Codex - Tyranids: /tg/'s 9th Edition
Expansions[edit | edit source]
Here you can find extra rules for some of the most fearsome Hive Fleets ever encountered by the Imperium of Man, alongside sceneries for campaigns and special missions.
Ashes of Yggdrasil (WIP)[edit | edit source]
A gruesome campaign that sees the rise of the fearsome Nidhoggr Hive Fleet against the forces of the Space Wolves on the planet of Yggdrasil
Fire and Fury (WIP)[edit | edit source]
A clash of titans, the flaming Nidhoggr faces the forces of the Angry Marines of the Suicidal Insanity
Ghosts from Below (Coming Soon)[edit | edit source]
Army Rules[edit | edit source]
Universal[edit | edit source]
- Instinctive Behaviour: Unless controlled or coordinated by the domineering will of the Hive Mind, many Tyranid organisms will revert to their baser instincts.
- Unless a <HIVE FLEET> unit with this ability is within Synapse range of any friendly <HIVE FLEET> Synapse unit, you must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for it when shooting any target other than the nearest visible enemy unit, and you must subtract 2 from its charge roll if it declares a charge against any unit other than the nearest enemy unit. In addition, this unit counts as always being below Half-strength.
- Synapse Creature: Some Tyranids serve as synaptic conduits or nodal relays through which a portion of the Hive Mind’s iron will flows, overriding the natural instincts of the swarm.
- A model with this special rule has the following abilities:
- -Shadow in the Warp (Aura): The unfathomable presence of the Hive Mind radiates out from its synapse creatures, smothering the ability of the psykers who stand before them to draw upon their mystic powers.
- Enemy Psykers must subtract 1 from any Psychic tests they make and from their Leadership characteristic if they are within 24" of any units with this ability. In addition, enemy Psykers suffer Perils of the Warp on any double result instead of only on double 1s and 6s. Tyranid Psykers are not affected.
- -Synapse (Aura): A psychic field extends through ever creature's body, commanding it to the ensuing massacre.
- <HIVE FLEET> units automatically pass Morale tests if they are within 12" of any friendly <HIVE FLEET> units with this ability. In addition, <HIVE FLEET> units don't suffer from Instinctive Behaviour if they are within 24" of any friendly <HIVE FLEET> units with this ability (this is the unit's "Synapse range").
Detachment Rules[edit | edit source]
- Objective Secured: The organisms that make up a Tyranid army are all extensions of the psychic gestalt known as the Hive Mind – its tendrils and its jaws, all working with a single purpose.
- If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in Tyranids Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.
- Hive Fleet Adaptations: Each of the hive fleets has its own distinct methods of predation, from the movement patterns of entire swarms to the behaviours and morphology of individual organisms.
- If your army is Battle-forged, all units in Tyranids Detachments gain a Hive Fleet Adaptation, so long as every unit in that Detachment is from the same hive fleet. The Hive Fleet Adaptation gained depends upon the hive fleet they are from, as shown in the table below. For example, a BEHEMOTH unit with the Hive Fleet Adaptation ability gains the Hyper-aggression adaptation.
Hive Mind Evolution Matrix[edit | edit source]
The Hive Fleet is not a single entity. It is made up of untold trillions of minds, some lesser, some comparable to a man, while others have intellects to rival that of a primarch. This intelligence is constantly learning and adapting, countering an opponent with both tactical and physical modification for every day, every hour, every swing of a sword. This makes the endless hordes an almost impossible threat to defeat unless they are wiped out upon first encountering them... something which is nigh impossible.
If your army is Battle-forged then select one of the first three spheres in the diagram below; units in your army benefit from the selected rule. Then, at the start of each battle round, select another circle that is connected to at least one you already possess, and that is on a higher tier than the last; you gain that ability. All the abilities below are cumulative and, once selected, may not be removed.

Tier 1:
- 1) - Atmospheric Targeting Adjustment: Miotic spores are released into the atmosphere, gathering precise information about the planets gravity, atmospheric composition, and light quality, allowing the attacking force to make the most out of their ranged firepower.
- Add 6" to the range of all ranged weapons in this unit.
- 2) - Hive Mind Relay Limpets: Lesser Tyranids are sent into battle with psychic limpets on their flesh, providing a relay for the Tyranid psykers to manifest even greater power.
- Add 1 to any psychic tests made by this model to either cast or block a psychic power.
- 3) - Psychic Goading Screech: The shadow in the warp howls into the minds of all present, goading them into greater speed.
- This unit adds D3" to their charge distances.
Tier 2:
- 4) - Rooting Tendrils: Tendril creatures living on a host's body burrow their way even into plasteel, giving a much more stable firing platform for the warrior beast.
- At the beginning of any of your Movement phases, this unit may elect to root onto the ground If so, the Movement characteristic of models in its unit becomes "-" and they may not Advance or Charge; in addition, add 1 to all hit rolls made by models in this unit with ranged weapons but subtracts 1 from all their hit rolls with melee weapons and they are automatically hit during the Fight phase. If this unit already has a plus 1 to its ranged hit rolls, then it may instead re-roll all failed hit rolls during the Shooting phase.
- 5) - Ravenous Ammunitions: The already living Tyranid ammunition is imbued with an insatiable hunger, driving them into a floes flesh, only to erupt out the other side in a desperate attempt to feed on the flesh of another target.
- If a ranged attack from this unit would slay an enemy model but the damage inflicted is greater than the model's remaining number of wounds, that model's unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
- 6) - Torment Syphon: Upon death, the psychic energies relayed through all Tyranids is channelled into the synapse network, proving more power for the more terrifying beats.
- Keep note of the number of Tyranid Infantry units which are slain within Synapse range of any of your Synapse creatures. For each of these units, you gain one torment point, to a maximum of 3. Whenever a unit manifests or denies a psychic power you may spend 1 of these points to add 1 to the result of your psychic test or Deny the Witch test.
- 7) - Pheromone Lock: x
- If this unit is not a Monster, then as long as it doesn't move through any terrain feature with the Difficult Ground or Dense Cover keywords, it may move an additional 3" whenever it makes a normal move or advance, but the unit has to move in a straight line for the whole movement.
Tier 3:
- 8) - Stabilising Tendrils: Specialised retaining tentacles erupt from the creatures limbs, grasping onto any form of purchase, allowing the tyranid to support their weight in otherwise impossible manners.
- If a unit did not move in its proceeding movement phase it may add 12" to the range of its ranged weapons, to a maximum of double the weapons original range.
- 9) - Synapse Targeting Relays: Miotic spores burrow into the ground and send up floating arrays of eyes and sensor hairs, relaying targeting information to the rest of the force.
- Add 1 to this unit's hit rolls if during the Shooting phase it targets an enemy unit that has been damaged by another Tyranid unit during the course of the battle.
- 10) - Command Roots Established: The warlord impregnates the ground with a mycorrhizal network which connects with every other tranid touching it, providing more accurate tactical information than even the synapse network can produce.
- If your Warlord is currently on the table, then you gain 1 command point at the start of every Command phase, instead of just your own.
- 11) - Sacrificial Cover Growths: The battlefield becomes covered in a crusty slime, which while just a degusting inconvenience for the enemy, can morph and move to improve areas of cover for fellow Tyranids.
- This unit may re-roll failed Armor save rolls of 1 made while benefitting from Light and/or Heavy Cover. In addition, this unit gains a 6+ Invulnerable save.
- 12) - Rapid Steroid Inducement Glands: Ripper swarms shuttle adrenaline-rich biomass to the fighting force, where it is absorbed by the tyranids, increasing muscle mass and driving them to greater blood lust.
- Add 1 to the Strength characteristics of models in this unit in a turn in which it charged, was charged or performed a heroic intervention.
Tier 4:
- 13) - Dramatic Ocular Enlargement: The Tyranids cranium expands and the existing eyes or consumed by a new symbiotic eye creature of grotesque proportions, allowing the Tyranid unparalleled clarity and field of vision.
- Imprve the Ballistic Skill of models in this unit by 1.
- 14) - Backline Sabotage Drones: Rippers and other menial beasts burrow into teh enemy supply lines, identifying important equipment and personnel and beginning to disrupt them, causing little damage but having a drastic impact on the enemy efficiency.
- Any Stratagem an opponent has used earlier in the battle has its cost increased by 1 Command Point.
- 15) - Explosive Cellular Cessation: Upon death, the Tyranid's weapons turn upon itself, turning the creature's insides into an explosive vat in one last attempt to inflict damage on the enemy.
- Whenever this unit would lose a wound while within 1" of an enemy unit, roll a D6 for each wound lost; on a 6 an enemy unit within 1" suffers 1 mortal wound. If this unit is a Monster, it suffers the mortal wound on a 4+ instead.
Tier 5:
- 16) - Extraction Tower Biomass Bombard: Gorged with biomass, the Tyranid biomass towers are directed by the horde to erupt some of its bounty on the battlefield to dowse enemy units with corrosive matter.
- During the Shooting phase, if this unit has the Synapse keyword, you may pick an enemy unit within line of sight of this unit; that unit immediately suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- 17) - Psychic Dominion Network: Unholy amounts of biomass are funnelled into psychic node creatures, gripping the battlefield ever tighter in the tyranid hive mind.
- Add 1 to any psychic tests made by this model to either cast or deny a psychic power. In addition, this unit may manifest the Smite psychic power without incurring a plus 1 to the manifestation cost for each time it has been cast that turn.
- 18) - Mitochondria Respiration Hyperdrive: The mitochondria in the Tyranid's cells are replaced by a new variant genetically engineered for the current enemy and planet to provide the maximium power possible for the never ending hordes.
- Add 1 to this unit's Attacks and Strength characteristics. In addition, all wound rolls of 6+ made in the Fight phase inflict 1 mortal wound in addition to normal damage, this is cumulative with any other effects.
Hive Fleet Adaptations[edit | edit source]
- Behemoth- Hyper Aggression: Driven by a frenzied hunger, Hive Fleet Behemoth unleashes the full might of its swarms in an overwhelming frontal assault.
- Whenever a unit with this adaptation charges, was charged or performed a heroic intervention it adds 1 to its Strength and Attacks characteristic for the duration of the following fight phase.
- Add 1 to the charge distances of units with this adaptation.
- Gorgon- Adaptive Toxins: The toxins produced by Hive Fleet Gorgon’s swarm-creatures adapt with terrifying speed to any foe, agonizing and ravaging the bodies of their unfortunate victims.
- You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the Fight phase for units with this adaptation.
- Change the effect of Toxin Sacs for units with this adaptation to: "Any wound rolls of 6+ in the Fight phase for a model with toxin sacs cause 1 mortal wound in addition to normal damage."
- Hydra- Swarming Instincts: Hive Fleet Hydra’s super-swarms overwhelm their prey with the sheer weight of numbers, drowning them in a tide of chitin, flesh and slashing claws.
- You can re-roll hit rolls in the Fight phase for units with this adaptation that target units containing fewer models than their own.
- Units with this code have the Objective Secured ability. If a model in such a unit already has this ability, that model counts as one additional model when determining control of an objective marker.
- Jormungandr- Tunnel Network: The warrior-organisms of Hive Fleet Jormungandr attack from subterranean tunnels, making them extremely difficult to target until it is far too late.
- A unit with this adaptation (other than units that can Fly) always has the benefit of cover for the purposes of shooting attacks. If the unit Advances or declares a charge, however, it loses the benefit of this adaptation until the start of your next Movement phase.
- Units with this adaptation in reserves may choose to ignore the turn limitations for arriving and being destroyed. Any unit in reserves at the end of the game still count as being destroyed
- Kraken- Questing Tendrils: The Kraken harries and unbalances its foes with lightning-fast flanking attacks, before encircling them for the final, bloody massacre.
- When a unit with this adaptation Advances, roll three dice instead of one and pick the highest to add to the Move characteristic of all models in the unit for that Movement phase.
- Units with this adaptation can Fall Back and charge in the same turn.
- Kronos- Bio-Barrage: Hive Fleet Kronos obliterates its foes at range by unleashing devastating barrages of bio-plasma and living missiles.
- You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for units with this adaptation in your Shooting phase if they did not move in the preceding Movement phase.
- Each time a model with this adaptation would lose a wound as the result of a mortal wound, roll one D6; on a 5+ that wound is not lost.
- Leviathan- Synaptic Imperative Hive Fleet Leviathan’s synaptic network is so strong that its organisms can be compelled by the Hive Mind to fight in spite of injuries that should have crippled or slain them outright.
- Roll a D6 each time a unit with this adaptation loses a wound whilst it is within Synapse range of a friendly Synapse unit from the same hive fleet. On a 6, the damage is ignored and the unit does not lose a wound. Ignore this adaptation on a unit that is currently affected by the Catalyst psychic power.
- Add 3" to the Synapse range of Synapse units with this adaptation.
Splinter Fleets[edit | edit source]
If your chosen Hive Fleet does not have an associated Hive Fleet Adaptation in Codex - Tyranids: /tg/'s 8th Edition, you can create its Hive Fleet Adaptation by selecting two different rules from the following list:
- Adaptive Exoskeleton The gaunt-derived creatures produced by some hive fleets secrete a waxy, resinous material that hardens into a slick layer of protection, deflecting or absorbing hits.
- Units with this adaptation add 1 to their Armor save rolls but may not Advance.
- Bestial Nature The monstrous organisms of this hive fleet embody a savage ferocity. When wounded near unto death, they lash out in animalistic fury, making taking them down a suicidal prospect.
- Units with this adaptation add 1 to their Attacks characteristic in a turn in which they charged, were charged or performed a heroic intervention.
- Bio-metallic Cysts: Incubated within the bladed limbs of this hive fleet’s weapon-beasts are colonies of cysts whose bio-metallic edges can slice through armor.
- Improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of all Scything Talons Weapons that models with this adaptation are equipped with by 1 (e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -1).
- Biosphere Consumption: Parasitising upon the prey world itself, this hive fleet’s monstrosities delve osmotic tendrils into its biomass. Embedding themselves like a tumor and fuelling their metabolic resilience, they are nigh impossible to remove.
- Roll a die each time a Monster unit with this adaptation that is within 1" of an organic piece of terrain loses a wound; on a 5+ that wound is not lost.
- Cranial Channeling: The craniums of this hive fleet’s psyker-beasts contain a clutch of symbiotic larvae whose entire life-cycle revolves around the channeling of the Hive Mind. With an instinctive impulse, the carrier will absorb one of these creatures into their swollen brain matter, thus becoming a more efficient and fluid extension of the hive fleet’s will.
- Once per turn, every Psyker unit with this adaptation may re-roll the result of one Psychic test.
- Feeding Frenzy With dormant glands that suddenly burst into life, and reinforced, adaptive cartilage powering headlong leaps, the swarms of this hive fleet feed their urge to close with their prey as quickly as possible.
- At the end of the Fight phase, in a turn in which it charged, was charged or performed a heroic intervention, a unit with this adaptation regains a number of previously lost wounds equal to the number of models it kills.
- Horrors from Beyond: Whether due to some sickening aura of the Hive Mind or simply their terrifying size and predatory hunger, this hive fleet’s larger organisms are so monstrous that few are heroic or insane who can stand before them and not be paralyzed by fear.
- Enemy units have to subtract 1 from their Leadership characteristic if within 12" of a Monster unit with this adaptation. In addition, enemy units must subtract 1 from their hit rolls if they target a Monster unit with this adaptation that is within 1" of them.
- Hypermetabolic Acceleration: This hive fleet bio-engineers its horrors with multiple stim-releasing glands. Surges of extragalactic chemicals drive them to frenzied rushes across the prey worlds.
- When a unit with this adaptation Advances or Charges, you can re-roll the result.
- Membranous Mobility: This hive fleet’s skyswarm bioforms evince an unusually complex web of membranous tissue, allowing them to weave and jink with such astounding flexibility that lets them spread out like gusts of wind.
- A unit with this adaptation that can Fly can Advance in a turn in which it Falls Back.
- Methamorphic Regrowth: Within the flesh of its limitless broods, this hive fleet has adapted strange conglomerate organs and pathogen-hunting spores that can rapidly reknit any damage.
- Infantry units with this trait regain 1 previously lost wound at the start of each of your turns, while Monster units regain D3 previously lost wounds instead.
- Morphic Sinews: Stabilised with fibrous cords of sinew and internal wells of viscous fluid, this hive fleet’s largest weapon symbiotes instinctively adjust to their host beast’s hulking advances.
- Monster models with this adaptation do not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons, nor for Advancing and firing Assault weapons.
- Pack Hunters: Submerging their prey in waves of talons and fangs, this hive fleet’s creatures use their weight of numbers to punch and tear their way through once-stout defenses.
- As long as a unit with this adaptation is within 9” of another unit with this adaptation, it adds 1 to its movement any time it makes any move and to its hit rolls during the Fight phase.
- Prey-sight: Some hive fleets’ horrifying colossi close with the enemy while straining their multiple alien senses, the prey’s every movement and position noted. When it comes, the strike is inescapable.
- If a Monster unit with this adaptation makes a charge move, is charged or performs a Heroic Intervention, then until the end of the turn, when resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model in that unit, add 1 to the hit roll.
- Senses of the Outer Dark: Developed beyond the galaxy, this hive fleet’s organisms’ preternatural senses are triggered by surges of aggression as they close with the enemy. The prey’s fearful defensive fire is dodged with blinding speed.
- When a model with this adaptation would lose a wound to Overwatch fire, roll a D6. On a 4+, that wound isn’t lost. In addition, models with this adaptation don't suffer penalties to their hit rolls as a result of special rules such as Night Fighting or Dawn Raid.
- Shrewd Predators: This hive fleet’s synaptic coordination is so overwhelming that it compels its organisms to override their baser instincts, unnervingly moving in unexpected directions – all the while closing the snare on their prey.
- Units with this adaptation can re-roll all charge rolls and hit rolls in melee if they charged an enemy unit that is outside of their line of sight.
- Sporemist Spines: Ejected with a muscular spasm from between carapace plates, these clouds of microscopic living spores create a dense and thick mist upon the battlefield, allowing this hive fleet’s broods to get closer without worrying too much of enemy fire.
- When enemies make a melee attack against a unit with this adaptation, subtract 1 from the hit roll.
- Synaptic Augmentation: This hive fleet has refined its conduits to the lesser organisms, allowing for subtle control and augmentation of their instincts. So directed, they are far more deadly.
- When an enemy unit declares a charge against a <Hive Fleet> psyker unit with this adaptation, a unit of the same <Hive Fleet> that is within 6" of it may fire Overwatch as if they were also targeted. A unit that does so cannot fire Overwatch again in this turn. When doing so, the unit may re-roll all hit rolls.
Adaptive Physiologies[edit | edit source]
If a Tyranids CHARACTER is your Warlord, rather than determining a Warlord Trait for that model, you can instead select an Adaptive Physiology for one Tyranids unit from your army. To do so, before the battle begins, select one Tyranids Infantry unit or one TyranidsMonster model from your army (other than any unique character), and select an Adaptive Physiology from the corresponding list below. That Adaptive Physiology applies to the selected model or unit until the end of the battle. Write down any Adaptive Physiologies your models have on your army roster.
Infantry[edit | edit source]
-Abhorrent Pheromones: The brood releases a complex chemical signature in the press of fighting that provokes fear responses in their prey. Confused and panicking, the enemy are easily torn down.
- Subtract 2 from the Leadership characteristic of models in enemy units whilst their unit is within 3" of this unit.
-Adrenal Webs: With battlefield knowledge gained from devouring the fleeter races of the galaxy, this brood’s glandular stimuli drives them forwards at an unprecedented speed, allowing none to escape.
- When this unit consolidates, it can move up to 2D6” instead of 3".
-Dynamic Camouflage: Chromatospores in this brood’s skin and carapace adapt at a frightening pace, seamlessly blending their alien forms into their surroundings.
- When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against a model from this unit that is receiving the benefit of cover, add 2 to the saving throw instead of 1.
-Enhanced Resistance: The subcutaneous fibroid membranes of these bioforms are capable of absorbing even armour-piercing shots and blows.
- When resolving an attack made against this unit with a weapon that has an Armour Penetration characteristic of -1 or -2, that weapon has an Armour Penetration characteristic of 0 for that attack.
-Unnatural Reactions: This brood uses unique alien senses and its connection to the Hive Mind to react instantly to prey attacking other Tyranids nearby.
- This unit can perform Heroic Interventions as if it were a CHARACTER. In addition, this unit can perform a Heroic Intervention if there are any enemy units within 6" of them instead of 3", and when doing so can move up to 6" instead of 3".
Monster[edit | edit source]
-Accelerated Digestion: The ravenous hunger of this monstrous creature is complemented by a dizzying array of consumption sacs and ferociously powerful digestive acids, fuelling its alien vitality with every screaming morsel of prey.
- In the Fight phase, when an enemy model is destroyed as a result of an attack made by this model, this model regains up to 1 lost wound.
-Dermic Symbiosis: This bio-horror’s carapace is actually a symbiotic organism, capable of psychically repelling the fiercest attacks of the prey and boosting the metabolism of its host creature.
- This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. In addition, if this model has a damage table it is considered to have double the number of wounds remaining for the purposes of determining what row to use on that damage table.
-Murderous Size: Whether enormous osseous blades, writhing lashes or oversized fangs, this colossus’ means of rending apart its prey have grown far beyond those of its kind. Fuelled by the bearer’s instinctive ability to slay, each hideous blow and crushing bite delivered by these bio-weapons hasten the prey world’s demise.
- Before the battle, select one melee weapon that this model is equipped with. Until the end of the battle, add 1 to the Strength and Damage characteristics of that weapon, and improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that weapon by 1(e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -1).
-Synaptic Enhancement: Adaptations to this organism’s cerebral architecture have enhanced its connection to the Hive Mind. Through this towering and deadly creature, the horrific control and influence of the Tyranid race is spread ever further.
- This model gains the Shadow in the Warp and Synapse special rules, and gains the SYNAPSE keyword.
-Voracious Ammunitions: Either host to nests of ever-hungry bio-ammunition or unique organs generating a constant stream of biochemical substances, this xenos brute’s far-reaching touch continues to sear and consume long after it has moved on to other prey.
- At the end of your Shooting phase, enemy units that had one or more models destroyed this phase as a result of an attack made by this model suffer D3 mortal wounds.
Stratagems[edit | edit source]
Universal[edit | edit source]
Battle Tactics Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Buried Threats (1 CP): Burrowing feeder organisms can surge just beneath the surface, their advance shrouded in sprays of earth.
- Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when a RIPPERS unit from your army is set up on the battlefield using the Burrowers ability. For as long as that unit remains stationary, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against that unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll.
- Digestive Denial (2 CP): The process of digestion has already begun, and corrosive mucal slime is already turning this planet’s biospheres to a boiling slurry.
- Use this Stratagem after deployment but before the first battle round begins. Choose a piece of terrain (other than a Fortification). That piece of terrain loses every trait and special rule it has. In addition, roll a die for each unit fully within that piece of terrain; on a 6 that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
- Grasping Tendrils (1 CP): None escape the deadly reach of these toxic appendages.
- Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Movement phase, when an enemy unit that does not have a minimum Move characteristic and is within 1" of any Velenthrope, Malanthrope or Toxicrene units from your army is chosen to Fall Back. Roll one D6, adding 1 to the result if that unit is an Infantry unit; on a 3+ that enemy unit cannot Fall Back this turn.
- Hive Instincts (1 CP): With a psychic summons, the swarm is gathered.
- Use this Stratagem in your Charge phase. Select one enemy unit that is within 1" of any <HIVE FLEET> Synapse units from your army. Until the end of that phase, when a charge roll is made for a charge made by a friendly <HIVE FLEET> unit that targets that enemy unit, roll one additional D6 and discard one of the dice. The first model you move as part of that charge must end its charge move within 1" of that enemy unit, otherwise, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase.
- Invisible Hunter (1 CP): Tyranid assassin organisms can melt away before the astonished faces of their foes, only to strike suddenly from an unexpected direction.
- Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase. Select a Lictor from your army that is within 1" of an enemy unit. That model can Fall Back, shoot and charge in this turn.
Epic Deed Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- It has Returned (4 CP): The great lord of the Tyranid threat cannot be extinguished, its conscience is merely preserved while it waits to be born again, to bring an end to those foolish enough to face it.
- Use this Stratagem at the beginning of your Command phase, if your army contains the Swarmlord but it has been destroyed during the course of the battle. Immediately deploy it within 6" of any table edge and at least 9" away from enemy units. In addition, when the Swarmlord targets the unit that destroyed it, re-roll all failed hit and wound rolls. This Stratagem can only be used once per battle.
Requisition Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Abominal Mutations (2 CP): Twisted, turned, the Hive Mind can mutate her subjects to clusters of chitin and muscles if so the circumstances require.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one unit from your army that already has a Mutation, you can immediately purchase another mutation for that model.
- Bounty of the Hive Fleet (1 CP): Each hive fleet can create a number of powerful bio-artifacts and unique weapon symbiotes, to be grafted to its synapse beasts if its supremacy is threatened.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your Warlord has the Tyranids keyword. Select one Tyranids character model in your army and give them one Relic (this must be a Relic they can have). Each Relic in your army must be unique, and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Relics. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem twice), or an Onslaught battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem three times).
- Conglomerated Adaptations (4 CP):
- Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one detachment from your army that is using Custom Adaptations; select one more Custom Adaptation for that Detachment.
- Progeny of the Hive (1 CP): Nothing can hold back the terrifying speed at which the hive fleets adapt their diverse organisms.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Tyranids Infantry unit or one Tyranids Monster model from your army that does not have an Adaptive Physiology, and then select one Adaptive Physiology to apply to that unit or model until the end of the battle. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem twice), or an Onslaught battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem three times).
- Sporefield (1 CP): Ahead of its invasion swarms, the hive fleet sows the prey world with vast clouds of living mines.
- Use this Stratagem after both armies have deployed but before the first battle round begins. Add one unit of Spore Mines to your army as reinforcements and set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 12" from enemy models. This unit must belong to the same Hive Fleet as another unit from your army. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem twice), or an Onslaught battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem three times).
- Surge of Command Organisms (1 CP): When faced with great challenges, the Hive Mind brings forth an array of alpha creatures to better coordinate its tendrils.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your Warlord has the Tyranid keyword. Select one Tyranid Character model in your army and determine one Warlord Trait for that model (this must be a Warlord Trait they can have); that model is only regarded as your Warlord for the purposes of that Warlord Trait. Each Warlord Trait in your army must be unique (if randomly generated, re-roll duplicate results), and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Warlord Traits. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem twice), or an Onslaught battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem three times).
Strategic Ploy Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Adrenaline Surge (3 CP): Tyranids will not cease their butchery until every living thing in their path has been torn to bloody shreds.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight phase. Select a Tyranids unit from your army, that unit can immediately fight again.
- Aggressive Adaptation (1 CP): Biomorphic resin sharpens at the touch of enemy blood.
- Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when an enemy unit is destroyed as a result of an attack made by a <HIVE FLEET> model from your army. Until the end of the battle, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of melee weapons that models in that model’s unit are equipped with by 1 (e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -1). Each unit can only be affected by this Stratagem once per battle.
- Call the Brood (2 CP): Bounding from the dark corners of the battlefield come hulking figures with razor claws and ravenous eyes.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Add a new unit of Genestealers or Ymgarl Genestealers to your army and set them up as reinforcements wholly within 6" of a Genestealer Patriarch (or Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch in case of Ymgarl Genestealers) or infestation node from your army and more than 9" from any enemy models. This unit must belong to the same Hive Fleet as the Patriarch chosen from your army.
- Death Frenzy (2 CP): Tyranids care nothing for self-preservation, and will fight on even when riven with mortal wounds.
- Use this Stratagem when a Tyranids Character from your army is slain; the Hive Mind compels it to one final attack, and it can immediately either shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, or fight as if it were your Fight phase before it is removed from the battlefield.
- Encephalic Diffusion (2 CP): Glistening brain-arrays pulse with diffusive energies.
- Use this Stratagem at the start of the turn. Select one Maleceptor model from your army. Until the end of that turn, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against a friendly unit within 6" of that model, subtract 1 from that weapon’s Strength characteristic to a minimum of 1, for that attack.
- Feeder Tendrils (0 CP): Feeder tendrils drain the victim’s skull, siphoning vital knowledge and memories with every scrap of brain matter.
- Use this Stratagem when a model equipped with Feeder Tendrils from your army kills a Character in the Fight phase. Gain D3 Command Points.
- Feeding the Hunger (1 CP): The Haruspex’s instinctive need to consume is insatiable.
- Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a Haruspex unit from your army is chosen to fight with. Until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made by that model, you can re-roll the hit roll.
- Feral Instincts (1 CP): Talons are unconsciously directed at throats and eyes.
- Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase. Select one Infantry unit from your army. Until the end of that phase, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of melee weapons models in that unit are equipped with by 1 (e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -1).
- Grisly Feast (1 CP) The sight of a comrade being devoured even as they fall can break the spirit of the hardiest warrior.
- Use this Stratagem in the Morale phase. Select a unit of Rippers or Haruspex from your army. Your opponent must add 1 to any Morale tests taken for enemy units that are within 12" of that unit in this phase.
