+ | 65 |
Wargear: A Techmarine is equipped with: forge bolter; bolt pistol; master-crafted power weapon; servo-arm; Astartes grenades.
-Forge bolter
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Forge bolter | 24" | Assault 3 | 5 | -1 | 2 | Each time the bearer shoots, it can make attacks with this weapon even if it also makes attacks with Pistols or Grenades. |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Master-crafted power weapon
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Master-crafted power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 2 | - |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Servo-arm | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time the bearer fights, no more than one attack can be made with this weapon. |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Blessing of the Omnissiah"> At the end of your Movement phase, this model can repair one friendly <Chapter> Vehicle model within 3" of it. That Vehicle model regains up to D3 lost wounds. Each model can only be repaired once per turn. </tab> <tab name="Awaken the Machine Spirits"> In your Command phase, this model can awaken one friendly <Chapter> Vehicle model within 3" of it. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time that Vehicle model makes a ranged attack, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. Each model can only be awakened once per turn. </tab> </tabs>
- This model’s bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- Infantry, Primaris, Character, Techmarine
Praefector Squad[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Veteran Sergeant and 1 Veteran. It can include up to 3 more Veterans.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Veteran | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 22 |
Veteran Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 9 | 3+ | 22 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: Astartes chainsword; bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
-Astartes chainsword
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Combat Squads"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Bodyguard"> While a friendly <Chapter> Character unit that has a Wounds characteristic of 9 or less is within 3" of this unit, that CHARACTER unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. </tab> <tab name="Command Squad"> If a Detachment includes a <Chapter> Captain, then one <Chapter> Praefector Squad unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. </tab> </tabs>
- If all of the models in the unit are not equiped with Astartes grav-bikes, any number of models can each have their bolt pistol and Astartes chainsword replaced with 1 pair of lightning claws.
-Pair of lightning claws - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pair of lightning claws | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attack with this weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, you can re-roll the wound roll. |
- Any number of models can each have their Astartes chainsword replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Pistols list; 1 weapon from the Melee Weapons list; 1 storm shield (maximum 1 per model).
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
-Storm shield - 10 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Storm shield | The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. |
- Any number of models can each have their bolt pistol replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Pistols list; 1 weapon from the Melee Weapons list; 1 storm shield (maximum 1 per model).
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
-Storm shield - 10 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Storm shield | The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. |
- If all of the models in the unit are not equiped with jump packs or Astartes grav-bikes, any number of models can each have their Astartes chainsword replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Combi-weapons list; 1 bolt rifle.
-Rifle-flamer - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Flamer | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Rifle-melta - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Meltagun | 12" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Rifle-plasma - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one or two of the profiles below to make attacks with (you can only select one of the plasma gun profiles). If you select two, then each time an attack is made with this weapon this phase, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Standard | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Rifle-grav - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Grav-gun | 18" | Rapid Fire 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
-Bolt rifle - 1 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
- All of the models in the unit can be equipped with one of the following each: 1 Astartes jump pack; 1 Astartes grav-bike and 1 in-built bolter array.
-Astartes jump pack - 5 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Astartes jump pack | Improve the Move characteristic of the bearer by 6". The bearer has the Death From Above ability and the FLY and JUMP PACK keywords. |
-Astartes grav-bike - 15 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Astartes grav-bike | Improve the Move characteristic of the bearer by 8". Add 1 to the bearer's Toughness characteristic and 2 to its Wound characteristic. The bearer has the Grav-bike ability and the BIKER keyword, and does not have the INFANTRY keyword. |
-In-built bolter array - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
In-built bolter array | 30" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer shoots, it can make attacks with this weapon even if it also makes attacks with Pistols or Grenades. |
- Core, Infantry, Primaris, Veteran, Praefector Squad
Troops[edit | edit source]
Intercessor Squad[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Intercessor Sergeant and 4 Intercessors. It can include up to 5 more Intercessors.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Intercessor | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 20 |
Intercessor Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 20 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: bolt pistol; bolt rifle; Astartes grenades.
-Bolt rifle
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Combat Squads"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Battle Line"> While that unit is performing an action, it can make ranged attacks without that action failing. </tab> </tabs>
- For every 5 models in this unit, 1 Intercessor's bolt rifle can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Special Weapons list; 1 weapon from the Heavy weapons list.
