Colour Sergeant Jarran Kell

Color Sergeant Jarran Kell is was the right-hand man to Lord-Castellan Creed, best friend, a Color Sergeant of the Cadian Shock Troops, and possibly a descendant of BRIAN BLESSED.
He's a big guy who has the triple duty of keeping his commander alive, keeping his banner aloft and bellow into the vox system he's hooked up to to make sure the whole battlefield hears Creed's orders (which is stupid, the enemy... *BLAM* IT IS AWESOME! BE SILENT, HERETIC!).
Overview[edit | edit source]
Bros for Life[edit | edit source]
Apparently, the pair met when they were both expendable redshirts in the Whiteshield Conscript regiments, and the quiet, brooding Creed somehow managed to forge an unbreakable odd friendship with the boisterous, expansive Kell that lasted for a lifetime. Now, Kell is aware of how Creed is the only hope that Cadia has for survival during the 13th Black Crusade.
While Creed prefers being silent and calculating where to next infiltrate his squadron of battle tanks for some poor bastard to uncover, Kell hams it up like any good 40k character, very garrulous and expansive. He is a trusted companion who recognizes Creed is Cadia's only chance to survive the dark days ahead. As such he has made it his life's work to keep Creed from harm and has the scars and wounds to show it. Kell is rarely away from Creed's side, his roaring, booming amplified voice drowning out the cries of the enemy and making sure Creed's orders are heard, like some kind of manly man-parrot with a speaker and armed with a powerfist and power sword. To make sure people really hear what he (or rather Creed) has to say, Kell has a microphone and speaker contraption attached to his armor, which he uses to hurl a never-ending stream of orders, encouragements and profanities to any Guardsmen around, ensuring that Creed's commands were effectively carried out.
Bros till death (aka the 13th Black Crusade)[edit | edit source]
Sadly he's dead now. During the 13th Black Crusade, Abaddon managed to teleport directly into Creed's command center and unleashed a can of chaos whoop-ass on almost everyone. Kell sacrificed himself to push Creed onto a Valkyrie so he wouldn't get mega-wrecked by Abaddon. When Abaddon got his reattached arms on Kell, he spat blood on the Despoiler's face and died with "Cadia Stands" on his lips. Rest in peace, you underrated and manly bastard.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
The banner he carries around.
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