Da Gargant Ownerz Klub

- "Welkum to da 'ome ov da richest, bestest Orkses around; dem onez wiv great massiv Gargantz to pulverize panzees, break beakies and... er... do summat else wots real nasty to da umies!
In dis camp, yer'l find links ter uvver sites wot feature Gargants, pikturez of memberz' Gargantz, a forum, and plenty ov uvver Dakka inducin' craziness!
If any ov yerz out dere az got a Gargant ov yer own, an yer want it featured ere, den yer can e-mail uz at spawn666uk@hotmail.com.
But dey az to be 40k Gargantz mind; not dem panzie Epic onez!
- Guzbag Mankrusha, Arch Brute of Klar"

Da Gargant Ownerz Klub was a website dedicated entirely to showcasing Ork Gargant models scratch-built for Warhammer 40,000. They operated out of the now-defunct gargant-owners-club.tripod.com, which was removed from hosting at some point after 2015. It is unknown when the website began, but it was active since at least 2006.
While initially acting as a simple gallery of user-submitted gargant glamor shots, the website added a forum early in its lifetime, and evolved into a hub for seasoned and would-be Ork scratch-builders alike.
Forum[edit | edit source]
Da Gargant Ownerz Klub Forum was known to be a nexus for large-scale scratch-building advice. Everything from internal structures to how to make realistic gun barrels, which Gretchin models looked best as ratings to which children's toys would appear most formidable as close combat weapons could be found there.
While many forum-goers would simply go off on their own and build their huge models without consulting anyone else (and then post long WIP forum-stories about their feats and failures) others would reference tips and tricks threads that helped them when they posted their own stompy death machines.
There was a section of the forum dedicated to Ork Battlefortresses, the super-heavy and ultra-heavy tanks that Orks are also known for fielding. There were also spaces dedicated to general Ork discussion threads.
Works[edit | edit source]
Being a web community before social media, they had a fan-zine called Da Boiler Room Fanzine. What's that? You young whipper-snappers don't know what a fan-zine is? It's a self-published magazine made by fans! What, you don't know what a magazine is? Grrr, kids these days...
They also created a homebrew codex called Codex: Gargants. Given the age of the original archivals and how little changed over the years, it is likely to be a 3rd Edition project, though it may still be playable through to 7th Edition (when vehicle armor facings were removed).
They created the Gargant Size Chart, also located in the gallery below. It's notable because, in the years since its creation, it has become more accurate and logical than Games Workshop themselves when it comes to canon scale of Gargants and some other Titans.
There was also a guide to building Gargants on a budget, but it was either never archived or never finished.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Any pictures tagged with "REUP:" are re-uploads of works originally found in the Gallery page of Da Gargant Ownerz Klub.
The size chard, by Kr00za
REUP: "Lachlin's Gargant in action!" "Mega Battle pic"
REUP: "Goblin3003's Stompa" "As seen in the forum"