Special Weapons
-Pyreblaster - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyreblaster | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Melta rifle - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Melta rifle | 24" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma incinerator - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -4 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -4 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-impactor - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-impactor | 20" | Assault 2 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Heavy Weapons
-Heavy bolter - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 2 | - |
-Heavy flamer - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy flamer | 12" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Multi-melta - 20 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Multi-melta | 24" | Heavy 2 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Lascannon - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lascannon | 48" | Heavy 1 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
-Grav-cannon - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-cannon | 30" | Heavy 4 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
-Plasma cannon - 15 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 36" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -3 | 1 | Blast. |
Supercharge | 36" | Heavy D3 | 8 | -3 | 2 | Blast. If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
- The Intercessor Sergeant's bolt rifle can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Combi-weapons list; 1 weapon from the Melee Weapon list; 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
-Rifle-flamer - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Flamer | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Rifle-melta - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Meltagun | 12" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Rifle-plasma - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one or two of the profiles below to make attacks with (you can only select one of the plasma gun profiles). If you select two, then each time an attack is made with this weapon this phase, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Standard | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Rifle-grav - 10 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Grav-gun | 18" | Rapid Fire 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- The Intercessor Sergeant's bolt pistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Melee Weapon list; 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- Core, Infantry, Primaris, Intercessor Squad
Neophyte Squad[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Neophyte Sergeant and 4 Neophytes. It can include up to 5 more Neophytes.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Neophyte | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 4+ | 17 |
Neophyte Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 4+ | 17 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: bolt pistol; boltgun; Astartes grenades.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Boltgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Combat Squads"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Concealed Positions"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="10th Company"> If your army is Battle-forged, you cannot include more Neophyte Squad units than Intercessor Squad units in each ADEPTUS ASTARTES Detachment in your army. </tab> </tabs>
- The Neophyte Sergeant's boltgun can be replaced with one power weapon.
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
- Any number of models can each have their boltgun replaced with one of the following: 1 Astartes chainsword; 1 Astartes shotgun; 1 Astartes sniper rifle.
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Astartes shotgun - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes shotgun | 12" | Assault 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes sniper rifle - 2 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes sniper rifle | 36" | Heavy 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage. |
- For every 5 models in this unit, 1 Neophyte's boltgun can be replaced with 1 missile launcher.
-Missile launcher - 15 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag missile | 48" | Heavy D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak missile | 48" | Heavy 1 | 8 | -2 | D6 | - |
- Core, Infantry, Primaris, Neophyte, Neophyte Squad
Dedicated Transport[edit | edit source]
Impulsor[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Impulsor.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Impulsor | * | 6+ | * | 7 | 8 | 11 | * | 8 | 3+ | 90 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
6-11 | 12" | 3+ | 3 |
3-5 | 6" | 4+ | D3 |
1-2 | 3" | 5+ | 1 |
Wargear: An Impulsor is equipped with: 2 storm bolters.
-Storm bolter
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Storm bolter | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Explodes"> When this transport is destroyed, roll one D6 before any embarked models disembark and before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> </tabs>
- None
- This model has a transport capacity of 6 <Chapter> Infantry models. It cannot transport Jump Pack or Gravis models.
- Vehicle, Transport, Battle Tank, Impulsor
Prometeor[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Prometeor.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Prometeor | - | - | 3+ | 6 | 6 | 8 | - | 8 | 3+ | 70 |
Wargear: A Prometeor is equipped with: Prometeor bolter array.
-Prometeor bolter array
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Prometeor bolter array | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Death From Above"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Defensive Array"> In your Shooting phase, each time this model is selected to shoot, its Prometeor bolter array can target, and resolve attacks against, every eligible enemy unit. </tab> <tab name="Explodes"> When this transport is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers 1 mortal wound. </tab> <tab name="Drop Pod Assault"> This transport must start the battle set up high in the skies (see Death From Above) but neither it, nor any units embarked within it, are counted towards any limits that the mission you are playing places on the maximum number of Reinforcement units you can have in your army. This transport can be set up in the Reinforcements step of your first, second or third Movement phase, regardless of any mission rules. Any units embarked within this transport must immediately disembark after it has been set up on the battlefield, and they must be set up more than 9" away from any enemy models. After this transport has been set up on the battlefield, no units can embark within it. </tab> </tabs>
- None
- This model has a transport capacity of 5 <Chapter> Infantry models. It cannot transport Jump Pack or Gravis models.
- Vehicle, Transport, Prometeor
Elite[edit | edit source]
Psykana Servitors[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 2 Psykana Servitors.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Psykana Servitor | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 4+ | 6 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: improvised weapon.
