Codex - Triumvirate of the Imperium Angry Initiative Edition
INTRODUCTION[edit | edit source]
Supplement your army of the Imperium with the legendary heroes of the Triumvirate of the Imperium. These are the pivotal characters that will turn the war against Chaos. Destroy the wretched traitors and hideous Daemons of Chaos Triumvirate of the Imperium Warlord!
Games Workshop in no way endorses any of the Angry Codices. No infringement is intended with the Angry Codices. The intent of the Angry Initiative is NOT to make Games Workshop go out of business, but rather to bring the game part of the hobby up to speed with the most detailed setting of any game and arguably also the best miniatures of any miniature wargame.
The Angry Initiative is about making more fair and fun codices. The core principle of the Angry Initiative is letting you play with the miniatures you own and love and punishing people as little as possible for making the "wrong" modelling and purchasing strategies. All fluff and pictures are left out, this makes room for all Forgeworld units and supplemental rules in the main codex, meaning you only need one book for each faction you play.
The balancing system is based on 10 Space Marines with a Sergeant, the Objective Secured, 6+ Feel No Pain special rules and a single Tactical Doctrines available, as being worth 130 pts, a plasma gun for said Squad being worth 15 pts, a lascannon for said squad being worth 20 pts and a Rhino for said Squad being worth an additional 35 pts. Worth meaning that the amount of situations in which one taking the option is better is not overwhelming compared to the amount of situations in which the options is worse. For example. 130 full Tactical Squads in Rhinos should be good in as many situations as 165 full Tactical Squads without Rhinos.
Units and options are put into a points range between a point value where they counter all the things they should counter (light armoured anti-armour units should counter heavy armoured anti-armour units and medium armoured anti-armour units) and get countered by all the things they should be countered by (light armoured anti-armour units should get countered by light armoured anti-light units). They are moved around within this range based on results from playtesting and debates on the discussion pages of codices. Note that while calculations have been made for the proper point range for many units and options, others have been placed based on the notions of what units are being played by competitive players in 40k at the moment.
The intent is not for the costs shown to be the final costs, but rather the start of a discussion which will eventually lead to the most balanced codices possible within the framework of a game where units are meant to counter and be countered by other units. The PDF codices are updated at most once each month to allow you to get a better feel for how good units are before they are changed. Clarification and errors in grammar and wording is changed as they are found on 1d4chan.
This codex was made by the 1d4chan community and managed by the Angry Pirate. This codex was published by adding ?action=render at the end of the name of the codex' web page on 1d4chan and copy pasting the whole thing into Microsoft Word. Margins are at 0,5", the Georgia font is used for everything, except the front page which is Stencil. The logo was made in paint by writing on a coloured background and then using the "fill with colour" tool on the background. After some final minor revisions, the Word document was saved as a PDF.
Battle reports can be posted and read here. General feedback of the Angry Codices can be made here. Feedback on this codex can be made here.
These lists detail the points values of various items of wargear available to units in the same army as Belisarius Cawl and/or Saint Celestine. Only models specifically noted as having access to a Relics list may access these lists. While in unit entries models are said to be able to "take items" from one or more lists, the list will specify whether or not the model may take more than one item from the list. Rules for these items can be found in the Appendix.
RELICS OF ARCANA[edit | edit source]
Each Relic of Arcana may only be taken once per army. A model in the same army as Belisarius Cawl may take one of the following instead of taking from the Relics list they have access to:
- Memento-mortispex...30 pts
- Numinasta's Casket of Electromancy...40 pts
- Omnissiah's Grace...30 pts
- Sacrifactum Autorepulsor...25 pts
- Saint Curia's Autopurger...20 pts
- Quantum Annihilator...35 pts
SAINTLY RELICS[edit | edit source]
Each Saintly Relic may only be taken once per army. A model in the same army as Saint Celestine may take one of the following instead of taking from the Relics list they have access to:
- Blade of the Worthy...30 pts
- Castigator...15 pts
- Desvalle's Holy Circle...35 pts
- Shroud of the Anti-martyr...35 pts
- Skull of Petronella the Pious...40 pts
- The Font of Fury...10 pts
HQ[edit | edit source]
BELISARIUS CAWL[edit | edit source]
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Belisarius Cawl | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 2+ |
Infantry (Character)
1 (Unique)...300 pts
- Arc scourge
Range S AP Type - +1 4 Melee, Haywire, Machine Scourge, Master-crafted
- Machine Scourge: A model equipped with this weapon can re-roll the result when rolling to determine the effect of the Haywire special rule.
