Codex - Zathian Avengers
WORK IN PROGRESS!!! (I have a full Codex worth of rules on my computer but little time to post it with. I would like feedback on what is posted if you don't mind. Thanks!)
This Codex sprang from a thought experiment. It went like this; "I like Star Wars. I like 40k. They should get together and have a messed up flipper baby!" This is that flipper baby.
Fluff[edit | edit source]
The Zathians were a race on the fringe of the Star Wars galaxy. They liked science, sword fighting, and stuff. They had to be the best at everything so they studied everyone else's stuff to see if they could make it better. When the Tyranids hit the other side of the galaxy the Zathians were in the best position to do something about it. BUT...they failed (obviously). Part of the Zathian Fleet managed to avoid be caught for a while and so they lived. The 'Nids got bored playing hide and go seek and left. The Zathians said "We should probably do something about them..." and decided to chase down the Hive Fleet. On the way to the Milky Way the Zathians decided to do a bunch of genetic modification and other assorted sciency stuff. The end result being most of the ground forces being Ogryn sized with Marine/Eldar reflexes and Ded 'Ard exoskeletons. Oh, and the have Guardians. (Think Jedi in power armor with guns.) Also droids.
For Serious this time[edit | edit source]
In centuries past, in a galaxy far removed from our own Milky Way, the Zathians were a peaceful, if somewhat paranoid, people who lived happily beyond the reach of the other inhabitants of their galaxy. They were a proud people with a strong martial tradition and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. That all changed with the invasion of the Tyranids. The Tyranids swept through their galaxy like a plague, devouring all in their path. A monastic order of philosopher-diplomats that called themselves “Jedi” attempted to stall the onslaught. In the end these Jedi proved too few and too ill prepared to turn back the tide. In time the Zathians realized that if their fellow inhabitants were to have any hope of survival they must intercede. But even the might and technology of the Zathians proved to be insufficient to turn back the tide. In the end it was decided the only recourse available was to lay a trap, using the only bait left; the entire remaining population of the galaxy. The majority of the remaining military forces lured the oncoming tide to the Zathian home world and when the enemy was fully deployed they set off their trap; a massive series of thermal bombs, effectively turning the entire surface of the planet to glass. But all was not lost; by that time all of the remaining civilians and most of the military forces had managed to retreat to bunkers deep underground. While the Tyranid fleet reeled from the loss of so much bio-mass, the survivors regrouped in the dark space just beyond the borders of the galaxy. It was there that a fateful decision was reached. The Tyranids must be stopped. A call went out for volunteers. 15,000 souls answered. These brave and selfless beings would hunt down and put an end to this threat before more worlds fell to its unending hunger. They knew that even if they succeeded that there was no hope of ever returning to the rest of their people. The remaining population decided to head to the nearest galaxy in the opposite direction, their fate can only be speculated at. The war fleet went back to the last known coordinates of the Tyranid fleet only to find that it had already moved on towards the next galaxy. The Fleet pursued their quarry thru the dark space between galaxies for many years. After reviewing tactical data for their battles with the Tyranids it was determined that the Zathian form and technology were ill suited to combat this menace. With a sense of urgency that can only come from true desperation, the engineers and scientist set to work upgrading both the wargear and the Zathians themselves. Through the use of extensive genetic modification the Zathian soldiers grew in size, strength, and speed. Likewise their weapons and armor grew in power and capacity.
Special Rules[edit | edit source]
- Zathian - Models with this rule have the Bulky, Fearless, Feel No Pain, Monster Hunters, and Rampage Special Rules.
- Note: Zathians have different profiles depending on if they are male or female (M or F). The controller must take note of which models are M or F on the army list. Some units do not have this option (such as Talons, Vanguards, and Special Characters).
- Ejector System (X) - When a vehicle with this special rule suffer a Wrecked or Explodes! effect roll a d6, on a 2+ for Wrecked or a 4+ for Explodes! X pilots jump free and are treated as a unit with the pilot profile. If the pilots successfully escape they are placed as if they were forced to disembark from a transport vehicle. If the vehicle was a flyer the pilots are placed within 3” of the vehicle and then scatter as if they Deepstriked.
- Field Repairs - If the model is in base contact with a friendly vehicle at the start of the Shooting Phase he/she may attempt to repair it in place of shooting. Roll a d6 and on a 5+ the model immediately repairs one Weapon Destroyed, Immobilized, or lost Hull Point. In addition, any models with Warforged special rule in the same unit gains the It Will Not Die special rule.
- Greater Precognition - Models with this Rule have a 3+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, models with this rule fire Snap Shots at BS3.