-Improvised weapon
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Improvised weapon | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Mindlock"> While this unit is within 6" of any friendly <Chapter> Librarian model, models in this unit have a Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill characteristic of 4+ and a Leadership characteristic of 8. In addition, if your army is Battle-forged, then for each Librarian model included in a Detachment, one Psykana Servitors unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. </tab> <tab name="Monotask"> This unit cannot perform actions. In addition, if this unit is included as part of a Crusade force, it can never gain experience points, it can never have any Battle Honours, and any Out of Action tests taken for it are automatically passed. </tab> <tab name="Amplifier of Power (Aura)"> Once per phase, while a friendly <Chapter> Librarian model is within 3" of this unit, each time a Psychic test or Deny the Witch test is taken for that Librarian model, re-roll any or all dice results of 1. </tab> </tabs>
- None
- Infantry, Servitor, Psykana Servitors
Reclusiam Servitors[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 2 Reclusiam Servitors.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Reclusiam Servitor | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 4+ | 6 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: improvised weapon.
-Improvised weapon
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Improvised weapon | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Mindlock"> While this unit is within 6" of any friendly <Chapter> Chaplain model, models in this unit have a Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill characteristic of 4+ and a Leadership characteristic of 8. In addition, if your army is Battle-forged, then for each Chaplain model included in a Detachment, one Reclusiam Servitors unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. </tab> <tab name="Monotask"> This unit cannot perform actions. In addition, if this unit is included as part of a Crusade force, it can never gain experience points, it can never have any Battle Honours, and any Out of Action tests taken for it are automatically passed. </tab> <tab name="Magnifier of Speech (Aura)"> Once per phase, while a friendly <Chapter> Chaplain model is within 3" of this unit, each time a roll is made to determine if a litany recited by that Chaplain model is inspiring, re-roll dice result of 1. </tab> </tabs>
- None
- Infantry, Servitor, Reclusiam Servitors
Technical Servitors[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 2 Technical Servitors. It can include up to 2 more Technical Servitors.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Technical Servitor | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 4+ | 7 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: servo-arm.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Servo-arm | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time the bearer fights, no more than one attack can be made with this weapon. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Mindlock"> While this unit is within 6" of any friendly <Chapter> Techmarine model, models in this unit have a Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill characteristic of 4+ and a Leadership characteristic of 8. In addition, if your army is Battle-forged, then for each Techmarine model included in a Detachment, one Technical Servitors unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. </tab> <tab name="Monotask"> This unit cannot perform actions. In addition, if this unit is included as part of a Crusade force, it can never gain experience points, it can never have any Battle Honours, and any Out of Action tests taken for it are automatically passed. </tab> <tab name="Repair Assistant (Aura)"> Once per phase, while a friendly <Chapter> Techmarine model is within 3" of this unit, each time that Techmarine model uses its Blessing of the Omnissiah ability, if this unit contains 1 or more models equipped with a servo-arm, the model being repaired regains 1 additional lost wound. </tab> </tabs>
- Up to 2 Technical Servitors can each have their servo-arm replaced with one of the following: 1 heavy bolter; 1 multi-melta; 1 plasma cannon.
-Heavy bolter - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 2 | - |
-Multi-melta - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Multi-melta | 24" | Heavy 2 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma cannon - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 36" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -3 | 1 | Blast. |
Supercharge | 36" | Heavy D3 | 8 | -3 | 2 | Blast. If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
- Infantry, Servitor, Technical Servitors
Ancient[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Ancient.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Ancient | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 80 |
Wargear: An Ancient is equipped with: Astartes banner; bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
-Astartes Banner
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes Banner | Melee | Melee | +1 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt Pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Astartes Banner (Aura)"> While a friendly <Chapter> PRIMARIS Core unit is within 6" of this model, that unit has the Objective Secured ability. If that unit already has this ability, then for the purposes of determining which player controls an objective marker, each model in that unit counts as two models. </tab> <tab name="Command Officer"> For each <Chapter> Praefector Squad unit included in a Detachment, one <Chapter> Ancient unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. </tab> </tabs>
- This model’s bolt pistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Pistols list; 1 weapon from the Melee Weapons list.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
- Infantry, Primaris, Character, Ancient
Apothecary[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Apothecary.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Apothecary | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 70 |
Wargear: An Apothecary is equipped with: Reductor; bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Reductor | Melee | Melee | User | -4 | 2 | Each time the bearer fights, no more than one attack can be made with this weapon. |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt Pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Combat Restoratives"> At the end of your Movement phase, this model can heal one friendly <Chapter> PRIMARIS model whose unit is within 3" of it. That model regains up to D3 lost wounds. Each model can only be healed once per turn. </tab> <tab name="Narthecium (Aura)"> While a friendly <Chapter> PRIMARIS unit is within 3" of this model, each time a model in that unit would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost. </tab> <tab name="Gene-seed Recovery"> While a friendly <Chapter> PRIMARIS unit unit is within range of this model Narthecium ability, each time that unit takes a Morale test, the number of models from that unit that have been destroyed this turn is considered to be 0 for that test. </tab> <tab name="Command Officer"> For each <Chapter> Praefector Squad unit included in a Detachment, one <Chapter> Apothecary unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. </tab> </tabs>