- Master-crafted power axe
Range S AP Type - +1 2 Melee, Unwieldy
- Mechadendrite hive
When a model armed with a mechadendrite hive makes Melee attacks, it makes an additional 2D6 S 4 AP - attacks and one additional S User AP - attack with the Haywire special rule. These attacks are carried out at Initiative step 10 and do not grant the model an additional Pile In move.
- Scryerskull
At the start of each of your turns, a model with a scryerskull can choose to identify a single Mysterious Objective anywhere on the battlefield.
- Solar Atomiser
Range S AP Type 12" 10 1 Assault D3, Master-crafted, Melta
- Refractor field
A refractor field confers a 5+ invulnerable save.
- Canticles of the Archmagos: Vehicles under your control with the Adepta Sororitas, Aeronautica Imperialis, Adeptus Mechanicus, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, Legion of the Damned, Officio Assasinorum, Space Marines or Space Wolves faction within 12" of your Warlord have the It Will Not Die special rule. At the start of any of your turns you may choose for affected vehicles to have +1 to their Ballistic Skill or have a 6+ Invulnerable save instead of having It Will Not Die special rule while within 12" of your Warlord.
- Feel No Pain
- Independent Character
- Very Bulky
- Artificer Self-repair Mechanisms: At the start of each of your turns, Belisarius Cawl recovers D3 Wounds lost earlier in the battle.
INQUISITOR GREYFAX[edit | edit source]
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Inquisitor Greyfax | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 3+ |
Infantry (Character)
1 (Unique)...150 pts
- Frag grenades
- Master-crafted combi-condemnor
Range S AP Type 24" 4 5 Rapid Fire 24" 5 - Assault 1, Psi-shock
- Psi-shock: Any Psyker that takes an unsaved Wound from a weapon with this special rule suffers the Perils of the Warp in addition to any other effects.
- Master-crafted power sword
Range S AP Type - User 3 Melee
- Psyk-out grenades
Psyk-out grenades may be fired as a shooting attack using the following profile, only one model per phase in each unit may make use of the ranged profile.
Range S AP Type 8" 2 - Assault 1, Blast, Psi-shock
- Psi-shock: If a unit containing at least one Psyker (i.e. a model with the Psyker, Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers or Psychic Pilot special rule) is hit by a weapon with this special rule, randomly determine one Psyker model in that unit suffers a Perils of the Warp in addition to any other damage.
Models with the Psyker, Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers or Psychic Pilot special rules that are charging a unit including one or more models equipped with psyk-out grenades do not gain bonus Attacks from charging. However, if the charged unit was already locked in combat from a previous turn, or has gone to ground, these grenades have no effect.
- Psyocculum
The bearer of a psyocculum (and their unit) count as being Ballistic Skill 10 if shooting at a unit containing one or more models with the Psyker, Psychic Pilot or Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers special rules.
- Krak grenades
- Master of Interrogation: Enemy Infiltrators cannot be set up within 24" of your Warlord.
- Independent Character
- Preferred Enemy (Brotherhoods of Psyker and Psykers)
- Psyker (Mastery Level 2)
- Stubborn
- Indomitable Will: When making Deny the Witch tests Inquisitor Greyfax counts as having a higher Mastery Level than the Psyker manifesting the power.
Inquisitor Greyfax generates her powers from the Telepathy discipline.
SAINT CELESTINE[edit | edit source]
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Saint Celestine | 7 | 7 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 10 | 2+ |
Geminae Superia | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 10 | 3+ |
Jump Infantry (Character)
2 Geminae Superia, 1 (Unique)...300 pts
- Bolt pistol (Geminae Superia only)
- Frag grenades
- Krak grenades
- Power sword (Geminae Superia only)
Range S AP Type - User 3 Melee
- The Ardent Blade (Saint Celestine only)
Range S AP Type Template 5 4 Assault 1 - +2 3 Melee, Master Crafted
- The Armour of Saint Katherine (Saint Celestine only)
The armour of Saint Katherine confers a 4+ invulnerable save.
- The Emperor's Vengeance (Saint Celestine only)
Range S AP Type Infinite 8 3 Assault 1, Barrage, Large Blast, One Use Only, Orbital
- Orbital: If an arrow is rolled on the scatter dice when firing a weapon that has this special rule, the shot always scatters the full 2D6" regardless of the firing model’s Ballistic Skill. In addition, firing an Ordnance weapon that has this special rule does not prevent the firing model from declaring a charge against the target unit in the same turn.