- Hunter's Drive (1 CP): Saturating its kills with motes of synaptic energy, the leader-beast drives its minions towards any survivors.
- Use this Stratagem in your Charge phase. Select one <HIVE FLEET> unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, when that unit declares a charge that targets any enemy units that had one or more models destroyed as a result of attacks made with ranged weapons made by friendly <HIVE FLEET> Synapse models this turn, roll one additional D6 and discard one of the dice when making the charge roll. The first model you move as part of that charge must end its charge move within 1" of at least one of those units, otherwise, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase.
- Leaper-beast (2 CP): With one jump the enormous creature leaps through the battlefield, eager to satiate its hunger with the unknowing prey.
- Use this Stratagem at the beginning of your Command phase. Choose a single Dimachaeron model from your army. That model can use its Leaper special rule both in the Shooting and Fight phase.
- Metabolic Overdrive (1 CP) Potent chemicals pump through the bodies of the hive fleet’s warriors, granting them formidable reserves of stamina at the risk of total cellular breakdown.
- Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, after moving a Tyranids unit from your army. You can make a second move with that unit (including Advancing, if you wish), but when you do so you must roll a dice for each model in the unit. For each roll of 1, inflict a mortal wound on the unit. The unit cannot shoot or make a charge move this turn.
- Overrun (1 CP): A Tyranid assault maintains a fearsome momentum. No sooner is one foe butchered than the swarm moves on to the next kill.
- Use this Stratagem when a Tyranids unit from your army destroys a unit in the Fight phase, and is not within 3" of an enemy unit. Instead of consolidating, that unit can move (and Advance) as if it were your Movement phase (it cannot move within 1" of any enemy models).
- Pheromone Trail (1 CP): Lictors release a trail of potent pheromones that guide fresh waves of bioforms to the slaughter.
- Use this Stratagem when a Tyranids Infantry unit from your army is set up on the battlefield as reinforcements if there is already a Lictor from your army on the battlefield. You can set up the unit wholly within 6" of the Lictor and more than 1" from any enemy models, rather than following the normal rules for setting up the unit. You cannot use this Stratagem to affect a unit of reinforcements being set up by the Genestealer’s Infestation ability, or that are added to your army due to a unit’s ability or Stratagem.
- Power of the Hive Mind (1 CP) The gestalt consciousness of the Hive Mind possesses a psychic might beyond mortal comprehension.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of your Psychic phase. Select a Tyranids Psyker unit from your army that manifested a psychic power this turn. It can immediately attempt to manifest one additional psychic power this turn.
- Rapid Regeneration (2 CP): Some Tyranid bioforms possess bizarre organs that allow them to stitch together ruptured flesh and chitin.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Select a Tyranids model from your army. It regains D3 wounds lost earlier in the battle.
- Savage Distraction (1 CP): With their comrades’ gore dripping from nearby talons, even disciplined warriors struggle to avert their guns.
- Use this stratagem during the Fight phase, when an enemy unit is killed by a friendly <Hive Fleet> unit from your army. In your opponent’s next Shooting phase, when an enemy unit within 12” of that <Hive Fleet> unit fires a ranged weapon, it has to subtract 1 from the hit rolls.
- Single-minded Annihilation (2 CP): The Hive Mind invests its warrior-forms with but a single imperative: kill.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of your Shooting phase. Select a Tyranids Infantry unit from your army – that unit can immediately shoot again.
- Surprise Ambush (1 CP): Lictors can approach within feet of their prey unnoticed.
- Use this Stratagem in your Charge phase. Select one Lictor unit from your army that is entirely on or within a terrain feature, or was set up on the battlefield this turn using the Hidden Hunter special rule. Until the end of the turn, enemy units cannot fire Overwatch at that unit. In addition, when a charge roll is made for that unit, add 1 to the result.
- Synaptic Channeling (1 CP): Individuality is a disadvantage that Tyranids surpass.
- Use this Stratagem in your Psychic phase. Select one <Hive Fleet> Psyker unit from your army. Until the end of that phase, that unit knows all of the psychic powers known by friendly <Hive Fleet> Psyker units that are on the battlefield.
- Unyielding Chitin (1 CP): At a synaptic stimulus, carapaces thicken to become as dense as stone.
- Use this Stratagem in your Charge phase or your opponent’s Shooting phase, when a Tyranid Infantry unit from your army is chosen as the target for an attack made with a ranged weapon. Until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against that unit, reduce the Damage characteristic of that weapon by 1, to a minimum of 1, for that attack.
- Voracious Appetite (1 CP): The hunger of the Tyranids can never be satiated.
- Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase when a Tyranids Monster or Character from your army is chosen to attack. You can re-roll all failed wound rolls for that model until the end of the phase.
Wargear Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Caustic Blood (1 CP): Even the act of slaying a Tyranid can prove fatal, as its corpse spews corrosive ichor capable of eating through power armor.
- Use this Stratagem at the start of a Fight phase. Select a Tyranids unit from your army. Roll a dice whenever a model in that unit is destroyed in this phase. For each roll of 6, the enemy unit that inflicted the final wound on that model suffers a mortal wound after all of their attacks have been resolved.
- Implant Attack (1 CP) Some bio-weapons seed their victims with a lethal spore-cyst. This bloated parasite rapidly expands and bursts, tearing the unfortunate host apart in an eruption of gore.
- Use this Stratagem after a Tyranids unit from your army fights in the Fight phase. Roll a dice for each enemy model that was wounded by any of this unit’s attacks and not slain. On a 2+ the model suffers a mortal wound. If the target was a Vehicle, it instead suffers a mortal wound on a roll of 6.
- Pathogenic Slime (2 CP): Tyranid biological ammunition is often doused in a pathogenic mucus, which seeps into wounds and devours flesh.
- Use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase. Select a Tyranids Monster from your army. Increase the Damage of its attacks by 1 for this phase.
- Psychic Barrage (1 CP): By channeling the power of the Shadow in the Warp, Tyranid psyker-beasts can obliterate the minds of their prey.
- Use this Stratagem in your Psychic phase if a Zoanthropes unit from your army consisting of at least 3 models is within 6" of 2 other such units. If you do so, the Zoanthropes cannot take any Psychic tests this phase – instead, select a point on the battlefield within 18" of, and visible to, all three units. Roll a dice for each unit (friend or foe) within 3" of that point. Add 1 to the result if the unit being rolled for has 10 or more models, but subtract 1 if the unit being rolled for is a Character. On a 4+ that unit suffers 3D3 mortal wounds.
- Psychic Fissure (2 CP): The Shadow in the Warp poses many dangers to those who would draw upon the Immaterium’s energies.
- Use this Stratagem at the start of your opponent’s Psychic phase. Until the end of the phase, every time an enemy psyker fails a psychic test within 18” of a <Hive Fleet> Synapse unit from your army, it suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Scorch Bugs (1 CP): The thoraxes of these bulbous insectoids pulse with caustic chemicals.
- Use this Stratagem when a Tyranids unit from your army is selected to attack in the Shooting phase. You can add 1 to all wound rolls made for that unit’s Fleshborer, Fleshborer Hive or Shreddershard Beetles attacks in that Shooting phase.
- Skyswarm Fusillade (1 CP): The instinctive and fluid agility of skyswarm bioforms allow acidic shots to be fired at extreme close-quarters.
- Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase. Select one GARGOYLES unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, fleshborers that models in that unit are equipped with have a Type characteristic of Pistol 1 and add 1 to the wound rolls.
- Symbiotic Devastation (1 CP): In thrall to its symbiote, the Exocrine obeys its every will.
- Use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase. Select one Exocrine unit from your army; until the end of that phase, that unit is treated as not having moved in your Movement phase.
- Unexpected Incursion (1 CP): Mawlocs are capable of bursts of subterranean speed, catching more of their surface prey unawares.
- Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when a Mawloc model from your army is set up on the battlefield using the Terror from the Deep special rule. When determining the number of mortal wounds an enemy unit suffers from that model’s Terror from the Deep ability that phase, add 2 to the roll.
Hive Fleet-Specific[edit | edit source]
- Behemoth - Battle Tactics Stratagem - Brute Force (1 CP): Behemoth’s charge crushes all in its path to a bloody paste.
- Use this Stratagem when a Behemoth unit from your army completes a charge move. Roll a dice for each model in the charging unit that is within 1" of an enemy unit. For each roll of 6 (or 2+ for a Monster), inflict one mortal wound on an enemy unit within 1".
- Gorgon - Wargear Stratagem - Hyper-Toxicity (1 CP): There is no defence against the toxins of Hive Fleet Gorgon.
- Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight phase. Choose a Gorgon unit from your army that has the Toxin Sacs biomorph. For the duration of the phase, consider the wound rolls as 1 point higher to determine the effect of the Toxin Sacs biomorph.
- Hydra - Requisition Stratagem - Endless Swarm (2 CP) The swarms of the Hydra are numberless. Kill one organism, and two more will take its place.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Select a unit of Termagaunts, Hormagaunts, Gargoyles or Simurghs (or any Hydra Infantry unit) from your army that has been completely destroyed. Add an identical unit to your army, and set it up as reinforcements wholly within 6" of any board edge, more than 9" from enemy models.
- Kraken - Strategic Ploy Stratagem - Opportunistic Advance (1 CP) Before the prey can even react, Hive Fleet Kraken’s swarms are already amongst them.
- Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase when you roll the dice for an Advancing Kraken unit (other than a unit that can Fly). You can double the number you roll and add that total to their Move characteristic for that Movement phase, rather than following the normal rules for Advancing.
- Kronos - Strategic Ploy Stratagem - The Deepest Shadow (1 CP) Around the swarms of Hive Fleet Kronos, the Shadow in the Warp is at its most suffocatingly powerful.
- Use this Stratagem when an enemy Psyker attempts to manifest a psychic power within 24" of a Kronos unit from your army. Your opponent can only roll a single dice for the Psychic test.
- Leviathan - Battle Tactics Stratagem - War on All Fronts (1 CP): Hive Fleet Leviathan brings death from land, sea and sky.
- Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase. Select an enemy unit that is within 1" of at least two Leviathan units from your army that, in any combination, can Fly, cannot or that have the Amphibious Adaptations biomorph. You can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 in this phase for attacks for Leviathan units that target that enemy unit.
Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
Universal[edit | edit source]
- 1: Adaptive Biology: The same weapon rarely works against this Warlord twice, as its alien physiology adapts at an astonishing rate to counter the attacks of the foe.
- From the end of the first phase in which this Warlord suffers any wounds, for the remainder of the battle when inflicting damage upon the Warlord, reduce the damage of the attack by 1 to a minimum of 1.
- 2: Alien Cunning: This Warlord possesses highly sophisticated neural pathways, allowing it to outwit even the most experienced generals of other races.
- At the start of the first battle round, but before the first turn begins, you can remove your Warlord from the battlefield and set them up again as described in the Deployment section of the mission you are playing. If both players have units that can do this, roll-off. The player that wins the roll-off decides who sets up their unit(s) first. In addition, roll a die every time you spend a Command Point; on a 5+ that Command Point is not lost.
- 3: Heightened Senses: Whether through rows of bristling antennae or clusters of glistening compound eyes, this Warlord can sense the location of its prey with unerring accuracy.
- Your Warlord never suffers any penalties to their hit rolls, even when firing Overwatch.
- 4: Instinctive Killer: This Warlord has been bioengineered with genetic memories of how best to slay the myriad species which the Hive Mind calls prey.
- At the beginning of the battle but before the first turn begins, choose an enemy unit type. You can re-roll failed hit rolls for the Warlord for attacks that target that unit or any unit that has the same type (for example, all Infantry units or all Biker etc.).
- 5: Mind Eater: This Warlord devours not only the flesh of the prey’s leaders but their thoughts as well, so that it may learn of their strategies and direct the movements of the swarm accordingly.
- Each time the Warlord slays an enemy Character in the Fight phase, choose one of the aura abilities of that unit, until the end of the battle your Warlord gains that special rule. Replace all faction and sub-faction keywords with Tyranids <Hive Fleet> (for example, the rule "Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly <Dinasty> Infantry units that are within 6" of this model" would become "Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly <Hive Fleet> Infantry units that are within 6" of this model").
- 6: Synaptic Lynchpin: This Warlord’s cerebral cortex pulsates with the irresistible power of the Hive Mind, acting as a blazing synaptic beacon to the lesser creatures of the swarm.
- Add 6" to the range of the Warlord’s Synapse ability.
Hive Fleet-Specific[edit | edit source]
- Behemoth - Monstrous Hunger: The Warlord embodies the Hive Mind’s eternal hunger, tearing great chunks out of its victims in a feeding frenzy, or even swallowing them whole.
- Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for the Warlord in the Fight phase, that attack inflicts 1 additional damage.
- Gorgon - Lethal Miasma The air around the Warlord throngs with microscopic organisms that invade the bodies of its foes, devouring them from the inside.
- At the end of the Fight phase, roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 2" of the Warlord. On a 4+ that unit suffers a mortal wound.
- Hydra - Endless Regeneration: Enemy soldiers are horrified to see the Warlord’s severed limbs and shattered plates regrowing before their eyes.
- At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a dice for each wound that your Warlord has lost. For each roll of 5+, your Warlord regains a wound lost earlier in the battle.
- Jormungandr - Insidious Threat: This Warlord has lurked unseen on this world, developing such an intimate knowledge of its terrain that there is nowhere for its prey to hide.
- Enemy units never gain any bonus to their saving throws for being in cover for attacks made by the Warlord or friendly Jormungandr units within 3" of the Warlord.
- Kraken - One Step Ahead: There is no move the prey can make that this Warlord has not foreseen.
- In each Fight phase, you can pick one friendly Kraken unit within 6" of your Warlord. That unit can fight first in the Fight phase, even if it didn’t charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
- Kronos - Soul Hunger: This Warlord has an insatiable hunger for psykers, and can manipulate the Shadow in the Warp to isolate and overwhelm its prey.
- Whenever an enemy Psyker fails a psychic test within 18" of your Warlord, they suffer D3 mortal wounds while your Warlord recovers 1 previously lost wound.
- Leviathan - Perfectly Adapted: This Warlord was created for one purpose, to completely eradicate the defenders of this world.
- Once per turn, you can re-roll a single hit roll, wound roll, damage roll, Advance roll, charge roll or saving throw made for your Warlord.
Psychic Powers[edit | edit source]
Unless stated otherwise, all Tyranid psykers must generate their powers from any of the below Hive Mind disciplines.
Hive Mind's Control[edit | edit source]
-1: Catalyst (Warp Charge: 6): Many Tyranid psykers are known for their ability to make themselves and other Tyranids seemingly incognizant of even the most grievous of injuries, allowing them to fight on.
- Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 18" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, each time that unit loses a wound, roll a D6; on a 5+, the damage is ignored and the unit does not lose that wound.
-2: Dominion (Warp Charge: 5): Through this power, Tyranid organisms are able to extend the range at which they can influence other Tyranid organisms.
- Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 36" of the psyker that has the Instinctive Behaviour special rule. Until the end of your next Psychic phase, that unit ignores its Instinctive Behaviour ability and automatically passes Morale tests.
-3: Fury (Warp Charge: 6): The emotion of anger is like all emotions, a product of chemicals, chemicals that Tyranid psykers can stimulate into being with a thought to grant the benefits that animalistic rage can provide in battle.
- Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 12" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, the target unit adds 1 to both its Attacks and Strength characteristics if it charged that turn.
-4: One Mind (Warp Charge: 7): Through this power, the Hive Mind is capable of turning even the most rudimentary of combat organisms into a formidable beast of battle as they receive the combat skills assimilated by the hive mind over the course of billions of years.
- Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 12" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase the target unit and the psyker consider their Ballistic Skill and Combat Skill as 2 points better.
-5: Onslaught (Warp Charge: 6): The hive mind is capable of giving additional energy to the creatures that comprise its vast "body", allowing them to attack even while sprinting.
- Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 18" of the psyker. That unit can shoot this turn (even if it Advanced) without suffering any penalties to its hit rolls for moving and shooting with Heavy weapons, or Advancing and shooting with Assault weapons. In addition, that unit can charge this turn even if it Advanced (though not if it Fell Back).
-6: Unstoppable (Warp Charge: 8): A more severe form of the energies put into an organism by Onslaught, this power fills a Tyranid creature with so much psychic power as to become a juggernaut, though the influx of energy is prone to killing the organism afterwards.
- Select a friendly Tyranids unit within 24" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, the target unit gains a 2+ save against any type of wounds, even mortal wounds, and adds 1 to both its Attack and Strength characteristics in a turn in which it charged. It may also re-roll failed to-hit rolls in both shooting and close combat. At the start of your next Psychic phase, the target must immediately pass a Leadership test or be removed as a casualty. If the test is passed, it may not take any actions during any phase, gain the benefit of cover, and it's hit automatically in close combat until the start of the next Psychic phase.
Hive Mind's Malice[edit | edit source]
-1: Mutagenesis (Warp Charge: 7): The energies emitted from the servants of the great devourer mutate their victims in grotesque ways, ampering their chances of fighting back.
- Choose an enemy unit within 24" of the psyker. The target unit must pass a Toughness test or suffer a -1 penalty to Toughness, Strength and Attacks characteristic until the beginning of your next Psychic phase.
-2: Optical Overload (Warp Charge: 7): A burst of synaptic energies temporarily fries the optical nerves of nearby creatures, rendering them blind and unable to protect themselves.
- Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit can only hit on 6s in both the Shooting and Fight phase.
-3: Paroxysm (Warp Charge: 5): The Hive Mind debilitates its enemies by triggering every nerve and pain receptor in their bodies, overwhelming their senses with wracking fits of agony.
- Choose an enemy unit within 18" of the psyker. Until your next Psychic phase, that unit cannot fight in the Fight phase until all other units that are able to, have done so. If the target has an ability that allows it to fight first in the Fight phase, it instead fights as if it didn't have this ability. If both players have units that cannot fight until all other units have done so, then alternate choosing which of those units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
-4: Stand and Die (Warp Charge: 8): As the hungry swarm approaches, one thought breaks into the shaking soldiers' minds: "Come closer... let the feast begin".
- Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. That unit must take a Leadership test; if the test is failed, then until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit can't benefit from cover, it has to consider its Ballistic Skill and Combat Skill as 2 points worse, can't fire Overwatch, and has to attack last in the Fight phase. If both players have units that cannot fight until all other units have done so, then alternate choosing which of those units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
-5: The Horror (Warp Charge: 6): The terrifying psychic presence of the Hive Mind radiates from the synapse creature, flooding the minds of the Tyranids’ enemies and causing them to quail and panic.
- Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit must subtract 1 from their hit rolls and Leadership characteristic.
-6: The Shadow Notices (Warp Charge: 7): Looming over the battlefield, the shadow of the great devourer engulfs those foolish enough to drive its attention.
- Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit must reduce its Leadership characteristic by D3. If the target is a Psyker it suffers an additional -1 to its rolls when trying to manifest or deny a psychic power. Finally, if the target has the Demon keyword it suffers a penalty of 1 to its Invulnerable saves.
Hive Mind's Wrath[edit | edit source]
-1: Alien Voice (Warp Charge: 7): A microscopically link between the enemy and the hive mind is created. Although short, the forced contact with such a powerful presence can be lethal for the lesser trained soldiers.
- Select a unit within 18" that is visible to the psyker. Both the target and the psyker must roll a D6 and add the result to their Leadership - if the psyker gets a higher result, the target takes the difference in mortal wounds; if the result is a draw, nothing happens as the mental energies cancel each other out; if the target gets a bigger result, they manage to avoid forming a connection to the hive mind and the feedback instead afflicts the offending tyranid; the psyker's Synapse range is immediately reduced by 6" until the start of his next Psychic phase. Models without Leadership characteristic cannot be affected by this psychic power.
-2: Despair (Warp Charge: 7): The power of the mighty hive mind crushes the spirit of its prey and destroys them from the inside.
- Select a unit within 18" that is visible to the psyker. That unit suffers D3 automatic hits with the profile below:
S AP D Abilities 10 0 2 This weapon wounds based on the Leadership of the unit instead of the Toughness. In addition, Armor and Invulnerable saves may not be taken against this attack.
-3: Hunger (Warp Charge: 6): Through this power, the hive mind can force other living beings to experience a portion of the terrible hunger that the gestalt consciousness of the Tyranid race feels every day, a hunger far beyond the ability of lesser organisms to control, forcing them to try and eat their comrades to satiate this horrific desire to satiate an unfathomable hunger.
- Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. That unit must take a Leadership test; if the test if failed, the unit immediately suffers a number of hits equal to the number of models in that unit. These hits are resolved using the unit’s majority Strength (if drawn, use the highest) and AP-. Wounds are allocated by the owning player and Armor saves or Invulnerable can be used as normal.
-4: Psychic Cacophony (Warp Charge: 7): A tempest of screams and growl floods the minds of the unfortunate souls; this wave of razor cries overwhelms any contact with the outside world and any type of link a lone soldier can have with its comrades, rendering it helpless against the horrors of the incoming tides.
- Select one enemy unit with 18" of the psyker; that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, if that unit has a rule that modifies its Leadership characteristic based on its number of models, then subtract from that amount the number of friendly <Hive Fleet> models within 12" of that unit.
-5: Psychic Scream (Warp Charge: 5): Through its vassal, the Hive Mind unleashes a piercing shriek of undiluted psychic energy that shreds the minds of those caught in its wake.
- The nearest enemy unit within 18" suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, if that unit is a PSYKER, roll two dice; if the result is higher than their Leadership characteristic, randomly select one of their psychic powers. They can no longer use that psychic power.
-6: Warp Blast (Warp Charge: 7): A blast of pure psychic energy either fired as a beam that can pierce the strongest armor, an orb that can rip apart terminators, or as a pulsating blast that can turn even the Astartes inside out, this is a signature ability of Zoanthropes.
- Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker. You can immediately make a single shooting attack against that unit using one of the profiles below as if it was your shooting phase.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Warp Blast 24" Assault 2D6 6 -2 1 Blast Warp Orb 24" Assault D6 8 -3 D3 Blast Warp Lance 24" Assault 1 10 -4 D6 You can re-roll all wound rolls if the target is a Vehicle or a Building. Treat damage rolls of 1 or 2 made by this weapon as 3 instead.
Hive Fleet-Specific[edit | edit source]
These followings Psychic Powers can be taken by any Tyranid Psyker of that specific <Hive Fleet>, regardless of the indications of one model's on which discipline to choose powers from.
-Behemoth - Unstoppable Hunger (Warp Charge: 7): The Hive Mind siphons into its organisms a tiny portion of Behemoth’s insatiable and aeons-long hunger. Filled with an aching void, claws and talons rend ever more desperately in their need to feed.
- Pick a friendly Behemoth unit within 9" of the psyker. Until the end of the turn, add 1 to the wound rolls for that unit's melee attacks.
-Gorgon - Poisonous Influence (Warp Charge: 6): The synapse creature radiates a pulsed imperative which triggers the semi-sentient spores of Gorgon’s bio-horrors, guiding the secretion of venom laced with a seeping psychic miasma.
- Until your next Psychic phase, improve the AP characteristic of melee weapons for friendly Gorgon units within 9" of this psyker by one.
-Hydra - Death Shriek (Warp Charge: 5): Amplifying the psychic death cry of Hydra’s progeny to horrifying levels, the Hive Mind causes excruciating physical and psychic trauma in those who resist its predations.
- Until your next Psychic phase, when a friendly Hydra unit that is within 6" of both this psyker and an enemy unit loses a model, roll a D6. On a 5+, the closest enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
-Jormungandr - Lurking Maw (Warp Charge: 6): The Hive Mind extends a psychic summons, and calls upon Jormungandr’s embedded and waiting broods. Mindlessly converging via synaptic imperative, their sudden and frenzied attacks spell the foe’s end.
- Pick an enemy unit that is visible to the psyker. Until the end of the turn, re-roll hit rolls against that unit from friendly Jormungandr units set up on the battlefield this turn. During the first turn, units set up through conventional deployment can't benefit from this Psychic power.
-Kraken - Synaptic Lure (Warp Charge: 5): Drawing upon Kraken’s strategic cunning, the Hive Mind projects a psychic marker upon an identified threat. Unknowingly radiating an irresistible lure to every nearby brood, the enemy is doomed.
- Pick an enemy unit. Until the end of the turn, re-roll charge rolls made by friendly Kraken units that target that unit.
-Kronos - Symbiostorm (Warp Charge: 6): The Hive Mind delves into the neural mesh between Kronos’ organisms and their symbiotes. Guided by its majestic will, a deluge of shrieking bio-matter reaches out unerringly towards the Tyranids’ prey.
- Pick a friendly Kronos unit within 12" of the psyker. Until the end of the turn, when that unit rolls a 6+ to hit with a ranged weapon, it scores an additional hit.
-Leviathan - Hive Nexus (Warp Charge: 6): The Hive Mind funnels Leviathan’s sophisticated synaptic network through its conduits, enforcing its gestalt will among the hive fleet’s lesser organisms.
- Until your next Psychic phase, the synapse range of friendly Leviathan units is 18" instead of 12" (unless it would be already higher) and improve the save conferred by the Leviathan Hive Fleet adaptation by 1.
Apocalypse Rules[edit | edit source]
Apocalypse rules are special rules that are meant to represent the power of an immense force on the tabletop. Each army has one and it differs from effects and restrictions.
Gaping Night: The shadow of the warp wraps the planet in an unending blanket of silence and despair
If your army is Battle-forged, and contains at least 6000 points of Tyranids units, then all Tyranids units in your army gain this special rule. All non-Tyranids psykers on the board suffer from the effect of the Shadow in the Warp special rule. In addition, they suffer a penalty of D3 to their Leadership characteristic instead of only 1.
Tyranid Biomorphs[edit | edit source]
Melee Biomorphs[edit | edit source]
- Acid Maw Biomorphs: A simple and yet effective adaptation, many Tyranid creatures sport acidic glands with which they can digest anything in an instant. Of course, this can also aid against the hardest of food supplies.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Acid Maw Melee Melee User -3 1 - Melting Maw Melee Melee User -5 6 Each time the bearer fights, it can give up all its attacks to make one single attack with this weapon. If this weapon kills a model the Viragon heals D3 wounds it had previously lost. Monstrous Acid Maw Melee Melee User -5 D3 -
- Bio-flail: A brute bio-weapon found on the brutish Stone-crusher Carnifex; although less adept at slicing through heavy armor like its claws, the damage done by this organic wreaking ball can be devastating against the less defended soldiers.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Bio-flail Melee Melee User -1 2 Each time the bearer fights, one (and only one) of its attacks can be made with this weapon. When the bearer fights with this weapon, make a number of hit rolls against one target unit equal to the number of models that the target unit has within 2" of the bearer.
- Blinding Venom: Although small, Gargoyles and Simurghs can spit a particular kind of venom that swollen up the eyes and turns these tiny creatures into much bigger threats.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Blinding Venom Melee Melee 3 0 1 If any unit suffers any unsaved wounds from this weapon, your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for that unit until the end of the turn.
- Bone Sabres: The iconic weapons of the mighty Swarmlord, their reputation is well known across many species hit by the Tyranid plague and are an essential part of the aura of terror and mystery around their carrying creature. Just a scratch from these terrifying weapons can be fatal as bone and armor are sliced through by the sheer power of their psychic field.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Bone Sabres Melee Melee User -3 6 Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. Successful Invulnerable save against wounds caused by this weapon must be re-rolled.
- Bonesword Biomorphs: One of the more elite choices of close carnage in the ranks of the hungering swarm, they are usually found on commanding organisms like warriors, but upscaled versions can be spotted even on Hive Tyrants. The powerful psychic energies that flow through them or the usual pairing with Lash Whips make them extremely effective weapons for carnage.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Boneswords Melee Melee User -2 1 A model armed with boneswords can make 1 additional attack with them in the Fight phase. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. Lash Whip and Bonesword Melee Melee User -2 1 If the bearer is slain in the Fight phase before it makes it attacks, leave it where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, the bearer can do so as normal before being removed from the battlefield. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. Monstrous Boneswords Melee Melee User -2 3 A model armed with monstrous boneswords can make 1 additional attack with them in the Fight phase. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. Monstrous Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword Melee Melee User -2 3 If the bearer is slain in the Fight phase before it makes it attacks, leave it where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, the bearer can do so as normal before being removed from the battlefield. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage.
- Claws and Teeth: A rudimentary weapon, the first created under the course of nature. Despite their simplicity, they still find their use against a world's fauna or lightly protected civilians.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Claws and Teeth Melee Melee User 0 1 -
- Crushing Biomorphs: Despite feeding on organic matter, sometimes the Tyranids need to first breach through heavy defenses and these biomorphs are design to do just that. Only few substances in the galaxy can resist against the force generated by this claws, and even then, the damage suffered is nothing to scoff at.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Crushing Claws Melee Melee x2 -3 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Massive Crushing Claws Melee Melee x2 -3 D6 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Monstrous Crushing Claws Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Wrecker Claws Melee Melee x2 -3 3 If the bearer is equipped with two Wrecker Claws, each time an attack is made with this weapon, you can re-roll the wound roll. Each time an attack is made with this weapon is allocated to a Vehicle, Monster or Building model, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 5.