- This model’s bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- Infantry, Primaris, Character, Apothecary
Champion[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Champion.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Champion | 6" | 2+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 3+ | 60 |
Wargear: A Champion is equipped with: master-crafted power weapon; heavy bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
-Master-crafted power weapon
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Master-crafted power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 2 | - |
-Heavy bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolt pistol | 18" | Pistol 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Honour or Death"> This model is eligible to perform a Heroic Intervention if it is within 6" horizontally and 5" vertically of any enemy unit, instead of 3" horizontally and 5" vertically. Each time this model makes a Heroic Intervention move, so long as it ends that move either closer to the closest enemy model or within Engagement Range of an enemy Character or Monster unit, it can move up to 6". All other rules for Heroic Interventions still apply. </tab> <tab name="Martial Superiority"> At the start of the Fight phase, if this model is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can fight first that phase. </tab> <tab name="Blade Parry"> This model has a 4+ invulnerable save against melee weapons. </tab> <tab name="Command Officer"> For each <Chapter> Praefector Squad unit included in a Detachment, one <Chapter> Champion unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. </tab> </tabs>
- This model’s heavy bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- Infantry, Primaris, Character, Champion
Veteran Intercessor Squad[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Veteran Intercessor Sergeant and 4 Veteran Intercessor. It can include up to 5 more Veteran Intercessors.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Veteran Intercessor | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 22 |
Veteran Intercessor Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 9 | 3+ | 22 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: Kraken bolt rifle; bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
-Kraken Bolt rifle
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Kraken Bolt rifle | 36" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | -2 | 1 | - |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Combat Squads"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Battle Line"> While that unit is performing an action, it can make ranged attacks without that action failing. </tab> </tabs>
- Any number of models can each have their Kraken bolt rifle replaced with 1 weapon from the Combi-weapons list.
-Rifle-flamer - 5 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Flamer | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Rifle-melta - 5 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Meltagun | 12" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Rifle-plasma - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one or two of the profiles below to make attacks with (you can only select one of the plasma gun profiles). If you select two, then each time an attack is made with this weapon this phase, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Standard | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Rifle-grav - 5 pts
When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both of the profiles below. If you select both, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Grav-gun | 18" | Rapid Fire 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon profile is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- Up to 2 Veteran Intercessors can each have their Kraken bolt rifle replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Heavy Weapons list; 1 weapon from the Special Weapons list.
Special Weapons
-Pyreblaster - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyreblaster | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Melta rifle - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Melta rifle | 24" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma incinerator - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -4 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -4 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-impactor - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-impactor | 20" | Assault 2 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Heavy Weapons
-Heavy bolter - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 2 | - |
-Heavy flamer - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy flamer | 12" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Multi-melta - 20 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Multi-melta | 24" | Heavy 2 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Lascannon - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lascannon | 48" | Heavy 1 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
-Grav-cannon - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-cannon | 30" | Heavy 4 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
-Plasma cannon - 15 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 36" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -3 | 1 | Blast. |
Supercharge | 36" | Heavy D3 | 8 | -3 | 2 | Blast. If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
- The Veteran Intercessor Sergeant’s bolt pistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Pistols list; 1 weapon from the Melee weapons list.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Melee Weapons
-Astartes chainsword - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
- Core, Infantry, Primaris, Veteran, Veteran Intercessor Squad
Veteran Dominator Squad[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Veteran Dominator Sergeant and 4 Veteran Dominators. It can include up to 5 more Veteran Dominators.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Veteran Dominator | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 22 |
Veteran Dominator Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 9 | 3+ | 22 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: heavy bolt pistol; Astartes chainsword; Astartes grenades.
-Heavy bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolt pistol | 18" | Pistol 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Astartes chainsword
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Combat Squads"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Close Support"> After this unit finishes a charge move, select one enemy unit within Engagement Range of this unit and roll one D6 for each model from this unit that is within Engagement Range of that enemy unit: for each 6, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound. </tab> </tabs>
- Up to 2 Veteran Dominator's heavy bolt pistol and Astartes chainsword can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Special Weapons list.