- Saintly Blessings: (Saint Celestine only) Your Warlord can bestow a Saintly Blessing at the start of each of your turns. A Saintly Blessing affects all non-vehicle units from the Adepta Sororitas, Aeronautica Imperialis, Adeptus Mechanicus, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, Legion of the Damned, Officio Assasinorum, Space Marines, Space Wolves and Triumvirate of the Imperium factions that have the Battlefield Role associated with that blessing, and are within 12" of your Warlord when it is activated. Each Saintly Blessing can only be activated once during the course of each battle. Independent Characters in the same unit as an affected model are also affected so long as they remain in the unit.
- - Heroic Zeal: Affects HQ units only. The unit gains the Zealot special rule until the start of your next turn.
- - Fanatical Fortitude: Affects Troops units only. All models in the unit gain the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule until the start of your next turn. Models that already have the Feel No Pain special rule instead add 1 to their Feel No Pain rolls until the start of your next turn.
- - Religious Fanatacism: Affects Elites units only. All models in the unit gain the Counter-attack and Furious Charge special rules until the start of your next turn.
- - Devout Determination: Affects Fast Attack units only. All models in the unit gain the Crusader and Fleet special rules until the start of your next turn.
- - Pious Grit: Affects Heavy Support units only. All models in the unit gain the Relentless special rule until the start of your next turn.
- - Indomitable Faith: Affects Lord of War units only. The unit gains the It Will Not Die special rule for the remainder of the battle.
Saint Celestine
- Eternal Warrior
- Fearless
- Hit & Run
- Independent Character
- Act of Faith: Some units are noted as having the Act of Faith special rule in their entry. Different units have different Acts of Faith, each of which is named in the unit’s entry along with the specific rules it bestows when used, but all Acts of Faith use the rules listed here.
A unit with the Act of Faith special rule can attempt to use its Act of Faith immediately before it acts during a phase; i.e. immediately before the unit moves in the Movement phase, shoots (or runs) in the Shooting phase, or before any blows are stuck (either by friend or foe) in the Assault phase. To do so the unit must take a Leadership test.
If the test is failed, nothing happens and that unit cannot attempt to use that Act of Faith again for the rest of the battle. If the test is passed, the Act of Faith is successful; unless stated otherwise, all models in the unit will immediately gain a special rule until the end of the current phase. The special rule gained will be listed in that unit’s Act of Faith entry, along with which phase(s) the Act of Faith can be attempted in.
Unless stated otherwise, a unit can only attempt to use an Act of Faith once per game and a unit cannot attempt to use more than one Act of Faith in the same phase.
- Martyrdom: If a model with the Martyrdom special rule is your Warlord, and that model is removed as a casualty during the battle, all friendly units wholly comprised of models with the Act of Faith special rule automatically pass all Leadership tests until the end of your next turn.
- Patron Saint of the Adepta Sororitas: You may not include both Saint Celestine from the Triumvirate of the Imperium faction and Saint Celestine from the Adepta Sororitas faction in the same army.
Geminae Superia
- Divine Guardians: The Geminae Superia both have a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, whilst at least one Geminae Superia is still alive, resolve any wounds suffered by Saint Celestine against the Geminae Superia closest to her instead. Saint Celestine is permitted to join other units, in which case both Saint Celestine and her Geminae Superia join the unit. If Saint Celestine then leaves the unit, her Geminae Superia also leave the unit, forming a separate unit with her. At the start of each of your turns, set up a single slain Geminae Superia anywhere within 2" of Saint Celestine (or as close to her as possible), the model can act as normal this turn.
Miraculous Intervention: (Saint Celestine only) Once per game before removing Saint Celestine from play, take a Leadership test. If succesful, place a marker where Saint Celestine was removed. At the start of your next turn, place Saint Celestine back on the battlefield, all her Wounds restored, within 1" of the counter. if Saint Celestine would be placed within 1"of another model, move her by the minimum possible distance so that she is no longer within 1”. Saint Celestine can act normally in a turn in which she ‘resurrects’. If the test is failed Saint Celestine is removed as normal. If Saint Celestine is your Warlord, her Martyrdom special rule will only take effect, and she will only award Victory Points for objectives such as ‘Slay the Warlord’, if she fails her Act of Faith test or if she has been removed as a casualty for the second time.