- Diamond-tipped Teeth: A peculiar deviation on the normal teeth only found on a particular underground organism. These diamond-tipped teeth allow it to attach to the side of vehicles and breach through with great ease.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Diamond-tippped Teeth Melee Melee User -3 3 When using this weapon, halve the attack characteristic of this model (rounding up). You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. If the target's Toughness is higher than this attack's Strength, this weapon always wounds the target on a wound roll of 4+.
- Distensible Jaw: The prehensile tongue of a Haruspex, nothing is safe nearby this monster for even far away target can be drag inside the dark abyss lingering inside it.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Distensible Jaw Melee Melee User -3 D6 Each time the bearer fights, one (and only one) of its attacks must be made with this weapon.
- Grasping Tail: The tale of a Malanthrope; despite not possessing any peculiar properties, its strength is not to be underestimated for it can easily snatch an adult man and leave it to the beast's mercy.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Grasping Tail Melee Melee +1 -1 2 At the beginning of the Fight phase, instead of attacking with this model, you may choose one enemy model within 1" of it. Both players roll 1d6 and add it to the corresponding models' Strenght characteristics. If the model wins, nothing happens. If it fails, reduce its attacks by half (rounding down), the model has to subtract 1 from all its hit rolls and may not disengage. If the models' unit disengages, this model is removed from play as the helpless warrior is devoured by the creature. A model slain in this manner counts as slain by the Malanthrope for the purpose of the Prey Adaptation rule.
- Lash Biomorphs: Quick as lightning, these whips made of muscles are extremely useful both to attack and to restrain the movements of the prey and assure a swift death.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Lash Whips Melee Melee User 0 1 Enemy models in base contact with a model equipped with this weapon have to subtract 1 from their hit rolls. Lashwhip Pods Melee Melee 5 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 10 additional attacks with this weapon and no more than 10 attacks can be made with this weapon. Monstrous Lash Whips Melee Melee User -1 2 Enemy models in base contact with a model equipped with this weapon have to subtract 1 from their hit rolls. Tresher Tendrils Melee Melee +2 -2 D3 You may not use this weapon once you have used the Thresher Tendrils special rule. Make D3 hit rolls for each attack with this weapon in a turn in which the bearer charged. Thresher Tendrils and Spikes Melee Melee User -1 1 Make 3 hit rolls with this weapon instead of 1 for each attack assigned to it.
- Massive Feeder Tendrils: A gigantic version of the normal tendrils found in lesser Tyranid creatures, these tentacles are far too massive to harvest the thoughts of those consumed, but are still able to confer the wielder of important nutrients.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Massive Feeder Tendrils Melee Melee User -3 1 Make 4 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon, instead of 1. Every model slain by this weapon or every 2 damage dealt by this weapon heals the bearer of this weapon for 1 wound.
- Powerful Limbs: Powerful appendages found on greater organism. Although not particularly adapted, they can be quite dangerous, especially for those underestimating the combat capabilities of these slow giants.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Powerful Limbs Melee Melee User -1 2 -
- Ravenous Maw: The signature jaw of a Haruspex, to stare inside than is to gaze into the jaws of the cold abyss of a black hole, for when something enters this chasm, it never returns.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Ravenous Maw Melee Melee User -1 D3 Make 3 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon, instead of 1.
- Rending Biomorphs: Special adamantine claws are an effective adaptation against heavily armored preys and have made a certain reputation for themselves especially for tales from various Space Hulks.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Rending Claws Melee Melee User -1 1 Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Rending Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. Monstrous Rending Claws Melee Melee User -3 D3 You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an AP of -6 and a Damage of 3. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Monstrous Rending Claws and/or Patriarch's Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. Patriarch's Claws Melee Melee User -4 D3 You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an AP of -6 and a Damage of 3. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Monstrous Rending Claws and/or Patriarch's Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead.
- Scything Talon Biomoprhs: The most common Tyranid close combat weapon. These razor-sharp blades of chitin can be found on just about any type of Tyranid creature, from the smaller to the most massive, and are all equally deadly.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Gargantuan Scything Talons Melee Melee +2 -3 6 You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when attacking with this weapon. Giant Scything Talons Melee Melee +1 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Hierodule Scything Talons Melee Melee +2 -3 D3+3 You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when attacking with this weapon. Massive Scything Talons Melee Melee User -3 D6 You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Massive Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. Monstrous Scything Talons Melee Melee User -3 3 You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Monstrous Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. Scything Talons Melee Melee User 0 1 You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. Spore-cloud Scything Talons Melee Melee X2 -5 3D3 After all attacks with this weapon have been resolved roll a D6 for each enemy wound dealt by this weapon; for every 6 the unit which received the damage and every other enemy unit within 3” suffers 2 mortal wounds.
- Scything Wings: Wings adapted with scything appendages ideal to slice enemy aircraft and other airborne threats.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Scything Wings Melee Melee User -2 D3 You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when attacking with this weapon.
- Shoveling Biomorphs: Enorumous limbs adapted to move great weights of food or substances. Despite the limited use, their strength is still to be feared.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Shoveling Claws Melee Melee x2 -3 D6 - Gigantic Shovel Claws Melee Melee User -2 D3 -
- Swallowing Maw: The bloated maw of a Tyrannocyte; recent mutations of the biomorph has made it capable of utilizing this apparatus to grow even larger, swallowing up anything that comes too close with its surrounding claws.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Swallowing Maw Melee Melee User 0 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon and no more than 1 attack can be made with this weapon. On an unmodified hit roll of 6, instead of rolling to wound, select one enemy Infantry model within 1" that has three wounds or less; that model is removed as a casualty.
- Tail Biomorphs: Various creatures of various forms all can sport peculiar tail adaptation; from chitinous scythes, to elettrostatic appendages of prehensile pincers, all these adaptations serve their specific function to high degrees.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Biostatic Rattle Melee Melee User -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. If a unit suffers any unsaved wounds from this weapon, add 1 to any Morale tests they take until the end of the turn. Bone Mace Melee Melee 8 -1 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. Prehensile Pincer Tail Melee Melee User 0 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. Scything Tail Melee Melee User -3 2 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon and no more than 1 attack can be made with this weapon. Spike Tail Melee Melee user -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. A unit (that doesn't have the Vehicle or Monster keyword) that suffers an unsaved wound from this weapon has to always attack last in the fight phase and to subtract 1 from all its hit rolls and Leadership value. This effect lasts one game turn. Thresher Scythe Melee Melee 4 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. Make D3 hit rolls for this attack instead of one. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. Toxin Spike Melee Melee 1 0 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. This weapon always wounds targets (other than Vehicle) on a 2+. Wicked Spur Melee Melee 8 -3 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks.
- Talon Biomorphs: A relative of the scything talons and rending claws combined, these fearsome talons are perfect for slicing just about everything, from flesh to armor, and even enter inside the enemy's nightmare and destroy them from within.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Grasping Talons Melee Melee User -1 2 - Massive Scything Sickle-talons Melee Melee +1 -3 D3 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, you can re-roll the hit roll. Sinister Talons Melee Melee User -3 D3 You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an AP of -6 and a Damage of 3.
- Toxic Lashes: Muscular whips coated with a corrosive venom able to destroy any substance. To find inside these lashes grip is to die of a horrific and painful death, boiled alive by its toxins.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Massive Toxic Lashes Melee Melee User -2 D3 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target is a VEHICLE. A model armed with this weapon always attacks first in the Fight phase, even if it didn't charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place. Toxic Lashes Melee Melee User 0 D3 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target is a VEHICLE. A model armed with this weapon always attacks first in the Fight phase, even if it didn't charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
Ranged Biomorphs[edit | edit source]
- Acid Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Acid Spit 18" Heavy 3D3 6 -5 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. Acid Spray 18" Heavy 2D6 User -1 D3 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. Each time a Vehicle is hit by this weapon, roll a D6 before rolling to wound; on a 4+ that model suffers a penalty of 1 to its Toughness characteristic for the rest of the game. Bio-Acid Spray 18" Heavy 3D6 6 -2 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. Pyro-acid Spit 18" Heavy 4D3 6 -3 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target.
- Bio-cannon Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Bio-cannon 48" Heavy 6 8 -2 2 - Dire Bio-cannon 48" Heavy 8 10 -3 3 - Hydraphant Dire Bio-cannon 72" Heavy 12 12 -3 6 Every wound roll of 6+ against Vehicle, Monster or Titanic units inflicts an additional 3D3 mortal wounds in addition to its normal damage.
- Bio-electric Pulse Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Bio-Electric Pulse 12" Assault 6 5 0 1 Against a Vehicle this weapon inflicts a mortal wounds on a wound roll of 6+. Bio-Electric Pulse with Containment Spines 12" Assault 12 5 0 1 Against a Vehicle this weapon inflicts a mortal wounds on a wound roll of 5+.
- Bio-Plasma Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Bio-plasma (Glob) 18" Assault 1 8 -3 D3 - Bio-plasma (Spit) 12" Assault D3 7 -3 1 Blast. Bio-plasma Torrent 12" Assault 2D6 7 -3 1 Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. Bio-plasmic Cannon 36" Heavy 6 7 -3 2 - Bio-plasmic Scream 18" Assault D6 7 -4 1 Blast.
- Brainleech Hive:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Brainleech Hive 12" Pistol 24 6 0 1 A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the turn.
- Choking Spore:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Choking Spore 12" Assaul D6 3 0 D3 Blast. You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, units attacked by this weapon do not gain any bonus to their saving throws for being in cover. This weapon always wounds on a 2+ against non Vehicle models and Vehicles that have suffered at least one wound.
- Cluster Spines:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Cluster Spines 18" Assault 2D6 4 0 1 Blast.
- Deathscreamer Hive:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Deathscreamer Hive 12" Pistol 12 6 -1 1 Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4.
- Deathspitter Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Deathspitter 24" Assault 3 5 -1 1 - Deathspitter with Slimer Maggots 24" Assault 3 7 -1 1 -
- Devourer Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Devourer 18" Assault 3 4 0 1 A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the turn. Devourer with Brainleech Worms 18" Assault 6 6 0 1 A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the turn.
- Drool Cannon:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Drool Cannon (Spit) 18" Assaul 2 7 -1 1 Hits made against Aircraft units are resolved with an AP of -4 and can re-roll failed wound rolls. Drool Cannon (Torrent) 8" Assaul D6 6 -1 1 Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target.
- Flamespurt:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Flamespurt 10" Assaul D6 5 -1 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. During the Fight phase, a model equipped with this weapon may inflict D3 automatic hits with this weapon's Strength and Ap.
- Flesh Hooks: Small fleshy hooks situated usually into a creature's chest cavities, they can be fired at will and grant additional mobility to their host.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Flesh Hooks 6" Assault 2 User 0 1 This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, a model equipped with Flesh Hooks can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders.
- Fleshborer Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Fleshborer 12" Assault 1 4 0 1 - Fleshborer Hive 18" Heavy 20 5 0 1 You can re-roll wound rolls when shooting with this weapon. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3.
- Grasping Tongue:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Grasping Tongue 12" Assaul 1 6 -3 D3 This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, when a model is slain by this weapon, its bearer regains 1 lost wound.
- Impaling Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Impaler Cannon 36" Heavy 2 8 -2 D3 This weapon can target unit that are not visible to the bearer. In addition, units attacked by this weapon do not gain any bonus to their saving throws for being in cover. Impaling Tendril 18" Heavy 1 9 -4 D6 You may re-roll failed hit rolls for this weapon. Models with the Vehicle or Monster keyword which are damaged by this weapon are dragged 3D6" towards this model; if this makes it so one model is not within cohesion of the rest of the models in this unit, it is immediately slain.
- Rupture Cannon:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Rupture Cannon 48" Heavy 3 10 -3 D6 When shooting with this weapon, for each two shots that hit, resolve them with a an Ap characteristic of -5 and a Damage of D3+3.
- Shock Cannon:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Shock Cannon 24" Assault D3 7 -1 D3 Blast. If the target is a VEHICLE and you make a wound roll of 4+, the target suffers 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage. If you make a wound roll of 6+, inflict D3 mortal wounds instead.
- Spike Rifle:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Spike Rifle 18" Assault 1 3 -1 1 -
- Spine Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Spine Banks 6" Assault 4 5 0 1 This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. Spike-Cloud Spray 48" Assault 6 7 -2 D3 Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against targets that can Fly. Spinemaws 6" Pistol 4 2 0 1 -
- Spinefist Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Heavy Spinefists 12" Pistol * 5 0 1 When a model fires this weapon, it makes a number of shots equal to its Attacks characteristic. Spinefists 12" Pistol * 3 0 1 When a model fires this weapon, it makes a number of shots equal to its Attacks characteristic.
- Spore Mine Biomorphs
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Dactylis Birthing Cannon (Arching Shot) 24"-360" Heavy 10 - - - See Launched Mines special rule. This profile can target units that are not visible to the bearer. Dactylis Birthing Cannon (Defensive Ejection) 36" Heavy 20 - - - See Launched Mines special rule. Subtract 1 from the hit rolls when attacking with this weapon profile. Spore Mine Launcher 48" Heavy 1 - - - See Spore Mine Launcher special rule. Spore Node 18" Heavy 1 - - - See Spore Node special rule.
- * Spore Mine weapons can use a wide variety of different mines, which define the weapon's Strength, AP, and additional special rules. The type is purchased before the battle begins.
Weapon S AP D Abilities Acid Mine - - - See “Floating Death (Spore Mine)” ability. Char Mine - - - See “Floating Death (Spore Mine)” ability. If the target is an Aircraft, double the number of mortal wounds this weapon inflicts. Frag Mine 4 -1 1 See “Floating Death (Spore Mine)” ability. Instead of inflicting mortal wounds this Mine inflicts D6 automatic hits on a 2-5 roll, 6 on a roll of 6. Toxin Mine 1 - D3 See “Floating Death (Spore Mine)” ability. Instead of inflicting mortal wounds, this Mine inflicts D6 automatic hits on a 2-5 roll, 6 on a roll of 6. This weapon always wounds on a 2+ unless the target is a Vehicle.
- Stinger Salvo:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Stinger Salvo 24" Assaul 4 5 -1 1 -
- Strangler Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Barbed Strangler 36" Assault D6 5 -1 1 Blast. You can add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when attacking a unit with 10 or more models. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 2 from its movement, advance and charge distances. Great Strangler 8" Assault D3 4 -1 1 Blast. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 2" from its movement, advance and charge distances. Strangle Web 8" Assault D3 3 0 1 Blast. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 1" from its movement, advance and charge distances. Stranglethorn Cannon 36" Assault D6 7 -1 2 Blast. You can add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when attacking a unit with 10 or more models. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 3 from its movement, advance and charge distances.
- Tentaclids:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Tentaclids 36" Assaul 4 5 0 1 You may re-roll failed hit rolls for this weapon against Aircraft units. In addition, if the target is a VEHICLE and you make a wound roll of 4+, it suffers 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage. If you make a wound roll of 6+, inflict D3 mortal wounds instead.
- Thorax Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Bloodseeker Flies 8" Assault D6 3 0 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. If any unit suffers any unsaved wounds from this weapon, your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for that unit until the end of the turn. Desiccator Larvae 8" Assault D6 1 0 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target is a VEHICLE. Electroshock Grubs 8" Assault D6 3 0 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. If the target is a VEHICLE and you make a wound roll of 4+, the target suffers 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage. If you make a wound roll of 6+, inflict D3 mortal wounds instead. Mindflayer Worms 8" Assault D6 4 0 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the phase. Shreddershard Beetles 8" Assault D6 3 0 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3.
- Toxic Lashes Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Massive Toxic Lashes 8" Assault D6 User -2 D3 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target is a VEHICLE, and can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. Toxic Lashes 6" Assault 2 User 0 D3 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target is a VEHICLE, and can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units.
- Venom Biomorphs:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Heavy Venom Cannon (Salvo) 36" Assault D3 9 -2 3 Blast. Heavy Venom Cannon (Single Shot) 36" Assault 1 10 -3 3 - Venom Cannon (Salvo) 36" Assault D3 8 -2 D3 Blast. Venom Cannon (Single Shot) 36" Assault 1 9 -3 D3 - Venom Mortar 36”-360” Heavy 20 6 -2 1 This weapon does not require line of sight to hit its target and a unit targeted by this weapon does not gain the benefit of cover.
Bio-Artifacts[edit | edit source]
Universal[edit | edit source]
- Arachnacyte Gland: The Arachnacyte Gland clutches the spine of its host bioform, its multi-limbed tendrils becoming wedded to the creature’s own flesh. Through these, the bio-artifact floods its host’s nervous systems and organs and lashes it with psychic stimuli, driving the beast on ever faster.
- Model with Adrenal Glands only. When a charge roll is made for a model with this Relic, roll one additional D6 and discard one of the dice.
- Maw Claws of Thyrax: During the destruction of Thyrax, the dread beast that spearheaded the assault bore a pair of symbiotic fang-lined pincers. These terrible claws consumed both the bodies and the memories of their victims, passing on the assimilated knowledge to the host creature.
- Model with Rending Claws, Monstrous Rending Claws or Patriarch Claws only. Add the following to that weapon’s special rule: 'When this model slays an enemy model in the Fight phase, you can re-roll failed hit rolls in all subsequent Fight phases for this model.' In addition, consider the results of the wound rolls made by a model with the Maw Claws of Thyrax as 1 higher to see if the weapon's special rule activates.
- Norn Crown: First named by Inquisitor Kryptman, the Norn Crown is a unique parasitic organism that burrows needle-like cerebral bores directly into the brain of its host, forming a neuro-synaptic link that acts as a hyper-conduit for the Hive Mind. Through this abhorrent union, the Hive Mind’s indomitable will can pour forth to augment and control the hordes of lesser Tyranids that scuttle in the leader-beast’s wake.
- Friendly <HIVE FLEET> units do not suffer the penalties to their hit rolls and charge rolls incurred from the Instinctive Behaviour ability whilst they are within 30" of this model. In addition, this model gains the Psyker keyword and can attempt to manifest one additional psychic power in its Psychic phase.
- Pathogenesis: An organism like no other, Pathogenesis is perhaps a throwback to the Tyranids’ genetic origins or a shadow of things to come. Though its motes of psychic awareness are diffused throughout its carrier like a virus, it acts with a singular will. Subverting the body and symbiotes of its host, Pathogenesis causes rapid mutation: cartilaginous tubes and containment spines are lengthened; intercostal muscles are engorged; bio-ammunition are sheathed in a toxic dermis. With its host’s reach and lethality extended, fragments of Pathogenesis can reach out to the bodies of many more prey, by infesting the bio-ammunition or riding through the bio-electric charge. Whether it aims only to spread itself or is actively seeking something in the bodies of its fallen foes, perhaps only time will tell.
- Add 8" to the Range characteristic of ranged weapons a model with this Relic is equipped with. In addition, when a model with this Relic fires Overwatch or is chosen to shoot with, you can re-roll a single hit roll and you can re-roll a single wound roll.
- Resonance Barb: Within the crowning carapace of this creature are pulsing bundles of nerves, their tendrils are driven irreversibly into the beast’s cortex. The Resonance Barb throbs at sympathetic frequencies with the Hive Mind, transmitting a portion of its cosmic might into the creature’s flesh-form.
- Psyker model only. A model with this Relic can attempt to manifest one additional psychic power in your Psychic phase and attempt to deny one additional psychic power in your opponent’s Psychic phase. In addition, when a Psychic test is taken for a model with this Relic, add 1 to the total.
- Slimer Maggot Infestation: Rather than individual organisms, this deathspitter fires a wad of self-replicating slimer maggots. Upon striking their target, these ravenous creatures burrow deep into its flesh before beginning the process of fragmentation and regeneration. Within moments, the host body is devoured from the inside by a wriggling mass of grubs.
- This Relic replaces the model's two Deathspitters with Slimer Maggots. In addition, this model and every <Hive Fleet> unit within 6" may re-roll every wound roll during the Shooting Phase if the fire with any weapon from the Deathspitter Weapons list.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Slimer Maggot Infestation 24" Assault 6 7 -1 1 -
- The Hungering Carapace: This entire carapace is, in reality, a symbiont creature that leeches onto the host's back and feeds on the pieces of biomass that comes too close to its hidden tendrils.
- This model's Armor save is improved by one. In addition, each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for a melee attack made by its bearer, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage; for every model slain by these mortal wounds, the bearer regains a wound lost previously in the battle.
- The Miasma Cannon: The Tyranids utilize all manner of bio-weapons, but none evoke more dread than the Miasma Cannon. Unlike other venom cannons, this weapon fires gobbets of toxin-laden slime so virulent that it reduces organic targets into shapeless puddles of goo in seconds.
- This Relic replaces the model's Heavy Venom Cannon and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Miasma Cannon (Miasmic Spray) 8" Assault D6 7 -2 2 Blast. This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target is a VEHICLE or Building. This weapon automatically hits its target. The Miasma Cannon (Miasmic Spit) 36" Assault D3 10 -3 3 Blast. This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target is a VEHICLE or Building.
- The Psyleech Venom Cannon: This peculiar weapon can fire a special parasite able to disrupt psychic energies, or simply a wave of venomous bodily fluids unto the enemy.
- This Relic replaces the model's Heavy Venom Cannon and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Psyleech Venom Cannon (Salvo) 36" Assault D6 5 -2 1 Blast. The Psyleech Venom Cannon (Single Shot) 36" Assault 1 9 -3 2 You can add 1 to the wound rolls if the target unit has the Psyker, Daemon or Chaos keyword. In addition, the enemy must subtract 2 from Invulnerable saves made against hits caused by this weapon.
- The Reaper of Obliterax: The Reaper of Obliterax, first encountered amongst the re-emergent swarms of Hive Fleet Jormungandr, is a sentient blade resembling a bonesword that discharges highly concentrated bursts of destructive energy. Even the lightest blow from this bio-weapon can result in its target being rent asunder.
- Model with Lash Whip and Bonesword or Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword only. Add the following to that weapon’s Abilities: 'On a wound roll of 6+, this weapon inflicts double damage.' In addition, a model equipped with the Reaper of Obliterax has a 4+ invulnerable save.
- The Venomthorn Parasite: These engorged bio-ammunition tubes are only the outer form of an ancient symbiotic intelligence that spreads its nerve endings like a fungus throughout both creature and weapon, neurally linking the three together. When it senses prey, the Venomthorn Parasite dominates its two hosts, pushing the weapon symbiote to its limit with pulses of hormonal stimuli until the target is eviscerated.'
- Model equipped with a stranglethorn cannon and/or heavy venom cannon only. When this model shoots with a stranglethorn cannon or heavy venom cannon, do not roll any dice when determining the Type characteristic of that weapon; instead, it has the maximum value (e.g. a Heavy D6 weapon makes 6 attacks). In addition, add 1 to the wound rolls when firing with that weapon.
- The Ymgarl Factor: The Ymgarl Genestealers have long been a cancerous blight on the worlds of the Imperium. Their insatiable voracity is a legend amongst those that have had the misfortune to encounter them and live. Now, dark rumors have surfaced of Tyranid leader-beasts that appear to share the unfathomable adaptability of the Ymgarl Genestealers.
- At the start of its movement phase, a model with the Ymgarl Factor must alter its form into one of the three listed below. The bonus gained lasts until the start of its next movement phase. The same form cannot be chosen until all three have been selected at least once.
- Slashing Claws: The model has +D3 Strength.
- Tentacled Limbs: The model has +D3 Attack.
- Muscled Carapace: The model has +D3 Toughness.
- At the start of its movement phase, a model with the Ymgarl Factor must alter its form into one of the three listed below. The bonus gained lasts until the start of its next movement phase. The same form cannot be chosen until all three have been selected at least once.
- Xenogenic Acid: This oily black substance continually seeps from the swollen cysts of its carrier. Splashes of the liquid have been seen to flow against gravity towards horrified eyes or compromised armour plates, giving rise to speculation that the acid itself is sentient. Within moments, the horrifying effluence finds its way inside its victims, breaking down the prey’s genetic structure and molecular cohesion until all that is left is a bubbling pile of black bio-matter.
- Model with Toxin Sacs only. When resolving a melee attack made by a model with this Relic, an unmodified wound roll of 5+ inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage.
Hive Fleet-Specific[edit | edit source]
- Behemoth - Scythes of Tyran: The few remaining records of the fall of Tyran speak of an alpha beast that led the assault upon Magos Varnak’s command bunker, tearing open the facility’s vast bulkhead doors with a single slash of its scything forelimbs. So sharp were these monomolecular-edged weapon-growths that several Skitarii defenders were bisected with the alpha beast's every frenzied swipe.
- Behemoth model only. This Relic replaces the model's Monstrous Scything Talons and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Scythes of Tyran Melee Melee +2 -3 3 You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when attacking with this weapon. This model can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. In addition, each time you make a hit roll of 6+ for this weapon, you can make an additional hit roll. These additional hit rolls cannot generate further additional hit rolls.
- Gorgon - Ruinous Touch The toxins and acids produced by the Gorgon leader organisms are able to corrode any substance and turn even the most durable of armors to mush.
- Gorgon model only. Non-Titanic models that had been hit by at least one close combat attack from this model suffer a -1 penalty to their Armor save until the end of the game. In addition, if any model rolls at least one natural 1 (after all re-rolls) in close combat while trying to hit this model, roll a die; on a 5+ the weapon with which the model attacked is destroyed and cannot be used for the duration of the game. For attacks rolled for a group of models with the same weapons and Weapon Skill, treat each result of 1 as being rolled by a separate model.
- Hydra - Hyper-Adaptive Biology Leader-beasts spawned by Hive Fleet Hydra possess an intricate array of bizarre, transmutative organs, each of which can reform itself in mere moments to respond to any internal trauma.
- Hydra model only. From the end of the first phase in which this model suffers any wounds, add 1 to its Toughness and roll a die each time the model suffers an unsaved wound; for the remainder of the battle, on a roll of 5+ that wound is not lost.
- Jormungandr - Infrasonic Roar: Some Jormungandr bio-colossi utilize a complex arrangement of acoustic organs to unleash fearsome infrasonic bellows. So powerful are these booming sonic emanations that they cause a primal terror and confusion in many sentient species.
- Jormungandr model only. Enemy units within 12" of this model must subtract 1 from their Leadership.
- Kraken – Chameleonic Mutation: This chitinous plate armor is an adaptation of the chameleonic carapace common to the Lictor bioform. Sub-dermal crystals capture and redirect light, projecting an ever-shifting mirage that masks the host creature’s movements.
- Kraken model only. Your opponent must subtract 1 from their hit rolls for attacks that target this model. In addition, add 2 instead of 1 to saving throws for this model when it is in cover.
- Kronos - Balethorn Cannon: This enormous bio-cannon spits out a web of hyper-adaptive microfilament. Upon contact with the target, this sentient substance begins to contract, its contra-empathic surface identifying and adapting to any defenses it encounters, flaring white-hot to burn through kinetic shielding, or sharpening to a monomolecular edge to slice through even the thickest power armor.
- Kronos model only. This Relic replaces the model's Stranglethorn Cannon and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Balethorn Cannon 36" Assault D6 7 -2 2 Blast. You can add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when attacking a unit with 10 or more models. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 3 from its movement, advance and charge distances. Invulnerable saves cannot be taken against this weapon.
- Leviathan - Slayer Sabres: At the hilt of each of these enormous, curving blades is a shell of diamond-hard chitin. This houses the brain of the weapon-symbiote, a semi-sentient organism that forms a synaptic link with its bearer. With a mental command, the wielder can generate a powerful surge of psychic energy, a fraction of the full power of the Shadow in the Warp that incinerates the unfortunate victim from the inside out.
- Leviathan model only. This Relic replaces the model’s Monstrous Boneswords and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Slayer Sabres Melee Melee User -2 3 A model armed with the Slayer Sabres can make 1 additional attack with them in the Fight phase. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. In addition, if an Infantry or Biker model suffers damage from this weapon but is not slain, roll a D3 at the end of the Fight phase. If the result is greater than that model’s remaining number of wounds, it is slain.
Upgrade Biomorphs[edit | edit source]
- Acid Blood: If a model with this Biomorph suffers one or more unsaved wound(s) in close combat roll a die; on a 6+ the attacking unit suffers a mortal wound.
- Adamantine Tusks: When a model with this Biomorph finishes a charge move, roll a dice; on a 6+ one enemy unit with 1" suffers a mortal wound.
- Adrenal Glands: If a model has this Biomorph, add 1" to the distance it can move when it Advances or charges.
- Amphibious Adaptations: A model with this Biomorph counts as being in cover if it's within a water-type terrain and counts them as an open ground for the purpose of moving or charging.
- Antidote Glands: If a unit shoots with any Poison Weapon against a unit that has at least half of its models (round up) equipped with this Biomorph, it must subtract 2 from the wound rolls.
- Burrowing Limbs: During deployment, you can set up a unit whit this Biomorph underground instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, the unit can burrow to the surface - set it more than 9" away from any enemy models.
- Carbonized Claws: A model with this Biomorph can reroll wound rolls against Vehicles and Titanic units.
- Dopamine Injectors: Roll a die each time a model with this Biomorph suffers a wound; on a 5+ that wound is not lost.
