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For the area of Mallus in Warhammer Fantasy full of Chaos Dwarfs, see Dark Lands.

Darklands is a 32mm historical fantasy tabletop wargame published by Mierce Miniatures. Set in an Alternate History 7th Century northwest Europe, it currently has 13 main factions.
Factions[edit | edit source]
- Based on the Picts of northern and eastern Scotland. They are a horde army meant to swamp the enemy with sheer numbers. They can field various types of Giants and Ogres Oghurs. They specialize in the ability to negate and redirect sorcery, by carrying huge anti-magic Oghu stones onto the battlefield.
Anglecynn - Based on the Angles of southern Denmark that settled the north and east of Britain. A good all-round army with a mix of Christian and Pagan. Like all of the Germanic peoples, they are shapeshifters. Thus they can field werewolves, were-bears, were-boars, were-deer and were-etcetera. They are good at stealth, being able to use wooded terrain to hide in and ambush the enemy from.
Atalantes - Greek expies living on a large archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic. They have giant animated bronze statues that are quite slow but extremely tough and can be repaired. They can also field Khthones, reptilian humanoid slave races created by forbidden magic.
Brythoniaid - Based on the Britons. They have been forced to call upon their ancient pacts with the dragons and dragon-men to defend themselves from the invading Anglo-Saxons. Another good all-round army with flexible units skilled in both melee and ranged combat. They do not have access to sorcery however, due to being devout Christians.
Byzantii - The Byzantine Empire, led by the immortal Emperor Constantine III. They have allied themselves with Infernus (AKA Hell) in their bid to reconquer the lost lands of the Western Roman Empire. Their new legions comprise both humans and Africa-themed beastmen (camels, elephants, etc.) as well as powerful demons.
Érainn - Based on the ancient Irish. The Érainn are devoted to the earth goddess, Danu. Their druids can heal units, re-activate units that have already activated, and summon bog-beasts from any water feature and fen-beasts from any wooded terrain.
Fomoraic - Based on the Fomorians of Irish legend. The Fomor, also known as sea-devils, look like Cthulhu minus the wings. They rule an underwater empire and are responsible for the Great Ice Sheet that is slowly covering the British Isles. They rarely fight in their own battles, instead using lots and lots of human and beastman slaves. They specialize in melee combat.
Jutes - Like the Anglecynn but they shapeshift into insects and have undead.
Khthones - A race of humanoid reptiles and amphibians created by the Atalantes from the natural creatures around their islands. They have rebelled against their creators and now seek to found their own kingdom. They have a wide variety of units available, each with its own style, so the Khthones can be both flexible and highly specialised.
Norse - Were-raven vikings. They also brought their lightning-shooting trolls and jotunns along for the ride. They have access to the most flying units of any army, what with turning into raven-men and all that.
Ysians - Cornish and Bretons that have fallen to the worship of Kernunnos, a perversion of the ancient Horned God Cernunnos who's more like The Dark Prince. They don't wear armor so that they can show off their well-toned abs/genitals. Their flesh-smiths can create Frankenstein creatures on the battlefield from the bodies of the dead.
Vras - Not-Skaven that look like naked mole-rats.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
A map of the setting