Special Weapons
-Pyreblaster - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyreblaster | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Melta rifle - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Melta rifle | 24" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma incinerator - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -4 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -4 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-impactor - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-impactor | 20" | Assault 2 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- Any number of models can each have their heavy bolt pistol and Astartes chainsword replaced with 1 pair of lightning claw.
-Pair of lightning claw - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pair of lightning claw | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attack with this weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, you can re-roll the wound roll. |
- Any number of models can each have their Astartes chainsword replaced with 1 weapon from the Melee Weapons list.
Melee Weapons
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
- Any number of models can each have their Heavy bolt pistol replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Pistols list; 1 storm shield.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
-Storm shield - 10 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Storm shield | The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. |
- All of the models in the unit can be equipped with 1 Astartes jump pack each.
-Astartes jump pack - 2 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Astartes jump pack | Improve the Move characteristic of the bearer by 6". The bearer has the Death From Above ability and the FLY and JUMP PACK keywords. |
- Core, Infantry, Primaris, Melta Bombs, Veteran, Veteran Dominator Squad
Subjugator Squad[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Subjugator Sergeant and 4 Subjugators. It can include up to 5 more Subjugators.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Subjugator | 5" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 38 |
Subjugator Sergeant | 5" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 9 | 3+ | 38 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: power fist; tornado bolter; Astartes grenades.
-Power fist
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Tornado bolter
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Tornado bolter | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Combat Squads"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Teleport Strike"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Shock Troops"> Instead of following the normal rules for Rapid Fire weapons, models in this unit make double the number of attacks when shooting with a tornado bolter. This is not cumulative with the Bolter Discipline ability. </tab> <tab name="Terminus Pattern Gravis Armour"> Every model in this unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. In addition, each time an attack with a Damage characteristic of 1 is allocated to a model in this unit, add 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack. </tab> </tabs>
- Any number of models can each have their power fist replaced with one of the following: 1 lightning talon; 1 thunder hammer.
-Lightning talon - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lightning talon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, you can re-roll the wound roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
- For every 5 models this unit contains, 1 Subjugator’s tornado bolter can be replaced with one of the following: 1 pyrecannon; 1 onslaught gatling cannon.
-Pyrecannon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyrecannon | 12" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -2 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Onslaught gatling cannon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Onslaught gatling cannon | 24" | Heavy 8 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
- The unit can be equipped with 1 teleport homer.
-Teleport homer - 5 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Teleport homer | Once per battle, at the start of your Movement phase, you can remove this unit from the battlefield and then, in the Reinforcements step of your next Movement phase, you can set this unit back up on the battlefield, anywhere wholly within your own deployment zone and more than 9" from any enemy models, or anywhere within 3" of a friendly <Chapter> model and more than 9" from any enemy models. If the battle ends and this unit is not on the battlefield, it is destroyed. If this unit has split into two units because of its Combat Squads ability, only one of those units can use the Teleport Homer ability. |
- Core, Infantry, Gravis, Primaris, Veteran, Subjugator Squad
Redemptor Dreadnought[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Redemptor Dreadnought.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Redemptor Dreadnought | * | * | * | 7 | 7 | 13 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 180 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS |
7-13 | 8" | 3+ | 3+ |
4-6 | 6" | 4+ | 4+ |
1-3 | 4" | 5+ | 5+ |
Wargear: A Redemptor Dreadnought is equipped with: 2 storm bolters; 2 heavy flamers; 2 Redemptor fists.
-Heavy flamer
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy flamer | 12" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Storm bolter
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Storm bolter | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Redemptor fist
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Redemptor fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | D3+3 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Duty Eternal"> This model has a 6+ invulnerable save. In addition, each time an attack is allocated to this model, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). </tab> <tab name="Explodes"> When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> </tabs>
- This model can be equipped with 1 Icarus rocket pod.
-Icarus rocket pod - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Icarus rocket pod | 24" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -1 | 2 | Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon against a FLY unit, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. |
- Each of this model’s Redemptor fist can be replaced with one of the following: 1 Redemptor drill; 1 Redemptor talon.
-Redemptor drill - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Redemptor drill | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 2D3+3 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Redemptor talon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Redemptor talon | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 2 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, make 2 hit rolls instead of 1. |
- Each of this model’s heavy flamer can be replaced with one of the following: 1 heavy bolter; 1 multi-melta.
-Heavy bolter - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 2 | - |
-Multi-melta - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Multi-melta | 24" | Heavy 2 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
- Each of this model’s Redemptor fist and heavy flamer can be replaced with one of the following: 1 heavy onslaught gatling cannon; 1 macro plasma incinerator.