- Enhanced Leg Muscles: When a model with this Biomorph advances roll two dices and pick the higher result.
- Feeder Tendrils: If the last model in an enemy unit is slain in the Fight phase by a model with this Biomorph, it can re-roll hit rolls of 1 against all models that share the same unit type keywords (e.g. if a model with this Biomorph wins a combat against Chaos Bike squad, they can re-roll hit rolls of 1 against any Biker).
- Feeding Frenzy Trigger: A model with this Biomorph receives D3 additional attacks if during the fight phase it's against a unit that has more model than its own.
- Hive Mind Direct Link: A model with this Biomorph counts as always being within 12" of a Synapse creature.
- Increased Muscle Density: When a model with this Biomorph attacks in the fight phase consider its Strength characteristic as 1 higher.
- Insula Glands: A model with this Biomorph can re-roll all failed hit rolls in a turn in which it charged.
- Nonepinephrine Infusion: A model with this Biomorph gains an attack in a turn in which it charged.
- Overdeveloped Stabilizing Organs: A model equipped with this Biomorph doesn't suffer any penalties to its hit rolls for moving and shooting with Heavy weapons, or Advancing and shooting with Assault weapons.
- Parasite Implanter: During the fight phase, a model with this Biomorph inflicts an additional mortal wound on the target on a wound roll of 6+.
- Pressure Detection Sensors: A model with this Biomorph may decide to shoot an enemy unit that has arrived from the reserves within 12". If it does so hit must subtract 1 from the hit rolls.
- Psychic Deflection Bio-Crystals: A model with this Biomorph can attempt to deny one psychic power as if was a Psyker.
- Reflexes Optimization: A model with this Biomorph gains an attack in a turn in which it was charged.
- Regeneration: At the end of each friendly turn, roll a D6 for each model with this Biomorph that has less than its starting number of Wounds, but has not been removed as a casualty. On a 4+, that model regains a single Wound lost earlier in the battle.
- Serrated Blades: A model with this Biomorph can reroll all wound rolls during the fight phase if it targets a non Vehicle, non Titanic model.
- Snake Body: Add 3" to the movement characteristic of a model with this Biomorph. Also, during deployment, you can set up a unit whit this Biomorph underground instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, the unit can burrow to the surface - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.
- Spring Coil Musculature: A model with this Biomorph can Fall Back and charge in the same turn.
- Stonecrusher Ramshield: When a model with this Biomorph finishes a charge move, roll a dice; on a 4+ one enemy unit with 1" suffers a mortal wound. In addition, all shooting attacks against it suffer -1 penalty to Strength.
- Three-Dimensional Thought Patterns: During the Shooting phase, a model with this Biomorph may add 1 to its hit rolls if it targets a Flyer.
- Toxic Miasma: At the end of the Fight phase, roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 1" of any model equipped with this Biomorph. On a 5+, that unit suffers a mortal wound.
- Toxin Sacs: Any wound rolls of 6+ in the Fight phase for a model with toxin sacs cause 1 additional damage.
- Warp Shield Projector: A model with this Biomorph has a 5+ Invulnerable save while within Synapse range.
- Wide-Spectrum Retinas: A model with this Biomorph and doesn't suffer penalties to its hit rolls as a result of special rules such as Night Fighting or Dawn Raid.
- Wings: If a model has this Biomorph, it gains the Fly keyword and adds 3" to its movement characteristic.
Titanic Upgrade Biomorphs[edit | edit source]
- Cellular Bolster: While a model with this biomorph is within Synapse range, double the number of wounds it actually has remaining whenever you are consulting its damage chart to determine its characteristics.
- Frag Spine Batteries: This Biomorph can be fired as a ranged weapon with the profile below:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Frag Spine Batteries 24" Assault 12 6 -1 1 Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4.
- Gargantuan Warp Shield: A model with this Biomorph have 6+ Invulnerable save, which is improved to a 4+ if this model is within Synapse range.
- Greater Flesh Hooks: Models equipped with this Biomorph can fire it as a ranged weapon with the profile below:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Greater Flesh Hooks 12" Assault 12 User -1 1 This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units.
- Incendiary Ichor: Each time a model with this Biomorph loses a wound in the Fight phase, roll a D6; on a 4+, the unit that inflicted the damage suffers D3 mortal wounds after all of their attacks have been resolved, D6 on a 6.
- Psy-Catalyst: While a model with this Biomorph is within Synapse range, enemy units must re-roll successful Invulnerable saves made against this model's ranged weapons.
- Spore Cloud: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for ranged weapons that target <HIVE FLEET> units within 6" of any friendly <HIVE FLEET> model equipped with this Biomorph. In addition, at the end of the Fight phase, roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 3" of this model. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Synaptic Regeneration: If, at the start of your Command phase, a model with this Biomorph is within Synapse range, roll a D6 for each wound lost previously; on each result of 5+ the model regains one Wound.
- Transport Chamber: A model with this Biomorph gains the Transport keyword, and can transport up to 10 <Hive Fleet> GENESTEALERS, Ymgarl GENESTEALERS, TERMAGANTS or HORMAGAUNTS, or a unit of up to 3 HIVE GUARD, TYRANT GUARD or TYRANID WARRIORS. It may also transport a single <HIVE FLEET> TYRANID PRIME, Genestealer Patriarch or Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch.
- Transport Hooks: A model with this Biomorph gains the Transport keyword, and can transport up to 20 <Hive Fleet> Gargoyles, Simurghs or SKY-SLASHER SWARMS, or a unit of up to 6 TYRANID Shrikes. It may also transport a single <HIVE FLEET> TYRANID PRIME equipped with the Wings Biomorph.
Mutations[edit | edit source]
In a unit's profile, there is a section called "Mutations", followed by a set of model characteristics. For example: a Termagant is (M:2/WS:-/BS:1/S:1/T:1/W:-/A:1/Ld:1/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-). Each characteristic has an associated cost, indicated by the number after the characteristic. This indicates the cost per model to increase that characteristic. Each characteristic can only be improved once, and characteristics with no associated costs cannot be improved.
- (M) - Optimized Muscular Tissues: +2" to Movement.
- (WS) - Adaptive Motion Analysis: +1 Weapons Skill.
- (BS) - Hyper-Reactive Pupils: +1 Ballistics Skill.
- (S) - Muscle Fiber Density: +1 Strength.
- (T) - Subdermal Chitin Sheathing: +1 Toughness.
- (W) - Redundant Organ Systems: +1 Wounds.
- (A) - Explosive Muscle Action: +1 Attack.
- (Ld) - Fear Suppression Glands: +1 Leadership.
- (Sv) - Impact-Deflective Carapace: +1 Armor Save.
- (Psy) - Enhanced Neural Architecture: The model can learn and use an additional psychic power.
- (Syn) - Reinforced Synaptic Links: Improves Synapse range by 6".
Units[edit | edit source]
HQs[edit | edit source]
Genestealer Patriarch[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Genestealer Patriarch (Power Rating: 6).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Genestealer Patriarch | 8" | 2+ | 5+ | 6 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 10 | 4+ | 135 |
-Patriarch's Claws
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Patriarch's Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -4 | D3 | You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an AP of -6 and a Damage of 3. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Monstrous Rending Claws and/or Patriarch's Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Brood Telepathy"> You can add 1 to hit rolls in the Fight phase for <Hive Fleet> Genestealer units within 6" of any friendly <Hive Fleet> Genestealer Patriarch. </tab> <tab name="Lightning Reflexes"> This model has a 5+ Invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Shadow in the Warp"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Swift and Deadly"> This model can charge even if it Advanced during its turn. </tab> <tab name="Synapse"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Psyker: A Genestealer Patriarch can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one psychic power from the Hive Mind's Control discipline.
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Death from the Shadows"> During deployment, you can set up this unit in the shadows instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, you can set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models and inside a piece of terrain. </tab> <tab name="Extended Carapace"> This model has a Save characteristic of 3+ but loses its Swift and Deadly special rule. </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:20/WS:5/BS:5/S:10/T:20/W:10/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:25/Syn:-)
This model may take any of the following Upgrades:
-Death from the Shadows Upgrade - +10 pts.
-Extended Carapace Upgrade - +5 pts.
This model may take one of the following:
-Monstrous Rending Claws - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Rending Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | D3 | You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an AP of -6 and a Damage of 3. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Monstrous Rending Claws and/or Patriarch's Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. |
-Monstrous Scything Talons - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 3 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Monstrous Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
This model may take up to two items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Amphibious Adaptation - +3 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Enhanced Leg Muscles - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Flesh Hooks - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flesh Hooks | 6" | Assault 2 | User | 0 | 1 | This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, a model equipped with Flesh Hooks can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. |
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Toxic Miasma - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Infantry, Genestealer Patriarch, Synapse, Psyker
Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch (Power Rating: 8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch | 8" | 2+ | 5+ | 6 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 10 | 4+ | 160 |
-Feeder Tendrils
-Patriarch's Claws
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Patriarch's Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -4 | D3 | You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an AP of -6 and a Damage of 3. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Monstrous Rending Claws and/or Patriarch's Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Alter Form"> At the start of your Command phase, a Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch must alter their form into one of the three listed below. The bonus gained lasts until the start of your next Command phase. The same form cannot be chosen in two consecutive turns.
-Slashing Claws: The Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch has +1 Strength.
-Tentacled Limbs: The Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch has +1 Attack.
-Muscle Carapace: The Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch has +1 Toughness. </tab> <tab name="Brood Telepathy"> You can add 1 to hit rolls in the Fight phase for <Hive Fleet> Ymgarl Genestealer units within 6" of any friendly <Hive Fleet> Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch. </tab> <tab name="Leftover"> This model can never be your Warlord or have a Warlord trait. In addition, this model can never have a Relic. </tab> <tab name="Lightning Reflexes"> This model has a 5+ Invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Master of Mutation"> For every Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch in one of your detachments, one Ymgarl Genestealers unit can be taken in the same detachment as Troops. </tab> <tab name="Shadow in the Warp"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Swift and Deadly"> This model can charge even if it Advanced during its turn. </tab> <tab name="Synapse"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Psyker: An Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one psychic power from the Hive Mind's Control discipline.
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Death from the Shadows"> During deployment, you can set up this unit in the shadows instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, you can set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models and inside a piece of terrain. </tab> <tab name="Extended Carapace"> This model has a Save characteristic of 3+ but loses its Swift and Deadly special rule. </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:20/WS:5/BS:5/S:10/T:20/W:10/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:25/Syn:-)
A Patriarch may take any of the following Upgrades:
-Death from the Shadows Upgrade - +10 pts.
-Extended Carapace Upgrade - +5 pts.
This model may take one of the following:
-Monstrous Rending Claws - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Rending Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | D3 | You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an AP of -6 and a Damage of 3. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Monstrous Rending Claws and/or Patriarch's Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. |
-Monstrous Scything Talons - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 3 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Monstrous Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
This model may take up to two items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Amphibious Adaptation - +3 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Enhanced Leg Muscles - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Flesh Hooks - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flesh Hooks | 6" | Assault 2 | User | 0 | 1 | This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, a model equipped with Flesh Hooks can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. |
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Toxic Miasma - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Infantry, Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch, Synapse, Psyker
Hive Tyrant[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Hive Tyrant (Power Rating: 9).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Hive Tyrant | 9"/16" | 2+ | 3+ | 6 | 7 | 7-12 | 4 | 10 | 3+ | 180 |
Hive Tyrant | 7"/12" | 3+ | 3+ | 6 | 7 | 4-6 | 4 | 10 | 3+ | 180 |
Hive Tyrant | 5"/8" | 4+ | 4+ | 6 | 7 | 1-3 | 4 | 10 | 3+ | 180 |
-Prehensile Pincer Tail
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Prehensile Pincer | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | D3 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. |
-Two pairs of Monstrous Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 3 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Monstrous Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a dice before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Psychic Barrier"> This model has a 4+ Invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Shadow in the Warp"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Synapse"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="The Will of the Hive Mind"> The range of a Hive Tyrant’s Synapse ability is 18" rather than 12". </tab> </tabs>
Psyker: A Hive Tyran can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and two psychic powers from the Hive Mind's Control or Hive Mind's Wrath disciplines.
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Hive Commander"> For each Hive Tyrant in your army with this upgrade, choose a single Core unit from the same detachment. Do not set up that unit. At the end of any of your Movement phases set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models and within 6" of a board edge. </tab> <tab name="Lord of the Skies"> For each Hive Tyrant in your army with this upgrade, choose up to two Gargoyles, Simurghs or Sky-slasher Swarm units from the same detachment.Those units count as Troops for all intense and purposes. </tab> <tab name="Old Adversary"> Before the battle begins, select one Character model from the opponent's army; this model can re-roll failed hit and wound rolls of 1 when it targets that model. </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:15*/WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20*/W:20/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:30*/Psy:30/Syn:30)
*cannot be taken on a model with wings biomorph.
This model may replace one or both pairs of Monstrous Scything Talons for one item from the Monstrous Bio-cannons and Monstrous Bio-weapons lists each.
Monstrous Bio-cannons
-Heavy Venom Cannon* - +20 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy Venom Cannon (Salvo) | 36" | Assault D3 | 9 | -2 | 3 | Blast. |
Heavy Venom Cannon (Single Shot) | 36" | Assault 1 | 10 | -3 | 3 | - |
-Stranglethorn Cannon* - +15 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Stranglethorn Cannon | 36" | Assault D6 | 7 | -1 | 2 | Blast. You can add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when attacking a unit with 10 or more models. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 3 from its movement, advance and charge distances. |
-Two Deathspitters with Slimer Maggots - +20 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Deathspitter with Slimer Maggots | 24" | Assault 3 | 7 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms - +20 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Devourer with Brainleech Worms | 18" | Assault 6 | 6 | 0 | 1 | A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the turn. |
-Two Heavy Spinefists - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy Spinefists | 12" | Pistol * | 5 | 0 | 1 | When a model fires this weapon, it makes a number of shots equal to its Attacks characteristic. |
Monstrous Bio-weapons
-Monstrous Boneswords - +20 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Boneswords | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 3 | A model armed with monstrous boneswords can make 1 additional attack with them in the Fight phase. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. |
-Monstrous Lash Whips - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Lash Whips | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 2 | Enemy models in base contact with a model equipped with this weapon have to subtract 1 from their hit rolls. |
-Monstrous Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 3 | If the bearer is slain in the Fight phase before it makes it attacks, leave it where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, the bearer can do so as normal before being removed from the battlefield. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. |
-Monstrous Rending Claws - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Rending Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | D3 | You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an AP of -6 and a Damage of 3. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Monstrous Rending Claws and/or Patriarch's Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. |
This model may take any of the following:
-Bio-plasma - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bio-plasma (Glob) | 18" | Assault 1 | 8 | -3 | D3 | - |
Bio-plasma (Spit) | 12" | Assault D3 | 7 | -3 | 1 | Blast. |
- Wings and Lord of the Skies Upgrade - +30 pts/2 PP.
This model may take one item from the Thorax Biomorphs lists.
-Bloodseeker Flies - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bloodseeker Flies | 8" | Assault D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. If any unit suffers any unsaved wounds from this weapon, your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for that unit until the end of the turn. |
-Desiccator Larvae - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Desiccator Larvae | 8" | Assault D6 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target is a VEHICLE. |
-Electroshock Grubs - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Electroshock Grubs | 8" | Assault D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. If the target is a VEHICLE and you make a wound roll of 4+, the target suffers 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage. If you make a wound roll of 6+, inflict D3 mortal wounds instead. |
-Mindflayer Worms - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Mindflayer Worms | 8" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the phase. |
-Shreddershard Beetles - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Shreddershard Beetles | 8" | Assault D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3. |
This model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Amphibious Adaptation - +3 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Burrowing Limbs - +10 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Enhanced Leg Muscles - +10 pts.
-Feeder Tendrils - +7 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Flesh Hooks - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flesh Hooks | 6" | Assault 2 | User | 0 | 1 | This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, a model equipped with Flesh Hooks can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. |
-Hive Mind Direct Link - +15 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Overdeveloped Stabilizing Organs - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Pressure Detection Sensors - +10 pts.
-Psychic Deflection Bio-Crystals - +10 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Snake Body - +15 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Three-Dimensional Thought Patterns - +15 pts.
-Toxic Miasma - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
-Wings - +15 pts.
This model may take any of the following Upgrades:
-Hive Commander - +20 pts.
-Old Adversary - +15 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Character, HQ, Monster, Hive Tyrant, Synapse, Psyker
Malanthrope Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Malanthrope (Power Rating: 8). It can contain 1 additional Malanthrope (Power Rating: +8) or 2 additional Malanthropes (Power Rating: +16).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Malanthrope | 6" | 4+ | 4+ | 4 | 5 | 9 | 4 | 9 | 5+ | 150 |
-Feeder Tendrils
-Grasping Tail
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Grasping Tail | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 2 | At the beginning of the Fight phase, instead of attacking with this model, you may choose one enemy model within 1" of it. Both players roll 1d6 and add it to the corresponding models' Strenght characteristics. If the model wins, nothing happens. If it fails, reduce its attacks by half (rounding down), the model has to subtract 1 from all its hit rolls and may not disengage. If the models' unit disengages, this model is removed from play as the helpless warrior is devoured by the creature. A model slain in this manner counts as slain by the Malanthrope for the purpose of the Prey Adaptation rule. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Enhanced Toxic Miasma"> At the end of the Fight phase, roll one D6 for each enemy unit within Engagement Range of this model: on a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Monstrous Brood"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Prey Adaptation"> If an enemy model is destroyed within 3" of this model, then at the end of that phase, this model gains the following ability until the end of the battle:
Prey Adaption (Aura): While a friendly <Hive Fleet> unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, re-roll a wound roll of 1.’ </tab> <tab name="Shadow in the Warp"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Shrouding Spores (Aura)"> While a friendly <Hive Fleet> unit that is not Titanic is within 6" of this model, each time a ranged attack is made against that unit, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. </tab> <tab name="Synapse"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:10/WS:5/BS:-/S:5/T:10/W:15/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:25/Psy:-/Syn:35)
This model may take up to two items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +1 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +1 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +3 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +5 pts.
-Insula Glands - +5 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +3 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +3 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +3 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +2 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Infantry, Malanthrope, Synapse, Fly
Neurothrope[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Neurothrope (Power Rating: 5).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Neurothrope | 6" | 4+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 9 | 5+ | 95 |
-Claws and Teeth
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Claws and Teeth | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Shadow in the Warp"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Spirit Leach"> Each time a Neurothrope slays a model using the Smite psychic power, you can heal a wound on a friendly <Hive Fleet> Zoanthrope within 6". </tab> <tab name="Synapse"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Warp Field"> This model has a 3+ Invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Warp Syphone"> You can re-roll rolls of 1 when taking Psychic tests for friendly <Hive Fleet> Zoanthrope units within 6" of this model. </tab> </tabs>
Psyker: A Neurothrope can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite and the Warp Blast powers plus one psychic power from any of the Hive Mind's disciplines.
Mutations: (M:10/WS:-/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:20/A:5/Ld:-/Sv:10/Psy:35/Syn:20)
This model may take up to two items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +1 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +1 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +3 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +5 pts.
-Insula Glands - +5 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +3 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +3 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +3 pts.
-Toxic Miasma - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +2 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Infantry, Neurothrope, Synapse, Fly, Zoanthrope, Psyker
Tervigon[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Tervigon (Power Rating: 10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Tervigon | 8" | 4+ | 4+ | 7 | 8 | 8-14 | 3 | 9 | 3+ | 190 |
Tervigon | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 7 | 8 | 4-7 | 3 | 9 | 3+ | 190 |
Tervigon | 4" | 5+ | 6+ | 7 | 8 | 1-3 | 3 | 9 | 3+ | 190 |
-Massive Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Massive Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | D6 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Massive Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
-Stinger Salvo
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Stinger Salvo | 24" | Assaul 4 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Brood Progenitor"> You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting phase for friendly <Hive Fleet> Termagaunt units within 6" of this model. </tab> <tab name="Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Shadow in the Warp"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Spawner"> At the start of your Movement phase, a Tervigon can spawn Termagaunts. If it does so add a new unit of 10 Termagaunts to your army and set it up on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the Tervigon and more than 1" from the enemy. These models have their normal Biomorphs. Alternatively, you can replace up to 10 models lost earlier in the battle in an existing unit of Termagaunts from your army that is within 6" of the Tervigon. These models count as having the same upgrades as the unit they take part in. Models placed in this way must be within 6" of the Tervigon and more than 1" from the enemy. If you cannot place some of the models the excess is discarded. </tab> <tab name="Synapse"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Synaptic Backlash"> If a Tervigon is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. Each friendly <Hive Fleet> Termagaunt unit within 6" of the Tervigon immediately suffers a number of mortal wounds equal to the result. </tab> </tabs>
Psyker: A Tervigon can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one psychic power from the Hive Mind's Control discipline.
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Spawn Hormagaunts"> Replace Termagaunt with Hormagaunt in this model's Brood Progenitor, Spawner and Synaptic Backslash special rules. </tab> <tab name="Spawn Gargoyles"> Replace Termagaunt with Gargoyles in this model's Brood Progenitor, Spawner and Synaptic Backslash special rules. </tab> <tab name="Spawn Simurghs"> Replace Termagaunt with Simurghs in this model's Brood Progenitor, Spawner and Synaptic Backslash special rules. </tab> <tab name="Spawn Rippers"> Replace Termagaunt with Rippers in this model's Brood Progenitor, Spawner and Synaptic Backslash special rules. </tab> <tab name="Spawn Sky-Slashers"> Replace Termagaunt with Sky-Slahers in this model's Brood Progenitor, Spawner and Synaptic Backslash special rules. </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:10/WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:20/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:45/Psy:25/Syn:35)
This model replace its Stinger Salvo with Cluster Spines - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Cluster Spines | 18" | Assault 2D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
This model may replace its Massive Scything Talons with Massive Crushing Claws - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Massive Crushing Claws | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | D6 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
This model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Enhanced Leg Muscles - +10 pts.
-Feeder Tendrils - +7 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
-Wings - +20 pts./1 PP
This model may take one of the following Upgrades:
-Spawn Hormagaunts - Free
-Spawn Gargoyles* - +10 pts.
-Spawn Simurghs* - +10 pts.
-Spawn Rippers* - +20 pts.
-Spawn Sky-Slashers - +20 pts.
*These must be taken alongside the Wings Biomorph.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Monster, Tervigon, Synapse, Psyker
Trygon Prime[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Trygon Prime (Power Rating: 9).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Trygon Prime | 9" | 3+ | 4+ | 7 | 6 | 7-12 | 6 | 9 | 3+ | 175 |
Trygon Prime | 7" | 4+ | 5+ | 7 | 6 | 4-6 | 6 | 9 | 3+ | 175 |
Trygon Prime | 5" | 5+ | 6+ | 7 | 6 | 1-3 | 6 | 9 | 3+ | 175 |
-Bio-electric Pulse with Containment Spines
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bio-Electric Pulse with Containment Spines | 12" | Assault 12 | 5 | 0 | 1 | Against a Vehicle this weapon inflicts a mortal wounds on a wound roll of 5+. |
-Three pairs of Monstrous Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 3 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Monstrous Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
Special rules: <tabs> <tab name="Burrow"> At the beginning of any of your Movement phases, any Trygon Prime that is not within 1" of an enemy unit can burrow. Remove it from the battlefield - it can return as described in the Subterranean Assault ability. A Trygon Prime may not burrow and return to the battlefield in the same turn. If the battle ends while the Trygon Prime is underground, it is considered to be slain. </tab> <tab name="Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Shadow in the Warp"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Subterranean Assault"> During deployment, you can set up a Trygon Prime underground instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the same time, you can set up a <Hive Fleet> Troops unit in the Trygon Prime’s tunnel. At the end of any of your Movement phases, set up the Trygon Prime anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. If there is another unit in the Trygon Prime’s tunnel, set it up at the same time wholly within 3" of the Trygon Prime and more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models that you cannot place in this way are destroyed. </tab> <tab name="Synapse"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Lurker"> A Trygon Prime with this Upgrade can enter via its Subterranean Assault special rule during the first turn outside its own deployment zone. </tab> <tab name="Prepared Tunnel Network"> Two units can emerge by the Subterranean Assault special rule with a Trygon Prime with this upgrade; if they do, they must emerge on the same time. If there is not enough place to put both units, the models that cannot be placed are immediately destroyed. </tab> </tabs>
Psyker: A Trygon Prime that has purchased the Psyker keyword can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one psychic power from the Hive Mind's Malice discipline.
Mutations: (M:15/WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:15/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:35/Psy:25/Syn:-)
This model may take one item from the Thorax Biomorphs lists.
-Bloodseeker Flies - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bloodseeker Flies | 8" | Assault D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. If any unit suffers any unsaved wounds from this weapon, your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for that unit until the end of the turn. |
-Desiccator Larvae - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Desiccator Larvae | 8" | Assault D6 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target is a VEHICLE. |
-Electroshock Grubs - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Electroshock Grubs | 8" | Assault D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. If the target is a VEHICLE and you make a wound roll of 4+, the target suffers 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage. If you make a wound roll of 6+, inflict D3 mortal wounds instead. |
-Mindflayer Worms - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Mindflayer Worms | 8" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the phase. |
-Shreddershard Beetles - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Shreddershard Beetles | 8" | Assault D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3. |
This model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Amphibious Adaptation - +3 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Pressure Detection Sensors - +10 pts.
-Psychic Deflection Bio-Crystals - +10 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
This model may take any of the following Upgrades:
-Lurker - +30 pts.
-Prepared Tunnel Network - +25 pts.
-Psyker keyword - +25 pts.
This model may take one of the following:
-Heavy Spinefists - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy Spinefists | 12" | Pistol * | 5 | 0 | 1 | When a model fires this weapon, it makes a number of shots equal to its Attacks characteristic. |
-Spine Banks - +2 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Spine Banks | 6" | Assault 4 | 5 | 0 | 1 | This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. |
This model may take one of the following tail biomorphs:
-Biostatic Rattle - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Biostatic Rattle | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. If a unit suffers any unsaved wounds from this weapon, add 1 to any Morale tests they take until the end of the turn. |
-Prehensile Pincer Tail - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Prehensile Pincer Tail | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | D3 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. |
-Toxin Spike - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Toxin Spike | Melee | Melee | 1 | 0 | D3 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. This weapon always wounds targets (other than Vehicle) on a 2+. |
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Monster, Trygon Prime, Synapse
Tyranid Prime[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Tyranid Prime (Power Rating: 4).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Tyranid Prime | 6" | 2+ | 3+ | 5 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 10 | 3+ | 80 |
Tyranid Prime Apex Strain | 6" | 2+ | 3+ | 5 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 10 | 3+ | 110 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Devourer | 18" | Assault 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the turn. |
-Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Alpha Warrior"> You can add 1 to hit rolls for all <Hive Fleet> Warrior units that are within 6" of any friendly <Hive Fleet> Tyranid Primes. </tab> <tab name="Shadow in the Warp"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Synapse"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Psyker: A Tyranid Prime Apex Strain can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one psychic power from the Hive Mind's Control discipline.
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Brood Leader"> Friendly <Hive Fleet> Core units within 6" of this model can re-roll hit rolls of 1. </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:10/WS:20/BS:25/S:5/T:15/W:15/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:20/Psy:25/Syn:20)
This model may replace its Devourer and/or Scything Talons for one item from the Basic Bio-cannons, Basic Bio-weapons and Melee Bio-weapons lists each.
Basic Bio-cannons
-Barbed Strangler* - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Barbed Strangler | 36" | Assault D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Blast. You can add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when attacking a unit with 10 or more models. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 2 from its movement, advance and charge distances. |
-Venom Cannon* - +15 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Venom Cannon (Salvo) | 36" | Assault D3 | 8 | -2 | D3 | Blast. |
Venom Cannon (Single Shot) | 36" | Assault 1 | 9 | -3 | D3 | - |
Basic Bio-weapons
-Deathspitter - +6 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Deathspitter | 24" | Assault 3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Spinefists - +2 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Spinefists | 12" | Pistol * | 3 | 0 | 1 | When a model fires this weapon, it makes a number of shots equal to its Attacks characteristic. |
Melee Bio-weapons
-Boneswords - +3 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Boneswords | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | A model armed with boneswords can make 1 additional attack with them in the Fight phase. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. |
-Lash Whips - +2 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lash Whips | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | Enemy models in base contact with a model equipped with this weapon have to subtract 1 from their hit rolls. |
-Lash Whip and Bonesword - +3 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lash Whip and Bonesword | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | If the bearer is slain in the Fight phase before it makes it attacks, leave it where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, the bearer can do so as normal before being removed from the battlefield. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. |
-Rending Claws - +2 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Rending Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Rending Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. |
-Scything Talons - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
This model may take a Prehensile Pincer Tail - +2 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Prehensile Pincer Tail | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | D3 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. |
This model may take one of the following Biomorphs:
-Snake Body - +5 pts.
-Wings - +5 pts.
This model may take up to two items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Amphibious Adaptation - +3 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Burrowing Limbs - +10 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Enhanced Leg Muscles - +10 pts.