- Guardian Pilot - A vehicle with this Special Rule fires all weapons at BS5 and the model may fire Snapshots while Jinking at BS2 instead of 1. Also, the vehicle ignores stunned and shaken effects. Additionally, If the vehicle with this Special Rule suffer a Wrecked or Explodes! effect the Pilots that disembark are Guardian Pilots.
- Precognition - Models with this Rule have a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, models with this rule fire Snap Shots at BS2.
- Regenerative Implants - A model with this special rule may reroll any failed Feel No Pain roll. They also count as having the It Will Not Die special rule.
- Slayer of the Mighty - A model with this special rule must always issue and accept any available Challenges. Also in melee the model may reroll all to hit rolls against Monstrous Creatures, Gargantuan Creatures, and any model in a Challenge. If there is more than one model with this special rule that could accept (or issue) a challenge, the controlling player chooses which model accepts (or issues) the challenge.
- Warforged - Models with this rule have the Optic Filters, Fearless, and Feel No Pain special rules. In addition, they are immune to the effects of Fleshbane and Poisoned Special Rules. Instead, either the attacking model or weapon’s basic strength is used. If the attack has no strength listed, it wounds only on a roll of 6. Also the model cannot be affected by any Biomancy psychic powers (except Smite). However, attacks with the haywire special rule wound them on a 4+ and ignores armor saves on a 6+.
- Warleader - A model with this special rule takes up a HQ slot, even if they are part of a unit that fills another slot in the FOC. Note: this means they can be the Warlord
Weapons[edit | edit source]
Ranged Weapons
Range S AP Type Battle Pistol 12" 5 4 Pistol, Rending Blaster Cannon 48" 10 2 Heavy 2 Concussion Missile 48" 8 3 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Concussive, One Use Disruptor Pistol 6" 10 2 Pistol, Recharge, Lethal (2) Disruptor Rifle 12" 10 2 Assault 1, Recharge, Lethal (3) Flame Thrower Template 5 4 Assault 1, Poisoned (5+) Flamewall Projector Template 6 4 Assault 1, Poisoned (5+), Torrent OR Assault 2, Poisoned (5+) Grenade Rifle 18" 5 5 Assault 2, Blast Heavy Repeating Blaster 36" 7 4 Heavy 8, Rending (5+) Light Repeating Blaster 30" 6 4 Salvo 4/6, Rending Precision Blaster Rifle 36" 6 3 Rapid Fire, Pinning, Rending Proton Torpedo 48" 10 1 Heavy 1, One Use, Armourbane, Lethal (3) Shatter Carbine 24" 6 1 Assault 2, Armourbane, Pinning Shatter Rifle 48" 8 1 Heavy 1, Armourbane, Pinning Shredder Cannon 36" 7 2 Heavy 2, Armourbane, Shred, Lethal (d3) Underslung Disruptor 9" 10 2 Assault 1, Recharge, Lethal (d3) Underslung Flame Template 4 5 Assault 1, Poisoned (6+) Underslung Grenade 18" 5 5 Assault 1, Blast War Rifle 24" 5 4 Assault 4, Rending
- Lethal (X) - If a weapon with special rule causes an unsaved wound, the target loses X wounds instead of 1. If X is a die roll (d3, d6, ect…), roll separately for each wound.
- Recharge - After this weapon fires it may not fire again until a full game turn has passed.
- Flamewall Projector - Causes 2d3 automatic hits from Overwatch.
Melee Weapons
Range S AP Type Bladed Limbs - User 5 Melee Dire Axe - X2 1 Melee, Armourbane, Two-Handed, Unwieldy Fullblade - +2 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Lethal (2) Talon - User 3 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Shred, Rending Wartalon - User 2 Melee, Shred, Armourbane
- Most Lightsaber variants may be used as both a ranged and melee weapon in the same turn.
- Lightsabers may not fire Snap Shots.
- All Lightsaber variants have the Energy Blade special rule when used as a melee weapon. It grants the Force, Armourbane, and Fleshbane special rules.
- Models equipped with a Lightsaber (of any type) may make a single Thrust attack in place of the normal attacks the model would be allowed (including any bonus attacks from charge, Rampage, etc.). A Thrust attack is made with the following profile:
Range S AP Type Thrust - X2 1 Melee, Energy Blade, Master-Crafted, Shred
- If a model is equipped with two Lightsabers (in addition to the +1 Attack for being armed with two weapons) the Lightsaber’s ranged attack becomes Assault 2 and the model may make two Thrust attacks in place of its normal attacks.