-Heavy onslaught gatling cannon - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy onslaught gatling cannon | 30" | Heavy 12 | 6 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Macro plasma incinerator - Free
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 36" | Heavy D6 | 8 | -4 | 2 | Blast |
Supercharge | 36" | Heavy D6 | 9 | -4 | 3 | Blast. Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. |
- Vehicle, Core, Dreadnought, Redemptor Dreadnought
Fast Attacks[edit | edit source]
Ascensor Squad[edit | edit source]

Sleipnir Pattern Grav-Bike
This unit contains 1 Ascensor Sergeant and 2 Ascensors. It can include up to 2 more Ascensors.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Ascensor | 14" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 40 |
Ascensor Sergeant | 14" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 40 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: bolt pistol; in-built bolter array; Astartes chainsword; Astartes grenades.
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-In-built bolter array
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
In-built bolter array | 30" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer shoots, it can make attacks with this weapon even if it also makes attacks with Pistols or Grenades. |
-Astartes chainsword
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Heavy Cavalry"> In the Fight phase, if this unit made a charge move this turn, then until the end of the phase, add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of models in this unit. </tab> <tab name="Grav-bike"> Each time this unit Advances, do not make an Advance roll. Instead, until the end of the phase, add 6" to the Move characteristic of models in this unit. In addition, this unit can ignore any or all modifiers to its Move characteristic, Advance rolls and charge rolls. </tab> </tabs>
- Up to 2 Ascensor's in-built bolter array can be replaced with 1 in-built melta talon.
-In-built melta talon - 20 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
In-built melta talon | 12" | Assault 2 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. Each time the bearer shoots, it can make attacks with this weapon even if it also makes attacks with Pistols or Grenades. |
- The Ascensor Sergeant's Astartes chainsword can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Melee Weapons list.
Melee Weapons
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
- The Ascensor Sergeant's bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- Core, Biker, Primaris, Ascensor Squad
Dominator Squad[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Dominator Sergeant and 4 Dominators. It can include up to 5 more Dominators.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Dominator | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 20 |
Dominator Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 20 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: heavy bolt pistol; Astartes chainsword; Astartes grenades.
-Heavy bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolt pistol | 18" | Pistol 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Astartes chainsword
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Astartes chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Combat Squads"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Close Support"> After this unit finishes a charge move, select one enemy unit within Engagement Range of this unit and roll one D6 for each model from this unit that is within Engagement Range of that enemy unit: for each 6, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound. </tab> </tabs>
- For every 5 models in this unit, 1 Dominator's heavy bolt pistol and Astartes chainsword can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Special Weapons list.
Special Weapons
-Pyreblaster - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyreblaster | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Melta rifle - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Melta rifle | 24" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma incinerator - 10 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -4 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -4 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-impactor - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-impactor | 20" | Assault 2 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- The Dominator Sergeant's heavy bolt pistol and Astartes chainsword can be replaced with 1 pair of lightning claw.
-Pair of lightning claw - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pair of lightning claw | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attack with this weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, you can re-roll the wound roll. |
- The Dominator Sergeant's Astartes chainsword can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Melee Weapons list.
Melee Weapons
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
-Power fist - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. |
-Thunder hammer - 15 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll |
- The Dominator Sergeant's heavy bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Pistols list.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- All of the models in the unit can be equipped with 1 Astartes jump pack each.
-Astartes jump pack - 2 pts
Weapon | Abilities |
Astartes jump pack | Improve the Move characteristic of the bearer by 6". The bearer has the Death From Above ability and the FLY and JUMP PACK keywords. |
- Core, Infantry, Primaris, Melta Bombs, Dominator Squad
Venator Squad[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Venator Sergeant and 4 Venators. It can include up to 5 more Venators.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Venator | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 26 |
Venator Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 26 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: Nemesis bolt carbine; bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
-Nemesis bolt carbine
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Nemesis bolt carbine | 24" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Combat Squads"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Outflank"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Elimination Support"> Each time a model in this unit makes an attack against a CHARACTER unit, re-roll a hit roll of 1. </tab> <tab name="Phobos Armour"> When the bearer’s unit makes a Normal Move Advances or Falls Back, the bearer does not count any vertical distance it moves against the total that it can move this turn. </tab> </tabs>
- For every 5 models in this unit, 1 Venator's Nemesis bolt carbine can be replaced with one of the following: 1 las-fusil; 1 flechette launcher.
-Las-fusil - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Las-fusil | 36" | Heavy 1 | 8 | -3 | 3 | - |
-Flechette launcher - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flechette launcher | 24" | Heavy 8 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
- The Venator Sergeant’s Bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 power weapon.