-Feeder Tendrils - +7 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Flesh Hooks - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flesh Hooks | 6" | Assault 2 | User | 0 | 1 | This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, a model equipped with Flesh Hooks can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. |
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Overdeveloped Stabilizing Organs - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Pressure Detection Sensors - +10 pts.
-Psychic Deflection Bio-Crystals - +10 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Three-Dimensional Thought Patterns - +15 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
This model may take the Brood Leader Upgrade - +20 pts.
This model may be upgraded to a Tyranid Prime Apex Strain - +30 pts/2 PP.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Character, HQ, Infantry, Tyranid Prime, Synapse, Psyker (Tyranid Prime Apex Strain Only)
Blind Horror[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Blind Horror (Power Rating: 8). Only one of this unit may be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Blind Horror | 12" | 3+ | - | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 9 | 3+ | 165 |
-Giant Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Giant Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | +1 | -3 | 3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
-Rending Claws
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Rending Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Rending Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. |
-Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
-Spike Tail
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Spike Tail | Melee | Melee | user | -2 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. A unit (that doesn't have the Vehicle or Monster keyword) that suffers an unsaved wound from this weapon has to always attack last in the fight phase and to subtract 1 from all its hit rolls and Leadership value. This effect lasts one game turn. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Blind Beast"> This model can't be affected by any rules or stratagems that alter its hit rolls, except for its Giant Scything Talons special rule. In addition, this model can never be your Warlord or have a Warlord trait. </tab> <tab name="Minor Synapse Link"> Friendly <Hive Fleet> Swarm units consider this model has to have the Synapse special rule and keyword. </tab> <tab name="Pheromone Detectors"> This model can re-roll failed charge and hit rolls against a unit that has previously lost at least one model due to a Morale test. </tab> <tab name="Psychological Horror"> Enemy units between 12" of this model are forced to take a Morale test, regardless of any special rule or stratagem, and said test must be taken on 2D6, discarding the lowest result. In addition, every time an enemy unit (that doesn't have the Vehicle or Monster keyword) within 12" of this model tries to take an action (moving, shooting, charging, etc...) it must take a Leadership test with a -2 to its Leadership value. If the test is passed it can take the action as usual, if the test is failed the unit is paralyzed by fear and cannot take such action. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Infantry, Blind Horror
Deathleaper[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Deathleaper (Power Rating 5). Only one of this unit may be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Deathleaper | 9" | 2+ | 4+ | 6 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 10 | 5+ | 120 |
-Feeder Tendrils
-Flesh Hooks
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flesh Hooks | 6" | Assault 2 | User | 0 | 1 | This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, a model equipped with Flesh Hooks can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. |
-Parasite Implanter
-Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
-Sinister Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Sinister Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | D3 | You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an AP of -6 and a Damage of 3. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Deathleap"> The Deathleaper does not roll for Charge distances - instead its Charge distance is always 12" unless improved. The Deathleaper similarly does not roll for advancing, it always advances 6" and may charge after Advancing. </tab> <tab name="Hidden Hunter"> During deployment, you can set up this model in hiding instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, this model can spring from its hiding place - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than D3+3" away from enemy models. </tab> <tab name="It's too fast!"> This model has a 3+ Invulnerable save. Subtract 1 to this model’s Invulnerable saves against wounds caused by Melee weapons. </tab> <tab name="There's No Escape"> Enemy Characters cannot disengage from a Deathleaper. </tab> <tab name="Where are my guards?!"> Enemy units can't intercept wounds made by this model. </tab> <tab name="Where is it?"> Your opponent must subtract 2 from their hit rolls for attacks that target this model (this can bypass the normal limit on maluses to the hit rolls). In addition, add 2 instead of 1 to saving throws for Deathleaper when it is in cover. Models may not fire overwatch against a Deathleaper </tab> </tabs>
Warlord Trait: If this model is your Warlord, it has the following Warlord Trait: <tabs> <tab name="It's After Me!"> At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, pick a Character from the opposing army. You can re-roll hit and wound rolls in the Fight phase for any of this model's attacks that target that Character. Also, whilst this model is alive, that model’s Leadership is reduced by D3. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Infantry, Deathleaper
Old One Eye[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Old One Eye (Power Rating: 11). Only one of this unit may be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Old One Eye | 7" | 3+ | 4+ | 7 | 7 | 9 | 5 | 7 | 3+ | 220 |
-Monstrous Crushing Claws
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Crushing Claws | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
-Monstrous Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 3 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Monstrous Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
-Threscher Scythe
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thresher Scythe | Melee | Melee | 4 | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. Make D3 hit rolls for this attack instead of one. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. |
Special rules: <tabs> <tab name="Alpha Leader"> You can add 1 to hit rolls for friendly <Hive Fleet> Carnifex units that are within 6" of this model. </tab> <tab name="Berserk Rampage"> Each time you make a hit roll of 6+ for Old One Eye (except for thresher scythe attacks), you may immediately make 1 additional attack with the same weapon against the same unit. These additional attacks do not confer extra attacks. </tab> <tab name="Immortal Battering Ram"> When Old One Eye finishes a charge move, roll a dice; on a 4+ one enemy unit within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, add 1 to all hit rolls for Old One Eye in the Fight phase if it charged in the same turn. </tab> <tab name="Instinctive Behaviour"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Is it dead?"> When Old One Eye is removed as a casualty, leave the model on the table (it counts as battlefield debris, and provides cover to model that are at least half obscured by it). At the beginning of each of your turns roll a die; on a 4+ the Old One Eye returns to play with a single wound remaining. </tab> <tab name="Regeneration"> At the beginning of your Command phase, roll a die for each wound inflicted on this model; on a 4+ that wound is restored (up to a maximum of 4). </tab> <tab name="That only angered it!"> Each time the Old One Eye loses a wound, it gains +1 to its Attack value (to the maximum of 10), these attacks are not lost if it recovers wounds through Regeneration or other rules and stratagems. </tab> </tabs>
Warlord Trait: If this model is your Warlord, it has the following Warlord Trait: <tabs> <tab name="Enhanced Biology"> Enemy weapons attacking this model suffer a penalty of 1 to their wound rolls and Damage characteristic.</tab> </tabs>
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Monster, Old One Eye, Carnifex
The Doom of Malan'tai[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Doom of Malan'tai (Power Rating: 15). Only one of this unit may be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
The Doom of Malan'tai | 6" | 4+ | 2+ | 4 | 4 | 6 | 1 | 10 | 5+ | 300 |
-Claws and Teeth
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Claws and Teeth | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Deastroyer of Malan'tai"> AELDARI units suffer a -2 leadership penalty while within the Doom of Malan'tai's synapse range or if targeted by the Doom of Malan'tai with a power that wounds based on Leadership. It may also add 3 to its rolls when trying to deny a psychic power manifested by an AELDARI unit. </tab> <tab name="Psychic Apocalypse"> When trying to manifest or block a psychic power, this model has a bonus to its rolls equal to half its wound characteristic (rounding up). In addition, once in each Psychic phase, you can re-roll any number of dice used for this model’s attempt to manifest or deny a psychic power. Finally, in every Psychic phase, this model may manifest a single psychic power for a number of times equal to half its wound characteristic (rounding up). </tab> <tab name="Shadow in the Warp"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Soul Eater"> Each time an enemy model is removed as a causality due to the Doom of Malan'tai attacks or psychic powers, the Doom of Malan'tai gains one wound, to the maximum of 9. </tab> <tab name="Synapse"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Warp Field"> This model has a 3+ Invulnerable save. </tab> </tabs>
Psyker: The Doom of Malan'tai can attempt to manifest five psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny three psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows every power from the Hive Mind's Malice and Hive Mind's Wrathdisciplines.
Warlord Trait: If this model is your Warlord, it has the following Warlord Trait: <tabs> <tab name="Synapse Overlord"> <Hive Fleet> units automatically pass Morale tests if they are within 18" of this model. The Doom of Malan'Tai adds double its number of wounds to its Synapse range. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Infantry, The Doom of Malan'tai, Fly Synapse, Psyker
The Swarmlord[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Swarmlord (Power Rating: 20). Only one of this unit may be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
The Swarmlord | 9" | 2+ | 2+ | 8 | 8 | 9-16 | 6 | 10 | 3+ | 400 |
The Swarmlord | 7" | 2+ | 2+ | 7 | 8 | 5-8 | 5 | 10 | 3+ | 400 |
The Swarmlord | 5" | 2+ | 2+ | 6 | 8 | 1-4 | 4 | 10 | 3+ | 400 |
-Dopamine Injectors
-Prehensile Pincer Tail
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Prehensile Pincer | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | D3 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. |
-Two pairs of Bone Sabres
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bone Sabres | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 6 | Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. Successful Invulnerable save against wounds caused by this weapon must be re-rolled. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Blade Parry"> Add 1 to this model’s Invulnerable saves against wounds caused by Melee weapons. In addition, enemy units may not re-roll wound rolls when attacking this model. </tab> <tab name="Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a dice before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Hive Commander"> In each of your Shooting phases, you can pick one friendly <Hive Fleet> unit within 6" of the Swarmlord. That unit can move (and Advance, if you wish) as if it were the Movement phase instead of shooting. </tab> <tab name="Psychic Barrier"> This model has a 4+ Invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Shadow in the Warp"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Suppress Instincts"> At the beginning of your turn pick a friendly <Hive Fleet> Tyranids unit that would suffer from the Instinctive Behaviour special rule; that unit ignores the effect of the rule until the beginning of your next turn. </tab> <tab name="Synapse"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="The Destroyer of Galaxies"> Each time this model inflicts damage on an enemy unit with its Bone Sabres during the Fight phase, you can make one additional attack with those weapons targeted at the same unit or, if the unit has been destroyed by one of this model's attacks, to another enemy unit within 1". </tab> <tab name="The Hive Mind Incarnate"> The range of this model’s Synapse ability is 24" rather than 12". </tab> <tab name="The Swarmlord's Will"> At the beginning of your turn, pick one friendly <Hive Fleet> unit within 6" of the Swarmlord. The unit can either choose to re-roll every wound roll against Monsters or Vehicles, to re-roll every hit roll of 1, or to not suffer any penalties to the hit rolls for moving and shooting with Heavy weapons and Advancing and shooting with Assault weapons. </tab> </tabs>
Psyker: The Swarmlord can attempt to manifest four psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny three psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and three psychic powers from any of the Hive Mind's disciplines.
Warlord Trait: If this model is your Warlord, it has the following Warlord Trait: <tabs> <tab name="Aeons of Experience"> While this model is on the battlefield, each time you spend a Command Point to use a Strategem you can roll one D6; on a 5+, that Command Point is refunded. In addition, as long as this model is on the field, the first Stratagem used in each phase costs 1 Command Point less, to a minimum of 0. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- HQs, Character, Monster, Hive Tyrant, The Swarmlord, Psyker, Supreme Commander
Troops[edit | edit source]
Genestealer Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Broodlord and 4 Genestealers (Power Rating: 4). It can include up to 5 more Genestealers (Power Rating: +4), up to 10 more Genestealers (Power Rating: +8) or up to 15 more Genestealers (Power Rating: +12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Genestealer | 8" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 9 | 5+ | 13 |
Broodlord | 8" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 9 | 5+ | 20 |
-Rending Claws
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Rending Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Rending Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Flurry of Claws"> Models in this unit gain 1 additional attack whilst their unit has 10 or more models. </tab> <tab name="Infestation"> If your army includes any units of Genestealers, you can place up to four infestation nodes anywhere in your deployment zone when your army deploys. You can then set up any units of Genestealers lurking, instead of setting them up on the battlefield. If an enemy model is ever within 9" of an infestation node, the node is destroyed and removed from the battlefield. Whilst there are any friendly infestation nodes on the battlefield, this unit can stop lurking: at the end of your Movement phase, set it up wholly within 6" of a friendly infestation node. That infestation node is then removed from the battlefield. If this unit is still lurking when the last friendly infestation node is removed, this unit is destroyed. </tab> <tab name="Lightning Reflexes"> Models in this unit have a 5+ Invulnerable save. </tab> <tab name="Swift and Deadly"> Models in this unit can charge even if they Advanced during their turn. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Death from the Shadows"> During deployment, you can set up this unit in the shadows instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, you can set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models and inside a piece of terrain. </tab> <tab name="Extended Carapace"> Models with this rule have a Save characteristic of 4+ but lose the Swift and Deadly special rule. </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:4/WS:1/BS:-/S:3/T:4/W:-/A:2/Ld:-/Sv:5/Psy:-/Syn:-)
Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
-Rending Claws - +2 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Rending Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Rending Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. |
-Scything Talons - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
One Genestealer every four can take one of the following:
-Acid Maw - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Acid Maw | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 1 | - |
-Flesh Hooks - +3 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flesh Hooks | 6" | Assault 2 | User | 0 | 1 | This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, a model equipped with Flesh Hooks can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. |
The entire unit may take any of the following
-Death from the Shadows Upgrade - +5 pts./model
-Extended Carapace Upgrade - +2 pts./model
Model in this unit may take up to two items from the Biomorphs list (the same for every model).
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Enhanced Leg Muscles - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Troops, Infantry, Genestealers
Hormagaunt Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Hormagaunt Alpha and 9 Hormagaunts (Power Rating: 3). It can include up to 10 more Hormagaunts (Power Rating: +3), up to 20 more Hormagaunts (Power Rating: +6), up to 30 more Hormagaunts (Power Rating: +9) or up to 40 more Hormagaunts (Power Rating: +12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Hormagaunt | 8" | 4+ | 4+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 6+ | 6 |
Hormagaunt Alpha | 8" | 3+ | 3+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 6+ | 9 |
-Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Bounding Leap"> This unit moves an additional D3" when advancing and charging. Also, whenever this unit piles in and consolidates, it can move up to 6". </tab> <tab name="Hungering Swarm"> If this unit contains 20 or more models, you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 when it fights. </tab> <tab name="Instinctive Behaviour"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:2/WS:1/BS:-/S:1/T:2/W:-/A:1/Ld:1/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
Model in this unit may take up to two items from the Biomorphs list (the same for every model).
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Amphibious Adaptation - +3 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Burrowing Limbs - +10 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Enhanced Leg Muscles - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Hive Mind Direct Link - +15 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Troops, Infantry, Hormagaunt
Ripper Swarm[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Ripper Swarms (Power Rating: 2). It can include up to 3 more Ripper Swarms (Power Rating: +2), up to 6 more Ripper Swarms (Power Rating: +4), up to 9 more Ripper Swarms (Power Rating: +6), or up to 12 more Ripper Swarms (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Ripper Swarm | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 6+ | 12 |
-Claws and Teeth
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Claws and Teeth | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Biomass Shuttlers"> During the battle, whenever a non-Vehicle model is slain within 6” of this unit it gains 1 Biomass point (3 is the model had more than 9 wounds). Once this unit has 10 Biomass points, you gain 1 Command point; the Biomass points of this unit are then discarded. </tab> <tab name="Burrowers"> During deployment, you can set up a unit of Ripper Swarms underground instead of on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, they can tunnel up to the battlefield – set them up anywhere that is more than 9" from any enemy models. </tab> <tab name="Instinctive Behaviour"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:2/WS:2/BS:4/S:4/T:4/W:-/A:3/Ld:2/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
All models in the unit may take a Spinemaws - +2 pts./model
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Spinemaws | 6" | Pistol 4 | 2 | 0 | 1 | - |
Model in this unit may take up to two items from the Biomorphs list (the same for every model).
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Amphibious Adaptation - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Troops, Swarm, Ripper Swarms
Termagaunt Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Termagaunt Alpha and 9 Termagaunts (Power Rating: 3). It can include up to 10 more Termagaunts (Power Rating: +3), up to 20 more Termagaunts (Power Rating: +6), up to 30 more Termagaunts (Power Rating: +9) or up to 40 more Termagaunts (Power Rating: +12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Termagaunt | 6" | 4+ | 4+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 6+ | 5 |
Termagaunt Alpha | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 6+ | 8 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Fleshborer | 12" | Assault 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Hail of Living Ammunition"> If this unit contains 20 or more models, you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 when it shoots. </tab> <tab name="Instinctive Behaviour"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:2/WS:-/BS:1/S:1/T:1/W:-/A:1/Ld:1/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
For every ten Termagaunts, one may replace its Fleshborer with a Strangleweb - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Strangle Web | 8" | Assault D3 | 3 | 0 | 1 | Blast. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 1" from its movement, advance and charge distances. |
Any model may replace its FLeshborer with one of the following:
-Devourer - +2 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Devourer | 18" | Assault 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the turn. |
-Spike Rifle - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Spike Rifle | 18" | Assault 1 | 3 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Spinefists - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Spinefists | 12" | Pistol * | 3 | 0 | 1 | When a model fires this weapon, it makes a number of shots equal to its Attacks characteristic. |
Model in this unit may take up to two items from the Biomorphs list (the same for every model).
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Amphibious Adaptation - +3 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Burrowing Limbs - +10 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Enhanced Leg Muscles - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Hive Mind Direct Link - +15 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Troops, Infantry, Termagants
Tyranid Warrior Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Tyranid Warrior Alpha and 2 Tyranid Warriors (Power Rating: 5). It can include up to 3 more Tyranid Warriors (Power Rating: +4) or up to 6 more Tyranid Warriors (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Tyranid Warrior | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 21 |
Tyranid Warrior Alpha | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 9 | 4+ | 26 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Devourer | 18" | Assault 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the turn. |
-Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Synapse Creature"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>
Psyker: A Tyranid Warrior brood that has purchased the Psyker keyword can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite and one power from the Hive Mind's Control discipline. A Tyranid Warrior unit of 4 or more models can instead attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny two psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. When manifesting or denying a psychic power with a Tyranid Warrior unit, first select a model in the unit - measure range, visibility, etc. from this model. If this unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units within 6" will only suffer damage if the Perils of the Warp causes the last model in the Tyranid Warrior unit to be slain.
Mutations: (M:4/WS:3/BS:5/S:4/T:7/W:8/A:4/Ld:-/Sv:6/Psy:-/Syn:-)
Any model may replace its Devourer and/or Scything Talons for one item from the Basic Bio-weapons and Melee Bio-weapons lists each.
Basic Bio-weapons
-Deathspitter - +6 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Deathspitter | 24" | Assault 3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Spinefists - +2 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Spinefists | 12" | Pistol * | 3 | 0 | 1 | When a model fires this weapon, it makes a number of shots equal to its Attacks characteristic. |
Melee Bio-weapons
-Boneswords - +3 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Boneswords | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | A model armed with boneswords can make 1 additional attack with them in the Fight phase. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. |
-Lash Whips - +2 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lash Whips | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | Enemy models in base contact with a model equipped with this weapon have to subtract 1 from their hit rolls. |
-Lash Whip and Bonesword - +3 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Lash Whip and Bonesword | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | If the bearer is slain in the Fight phase before it makes it attacks, leave it where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, the bearer can do so as normal before being removed from the battlefield. Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. |
-Rending Claws - +2 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Rending Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. If a model is equipped with two pairs of Rending Claws the effect activates on a wound roll of 5+ instead. |
-Scything Talons - free
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
For every three models in the unit, one Tyranid Warrior may replace its Devourer or Scything Talons for one item from the Basic Bio-cannons list.
Basic Bio-cannons
-Barbed Strangler* - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Barbed Strangler | 36" | Assault D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Blast. You can add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when attacking a unit with 10 or more models. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 2 from its movement, advance and charge distances. |
-Venom Cannon* - +15 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Venom Cannon (Salvo) | 36" | Assault D3 | 8 | -2 | D3 | Blast. |
Venom Cannon (Single Shot) | 36" | Assault 1 | 9 | -3 | D3 | - |
Model in this unit may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list (the same for every model).
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Amphibious Adaptation - +3 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Enhanced Leg Muscles - +10 pts.
-Feeder Tendrils - +7 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Flesh Hooks - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flesh Hooks | 6" | Assault 2 | User | 0 | 1 | This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, a model equipped with Flesh Hooks can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. |
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Overdeveloped Stabilizing Organs - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Pressure Detection Sensors - +10 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Three-Dimensional Thought Patterns - +15 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
The unit may take the Psyker keyword - 10 pts./model
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Troops, Infantry, Tyranid Warriors
Elites[edit | edit source]
Cortex Leech Swarm[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Cortex Leech Swarms (Power Rating: 2). It can include up to 3 more Cortex Leech Swarms (Power Rating: +2), up to 6 more Cortex Leech Swarms (Power Rating: +4), up to 9 more Cortex Leech Swarms (Power Rating: +6), or up to 12 more Cortex Leech Swarms (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Cortex Leech Swarm | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 10 | 6+ | 13 |
- Claws and Teeth
Special Rules:
- Burrowers
- Cortex Command: When attacking, a cortex leech swarm base may choose to forego its normal attacks to instead make a Cortex Command check. This is a single attack that if it hits, both players must roll an opposed leadership check with both players rolling a d6 and adding it to their respective models' leadership values. If the Cortex Leech's player succeeds, that model must make either a shooting or a melee attack against a target chosen by the Cortex Leech's player at its full value (I.E a model so controlled that assaults another unit must do so as if it had charged them). If an enemy unit in assault is wiped out by the cortex leech's unit, roll a d6; on a 3 or less nothing happens, but on a four or more the entire unit must charge or shoot a target of the Cortex Leech player's choosing, though after the turn the models are removed from play.
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Mutations: (M:5/WS:2/BS:4/S:4/T:4/W:-/A:3/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:5)
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Swarm, Cortex Leech Swarms
Haruspex Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Haruspex (Power Rating: 7). It can contain 1 additional Haruspex (Power Rating: +7) or 2 additional Haruspexes (Power Rating: +14).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Haruspex | 7" | * | * | * | 8 | 13 | 4 | 6 | 3+ | 170 |
Remaining W | WS | BS | S |
7-12+ | 4+ | 4+ | 7 |
4-6 | 4+ | 5+ | 6 |
1-3 | 5+ | 5+ | 5 |
- Acid Blood
- Grasping Tongue
- Ravenous Maw
- Shovelling Claws
Special Rules:
- Frenzied Death Throes
- Fuel for Rampage: For each model removed as a casualty due to a Haruspex attack (both ranged and melee), this model gains one Food Token at the end of the phase, to a maximum of six. At the start of the Movement phase, a Haruspex may spend up to three Food tokens to gain +2" bonus to its maximum movement distance for each token spent. At the start of the Fight phase, a Haruspex may spend any number of Food tokens to gain +1 bonus Attack for each token spent. At the start of the movement phase, a Haruspex may spend any number of Food tokens to recover one wound per food token spent.
- Monstrous Brood
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Rapacious Hunger
- Mutations: (M:15/WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:20/A:15/Ld:10/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 5 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 6 pts.
- Any model may take a Thresher Scythe - 10 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Monster, Haruspex
Hive Guard Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Hive Guards (Power Rating: 7). It can include up to 3 more Hive Guards (Power Rating: +7), or up to 6 more Hive Guards (Power Rating: +14).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Hive Guard | 5" | 4+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 4+ | 40 |
- Impaler Cannon
Special Rules:
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Synaptic Targeting Network: An Hive Guard Brood can re-roll every hit roll against units in line of sight with any friendly <Hive Fleet> Synapse model that is within synapse range.
- Mutations: (M:5/WS:-/BS:15/S:5/T:15/W:15/A:5/Ld:5/Sv:20/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take one item from the Biomorphs list.
- Every model may replace its Impaler Cannon with a Shockcannon - free
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 1 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 1 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Infantry, Hive Guard
Lictor Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Lictor (Power Rating: 3). It can include 1 additional Lictor (Power Rating: +3), 2 additional Lictors (Power Rating: +6), 3 additional Lictor (Power Rating: +9), or 4 additional Lictors (Power Rating: +12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Lictor | 9" | 2+ | 4+ | 6 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 5+ | 35 |
Lictor Alpha | 9" | 2+ | 3+ | 6 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 5+ | 50 |
- Flesh Hooks
- A pair of Grasping Talons
- A pair of Rending Claws
- Feeder Tendrils
Special Rules:
- Assassins Pack: The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit.
- Chameleonic Skin
- Hidden Hunter
- Hyper-Reflexes: Lictors have a 5++ invulnerable save.
- "It's got my weapon!": (Lictor Alpha Only) When attacking an enemy, a Lictor may force an opposed weapon skill test on each model wounded by it in either shooting or assault. Upon announcing a disarm check and designating the weapon to be disarmed, both players roll 1d6 and add it to the opposite of their weapon skill (a 2+ WS means 6, 3+ means 5, etc...), if the Lictor loses, nothing happens. If the Lictor wins then the designated item is disarmed and cannot be used for the remainder of the turn.
- "There is no Escape": (Lictor Alpha Only) Enemy CHARACTERS cannot disengage from a Lictor Alpha.
- "Where are my Guards": Enemy units can't intercept wounds made by Lictors.
- Ambush! - A Lictor Brood with this upgrade has to be placed at least D3+3" from any enemy unit the turn in which it arrives through the Hidden Hunter rule
- Mutations: (M:10/WS:-/BS:10/S:5/T:15/W:15/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Mutations (Lictor Alpha): (M:10/WS:-/BS:10/S:5/T:15/W:20/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take one item from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 2 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 3 pts.
- The entire unit may take Ambush! upgrade - 20 pts./model
- One model in the Brood may be upgraded into a Lictor Alpha for 25 points./1 PP
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Infantry, Lictor, Character
Maleceptor Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Maleceptor (Power Rating: 8). It can contain 1 additional Maleceptor (Power Rating: +8) or 2 additional Maleceptors (Power Rating: +16).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Maleceptor | 7" | * | 4+ | * | 7 | 12 | 3 | 9 | 3+ | 170 |
Remaining W | WS | S |
7-12+ | 4+ | 7 |
4-6 | 5+ | 6 |
1-3 | 6+ | 5 |
- One pair of Massive Scything Talons
Special rules:
- Monstrous Brood
- Psychic Barrier
- Shadow in the Warp
- Synapse
Psyker: A Maleceptor can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite, Psychic Overload and Psychic Void psychic powers. If it is upgraded to know one more power, it must generate one additional power from any of the Hivemind's disciplines. Whenever a Maleceptor attempts to manifest a psychic power, add 1 to its Psychic test.
- Psychic Overload
- Warp Charge: 8
- Select a unit within 24" that is visible to the psyker; that unit suffers D3 automatic hits with the profile below (Psychic Overload may be manifested a number of times equal to the number of Malefactors currently on the board.):
S AP D Abilities - - - Do not roll to wound against units hit by Psychic Overload - instead, this unit must roll a Leadership test on 3D6, adding +1 for each model within 12" of this model, and an additional +2 for each model within 6" of this model. If the test is failed, the unit suffers D3+3 mortal wounds.
- Psychic Void
- Warp Charge: 7
- The Malefactor that manifested this power and any other friendly <Hive Fleet> Psyker within 12" can add 3 to the result of the dices when attempting to deny an enemy psychic power.
- Mutations: (M:20/WS:10/BS:30/S:10/T:20/W:20/A:10/Ld:10/Sv:30/Psy:25/Syn:20)
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 5 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 6 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Monster, Maleceptor, Synapse, Psyker
Megakarytes Swarm[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Megakarytes Swarms (Power Rating: 2). It can include up to 3 more Megakarytes Swarms (Power Rating: +2), up to 6 more Megakarytes Swarms (Power Rating: +4), up to 9 more Megakarytes Swarms (Power Rating: +7), or up to 12 more Megakarytes Swarms (Power Rating: +10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Megakarytes Swarm | 7" | 6+ | - | 1 | 1 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 7+ | 15 |
- Cutting Teeth
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Cutting Teeth | Melee | Melee | user | -1 | 1 | - |
Special rules:
- Minuscule Creatures: This unit treats cover as if it had the Infantry keyword. In addition, it takes twice the number of hits from weapons which automatically hit their target but gains +3 to its armour save when in cover and enemy units shooting this unit suffer a -1 to hit that becomes a -2 when this unit is in cover. Finally, this unit may never hold objectives.
- Surgical Biomorphs: At the beginning of your movement phase you may choose a friendly <Hive Fleet> unit (that doesn't have the <Swarm> keyword) within 3" of this unit. The unit heals D3 previously lost wounds (no model may be revived by this rule) while this unit suffers an equal amount of mortal wounds. If the unit has the Monster keyword it can heal D6 wounds instead of D3 but this unit automatically suffers 6 mortal wounds. Finally, if the model is Titanic it can also heal D6 wounds but this unit suffers 12 mortal wounds instead.