Range S AP Type Lightsaber (Melee) - User 2 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Energy Blade Lightsaber (Ranged) 12" User 2 Assault 1, Fleshbane Lightsaber Claws - User 2 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Shred, Energy Blade Lightsaber Spear (Charge Melee) - +1 1 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Energy Blade, +1I Lightsaber Spear (Non-Charge Melee) - User 2 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Energy Blade, +1I Lightsaber Spear (Ranged) 12" User+1 1 Assault 1, Fleshbane Lightsaber Staff (Melee) - +2 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Energy Blade Lightsaber Staff (Ranged) 12" User+2 2 Assault 1, Fleshbane
Armor[edit | edit source]
Save Invulnerable Save Other Effects Active Camouflage 4+ - Stealth, Shrouded, Optic Filters Armored Flightsuit 4+ - Optic Filters Skirmisher Armor 3+ 6++ Optic Filters Titan Armor 2+ 3++ Anti-Toxin(2), Relentless, Extremely Bulky, Optic Filters Warrior Armor 2+ 5++ Anti-Toxin(1), Very Bulky, Optic Filters
- Anti-Toxin (X) - Poisoned weapons are worse by X. (Therefore against Anti-Toxin (1), Poison (4+) becomes Poison (5+) and so on). Note: This does not affect the Fleshbane or Sniper special rules.
- Optic Filters - The model has the Night Vision special rule and is immune to the Blind special rule.
Wargear[edit | edit source]
- Energy Shields - These provide the vehicle with a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
- Flight Pack - Models with a Flight Pack are Jump Infantry and Very Bulky. Also, models with a Flight Pack may Swoop exactly like Flying Monstrous Creatures. Models Swooping with a Flight Pack gain the Relentless special rule.
- Note - Only a model with an Armored Flightsuit or Skirmisher Armor may take a Flight Pack.
- Force Shield - User may rerolls failed Invulnerable Saves, this shield occupies an arm.
- Note - This ceases to function when in range of an active Myrkr Device.
- Myrkr Device - May be used in active or passive mode. The player decides at the start of his movement phase which mode it will be in.
- Passive Mode - Grants the wielder a +2 to Deny The Witch Rolls.
- Active Mode - Grants the following:
- Psykers within 12” can’t activate any psychic powers or force weapons.
- The model and his/her unit can’t be affected by psychic powers, friendly or not.
- All Guardians within 12” lose the benefit of the Precognition and Greater Precognition special rules and are at -2 I and -1A.
- Tyranids within 12” lose the benefits of Synapse.
- Any Psychic effect that comes within 12” ceases to function.
- Positional Relay - Grants the following:
- Friendly units attempting to arrive by Deep Strike within 6” of a model with this special rule do not scatter.
- When barrage weapons are being used by the controlling player, line of sight may be drawn from any model in their force with a Positional Relay.
- Reinforced Shields - These provide the model a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
- Vanguard Shield - All hits are at -1 AP (AP2 becomes AP3 and so on), this shield occupies an arm, all successful saves taken against Hammer of Wrath hits from this model must be rerolled
Psychic Powers[edit | edit source]
Units[edit | edit source]
HQ[edit | edit source]
Master Guardian[edit | edit source]
Points Cost - 250
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | |
Master Guardian (M) | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 10 | 4+/3++ | Infantry (Character) |
Master Guardian (F) | 8 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 9 | 4 | 10 | 4+/3++ | Infantry (Character) |
Special Rules:
- Zathian
- Psyker (Mastery Level 3)
- Independent Character
- Greater Precognition
- Eternal Warrior
- Battle Foresight - So long as an army includes at least one model with this special rule you may reroll the dice to see who goes first and the dice to Seize the Initiative.
- Preemptive Repositioning - After both side are deployed, but before scout moves are taken, you may redeploy d3 friendly units.
- Armorer Flightsuit
- Lightsaber
- Assault Grenades
- War Rifle
- Battle Pistol
- May be upgraded to a Psyker (Mastery Level 4) - +50 Points.
- May upgrade their War Rifle with:
- Underslung Flame - +5 Points.
- Underslung Grenade - +5 Points.
- Underslung Disruptor - +15 Points.
- May replace their War Rifle with a:
- Flame Thrower - Free.
- Grenade Rifle - Free.
- Disruptor Rifle - +15 Points.
- Light Repeating Blaster - +15 Points.
- Precision Blaster Rifle - +15 Points.
- Shatter Carbine - +15 Points.
- May replace their Battle Pistol with:
- Disruptor Pistol - +15 Points.
- Additional Lightsaber - +15 Points.
- Force Shield - +30 Points.
- May replace their Lightsaber with:
- A pair of Lightsaber Claws - +10 Points.
- Lightsaber Spear - +15 Points.
- Lightsaber Staff - +15 Points.
- May replace their Armorer Flightsuit with:
- Skirmisher Armor - +15 Points.
- Warrior Armor - +25 Points.
- May take any of the following:
- Positional Relay - +10 Points.
- Flight Pack - +20 Points.