-Power weapon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power weapon | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 1 | - |
- Core, Infantry, Phobos, Primaris, SMOKESCREEN, Venator Squad
Flyers[edit | edit source]
Vindictor[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Vindictor.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Vindictor | * | 6+ | * | 6 | 6 | 10 | * | 7 | 3+ | 170 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
6-10 | 20-50" | 3+ | 3 |
3-5 | 20-40" | 4+ | 2 |
1-2 | 20-30" | 5+ | 1 |
Wargear: A Vindictor is equipped with: 2 Bellicatus missile arrays; Hailfury autocannon.
-Bellicatus missile array
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag missile | 48" | Heavy D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak missile | 48" | Heavy 1 | 8 | -2 | D6 | - |
Flakk missile | 48" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -1 | 2 | Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile against an FLY unit, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. |
-Hailfury autocannon
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Hailfury autocannon | 48" | Heavy 6 | 7 | -1 | 2 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Airborne"> You cannot declare a charge with this model, and it can only be chosen as a target of a charge if the unit making the charge can FLY. You can only fight with this model if it is within Engagement Range of any enemy units that can FLY, and this model can only make melee attacks against units that can FLY. Enemy units can only make melee attacks against this model if they can FLY. </tab> <tab name="Hard to Hit"> Each time a ranged attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. </tab> <tab name="Manoeuvrable Interceptor"> Each time this model makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), then move the model straight forwards. It can pivot up to 90° one more time, at any point, during the move. </tab> <tab name="Hover Jet"> In your Command phase, this model can hover. If it does, then until the start of your next Command phase, its Move characteristic becomes 20" and it loses the Airborne, Hard to Hit and Manoeuvrable Interceptor abilities. </tab> <tab name="Explodes"> When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> </tabs>
- This model’s Hailfury autocannon can be replaced with 1 tri-las blaster.
-Tri-las blaster - 20 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Tri-las blaster | 24" | Heavy 3 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
- Vehicle, Aircraft, Fly, SMOKESCREEN, Vindictor
Heavy Supports[edit | edit source]
Retributor Squad[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Retributor Sergeant and 4 Retributors. It can include up to 5 more Retributors.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Retributor | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 30 |
Retributor Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 30 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: pyreblaster; bolt pistol; Astartes grenades.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyreblaster | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Bolt pistol
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Astartes grenades
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Combat Squads"> See Army Rules - Deployment Abilities </tab> <tab name="Fire Support"> Each time a model in this unit makes a ranged attack, the target does not receive the benefits of Dense Cover against that attack. </tab> </tabs>
- Any number of the models in the unit can have their pyreblaster replaced with one of the following: 1 weapon from the Special Weapons list; 1 weapon from the Heavy weapons list.
Special Weapons
-Pyreblaster - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyreblaster | 12" | Assault D6 | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Melta rifle - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Melta rifle | 24" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma incinerator - Free
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 7 | -4 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -4 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-impactor - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-impactor | 20" | Assault 2 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
Heavy Weapons
-Heavy bolter - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 2 | - |
-Heavy flamer - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy flamer | 12" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Multi-melta - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Multi-melta | 24" | Heavy 2 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Lascannon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lascannon | 48" | Heavy 1 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
-Grav-cannon - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-cannon | 30" | Heavy 4 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
-Plasma cannon - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 36" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -3 | 1 | Blast. |
Supercharge | 36" | Heavy D3 | 8 | -3 | 2 | Blast. If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
- The Retributor Sergeant's bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 weapon from the Pistol list.
-Bolt pistol - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
-Pyre pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pyre pistol | 12" | Pistol D6 | 3 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
-Inferno pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Inferno pistol | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Plasma pistol - 5 pts
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Standard | 12" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
Supercharge | 12" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | If any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. |
-Grav-pistol - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grav-pistol | 12" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -3 | 1 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. |
- Core, Infantry, Primaris, Retributor Squad
Gladiator[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Gladiator. It can include up to 2 more Gladiators.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Gladiator | * | 6+ | * | 7 | 8 | 12 | * | 8 | 3+ | 140 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
7-12 | 10" | 3+ | 3 |
4-6 | 5" | 4+ | D3 |
1-3 | 3" | 5+ | 1 |
Wargear: Every model is equipped with: Ballista laser destroyer; 2 heavy bolters.