- Mutations: (M:4/WS:3/BS:-/S:-/T:4/W:-/A:-/Ld:-/Sv:5/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- -Adrenal Glands - 2 pts./model
- -Toxin Sacs - 1 pts./model
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Swarm, Megakarytes Swarm
Pyrovore Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Pyrovore (Power Rating: 2). It can 1 additional Pyrovore (Power Rating: +2), 2 additional Pyrovores (Power Rating: +4), 3 additional Pyrovores (Power Rating: +6), or 4 additional Pyrovores (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Pyrovore | 5" | 4+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 4+ | 28 |
- Acid maw
- Flamespurt cannon
- Acid blood
Special Rules:
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Volatile
- Mutations: (M:5/WS:10/BS:-/S:-/T:15/W:15/A:5/Ld:5/Sv:15/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take one item from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 1 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 3 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Infantry, Pyrovores
Tyrant Guard Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Tyrant Guards (Power Rating: 6). It can include up to 3 more Tyrant Guards (Power Rating: +6).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Tyrant Guard | 7" | 3+ | 4+ | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 6 | 3+ | 40 |
- A pair of Rending Claws
- A pair of Scything Talons
Special Rules:
- Blind Fighting: As long as there is a friendly <Hive Fleet> Hive Tyrant within 6" of this unit, it can use the Hive Tyrant's Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill rather than its own.
- Blind Rampage
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Shieldwall
- Mutations: (M:10*WS:5/BS:-/S:5/T:10/W:20/A:10/Ld:5/Sv:25*/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- *can not be taken on a model with wings biomorph.
- Any model may take one item from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 2 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 3 pts.
- Any model may swap its pair of Scything Talons with one of the following:
- -A pair of Crushing Claws - 12 pts.
- -A pair of Lash Whip and Bonesword - 2 pts.
- Entire brood may take one of the following:
- -Snake Body - 20 pts./model
- -Wings - 15 pts./model
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Infantry, Tyrant Guard
Venomthrope Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Venomthropes (Power Rating: 5). It can include up to 3 more Venomthropes (Power Rating: +5) or up to 6 more Venomthropes (Power Rating: +10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Venomthrope | 6" | 4+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 5+ | 33 |
- Two pairs of Toxic Lashes
- Toxic Miasma
Special Rules:
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Shrouding Spores: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for ranged weapons that target <Hive Fleet> units (excluding Monsters) within 6" of any friendly <Hive Fleet> Venomthropes. In addition, your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls that target <Hive Fleet> Monsters whilst they are within 6" of any <Hive Fleet> Venomthrope units that contain 3 or more models. Increase the range of both these effects to 9" whilst this unit contains 6 or more models.
- Mutations: (M:5:WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:15/W:15/A:10/Ld:5/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take one item from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 2 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 3 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Infantry, Venomthrope
Ymgarl Genestealer Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 5 Ymgarl Genestealers (Power Rating: 5). It can include up to 5 more Ymgarl Genestealers (Power Rating: +5) or up to 10 more Ymgarl Genestealers (Power Rating: +10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Ymgarl Genestealer | 8" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 20 |
Ymgarl Broodlord | 8" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 9 | 4+ | 55 |
- One pair of Rending Claws
- One pair of Monstrous Rending Claws (Ymgarl Broodlord Only)
- Feeder Tendrils
Special Rules:
- Alter Form: At the start of its movement phase, a Ymgarl Genestealer Brood must alter their form into one of the three listed below. The bonus gained lasts until the start of its next movement phase. The same form cannot be chosen in two consecutive turns.
- Slashing Claws: every model in the brood has +1 Strength.
- Tentacled Limbs: every model in the brood has +1 Attack.
- Muscle Carapace: every model in the brood has +1 Toughness.
- Lightning Reflexes
- Swift and Deadly
Psyker:A Ymgarl Broodlord can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite and The Horror power.
- Death From the Shadows: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the shadows instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, you can set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models and inside a piece of terrain.
- Mutations: (M:4/WS:1/BS:-/S:3/T:4/W:-/A:2/Ld:-/Sv:5/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- - Mutations (Ymgarl Broodlord): (M:4/WS:5/BS:-/S:10/T:20/W:10/A:5/Ld:-/Sv:20/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- The entire unit may take Death from the Shadows upgrade - 15 pts./model
- Any model in a brood may take one of the following:
- -Scything talons - free
- -Rending claws - 2 pts.
- Any model in the brood may take any of the following:
- -Adrenal Glands - 3 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 4 pts.
- All models in the brood may take one of the following biomorphs:
- -Serrated blades - 3 pts./model
- -Carbonized claws - 3 pts./model
- May add a Broodlord - 55 pts./3 PP
- The Broodlord may take one item from the Biomorphs list.
- The Broodlord may take one of the following:
- - Monstrous Scything Talons - 7 pts.
- - Monstrous Rending Claws - 10 pts.
- The Broodlord may take any of the following:
- -Adrenal Glands - 3 pts.
- -Flesh Hooks - 5 pts
- -Implant Attack - 10 pts
- -Toxin Sacs - 4 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Infantry, Ymgarl Genestealers, Psyker (Ymgarl Broodlord Only)
Zoanthrope Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Zoanthropes (Power Rating: 6). It can include 1 additional Zoanthrope (Power Rating: +2), 2 additional Zoanthropes (Power Rating: +4), 3 additional Zoanthropes (Power Rating: +6), 4 additional Zoanthropes (Power Rating: +8), 5 additional Zoanthropes (Power Rating: +10), or 6 additional Zoanthropes (Power Rating: +12),
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Zoanthrope | 6" | 4+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 9 | 5+ | 50 |
- Claws and Teeth
Special Rules:
- Shadow in the Warp
- Synapse
- Warp Blast: When this unit manifests the Smite psychic power, it affects the closest visible enemy unit within 24", instead of within 18". In addition, it inflicts additional D3 mortal wounds on that enemy unit if this unit contains 4 or 5 Zoanthropes, an additional 3 mortal wounds if it contains 6-8 Zoanthropes or an additional D6 if it contains 9 Zoanthropes.
- Warp Field
Psyker: A Zoanthrope Brood can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite, Warp Blast and one power from the Hive Mind's Wrath discipline. If it is upgraded to know one more power, it must generate one additional power from any of the Hivemind's disciplines. A Zoanthrope unit of 4 or more models can instead attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny two psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. A Zoanthrope unit of 7 or more models can instead attempt to manifest three psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny three psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. When manifesting or denying a psychic power with a Zoanthrope unit, first select a model in the unit - measure range, visibility, etc. from this model. If this unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units within 6" will only suffer damage if the Perils of the Warp causes the last model in the Zoanthrope unit to be slain.
- Mutations: (M:10/WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:15/W:15/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:20/Syn:-)
- Any model may take one item from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 2 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 1 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Elites, Infantry, Synapse, Fly, Zoanthropes, Psyker
Fast Attack[edit | edit source]
Dimachaeron Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Dimachaeron (Power Rating: 10). It can contain 1 additional Dimachaeron (Power Rating: +10) or 2 additional Dimachaerons (Power Rating: +20).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Dimachaeron | * | * | 3+ | 6 | 6 | 14 | * | 10 | 3+ | 255 |
Remaining W | M | WS | A |
8-14+ | 12" | 2+ | 6 |
4-6 | 9" | 3+ | 5 |
1-3 | 6" | 4+ | 3 |
- Grasping Talons and Thorax Spine-maw
- Sickle Claws
Special Rules:
- Digestion Spine
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Leaper: This model may choose to use this ability in either the Shooting phase or the Assault phase (they may not use both in the same turn)
- Shooting Phase - This model moves for 6 additional inches and counts as having the Fly keyword until the end of the turn. This model can then assault as normal.
- Assault Phase - This model rolls 3D6 when assaulting. At the end of the Assault phase roll a die for every model within 1" of this one; on a 6+ the model suffers a mortal wound.
- Leaper-killer
- Monstrous Brood
- Mutations: (M:25/WS:10/BS:-/S:10/T:20/W:15/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:35/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 5 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 6 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Monster, Dimachaeron
Gargoyle Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 10 Gargoyles (Power Rating: 3). It can include up to 10 more Gargoyles (Power Rating: +3), up to 20 more Gargoyles (Power Rating: +6), up to 30 more Gargoyles (Power Rating: +9) or up to 40 more Gargoyles (Power Rating: +12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Gargoyle | 12" | 4+ | 4+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 6+ | 7 |
Gargoyle Alpha | 12" | 3+ | 3+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 6+ | 10 |
- Fleshborer
- Blinding venom
Special Rules:
- Hail of Living Ammunition
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Swooping Assault
- Mutations: (M:4/WS:-/BS:1/S:1/T:1/W:-/A:1/Ld:1/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- For every ten Gargoyles, one may replace its Fleshborer with a Strangleweb - 5 pts.
- Any model may replace its fleshborer with one of the following:
- -Spinefists - 4 pts.
- -Spike rifle - 4 pts.
- -Devourer - 8 pts.
- Any model in the brood may take one of the following biomorphs:
- -Overdeveloped Stabilizing Organs - 2 pts.
- -Pressure Detection sensors - 2 pts.
- -Wide-spectrum retinas - 1 pts.
- Any model may take any of the following biomorphs:
- -Adrenal glands - 2 pts.
- -Toxin sacs - 2 pts.
- One every ten Gargoyles in the Brood may be upgraded to a Gargoyle Alpha for 3 points. The brood uses the Gargoyle Alpha's leadership in place of its own as long as it is alive.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Infantry, Gargoyles, Fly
Meiotic Spore Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Meiotic Spores (Power Rating: 3). It can include up to 3 more Meiotic Spores (Power Rating: +3), or up to 6 more Meiotic Spores (Power Rating: +6)
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Meiotic Spore | 3" | - | - | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 7+ | 20 |
Special Rules:
- Floating Death (Meiotic Spore)
- Living Bombs
- Outriders of the Swarm
- Mutations: (M:2/WS:-/BS:-/S:-/T:5/W:-/A:-/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Fly, Meiotic Spores
Mucolid Spore Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Mucolid Spore (Power Rating: 1). It can include 1 additional Mucolid Spore (Power Rating: +1), or 2 additional Mucolid Spores (Power Rating: +2)
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Mucolid Spore | 3" | - | - | 1 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 6+ | 22 |
Special Rules:
- Float Down
- Floating Death (Mucolid Spore)
- Living Bombs
- Mutations: (M:3/WS:-/BS:-/S:-/T:5/W:-/A:-/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Fly, Mucolid Spores
Ravener Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Raveners (Power Rating: 4). It can include up to 3 more Raveners (Power Rating: +4) or up to 6 more Raveners (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Ravener | 12" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 5+ | 20 |
Ravener Alpha | 12" | 2+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 5+ | 30 |
- Two pairs of Scything Talons
Special Rules:
- Death from Below
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Burrow: At the beginning of any of your Movement phases, any Ravener Brood that is not within 1" of an enemy unit can burrow. Remove it from the battlefield - it can return as described in the Death from Below ability. A Ravener Brood may not burrow and return to the battlefield in the same turn. If the battle ends while the Ravener Brood is underground, it is considered to be slain.
- Mutations: (M:7/WS:3/BS:5/S:4/T:7/W:8/A:4/Ld:-/Sv:6/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Mutations (Ravener Alpha): (M:8/WS:5/BS:5/S:5/T:10/W:10/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:6/Psy:-/Syn:15)
- Any model may take one item from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 2 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 3 pts.
- Any Ravener may exchange one or both pair of Scything Talons for a pair of Rending Claws each - 2 pts.
- Any Ravener may take one of the following:
- - Spinefist - 1 pts.
- - Devourer - 4 pts.
- - Deathspitter - 5 pts.
- One Ravener in the Brood may be upgraded to a Ravener Alpha for 10 points. The brood uses the Ravener Alpha's leadership in place of its own as long as it is alive.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Infantry, Raveners
Simurgh Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 10 Simurghs (Power Rating: 3). It can include up to 10 more Simurghs (Power Rating: +3), up to 20 more Simurghs (Power Rating: +6), up to 30 more Simurghs (Power Rating: +9) or up to 40 more Simurghs (Power Rating: +12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Simurgh | 12" | 4+ | 4+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 6+ | 7 |
Simurgh Alpha | 12" | 3+ | 3+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 6+ | 10 |
- A pair of Scything Talons
- Blinding venom
Special Rules:
- Bounding Leap: This unit moves an additional 3" when advancing and charging. Also, whenever this unit piles in and consolidates, it can move up to 6".
- Hungering Swarm
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Swooping Assault
- Mutations: (M:4/WS:-/BS:1/S:1/T:1/W:-/A:1/Ld:1/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model in the brood may take one of the following biomorphs:
- -Carbonized Claws - 2 pts.
- -Serrated Blades - 2 pts.
- Any model in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- -Adrenal Glands - 1 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 2 pts.
- One every ten Simurghs in the Brood may be upgraded to a Simurgh Alpha for 3 points. The brood uses the Simurgh Alpha's leadership in place of its own as long as it is alive.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Infantry, Simurghs, Fly
Sky-slasher Swarm[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Sky-Slasher Swarms (Power Rating: 2). It can include up to 3 more Sky-Slasher Swarms (Power Rating: +2), up to 6 more Sky-Slasher Swarms (Power Rating: +4), up to 9 more Sky-Slasher Swarms (Power Rating: +6), or up to 12 more Sky-Slasher Swarms (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Sky-Slasher Swarm | 12" | 5+ | 5+ | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 6+ | 15 |
- Claws and Teeth
Special Rules:
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Swooping Assault
- Mutations: (M:4/WS:2/BS:4/S:4/T:4/W:-/A:3/Ld:2/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- The unit may take Spinemaws - 2 pts/base
- Any model in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- -Adrenal Glands - 4 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 3 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Swarm, Sky-Slasher Swarms
Spore Mine Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Frag Mines (Power Rating: 2). It can include up to 3 more Frag Mines (Power Rating: +2), up to 6 more Frag Mines (Power Rating: +4), or up to 9 more Frag Mines (Power Rating: +6).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Acid Mine | D3+3" | - | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 7+ | 8 |
Char Mine | D3+3" | - | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 7+ | 8 |
Frag Mine | D3+3" | - | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 7+ | 8 |
Toxic Mine | D3+3" | - | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 7+ | 8 |
Special Rules:
- Float Down
- Floating Death (Acid Mine): An Acid Mine explodes if it is within 3" of any enemy units at the end of any Charge phase. Each time an Acid Mine explodes, roll a D6; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts 1 mortal wound on the nearest enemy unit, and on a 6 it inflicts D3 mortal wounds on that unit. The Acid Mine is then destroyed.
- Floating Death (Char Mine): A Char Mine explodes if it is within 3" of any enemy units at the end of any Charge phase. Each time a Char Mine explodes, roll a D6; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts 1 mortal wound on the nearest enemy unit, and on a 6 it inflicts D3 mortal wounds on that unit. If the enemy unit has the Flyer keyword, double the amount of mortal wounds it suffers. The Char Mine is then destroyed.
- Floating Death (Frag Mine): A Frag Mine explodes if it is within 3" of any enemy units at the end of any Charge phase. Each time a Frag Mine explodes, roll a D6; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D6 automatic hits on the nearest enemy unit, and on a 6 it inflicts 6 automatic hits on that unit. The Frag Mine is then destroyed. Use the profile below to resolve the hits inflicted by a Frag Mine:
Weapon S AP D Abilities Frag Mine 4 -1 1 -
- Floating Death (Toxic Mine): A Toxic Mine explodes if it is within 3" of any enemy units at the end of any Charge phase. Each time a Toxic Mine explodes, roll a D6; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D6 automatic hits on the nearest enemy unit, and on a 6 it inflicts 6 automatic hits on that unit. The Toxic Mine is then destroyed. Use the profile below to resolve the hits inflicted by a Toxic Mine:
Weapon S AP D Abilities Toxin Mine 1 - D3 This weapon always wounds on a 2+ unless the target is a Vehicle.
- Living Bombs
- Hard to Hit (Char Mines Only)
- Mutations: (M:2/WS:-/BS:-/S:-/T:1/W:-/A:-/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- May replace all Frag Mines in the cluster with:
- -Acid Mines - 2 pts./model
- -Char Mines - 3 pts./model
- -Toxic Mines - free
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Fly, Spore Mines
The Red Terror[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Red Terror (Power Rating: 3). Only one of this model may be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
The Red Terror | 12" | 2+ | 3+ | 5 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 7 | 3+ | 55 |
- Two pairs of Scything Talons
- Prehensile Pincer
Special Rules:
- Burrow: At the beginning of any of your Movement phases, if The Red Terror is not within 1" of an enemy unit can burrow. Remove it from the battlefield - it can return as described in the Death from Below ability. The Red Terror may not burrow and return to the battlefield in the same turn. If the battle ends while The Red Terror is underground, it is considered to be slain.
- Death from Below
- Feeding Frenzy
- Swallow Whole
- Synapse
Warlord Trait: If this model is your Warlord, it has the Instinctive Killer Warlord Trait.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Raveners, Infantry, The Red Terror, Synapse
The Thing From Below[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Thing from Below (Power Rating: 8). Only one of this model may be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
The Thing from Below | 9" | 2+ | 3+ | 6 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 7 | 3+ | 160 |
- A pair of Scything Talons
- Diamond-tipped Teeth
- Toxin Spike
- Bio-electric Parasites Transmitter: At the start of the Fight Phase, if this model is within 1" of an enemy unit, it can make a shooting attack against that unit with the following profile:
Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Pistol 3 | User | 0 | 1 | If the target is a VEHICLE and you make a wound roll of 4+, the target suffers 1 mortal wound instead of the normal damage. If you make a wound roll of 6+, inflict D3 mortal wounds instead. If the target isn't a VEHICLE, it suffers 1 mortal wound on a 6+. |
- Desperate Phagocytosis: At the start of any of your phases, The Thing from Below may decide to devourer its symbiotic parasite. If it does so, it regains one wound lost early in the game but loses the Symbiotic Parasite and Bio-electric Parasites Transmitter special rules.
- Mindless Monstrosity: If this model ever finds itself outside of a Synapse creature's Synapse radius, it has to move towards and charge the nearest unit (even if friendly). This model also suffers a -2 to its hit rolls and can only attack with its Scything Talons but doubles the number of attacks he makes.
- Predator from Below: If this model charges a unit incapable of firing overwatch, roll a die if the charge is successful; on a 2+ the enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, 3 on a 6+.
- Ripper Alpha: Friendly <Hive Fleet> Swarm units within 6" of this model can add 1 to their hit rolls in the Fight phase
- Symbiotic Parasite: When this model fights in the Fight phase, it can make an additional S:3 AP:0 D:1 attack that hits on a 4.
Warlord Trait: Heightened Senses
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Character, Infantry, The Thing From Below
Tyranid Shrike Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 3 Tyranid Shrikes (Power Rating: 6). It can include up to 3 more Tyranid Shrikes (Power Rating: +6) or up to 6 more Tyranid Shrikes (Power Rating: +12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Tyranid Shrike | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 26 |
Tyranid Shrike Alpha | 6" | 2+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 9 | 4+ | 36 |
- Devourer
- A pair of Scything Talons
Special Rules:
- Shadow in the Warp
- Synapse
- A Shrike Warrior brood that has purchased the Psyker keyword can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one psychic power from the Hivemind's Dominion discipline
- Mutations: (M:6/WS:3/BS:5/S:4/T:7/W:8/A:4/Ld:-/Sv:6/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take items from the Basic Bio-weapons and Melee Bio-weaponslists.
- Any model may take one item from the Biomorphs list.
- For every three Tyranid Shrikes in the brood, one may take items from the Basic Bio-cannons list.
- Any model in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- -Adrenaline Glands - 2 pt.
- -Flesh Hooks - 2 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 3 pts.
- The unit may take the Psyker keyword - 10 pts./model
- One Tyranid Shrike in the Brood may be upgraded to a Tyranid Shrike Alpha for 10 points. The brood uses the Tyranid Shrike Alpha's leadership in place of its own as long as it is alive.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fast Attacks, Infantry, Tyranid Shrikes, Fly
Heavy Support[edit | edit source]
Barbed Hierodule[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Barbed Hierodule (Power Rating: 14).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Barbed Hierodule | * | 3+ | * | 10 | 8 | 22 | * | 10 | 3+ | 275 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
11-22+ | 12” | 4+ | 5 |
6-10 | 8” | 5+ | 4 |
1-5 | 4” | 6+ | 3 |
- A pair of Massive Scything Talons
- Bio-cannon
Special rules:
- Agile
- Death Throes (Hierodule)
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Titanic Monster
- May take up to three biomorphs from the following list:
- - Transport Chamber - 15 pts.
- - Cellular Bolster - 15 pts.
- - Greater Flesh Hooks - 30 pts.
- - Frag Spine Batteries - 30 pts.
- - Gargantuan Warp Shield - 40 pts.
- - Spore Cloud - 40 pts.
- - Synaptic Regeneration - 45 pts.
- - Psy-Catalyst - 50 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lords of War, Barbed Hierodule, Monster, Titanic
Biovore Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Biovore (Power Rating: 2). It can 1 additional Biovore (Power Rating: +2), 2 additional Biovores (Power Rating: +4), 3 additional Biovores (Power Rating: +6) or 4 additional Biovores (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Biovore | 5" | 4+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 4+ | 50 |
- Spore Mine Launcher with Frag Mines
Special Rules:
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Spore Mine Launcher (Acid Mines): Each time a Spore Mine Launcher equipped with Acid Mines hits the target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the target; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts 1 mortal wound, and on a 6 it inflicts D3 mortal wounds. Each time a Spore Mine Launcher misses its target, set up a single <HIVE FLEET> Acid Mine model anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Acid Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for an Acid Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the firer, but it cannot be used to fire Overwatch.
- Spore Mine Launcher (Char Mines): Each time a Spore Mine Launcher equipped with Char Mines hits the target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the target; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts 1 mortal wound, and on a 6 it inflicts D3 mortal wounds. Each time a Spore Mine Launcher misses its target, set up a single <HIVE FLEET> Char Mine model anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Char Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for a Char Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the firer, but it cannot be used to fire Overwatch. Add 1 to the hit rolls when targeting units that can Fly.
- Spore Mine Launcher (Frag Mines): Each time a Spore Mine Launcher equipped with Frag Mines hits the target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the target; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D6 automatic hits on the nearest enemy unit, and on a 6 it inflicts 6 automatic hits on that unit. Each time a Spore Mine Launcher misses its target, set up a single <HIVE FLEET> Frag Mine model anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Frag Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for a Frag Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the firer, but it cannot be used to fire Overwatch. Use the profile below to resolve the hits inflicted by a Frag Mine:
Weapon S AP D Abilities Frag Mine 4 -1 1 -
- Spore Mine Launcher (Toxic Mines): Each time a Spore Mine Launcher equipped with Toxic Mines hits the target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the target; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D6 automatic hits on the nearest enemy unit, and on a 6 it inflicts 6 automatic hits on that unit. Each time a Spore Mine Launcher misses its target, set up a single <HIVE FLEET> Toxic Mine model anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Toxic Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for a Toxic Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the firer, but it cannot be used to fire Overwatch. Use the profile below to resolve the hits inflicted by a Toxic Mine:
Weapon S AP D Abilities Toxic Mine 1 0 D3 This weapon always wounds on a 2+ unless the target is a Vehicle.
- Mutations: (M:-/WS:-/BS:10/S:-/T:15/W:15/A:-/Ld:5/Sv:15/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may exchange its Frag Mines for one of the following spores:
- -Acid Mines - free
- -Char Mines - free
- -Toxic Mines - free
- Any model may take one item from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 1 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 1 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Heavy Supports, Infantry, Biovores
Carnifex Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Carnifex (Power Rating: 6). It can contain 1 additional Carnifex (Power Rating: +6), 2 additional Carnifexes (Power Rating: +12), 3 additional Carnifexes (Power Rating: +18), or 4 additional Carnifexes (Power Rating: +24).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Carnifex | 7" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 3+ | 100 |
- Two pairs of Monstrous Scything Talons
Special Rules:
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Living Battering Ram
- Monstrous Brood
- Mutations: (M:10/WS:10/BS:15/S:25/T:20/W:15/A:20/Ld:-/Sv:25/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may replace any pair of Monstrous Scything Talons with a pair of Monstrous Crushing Claws - 12 pts.
- Any model may replace a pair of Monstrous Scything Talons with a Stonecrusher Ramshield - 15 pts.
- Any model may take items from the Monstrous Bio-cannons list.
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model may take one of the following:
- -Bio-plasma - 10 pts.
- -Enhanced Senses - 10 pts.
- -Monstrous Acid Maw - 10 pts.
- -Tusks - 10 pts.
- Any model may take one of the following:
- -Spine Banks - 2 pts.
- -Spore Cysts - 10 pts.
- Any model may take any of the following:
- -Adrenal Glands - 5 pts.
- -Chitin Thorns - 4 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 4 pts.
- Any model may take one of the following tail biomorphs:
- -Thresher Scythe - 7 pts.
- -Bone Mace - 2 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Heavy Supports, Monster, Carnifexes
Exocrine Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Exocrine (Power Rating: 11). It can contain 1 additional Exocrine (Power Rating: +11) or 2 additional Exocrines (Power Rating: +22).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Exocrine | 6" | * | * | 7 | 8 | 12 | * | 6 | 3+ | 170 |
Remaining W | WS | BS | A |
7-12+ | 4+ | 4+ | 3 |
4-6 | 4+ | 5+ | D3 |
1-3 | 5+ | 5+ | 1 |
- Bio-plasmic cannon
- Powerful Limbs
- A pair of Scything Talons
Special rules:
- Death Throes
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Monstrous Brood
- Symbiotic Targeting
- Weapon Beast
- Mutations: (M:-/WS:10/BS:20/S:10/T:20/W:20/A:10/Ld:10/Sv:35/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 2 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 2 pts.
- Any model may take a Thresher Scythe tail biomorph - 7 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Heavy Supports, Monster, Exocrine
Mawloc Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Mawloc (Power Rating: 6). It can contain 1 additional Mawloc (Power Rating: +6) or 2 additional Mawlocs (Power Rating: +12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Mawloc | * | * | - | * | 6 | 12 | 7 | 7 | 3+ | 125 |
Remaining W | M | WS | S |
7-12+ | 9" | 4+ | 6 |
4-6 | 7" | 5+ | 5 |
1-3 | 5" | 6+ | 4 |
- Distensible Jaws
- Prehensile Pincer
- Three pairs of Scything Talons
Special rules:
- Burrow: At the beginning of any of your Movement phases, any Mawloc can burrow. Remove it from the battlefield – it can return as described in the Terror from the Deep ability. A Mawloc may not burrow and return to the battlefield in the same turn. If the battle ends while the Mawloc is underground, it is considered to be slain.
- Death Throes
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Monstrous Brood
- Terror from the Deep: During deployment, you can set up a Mawloc underground instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, set up the Mawloc anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 1" away from any enemy models and more than 3" from any other Mawlocs set up this way this turn, then roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 2" of it; on a 1 the unit escapes unharmed, on a 2-3 it suffers 1 mortal wound, on a 4-5 it suffers D3 mortal wounds and on a 6 it suffers 3 mortal wounds. The Mawloc cannot charge in the same turn.
- Swallow Whole: If 4 or more of the Mawloc's Scything Talon attacks hit, instead of causing damage normally the Mawloc can attempt to swallow a victim whole. Roll a D6, and if the result is equal to or higher than the highest Wounds characteristic of the unit, one model from that unit is slain.
- Mutations: (M:10/WS:10/BS:-/S:10/T:20/W:15/A:15/Ld:10/Sv:35/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 3 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 4 pts.
- Any model may replace its Prehensile Pincer with one of the following:
- -Biostatic Rattle - 10 pts.
- -Toxinspike - 1 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Heavy Supports, Monster, Mawloc
Screamer Killer Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Screamer-Killer (Power Rating: 6). It can contain 1 additional Screamer-Killer (Power Rating: +6), 2 additional Screamer-Killers (Power Rating: +12), 3 additional Screamer-Killers (Power Rating: +18), or 4 additional Screamer-Killers (Power Rating: +24).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Screamer-Killer | 7" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 3+ | 120 |
- Bio-plasmic Scream
- Two pairs of Monstrous Scything Talons
Special Rules:
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Living Battering Ram
- Monstrous Brood
- Terrifying
- Mutations: (M:10/WS:10/BS:15/S:25/T:20/W:15/A:20/Ld:-/Sv:25/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model may take any of the following:
- -Adrenal Glands - 5 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 4 pts.
- Any model may take one of the following:
- -Spine Banks - 2 pts.
- -Spore Cysts - 10 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Heavy Supports, Monster, Screamer-Killers, Carnifexes
Scythed Hierodule[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Scythed Hierodule (Power Rating: 12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Scythed Hierodule | * | * | 4+ | 10 | 8 | 22 | * | 10 | 3+ | 235 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
11-22+ | 12” | 3+ | 7 |
6-10 | 8” | 4+ | 5 |
1-5 | 4” | 5+ | 3 |
- A pair of Massive Scything Talons
- Bio-acid Spray
Special rules:
- Agile
- Death Throes (Hierodule)
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Titanic Monster
- May take up to three biomorphs from the following list:
- - Transport Chamber - 15 pts.
- - Cellular Bolster - 15 pts.
- - Greater Flesh Hooks - 30 pts.
- - Frag Spine Batteries - 30 pts.
- - Gargantuan Warp Shield - 40 pts.
- - Spore Cloud - 40 pts.
