Deep Rock Galactic
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This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it. |

"Rock and stone!"
- – The dwarves, all the time.
"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things."
- –
J.R.R. TolkienManagement warning you of your upcoming doom.
Deep Rock Galactic, also known as Space-mining simulator or Work-for-a-big-corporation game N° 345 is more than just a game. It's an experience. Have you always dreamed of being a part of the workforce, but the optics of having elven colleagues and dwarf comrades just aren't applicable to real life? No worries, this game got you covered. Because in this very game, you play as one of four dwarves who just got the chance of becoming a greenbeard for the DRG company! This means he got the greatest job offer a member of his species could ever hope for; working 24h a day with no-weekends on a barren planet with lots of Fun! and Welcoming! bugs that want to Hug! them. And for what? For ores and metals. And MUSHROOMS!.
This game is as close as you'll get to play a Warhammer 40k game with the old Squats fighting Tyranids over shit that is probably so unstable a normal human could get cancer just touching those things.
/tg/ relevance[edit | edit source]
Just like another game where the main focus was on managing dwarves in a dangerous environment, Deep Rock Galatic became a hit on release amongst Neckbeards and nerds alike. Its success was such that even /tg/ was affected by it. Plus, do you really expect us to not cover a game that is so dwarvish it practically oozes with awesomeness. No seriously, you play a game where your job is literally to get drunk, kill shit, gather ore and mine shit with a massive driller and hang out with your hairy companions. And you get your own pet robots. What else could you ask for? Seriously?
It also should be noted that /tg/ also made a bunch of homebrews and threw game ideas around taking the concept of DRG to make TTRPGs. Because of course.
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
The Main Game[edit | edit source]
"We're rich!"
- – Mushroom!
"mUsHrOoM! MuShRoOm! SHUT IT! Get back to work!"
The game, like ogres, has layers. There are two types of activities you can do in DRG; Missions and Deep-Dives. Missions are selected on the map at the Mission Selection board in the hub. They are single objective short rounds set in one specific cavern layer. Those Missions have a secondary objective, which usually involves going easter-egg hunting for a specific ore or ressource, getting them will give you a small bonus at the end of your mission.
There are specific ressources you wanna look for while going on missions;
- Nitra : For ammo. By pressing [ 5 ] and having 90 chunks of nitra, you can call for resupplies and have a station land directly wherever you want it to be. Perhaps the single most important ressource of any mission.
- Morkite : Oil in rock form. Incomprehensibly precious. You'll need to extract it for some missions, and sometimes management will tell you to get the liquid version instead. Doesn't impact gameplay at all, but you're sometimes required to collect it.
- Red Sugar : Health! If you're hurt, these ores are scattered around the cavern layer and can replenish your health in a pinch. According to the dwarves themselves, its pretty addicting. Sounds familliar?
- Aquark : Big blue shiny stones. They are worth a ton and management wants 'em.
- Jadiz : Big green shiny stones. Same as Aquark, just slightly less valuable. They are both easily identifiable by the fact that their position is given out by smaller chunks of gems and their dimming light.
- Gold : We're rich! You will find gold during your missions, mountains of it. They are worth a good amount and they fatten your paycheck. So digging 'em is always pretty good.
- Apoca Bloom : Flowers that shine in the dark. Management wants them. Not even Mission Control seems to know exactly why.
- Ebonut : Nuts. Just like the flowers, we have no idea what they do.
- Gunk Seed : Pretty easy to spot these, they look like testicles hanging from the ceiling.
- Hollomite : Big dark purple spikes of gems. Will usually be demanded by management to be extracted.
Meet the Team[edit | edit source]
You've got four classes DWARVES to chose from. Each more unique than the other, but all are extremely important in regards to the survival of your team. Matter of fact, no Deep-Dive without each player playing each class.
- Driller
- This is the lad who's going to dig most of the time. He's literally made for it. You'll see him making passage-ways, digging ores and bringing them to Mollie,
blowing up Scout, or usually pestering Mission Control by doing only Grimnir knows what by drilling up that weird tunnel he's been doing for the past few minutes. Armed to the teeth with his trust flamethrower, he's pretty good at handling a multitude of enemies. Outside of that, he can practically raze an entire squadron of bugs using C4. Dangerous bastard. He's not exactly the most useful dwarf in many cases, him being mostly demanded in missions that require a lot of digging and exploration.
- Scout
- The flanker. He's usually seen moving out in advance to discover points of interest before anyone else. Usually the one pointing things with his pointer. He gets killed, sometimes, but he's capable of defending himself and gathering sources that are too far away to be collected. Bad Scouts can drop like flies, but they are the ones doing the small jobs that no one else dares to do. Another thing that he does best is outrunning the enemy and having a better angle to hit enemy weak points. That, plus generally distracting the bugs. Besides his formidable combat abilities, he's also in charge of the light. Sure, everyone has light sticks, but his beacons light up a larger area and last much, much longer. Making Scout ideal to scour the surroundings.
- Gunner
- And this is his weapon. You better respect that. He's usually seen as the guy who's in charge of defending the entire team, or the dude who chews out all of his ammo in less than a minute. If someone double-dips, that sure as hell would be the gunner. Although don't let his reputation fool you, he IS the tankiest dwarf of the bunch and get deal a hefty ton of damage to those darn bugs pestering the company. He has a pretty straightforward goal, meaning that in situations when combat doesn't happen, Gunner is without a proper job. He has a zip-line, which people sometime use because... There aren't any other options? The zip-line is particularly slow. Shall we say. When it comes to defending his team however, he is a king. He even has a small shielf-grenade thing that creates a small area of protection around the dwarves and keeps all bugs out. Not even ranged attacks can get through it.
- Engineer
- He does everything. Creating platforms for your Scouts to ascend? Check. Putting sentries to protect a specific area? Check. Being a much slower Scout? Check. Putting a dispenser here? Wrong game. Engineer is a jack-of-all-trades. Good in combat thanks to his attack shotgun and his bazooka, good for support thanks to his platforms, good for defense because of his sentry. He's pretty straightforward, as close as you get to an actual handy man because, you know, he comes in handy from time to time.