Creature Collection
Creature Collection was White WolfSword and Sorcery Studios' line of monster manual, for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition. The 'Wolf did three of these, to support the monsters special to proprietary setting Scarred Lands.
Over that span when Monte Cook's personal imprint Malhavoc was publishing through the SSS imprint, his books had rights to the Collection monsters. Beyond Countless Doorways will exercise (for the volumes then published) that right.

The first Collection was (infamously) rushed out the door to beat Wizards of the Coast's release of the REAL 3e Manual. As a result several monsters were broken. And the artwork was uneven; seriously, some of those pictures were incomprehensible. The 'Wolf later (re)published a full revision to fix their shit. They did not, sadly, fix the broken illustrations.