- - Synaptic Regeneration - 45 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lords of War, Scythed Hierodule, Monster, Titanic
Stone-crusher Carnifex Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Stone Crusher Carnifex (Power Rating: 6). It can contain 1 additional Stone Crusher Carnifex (Power Rating: +6), 2 additional Stone Crusher Carnifexes (Power Rating: +12), 3 additional Stone Crusher Carnifexes (Power Rating: +18), or 4 additional Stone Crusher Carnifexes (Power Rating: +24).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Stone Crusher Carnifex | 7" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 3+ | 115 |
- Two Wrecker Claws
Special Rules:
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Carapace Chitin Ram
- Monstrous Brood
- Mutations: (M:10/WS:10/BS:15/S:25/T:20/W:15/A:20/Ld:-/Sv:25/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may replace its pair of Wrecker Claws with a Wrecker Claw and a Bio-flail - 25 pts.
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model may take any of the following:
- -Adrenal Glands - 5 pts.
- -Bio-plasma - 9 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 4 pts.
- Any model may take one of the following tail biomorphs:
- -Thresher Scythe - 7 pts.
- -Bone Mace - 2 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Heavy Supports, Monster, Stone Crusher Carnifexes, Carnifexes
Thornback Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Thornback (Power Rating: 6). It can contain 1 additional Thornback (Power Rating: +6), 2 additional Thornbacks (Power Rating: +12), 3 additional Thornbacks (Power Rating: +18), or 4 additional Thornbacks (Power Rating: +24).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Thornback | 7" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 3+ | 105 |
- A pairs of Monstrous Scything Talons
- Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms
Special Rules:
- Chitin Thorns
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Monstrous Brood
- Thorned Battering Ram
- Vicious Hunter
- Mutations: (M:10/WS:10/BS:15/S:25/T:20/W:15/A:20/Ld:-/Sv:25/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may replace its pair of Monstrous Scything Talons with a Stranglethorn Cannon - 15 pts.
- Any model may replace its two Devourers with Brainleech Worms with two Deathspitter with Slimer Maggots - 14 pts.
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model may take any of the following:
- -Adrenal Glands - 5 pts./model
- -Enhanced Senses - 10 pts./model
- -Spine Banks - 2 pts./model
- -Thresher Scythe - 7 pts/model
- -Toxin Sacs - 4 pts./model
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Heavy Supports, Monster, Thornbacks, Carnifexes
Toxicrene Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Toxicrene (Power Rating: 8). It can contain 1 additional Toxicrene (Power Rating: +8) or 2 additional Toxicrenes (Power Rating: +16).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Toxicrene | 8" | * | 4+ | * | 7 | 12 | * | 7 | 3+ | 150 |
Remaining W | WS | S | A |
7-12+ | 3+ | 7 | 6 |
4-6 | 4+ | 6 | 5 |
1-3 | 5+ | 5 | 4 |
- Acid blood
- Choking Cloud
- Two sets of Massive Toxic Lashes
Special rules:
- Acid Blood
- Entangle: During Shooting phase, Toxicrene may choose to Entangle one enemy model within 12" (the model must be the closest to the Toxicrene). Both players roll 1d6 and add it to the corresponding models' Strenght characteristics. If the model wins, nothing happens. If it fails, it cannot move in any way and has to subtract 1 from all its hit rolls until your next Shooting phase.
- Frenzied Death Throes
- Hypertoxic: Any attack made by a Toxicrene cause an additional mortal wound on a 6+.
- Hypertoxic Miasma
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Overwork: During the Movement phase, a Toxicrene may choose to suffer D3 mortal wounds to add D6" to its Move, Advance and Charge characteristics.
- Mutations: (M:10/WS:30/BS:10/S:5/T:20/W:20/A:20/Ld:10/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 5 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 6 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Heavy Supports, Monster, Toxicrene
Trygon Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Trygon (Power Rating: 9). It can contain 1 additional Trygon (Power Rating: +9) or 2 additional Trygons (Power Rating: +18).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Trygon | * | * | * | 7 | 6 | 12 | 6 | 7 | 3+ | 150 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS |
7-12+ | 9" | 3+ | 4+ |
4-6 | 7" | 4+ | 5+ |
1-3 | 5" | 5+ | 6+ |
- Bio-electric Pulse
- Three pairs of Monstrous Scything Talons
Special rules:
- Ambusher Brood: The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 9" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit.
- Burrow: At the beginning of any of your Movement phases, any Trygon that is not within 1" of an enemy unit can burrow. Remove it from the battlefield - it can return as described in the Subterranean Assault ability. A Trygon may not burrow and return to the battlefield in the same turn. If the battle ends while the Trygon is underground, it is considered to be slain.
- Death Throes
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Subterranean Assault
- Lurker: A Trygon Prime with this upgrade can enter from Reserve on the first turn.
- Prepared Tunnel Network: Two units can emerge by the Subterranean Assault special rule with a Trygon with this upgrade.
- Mutations: (M:15/WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:15/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:35/Psy:25/Syn:-)
- Any model may take one item from the Thorax Biomorphs list.
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model take any of the followings:
- -Adrenal Glands - 5 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 6 pts.
- The entire brood may take any of the following Upgrades:
- - Prepared Tunnel Network - 50 pts./model
- - Lurker - 50 pts./model
- Any model may take one of the following:
- - Heavy Spinefist - 10 pts.
- - Spine banks - 2 pts.
- Any model may take one of the following tail biomorphs:
- - Biostatic Rattle - free
- - Prehensile Pincer - free
- - Toxinspike - 1 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Heavy Supports, Monster, Trygon
Tyrannofex Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Tyrannofex (Power Rating: 11). It can contain 1 additional Tyrannofex (Power Rating: +11) or 2 additional Tyrannofexes (Power Rating: +22).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Tyrannofex | * | * | * | 7 | 6 | 12 | 6 | 7 | 3+ | 170 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS |
7-12+ | 9" | 3+ | 4+ |
4-6 | 7" | 4+ | 5+ |
1-3 | 5" | 5+ | 6+ |
- Acid spray
- Powerful Limbs
- Stinger salvo
Special rules:
- Bio-tank
- Death Throes
- Instinctive Behaviour
- Monstrous Brood
- Weapon Beast
- Mutations: (M:10/WS:10/BS:20/S:10/T:20/W:20/A:10/Ld:10/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Any model may take one item from the Thorax Biomorphs list.
- Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
- Any model may replace its Acid Spray with one of the following:
- -Fleshborer hive - 15 pts.
- -Rupture cannon - 35 pts.
- Any model may take any of the following:
- -Adrenal Glands - 2 pts.
- -Toxin Sacs - 2 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Heavy Supports, Monster, Tyrannofex
Flyer[edit | edit source]
Erinyes Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Erinyes (Power Rating: 10). It can contain 1 additional Erinyes (Power Rating: +10) or 2 additional Erinyes (Power Rating: +20).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Erinyes | 30" | 3+ | 4+ | 8 | 6 | 9-18 | 6 | 9 | 3+ | 200 |
Erinyes | 20" | 4+ | 5+ | 8 | 6 | 5-8 | 6 | 9 | 3+ | 200 |
Erinyes | 10" | 5+ | 6+ | 8 | 6 | 1-4 | 6 | 9 | 3+ | 200 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bio-plasma (Glob) | 18" | Assault 1 | 8 | -3 | D3 | - |
Bio-plasma (Spit) | 12" | Assault D3 | 7 | -3 | 1 | Blast. |
-Flesh Hooks
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flesh Hooks | 6" | Assault 2 | User | 0 | 1 | This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, a model equipped with Flesh Hooks can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. |
-Heavy Spinefists
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy Spinefists | 12" | Pistol * | 5 | 0 | 1 | When a model fires this weapon, it makes a number of shots equal to its Attacks characteristic. |
-Scything Wings
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Wings | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | D3 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when attacking with this weapon. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Electromagnetic Pulse"> At the start of your Shooting phase, the Erinyes may release a special pulse of electromagnetic energy. Every enemy model within 9" takes one automatic hit with the following profile (VEHICLE models suffer 3 hits instead):
S | AP | D | Abilities |
4 | -1 | 1 | If the target is a VEHICLE and you make a wound roll of 4+, the target suffers 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage. If you make a wound roll of 6+, inflict D3 mortal wounds instead. |
</tab> <tab name="Instinctive Behaviour"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Monstrous Brood"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Swooping Assault"> This model can only be charged by units that can Fly, and can only be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly. </tab> <tab name="Wing Tearer"> During the Fight phase, if this model attacks a Aircraft unit, roll two D6 if this model manages to successfully wound that unit; on a 10+ that unit immediately suffers the effects of the Crash and Burn special rule (or any equivalent), though this model doesn't suffer any mortal wounds from it. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Lone Hunter"> This model is not affected by the Instinctive Behaviour rule. </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:20/WS:10/BS:5/S:20/T:20/W:15/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Psychic Deflection Bio-Crystals - +10 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Three-Dimensional Thought Patterns - +15 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
Any model may take the Lone Hunter Upgrade - +25 pts./model
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Flyers, Monster, Erinyes, Fly
Harpy Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Harpy (Power Rating 7). It can contain 1 additional Harpy (Power Rating +7) or 2 additional Harpies (Power Rating +14).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Harpy | 30" | 3+ | 4+ | 6 | 6 | 7-12 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 155 |
Harpy | 20" | 4+ | 5+ | 6 | 6 | 4-6 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 155 |
Harpy | 10" | 5+ | 5+ | 6 | 6 | 1-3 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 155 |
-Scything Wings
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Wings | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | D3 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when attacking with this weapon. |
-Stinger Salvo
- valign=top | Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Stinger Salvo | 24" | Assaul 4 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Two Stranglethorns Cannon
- valign=top | Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Stranglethorn Cannon | 36" | Assault D6 | 7 | -1 | 2 | Blast. You can add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when attacking a unit with 10 or more models. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 3 from its movement, advance and charge distances. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Instinctive Behaviour"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Monstrous Brood"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Sonic Screech"> When a Harpy successfully charges, until the end of the turn enemy units within 1" cannot be chosen to Fight until all other eligible units have done so. </tab> <tab name="Spore Mine Cysts (Acid Mine)"> A Harpy can drop Spore Mines as it flies over enemy units in the Movement phase. To do so, after the Harpy has moved, pick one enemy unit that it flew over and roll a D6 for each model in the unit, up to a maximum of 3 dice. Each time you roll a 4+ an Acid Mine has hit the target and explodes. Roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted; on a 1 the Acid Mine fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts 1 mortal wound, and on a 6 it inflicts D3 mortal wounds. Each time an Acid Mine misses its target, set up a single <HIVE FLEET> Acid Mine anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Acid Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for an Acid Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. </tab> <tab name="Swooping Assault"> This model can only be charged by units that can Fly, and can only be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Lone Hunter"> This model is not affected by the Instinctive Behaviour rule. </tab> <tab name="Spore Mine Cysts (Char Mine)"> A Harpy can drop Spore Mines as it flies over enemy units in the Movement phase. To do so, after the Harpy has moved, pick one enemy unit that it flew over and roll a D6 for each model in the unit, up to a maximum of 3 dice. Each time you roll a 4+ a Char Mine has hit the target and explodes. Roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted; on a 1 the Char Mine fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts 1 mortal wound, and on a 6 it inflicts D3 mortal wounds. Each time a Char Mine misses its target, set up a single <Hive Fleet> Char Mine anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Char Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for a Char Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. If the target is an Aircraft, double the number of mortal wounds this spore inflicts. </tab> <tab name="Spore Mine Cysts (Frag Mine)"> A Harpy can drop Spore Mines as it flies over enemy units in the Movement phase. To do so, after the Harpy has moved, pick one enemy unit that it flew over and roll a D6 for each model in the unit, up to a maximum of 3 dice. Each time you roll a 4+ a Frag Mine has hit the target and explodes. Roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted; on a 1 the Frag Mine fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D6 automatic hits on the enemy unit, and on a 6 it inflicts 6 automatic hits on that unit. Each time a Frag Mine misses its target, set up a single <Hive Fleet> Frag Mine anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Frag Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for a Frag Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. Use the profile below to resolve the hits inflicted by a Frag Mine:
Weapon | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag Mine | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
</tab> <tab name="Spore Mine Cysts (Toxic Mine)"> A Harpy can drop Spore Mines as it flies over enemy units in the Movement phase. To do so, after the Harpy has moved, pick one enemy unit that it flew over and roll a D6 for each model in the unit, up to a maximum of 3 dice. Each time you roll a 4+ a Toxic Mine has hit the target and explodes. Roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted; on a 1 the Toxic Mine fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D6 automatic hits on the enemy unit, and on a 6 it inflicts 6 automatic hits on that unit. Each time a Toxic Mine misses its target, set up a single <Hive Fleet> Toxic Mine anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Toxic Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for a Toxic Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. Use the profile below to resolve the hits inflicted by a Toxic Mine:
Weapon | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Toxic Mine | 1 | 0 | D3 | This weapon always wounds on a 2+ unless the target is a Vehicle. |
</tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:10/WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:15/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
Any model may replace its two Stranglethorn Cannons with two Heavy Venom Cannons - +10 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy Venom Cannon (Salvo) | 36" | Assault D3 | 9 | -2 | 3 | Blast. |
Heavy Venom Cannon (Single Shot) | 36" | Assault 1 | 10 | -3 | 3 | - |
Any model may replace its Stinger Salvo with Cluster Spines - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Cluster Spines | 18" | Assault 2D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Any model may take the Lone Hunter Upgrade - +25 pts./model
Any model may replace its Spore Mine Cysts (Acid Mine) special rule for one of the following rules:
-Spore Mine Cysts (Char Mine) - free
-Spore Mine Cysts (Frag Mine) - free
-Spore Mine Cysts (Toxic Mine) - free
Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Psychic Deflection Bio-Crystals - +10 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Three-Dimensional Thought Patterns - +15 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Flyers, Monster, Harpy, Fly
Hive Crone Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Hive Crone (Power Rating: 8). It can contain 1 additional Hive Crone (Power Rating: +8) or 2 additional Hive Crones (Power Rating: +16).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Harpy | 30" | 4+ | 4+ | 6 | 6 | 7-12 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 155 |
Harpy | 20" | 4+ | 5+ | 6 | 6 | 4-6 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 155 |
Harpy | 10" | 5+ | 5+ | 6 | 6 | 1-3 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 155 |
-Drool Cannon
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Drool Cannon (Spit) | 18" | Assaul 2 | 7 | -1 | 1 | Hits made against Aircraft units are resolved with an AP of -4 and can re-roll failed wound rolls. |
Drool Cannon (Torrent) | 8" | Assaul D6 | 6 | -1 | 1 | Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits its target. |
-Scything Wings
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Scything Wings | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | D3 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when attacking with this weapon. |
-Stinger Salvo
- valign=top | Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Stinger Salvo | 24" | Assaul 4 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Tentaclids | 36" | Assaul 4 | 5 | 0 | 1 | You may re-roll failed hit rolls for this weapon against Aircraft units. In addition, if the target is a VEHICLE and you make a wound roll of 4+, it suffers 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage. If you make a wound roll of 6+, inflict D3 mortal wounds instead. |
-Wicked Spur
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Wicked Spur | Melee | Melee | 8 | -3 | D3 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. This is in addition to the bearer's attacks. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Instinctive Behaviour"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Monstrous Brood"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Swooping Assault"> This model can only be charged by units that can Fly, and can only be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Lone Hunter"> This model is not affected by the Instinctive Behaviour rule. </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:10/WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:15/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
Any model may replace its Stinger Salvo with Cluster Spines - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Cluster Spines | 18" | Assault 2D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Any model may take the Lone Hunter Upgrade - +25 pts./model
Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Psychic Deflection Bio-Crystals - +10 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Three-Dimensional Thought Patterns - +15 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
-Wide-Spectrum Retinas - +5 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Flyers, Monster, Hive Crone, Fly
Dedicated Transports[edit | edit source]
Malefactor Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Malefactor (Power Rating: 9). It can include 1 additional Malefactor (Power Rating: +9) or 2 additional Malefactors (Power Rating: +18).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Malefactor | 8" | 5+ | 5+ | 6 | 8 | 9-16 | 3 | 7 | 2+ |
Malefactor | 4" | 5+ | 5+ | 5 | 8 | 9-16 | D3 | 7 | 2+ |
Malefactor | 2" | 5+ | 5+ | 4 | 8 | 9-16 | 1 | 7 | 2+ |
-Adrenal Glands
-Enhanced Leg Muscles
-Massive Scything Talons
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Massive Scything Talons | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | D6 | You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of Massive Scything Talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights. |
-Two Sets of Cluster Spines
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Cluster Spines | 18" | Assault 2D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Blast. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a dice before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Instinctive Behaviour"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Monstrous Brood"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> </tabs>
Transport Capacity: A Malefactor can transport up to 20 <HIVE FLEET> INFANTRY models or a single <HIVE FLEET> MONSTER with a Wounds characteristic of 14 or less inside it (this cannot be a Tyrannocyte or a Sporocyst). A Malefactor may disembark units while it is being assaulted or after it moved but may not disembark on a turn that it has chosen to advance. If it is transporting a Synapse creature, then the synapse field continues to project from within the Malefactor, measuring the Synapse range from the Malefactor's base instead of the original model's.
Mutations: (M:15/WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:20/W:20/A:5/Ld:5/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
This model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Burrowing Limbs - +10 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Feeding Frenzy Trigger - +10 pts.
-Flesh Hooks - +5 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flesh Hooks | 6" | Assault 2 | User | 0 | 1 | This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy unit, and can target enemy units within 1" of friendly units. In addition, a model equipped with Flesh Hooks can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. |
-Hive Mind Direct Link - +15 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Parasite Implanter - +7 pts.
-Psychic Deflection Bio-Crystals - +10 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Dedicated Transports, Monster, Malefactor, Transport
Tyrannocyte Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Tyrannocyte (Power Rating: 5). It can include 1 additional Tyrannocyte (Power Rating: +5) or 2 additional Tyrannocytes (Power Rating: +10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Tyrannocyte | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 5 | 6 | 7-12 | 5 | 7 | 4+ | 100 |
Tyrannocyte | 4" | 5+ | 5+ | 4 | 6 | 4-6 | D3 | 7 | 4+ | 100 |
Tyrannocyte | 2" | 5+ | 5+ | 3 | 6 | 1-3 | 1 | 7 | 4+ | 100 |
-Five Deathspitters
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Deathspitter | 24" | Assault 3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Monstrous Lash Whips
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Lash Whips | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 2 | Enemy models in base contact with a model equipped with this weapon have to subtract 1 from their hit rolls. |
-Swallowing Maw
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Swallowing Maw | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | D3 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon and no more than 1 attack can be made with this weapon. On an unmodified hit roll of 6, instead of rolling to wound, select one enemy Infantry model within 1" that has three wounds or less; that model is removed as a casualty. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a dice before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Instinctive Behaviour"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Invasion Brood"> If this unit contains more than one Tyrannocyte, follow the normal rules for selecting a unit to be stored inside each Tyrannocyte. One unit may be split between the different Tyrannocytes, as long as there is enough space for each model. This entire unit must be deployed at the same time; from that point onward, every Tyrannocyte counts as a different unit for all intents and purposes. </tab> <tab name="Invasion Organism"> During deployment, you can set up a Tyrannocyte in its hive ship instead of placing it on the battlefield. If you do so, the hive ship can launch the Tyrannocyte at the end of any of your Movement phases – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models that are inside the Tyrannocyte must immediately disembark in the same manner as a unit disembarking from a transport, except that they must be set up more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models that cannot be set up in this way are destroyed. This model and any units embarked aboard it are exempt from the Tactical Reserves matched play rule. </tab> </tabs>
Transport Capacity: A Tyrannocyte can transport up to 20 <HIVE FLEET> INFANTRY models or a single <HIVE FLEET> MONSTER with a Wounds characteristic of 14 or less inside it (this cannot be a Tyrannocyte or a Sporocyst). Units can only disembark from this model and never embark into it.
Mutations: (M:5/WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:20/W:10/A:5/Ld:5/Sv:15/Psy:-/Syn:-)
Any model may replace all five Deathspitters with one of the following:
-Five Barbed Stranglers - +20 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Barbed Strangler | 36" | Assault D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Blast. You can add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when attacking a unit with 10 or more models. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 2 from its movement, advance and charge distances. |
-Five Venom Cannons - +45 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Venom Cannon (Salvo) | 36" | Assault D3 | 8 | -2 | D3 | Blast. |
Venom Cannon (Single Shot) | 36" | Assault 1 | 9 | -3 | D3 | - |
Any model may take up to three items from the Biomorphs list.
-Acid Blood - +5 pts.
-Adamantine Tusks - +5 pts.
-Adrenal Glands - +5 pts.
-Antidote Glands - +3 pts.
-Carbonized Claws - +10 pts.
-Dopamine Injector - +10 pts.
-Hive Mind Direct Link - +15 pts.
-Increased Muscle Density - +10 pts.
-Insula Glands - +10 pts.
-Nonepinephrine Infusion - +7 pts.
-Pressure Detection Sensors - +10 pts.
-Psychic Deflection Bio-Crystals - +10 pts.
-Reflexes Optimizations - +7 pts.
-Regeneration - +15 pts.
-Serrated Blades - +10 pts.
-Spring Coil Musculature - +10 pts.
-Three-Dimensional Thought Patterns - +15 pts.
-Toxic Miasma - +10 pts.
-Toxin Sacs - +5 pts.
-Warp Shield Projector - +15 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Dedicated Transports, Monster, Tyrannocyte
Lords of War[edit | edit source]
Carnathema Abomination[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Carnathema Abomination (Power Rating: 15). Only one of this unit can be included in your army.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Carnathema Abomination | 14" | 2+ | 3+ | 7 | 7 | 14 | 6 | 9 | 3+ | 350 |
-Piercing Venom Injectors
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Piercing Venom Injectors | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | D3+3 | When attacking with this weapon, on a wound roll of 6+ the damage is converted into mortal wounds. |
-Ravaging Claws
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Ravaging Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -4 | 3 | You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. In addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an AP of -6 and a Damage of 5. |
Special rules: <tabs> <tab name="Dissonance Field"> During the Fight phase, before any unit can attack, chose one unit within 6" of this model; that unit can't utilize its Invulnerable save until the end of the phase. </tab> <tab name="Frenzy Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a dice before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 4+, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Synaptic Void"> Tyranids units within 12" of this model lose their Synapse special rule and Synapse keyword. In addition, when a Psyker unit within 18" of this model is attempting to cast or block a psychic power, it must use one less dice to do so. </tab> <tab name="Unchained Fury"> This model does not take up a Battlefield Role slot and must be taken in a separate detachment from the rest of your army. This model may not benefit from any Hive Fleet Adaptations and/or Adaptive Physiologies. </tab> <tab name="Undying Nightmare"> This model has a 5+ Invulnerable save. In addition, this model cannot lose more than 4 wounds in the same phase. Any wounds that would be lost after that point are not lost. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lords of War, Carnathema Abomination, Monster
Cerebore[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Cerebore (Power Rating: 30).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Cerebore | 16" | 3+ | 4+ | 8 | 8 | 16-30 | 6 | 9 | 2+ | 600 |
Cerebore | 12" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 8 | 8-15 | 2D3 | 9 | 2+ | 600 |
Cerebore | 8" | 5+ | 5+ | 8 | 8 | 1-7 | D3 | 9 | 2+ | 600 |
- A pair of Monstrous Lash Whips
- A pair of Massive Scything Talons
- Feeder Tendrils
- Greater Flesh Hooks
- Bio-acid Spray
- Frag-spine Batteries
- Amphibious Adaptations
- Thresher Tendrils
Special rules:
- Instinctive behaviour
- Thresher Tendrils: Once per battle at the beginning of your turn, this model may exhaust its Thresher Tendrils to provide an extra boost of speed. If you activate this ability this model advances and charges 3D6" discarding the lowest value, and may charge after advancing. Any models embarked inside it may disembark after it has advanced and may still charge themselves with a +1 to their charge distances. Once your turn finished, however, this model suffers D6 mortal wounds from overexerting itself, it’s flesh torn ragged by its abusive actions.
Transport Capacity:
This model can transport up to 20 <Hive Fleet> GENESTEALERS, Ymgarl GENESTEALERS, TERMAGANTS or HORMAGAUNTS, or a unit of up to 6 HIVE GUARD, TYRANT GUARD or TYRANID WARRIORS.
- May take up to three biomorphs from the following list:
- -Bio-cannon - 45 pts.
- -Cellular Bolster - 35 pts.
- -Gargantuan Warp Shield - 40 pts.
- -Spore Cloud - 35 pts.
- -Spine-cloud Spray - 35 pts.
- -Synaptic Regeneration - 45 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lords of War, Cerebore, Monster, Titanic, Transport
Dactylis[edit | edit source]
The hive mind's standard approach towards siege operations usually include subterranean or aerial distraction strikes, followed by the massed frontal assault, lead by heavily armored Carnifexes, meant to soak enemy firepower and ram through the gates or even walls. Though against the most heavily fortified points of the Imperium and Orks these attacks have proven to be too costly, mainly due to the absurd amount of heavy ordnance they deploy. To counter this, the hive mind breed its own heavy ordnance, in a form of Dactylis.
Based on the simple and easy to produce Biovore genus, mixed with the brutal resistance of the Carnifex, the Dactylis is slow and sluggish and it prefers to keep itself as far from its foes as possible. Armed with a massive spore launcher biomorph on its back, Dactylis uses its oversized chem glands to fill both the spores and the weapon's barrel with compressed bio-plasma and then detonates it to launch the living projectiles with a force rivaled only by the most powerful artilleries of other races.This unit contains 1 Dactylis (Power Rating: 40).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Dactylis | 6" | 5+ | 3+ | 8 | 9 | 18-35 | 3 | 10 | 2+ | 800 |
Dactylis | 6" | 5+ | 4+ | 8 | 9 | 8-17 | D3 | 10 | 2+ | 800 |
Dactylis | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 8 | 9 | 1-7 | 1 | 10 | 2+ | 800 |
- Dactylis Birthing Cannon with Frag Mines
- Gigantic Shovel Limbs
Special Rules:
- Birthing Overload: At the beginning of your shooting phase if this model did not move in the preceding movement phase, then you may have this model suffer D3+1 mortal wounds. If so, you may fire this model's Dactylis Birthing Cannon twice (and at different targets if you wish) until your next shooting phase but for each hit roll of 1, this model suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Launched Mines (Acid Mine): Each time a Dactylis Birthing Cannon equipped with Acid Mines hits the target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the target; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D3 mortal wounds, and on a 6 it inflicts D6 mortal wounds. Each time a Dactylis Birthing Cannon misses its target, set up D3 <HIVE FLEET> Acid Mine models anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Acid Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for an Acid Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up.
- Launched Mines (Char Mine): Each time a Dactylis Birthing Cannon equipped with Char Mines hits the target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the target; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D3 mortal wounds, and on a 6 it inflicts D6 mortal wounds. Each time a Dactylis Birthing Cannon misses its target, set up D3 <HIVE FLEET> Char Mine models anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Char Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for a Char Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. Add 1 to the hit rolls when targeting units that can Fly. Enemy Flyers suffer double the number of mortal wounds from this weapon.
- Launched Mines (Frag Mine): Each time a Dactylis Birthing Cannon equipped with Frag Mines hits the target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the target; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts 6 automatic hits with the profile below, D3+6 on a 6. Each time a Dactylis Birthing Cannon misses its target, set up D3 <HIVE FLEET> Frag Mine models anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Frag Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for a Frag Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. Use the profile below to resolve the hits inflicted by a Frag Mine:
Weapon S AP D Abilities Frag Mine 4 -1 1 -
- Launched Mines (Toxic Mine): Each time a Dactylis Birthing Cannon equipped with Toxic Mines hits the target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the target; on a 1 it fails to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts 6 automatic hits with the profile below, D3+6 on a 6. Each time a Dactylis Birthing Cannon misses its target, set up D3 <HIVE FLEET> Toxic Mine models anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (if the Toxic Mine cannot be placed it is destroyed). This then follows the rules for a Toxic Mine that is part of your army, but it cannot move or charge during the turn it was set up. Use the profile below to resolve the hits inflicted by a Toxic Mine:
Weapon S AP D Abilities Toxic Mine 1 0 D3 This weapon always wounds on a 2+ unless the target is a Vehicle.
- Ruptured Birthing Sack: When this model is slain roll a D6. On a 1 nothing happens, remove this model as usual. On a 2+ place 3D6 Spore Mines (the one it had equipped) in base contact with this unit (or with an enemy unit in base contact with this model), then remove it from the battlefield. On a 6, however, the fatal blow has caused the remaining spore mines in the Dactylis’ birthing chamber to explode, causing a massive shower of lethal components. All units with 2D6” of this model suffer 6 automatic hits from the type of Spore Mines it was equipped with.
- Titanic Monster: A model with this rule can Fall Back in the movement phase and still shoot and/or charge during its turn. This model may still shoot if there are enemy models within 1” of it as long as they possess the INFANTRY keyword. In this case, it can shoot at enemies within 1” of itself or any other visible enemy unit that is not within 1” of a friendly unit. Finally, this model only gains a bonus to its armour save if at least half of it is obscured from the firing unit.
- Unsubtle Attack’s: When this model attacks in the Fight phase, you may add 1 to the hit rolls if the targeted unit has 10 or more models in it or it has the Titanic keyword. However, it subtracts 1 from its hit rolls against units with less than 5 models.