APPENDIX[edit | edit source]
LEVELS OF ALLIANCE[edit | edit source]
Models with the Triumvirate of the Imperium faction may be included in Detachments and Formations of the following armies: Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Mechanicus, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, Legion of the Damned, Officio Assasinorum, Space Marines, Space Wolves. When included in a Detachment or Formation of one of these armies models with the Triumvirate of the Imperium faction change their faction to that of the other models in the Detachment or Formation they are included in.
If their faction is changed following the rule outlined above, Triumvirate of the Imperium models use the Levels of Alliance of the faction they are changed into. Models with the Triumvirate of the Imperium Faction have the following levels of alliance with other units from different Factions in the same army:
Battle Brothers: Adepta Sororitas, Aeronautica Imperialis, Adeptus Mechanicus, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, Legion of the Damned, Officio Assasinorum, Space Marines, Space Wolves, Triumvirate of the Imperium.
Allies of Convenience: None.
Desperate Allies: Craftworld Eldar, Eldar Corsairs, Eldar Exodites, Harlequins, Orks, Tau Empire.
Come the Apocalypse: Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines, Dark Eldar, Genestealer Cults, Mutants and Heretics, Necrons, Tyranids.
RELICS OF ARCANA[edit | edit source]
MEMENTO-MORTISPEX[edit | edit source]
At the start of each f your turns, choose one of the following special rules to apply to the bearer and their unit (or their weapons, as appropriate), until the start of your next turn: Cognis Weapons, Monster Hunter, Skyfire or Tank Hunters.
Cognis Weapons: When a model makes Snap Shots (including Overwatch) with a weapon with this special rule, its Ballistic Skill is counted as being 2 instead of 1. A template weapon with this special rule inflicts 3 hits instead of D3 hits when firing Overwatch.
Range S AP Type 2D6" 3 - Assault 1, Haywire, One Use Only, Ignores Cover, Haywire Explosion
- Haywire Explosion: All enemy units within range are hit when Numnasta's Casket of Electromancy is fired (including Flyers and Flying Monstrous Creatures and models outside of the firing models line of sight).
OMNISSIAH'S GRACE[edit | edit source]
The Omnissiah's Grace confers a 5+ invulnerable save or increases the bearer's invulnerable save by 1 if the bearer already has an invulnerable save, to a maximum of 3+.
Enemy units attempting to charge the bearer's unit must subtract 2 from its charge range (to a minimum of 0). This effect is cumulative with any other modifier to charge range.
SAINT CURIA'S AUTOPURGER[edit | edit source]
Range S AP Type Template 3 - Assault 1, Get's Hot, Rad Wall
- Rad Wall: Enemy units do not get bonus attacks for charging in the same turn as they are hit by a weapon with this special rule.
QUANTUM ANNIHILATOR[edit | edit source]
Range S AP Type 18" 2D6 2 Assault D3, Quantum Paradox
- Quantum Paradox: A Strenght result of 11 or 12 results in all hits being resolved at Strength D AP 2.
SAINTLY RELICS=[edit | edit source]
BLADE OF THE WORTHY[edit | edit source]
Range S AP Type - User/+2 3/2 Melee, Divine Fury
- Divine Fury: If the bearer is locked in combat at the start of the Fight sub-phase, they must take a Leadership test. If the test is failed use the first profile for both Strength and AP for the duration of the phase; if the test is passed, use the second profile for both for the duration of the phase.
CASTIGATOR[edit | edit source]
Range S AP Type 12" 4 2 Pistol, Unstoppable Vengeance
- Unstoppable Vengeance: Invulnerable saves cannot be taken against Wounds caused by Castigator.
DESVALLE'S HOLY CIRCLE[edit | edit source]
Desvalle's Holy Circle confers a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, enemy units cannot attempt to Deep Strike within 12" of the bearer, enemy units that scatter within 12" of the bearer when arriving from Deep Strike suffer a Deep Strike mishap.
SHROUD OF THE ANTI-MARTYR[edit | edit source]
The Shroud of the Anti-martyr confers the Eternal Warrior special rule.
The Skull of Petronella the Pious confers the Soul Blaze special rule and a 6+ invulnerable save to the all models in the bearer's unit.
THE FONT OF FURY[edit | edit source]
Range S AP Type 8" 3 - Assault 1, Bane of Evil, Large Blast, One Use Only, Poisoned (4+)
- Bane of Evil: When firing at models from the Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines or Renegades and Heretics factions this weapon has the Poisoned (2+) special rule.