-Ballista laser destroyer
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Ballista laser destroyer | 72" | Heavy 3 | 10 | -4 | D3+3 | - |
-Heavy bolter
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 2 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Vehicle Squadron"> When this unit is first set up on the battlefield, its models do not have to be set up in unit coherency. Instead, each model must be set up within 6" of one other model from its unit. From that point on, each model in this unit is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Explodes"> When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> </tabs>
- Any number of models can each be equipped with 1 Icarus rocket pod.
-Icarus rocket pod - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Icarus rocket pod | 24" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -1 | 2 | Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon against a FLY unit, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. |
- Any number of models can each have their 2 heavy bolters replaced with one of the following: 2 lascannons; 2 multi-meltas; 2 heavy flamers.
-Multi-melta - 10 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Multi-melta | 24" | Heavy 2 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. |
-Lascannon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lascannon | 48" | Heavy 1 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
-Heavy flamer - Free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy flamer | 12" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. |
- Any number of models can each have their Ballista laser destroyer replaced with one of the following: 1 Onager grav-cannon; 1 Polybolos gatling battery.
-Onager grav-cannon - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Onager grav-cannon | 36" | Heavy D3+6 | 6 | -3 | 2 | Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 3. |
-Polybolos gatling battery - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Polybolos gatling battery | 24" | Heavy 24 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
- Vehicle, Smokescreen, Battle Tank, Gladiator
Tempestor[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Tempestor.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Tempestor | * | 6+ | * | 7 | 8 | 12 | * | 8 | 3+ | 180 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
7-12 | 10" | 3+ | 3 |
4-6 | 5" | 4+ | D3 |
1-3 | 3" | 5+ | 1 |
Wargear: A Tempestor is equipped with: Monsoon orbital uplink; 2 storm bolters.
-Monsoon orbital uplink
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monsoon orbital uplink | 120" | Heavy 2D3 | - | - | - | Indirect Fire. Blast. This weapon cannot target Character units. Each time a successful hit roll is made for an attack with this weapon, the target suffers 1 mortal wounds. |
-Storm bolter
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Storm bolter | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Relay of the fleet"> Each time you use the Orbital Bombardment Stratagem, if this model is on the battlefield, that Stratagem costs 2 Command point. </tab> <tab name="Explodes"> When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> </tabs>
- This model can be equipped with 1 Icarus rocket pod.
-Icarus rocket pod - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Icarus rocket pod | 24" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -1 | 2 | Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon against a FLY unit, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. |
- Vehicle, Smokescreen, Battle Tank, Tempestor
Repulsor[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Repulsor.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Repulsor | * | 6+ | * | 8 | 8 | 16 | * | 9 | 3+ | 240 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
9-16 | 10" | 3+ | 6 |
5-8 | 5" | 4+ | D6 |
1-4 | 3" | 5+ | D3 |
Wargear: A Repulsor is equipped with: heavy onslaught gatling cannon; 2 las-talons; 2 multi-launchers.
-Heavy onslaught gatling cannon
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy onslaught gatling cannon | 30" | Heavy 12 | 6 | -1 | 1 | - |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Las-talon | 24" | Heavy 2 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag charge | 18" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Krak charge | 18" | Assault 1 | 6 | -2 | D3 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Angels of Death"> See Army Rules - Abilities </tab> <tab name="Shield dome"> This model has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged attacks. </tab> <tab name="Explodes"> When this transport is destroyed, roll one D6 before any embarked models disembark and before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> </tabs>
- This model can be equipped with 1 Icarus rocket pod.
-Icarus rocket pod - 5 pts
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Icarus rocket pod | 24" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -1 | 2 | Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon against a FLY unit, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. |
- This model has a transport capacity of 12 <Chapter> Infantry models. Each Jump Pack or Gravis model takes up the space of 2 models.
- Vehicle, Transport, Smokescreen, Battle Tank, Repulsor
Crusade Rules[edit | edit source]
Agendas[edit | edit source]
- Agenda Name: Lore Description.
- Effect
Requisitions[edit | edit source]
- Requisition Name (X RP): Lore Description
- Effect
Battle Traits[edit | edit source]
X Units[edit | edit source]
- 1) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
- 2) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
- 3) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
Weapon Enhancements[edit | edit source]
"Weapon Category"[edit | edit source]
- -1) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
- -2) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
- -3) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
Battle Scars[edit | edit source]
X Units Only[edit | edit source]
-Name: Lore Description.
- Effect
Crusade Relics[edit | edit source]
Artificer Relics[edit | edit source]
- Relic Name: Lore Description.
- Effect
Antiquity Relics[edit | edit source]
- Relic Name: Lore Description.
- Effect
Legendary Relics[edit | edit source]
- Relic Name: Lore Description.
- Effect