
Oh, Crull. The Chaos Lord of Winter Assault and the leader of a World Eaters Warband called the Blood Legion. Crull is noted for being quite arguably the third-most one-dimensional Chaos Lord in Dawn of War's history, only barely edged out by Bale and Carron since he actually has something distantly resembling character development. Like every single Chaos Lord that isn't Araghast or Eliphas in the entire goddamned series, he's marked by awkward dialogue and hilariously easy-to-misinterpret quotes. He's one of the few Chaos Lords to use an Axe of Khorne, a Daemon Weapon from 4th Edition, which cannot seem to decide if it wants to be an axe or a mace.
In spite of his apparent violent demeanor, apparent bloodthirstiness and routine screaming of "Blood for the Blood God!" Crull is not a terribly good Khornate. He has Sorcerers in his World Eaters warband (though he clearly doesn't like them) which makes the Blood God disappoint; his use of tactics also makes Abaddon look like Creed, because said tactics require controlling an Imperial Psyker to brainwash guardsmen and sacrifice them. This tactic is not only cowardly, but also a shameful display to all Khornate followers and their belief of "my sledgehammer is mightier than your gun". Even after obtaining a Titan Dominatus, his ambition seems to extend to conquering 2 planets.
His lines are often over-the-top hammy and exceptionally obnoxious, since he says little that isn't a threat, curse, or epithet (the worst is when the Eldar attack in one level and repeats the same, very long, threat to them every, single, time, they attack), and even those lack enough creativity to even make them interesting. It's a fucking mystery how Crull was recruited in the World Eaters in the first place, although we can all agree that Angron is undoubtedly MOTHERFUCKING ANGRY that one of his sons has turned into such a pussy. Suffice to say, he comes across as an annoying shit who gets what he deserves when a much better character, Gorgutz da 'Ead Unter, kicks CURBSTOMPS da living shit out of him and takes his skull for a trophy, following Crull's attempt to ham-handedly try to double-cross the warboss on Lorn V while fixating on his feral, bloodshot, beautiful eyes. Points for at least getting killed by Gorgutz while trying for one last charge for glory before getting krumped, unlike Carron who ran away whining like a baby before Gorgutz VANCE STUBBS ripped his head off.
He's still better than Bale and Carron though. But absolute shit compared to the badassery of Araghast and Eliphas, effectively placing him dead center in the hierarchy of DOW Chaos lords.
Eliphas the Inheritor can recover Crull's skull from Gorgutz' bosspole if he wins and use it to curry the Blood God's favor during the battle for Kronus, but this isn't of debatable canon given that Davian Thule wrecks his shit in the end. We do not and likely will not know if in the time before said wrecking whether or not Eliphas managed to take Crull's skull back before Davian Cool stomps him, although given how Gorgutz is the biggest coward among Warbosses and starts near Eliphas on the map... it is quite likely that Eliphas beat up Gorgutz, called him a pussy, and stole his lunch money Crull's skull back before Thule got around to defeating Eliphas; either way he wound up in the warp for a while until a certain recipient of armlessness jokes decided to stop sulking for a few minutes and do something cool for a change and drag Eliphas' ass up out of the warp in Dawn of War II.
Canonically though, Crull's skull was joined by Carron's skull as Gorgutz slaughtered another Chaos Lord of Khorne.
It's been rumored that Crull choose to follow Chaos (specifically Khorne) for the dental, and judging by his teeth they're pretty good shape for a Chaos Lord, being remarkably clean in spite of being jagged and pointy. It is believed that he taught Cultist-chan the importance of good oral hygiene, a theory that arose when some of the Dawn of War players noticed a sound similar to gargling when he yells out some of his more famous speeches. Also the fact that, if you know your shit, it's funny to hear Nappa yelling these lines, and having shouting contests with Vegeta.
A collection of Crull's funnier statements[edit | edit source]
- Yaaay for da blood gawd!
- From this world I shall conquer the next.....and the one after that!
- I've wanted for that miserable Ork's skull and I SHALL HAVE IT AS MY COCK!
- The Titan is mgragaraiiine! Let destiny submit itself to my ambition! The universe will know the will of Khorne! Kremble.....KWWWUUUUEEEAYK!
Famous members of the Traitor Legions | |
Originating from the Canon: |
Abaddon - Ahzek Ahriman - Argel Tal - Cypher - Doomrider Eidolon - Erebus - Fabius Bile - Haarken Worldclaimer - Honsou - Horus Aximand Iskandar Khayon - Kharn - Kor Phaeron - Lheorvine Ukris - Lucius Lugft Huron - Luther - Madox - Maloghurst - Necrosius the Undying - Occam - Sevatar Shon'tu - Svane Vulfbad - Talos - Telemachon Lyras - Typhus - Ygethmor - Zardu Layak - Zhufor |
Originating from the games: |
Araghast the Pillager - Azariah Kyras - Bale - Crull - Eliphas The Inheritor Firaeveus Carron - Kain - Nemeroth - Neroth - Sindri Myr - Varius |