Cthulhu Void Tech

Cthulhu Void Tech is an attempt by some intrepid fa/tg/uys to replace the broken-ass Framewerk system of CthulhuTech with a system based on The Void. The goal is to swap out the mechanics of CthulhuTech while leaving the story and setting intact.
Project Goals[edit | edit source]
1) Give everything we can as close an equivalent to The Void's crunch as we can. We leave Qualities, Skills, and such from Cthulhutech intact, but redo their numbers to work using The Void's system.
2) To bring the power levels between each of the different segments of CthulhuTech more into line. No more will Tagers and Parapsychics show up their less empowered brethren, and no more shall we allow soldiers not to fight along side a mech in a truly awesome display of brilliance. The power levels will still be vaguely there, but blurred more, and closer together to allow better play.
3) We leave the lore of the game, even the bits we hate, intact. Minor alterations are allowed. Major overhauls are not. The metaplot remains intact.
Character Building[edit | edit source]
Potential Race Builds:
1) Arcology Born Human (very technologically sound and very well read)
2) Rural Born Human (less well read, but more survival skills)
3) Coastal Born Human (similar to rural born human, but focus on some occult knowledge from encounters with deep ones and dagon cult)
4) Refugee Born Human (battle skills and occult knowledge)
5) Fleet Born Nazadi (combat and leadership skills)
6) Arcology Born Nazadi (culture focused skills)
7) Nazza-Duhni Born Nazadi (mix of culture and military focused skills)
Nazzadi: Nightvision
White Xenomix: Parapsychic? Latent Parapsychic.
Black Xenomix: Something diplomatic?
>Xenomixes can choose origins from any Human birthplace, and any Nazadi birthplace except Fleet-born.
>We need to redo the races to fit the new racial architecture in the void. 3 skills to a race.
>We need to redo the professions. Each of them will have a different starting number in each stat (between 1-3 as I recall), a definitive list of skills, and a definitive list of qualities they can buy from at the start.
--->Each class has a distribution of 15 points that are hard set by their class, and an additional 5 points that can be distributed by the player.
--->Players have 30 points to spend on skills (choosing from CTech Skills).
--->Players choose 2 secondary specialties out of 5 total. These are subclasses, and each adds between 5 and 8 skills to your class' skill list. You have 10 points to spend on each secondary specialization. Soldier might have for example 'criminal past' and 'sailor' or something (We will need to give these to the various classes).
--->You have 5 points to spend on advantage qualities. up to 12 in disadvantages. (Once again, you use CTech qualities)
--->I can't recall. Does CTech have a 'talents' section? If it does, you get 1 talent. (If it doesn't, we'll keep the cheat system, but alter costs)
>Free form design for a character with no profession is as follows:
--->20 points in attributes
--->choose birthplace and the 3 skills you get from it. Then spend 50 points total on skills.
--->5 points of advantages, and up to 12 points of disadvantages.
--->choose 1 talent (or use your cheat points)
--->personal wealth 2, sponsored wealth 1.
Mech Rules[edit | edit source]
1 Integrity = 5 Vitality.
So then. We take a 20 integrity mech right? That gives him a total of 80 HP total in this system.
With the system reducing that ratio by 1 each time you drop a damage grade
Undamaged (80 HP): He can take a total of 100 Vitality damage before he'll drop to the next level. 1 Integrity = 5 Vitality
Cosmetic/Light Damage (60 HP): He can take a total of 80 Vitality damage before dropping to the next level. 1 Integrity = 4 Vitality
Medium Damage (40 HP): He can take a total of 60 vitality damage before he drops to the next level. 1 Integrity = 3 Vitality
Serious Damage (20 HP): He can take a total of 40 vitality damage before he drops to the next level). 1 Integrity = 2 Vitality
Vitality-scale damage does 1 damage per 1d6
Vitality scale must deal all damage to integrity scale in one hit (Not piecemeal)
Therefore, to deal one point of integrity damage to a powered armor suit (5 Integrity, 1 Armor), you must deal 6d6 damage in a single attack.
Tagers[edit | edit source]
+ Tagers receive no benefits when unshifted (except detection of other symbiotes, and regeneration at a rate reduced compared to their Tager form.)
+ All tagers gain Insistant Symbiont and Exaggerated Sybiont (Ancient Enemies).
+ Tagers Orgone levels are halved. If their Orgone drops below 0, they take damage instead of losing Orgone.
+ Tagers start Cracked, and their Awareness and Demeanor is reduced by their current Madness Level (1).
+ Shifting from one state to another counts as an involved action.
+ Shifting back to human is a painful process that leaves the PC Battered (if voluntary) or Hurt (forced) depending on how far they shifted during the encounter. (human form regeneration still applies)
+Shifting into tager form casts 1 orgone, using the limit weapon costs 2 orgone (no time limit). If a Tager runs out of orgone, then they are forced into human form again. Costs for Exceptional Tagers are doubled.
+Tagers powers draw from the 1 half of their orgone total that is restricted by being a Tager. Normal Tagers can spend 5 minutes of meditation per point of orgone from their free supply of orgone into their symbiote's supply. They cannot otherwise replenish this supply except by a full night's sleep and rest to allow their natural supplies of Orgone to feed and awaken their strained symbiote.
+Normal Tagers have 50% of their orgone for Tager abilities, and 50% for rituals or recharging their symbiote. Exceptional Tagers use 100% of their orgone for their Tager Abilities, they cannot 'recharge' their symbiote after all of their orgone is used up. Whenever an Exceptional Tager uses Orgone, he must spend an additional point of Orgone.
+The vast majority of these restrictions will also be placed upon Dhohanoids.
Magic and Parapsychics[edit | edit source]
Parapsychics will have most of their powers measured in rounds or turns, not in minutes or hours. This will vary between combat and non combat situations. When not in a stressful situation, manipulating the fundamental laws of reality is far less taxing.
Mages will need to have their rituals adjusted significantly to bring them to a power scale equal to Parapsychics.
External Links[edit | edit source]
The Wildfire Forums Thread on this Topic
IRC can be found at #CthulhuVoidTech on Rizon
Previous Threads[edit | edit source]
Second thread, where more work happens and one of the project leads gets a fat dosage of humility.
Another thread, this one where some crunch is gotten done and some expansion on the basics made.