- May exchange its Frag Mines for one of the following spores:
- -Acid Mines - free
- -Char Mines - free
- -Toxic Mines - free
- May take any of the followings:
- -Cellular Bolster - 50 pts.
- -Gargantuan Warp Shield - 50 pts.
- -Psy-Catalyst - 60 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lords of War, Dactylis, Monster, Titanic
Dominatrix[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Dominatrix (Power Rating: 225).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Dominatrix | 18" | 3+ | 3+ | 10 | 10 | 53-70 | 6 | 10 | 2+ | 4500 |
Dominatrix | 14" | 4+ | 3+ | 10 | 10 | 36-52 | D6 | 10 | 2+ | 4500 |
Dominatrix | 10" | 4+ | 4+ | 10 | 10 | 18-35 | D3 | 10 | 2+ | 4500 |
Dominatrix | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 10 | 10 | 1-17 | 1 | 10 | 2+ | 4500 |
- A pair of Gargantuan Scything Talons
- Two Dire Bio-cannons
- Back-mounted Digestion Cannon
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Back-mounted Digestion Cannon | Heavy 6 | 96” | 12 | -3 | 4+D3 | - |
Special Rules:
- Bio-titan Warp Field
- Frenzied Metabolism: When firing this its Dire Bio-cannons, this model may choose to suffer D6 mortal wounds. If it does so, double the strength of its Dire Bio-cannons.
- Massive Psychic Backlashing: When this model is slain all Tyranids units (including those in reserve) suffer D3 mortal wounds and all Psykers on the battlefield suffer D6 mortal wounds. If the Dominatrix had also the Norn Queen upgrade then all Tyranids suffer D6 mortal wounds, all Tyranids model in reserve are instantly slain and all Psykers on the battlefield would suffer 2D6 mortal wounds.
- Monster in the Warp: Enemy Psykers must subtract 1 from any Psychic tests they make if they are within 36" of any units with this ability. Tyranid Psykers are not affected.
- Monstrous Progenitor: At the start of your Movement phase, a Dominatrix can spawn a single <Hive Fleet> unit of maximum 20 models of GENESTEALERS, Ymgarl GENESTEALERS, TERMAGANTS, HORMAGAUNTS, HIVE GUARD, TYRANT GUARD or TYRANID WARRIORS If it does so add the new unit on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the Dominatrix and more than 1" from the enemy. These models have their normal Biomorphs. Alternatively, you can replace up to 20 models lost earlier in the battle in an existing unit of GENESTEALERS, Ymgarl GENESTEALERS, TERMAGANTS, HORMAGAUNTS, HIVE GUARD, TYRANT GUARD or TYRANID WARRIORS from your army that is within 6" of the Dominatrix. These models count as having the same upgrades as the unit they take part in. Models placed in this way must be within 6" of the Dominatrix and more than 1" from the enemy.
- Synaptic Beacon: <Hive Fleet> units automatically pass Morale tests if they are within 36" of this model. In addition, Instinctive Behaviour effects only activate if the unit is more than 72” away from this model.
- Titanic monster: A model with this rule can Fall Back in the movement phase and still shoot and/or charge during its turn. When this model Falls Back, it can even move over enemy models as long as they possess the INFANTRY keyword and as long as it ends it's moving more than 1” from enemy models. This model may still shoot if there are enemy models within 1” of it as long as they possess the INFANTRY keyword. In this case, it can shoot at enemies within 1” of itself or any other visible enemy unit that is not within 1” of a friendly unit. Finally, this model only gains a bonus to its armour save if at least half of it is obscured from the firing unit.
- A Dominatrix can attempt to manifest three psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny three psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and three psychic powers from any of the Hivemind's disciplines.
- A Dominatrix that has the Norn Queen upgrade can attempt to manifest five psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny four psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and five psychic powers from any of the Hivemind's disciplines.
- Norn Queen: A model with a Norn Queen has a 4+ invulnerable save and adds +1 to its casting rolls.
- May replace its Back-mounted Digestion Cannon for the Norn Queen upgrade - 400 pts.
- May take up to four Biomorphs from the following list:
- - Incendiary Ichor - 40 pts.
- - Greater Flesh Hooks* - 30 pts.
- - Frag Spine Batteries* - 30 pts.
- - Cellular Bolster - 80 pts.
- - Spine-cloud Spray* - 40 pts.
- - Spore Cloud - 50 pts.
- *may be taken multiple times.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lords of War, Dominatrix, Monster, Titanic, Synapse, Psyker
Harridan[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Harridan (Power Rating: 35).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Harridan | 20"-45" | 3+ | 3+ | 8 | 8 | 18-34 | 5 | 10 | 3+ | 700 |
Harridan | 20"-35" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 8 | 10-17 | 5 | 10 | 3+ | 700 |
Harridan | 20"-25" | 5+ | 5+ | 8 | 8 | 1-9 | 5 | 10 | 3+ | 700 |
- Two Bio-cannons
- A pair of Massive Sything Talons
- Transport Hooks
Special rules:
- Death Throes (Harridan)
- Flying Titanic Monster
- Frenzied Metabolism
- Sky Attack
- May take any biomorph from the following list:
- -Cellular Bolster - 15 pts.
- -Greater Flesh Hooks - 30 pts.
- -Frag Spine Batteries - 30 pts.
- -Gargantuan warp shield - 40 pts.
- -Regeneration - 45 pts.
- -Psy-Catalyst - 50 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lords of War, Viragon, Monster, Titanic, Fly
Hierophant[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Hierophant (Power Rating: 43).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Hierophant | 10" | 3+ | 3+ | 8 | 8 | 18-34 | 6 | 10 | 2+ | 850 |
Hierophant | 8" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 8 | 10-17 | 6 | 10 | 2+ | 850 |
Hierophant | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 8 | 8 | 1-9 | 6 | 10 | 2+ | 850 |
- A pair of Gargantuan Scything Talons
- Bio-plasma Torrent
- Gargantuan Warp Shield
- Lashwhip Pods
- Synaptic Regeneration
- Two Dire Bio-cannons
Special rules:
- Death Throes (Hierophant)
- Frenzied Metabolism
- Swarm Incubation Chamber
- Titanic Monster
- Swarm Incubation Chamber
- May take up to four biomorphs from the following list:
- - Cellular Bolster - 40 pts.
- - Frag Spine Batteries - 30 pts.
- - Greater Flesh Hooks - 30 pts.
- - Psy-Catalyst - 80 pts.
- - Spine-cloud Spray - 40 pts.
- -Spore Cloud - 50 pts.
- May take one of the following:
- -Incendiary Ichor - free
- -Swarm Incubation Chamber Upgrade - free
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lords of War, Hierophant, Monster, Titanic
Hydraphant[edit | edit source]
This Unit contains 1 Hydraphant (Power Rating: 300).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Hydraphant | 18" | 2+ | 3+ | 10 | 9 | 91-120 | 6 | 10 | 2+ | 6000 |
Hydraphant | 14" | 3+ | 3+ | 10 | 9 | 61-90 | D6 | 10 | 2+ | 6000 |
Hydraphant | 10" | 4+ | 4+ | 10 | 9 | 31-60 | D3 | 10 | 2+ | 6000 |
Hydraphant | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 10 | 9 | 1-30 | 1 | 10 | 2+ | 6000 |
- Two Hydraphant Dire Bio-cannons
- Massive Feeder Tendrils
- A pair of Spore Cloud Scything Talons
- Pyro-acid Spit
- Venom Mortar Launcher
- Greater Flesh Hooks
- Feeder Tendrils
- Synaptic Regeneration
Special Rules:
- Bio-Titan Psychic Field: This model has an invulnerable save equal to the one in the table on top. Subtract 1 from the invulnerable save rolls against attacks made in the Fight phase.
- Clouds of Death and Despair: Enemy units targeting friendly <Hive Fleet> units within 24” of this model subtract 1 from their hit rolls. In addition, enemy units, that don't possess the Vehicle or Titanic keywords, within 24” of this model subtract 3” from their movement characteristic and suffer 1 wound mortal at the end of their movement phase on a 4+ on a D6.
- Horror in the warp: Enemy Psykers must subtract 1 from any Psychic tests they make if they are within 36" of this model. Tyranid Psykers are not affected. In addition, this model does not suffer perils in the warp for rolling greater than 12 when manifesting or denying psychic powers.
- Impossible entity: This model ignores all damage on a 6+ except damage dealt by Macro weapons. In addition, all enemy units within 36” subtract 2 from their leadership characteristic.
- Synapse Titan: Friendly <Hive Fleet> units within 36” automatically pass morale tests and are not affected by Instinctive Behaviour.
- Titanic monster: A model with this rule can Fall Back in the movement phase and still shoot and/or charge during its turn. When this model Falls Back, it can even move over enemy models as long as they don't possess the Titanic keyword and as long as it ends it's moving more than 1” from enemy models. This model may still shoot if there are enemy models within 1” of it as long as they possess the Infantry keyword. In this case, it can shoot at enemies within 1” of itself or any other visible enemy unit that is not within 1” of a friendly unit. Finally, this model only gains a cover bonus to its armour save if at least half of it is obscured from the firing unit.
- A Hydraphant can attempt to manifest three psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny three psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and three psychic powers from any of the Hivemind's disciplines.
- Attention of the Norn Queens: This model adds an additional +1 to its psychic tests and +1 to its invulnerability saves.
- Gigantic Swarm Incubation Chamber: This model gains the Transport keyword and may transport up to 40 <Hive Fleet> Genestealers, Termagaunt or Hormagaunt, or two units of up to 6 Hive Guard, Tyrant Guard or Warriors. It may also transport a single Hive Tyrant or two Broodlords. At the start of your Movement phase, a Dominatrix can spawn a single <Hive Fleet> unit of maximum 20 models of any Tyranid unit that possess the Infantry keyword. If it does so add the new unit on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the Dominatrix and more than 1" from the enemy. These models have their normal Biomorphs. Alternatively, you can replace up to 20 models lost earlier in the battle in an existing Infantry unit from your army that is within 6" of the Dominatrix. These models count as having the same upgrades as the unit they take part in. Models placed in this way must be within 6" of the Dominatrix and more than 1" from the enemy.
- Incendiary Ichor and Acidic Flesh: When an enemy unit within 18” of this model inflicts one or more wounds on this model on a 5+ that model suffers a mortal wound. If this damage was dealt by a melee attack then attacking unit suffers 2D3 mortal wounds on a 2+ instead.
- An Hydraphant may choose one of the following three upgrades:
- -Incendiary Ichor and Burning Flesh - free
- -Gigantic Swarm Incubation Chamber - 500 pts./25 PP
- -Attention of the Norn Queens - 300 pts./15 PP
May take up to six Biomorphs from the following list:
- -Frag Spine Batteries* - free
- -Cellular Bolster - free
- -Psy-Catalyst - free
- -Spine-cloud Spray* - free
- *may be taken multiple times.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lords of War, Hydraphant, Monster, Titanic, Synapse, Psyker
Nautiloid[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Nautiloid (Power Rating: 30).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Nautiloid | 9" | 3+ | 4+ | 6 | 8 | 16-30 | 6 | 10 | 2+ | 600 |
Nautiloid | 9" | 4+ | 4+ | 5 | 8 | 8-15 | 5 | 10 | 2+ | 600 |
Nautiloid | 9" | 5+ | 4+ | 4 | 8 | 1-7 | 4 | 10 | 2+ | 600 |
- Amphibious Adaptations
- A pair of Massive Scything Talons
- Feeder Tendrils
- Greater Flesh hooks
- Impaling Tendril
- Lashwhip Pods
- Synaptic Regeneration
Special Rules:
- Armoured Shell: This model treats weapons of ap -1 or -2 as being ap 0.
- Anaphylactic Shock: Ever time a unit suffers an unsaved wound from this model roll a D6. On a 4+ the unit suffers a -1 to all its hit rolls and -1 to its movement characteristic until the next turn. Vehicles are effected on a 5+ and TITANIC units are unaffected by this ability unless they suffer 7 or more damage from this model in a single phase, in which case they are affected on a 5+.
- Fuel for Rampage: For each model removed as a casualty due to a Nautiloid attack (both ranged and melee), this model gains one Food Token at the end of the phase, to a maximum of six. At the start of the Movement phase, a Nautiloid may spend up to three Food tokens to gain +2" bonus to its maximum movement distance for each token spent. At the start of the Fight phase, a Nautiloid may spend any number of Food tokens to gain +1 bonus Attack for each token spent. At the start of the movement phase, a Nautiloid may spend any number of Food tokens to recover one wound per food token spent.
- Unstoppable and stable: This model may not advance, but it does not suffer hit penalties for moving and firing heavy weapons and may not suffer any negative modifiers to its movement characteristic.
- May take up to three Biomorphs from the following list:
- -Transport Chamber - 25 pts.
- -Cellular Bolster - 25 pts.
- -Gargantuan Warp Shield - 40 pts.
- -Spore Cloud - 40 pts.
- -Spine-cloud Spray - 25 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lord of Wars, Nautiloid, Monster, Titanic
Viciator[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Viciator (Power Rating: 30).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Viciator | 18" | 3+ | 3+ | 8 | 8 | 15-28 | 8 | 10 | 3+ | 600 |
Viciator | 12" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 8 | 8-14 | 8 | 10 | 3+ | 600 |
Viciator | 6" | 5+ | 5+ | 8 | 8 | 1-7 | 8 | 10 | 3+ | 600 |
- Monstrous Acid Maw
- A pair of Gargantuan Scything Talons
- Brainleech Hive
- Thresher Tendrils and Spikes
- Greater Flesh Hooks
- Spore cloud
Special Rules:
- Death incarnate: All units (other than this model) within 18" suffer a -1 to their leadership characteristic.
- Unholy speed: This model rolls 3D6 dices when advancing and charging and discards the lowest result value. This model may charge after advancing.
- Bonded exoskeleton: This model treats all weapons with an ap value of -2 or less as being ap 0.
- Titanic monster: A model with this rule can Fall Back in the movement phase and still shoot and/or charge during its turn. When this model Falls Back, it can even move over enemy models as long as they possess the Infantry keyword and as long as it ends it's moving more than 1” from enemy models. This model may still shoot if there are enemy models within 1” of it as long as they possess the Infantry keyword. In this case, it can shoot at enemies within 1” of itself or any other visible enemy unit that is not within 1” of a friendly unit. Finally, this model only gains a bonus to its armour save if at least half of it is obscured from the firing unit.
- May replace its Brainleech Hive with a Deathscreamer Hive - 25 pts
- May take up to three biomorphs from the following list:
- - Transport chamber - 25 pts.
- - Cellular bolster - 35 pts.
- - Frag Spine Batteries - 30 pts.
- - Gargantuan Warp Shield - 40 pts.
- - Spine-Cloud Spray - 40 pts.
- - Synaptic Regeneration - 45 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lord of Wars, Viciator, Monster, Titanic
Viragon[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Viragon (Power Rating: 100).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Viragon | 18" | 3+ | 3+ | 9 | 8 | 38-50 | 6 | 10 | 3+ | 2000 |
Viragon | 15" | 3+ | 4+ | 8 | 8 | 26-37 | 6 | 10 | 3+ | 2000 |
Viragon | 12" | 4+ | 4+ | 8 | 8 | 13-25 | 6 | 10 | 3+ | 2000 |
Viragon | 9" | 5+ | 5+ | 7 | 8 | 1-12 | 6 | 10 | 3+ | 2000 |
- Acid Spit
- Melting Maw
- A pair of Viragon Scything Talons
Special Rules:
- Burrowing: At the beginning of any of your Movement phases, any Viragon can burrow. Remove it from the battlefield - it can return as described in the Underground Reaper ability. A Viragon may not burrow and return to the battlefield in the same turn. If the battle ends while the Viragon is underground, it is considered to be slain.
- Caustic Vomit: When this model slays a model that doesn't have the Titanic keyword with its Melting Maw (the Swallow Whole rule counts), instead of healing D3 lost wounds, it can make a shooting attack against an enemy unit between 18" (even between 1" of this model but not of other friendly units) with the following profile:
Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
18" | Assault X | * | -5 | D3 | X is the number of wounds the slain model had (if the model had the Vehicle or Monster keyword then it's half the wounds that he had). In addition, this weapon wounds on a roll equal to the slain model's armour save (If its armour save was 2+ then this weapon wounds on a 2+ and so on). This weapon automatically hits its target. |
- Dense Muscular Tissue: This model has a 6+ saves against any damage, mortal wounds included. If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 4+, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds, D6+3 on a 6.
- Subterranel Tunnels: During deployment, you can set up a Viragon underground instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the same time, you can set up a maximum of two <HIVE FLEET> unit in the Viragon's tunnel. At the end of any of your Movement phases, set up the Viragon anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. If there are other units in the Viragon's tunnel, set them up at the same time wholly within 6" of the Viragon and more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models that you cannot place in this way are destroyed.
- Swallow Whole: If an enemy model suffers any damage from this model Acid Maw it has to take a Strenght test (unless it has the Titanic keyword). If the result is equal or higher than this model's strength characteristic then nothing happens, if the result is lower then that model is slain, remove it from the game without making saves of any kind. This model then regains D3 lost wounds.
- Underground Reaper: Instead of following the Subterranean Tunnels rule you can set up a Viragon alone underground instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, set up the Viragon anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 1" away from any enemy models and more than 6" away from any other Viragons set up this way this turn, then roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 2" of it; on a 1 the unit escapes unharmed, on a 2-3 it suffers D3 mortal wound, on a 4-5 it suffers D6 mortal wounds, and on a 6 it suffers D6+3 mortal wounds. The Viragon cannot charge in the same turn.
- A Viragon that has purchased the Synaptic Spinal Node Upgrade can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny two psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and two psychic powers from any of the Hivemind's disciplines.
- Hardened Carapace: Subtract 2" from this model's movement and charge distance. Also, consider the AP of the weapons that wound this model has two points worse (-4 become -2, -2 becomes 0 and so on).
- Iper-Acid Sacs: You can re-roll all wound rolls for this model and on a wound roll of 6 the enemy unit suffers 3D3 mortal wounds. Also, consider the AP of every weapon of this model (included the Caustic Vomit) as one point better. In addition, each time this model loses a wound, roll a D6; on a 4+ every unit between 6" suffers 2D3 mortal wounds, 2D6 on a 6.
- Synaptic Spinal Node: This model receives the Synapse and Psyker keywords, the Shadow in the Warp special rule and a 5+ invulnerable save.
- May take one of the following upgrades:
- -Hardened Carapace Upgrade - 50 pts.
- -Iper-Acid Sacs Upgrade - 150 pts.
- -Synaptic Spinal Node Upgrade - 100 pts.
- May take up to two of the followings:
- -Cellular Bolster - 25 pts.
- -Gargantuan Warp Shield - 40 pts.
- -Psy-Catalyst - 40 pts.
- -Spine-cloud Spray - 25 pts.
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Lords of War, Viragon, Monster, Titanic
Fortification[edit | edit source]
Capillary Towers[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Capillary Tower (Power Rating: 8). It can include 1 additional Capillary Tower (Power Rating: +8), or 2 additional Capillary Towers (Power Rating: +16).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Capillary Tower | - | - | - | - | 9 | 16 | - | - | 2+ | 160 |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Biomass Transponder"> If you have at least one functioning Capillary Tower on the board, each time one of your units with the Instinctive Behavior special rule destroys an enemy unit in close combat, give a Biomass Token to that unit. Units with a Biomass Token count friendly <Hive Fleet> Capillary Towers as Objective Markers which grants 3 Victory Points at the end of each of the controlling player's turns. Each time it grants Victory Points, remove one Biomass token from one of the units scoring the Capillary Tower. </tab> <tab name="Capillary Tower"> A Capillary Tower is no larger than 4"x4" and as high as you want (count as unlimited height). These pieces must be deployed at the same time once both players have finished setting their armies on the table, but they don't need to be set near each other. When a Capillary Tower loses its last wound it loses its Biomass Transponder special rule and becomes a regular piece of terrain, and the Tyranid Player who controls it loses D3 Victory Points. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fortifications, Monster, Capillary Tower, Building
Spawning Pools[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Spawning Pool (Power Rating: 4). It can include 1 additional Spawning Pool (Power Rating: +4), or 2 additional Spawning Pools (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Spawning Pool | - | - | - | - | 5 | 6 | - | - | 4+ | 70 |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Ripper Spawner"> At the start of each of your Movement phases roll a D3, and add an equal number of Ripper Swarm bases anywhere within 3" of the Spawning Pool - these bases could be included into an already existing friendly <Hive Fleet> Ripper Swarm Brood if they can be placed in unit coherency with it, or form a new Ripper Swarm Brood. If any of these models cannot be placed, because there is no place available, remove them as causalities. </tab> <tab name="Spawning Pool"> A Spawning Pool is an aquatic piece of terrain no larger than 6"x6". When a Spawning Pool loses its last wound it loses its Ripper Spawner special rule and becomes a regular terrain piece. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fortifications, Monster, Spawning Pool, Building
Spore Chimneys[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Spore Chimney (Power Rating: 4). It can include 1 additional Spore Chimney (Power Rating: +4), or 2 additional Spore Chimneys (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Spore Chimney | - | - | - | - | 8 | 10 | - | - | 4+ | 80 |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Spore Chimney"> A Spore Chimney is no larger than 3"x3"x10". These pieces must be deployed at the same time once both players have finished setting their armies on the table, but they don't need to be set near each other. When a Spore Chimney loses its last wound it loses its Spore Cloud special rule and becomes a regular piece of terrain. </tab> <tab name="Spore Cloud"> Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for ranged weapons that target <Hive Fleet> units within 6" of any friendly <Hive Fleet> Spore Chimneys. At the beginning of each Command phase, roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 6" of any Spore Chimneys. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> </tabs>
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fortifications, Monster, Spore Chimney, Building
Sporocyst Brood[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Sporocyst (Power Rating: 6). It can include 1 additional Sporocyst (Power Rating: +5), or 2 additional Sporocysts (Power Rating: +10). These pieces must be deployed at the same time once both players have finished to set their armies on the table, but they don't need to be set near each other.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts/model |
Sporocyst | - | 5+ | 5+ | 5 | 6 | 7-12 | 5 | 7 | 4+ | 115 |
Sporocyst | - | 5+ | 5+ | 4 | 6 | 4-6 | D3 | 7 | 4+ | 115 |
Sporocyst | - | 5+ | 5+ | 3 | 6 | 1-3 | 1 | 7 | 4+ | 115 |
-Five Deathspitters
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Deathspitter | 24" | Assault 3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Monstrous Lash Whips
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Monstrous Lash Whips | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 2 | Enemy models in base contact with a model equipped with this weapon have to subtract 1 from their hit rolls. |
-Spore Node
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Spore Node | 18" | Heavy 1 | - | - | - | See Spore Node special rule. |
Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Bombardment Organism"> When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models. </tab> <tab name="Death Throes"> If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a dice before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. </tab> <tab name="Instinctive Behaviour"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Psychic Resonator"> Whilst a Sporocyst is within 12" of a friendly <Hive Fleet> Synapse unit, it has the Synapse keyword and the Synapse ability. </tab> <tab name="Spawn Spore Mines (Acid Mine)"> At the end of your Movement phase, a Sporocyst can spawn spore mines. If it does so, add a new unit of 3 <Hive Fleet> Acid Spore Mines or 1 <Hive Fleet> Mucolid Spore to your army and set it up on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the Sporocyst and more than 1" from the enemy (any models that cannot be placed are destroyed). </tab> <tab name="Spore Node (Acid Mine)"> Each time a spore node attack hits its target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the unit; on a 1 the mines fail to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 they inflict D3 mortal wounds, and on a 6 they inflict D6 mortal wounds.
Each time a spore node attack misses its target, add a new unit of 3 <Hive Fleet> Acid Spore Mines or 1 <Hive Fleet> Mucolid Spore to your army and set it up on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (any models that cannot be placed are destroyed). These then follow the rules for Mucolid Spores or Acid Spore Mines that are part of your army, but they cannot move or charge during the turn they were set up. This weapon cannot be used to fire Overwatch. </tab> </tabs>
Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Spawn Spore Mines (Char Mine)"> At the end of your Movement phase, a Sporocyst can spawn spore mines. If it does so, add a new unit of 3 <Hive Fleet> Char Spore Mines to your army and set it up on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the Sporocyst and more than 1" from the enemy (any models that cannot be placed are destroyed). </tab> <tab name="Spore Node (Char Mine)"> Each time a spore node attack hits its target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the unit; on a 1 the mines fail to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 they inflict D3 mortal wounds, and on a 6 they inflict D6 mortal wounds. If the target is an Aircraft, double the number of mortal wounds this spore inflicts.
Each time a spore node attack misses its target, add a new unit of 3 <Hive Fleet> Char Spore Mines to your army and set it up on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (any models that cannot be placed are destroyed). These then follow the rules for Char Spore Mines that are part of your army, but they cannot move or charge during the turn they were set up. This weapon cannot be used to fire Overwatch. </tab> <tab name="Spawn Spore Mines (Frag Mine)"> At the end of your Movement phase, a Sporocyst can spawn spore mines. If it does so, add a new unit of 3 <Hive Fleet> Frag Spore Mines to your army and set it up on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the Sporocyst and more than 1" from the enemy (any models that cannot be placed are destroyed). </tab> <tab name="Spore Node (Frag Mine)"> Each time a spore node attack hits its target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the unit; on a 1 the mines fail to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D6 automatic hits on the enemy unit, and on a 6 it inflicts 6 automatic hits on that unit. Use the profile below to resolve the hits inflicted by a Frag Mine:
Weapon | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag Mine | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Each time a spore node attack misses its target, add a new unit of 3 <Hive Fleet> Frag Spore Mines to your army and set it up on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (any models that cannot be placed are destroyed). These then follow the rules for Frag Spore Mines that are part of your army, but they cannot move or charge during the turn they were set up. This weapon cannot be used to fire Overwatch. </tab> <tab name="Spawn Spore Mines (Toxic Mine)"> At the end of your Movement phase, a Sporocyst can spawn spore mines. If it does so, add a new unit of 3 <Hive Fleet> Toxic Spore Mines to your army and set it up on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the Sporocyst and more than 1" from the enemy (any models that cannot be placed are destroyed). </tab> <tab name="Spore Node (Toxic Mine)"> Each time a spore node attack hits its target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the unit; on a 1 the mines fail to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 it inflicts D6 automatic hits on the enemy unit, and on a 6 it inflicts 6 automatic hits on that unit. Use the profile below to resolve the hits inflicted by a Toxic Mine:
Weapon | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Toxic Mine | 1 | 0 | D3 | This weapon always wounds on a 2+ unless the target is a Vehicle. |
Each time a spore node attack misses its target, add a new unit of 3 <Hive Fleet> Toxic Spore Mines to your army and set it up on the battlefield so that it is wholly within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (any models that cannot be placed are destroyed). These then follow the rules for Toxic Spore Mines that are part of your army, but they cannot move or charge during the turn they were set up. This weapon cannot be used to fire Overwatch. </tab> </tabs>
Mutations: (M:5/WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:20/W:10/A:5/Ld:5/Sv:15/Psy:-/Syn:-)
Any model may replace all five Deathspitters with one of the following:
-Five Barbed Stranglers - +20 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Barbed Strangler | 36" | Assault D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | Blast. You can add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when attacking a unit with 10 or more models. A unit that suffers one or more wounds from this weapon must subtract 2 from its movement, advance and charge distances. |
-Five Venom Cannons - +45 pts.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Venom Cannon (Salvo) | 36" | Assault D3 | 8 | -2 | D3 | Blast. |
Venom Cannon (Single Shot) | 36" | Assault 1 | 9 | -3 | D3 | - |
Any model may replace its Spawn Spore Mines (Acid Mine) and Spore Node (Acid Mine) special rules for one of the following sets of rules:
-Spawn Spore Mines (Char Mine) and Spore Node (Char Mine) - free
-Spawn Spore Mines (Frag Mine) and Spore Node (Frag Mine) - free
-Spawn Spore Mines (Toxic Mine) and Spore Node (Toxic Mine) - free
- Faction: <Hive Fleet>, Tyranids
- Fortifications, Monster, Sporocyst
Crusade Rules[edit | edit source]
Agendas[edit | edit source]
- Agenda Name: Lore Description.
- Effect
Requisitions[edit | edit source]
- Requisition Name (X RP): Lore Description
- Effect
Battle Traits[edit | edit source]
X Units[edit | edit source]
- 1) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
- 2) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
- 3) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
Weapon Enhancements[edit | edit source]
"Weapon Category"[edit | edit source]
- -1) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
- -2) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
- -3) Name: Lore Description
- Effect
Battle Scars[edit | edit source]
X Units Only[edit | edit source]
-Name: Lore Description.
- Effect
Crusade Relics[edit | edit source]
Artificer Relics[edit | edit source]
- Relic Name: Lore Description.
- Effect
Antiquity Relics[edit | edit source]
- Relic Name: Lore Description.
- Effect
Legendary Relics[edit | edit source]
- Relic Name: Lore Description.
- Effect