Dawn of Life (Fortune: Evolution Game)
The Dawn of Life is the name given Part 1 of the Fortune: Evolution Game, the first thread of the series. While this name is not present in the thread itself, it has been used as an identifier for the original, the term itself being coined by the GM of the game, FortuneHost.
This section here is for a detailed description of the the fluff of the starting creatures of Part 1, with extra background and behind-the-scenes information about the starting organisms of the thread.
Banana Leaf[edit | edit source]
(Full description to be added at a later date.)
Bluegrass[edit | edit source]
(Full description to be added at a later date.)
Curly-Q Tree[edit | edit source]
(Full description to be added at a later date.)
Flipper[edit | edit source]

The Flipper is a small (only 1 inch/2.53 cm long) aquatic annelid (worm) that moves with the use a large (relative to body size) paddle on its posterior end. It possesses no advanced senses to date, but it does possess a rudimentary form of sight, in the form of light detection on the anterior (though these receptors do not have any outward appearance). In addition, a very base form of the "lateral line" pressure-sensory system present in Earth fish is also present, allowing the creature to clumsily navigate its currently empty world.
The main diet of the Flipper species is microscopic plankton present in Fortune's waters (the same plankton that likely produces the world's oxygen). Such plankton is more common near the sunny surface of Fortune, and as a result, the Flipper species began to gravitate towards the same areas, in order to take advantage of the rich food sources there.
The Flipper is the ancestor of the vast majority of Fortune's creatures, both under the sea, on the land, and even in the air. No other evolutionary family can boast the diversity of this massive genetic line. In the first thread alone, the creature split into no less than 9 species, though this eventually fell back into 7 as a few of the aquatic species began to interbreed. At the end of the first thread, the Flippers descendants were as follows: the Tiger Boa, the Blimpie, the Armoured Flipper, the Bladed Flipper, the Neoserpent, the Raveshark, and the Gulper. You can read about these creatures in the entry for Part 2 <-- [Part 2 will be a link to relevant entry]
FortuneHost named the Flipper for its main feature, that of its locomotive tail.
Mud Shrub[edit | edit source]
(Full description to be added at a later date.)
Pinkie[edit | edit source]

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Red Lichen[edit | edit source]
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Vampire Lily[edit | edit source]
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Water Berry[edit | edit source]
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Wiggles[edit | edit source]

(Full description to be added at a later date.)