General[edit | edit source]
Knight-Captain[edit | edit source]
Troop[edit | edit source]
Warrior Squad[edit | edit source]
Points Cost - 400
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | |
Warrior (M) | 5 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 2+/5++ | Infantry |
Warrior (F) | 5 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 9 | 2+/5++ | Infantry |
Squad Leader (M) | 5 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 2+/5++ | Infantry (Character) |
Squad Leader (F) | 5 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 9 | 2+/5++ | Infantry (Character) |
Guardian (M) | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 6 | 3 | 10 | 2+/4++ | Infantry (Character) |
Guardian (F) | 6 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 2 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 2+/4++ | Infantry (Character) |
Knight (M) | 7 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 10 | 2+/4++ | Infantry (Character) |
Knight (F) | 7 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 3 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 2+/4++ | Infantry (Character) |
Special Rules:
- Zathian
- Psyker (Mastery Level 1) - (Guardian and Knight Only)
- Precognition - (Guardian and Knight Only)
- Slayer of the Mighty - (Knight Only)
- Warrior Armor
- Battle Pistol
- War Rifle
- Assault Grenades
- Power Weapon - (Except Guardian and Knight)
- Lightsaber - (Guardian and Knight Only)
- The unit may take a Glaive Gunship as a Dedicated Transport.
- Any model may upgrade their Battle Pistol with:
- Disruptor Pistol - +15 Points.
- Any model may upgrade their War Rifle with:
- Underslung Flame - +5 Points.
- Underslung Grenade - +5 Points.
- Underslung Disruptor - +15 Points.
- Any model may replace their War Rifle with a:
- Flame Thrower - Free.
- Grenade Rifle - Free.
- Disruptor Rifle - +10 Points.
- Light Repeating Blaster - +15 Points.
- Shatter Carbine - +15 Points.
- The unit may take Melta Bombs - +25 Points.
- The Squad Leader may replace their Power Weapon with a:
- Pair of Talons - +10 Points.
- Dire Axe - +20 Points.
- Fullblade - +20 Points.
- The Squad Leader may be upgraded to a:
- Guardian - +40 Points.
- Knight - +60 Points.
- The Guardian or Knight may replace their Battle Pistol with a:
- Additional Lightsaber - 15 Points.
- Force Shield - +20 Points.
- The Guardian or Knight may replace their Lightsaber with a:
- A pair of Lightsaber Claws - +10 Points.
- Lightsaber Staff - +15 Points.
- Lightsaber Spear - +15 Points.
- The Guardian may be upgraded to a Psyker (Mastery Level 2) - +20 Points.
- The Knight may replace their Battle Pistol and Lightsaber with a Fullblade - +15 Points.
- The Guardian or Knight may take the Warleader upgrade - +10 Points.
- The Guardian, Knight, or Squad Leader may take a Myrkr Device - +25 Points.
Swarm-Buster Droid Squad[edit | edit source]
Points Cost - 125
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | |
Swarm-Buster Droid | 4 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 5+ | Beast |
Steel Guardian | 6 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 4 | 10 | 3+/4++ | Beast (Character) |
Special Rules:
- Rampage
- Warforged
- Rage
- Psyker (Mastery Level 1) - (Steel Guardian Only)
- Adamantine Will - (Steel Guardian Only)
- Precognition - (Steel Guardian Only)
- Blade Shepherd - (Steel Guardian Only)
- Assault Grenades
- Bladed Limbs - (Swarm-Buster Droid Only)
- Lightsaber - (Steel Guardian Only)
- The unit may take a Glaive Gunship as a Dedicated Transport.
- The unit may include up to 45 additional Rampage Droids - +25 Points/Model
- The unit may include a Steel Guardian - +150 Points.
- The Steel Guardian may take one of the following:
- Additional Lightsaber - +15 Points.
- Knight Shield - +20 Points.
- The Steel Guardian may replace its Lightsaber with:
- A pair of Lightsaber Claws - +10 Points.
- Lightsaber Spear - +15 Points.
- Lightsaber Staff - +15 Points.
- The Steel Guardian may take a Myrkr Device - +25 Points.
- The Steel Guardian may take Reinforced Shields - +10 Points.
- The Steel Guardian may take the Warleader upgrade - +10 Points.
Dedicated Transport[edit | edit source]
Glaive Assault Lander[edit | edit source]
Partisan Heavy Lander[edit | edit source]
Kiteshield Firing Platform[edit | edit source]
Elite[edit | edit source]
Guardian Squad[edit | edit source]
Sniper Squad[edit | edit source]
Vanguard Twins[edit | edit source]
Guiardian Eldar
Fast Attack[edit | edit source]
Fighter Drones[edit | edit source]
Katar Superiority Fighter[edit | edit source]
Harpy Squad[edit | edit source]
Tracker w/ hounds ATRT Psyker aided Fighter