Craftworld Zhar-Tan
"Tekan Otharisin was a mere initiate into the Fire Dragons Shrine of Zhar-Tan when his life took its great turn towards destiny, and deep into the Path of the Warrior.
During combat against a new lesser race that was threatening the Exodite world of Ishas Bossom, most of the forces of Zhar-Tan were slaughtered in a crude trap set by blue-skinned naieve fools who sought to claim the Exodite world. Out of the wreckage, only Zhar-Tan, a dozen other Fire Dragon Initiates, and a third of the Craftworlds guardians escaped. Harried for nearly three of the worlds years, Otharisin took up the mantle of leadership left vacant by the loss of the most skilled and brave souls of the craftworld. Hit-and-run attacks allowed the desperate force to assault the enemy, eventually forcing them to leave Ishas Bossom for fear of wasting more of their lives and resources.
Hailed as a hero, Tekan Otharisin returned to Zhar-Tan as not a lowly disciple, but an Exarch. During his war, he had converted many of the Guardians to the Path of the Warrior. So many that only a handful of Guardians returned, their brethren having been replaced with Fire Dragons in multitudes. Upon this return, the Farseers were frightened to find that these Fire Dragons were worshiping Keehla Mensha Khaine openly, a worrying prospect to the rest of the Craftworld, which prayed primarily to Ceogarch, the rival of Khaine.
Despite his new worship of the Bloody Handed God, Tekan would direct the fury of his Shrine to the forces of chaos, accepting the diference of worship his fellow eldar practiced"
-"The Warriors of Zhar-Tan, Fires of Birth" by Telanish of Craftworld Ulthuwe
"After traveling across the Jeweled Arm several times, Zhar-Tan found itself enmeshed in a conflict between two Kabals of the Dark Kin in a series of events too tedious to recollect. The events that transpired from this conflict are of greater importance.
The two Kabals were in combat over a mon'keigh world by the name of Piege, which had a large population, but was woefully under equipped by the standards of the mon'keigh.